# GIMP - The GNU Image Manipulation Program # Copyright (C) 1995 Spencer Kimball and Peter Mattis # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # "Perlized" from C source by Manish Singh sub version { $blurb = 'Returns the host GIMP version.'; $help = <<'HELP'; This procedure returns the version number of the currently running GIMP. HELP &yosh_pdb_misc('1999'); @outargs = ( { name => 'version', type => 'string', desc => 'GIMP version number' } ); %invoke = ( headers => [ qw("libgimpbase/gimpbase.h") ], code => <<'CODE' { version = g_strdup (GIMP_VERSION); } CODE ); } sub getpid { $blurb = 'Returns the PID of the host GIMP process.'; $help = <<'HELP'; This procedure returns the process ID of the currently running GIMP. HELP &mitch_pdb_misc('2005', '2.4'); @outargs = ( { name => 'pid', type => 'int32', desc => 'The PID' } ); %invoke = ( headers => [ qw("core/gimp-utils.h") ], code => <<'CODE' { pid = gimp_get_pid (); } CODE ); } sub quit { $blurb = 'Causes GIMP to exit gracefully.'; $help = <<'HELP'; If there are unsaved images in an interactive GIMP session, the user will be asked for confirmation. If force is TRUE, the application is quit without querying the user to save any dirty images. HELP &std_pdb_misc; @inargs = ( { name => 'force', type => 'boolean', desc => 'Force GIMP to quit without asking' } ); %invoke = ( code => <<'CODE' { gimp_exit (gimp, force); } CODE ); } sub attach_parasite { $blurb = 'Add a global parasite.'; $help = <<'HELP'; This procedure attaches a global parasite. It has no return values. HELP &jay_pdb_misc('1998', '2.8'); @inargs = ( { name => 'parasite', type => 'parasite', desc => 'The parasite to attach' } ); %invoke = ( code => <<'CODE' { if (gimp_parasite_validate (gimp, parasite, error)) gimp_parasite_attach (gimp, parasite); else success = FALSE; } CODE ); } sub detach_parasite { $blurb = 'Removes a global parasite.'; $help = <<'HELP'; This procedure detaches a global parasite from. It has no return values. HELP &jay_pdb_misc('1998', '2.8'); @inargs = ( { name => 'name', type => 'string', desc => 'The name of the parasite to detach.' } ); %invoke = ( code => <<'CODE' { gimp_parasite_detach (gimp, name); } CODE ); } sub get_parasite { $blurb = 'Look up a global parasite.'; $help = <<'HELP'; Finds and returns the global parasite that was previously attached. HELP &jay_pdb_misc('1998', '2.8'); @inargs = ( { name => 'name', type => 'string', desc => 'The name of the parasite to find' } ); @outargs = ( { name => 'parasite', type => 'parasite', desc => 'The found parasite' } ); %invoke = ( code => <<'CODE' { parasite = gimp_parasite_copy (gimp_parasite_find (gimp, name)); if (! parasite) success = FALSE; } CODE ); } sub get_parasite_list { $blurb = 'List all parasites.'; $help = 'Returns a list of all currently attached global parasites.'; &marc_pdb_misc('1999', '2.8'); @outargs = ( { name => 'parasites', type => 'stringarray', desc => 'The names of currently attached parasites', array => { desc => 'The number of attached parasites' } } ); %invoke = ( code => <<'CODE' { parasites = gimp_parasite_list (gimp, &num_parasites); } CODE ); } sub temp_name { $blurb = 'Generates a unique filename.'; $help = <<'HELP'; Generates a unique filename using the temp path supplied in the user's gimprc. HELP &josh_pdb_misc('1997'); @inargs = ( { name => 'extension', type => 'string', allow_non_utf8 => 1, null_ok => 1, desc => 'The extension the file will have' } ); @outargs = ( { name => 'name', type => 'string', desc => 'The new temp filename' } ); %invoke = ( code => <<'CODE' { GFile *file = gimp_get_temp_file (gimp, extension); name = g_file_get_path (file); g_object_unref (file); } CODE ); } @headers = qw("core/gimp.h" "core/gimp-parasites.h"); @procs = qw(version getpid quit attach_parasite detach_parasite get_parasite get_parasite_list temp_name); %exports = (app => [@procs], lib => [@procs[0..1,3..7]]); $desc = 'Miscellaneous'; $doc_title = 'gimp'; $doc_short_desc = 'Miscellaneous procedures'; $doc_long_desc = 'Miscellaneous procedures not fitting in any category.'; 1;