/* GIMP - The GNU Image Manipulation Program * Copyright (C) 1995 Spencer Kimball and Peter Mattis * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include "libgimpbase/gimpbase.h" #include "libgimpcolor/gimpcolor.h" #include "libgimpconfig/gimpconfig.h" #include "libgimpwidgets/gimpwidgets.h" #include "tools-types.h" #include "gegl/gimp-gegl-utils.h" #include "core/gimpchannel.h" #include "core/gimpcontainer.h" #include "core/gimpcontext.h" #include "core/gimpdrawable.h" #include "core/gimperror.h" #include "core/gimpimage.h" #include "core/gimplist.h" #include "core/gimpparamspecs-duplicate.h" #include "core/gimppickable.h" #include "core/gimpsettings.h" #include "widgets/gimpbuffersourcebox.h" #include "widgets/gimphelp-ids.h" #include "widgets/gimppickablebutton.h" #include "propgui/gimppropgui.h" #include "display/gimpdisplay.h" #include "display/gimptoolgui.h" #include "gimpfilteroptions.h" #include "gimpoperationtool.h" #include "gimp-intl.h" typedef struct _AuxInput AuxInput; struct _AuxInput { GimpOperationTool *tool; gchar *pad; GeglNode *node; GtkWidget *box; }; /* local function prototypes */ static void gimp_operation_tool_finalize (GObject *object); static gboolean gimp_operation_tool_initialize (GimpTool *tool, GimpDisplay *display, GError **error); static void gimp_operation_tool_control (GimpTool *tool, GimpToolAction action, GimpDisplay *display); static gchar * gimp_operation_tool_get_operation (GimpFilterTool *filter_tool, gchar **description); static void gimp_operation_tool_dialog (GimpFilterTool *filter_tool); static void gimp_operation_tool_reset (GimpFilterTool *filter_tool); static void gimp_operation_tool_set_config (GimpFilterTool *filter_tool, GimpConfig *config); static void gimp_operation_tool_region_changed (GimpFilterTool *filter_tool); static void gimp_operation_tool_color_picked (GimpFilterTool *filter_tool, gpointer identifier, gdouble x, gdouble y, const Babl *sample_format, const GimpRGB *color); static void gimp_operation_tool_options_box_size_allocate (GtkWidget *options_box, GdkRectangle *allocation, GimpOperationTool *tool); static void gimp_operation_tool_halt (GimpOperationTool *op_tool); static void gimp_operation_tool_commit (GimpOperationTool *op_tool); static void gimp_operation_tool_sync_op (GimpOperationTool *op_tool, gboolean sync_colors); static void gimp_operation_tool_create_gui (GimpOperationTool *tool); static void gimp_operation_tool_add_gui (GimpOperationTool *tool); static AuxInput * gimp_operation_tool_aux_input_new (GimpOperationTool *tool, GeglNode *operation, const gchar *input_pad, const gchar *label); static void gimp_operation_tool_aux_input_detach (AuxInput *input); static void gimp_operation_tool_aux_input_clear (AuxInput *input); static void gimp_operation_tool_aux_input_free (AuxInput *input); static void gimp_operation_tool_unlink_chains (GimpOperationTool *op_tool); static void gimp_operation_tool_relink_chains (GimpOperationTool *op_tool); G_DEFINE_TYPE (GimpOperationTool, gimp_operation_tool, GIMP_TYPE_FILTER_TOOL) #define parent_class gimp_operation_tool_parent_class void gimp_operation_tool_register (GimpToolRegisterCallback callback, gpointer data) { (* callback) (GIMP_TYPE_OPERATION_TOOL, GIMP_TYPE_FILTER_OPTIONS, gimp_color_options_gui, GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_MASK_FOREGROUND | GIMP_CONTEXT_PROP_MASK_BACKGROUND, "gimp-operation-tool", _("GEGL Operation"), _("Operation Tool: Use an arbitrary GEGL operation"), NULL, NULL, NULL, GIMP_HELP_TOOL_GEGL, GIMP_ICON_GEGL, data); } static void gimp_operation_tool_class_init (GimpOperationToolClass *klass) { GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); GimpToolClass *tool_class = GIMP_TOOL_CLASS (klass); GimpFilterToolClass *filter_tool_class = GIMP_FILTER_TOOL_CLASS (klass); object_class->finalize = gimp_operation_tool_finalize; tool_class->initialize = gimp_operation_tool_initialize; tool_class->control = gimp_operation_tool_control; filter_tool_class->get_operation = gimp_operation_tool_get_operation; filter_tool_class->dialog = gimp_operation_tool_dialog; filter_tool_class->reset = gimp_operation_tool_reset; filter_tool_class->set_config = gimp_operation_tool_set_config; filter_tool_class->region_changed = gimp_operation_tool_region_changed; filter_tool_class->color_picked = gimp_operation_tool_color_picked; } static void gimp_operation_tool_init (GimpOperationTool *op_tool) { } static void gimp_operation_tool_finalize (GObject *object) { GimpOperationTool *op_tool = GIMP_OPERATION_TOOL (object); g_clear_pointer (&op_tool->operation, g_free); g_clear_pointer (&op_tool->description, g_free); g_list_free_full (op_tool->aux_inputs, (GDestroyNotify) gimp_operation_tool_aux_input_free); op_tool->aux_inputs = NULL; G_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->finalize (object); } static gboolean gimp_operation_tool_initialize (GimpTool *tool, GimpDisplay *display, GError **error) { if (GIMP_TOOL_CLASS (parent_class)->initialize (tool, display, error)) { GimpFilterTool *filter_tool = GIMP_FILTER_TOOL (tool); GimpOperationTool *op_tool = GIMP_OPERATION_TOOL (tool); if (filter_tool->config) { GtkWidget *options_gui; gimp_operation_tool_sync_op (op_tool, TRUE); options_gui = g_weak_ref_get (&op_tool->options_gui_ref); if (! options_gui) { gimp_operation_tool_create_gui (op_tool); gimp_operation_tool_add_gui (op_tool); } else { g_object_unref (options_gui); } } return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static void gimp_operation_tool_control (GimpTool *tool, GimpToolAction action, GimpDisplay *display) { GimpOperationTool *op_tool = GIMP_OPERATION_TOOL (tool); switch (action) { case GIMP_TOOL_ACTION_PAUSE: case GIMP_TOOL_ACTION_RESUME: break; case GIMP_TOOL_ACTION_HALT: gimp_operation_tool_halt (op_tool); break; case GIMP_TOOL_ACTION_COMMIT: gimp_operation_tool_commit (op_tool); break; } GIMP_TOOL_CLASS (parent_class)->control (tool, action, display); } static gchar * gimp_operation_tool_get_operation (GimpFilterTool *filter_tool, gchar **description) { GimpOperationTool *op_tool = GIMP_OPERATION_TOOL (filter_tool); *description = g_strdup (op_tool->description); return g_strdup (op_tool->operation); } static void gimp_operation_tool_dialog (GimpFilterTool *filter_tool) { GimpOperationTool *op_tool = GIMP_OPERATION_TOOL (filter_tool); GtkWidget *main_vbox; GtkWidget *options_sw; GtkWidget *options_gui; GtkWidget *options_box; GtkWidget *viewport; main_vbox = gimp_filter_tool_dialog_get_vbox (filter_tool); /* The options scrolled window */ options_sw = gtk_scrolled_window_new (NULL, NULL); g_weak_ref_set (&op_tool->options_sw_ref, options_sw); gtk_scrolled_window_set_shadow_type (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (options_sw), GTK_SHADOW_NONE); gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (options_sw), GTK_POLICY_NEVER, GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (main_vbox), options_sw, TRUE, TRUE, 0); gtk_widget_show (options_sw); viewport = gtk_viewport_new (NULL, NULL); gtk_viewport_set_shadow_type (GTK_VIEWPORT (viewport), GTK_SHADOW_NONE); gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (options_sw), viewport); gtk_widget_show (viewport); /* The options vbox */ options_box = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 2); g_weak_ref_set (&op_tool->options_box_ref, options_box); gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (viewport), options_box); gtk_widget_show (options_box); g_signal_connect (options_box, "size-allocate", G_CALLBACK (gimp_operation_tool_options_box_size_allocate), op_tool); options_gui = g_weak_ref_get (&op_tool->options_gui_ref); if (options_gui) { gimp_operation_tool_add_gui (op_tool); g_object_unref (options_gui); } } static void gimp_operation_tool_reset (GimpFilterTool *filter_tool) { GimpOperationTool *op_tool = GIMP_OPERATION_TOOL (filter_tool); gimp_operation_tool_unlink_chains (op_tool); GIMP_FILTER_TOOL_CLASS (parent_class)->reset (filter_tool); if (filter_tool->config && GIMP_TOOL (op_tool)->drawable) gimp_operation_tool_sync_op (op_tool, TRUE); gimp_operation_tool_relink_chains (op_tool); } static void gimp_operation_tool_set_config (GimpFilterTool *filter_tool, GimpConfig *config) { GimpOperationTool *op_tool = GIMP_OPERATION_TOOL (filter_tool); gimp_operation_tool_unlink_chains (op_tool); GIMP_FILTER_TOOL_CLASS (parent_class)->set_config (filter_tool, config); if (filter_tool->config && GIMP_TOOL (op_tool)->drawable) gimp_operation_tool_sync_op (op_tool, FALSE); gimp_operation_tool_relink_chains (op_tool); } static void gimp_operation_tool_region_changed (GimpFilterTool *filter_tool) { GimpOperationTool *op_tool = GIMP_OPERATION_TOOL (filter_tool); /* when the region changes, do we want the operation's on-canvas * controller to move to a new position, or the operation to * change its properties to match the on-canvas controller? * * decided to leave the on-canvas controller where it is and * pretend it has changed, so the operation is updated * accordingly... */ if (filter_tool->widget) g_signal_emit_by_name (filter_tool->widget, "changed"); gimp_operation_tool_sync_op (op_tool, FALSE); } static void gimp_operation_tool_color_picked (GimpFilterTool *filter_tool, gpointer identifier, gdouble x, gdouble y, const Babl *sample_format, const GimpRGB *color) { gchar **pspecs = g_strsplit (identifier, ":", 2); if (pspecs[1]) { GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (filter_tool->config); GParamSpec *pspec_x; GParamSpec *pspec_y; gint off_x, off_y; GeglRectangle area; gimp_filter_tool_get_drawable_area (filter_tool, &off_x, &off_y, &area); x -= off_x + area.x; y -= off_y + area.y; pspec_x = g_object_class_find_property (object_class, pspecs[0]); pspec_y = g_object_class_find_property (object_class, pspecs[1]); if (pspec_x && pspec_y && G_PARAM_SPEC_TYPE (pspec_x) == G_PARAM_SPEC_TYPE (pspec_y)) { GValue value_x = G_VALUE_INIT; GValue value_y = G_VALUE_INIT; g_value_init (&value_x, G_PARAM_SPEC_VALUE_TYPE (pspec_x)); g_value_init (&value_y, G_PARAM_SPEC_VALUE_TYPE (pspec_y)); #define HAS_KEY(p,k,v) gimp_gegl_param_spec_has_key (p, k, v) if (HAS_KEY (pspec_x, "unit", "relative-coordinate") && HAS_KEY (pspec_y, "unit", "relative-coordinate")) { x /= (gdouble) area.width; y /= (gdouble) area.height; } if (G_IS_PARAM_SPEC_INT (pspec_x)) { g_value_set_int (&value_x, x); g_value_set_int (&value_y, y); g_param_value_validate (pspec_x, &value_x); g_param_value_validate (pspec_y, &value_y); g_object_set (filter_tool->config, pspecs[0], g_value_get_int (&value_x), pspecs[1], g_value_get_int (&value_y), NULL); } else if (G_IS_PARAM_SPEC_DOUBLE (pspec_x)) { g_value_set_double (&value_x, x); g_value_set_double (&value_y, y); g_param_value_validate (pspec_x, &value_x); g_param_value_validate (pspec_y, &value_y); g_object_set (filter_tool->config, pspecs[0], g_value_get_double (&value_x), pspecs[1], g_value_get_double (&value_y), NULL); } else { g_warning ("%s: unhandled param spec of type %s", G_STRFUNC, G_PARAM_SPEC_TYPE_NAME (pspec_x)); } g_value_unset (&value_x); g_value_unset (&value_y); } } else { g_object_set (filter_tool->config, pspecs[0], color, NULL); } g_strfreev (pspecs); } static void gimp_operation_tool_options_box_size_allocate (GtkWidget *options_box, GdkRectangle *allocation, GimpOperationTool *op_tool) { GimpTool *tool = GIMP_TOOL (op_tool); GtkWidget *shell; GtkWidget *options_sw; GdkRectangle workarea; GtkRequisition minimum; gint maximum_height; shell = GTK_WIDGET (gimp_display_get_shell (tool->display)); options_sw = g_weak_ref_get (&op_tool->options_sw_ref); g_return_if_fail (options_sw != NULL); gdk_screen_get_monitor_workarea (gtk_widget_get_screen (shell), gimp_widget_get_monitor (shell), &workarea); maximum_height = workarea.height / 2; gtk_widget_size_request (options_box, &minimum); if (minimum.height > maximum_height) { GtkWidget *scrollbar; minimum.height = maximum_height; scrollbar = gtk_scrolled_window_get_vscrollbar ( GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (options_sw)); if (scrollbar) { GtkRequisition req; gtk_widget_size_request (scrollbar, &req); minimum.width += req.width; } } gtk_widget_set_size_request (options_sw, minimum.width, minimum.height); g_object_unref (options_sw); } static void gimp_operation_tool_halt (GimpOperationTool *op_tool) { /* don't reset op_tool->operation and op_tool->description so the * tool can be properly restarted by clicking on an image */ g_list_free_full (op_tool->aux_inputs, (GDestroyNotify) gimp_operation_tool_aux_input_free); op_tool->aux_inputs = NULL; } static void gimp_operation_tool_commit (GimpOperationTool *op_tool) { /* remove the aux input boxes from the dialog, so they don't get * destroyed when the parent class runs its commit() */ g_list_foreach (op_tool->aux_inputs, (GFunc) gimp_operation_tool_aux_input_detach, NULL); } static void gimp_operation_tool_sync_op (GimpOperationTool *op_tool, gboolean sync_colors) { GimpFilterTool *filter_tool = GIMP_FILTER_TOOL (op_tool); GimpToolOptions *options = GIMP_TOOL_GET_OPTIONS (op_tool); GParamSpec **pspecs; guint n_pspecs; gint off_x, off_y; GeglRectangle area; gint i; gimp_filter_tool_get_drawable_area (filter_tool, &off_x, &off_y, &area); pspecs = g_object_class_list_properties (G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (filter_tool->config), &n_pspecs); for (i = 0; i < n_pspecs; i++) { GParamSpec *pspec = pspecs[i]; #define HAS_KEY(p,k,v) gimp_gegl_param_spec_has_key (p, k, v) if (HAS_KEY (pspec, "role", "output-extent")) { if (HAS_KEY (pspec, "unit", "pixel-coordinate") && HAS_KEY (pspec, "axis", "x")) { g_object_set (filter_tool->config, pspec->name, 0, NULL); } else if (HAS_KEY (pspec, "unit", "pixel-coordinate") && HAS_KEY (pspec, "axis", "y")) { g_object_set (filter_tool->config, pspec->name, 0, NULL); } else if (HAS_KEY (pspec, "unit", "pixel-distance") && HAS_KEY (pspec, "axis", "x")) { g_object_set (filter_tool->config, pspec->name, area.width, NULL); } else if (HAS_KEY (pspec, "unit", "pixel-distance") && HAS_KEY (pspec, "axis", "y")) { g_object_set (filter_tool->config, pspec->name, area.height, NULL); } } else if (sync_colors) { if (HAS_KEY (pspec, "role", "color-primary")) { GimpRGB color; gimp_context_get_foreground (GIMP_CONTEXT (options), &color); g_object_set (filter_tool->config, pspec->name, &color, NULL); } else if (sync_colors && HAS_KEY (pspec, "role", "color-secondary")) { GimpRGB color; gimp_context_get_background (GIMP_CONTEXT (options), &color); g_object_set (filter_tool->config, pspec->name, &color, NULL); } } } g_free (pspecs); } static void gimp_operation_tool_create_gui (GimpOperationTool *op_tool) { GimpFilterTool *filter_tool = GIMP_FILTER_TOOL (op_tool); GtkWidget *options_gui; gint off_x, off_y; GeglRectangle area; gchar **input_pads; gimp_filter_tool_get_drawable_area (filter_tool, &off_x, &off_y, &area); options_gui = gimp_prop_gui_new (G_OBJECT (filter_tool->config), G_TYPE_FROM_INSTANCE (filter_tool->config), 0, &area, GIMP_CONTEXT (GIMP_TOOL_GET_OPTIONS (op_tool)), (GimpCreatePickerFunc) gimp_filter_tool_add_color_picker, (GimpCreateControllerFunc) gimp_filter_tool_add_controller, filter_tool); g_weak_ref_set (&op_tool->options_gui_ref, options_gui); input_pads = gegl_node_list_input_pads (filter_tool->operation); if (input_pads) { gint i; for (i = 0; input_pads[i]; i++) { AuxInput *input; GRegex *regex; gchar *label; if (! strcmp (input_pads[i], "input")) continue; regex = g_regex_new ("^aux(\\d*)$", 0, 0, NULL); g_return_if_fail (regex != NULL); /* Translators: don't translate "Aux" */ label = g_regex_replace (regex, input_pads[i], -1, 0, _("Aux\\1 Input"), 0, NULL); input = gimp_operation_tool_aux_input_new (op_tool, filter_tool->operation, input_pads[i], label); op_tool->aux_inputs = g_list_prepend (op_tool->aux_inputs, input); g_free (label); g_regex_unref (regex); } g_strfreev (input_pads); } } static void gimp_operation_tool_add_gui (GimpOperationTool *op_tool) { GtkSizeGroup *size_group = NULL; GtkWidget *options_gui; GtkWidget *options_box; GList *list; options_gui = g_weak_ref_get (&op_tool->options_gui_ref); options_box = g_weak_ref_get (&op_tool->options_box_ref); g_return_if_fail (options_gui && options_box); for (list = op_tool->aux_inputs; list; list = g_list_next (list)) { AuxInput *input = list->data; GtkWidget *toggle; if (! size_group) size_group = gtk_size_group_new (GTK_SIZE_GROUP_HORIZONTAL); toggle = gimp_buffer_source_box_get_toggle (GIMP_BUFFER_SOURCE_BOX (input->box)); gtk_size_group_add_widget (size_group, toggle); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (options_box), input->box, FALSE, FALSE, 0); gtk_widget_show (input->box); } if (size_group) g_object_unref (size_group); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (options_box), options_gui, TRUE, TRUE, 0); gtk_widget_show (options_gui); g_object_unref (options_gui); g_object_unref (options_box); } /* aux input utility functions */ static void gimp_operation_tool_aux_input_notify (GimpBufferSourceBox *box, const GParamSpec *pspec, AuxInput *input) { GimpFilterTool *filter_tool = GIMP_FILTER_TOOL (input->tool); /* emit "notify" so GimpFilterTool will update its preview * * FIXME: this is a bad hack that should go away once GimpImageMap * and GimpFilterTool are refactored to be more filter-ish. */ if (filter_tool->config) g_signal_emit_by_name (filter_tool->config, "notify", NULL); } static AuxInput * gimp_operation_tool_aux_input_new (GimpOperationTool *op_tool, GeglNode *operation, const gchar *input_pad, const gchar *label) { AuxInput *input = g_slice_new (AuxInput); GimpContext *context; input->tool = op_tool; input->pad = g_strdup (input_pad); input->node = gegl_node_new_child (NULL, "operation", "gegl:buffer-source", NULL); gegl_node_connect_to (input->node, "output", operation, input_pad); context = GIMP_CONTEXT (GIMP_TOOL_GET_OPTIONS (op_tool)); input->box = gimp_buffer_source_box_new (context, input->node, label); /* make AuxInput owner of the box */ g_object_ref_sink (input->box); g_signal_connect (input->box, "notify::pickable", G_CALLBACK (gimp_operation_tool_aux_input_notify), input); g_signal_connect (input->box, "notify::enabled", G_CALLBACK (gimp_operation_tool_aux_input_notify), input); return input; } static void gimp_operation_tool_aux_input_detach (AuxInput *input) { GtkWidget *parent = gtk_widget_get_parent (input->box); if (parent) gtk_container_remove (GTK_CONTAINER (parent), input->box); } static void gimp_operation_tool_aux_input_clear (AuxInput *input) { gimp_operation_tool_aux_input_detach (input); g_object_set (input->box, "pickable", NULL, NULL); } static void gimp_operation_tool_aux_input_free (AuxInput *input) { gimp_operation_tool_aux_input_clear (input); g_free (input->pad); g_object_unref (input->node); g_object_unref (input->box); g_slice_free (AuxInput, input); } static void gimp_operation_tool_unlink_chains (GimpOperationTool *op_tool) { GObject *options_gui = g_weak_ref_get (&op_tool->options_gui_ref); GList *chains; g_return_if_fail (options_gui != NULL); chains = g_object_get_data (options_gui, "chains"); while (chains) { GimpChainButton *chain = chains->data; gboolean active; active = gimp_chain_button_get_active (chain); g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (chain), "was-active", GINT_TO_POINTER (active)); if (active) { gimp_chain_button_set_active (chain, FALSE); } chains = chains->next; } g_object_unref (options_gui); } static void gimp_operation_tool_relink_chains (GimpOperationTool *op_tool) { GimpFilterTool *filter_tool = GIMP_FILTER_TOOL (op_tool); GObject *options_gui = g_weak_ref_get (&op_tool->options_gui_ref); GList *chains; g_return_if_fail (options_gui != NULL); chains = g_object_get_data (options_gui, "chains"); while (chains) { GimpChainButton *chain = chains->data; if (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (chain), "was-active")) { const gchar *name_x = g_object_get_data (chains->data, "x-property"); const gchar *name_y = g_object_get_data (chains->data, "y-property"); const gchar *names[2] = { name_x, name_y }; GValue values[2] = { G_VALUE_INIT, G_VALUE_INIT }; GValue double_x = G_VALUE_INIT; GValue double_y = G_VALUE_INIT; g_object_getv (filter_tool->config, 2, names, values); g_value_init (&double_x, G_TYPE_DOUBLE); g_value_init (&double_y, G_TYPE_DOUBLE); if (g_value_transform (&values[0], &double_x) && g_value_transform (&values[1], &double_y) && g_value_get_double (&double_x) == g_value_get_double (&double_y)) { gimp_chain_button_set_active (chain, TRUE); } g_value_unset (&double_x); g_value_unset (&double_y); g_value_unset (&values[0]); g_value_unset (&values[1]); g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (chain), "was-active", NULL); } chains = chains->next; } g_object_unref (options_gui); } /* public functions */ void gimp_operation_tool_set_operation (GimpOperationTool *op_tool, const gchar *operation, const gchar *title, const gchar *description, const gchar *undo_desc, const gchar *icon_name, const gchar *help_id) { GimpTool *tool; GimpFilterTool *filter_tool; GtkWidget *options_gui; g_return_if_fail (GIMP_IS_OPERATION_TOOL (op_tool)); tool = GIMP_TOOL (op_tool); filter_tool = GIMP_FILTER_TOOL (op_tool); g_free (op_tool->operation); g_free (op_tool->description); op_tool->operation = g_strdup (operation); op_tool->description = g_strdup (description); gimp_tool_set_label (tool, title); gimp_tool_set_undo_desc (tool, undo_desc); gimp_tool_set_icon_name (tool, icon_name); gimp_tool_set_help_id (tool, help_id); g_list_free_full (op_tool->aux_inputs, (GDestroyNotify) gimp_operation_tool_aux_input_free); op_tool->aux_inputs = NULL; gimp_filter_tool_set_widget (filter_tool, NULL); options_gui = g_weak_ref_get (&op_tool->options_gui_ref); if (options_gui) { gimp_filter_tool_disable_color_picking (filter_tool); g_object_unref (options_gui); gtk_widget_destroy (options_gui); } if (! operation) return; gimp_filter_tool_get_operation (filter_tool); if (tool->drawable) gimp_operation_tool_sync_op (op_tool, TRUE); if (filter_tool->config && tool->display) { GtkWidget *options_box; gimp_operation_tool_create_gui (op_tool); options_box = g_weak_ref_get (&op_tool->options_box_ref); if (options_box) { gimp_operation_tool_add_gui (op_tool); g_object_unref (options_box); } } }