/* GIMP - The GNU Image Manipulation Program * Copyright (C) 1995 Spencer Kimball and Peter Mattis * * gimpprogress.c * Copyright (C) 2004 Michael Natterer * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include "core-types.h" #include "gimp.h" #include "gimpmarshal.h" #include "gimpprogress.h" #include "gimp-intl.h" enum { CANCEL, LAST_SIGNAL }; G_DEFINE_INTERFACE (GimpProgress, gimp_progress, G_TYPE_OBJECT) static guint progress_signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0 }; /* private functions */ static void gimp_progress_default_init (GimpProgressInterface *progress_iface) { progress_signals[CANCEL] = g_signal_new ("cancel", G_TYPE_FROM_INTERFACE (progress_iface), G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GimpProgressInterface, cancel), NULL, NULL, gimp_marshal_VOID__VOID, G_TYPE_NONE, 0); } /* public functions */ GimpProgress * gimp_progress_start (GimpProgress *progress, gboolean cancellable, const gchar *format, ...) { GimpProgressInterface *progress_iface; g_return_val_if_fail (GIMP_IS_PROGRESS (progress), NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (format != NULL, NULL); progress_iface = GIMP_PROGRESS_GET_INTERFACE (progress); if (progress_iface->start) { GimpProgress *ret; va_list args; gchar *text; va_start (args, format); text = g_strdup_vprintf (format, args); va_end (args); ret = progress_iface->start (progress, cancellable, text); g_free (text); return ret; } return NULL; } void gimp_progress_end (GimpProgress *progress) { GimpProgressInterface *progress_iface; g_return_if_fail (GIMP_IS_PROGRESS (progress)); progress_iface = GIMP_PROGRESS_GET_INTERFACE (progress); if (progress_iface->end) progress_iface->end (progress); } gboolean gimp_progress_is_active (GimpProgress *progress) { GimpProgressInterface *progress_iface; g_return_val_if_fail (GIMP_IS_PROGRESS (progress), FALSE); progress_iface = GIMP_PROGRESS_GET_INTERFACE (progress); if (progress_iface->is_active) return progress_iface->is_active (progress); return FALSE; } void gimp_progress_set_text (GimpProgress *progress, const gchar *format, ...) { va_list args; gchar *message; g_return_if_fail (GIMP_IS_PROGRESS (progress)); g_return_if_fail (format != NULL); va_start (args, format); message = g_strdup_vprintf (format, args); va_end (args); gimp_progress_set_text_literal (progress, message); g_free (message); } void gimp_progress_set_text_literal (GimpProgress *progress, const gchar *message) { GimpProgressInterface *progress_iface; g_return_if_fail (GIMP_IS_PROGRESS (progress)); g_return_if_fail (message != NULL); progress_iface = GIMP_PROGRESS_GET_INTERFACE (progress); if (progress_iface->set_text) progress_iface->set_text (progress, message); } void gimp_progress_set_value (GimpProgress *progress, gdouble percentage) { GimpProgressInterface *progress_iface; g_return_if_fail (GIMP_IS_PROGRESS (progress)); percentage = CLAMP (percentage, 0.0, 1.0); progress_iface = GIMP_PROGRESS_GET_INTERFACE (progress); if (progress_iface->set_value) progress_iface->set_value (progress, percentage); } gdouble gimp_progress_get_value (GimpProgress *progress) { GimpProgressInterface *progress_iface; g_return_val_if_fail (GIMP_IS_PROGRESS (progress), 0.0); progress_iface = GIMP_PROGRESS_GET_INTERFACE (progress); if (progress_iface->get_value) return progress_iface->get_value (progress); return 0.0; } void gimp_progress_pulse (GimpProgress *progress) { GimpProgressInterface *progress_iface; g_return_if_fail (GIMP_IS_PROGRESS (progress)); progress_iface = GIMP_PROGRESS_GET_INTERFACE (progress); if (progress_iface->pulse) progress_iface->pulse (progress); } guint32 gimp_progress_get_window_id (GimpProgress *progress) { GimpProgressInterface *progress_iface; g_return_val_if_fail (GIMP_IS_PROGRESS (progress), 0); progress_iface = GIMP_PROGRESS_GET_INTERFACE (progress); if (progress_iface->get_window_id) return progress_iface->get_window_id (progress); return 0; } gboolean gimp_progress_message (GimpProgress *progress, Gimp *gimp, GimpMessageSeverity severity, const gchar *domain, const gchar *message) { GimpProgressInterface *progress_iface; g_return_val_if_fail (GIMP_IS_PROGRESS (progress), FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (GIMP_IS_GIMP (gimp), FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (domain != NULL, FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (message != NULL, FALSE); progress_iface = GIMP_PROGRESS_GET_INTERFACE (progress); if (progress_iface->message) return progress_iface->message (progress, gimp, severity, domain, message); return FALSE; } void gimp_progress_cancel (GimpProgress *progress) { g_return_if_fail (GIMP_IS_PROGRESS (progress)); g_signal_emit (progress, progress_signals[CANCEL], 0); } void gimp_progress_update_and_flush (gint min, gint max, gint current, gpointer data) { gimp_progress_set_value (GIMP_PROGRESS (data), (gdouble) (current - min) / (gdouble) (max - min)); while (g_main_context_pending (NULL)) g_main_context_iteration (NULL, TRUE); }