/* * PSD Export Plugin version 1.0 (BETA) * This GIMP plug-in is designed to export Adobe Photoshop(tm) files (.PSD) * * Monigotes * * If this plug-in fails to export a file which you think it should, * please tell me what seemed to go wrong, and anything you know * about the image you tried to export. Please don't send big PSD * files to me without asking first. * * Copyright (C) 2000 Monigotes * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ /* * Adobe and Adobe Photoshop are trademarks of Adobe Systems * Incorporated that may be registered in certain jurisdictions. */ /* * Revision history: * * 2000.02 / v1.0 / Monigotes * First version. * * 2003-05-10 Pedro Gimeno * - Cleaned up and GNUstylized. * - Translated all comments and vars in Spanish to English. * * 2005-2-11 Jay Cox * Rewrote all the code that deals with pixels to be stingy with * memory and operate on tile-size chunks. Create a flattened * copy of the image when necessary. Fixes file corruption bug * #167139 and memory bug #121871 * * 2006-03-29 Guillermo S. Romero * - Added/enabled basic support for layer masks based in psd.c * and whatever was already here. * Layers that are not canvas sized need investigation, here * or in the import plugin something seems wrong. * - Cosmetic changes about the debug messages, more like psd.c. */ /* * TODO: * Export preview */ /* * BUGS: */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include "libgimp/gimp.h" #include "libgimp/gimpui.h" #include "libgimpmath/gimpmath.h" #include "psd.h" #include "psd-util.h" #include "psd-save.h" #include "libgimp/stdplugins-intl.h" /* set to TRUE if you want debugging, FALSE otherwise */ #define DEBUG FALSE /* 1: Normal debuggin, 2: Deep debuggin */ #define DEBUG_LEVEL 2 #undef IFDBG /* previously defined in psd.h */ #define IFDBG if (DEBUG) #define IF_DEEP_DBG if (DEBUG && DEBUG_LEVEL == 2) #define PSD_UNIT_INCH 1 #define PSD_UNIT_CM 2 /* Local types etc */ typedef enum PsdLayerType { PSD_LAYER_TYPE_LAYER, PSD_LAYER_TYPE_GROUP_START, PSD_LAYER_TYPE_GROUP_END } PSD_Layer_Type; typedef struct PsdLayer { gint id; PSD_Layer_Type type; } PSD_Layer; typedef struct PsdImageData { gboolean compression; gint32 image_height; gint32 image_width; GimpImageBaseType baseType; gint32 merged_layer;/* Merged image, to be used for the image data section */ gint nChannels; /* Number of user channels in the image */ gint32 *lChannels; /* User channels in the image */ gint nLayers; /* Number of layers in the image */ PSD_Layer *lLayers; /* Layer list */ } PSD_Image_Data; static PSD_Image_Data PSDImageData; /* Declare some local functions. */ static const gchar * psd_lmode_layer (gint32 idLayer, gboolean section_divider); static void reshuffle_cmap_write (guchar *mapGimp); static void save_header (FILE *fd, gint32 image_id); static void save_color_mode_data (FILE *fd, gint32 image_id); static void save_resources (FILE *fd, gint32 image_id); static void save_paths (FILE *fd, gint32 image_id); static void save_layer_and_mask (FILE *fd, gint32 image_id); static void save_data (FILE *fd, gint32 image_id); static void double_to_psd_fixed (gdouble value, gchar *target); static void xfwrite (FILE *fd, gconstpointer buf, glong len, const gchar *why); static void write_pascalstring (FILE *fd, const gchar *val, gint padding, const gchar *why); static void write_string (FILE *fd, const gchar *val, const gchar *why); static void write_gchar (FILE *fd, guchar val, const gchar *why); static void write_gint16 (FILE *fd, gint16 val, const gchar *why); static void write_gint32 (FILE *fd, gint32 val, const gchar *why); static void write_datablock_luni (FILE *fd, const gchar *val, const gchar *why); static void write_pixel_data (FILE *fd, gint32 drawableID, glong *ChanLenPosition, gint32 rowlenOffset, gboolean write_mask); static gint32 create_merged_image (gint32 imageID); static gint get_bpc (gint32 imageID); static const Babl * get_pixel_format (gint32 drawableID); static const Babl * get_channel_format (gint32 drawableID); static const Babl * get_mask_format (gint32 drawableID); static PSD_Layer * image_get_all_layers (gint32 imageID, gint *n_layers); static const gchar * psd_lmode_layer (gint32 idLayer, gboolean section_divider) { LayerModeInfo mode_info; mode_info.mode = gimp_layer_get_mode (idLayer); mode_info.blend_space = gimp_layer_get_blend_space (idLayer); mode_info.composite_space = gimp_layer_get_composite_space (idLayer); mode_info.composite_mode = gimp_layer_get_composite_mode (idLayer); /* pass-through groups use normal mode in their layer record; the * pass-through mode is specified in their section divider resource. */ if (mode_info.mode == GIMP_LAYER_MODE_PASS_THROUGH && ! section_divider) mode_info.mode = GIMP_LAYER_MODE_NORMAL; return gimp_to_psd_blend_mode (&mode_info); } static void write_string (FILE *fd, const gchar *val, const gchar *why) { write_gchar (fd, strlen (val), why); xfwrite (fd, val, strlen (val), why); } static void write_pascalstring (FILE *fd, const gchar *val, gint padding, const gchar *why) { guchar len; gint i; /* Calculate string length to write and limit it to 255 */ len = (strlen (val) > 255) ? 255 : (guchar) strlen (val); /* Perform actual writing */ if (len != 0) { write_gchar (fd, len, why); xfwrite (fd, val, len, why); } else { write_gchar (fd, 0, why); } /* If total length (length byte + content) is not a multiple of PADDING, add zeros to pad it. */ len++; /* Add the length field */ if ((len % padding) == 0) return; for (i = 0; i < (padding - (len % padding)); i++) write_gchar (fd, 0, why); } static void xfwrite (FILE *fd, gconstpointer buf, glong len, const gchar *why) { if (len == 0) return; if (fwrite (buf, len, 1, fd) == 0) { g_printerr ("%s: Error while writing '%s'\n", G_STRFUNC, why); gimp_quit (); } } static void write_gchar (FILE *fd, guchar val, const gchar *why) { guchar b[2]; glong pos; b[0] = val; b[1] = 0; pos = ftell (fd); if (fwrite (&b, 1, 2, fd) == 0) { g_printerr ("%s: Error while writing '%s'\n", G_STRFUNC, why); gimp_quit (); } fseek (fd, pos + 1, SEEK_SET); } static void write_gint16 (FILE *fd, gint16 val, const gchar *why) { guchar b[2]; /* b[0] = val & 255; b[1] = (val >> 8) & 255;*/ b[1] = val & 255; b[0] = (val >> 8) & 255; if (fwrite (&b, 1, 2, fd) == 0) { g_printerr ("%s: Error while writing '%s'\n", G_STRFUNC, why); gimp_quit (); } } static void write_gint32 (FILE *fd, gint32 val, const gchar *why) { guchar b[4]; b[3] = val & 255; b[2] = (val >> 8) & 255; b[1] = (val >> 16) & 255; b[0] = (val >> 24) & 255; if (fwrite (&b, 1, 4, fd) == 0) { g_printerr ("%s: Error while writing '%s'\n", G_STRFUNC, why); gimp_quit (); } } static void write_datablock_luni (FILE *fd, const gchar *val, const gchar *why) { if (val) { guint32 count; guint32 xdBlockSize; glong numchars; gunichar2 *luniName; luniName = g_utf8_to_utf16 (val, -1, NULL, &numchars, NULL); if (luniName) { guchar len = MIN (numchars, 255); /* Only pad to even num of chars */ if( len % 2 ) xdBlockSize = len + 1; else xdBlockSize = len; /* 2 bytes / char + 4 bytes for pascal num chars */ xdBlockSize = (xdBlockSize * 2) + 4; xfwrite (fd, "8BIMluni", 8, "luni xdb signature"); write_gint32 (fd, xdBlockSize, "luni xdb size"); write_gint32 (fd, len, "luni xdb pascal string"); for (count = 0; count < len; count++) write_gint16 (fd, luniName[count], "luni xdb pascal string"); /* Pad to an even number of chars */ if (len % 2) write_gint16 (fd, 0x0000, "luni xdb pascal string padding"); } } } static gint32 pack_pb_line (guchar *start, gint32 length, guchar *dest_ptr) { gint32 remaining = length; gint i, j; length = 0; while (remaining > 0) { /* Look for characters matching the first */ i = 0; while ((i < 128) && (remaining - i > 0) && (start[0] == start[i])) i++; if (i > 1) /* Match found */ { *dest_ptr++ = -(i - 1); *dest_ptr++ = *start; start += i; remaining -= i; length += 2; } else /* Look for characters different from the previous */ { i = 0; while ((i < 128) && (remaining - (i + 1) > 0) && (start[i] != start[i + 1] || remaining - (i + 2) <= 0 || start[i] != start[i+2])) i++; /* If there's only 1 remaining, the previous WHILE stmt doesn't catch it */ if (remaining == 1) { i = 1; } if (i > 0) /* Some distinct ones found */ { *dest_ptr++ = i - 1; for (j = 0; j < i; j++) { *dest_ptr++ = start[j]; } start += i; remaining -= i; length += i + 1; } } } return length; } static gint gimpBaseTypeToPsdMode (GimpImageBaseType gimpBaseType) { switch (gimpBaseType) { case GIMP_RGB: return 3; /* RGB */ case GIMP_GRAY: return 1; /* Grayscale */ case GIMP_INDEXED: return 2; /* Indexed */ default: g_message (_("Error: Can't convert GIMP base imagetype to PSD mode")); IFDBG printf ("PSD Export: gimpBaseType value is %d, " "can't convert to PSD mode", gimpBaseType); gimp_quit (); return 3; /* Return RGB by default */ } } static gint nChansLayer (gint gimpBaseType, gint hasAlpha, gint hasMask) { gint incAlpha = 0; gint incMask = 0; incAlpha = (hasAlpha == 0) ? 0 : 1; incMask = (hasMask == 0) ? 0 : 1; switch (gimpBaseType) { case GIMP_RGB: return 3 + incAlpha + incMask; /* R,G,B & Alpha & Mask (if any) */ case GIMP_GRAY: return 1 + incAlpha + incMask; /* G & Alpha & Mask (if any) */ case GIMP_INDEXED: return 1 + incAlpha + incMask; /* I & Alpha & Mask (if any) */ default: return 0; /* Return 0 channels by default */ } } static void reshuffle_cmap_write (guchar *mapGimp) { guchar *mapPSD; gint i; mapPSD = g_malloc (768); for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { mapPSD[i] = mapGimp[i * 3]; mapPSD[i + 256] = mapGimp[i * 3 + 1]; mapPSD[i + 512] = mapGimp[i * 3 + 2]; } for (i = 0; i < 768; i++) { mapGimp[i] = mapPSD[i]; } g_free (mapPSD); } static void save_header (FILE *fd, gint32 image_id) { IFDBG printf (" Function: save_header\n"); IFDBG printf ("\tRows: %d\n", PSDImageData.image_height); IFDBG printf ("\tColumns: %d\n", PSDImageData.image_width); IFDBG printf ("\tBase type: %d\n", PSDImageData.baseType); IFDBG printf ("\tNumber of channels: %d\n", PSDImageData.nChannels); xfwrite (fd, "8BPS", 4, "signature"); write_gint16 (fd, 1, "version"); write_gint32 (fd, 0, "reserved 1"); /* 6 for the 'reserved' field + 4 bytes for a long */ write_gint16 (fd, 0, "reserved 1"); /* and 2 bytes for a short */ write_gint16 (fd, (PSDImageData.nChannels + nChansLayer (PSDImageData.baseType, gimp_drawable_has_alpha (PSDImageData.merged_layer), 0)), "channels"); write_gint32 (fd, PSDImageData.image_height, "rows"); write_gint32 (fd, PSDImageData.image_width, "columns"); write_gint16 (fd, 8 * get_bpc (image_id), "depth"); write_gint16 (fd, gimpBaseTypeToPsdMode (PSDImageData.baseType), "mode"); } static void save_color_mode_data (FILE *fd, gint32 image_id) { guchar *cmap; guchar *cmap_modified; gint i; gint32 nColors; IFDBG printf (" Function: save_color_mode_data\n"); switch (PSDImageData.baseType) { case GIMP_INDEXED: IFDBG printf ("\tImage type: INDEXED\n"); cmap = gimp_image_get_colormap (image_id, &nColors); IFDBG printf ("\t\tLength of colormap returned by gimp_image_get_colormap: %d\n", nColors); if (nColors == 0) { IFDBG printf ("\t\tThe indexed image lacks a colormap\n"); write_gint32 (fd, 0, "color data length"); } else if (nColors != 256) { IFDBG printf ("\t\tThe indexed image has %d!=256 colors\n", nColors); IFDBG printf ("\t\tPadding with zeros up to 256\n"); write_gint32 (fd, 768, "color data length"); /* For this type, length is always 768 */ cmap_modified = g_malloc (768); for (i = 0; i < nColors * 3; i++) cmap_modified[i] = cmap[i]; for (i = nColors * 3; i < 768; i++) cmap_modified[i] = 0; reshuffle_cmap_write (cmap_modified); xfwrite (fd, cmap_modified, 768, "colormap"); /* Write readjusted colormap */ g_free (cmap_modified); } else /* nColors equals 256 */ { write_gint32 (fd, 768, "color data length"); /* For this type, length is always 768 */ reshuffle_cmap_write (cmap); xfwrite (fd, cmap, 768, "colormap"); /* Write readjusted colormap */ } break; default: IFDBG printf ("\tImage type: Not INDEXED\n"); write_gint32 (fd, 0, "color data length"); } } static void save_resources (FILE *fd, gint32 image_id) { gint i; gchar *fileName; /* Image file name */ gint32 idActLayer; /* Id of the active layer */ guint nActiveLayer = 0; /* Number of the active layer */ gboolean ActiveLayerPresent; /* TRUE if there's an active layer */ glong eof_pos; /* Position for End of file */ glong rsc_pos; /* Position for Lengths of Resources section */ glong name_sec; /* Position for Lengths of Channel Names */ /* Only relevant resources in GIMP are: 0x03EE, 0x03F0 & 0x0400 */ /* For Adobe Photoshop version 4.0 these can also be considered: 0x0408, 0x040A & 0x040B (1006, 1008, 1024, 1032, 1034, and 1035) */ IFDBG printf (" Function: save_resources\n"); /* Get the image title from its filename */ fileName = gimp_image_get_filename (image_id); IFDBG printf ("\tImage title: %s\n", fileName); /* Get the active layer number id */ idActLayer = gimp_image_get_active_layer (image_id); IFDBG printf ("\tCurrent layer id: %d\n", idActLayer); ActiveLayerPresent = FALSE; for (i = 0; i < PSDImageData.nLayers; i++) if (idActLayer == PSDImageData.lLayers[i].id) { nActiveLayer = PSDImageData.nLayers - i - 1; ActiveLayerPresent = TRUE; break; } if (ActiveLayerPresent) { IFDBG printf ("\t\tActive layer is number %d\n", nActiveLayer); } else { IFDBG printf ("\t\tNo active layer\n"); } /* Here's where actual writing starts */ rsc_pos = ftell (fd); write_gint32 (fd, 0, "image resources length"); /* --------------- Write Channel names --------------- */ if (PSDImageData.nChannels > 0 || gimp_drawable_has_alpha (PSDImageData.merged_layer)) { xfwrite (fd, "8BIM", 4, "imageresources signature"); write_gint16 (fd, 0x03EE, "0x03EE Id"); /* 1006 */ /* write_pascalstring (fd, Name, "Id name"); */ write_gint16 (fd, 0, "Id name"); /* Set to null string (two zeros) */ /* Mark current position in the file */ name_sec = ftell (fd); write_gint32 (fd, 0, "0x03EE resource size"); /* Write all strings */ /* if the merged_image contains transparency, write a name for it first */ if (gimp_drawable_has_alpha (PSDImageData.merged_layer)) write_string (fd, "Transparency", "channel name"); for (i = 0; i < PSDImageData.nChannels; i++) { char *chName = gimp_item_get_name (PSDImageData.lChannels[i]); write_string (fd, chName, "channel name"); g_free (chName); } /* Calculate and write actual resource's length */ eof_pos = ftell (fd); fseek (fd, name_sec, SEEK_SET); write_gint32 (fd, eof_pos - name_sec - sizeof (gint32), "0x03EE resource size"); IFDBG printf ("\tTotal length of 0x03EE resource: %d\n", (int) (eof_pos - name_sec - sizeof (gint32))); /* Return to EOF to continue writing */ fseek (fd, eof_pos, SEEK_SET); /* Pad if length is odd */ if ((eof_pos - name_sec - sizeof (gint32)) & 1) write_gchar (fd, 0, "pad byte"); } /* --------------- Write Channel properties --------------- */ if (PSDImageData.nChannels > 0 || gimp_drawable_has_alpha (PSDImageData.merged_layer)) { xfwrite (fd, "8BIM", 4, "imageresources signature"); write_gint16 (fd, 0x0435, "0x0435 Id"); /* 1077 */ /* write_pascalstring (fd, Name, "Id name"); */ write_gint16 (fd, 0, "Id name"); /* Set to null string (two zeros) */ write_gint32 (fd, 4 + 13 * (gimp_drawable_has_alpha (PSDImageData.merged_layer) + PSDImageData.nChannels), "0x0435 resource size"); /* The function of the first 4 bytes is unclear. As per * load_resource_1077() in psd-image-res-load.c, it seems to be a version * number that is always one. */ write_gint32 (fd, 1, "0x0435 version"); /* Write all channel properties */ #define DOUBLE_TO_INT16(x) ROUND (SAFE_CLAMP (x, 0.0, 1.0) * 0xffff) /* if the merged_image contains transparency, write its properties first */ if (gimp_drawable_has_alpha (PSDImageData.merged_layer)) { write_gint16 (fd, PSD_CS_RGB, "channel color space"); write_gint16 (fd, DOUBLE_TO_INT16 (1.0), "channel color r"); write_gint16 (fd, DOUBLE_TO_INT16 (0.0), "channel color g"); write_gint16 (fd, DOUBLE_TO_INT16 (0.0), "channel color b"); write_gint16 (fd, 0, "channel color padding"); write_gint16 (fd, 100, "channel opacity"); write_gchar (fd, 1, "channel mode"); } for (i = 0; i < PSDImageData.nChannels; i++) { GimpRGB color; gdouble opacity; gimp_channel_get_color (PSDImageData.lChannels[i], &color); opacity = gimp_channel_get_opacity (PSDImageData.lChannels[i]); write_gint16 (fd, PSD_CS_RGB, "channel color space"); write_gint16 (fd, DOUBLE_TO_INT16 (color.r), "channel color r"); write_gint16 (fd, DOUBLE_TO_INT16 (color.g), "channel color g"); write_gint16 (fd, DOUBLE_TO_INT16 (color.b), "channel color b"); write_gint16 (fd, 0, "channel color padding"); write_gint16 (fd, ROUND (opacity), "channel opacity"); write_gchar (fd, 1, "channel mode"); } #undef DOUBLE_TO_INT16 /* Pad if length is odd */ if (ftell (fd) & 1) write_gchar (fd, 0, "pad byte"); } /* --------------- Write Guides --------------- */ if (gimp_image_find_next_guide(image_id, 0)) { gint n_guides = 0; gint guide_id =0; /* Count the guides */ while ((guide_id = gimp_image_find_next_guide(image_id, guide_id))) n_guides++; xfwrite (fd, "8BIM", 4, "imageresources signature"); write_gint16 (fd, 0x0408, "0x0408 Id (Guides)"); /* 1032 */ /* write_pascalstring (fd, Name, "Id name"); */ write_gint16 (fd, 0, "Id name"); /* Set to null string (two zeros) */ write_gint32 (fd, 16 + 5 * n_guides, "0x0408 resource size"); /* Save grid and guide header */ write_gint32 (fd, 1, "grid/guide header version"); write_gint32 (fd, 576, "grid custom spacing horizontal");/* dpi*32/4??*/ write_gint32 (fd, 576, "grid custom spacing vertical"); /* dpi*32/4??*/ write_gint32 (fd, n_guides, "number of guides"); /* write the guides */ while ((guide_id = gimp_image_find_next_guide(image_id, guide_id))) { gchar orientation; gint32 position; orientation = gimp_image_get_guide_orientation(image_id, guide_id); position = 32 * gimp_image_get_guide_position(image_id, guide_id); orientation ^= 1; /* in the psd vert =0 , horiz = 1 */ write_gint32 (fd, position, "Position of guide"); write_gchar (fd, orientation, "Orientation of guide"); n_guides--; } if ((ftell(fd) & 1)) write_gchar(fd, 0, "pad byte"); if (n_guides != 0) g_warning("Screwed up guide resource:: wrong number of guides\n"); IFDBG printf ("\tTotal length of 0x0400 resource: %d\n", (int) sizeof (gint16)); } /* --------------- Write paths ------------------- */ save_paths (fd, image_id); /* --------------- Write resolution data ------------------- */ { gdouble xres = 0, yres = 0; guint32 xres_fix, yres_fix; GimpUnit g_unit; gint16 psd_unit; g_unit = gimp_image_get_unit (image_id); gimp_image_get_resolution (image_id, &xres, &yres); if (g_unit == GIMP_UNIT_MM) { psd_unit = PSD_UNIT_CM; } else { psd_unit = PSD_UNIT_INCH; } /* Don't convert resolution based on g_unit which is a display unit. * PSD resolution is always in pixels/inch. */ xres_fix = xres * 65536.0 + .5; /* Convert to 16.16 fixed point */ yres_fix = yres * 65536.0 + .5; /* Convert to 16.16 fixed point */ xfwrite (fd, "8BIM", 4, "imageresources signature (for resolution)"); write_gint16(fd, 0x03ed, "0x03ed Id (resolution)"); /* 1005 */ write_gint16 (fd, 0, "Id name"); /* Set to null string (two zeros) */ write_gint32 (fd, 16, "0x0400 resource size"); write_gint32 (fd, xres_fix, "hRes (16.16 fixed point)"); write_gint16 (fd, psd_unit, "hRes unit"); write_gint16 (fd, psd_unit, "width unit"); write_gint32 (fd, yres_fix, "vRes (16.16 fixed point)"); write_gint16 (fd, psd_unit, "vRes unit"); write_gint16 (fd, psd_unit, "height unit"); } /* --------------- Write Active Layer Number --------------- */ if (ActiveLayerPresent) { xfwrite (fd, "8BIM", 4, "imageresources signature"); write_gint16 (fd, 0x0400, "0x0400 Id"); /* 1024 */ /* write_pascalstring (fd, Name, "Id name"); */ write_gint16 (fd, 0, "Id name"); /* Set to null string (two zeros) */ write_gint32 (fd, sizeof (gint16), "0x0400 resource size"); /* Save title as gint16 (length always even) */ write_gint16 (fd, nActiveLayer, "active layer"); IFDBG printf ("\tTotal length of 0x0400 resource: %d\n", (int) sizeof (gint16)); } /* --------------- Write ICC profile data ------------------- */ { GimpColorProfile *profile; profile = gimp_image_get_effective_color_profile (image_id); if (profile) { const guint8 *icc_data; gsize icc_length; icc_data = gimp_color_profile_get_icc_profile (profile, &icc_length); xfwrite (fd, "8BIM", 4, "imageresources signature"); write_gint16 (fd, 0x040f, "0x040f Id"); write_gint16 (fd, 0, "Id name"); /* Set to null string (two zeros) */ write_gint32 (fd, icc_length, "0x040f resource size"); xfwrite (fd, icc_data, icc_length, "ICC profile"); g_object_unref (profile); } } /* --------------- Write Total Section Length --------------- */ eof_pos = ftell (fd); fseek (fd, rsc_pos, SEEK_SET); write_gint32 (fd, eof_pos - rsc_pos - sizeof (gint32), "image resources length"); IFDBG printf ("\tResource section total length: %d\n", (int) (eof_pos - rsc_pos - sizeof (gint32))); /* Return to EOF to continue writing */ fseek (fd, eof_pos, SEEK_SET); } static int get_compress_channel_data (guchar *channel_data, gint32 channel_cols, gint32 channel_rows, gint32 stride, gint32 bpc, gint16 *LengthsTable, guchar *remdata) { gint i; gint32 len; /* Length of compressed data */ guchar *start; /* Starting position of a row in channel_data */ stride /= bpc; /* Pack channel data, and perform byte-order conversion */ switch (bpc) { case 1: { if (stride > 1) { const guint8 *src = (const guint8 *) channel_data; guint8 *dest = (guint8 *) channel_data; for (i = 0; i < channel_rows * channel_cols; i++) { *dest = *src; dest++; src += stride; } } } break; case 2: { const guint16 *src = (const guint16 *) channel_data; guint16 *dest = (guint16 *) channel_data; for (i = 0; i < channel_rows * channel_cols; i++) { *dest = GUINT16_TO_BE (*src); dest++; src += stride; } } break; case 4: { const guint32 *src = (const guint32 *) channel_data; guint32 *dest = (guint32 *) channel_data; for (i = 0; i < channel_rows * channel_cols; i++) { *dest = GUINT32_TO_BE (*src); dest++; src += stride; } } break; default: g_return_val_if_reached (0); } /* For every row in the channel */ len = 0; for (i = 0; i < channel_rows; i++) { start = channel_data + i * channel_cols * bpc; /* Create packed data for this row */ LengthsTable[i] = pack_pb_line (start, channel_cols * bpc, &remdata[len]); len += LengthsTable[i]; } /* return((len + channel_rows * sizeof (gint16)) + sizeof (gint16));*/ return len; } /* Ported /from plug-ins/file-tiff/file-tiff-save.c */ static void double_to_psd_fixed (gdouble value, gchar *target) { gdouble in, frac; gint i, f; frac = modf (value, &in); if (frac < 0) { in -= 1; frac += 1; } i = (gint) CLAMP (in, -16, 15); f = CLAMP ((gint) (frac * 0xFFFFFF), 0, 0xFFFFFF); target[0] = i & 0xFF; target[1] = (f >> 16) & 0xFF; target[2] = (f >> 8) & 0xFF; target[3] = f & 0xFF; } /* Ported from /plug-ins/file-tiff/file-tiff-save.c */ static void save_paths (FILE *fd, gint32 image_id) { gshort id = 0x07D0; /* Photoshop paths have IDs >= 2000 */ gdouble width = gimp_image_width (image_id); gdouble height = gimp_image_height (image_id); gint num_vectors; gint *vectors; gint v; gint num_strokes; gint *strokes; gint s; vectors = gimp_image_get_vectors (image_id, &num_vectors); if (num_vectors <= 0) return; /* Only up to 997 paths supported */ for (v = 0; v < MIN (num_vectors, 1000); v++) { GString *data; gchar *name, *nameend; gsize len; gint lenpos; gchar pointrecord[26] = { 0, }; gchar *tmpname; GError *err = NULL; data = g_string_new ("8BIM"); g_string_append_c (data, id / 256); g_string_append_c (data, id % 256); /* * - use iso8859-1 if possible * - otherwise use UTF-8, prepended with \xef\xbb\xbf (Byte-Order-Mark) */ name = gimp_item_get_name (vectors[v]); tmpname = g_convert (name, -1, "iso8859-1", "utf-8", NULL, &len, &err); if (tmpname && err == NULL) { g_string_append_c (data, MIN (len, 255)); g_string_append_len (data, tmpname, MIN (len, 255)); g_free (tmpname); } else { /* conversion failed, we fall back to UTF-8 */ len = g_utf8_strlen (name, 255 - 3); /* need three marker-bytes */ nameend = g_utf8_offset_to_pointer (name, len); len = nameend - name; /* in bytes */ g_assert (len + 3 <= 255); g_string_append_c (data, len + 3); g_string_append_len (data, "\xEF\xBB\xBF", 3); /* Unicode 0xfeff */ g_string_append_len (data, name, len); if (tmpname) g_free (tmpname); } if (data->len % 2) /* padding to even size */ g_string_append_c (data, 0); g_free (name); lenpos = data->len; g_string_append_len (data, "\0\0\0\0", 4); /* will be filled in later */ len = data->len; /* to calculate the data size later */ pointrecord[1] = 6; /* fill rule record */ g_string_append_len (data, pointrecord, 26); strokes = gimp_vectors_get_strokes (vectors[v], &num_strokes); for (s = 0; s < num_strokes; s++) { GimpVectorsStrokeType type; gdouble *points; gint num_points; gboolean closed; gint p = 0; type = gimp_vectors_stroke_get_points (vectors[v], strokes[s], &num_points, &points, &closed); if (type != GIMP_VECTORS_STROKE_TYPE_BEZIER || num_points > 65535 || num_points % 6) { g_printerr ("psd-save: unsupported stroke type: " "%d (%d points)\n", type, num_points); continue; } memset (pointrecord, 0, 26); pointrecord[1] = closed ? 0 : 3; pointrecord[2] = (num_points / 6) / 256; pointrecord[3] = (num_points / 6) % 256; g_string_append_len (data, pointrecord, 26); for (p = 0; p < num_points; p += 6) { pointrecord[1] = closed ? 2 : 5; double_to_psd_fixed (points[p+1] / height, pointrecord + 2); double_to_psd_fixed (points[p+0] / width, pointrecord + 6); double_to_psd_fixed (points[p+3] / height, pointrecord + 10); double_to_psd_fixed (points[p+2] / width, pointrecord + 14); double_to_psd_fixed (points[p+5] / height, pointrecord + 18); double_to_psd_fixed (points[p+4] / width, pointrecord + 22); g_string_append_len (data, pointrecord, 26); } } g_free (strokes); /* fix up the length */ len = data->len - len; data->str[lenpos + 0] = (len & 0xFF000000) >> 24; data->str[lenpos + 1] = (len & 0x00FF0000) >> 16; data->str[lenpos + 2] = (len & 0x0000FF00) >> 8; data->str[lenpos + 3] = (len & 0x000000FF) >> 0; xfwrite (fd, data->str, data->len, "path resources data"); g_string_free (data, TRUE); id += 0x01; } g_free (vectors); } static void save_layer_and_mask (FILE *fd, gint32 image_id) { gint i,j; gint idChannel; gint offset_x; /* X offset for each layer */ gint offset_y; /* Y offset for each layer */ gint32 layerWidth; /* Width of each layer */ gint32 layerHeight; /* Height of each layer */ const gchar *blendMode; /* Blending mode of the layer */ guchar layerOpacity; /* Opacity of the layer */ guchar flags; /* Layer flags */ gint nChannelsLayer; /* Number of channels of a layer */ gint32 ChanSize; /* Data length for a channel */ gchar *layerName; /* Layer name */ gint mask; /* Layer mask */ gint depth; /* Layer group nesting depth */ gint bpc; /* Image BPC */ glong eof_pos; /* Position: End of file */ glong ExtraDataPos; /* Position: Extra data length */ glong LayerMaskPos; /* Position: Layer & Mask section length */ glong LayerInfoPos; /* Position: Layer info section length*/ glong **ChannelLengthPos; /* Position: Channel length */ IFDBG printf (" Function: save_layer_and_mask\n"); /* Create first array dimension (layers, channels) */ ChannelLengthPos = g_newa (glong *, PSDImageData.nLayers); /* Layer and mask information section */ LayerMaskPos = ftell (fd); write_gint32 (fd, 0, "layers & mask information length"); /* Layer info section */ LayerInfoPos = ftell (fd); write_gint32 (fd, 0, "layers info section length"); /* Layer structure section */ if (gimp_drawable_has_alpha (PSDImageData.merged_layer)) write_gint16 (fd, -PSDImageData.nLayers, "Layer structure count"); else write_gint16 (fd, PSDImageData.nLayers, "Layer structure count"); depth = 0; bpc = get_bpc (image_id); /* Layer records section */ /* GIMP layers must be written in reverse order */ for (i = PSDImageData.nLayers - 1; i >= 0; i--) { gint hasMask = 0; if (PSDImageData.lLayers[i].type == PSD_LAYER_TYPE_LAYER) { gimp_drawable_offsets (PSDImageData.lLayers[i].id, &offset_x, &offset_y); layerWidth = gimp_drawable_width (PSDImageData.lLayers[i].id); layerHeight = gimp_drawable_height (PSDImageData.lLayers[i].id); } else { /* groups don't specify their dimensions, and have empty channel * data */ offset_x = 0; offset_y = 0; layerWidth = 0; layerHeight = 0; } IFDBG printf ("\tLayer number: %d\n", i); IFDBG { const gchar *type; switch (PSDImageData.lLayers[i].type) { case PSD_LAYER_TYPE_LAYER: type = "normal layer"; break; case PSD_LAYER_TYPE_GROUP_START: type = "group start marker"; break; case PSD_LAYER_TYPE_GROUP_END: type = "group end marker"; break; } printf ("\t\tType: %s\n", type); } IFDBG printf ("\t\tX offset: %d\n", offset_x); IFDBG printf ("\t\tY offset: %d\n", offset_y); IFDBG printf ("\t\tWidth: %d\n", layerWidth); IFDBG printf ("\t\tHeight: %d\n", layerHeight); write_gint32 (fd, offset_y, "Layer top"); write_gint32 (fd, offset_x, "Layer left"); write_gint32 (fd, offset_y + layerHeight, "Layer bottom"); write_gint32 (fd, offset_x + layerWidth, "Layer right"); hasMask = (PSDImageData.lLayers[i].type != PSD_LAYER_TYPE_GROUP_END && gimp_layer_get_mask (PSDImageData.lLayers[i].id) != -1); nChannelsLayer = nChansLayer (PSDImageData.baseType, gimp_drawable_has_alpha (PSDImageData.lLayers[i].id), hasMask); write_gint16 (fd, nChannelsLayer, "Number channels in the layer"); IFDBG printf ("\t\tNumber of channels: %d\n", nChannelsLayer); /* Create second array dimension (layers, channels) */ ChannelLengthPos[i] = g_new (glong, nChannelsLayer); /* Try with gimp_drawable_bpp() */ for (j = 0; j < nChannelsLayer; j++) { if (gimp_drawable_has_alpha (PSDImageData.lLayers[i].id)) idChannel = j - 1; else idChannel = j; if (hasMask && (j+1 == nChannelsLayer)) /* Last channel ... */ idChannel = -2; /* ... will be layer mask */ write_gint16 (fd, idChannel, "Channel ID"); IFDBG printf ("\t\t\tChannel Identifier: %d\n", idChannel); /* Write the length assuming no compression. In case there is, will modify it later when writing data. */ ChannelLengthPos[i][j] = ftell (fd); ChanSize = sizeof (gint16) + (layerWidth * layerHeight * bpc); write_gint32 (fd, ChanSize, "Channel Size"); IFDBG printf ("\t\t\tLength: %d\n", ChanSize); } xfwrite (fd, "8BIM", 4, "blend mode signature"); blendMode = psd_lmode_layer (PSDImageData.lLayers[i].id, FALSE); IFDBG printf ("\t\tBlend mode: %s\n", blendMode); xfwrite (fd, blendMode, 4, "blend mode key"); layerOpacity = RINT ((gimp_layer_get_opacity (PSDImageData.lLayers[i].id) * 255.0) / 100.0); IFDBG printf ("\t\tOpacity: %u\n", layerOpacity); write_gchar (fd, layerOpacity, "Opacity"); if (gimp_layer_get_composite_mode (PSDImageData.lLayers[i].id) == GIMP_LAYER_COMPOSITE_CLIP_TO_BACKDROP) write_gchar (fd, 1, "Clipping"); else write_gchar (fd, 0, "Clipping"); flags = 0; if (gimp_layer_get_lock_alpha (PSDImageData.lLayers[i].id)) flags |= 1; if (! gimp_item_get_visible (PSDImageData.lLayers[i].id)) flags |= 2; if (PSDImageData.lLayers[i].type != PSD_LAYER_TYPE_LAYER) flags |= 0x18; IFDBG printf ("\t\tFlags: %u\n", flags); write_gchar (fd, flags, "Flags"); /* Padding byte to make the length even */ write_gchar (fd, 0, "Filler"); ExtraDataPos = ftell (fd); /* Position of Extra Data size */ write_gint32 (fd, 0, "Extra data size"); if (hasMask) { gint maskOffset_x; gint maskOffset_y; gint maskWidth; gint maskHeight; gboolean apply; mask = gimp_layer_get_mask (PSDImageData.lLayers[i].id); gimp_drawable_offsets (mask, &maskOffset_x, &maskOffset_y); maskWidth = gimp_drawable_width (mask); maskHeight = gimp_drawable_height (mask); apply = gimp_layer_get_apply_mask (PSDImageData.lLayers[i].id); IFDBG printf ("\t\tLayer mask size: %d\n", 20); write_gint32 (fd, 20, "Layer mask size"); write_gint32 (fd, maskOffset_y, "Layer mask top"); write_gint32 (fd, maskOffset_x, "Layer mask left"); write_gint32 (fd, maskOffset_y + maskHeight, "Layer mask bottom"); write_gint32 (fd, maskOffset_x + maskWidth, "Layer mask right"); write_gchar (fd, 0, "Layer mask default color"); flags = (0 | /* position relative to layer */ (apply ? 0 : 1) << 1 | /* layer mask disabled */ 0 << 2); /* invert layer mask */ write_gchar (fd, flags, "Layer mask flags"); write_gint16 (fd, 0, "Layer mask Padding"); } else { /* NOTE Writing empty Layer mask / adjustment layer data */ write_gint32 (fd, 0, "Layer mask size"); IFDBG printf ("\t\tLayer mask size: %d\n", 0); } /* NOTE Writing empty Layer blending ranges data */ write_gint32 (fd, 0, "Layer blending size"); IFDBG printf ("\t\tLayer blending size: %d\n", 0); if (PSDImageData.lLayers[i].type != PSD_LAYER_TYPE_GROUP_END) layerName = gimp_item_get_name (PSDImageData.lLayers[i].id); else layerName = g_strdup (""); write_pascalstring (fd, layerName, 4, "layer name"); IFDBG printf ("\t\tLayer name: %s\n", layerName); /* Additional layer information blocks */ /* Unicode layer name */ write_datablock_luni(fd, layerName, "luni extra data block"); g_free (layerName); /* Layer color tag */ xfwrite (fd, "8BIMlclr", 8, "sheet color signature"); write_gint32 (fd, 8, "sheet color size"); write_gint16 (fd, gimp_to_psd_layer_color_tag(gimp_item_get_color_tag(PSDImageData.lLayers[i].id)), "sheet color code"); write_gint16 (fd, 0, "sheet color unused value"); write_gint16 (fd, 0, "sheet color unused value"); write_gint16 (fd, 0, "sheet color unused value"); /* Group layer section divider */ if (PSDImageData.lLayers[i].type != PSD_LAYER_TYPE_LAYER) { gint32 size; gint32 type; size = 12; if (PSDImageData.lLayers[i].type == PSD_LAYER_TYPE_GROUP_START) { type = gimp_item_get_expanded (PSDImageData.lLayers[i].id) ? 1 : 2; depth--; } else { type = 3; depth++; } blendMode = psd_lmode_layer (PSDImageData.lLayers[i].id, TRUE); if (type < 3 || depth <= 5) { xfwrite (fd, "8BIMlsct", 8, "section divider"); } else { /* layer groups whose nesting depth is above 5 are only supported * by Photoshop CS5 and up, and their end markers use the * (undocumented) "lsdk" key, instead of "lsct". */ xfwrite (fd, "8BIMlsdk", 8, "nested section divider"); } write_gint32 (fd, size, "section divider size"); write_gint32 (fd, type, "section divider type"); xfwrite (fd, "8BIM", 4, "section divider blend mode signature"); xfwrite (fd, blendMode, 4, "section divider blend mode key"); } /* Write real length for: Extra data */ eof_pos = ftell (fd); fseek (fd, ExtraDataPos, SEEK_SET); write_gint32 (fd, eof_pos - ExtraDataPos - sizeof (gint32), "Extra data size"); IFDBG printf ("\t\tExtraData size: %d\n", (int) (eof_pos - ExtraDataPos - sizeof (gint32))); /* Return to EOF to continue writing */ fseek (fd, eof_pos, SEEK_SET); } /* Channel image data section */ /* Gimp layers must be written in reverse order */ for (i = PSDImageData.nLayers - 1; i >= 0; i--) { gimp_progress_update ((PSDImageData.nLayers - i - 1.0) / (PSDImageData.nLayers + 1.0)); IFDBG printf ("\t\tWriting pixel data for layer slot %d\n", i); write_pixel_data (fd, PSDImageData.lLayers[i].id, ChannelLengthPos[i], 0, PSDImageData.lLayers[i].type != PSD_LAYER_TYPE_GROUP_END); g_free (ChannelLengthPos[i]); } gimp_progress_update (PSDImageData.nLayers / (PSDImageData.nLayers + 1.0)); eof_pos = ftell (fd); /* Write actual size of Layer info section */ fseek (fd, LayerInfoPos, SEEK_SET); write_gint32 (fd, eof_pos - LayerInfoPos - sizeof (gint32), "layers info section length"); IFDBG printf ("\t\tTotal layers info section length: %d\n", (int) (eof_pos - LayerInfoPos - sizeof (gint32))); /* Write actual size of Layer and mask information section */ fseek (fd, LayerMaskPos, SEEK_SET); write_gint32 (fd, eof_pos - LayerMaskPos - sizeof (gint32), "layers & mask information length"); IFDBG printf ("\t\tTotal layers & mask information length: %d\n", (int) (eof_pos - LayerMaskPos - sizeof (gint32))); /* Return to EOF to continue writing */ fseek (fd, eof_pos, SEEK_SET); } static void write_pixel_data (FILE *fd, gint32 drawableID, glong *ChanLenPosition, gint32 ltable_offset, gboolean write_mask) { GeglBuffer *buffer = gimp_drawable_get_buffer (drawableID); const Babl *format; gint32 maskID; gint32 tile_height = gimp_tile_height (); gint32 height = gegl_buffer_get_height (buffer); gint32 width = gegl_buffer_get_width (buffer); gint32 bytes; gint32 components; gint32 bpc; gint32 colors; gint32 y; gint32 len; /* Length of compressed data */ gint16 *LengthsTable; /* Lengths of every compressed row */ guchar *rledata; /* Compressed data from a region */ guchar *data; /* Temporary copy of pixel data */ glong length_table_pos; /* position in file of the length table */ int i, j; IFDBG printf (" Function: write_pixel_data, drw %d, lto %d\n", drawableID, ltable_offset); if (write_mask) maskID = gimp_layer_get_mask (drawableID); else maskID = -1; /* groups have empty channel data, but may have a mask */ if (gimp_item_is_group (drawableID) && maskID == -1) { width = 0; height = 0; } if (gimp_item_is_channel (drawableID)) format = get_channel_format (drawableID); else format = get_pixel_format (drawableID); bytes = babl_format_get_bytes_per_pixel (format); components = babl_format_get_n_components (format); bpc = bytes / components; colors = components; if (gimp_drawable_has_alpha (drawableID) && ! gimp_drawable_is_indexed (drawableID)) colors -= 1; LengthsTable = g_new (gint16, height); rledata = g_new (guchar, (MIN (height, tile_height) * (width + 10 + (width / 100))) * bpc); data = g_new (guchar, MIN (height, tile_height) * width * bytes); /* groups have empty channel data */ if (gimp_item_is_group (drawableID)) { width = 0; height = 0; } for (i = 0; i < components; i++) { gint chan; len = 0; if (components != colors && ltable_offset == 0) /* Need to write alpha channel first, except in image data section */ { if (i == 0) { chan = components - 1; } else { chan = i - 1; } } else { chan = i; } if (ChanLenPosition) { write_gint16 (fd, 1, "Compression type (RLE)"); len += 2; } if (ltable_offset > 0) { length_table_pos = ltable_offset + 2 * chan * height; } else { length_table_pos = ftell(fd); xfwrite (fd, LengthsTable, height * sizeof(gint16), "Dummy RLE length"); len += height * sizeof(gint16); IF_DEEP_DBG printf ("\t\t\t\t. ltable, pos %ld len %d\n", length_table_pos, len); } for (y = 0; y < height; y += tile_height) { int tlen; gegl_buffer_get (buffer, GEGL_RECTANGLE (0, y, width, MIN (height - y, tile_height)), 1.0, format, data, GEGL_AUTO_ROWSTRIDE, GEGL_ABYSS_NONE); tlen = get_compress_channel_data (&data[chan * bpc], width, MIN(height - y, tile_height), bytes, bpc, &LengthsTable[y], rledata); len += tlen; xfwrite (fd, rledata, tlen, "Compressed pixel data"); IF_DEEP_DBG printf ("\t\t\t\t. Writing compressed pixels, stream of %d\n", tlen); } /* Write compressed lengths table */ fseek (fd, length_table_pos, SEEK_SET); for (j = 0; j < height; j++) /* write real length table */ write_gint16 (fd, LengthsTable[j], "RLE length"); if (ChanLenPosition) /* Update total compressed length */ { fseek (fd, ChanLenPosition[i], SEEK_SET); write_gint32 (fd, len, "channel data length"); IFDBG printf ("\t\tUpdating data len to %d\n", len); } fseek (fd, 0, SEEK_END); IF_DEEP_DBG printf ("\t\t\t\t. Cur pos %ld\n", ftell(fd)); } /* Write layer mask, as last channel, id -2 */ if (maskID != -1) { GeglBuffer *mbuffer = gimp_drawable_get_buffer (maskID); const Babl *mformat = get_mask_format(maskID); width = gegl_buffer_get_width (buffer); height = gegl_buffer_get_height (buffer); len = 0; if (ChanLenPosition) { write_gint16 (fd, 1, "Compression type (RLE)"); len += 2; IF_DEEP_DBG printf ("\t\t\t\t. ChanLenPos, len %d\n", len); } if (ltable_offset > 0) { length_table_pos = ltable_offset + 2 * (components+1) * height; IF_DEEP_DBG printf ("\t\t\t\t. ltable, pos %ld\n", length_table_pos); } else { length_table_pos = ftell(fd); xfwrite (fd, LengthsTable, height * sizeof(gint16), "Dummy RLE length"); len += height * sizeof(gint16); IF_DEEP_DBG printf ("\t\t\t\t. ltable, pos %ld len %d\n", length_table_pos, len); } for (y = 0; y < height; y += tile_height) { int tlen; gegl_buffer_get (mbuffer, GEGL_RECTANGLE (0, y, width, MIN (height - y, tile_height)), 1.0, mformat, data, GEGL_AUTO_ROWSTRIDE, GEGL_ABYSS_NONE); tlen = get_compress_channel_data (&data[0], width, MIN(height - y, tile_height), bpc, bpc, &LengthsTable[y], rledata); len += tlen; xfwrite (fd, rledata, tlen, "Compressed mask data"); IF_DEEP_DBG printf ("\t\t\t\t. Writing compressed mask, stream of %d\n", tlen); } /* Write compressed lengths table */ fseek (fd, length_table_pos, SEEK_SET); /*POS WHERE???*/ for (j = 0; j < height; j++) /* write real length table */ { write_gint16 (fd, LengthsTable[j], "RLE length"); IF_DEEP_DBG printf ("\t\t\t\t. Updating RLE len %d\n", LengthsTable[j]); } if (ChanLenPosition) /* Update total compressed length */ { /* Mask follows other components so use that as offset. */ fseek (fd, ChanLenPosition[components], SEEK_SET); write_gint32 (fd, len, "channel data length"); IFDBG printf ("\t\tUpdating data len to %d, at %ld\n", len, ftell(fd)); } fseek (fd, 0, SEEK_END); IF_DEEP_DBG printf ("\t\t\t\t. Cur pos %ld\n", ftell(fd)); g_object_unref (mbuffer); } g_object_unref (buffer); g_free (data); g_free (rledata); g_free (LengthsTable); } static void save_data (FILE *fd, gint32 image_id) { gint ChanCount; gint i, j; gint32 imageHeight; /* Height of image */ glong offset; /* offset in file of rle lengths */ gint chan; IFDBG printf (" Function: save_data\n"); ChanCount = (PSDImageData.nChannels + nChansLayer (PSDImageData.baseType, gimp_drawable_has_alpha (PSDImageData.merged_layer), 0)); imageHeight = gimp_image_height (image_id); write_gint16 (fd, 1, "RLE compression"); /* All line lengths go before the rle pixel data */ offset = ftell(fd); /* Offset in file of line lengths */ for (i = 0; i < ChanCount; i++) for (j = 0; j < imageHeight; j++) write_gint16 (fd, 0, "junk line lengths"); IFDBG printf ("\t\tWriting compressed image data\n"); write_pixel_data (fd, PSDImageData.merged_layer, NULL, offset, FALSE); chan = nChansLayer (PSDImageData.baseType, gimp_drawable_has_alpha(PSDImageData.merged_layer), 0); for (i = 0; i < PSDImageData.nChannels; i++) { IFDBG printf ("\t\tWriting compressed channel data for channel %d\n", i); write_pixel_data (fd, PSDImageData.lChannels[i], NULL, offset + 2*imageHeight*chan, FALSE); //check how imgs are channels here chan++; } } static gint32 create_merged_image (gint32 image_id) { gint32 projection; projection = gimp_layer_new_from_visible (image_id, image_id, "psd-save"); if (! gimp_drawable_has_alpha (projection)) return projection; if (gimp_image_base_type (image_id) != GIMP_INDEXED) { GeglBuffer *buffer = gimp_drawable_get_buffer (projection); const Babl *format = get_pixel_format (projection); gboolean transparency_found = FALSE; gint bpp = babl_format_get_bytes_per_pixel (format); GeglBufferIterator *iter; iter = gegl_buffer_iterator_new (buffer, NULL, 0, format, GEGL_ACCESS_READWRITE, GEGL_ABYSS_NONE, 1); while (gegl_buffer_iterator_next (iter)) { guchar *d = iter->items[0].data; gint i; for (i = 0; i < iter->length; i++) { gint32 alpha = d[bpp - 1]; if (alpha < 255) { gint c; transparency_found = TRUE; /* blend against white, photoshop does this. */ for (c = 0; c < bpp - 1; c++) d[c] = ((guint32) d[c] * alpha + 128) / 255 + 255 - alpha; } d += bpp; } } g_object_unref (buffer); if (! transparency_found) gimp_layer_flatten (projection); } else { gimp_layer_flatten (projection); /* PSDs don't support transparency information in indexed images*/ } return projection; } static void get_image_data (gint32 image_id) { IFDBG printf (" Function: get_image_data\n"); PSDImageData.compression = FALSE; PSDImageData.image_height = gimp_image_height (image_id); IFDBG printf ("\tGot number of rows: %d\n", PSDImageData.image_height); PSDImageData.image_width = gimp_image_width (image_id); IFDBG printf ("\tGot number of cols: %d\n", PSDImageData.image_width); PSDImageData.baseType = gimp_image_base_type (image_id); IFDBG printf ("\tGot base type: %d\n", PSDImageData.baseType); PSDImageData.merged_layer = create_merged_image (image_id); PSDImageData.lChannels = gimp_image_get_channels (image_id, &PSDImageData.nChannels); IFDBG printf ("\tGot number of channels: %d\n", PSDImageData.nChannels); PSDImageData.lLayers = image_get_all_layers (image_id, &PSDImageData.nLayers); IFDBG printf ("\tGot number of layers: %d\n", PSDImageData.nLayers); } static void clear_image_data (void) { IFDBG printf (" Function: clear_image_data\n"); g_free (PSDImageData.lChannels); PSDImageData.lChannels = NULL; g_free (PSDImageData.lLayers); PSDImageData.lLayers = NULL; } gboolean save_image (const gchar *filename, gint32 image_id, GError **error) { FILE *fd; gint i; GeglBuffer *buffer; IFDBG printf (" Function: save_image\n"); if (gimp_image_width (image_id) > 30000 || gimp_image_height (image_id) > 30000) { g_set_error (error, G_FILE_ERROR, G_FILE_ERROR_FAILED, _("Unable to export '%s'. The PSD file format does not " "support images that are more than 30,000 pixels wide " "or tall."), gimp_filename_to_utf8 (filename)); return FALSE; } gimp_progress_init_printf (_("Exporting '%s'"), gimp_filename_to_utf8 (filename)); get_image_data (image_id); /* Need to check each of the layers size individually also */ for (i = 0; i < PSDImageData.nLayers; i++) { if (PSDImageData.lLayers[i].type == PSD_LAYER_TYPE_LAYER) { buffer = gimp_drawable_get_buffer (PSDImageData.lLayers[i].id); if (gegl_buffer_get_width (buffer) > 30000 || gegl_buffer_get_height (buffer) > 30000) { g_set_error (error, G_FILE_ERROR, G_FILE_ERROR_FAILED, _("Unable to export '%s'. The PSD file format does not " "support images with layers that are more than 30,000 " "pixels wide or tall."), gimp_filename_to_utf8 (filename)); clear_image_data (); return FALSE; } g_object_unref (buffer); } } fd = g_fopen (filename, "wb"); if (fd == NULL) { g_set_error (error, G_FILE_ERROR, g_file_error_from_errno (errno), _("Could not open '%s' for writing: %s"), gimp_filename_to_utf8 (filename), g_strerror (errno)); clear_image_data (); return FALSE; } IFDBG g_print ("\tFile '%s' has been opened\n", gimp_filename_to_utf8 (filename)); save_header (fd, image_id); save_color_mode_data (fd, image_id); save_resources (fd, image_id); /* PSD format does not support layers in indexed images */ if (PSDImageData.baseType == GIMP_INDEXED) write_gint32 (fd, 0, "layers info section length"); else save_layer_and_mask (fd, image_id); /* If this is an indexed image, write now channel and layer info */ save_data (fd, image_id); /* Delete merged image now */ gimp_item_delete (PSDImageData.merged_layer); clear_image_data (); IFDBG printf ("----- Closing PSD file, done -----\n\n"); fclose (fd); gimp_progress_update (1.0); return TRUE; } static gint get_bpc (gint32 image_id) { switch (gimp_image_get_precision (image_id)) { case GIMP_PRECISION_U8_LINEAR: case GIMP_PRECISION_U8_GAMMA: return 1; case GIMP_PRECISION_U16_LINEAR: case GIMP_PRECISION_U16_GAMMA: case GIMP_PRECISION_HALF_LINEAR: case GIMP_PRECISION_HALF_GAMMA: return 2; case GIMP_PRECISION_U32_LINEAR: case GIMP_PRECISION_U32_GAMMA: case GIMP_PRECISION_FLOAT_LINEAR: case GIMP_PRECISION_FLOAT_GAMMA: default: /* FIXME: we *should* encode the image as u32 in this case, but simply * using the same code as for the other cases produces invalid psd files * (they're rejected by photoshop, although they can be read by the * corresponding psd-load.c code, which in turn can't actually read * photoshop-generated u32 files.) * * simply encode the image as u16 for now. */ /* return 4; */ return 2; } } static const Babl * get_pixel_format (gint32 drawableID) { gint32 image_id = gimp_item_get_image (drawableID); const gchar *model; gint bpc; gchar format[32]; switch (gimp_drawable_type (drawableID)) { case GIMP_GRAY_IMAGE: model = "Y'"; break; case GIMP_GRAYA_IMAGE: model = "Y'A"; break; case GIMP_RGB_IMAGE: model = "R'G'B'"; break; case GIMP_RGBA_IMAGE: model = "R'G'B'A"; break; case GIMP_INDEXED_IMAGE: case GIMP_INDEXEDA_IMAGE: return gimp_drawable_get_format (drawableID); default: g_return_val_if_reached (NULL); } bpc = get_bpc (image_id); sprintf (format, "%s u%d", model, 8 * bpc); return babl_format (format); } static const Babl * get_channel_format (gint32 drawableID) { gint32 image_id = gimp_item_get_image (drawableID); gint bpc; gchar format[32]; /* see gimp_image_get_channel_format() */ if (gimp_image_get_precision (image_id) == GIMP_PRECISION_U8_GAMMA) return babl_format ("Y' u8"); bpc = get_bpc (image_id); sprintf (format, "Y u%d", 8 * bpc); return babl_format (format); } static const Babl * get_mask_format (gint32 drawableID) { gint32 image_id = gimp_item_get_image (drawableID); gint bpc; gchar format[32]; bpc = get_bpc (image_id); sprintf (format, "Y u%d", 8 * bpc); return babl_format (format); } static void append_layers (const gint *layers, gint n_layers, GArray *array) { gint i; for (i = 0; i < n_layers; i++) { PSD_Layer layer = {}; gboolean is_group; layer.id = layers[i]; is_group = gimp_item_is_group (layer.id); if (! is_group) layer.type = PSD_LAYER_TYPE_LAYER; else layer.type = PSD_LAYER_TYPE_GROUP_START; g_array_append_val (array, layer); if (is_group) { gint32 *group_layers; gint n; group_layers = gimp_item_get_children (layer.id, &n); append_layers (group_layers, n, array); g_free (group_layers); layer.type = PSD_LAYER_TYPE_GROUP_END; g_array_append_val (array, layer); } } } static PSD_Layer * image_get_all_layers (gint32 image_id, gint *n_layers) { GArray *array = g_array_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (PSD_Layer)); gint32 *layers; gint n; layers = gimp_image_get_layers (image_id, &n); append_layers (layers, n, array); g_free (layers); *n_layers = array->len; return (PSD_Layer *) g_array_free (array, FALSE); }