path: root/perl
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+/ whitespace=-blank-at-eof
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+# Copyright (c) 1997-8 Graham Barr <>. All rights reserved.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+# Based on my original, and by Peter Seibel
+# <> and adapted by Jesse Glick <>.
+# but modified ***significantly***
+package Error;
+use strict;
+use warnings $ENV{GIT_PERL_FATAL_WARNINGS} ? qw(FATAL all) : ();
+use vars qw($VERSION);
+use 5.004;
+$VERSION = "0.17025";
+use overload (
+ '""' => 'stringify',
+ '0+' => 'value',
+ 'bool' => sub { return 1; },
+ 'fallback' => 1
+$Error::Depth = 0; # Depth to pass to caller()
+$Error::Debug = 0; # Generate verbose stack traces
+@Error::STACK = (); # Clause stack for try
+$Error::THROWN = undef; # last error thrown, a workaround until die $ref works
+my $LAST; # Last error created
+my %ERROR; # Last error associated with package
+sub _throw_Error_Simple
+ my $args = shift;
+ return Error::Simple->new($args->{'text'});
+$Error::ObjectifyCallback = \&_throw_Error_Simple;
+# Exported subs are defined in Error::subs
+use Scalar::Util ();
+sub import {
+ shift;
+ my @tags = @_;
+ local $Exporter::ExportLevel = $Exporter::ExportLevel + 1;
+ @tags = grep {
+ if( $_ eq ':warndie' ) {
+ Error::WarnDie->import();
+ 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ 1;
+ }
+ } @tags;
+ Error::subs->import(@tags);
+# I really want to use last for the name of this method, but it is a keyword
+# which prevent the syntax last Error
+sub prior {
+ shift; # ignore
+ return $LAST unless @_;
+ my $pkg = shift;
+ return exists $ERROR{$pkg} ? $ERROR{$pkg} : undef
+ unless ref($pkg);
+ my $obj = $pkg;
+ my $err = undef;
+ if($obj->isa('HASH')) {
+ $err = $obj->{'__Error__'}
+ if exists $obj->{'__Error__'};
+ }
+ elsif($obj->isa('GLOB')) {
+ $err = ${*$obj}{'__Error__'}
+ if exists ${*$obj}{'__Error__'};
+ }
+ $err;
+sub flush {
+ shift; #ignore
+ unless (@_) {
+ $LAST = undef;
+ return;
+ }
+ my $pkg = shift;
+ return unless ref($pkg);
+ undef $ERROR{$pkg} if defined $ERROR{$pkg};
+# Return as much information as possible about where the error
+# happened. The -stacktrace element only exists if $Error::DEBUG
+# was set when the error was created
+sub stacktrace {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{'-stacktrace'}
+ if exists $self->{'-stacktrace'};
+ my $text = exists $self->{'-text'} ? $self->{'-text'} : "Died";
+ $text .= sprintf(" at %s line %d.\n", $self->file, $self->line)
+ unless($text =~ /\n$/s);
+ $text;
+sub associate {
+ my $err = shift;
+ my $obj = shift;
+ return unless ref($obj);
+ if($obj->isa('HASH')) {
+ $obj->{'__Error__'} = $err;
+ }
+ elsif($obj->isa('GLOB')) {
+ ${*$obj}{'__Error__'} = $err;
+ }
+ $obj = ref($obj);
+ $ERROR{ ref($obj) } = $err;
+ return;
+sub new {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my($pkg,$file,$line) = caller($Error::Depth);
+ my $err = bless {
+ '-package' => $pkg,
+ '-file' => $file,
+ '-line' => $line,
+ @_
+ }, $self;
+ $err->associate($err->{'-object'})
+ if(exists $err->{'-object'});
+ # To always create a stacktrace would be very inefficient, so
+ # we only do it if $Error::Debug is set
+ if($Error::Debug) {
+ require Carp;
+ local $Carp::CarpLevel = $Error::Depth;
+ my $text = defined($err->{'-text'}) ? $err->{'-text'} : "Error";
+ my $trace = Carp::longmess($text);
+ # Remove try calls from the trace
+ $trace =~ s/(\n\s+\S+__ANON__[^\n]+)?\n\s+eval[^\n]+\n\s+Error::subs::try[^\n]+(?=\n)//sog;
+ $trace =~ s/(\n\s+\S+__ANON__[^\n]+)?\n\s+eval[^\n]+\n\s+Error::subs::run_clauses[^\n]+\n\s+Error::subs::try[^\n]+(?=\n)//sog;
+ $err->{'-stacktrace'} = $trace
+ }
+ $@ = $LAST = $ERROR{$pkg} = $err;
+# Throw an error. this contains some very gory code.
+sub throw {
+ my $self = shift;
+ local $Error::Depth = $Error::Depth + 1;
+ # if we are not rethrow-ing then create the object to throw
+ $self = $self->new(@_) unless ref($self);
+ die $Error::THROWN = $self;
+# syntactic sugar for
+# die with Error( ... );
+sub with {
+ my $self = shift;
+ local $Error::Depth = $Error::Depth + 1;
+ $self->new(@_);
+# syntactic sugar for
+# record Error( ... ) and return;
+sub record {
+ my $self = shift;
+ local $Error::Depth = $Error::Depth + 1;
+ $self->new(@_);
+# catch clause for
+# try { ... } catch CLASS with { ... }
+sub catch {
+ my $pkg = shift;
+ my $code = shift;
+ my $clauses = shift || {};
+ my $catch = $clauses->{'catch'} ||= [];
+ unshift @$catch, $pkg, $code;
+ $clauses;
+# Object query methods
+sub object {
+ my $self = shift;
+ exists $self->{'-object'} ? $self->{'-object'} : undef;
+sub file {
+ my $self = shift;
+ exists $self->{'-file'} ? $self->{'-file'} : undef;
+sub line {
+ my $self = shift;
+ exists $self->{'-line'} ? $self->{'-line'} : undef;
+sub text {
+ my $self = shift;
+ exists $self->{'-text'} ? $self->{'-text'} : undef;
+# overload methods
+sub stringify {
+ my $self = shift;
+ defined $self->{'-text'} ? $self->{'-text'} : "Died";
+sub value {
+ my $self = shift;
+ exists $self->{'-value'} ? $self->{'-value'} : undef;
+package Error::Simple;
+use vars qw($VERSION);
+$VERSION = "0.17025";
+@Error::Simple::ISA = qw(Error);
+sub new {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $text = "" . shift;
+ my $value = shift;
+ my(@args) = ();
+ local $Error::Depth = $Error::Depth + 1;
+ @args = ( -file => $1, -line => $2)
+ if($text =~ s/\s+at\s+(\S+)\s+line\s+(\d+)(?:,\s*<[^>]*>\s+line\s+\d+)?\.?\n?$//s);
+ push(@args, '-value', 0 + $value)
+ if defined($value);
+ $self->SUPER::new(-text => $text, @args);
+sub stringify {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $text = $self->SUPER::stringify;
+ $text .= sprintf(" at %s line %d.\n", $self->file, $self->line)
+ unless($text =~ /\n$/s);
+ $text;
+# Inspired by code from Jesse Glick <> and
+# Peter Seibel <>
+package Error::subs;
+use Exporter ();
+use vars qw(@EXPORT_OK @ISA %EXPORT_TAGS);
+@EXPORT_OK = qw(try with finally except otherwise);
+%EXPORT_TAGS = (try => \@EXPORT_OK);
+@ISA = qw(Exporter);
+sub run_clauses ($$$\@) {
+ my($clauses,$err,$wantarray,$result) = @_;
+ my $code = undef;
+ $err = $Error::ObjectifyCallback->({'text' =>$err}) unless ref($err);
+ CATCH: {
+ # catch
+ my $catch;
+ if(defined($catch = $clauses->{'catch'})) {
+ my $i = 0;
+ for( ; $i < @$catch ; $i += 2) {
+ my $pkg = $catch->[$i];
+ unless(defined $pkg) {
+ #except
+ splice(@$catch,$i,2,$catch->[$i+1]->($err));
+ $i -= 2;
+ }
+ elsif(Scalar::Util::blessed($err) && $err->isa($pkg)) {
+ $code = $catch->[$i+1];
+ while(1) {
+ my $more = 0;
+ local($Error::THROWN, $@);
+ my $ok = eval {
+ $@ = $err;
+ if($wantarray) {
+ @{$result} = $code->($err,\$more);
+ }
+ elsif(defined($wantarray)) {
+ @{$result} = ();
+ $result->[0] = $code->($err,\$more);
+ }
+ else {
+ $code->($err,\$more);
+ }
+ 1;
+ };
+ if( $ok ) {
+ next CATCHLOOP if $more;
+ undef $err;
+ }
+ else {
+ $err = $@ || $Error::THROWN;
+ $err = $Error::ObjectifyCallback->({'text' =>$err})
+ unless ref($err);
+ }
+ last CATCH;
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # otherwise
+ my $owise;
+ if(defined($owise = $clauses->{'otherwise'})) {
+ my $code = $clauses->{'otherwise'};
+ my $more = 0;
+ local($Error::THROWN, $@);
+ my $ok = eval {
+ $@ = $err;
+ if($wantarray) {
+ @{$result} = $code->($err,\$more);
+ }
+ elsif(defined($wantarray)) {
+ @{$result} = ();
+ $result->[0] = $code->($err,\$more);
+ }
+ else {
+ $code->($err,\$more);
+ }
+ 1;
+ };
+ if( $ok ) {
+ undef $err;
+ }
+ else {
+ $err = $@ || $Error::THROWN;
+ $err = $Error::ObjectifyCallback->({'text' =>$err})
+ unless ref($err);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $err;
+sub try (&;$) {
+ my $try = shift;
+ my $clauses = @_ ? shift : {};
+ my $ok = 0;
+ my $err = undef;
+ my @result = ();
+ unshift @Error::STACK, $clauses;
+ my $wantarray = wantarray();
+ do {
+ local $Error::THROWN = undef;
+ local $@ = undef;
+ $ok = eval {
+ if($wantarray) {
+ @result = $try->();
+ }
+ elsif(defined $wantarray) {
+ $result[0] = $try->();
+ }
+ else {
+ $try->();
+ }
+ 1;
+ };
+ $err = $@ || $Error::THROWN
+ unless $ok;
+ };
+ shift @Error::STACK;
+ $err = run_clauses($clauses,$err,wantarray,@result)
+ unless($ok);
+ $clauses->{'finally'}->()
+ if(defined($clauses->{'finally'}));
+ if (defined($err))
+ {
+ if (Scalar::Util::blessed($err) && $err->can('throw'))
+ {
+ throw $err;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ die $err;
+ }
+ }
+ wantarray ? @result : $result[0];
+# Each clause adds a sub to the list of clauses. The finally clause is
+# always the last, and the otherwise clause is always added just before
+# the finally clause.
+# All clauses, except the finally clause, add a sub which takes one argument
+# this argument will be the error being thrown. The sub will return a code ref
+# if that clause can handle that error, otherwise undef is returned.
+# The otherwise clause adds a sub which unconditionally returns the users
+# code reference, this is why it is forced to be last.
+# The catch clause is defined in, as the syntax causes it to
+# be called as a method
+sub with (&;$) {
+ @_
+sub finally (&) {
+ my $code = shift;
+ my $clauses = { 'finally' => $code };
+ $clauses;
+# The except clause is a block which returns a hashref or a list of
+# key-value pairs, where the keys are the classes and the values are subs.
+sub except (&;$) {
+ my $code = shift;
+ my $clauses = shift || {};
+ my $catch = $clauses->{'catch'} ||= [];
+ my $sub = sub {
+ my $ref;
+ my(@array) = $code->($_[0]);
+ if(@array == 1 && ref($array[0])) {
+ $ref = $array[0];
+ $ref = [ %$ref ]
+ if(UNIVERSAL::isa($ref,'HASH'));
+ }
+ else {
+ $ref = \@array;
+ }
+ @$ref
+ };
+ unshift @{$catch}, undef, $sub;
+ $clauses;
+sub otherwise (&;$) {
+ my $code = shift;
+ my $clauses = shift || {};
+ if(exists $clauses->{'otherwise'}) {
+ require Carp;
+ Carp::croak("Multiple otherwise clauses");
+ }
+ $clauses->{'otherwise'} = $code;
+ $clauses;
+package Error::WarnDie;
+sub gen_callstack($)
+ my ( $start ) = @_;
+ require Carp;
+ local $Carp::CarpLevel = $start;
+ my $trace = Carp::longmess("");
+ # Remove try calls from the trace
+ $trace =~ s/(\n\s+\S+__ANON__[^\n]+)?\n\s+eval[^\n]+\n\s+Error::subs::try[^\n]+(?=\n)//sog;
+ $trace =~ s/(\n\s+\S+__ANON__[^\n]+)?\n\s+eval[^\n]+\n\s+Error::subs::run_clauses[^\n]+\n\s+Error::subs::try[^\n]+(?=\n)//sog;
+ my @callstack = split( m/\n/, $trace );
+ return @callstack;
+my $old_DIE;
+my $old_WARN;
+sub DEATH
+ my ( $e ) = @_;
+ local $SIG{__DIE__} = $old_DIE if( defined $old_DIE );
+ die @_ if $^S;
+ my ( $etype, $message, $location, @callstack );
+ if ( ref($e) && $e->isa( "Error" ) ) {
+ $etype = "exception of type " . ref( $e );
+ $message = $e->text;
+ $location = $e->file . ":" . $e->line;
+ @callstack = split( m/\n/, $e->stacktrace );
+ }
+ else {
+ # Don't apply subsequent layer of message formatting
+ die $e if( $e =~ m/^\nUnhandled perl error caught at toplevel:\n\n/ );
+ $etype = "perl error";
+ my $stackdepth = 0;
+ while( caller( $stackdepth ) =~ m/^Error(?:$|::)/ ) {
+ $stackdepth++
+ }
+ @callstack = gen_callstack( $stackdepth + 1 );
+ $message = "$e";
+ chomp $message;
+ if ( $message =~ s/ at (.*?) line (\d+)\.$// ) {
+ $location = $1 . ":" . $2;
+ }
+ else {
+ my @caller = caller( $stackdepth );
+ $location = $caller[1] . ":" . $caller[2];
+ }
+ }
+ shift @callstack;
+ # Do it this way in case there are no elements; we don't print a spurious \n
+ my $callstack = join( "", map { "$_\n"} @callstack );
+ die "\nUnhandled $etype caught at toplevel:\n\n $message\n\nThrown from: $location\n\nFull stack trace:\n\n$callstack\n";
+sub TAXES
+ my ( $message ) = @_;
+ local $SIG{__WARN__} = $old_WARN if( defined $old_WARN );
+ $message =~ s/ at .*? line \d+\.$//;
+ chomp $message;
+ my @callstack = gen_callstack( 1 );
+ my $location = shift @callstack;
+ # $location already starts in a leading space
+ $message .= $location;
+ # Do it this way in case there are no elements; we don't print a spurious \n
+ my $callstack = join( "", map { "$_\n"} @callstack );
+ warn "$message:\n$callstack";
+sub import
+ $old_DIE = $SIG{__DIE__};
+ $old_WARN = $SIG{__WARN__};
+ $SIG{__DIE__} = \&DEATH;
+ $SIG{__WARN__} = \&TAXES;
+=head1 NAME
+Error - Error/exception handling in an OO-ish way
+=head1 WARNING
+Using the "Error" module is B<no longer recommended> due to the black-magical
+nature of its syntactic sugar, which often tends to break. Its maintainers
+have stopped actively writing code that uses it, and discourage people
+from doing so. See the "SEE ALSO" section below for better recommendations.
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Error qw(:try);
+ throw Error::Simple( "A simple error");
+ sub xyz {
+ ...
+ record Error::Simple("A simple error")
+ and return;
+ }
+ unlink($file) or throw Error::Simple("$file: $!",$!);
+ try {
+ do_some_stuff();
+ die "error!" if $condition;
+ throw Error::Simple "Oops!" if $other_condition;
+ }
+ catch Error::IO with {
+ my $E = shift;
+ print STDERR "File ", $E->{'-file'}, " had a problem\n";
+ }
+ except {
+ my $E = shift;
+ my $general_handler=sub {send_message $E->{-description}};
+ return {
+ UserException1 => $general_handler,
+ UserException2 => $general_handler
+ };
+ }
+ otherwise {
+ print STDERR "Well I don't know what to say\n";
+ }
+ finally {
+ close_the_garage_door_already(); # Should be reliable
+ }; # Don't forget the trailing ; or you might be surprised
+The C<Error> package provides two interfaces. Firstly C<Error> provides
+a procedural interface to exception handling. Secondly C<Error> is a
+base class for errors/exceptions that can either be thrown, for
+subsequent catch, or can simply be recorded.
+Errors in the class C<Error> should not be thrown directly, but the
+user should throw errors from a sub-class of C<Error>.
+C<Error> exports subroutines to perform exception handling. These will
+be exported if the C<:try> tag is used in the C<use> line.
+=over 4
+=item try BLOCK CLAUSES
+C<try> is the main subroutine called by the user. All other subroutines
+exported are clauses to the try subroutine.
+The BLOCK will be evaluated and, if no error is throw, try will return
+the result of the block.
+C<CLAUSES> are the subroutines below, which describe what to do in the
+event of an error being thrown within BLOCK.
+=item catch CLASS with BLOCK
+This clauses will cause all errors that satisfy C<$err-E<gt>isa(CLASS)>
+to be caught and handled by evaluating C<BLOCK>.
+C<BLOCK> will be passed two arguments. The first will be the error
+being thrown. The second is a reference to a scalar variable. If this
+variable is set by the catch block then, on return from the catch
+block, try will continue processing as if the catch block was never
+found. The error will also be available in C<$@>.
+To propagate the error the catch block may call C<$err-E<gt>throw>
+If the scalar reference by the second argument is not set, and the
+error is not thrown. Then the current try block will return with the
+result from the catch block.
+=item except BLOCK
+When C<try> is looking for a handler, if an except clause is found
+C<BLOCK> is evaluated. The return value from this block should be a
+HASHREF or a list of key-value pairs, where the keys are class names
+and the values are CODE references for the handler of errors of that
+=item otherwise BLOCK
+Catch any error by executing the code in C<BLOCK>
+When evaluated C<BLOCK> will be passed one argument, which will be the
+error being processed. The error will also be available in C<$@>.
+Only one otherwise block may be specified per try block
+=item finally BLOCK
+Execute the code in C<BLOCK> either after the code in the try block has
+successfully completed, or if the try block throws an error then
+C<BLOCK> will be executed after the handler has completed.
+If the handler throws an error then the error will be caught, the
+finally block will be executed and the error will be re-thrown.
+Only one finally block may be specified per try block
+L<Moose> exports a keyword called C<with> which clashes with Error's. This
+example returns a prototype mismatch error:
+ package MyTest;
+ use warnings;
+ use Moose;
+ use Error qw(:try);
+(Thanks to C<> for the report.).
+The C<Error> object is implemented as a HASH. This HASH is initialized
+with the arguments that are passed to it's constructor. The elements
+that are used by, or are retrievable by the C<Error> class are listed
+below, other classes may add to these.
+ -file
+ -line
+ -text
+ -value
+ -object
+If C<-file> or C<-line> are not specified in the constructor arguments
+then these will be initialized with the file name and line number where
+the constructor was called from.
+If the error is associated with an object then the object should be
+passed as the C<-object> argument. This will allow the C<Error> package
+to associate the error with the object.
+The C<Error> package remembers the last error created, and also the
+last error associated with a package. This could either be the last
+error created by a sub in that package, or the last error which passed
+an object blessed into that package as the C<-object> argument.
+=over 4
+=item Error->new()
+See the Error::Simple documentation.
+=item throw ( [ ARGS ] )
+Create a new C<Error> object and throw an error, which will be caught
+by a surrounding C<try> block, if there is one. Otherwise it will cause
+the program to exit.
+C<throw> may also be called on an existing error to re-throw it.
+=item with ( [ ARGS ] )
+Create a new C<Error> object and returns it. This is defined for
+syntactic sugar, eg
+ die with Some::Error ( ... );
+=item record ( [ ARGS ] )
+Create a new C<Error> object and returns it. This is defined for
+syntactic sugar, eg
+ record Some::Error ( ... )
+ and return;
+=over 4
+=item prior ( [ PACKAGE ] )
+Return the last error created, or the last error associated with
+=item flush ( [ PACKAGE ] )
+Flush the last error created, or the last error associated with
+C<PACKAGE>.It is necessary to clear the error stack before exiting the
+package or uncaught errors generated using C<record> will be reported.
+ $Error->flush;
+=over 4
+=item stacktrace
+If the variable C<$Error::Debug> was non-zero when the error was
+created, then C<stacktrace> returns a string created by calling
+C<Carp::longmess>. If the variable was zero the C<stacktrace> returns
+the text of the error appended with the filename and line number of
+where the error was created, providing the text does not end with a
+=item object
+The object this error was associated with
+=item file
+The file where the constructor of this error was called from
+=item line
+The line where the constructor of this error was called from
+=item text
+The text of the error
+=item $err->associate($obj)
+Associates an error with an object to allow error propagation. I.e:
+ $ber->encode(...) or
+ return Error->prior($ber)->associate($ldap);
+=over 4
+=item stringify
+A method that converts the object into a string. This method may simply
+return the same as the C<text> method, or it may append more
+information. For example the file name and line number.
+By default this method returns the C<-text> argument that was passed to
+the constructor, or the string C<"Died"> if none was given.
+=item value
+A method that will return a value that can be associated with the
+error. For example if an error was created due to the failure of a
+system call, then this may return the numeric value of C<$!> at the
+By default this method returns the C<-value> argument that was passed
+to the constructor.
+=head2 Error::Simple
+This class can be used to hold simple error strings and values. It's
+constructor takes two arguments. The first is a text value, the second
+is a numeric value. These values are what will be returned by the
+overload methods.
+If the text value ends with C<at file line 1> as $@ strings do, then
+this information will be used to set the C<-file> and C<-line> arguments
+of the error object.
+This class is used internally if an eval'd block die's with an error
+that is a plain string. (Unless C<$Error::ObjectifyCallback> is modified)
+=head1 $Error::ObjectifyCallback
+This variable holds a reference to a subroutine that converts errors that
+are plain strings to objects. It is used by to convert textual
+errors to objects, and can be overridden by the user.
+It accepts a single argument which is a hash reference to named parameters.
+Currently the only named parameter passed is C<'text'> which is the text
+of the error, but others may be available in the future.
+For example the following code will cause to throw objects of the
+class MyError::Bar by default:
+ sub throw_MyError_Bar
+ {
+ my $args = shift;
+ my $err = MyError::Bar->new();
+ $err->{'MyBarText'} = $args->{'text'};
+ return $err;
+ }
+ {
+ local $Error::ObjectifyCallback = \&throw_MyError_Bar;
+ # Error handling here.
+ }
+C<Error> also provides handlers to extend the output of the C<warn()> perl
+function, and to handle the printing of a thrown C<Error> that is not caught
+or otherwise handled. These are not installed by default, but are requested
+using the C<:warndie> tag in the C<use> line.
+ use Error qw( :warndie );
+These new error handlers are installed in C<$SIG{__WARN__}> and
+C<$SIG{__DIE__}>. If these handlers are already defined when the tag is
+imported, the old values are stored, and used during the new code. Thus, to
+arrange for custom handling of warnings and errors, you will need to perform
+something like the following:
+ $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
+ print STDERR "My special warning handler: $_[0]"
+ };
+ }
+ use Error qw( :warndie );
+Note that setting C<$SIG{__WARN__}> after the C<:warndie> tag has been
+imported will overwrite the handler that C<Error> provides. If this cannot be
+avoided, then the tag can be explicitly C<import>ed later
+ use Error;
+ $SIG{__WARN__} = ...;
+ import Error qw( :warndie );
+=head2 EXAMPLE
+The C<__DIE__> handler turns messages such as
+ Can't call method "foo" on an undefined value at examples/ line 16.
+ Unhandled perl error caught at toplevel:
+ Can't call method "foo" on an undefined value
+ Thrown from: examples/
+ Full stack trace:
+ main::inner('undef') called at examples/ line 20
+ main::outer('undef') called at examples/ line 23
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+See L<Exception::Class> for a different module providing Object-Oriented
+exception handling, along with a convenient syntax for declaring hierarchies
+for them. It doesn't provide Error's syntactic sugar of C<try { ... }>,
+C<catch { ... }>, etc. which may be a good thing or a bad thing based
+on what you want. (Because Error's syntactic sugar tends to break.)
+L<Error::Exception> aims to combine L<Error> and L<Exception::Class>
+"with correct stringification".
+L<TryCatch> and L<Try::Tiny> are similar in concept to only providing
+a syntax that hopefully breaks less.
+=head1 KNOWN BUGS
+None, but that does not mean there are not any.
+=head1 AUTHORS
+Graham Barr <>
+The code that inspired me to write this was originally written by
+Peter Seibel <> and adapted by Jesse Glick
+C<:warndie> handlers added by Paul Evans <>
+Shlomi Fish, L<> .
+Arun Kumar U <>
+Copyright (c) 1997-8 Graham Barr. All rights reserved.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the same terms as Perl itself.
diff --git a/perl/FromCPAN/Mail/ b/perl/FromCPAN/Mail/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..683d490
--- /dev/null
+++ b/perl/FromCPAN/Mail/
@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
+# Copyrights 1995-2018 by [Mark Overmeer].
+# For other contributors see ChangeLog.
+# See the manual pages for details on the licensing terms.
+# Pod stripped from pm file by OODoc 2.02.
+# This code is part of the bundle MailTools. Meta-POD processed with
+# OODoc into POD and HTML manual-pages. See for Copyright.
+# Licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.
+package Mail::Address;
+use vars '$VERSION';
+$VERSION = '2.20';
+use strict;
+use Carp;
+# use locale; removed in version 1.78, because it causes taint problems
+sub Version { our $VERSION }
+# given a comment, attempt to extract a person's name
+sub _extract_name
+{ # This function can be called as method as well
+ my $self = @_ && ref $_[0] ? shift : undef;
+ local $_ = shift
+ or return '';
+ # Using encodings, too hard. See Mail::Message::Field::Full.
+ return '' if m/\=\?.*?\?\=/;
+ # trim whitespace
+ s/^\s+//;
+ s/\s+$//;
+ s/\s+/ /;
+ # Disregard numeric names (e.g.
+ return "" if /^[\d ]+$/;
+ s/^\((.*)\)$/$1/; # remove outermost parenthesis
+ s/^"(.*)"$/$1/; # remove outer quotation marks
+ s/\(.*?\)//g; # remove minimal embedded comments
+ s/\\//g; # remove all escapes
+ s/^"(.*)"$/$1/; # remove internal quotation marks
+ s/^([^\s]+) ?, ?(.*)$/$2 $1/; # reverse "Last, First M." if applicable
+ s/,.*//;
+ # Change casing only when the name contains only upper or only
+ # lower cased characters.
+ unless( m/[A-Z]/ && m/[a-z]/ )
+ { # Set the case of the name to first char upper rest lower
+ s/\b(\w+)/\L\u$1/igo; # Upcase first letter on name
+ s/\bMc(\w)/Mc\u$1/igo; # Scottish names such as 'McLeod'
+ s/\bo'(\w)/O'\u$1/igo; # Irish names such as 'O'Malley, O'Reilly'
+ s/\b(x*(ix)?v*(iv)?i*)\b/\U$1/igo; # Roman numerals, eg 'Level III Support'
+ }
+ # some cleanup
+ s/\[[^\]]*\]//g;
+ s/(^[\s'"]+|[\s'"]+$)//g;
+ s/\s{2,}/ /g;
+ $_;
+sub _tokenise
+{ local $_ = join ',', @_;
+ my (@words,$snippet,$field);
+ s/\A\s+//;
+ s/[\r\n]+/ /g;
+ while ($_ ne '')
+ { $field = '';
+ if(s/^\s*\(/(/ ) # (...)
+ { my $depth = 0;
+ PAREN: while(s/^(\(([^\(\)\\]|\\.)*)//)
+ { $field .= $1;
+ $depth++;
+ while(s/^(([^\(\)\\]|\\.)*\)\s*)//)
+ { $field .= $1;
+ last PAREN unless --$depth;
+ $field .= $1 if s/^(([^\(\)\\]|\\.)+)//;
+ }
+ }
+ carp "Unmatched () '$field' '$_'"
+ if $depth;
+ $field =~ s/\s+\Z//;
+ push @words, $field;
+ next;
+ }
+ if( s/^("(?:[^"\\]+|\\.)*")\s*// # "..."
+ || s/^(\[(?:[^\]\\]+|\\.)*\])\s*// # [...]
+ || s/^([^\s()<>\@,;:\\".[\]]+)\s*//
+ || s/^([()<>\@,;:\\".[\]])\s*//
+ )
+ { push @words, $1;
+ next;
+ }
+ croak "Unrecognised line: $_";
+ }
+ push @words, ",";
+ \@words;
+sub _find_next
+{ my ($idx, $tokens, $len) = @_;
+ while($idx < $len)
+ { my $c = $tokens->[$idx];
+ return $c if $c eq ',' || $c eq ';' || $c eq '<';
+ $idx++;
+ }
+ "";
+sub _complete
+{ my ($class, $phrase, $address, $comment) = @_;
+ @$phrase || @$comment || @$address
+ or return undef;
+ my $o = $class->new(join(" ",@$phrase), join("",@$address), join(" ",@$comment));
+ @$phrase = @$address = @$comment = ();
+ $o;
+sub new(@)
+{ my $class = shift;
+ bless [@_], $class;
+sub parse(@)
+{ my $class = shift;
+ my @line = grep {defined} @_;
+ my $line = join '', @line;
+ my (@phrase, @comment, @address, @objs);
+ my ($depth, $idx) = (0, 0);
+ my $tokens = _tokenise @line;
+ my $len = @$tokens;
+ my $next = _find_next $idx, $tokens, $len;
+ local $_;
+ for(my $idx = 0; $idx < $len; $idx++)
+ { $_ = $tokens->[$idx];
+ if(substr($_,0,1) eq '(') { push @comment, $_ }
+ elsif($_ eq '<') { $depth++ }
+ elsif($_ eq '>') { $depth-- if $depth }
+ elsif($_ eq ',' || $_ eq ';')
+ { warn "Unmatched '<>' in $line" if $depth;
+ my $o = $class->_complete(\@phrase, \@address, \@comment);
+ push @objs, $o if defined $o;
+ $depth = 0;
+ $next = _find_next $idx+1, $tokens, $len;
+ }
+ elsif($depth) { push @address, $_ }
+ elsif($next eq '<') { push @phrase, $_ }
+ elsif( /^[.\@:;]$/ || !@address || $address[-1] =~ /^[.\@:;]$/ )
+ { push @address, $_ }
+ else
+ { warn "Unmatched '<>' in $line" if $depth;
+ my $o = $class->_complete(\@phrase, \@address, \@comment);
+ push @objs, $o if defined $o;
+ $depth = 0;
+ push @address, $_;
+ }
+ }
+ @objs;
+sub phrase { shift->set_or_get(0, @_) }
+sub address { shift->set_or_get(1, @_) }
+sub comment { shift->set_or_get(2, @_) }
+sub set_or_get($)
+{ my ($self, $i) = (shift, shift);
+ @_ or return $self->[$i];
+ my $val = $self->[$i];
+ $self->[$i] = shift if @_;
+ $val;
+my $atext = '[\-\w !#$%&\'*+/=?^`{|}~]';
+sub format
+{ my @addrs;
+ foreach (@_)
+ { my ($phrase, $email, $comment) = @$_;
+ my @addr;
+ if(defined $phrase && length $phrase)
+ { push @addr
+ , $phrase =~ /^(?:\s*$atext\s*)+$/o ? $phrase
+ : $phrase =~ /(?<!\\)"/ ? $phrase
+ : qq("$phrase");
+ push @addr, "<$email>"
+ if defined $email && length $email;
+ }
+ elsif(defined $email && length $email)
+ { push @addr, $email;
+ }
+ if(defined $comment && $comment =~ /\S/)
+ { $comment =~ s/^\s*\(?/(/;
+ $comment =~ s/\)?\s*$/)/;
+ }
+ push @addr, $comment
+ if defined $comment && length $comment;
+ push @addrs, join(" ", @addr)
+ if @addr;
+ }
+ join ", ", @addrs;
+sub name
+{ my $self = shift;
+ my $phrase = $self->phrase;
+ my $addr = $self->address;
+ $phrase = $self->comment
+ unless defined $phrase && length $phrase;
+ my $name = $self->_extract_name($phrase);
+ # first.last@domain address
+ if($name eq '' && $addr =~ /([^\%\.\@_]+([\._][^\%\.\@_]+)+)[\@\%]/)
+ { ($name = $1) =~ s/[\._]+/ /g;
+ $name = _extract_name $name;
+ }
+ if($name eq '' && $addr =~ m#/g=#i) # X400 style address
+ { my ($f) = $addr =~ m#g=([^/]*)#i;
+ my ($l) = $addr =~ m#s=([^/]*)#i;
+ $name = _extract_name "$f $l";
+ }
+ length $name ? $name : undef;
+sub host
+{ my $addr = shift->address || '';
+ my $i = rindex $addr, '@';
+ $i >= 0 ? substr($addr, $i+1) : undef;
+sub user
+{ my $addr = shift->address || '';
+ my $i = rindex $addr, '@';
+ $i >= 0 ? substr($addr,0,$i) : $addr;
diff --git a/perl/ b/perl/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..117765d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/perl/
@@ -0,0 +1,1769 @@
+=head1 NAME
+Git - Perl interface to the Git version control system
+package Git;
+use 5.008;
+use strict;
+use warnings $ENV{GIT_PERL_FATAL_WARNINGS} ? qw(FATAL all) : ();
+# Totally unstable API.
+$VERSION = '0.01';
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Git;
+ my $version = Git::command_oneline('version');
+ git_cmd_try { Git::command_noisy('update-server-info') }
+ '%s failed w/ code %d';
+ my $repo = Git->repository (Directory => '/srv/git/cogito.git');
+ my @revs = $repo->command('rev-list', '--since=last monday', '--all');
+ my ($fh, $c) = $repo->command_output_pipe('rev-list', '--since=last monday', '--all');
+ my $lastrev = <$fh>; chomp $lastrev;
+ $repo->command_close_pipe($fh, $c);
+ my $lastrev = $repo->command_oneline( [ 'rev-list', '--all' ],
+ STDERR => 0 );
+ my $sha1 = $repo->hash_and_insert_object('file.txt');
+ my $tempfile = tempfile();
+ my $size = $repo->cat_blob($sha1, $tempfile);
+require Exporter;
+@ISA = qw(Exporter);
+@EXPORT = qw(git_cmd_try);
+# Methods which can be called as standalone functions as well:
+@EXPORT_OK = qw(command command_oneline command_noisy
+ command_output_pipe command_input_pipe command_close_pipe
+ command_bidi_pipe command_close_bidi_pipe
+ version exec_path html_path hash_object git_cmd_try
+ remote_refs prompt
+ get_tz_offset get_record
+ credential credential_read credential_write
+ temp_acquire temp_is_locked temp_release temp_reset temp_path
+ unquote_path);
+This module provides Perl scripts easy way to interface the Git version control
+system. The modules have an easy and well-tested way to call arbitrary Git
+commands; in the future, the interface will also provide specialized methods
+for doing easily operations which are not totally trivial to do over
+the generic command interface.
+While some commands can be executed outside of any context (e.g. 'version'
+or 'init'), most operations require a repository context, which in practice
+means getting an instance of the Git object using the repository() constructor.
+(In the future, we will also get a new_repository() constructor.) All commands
+called as methods of the object are then executed in the context of the
+Part of the "repository state" is also information about path to the attached
+working copy (unless you work with a bare repository). You can also navigate
+inside of the working copy using the C<wc_chdir()> method. (Note that
+the repository object is self-contained and will not change working directory
+of your process.)
+TODO: In the future, we might also do
+ my $remoterepo = $repo->remote_repository (Name => 'cogito', Branch => 'master');
+ $remoterepo ||= Git->remote_repository ('');
+ my @refs = $remoterepo->refs();
+Currently, the module merely wraps calls to external Git tools. In the future,
+it will provide a much faster way to interact with Git by linking directly
+to libgit. This should be completely opaque to the user, though (performance
+increase notwithstanding).
+sub carp { require Carp; goto &Carp::carp }
+sub croak { require Carp; goto &Carp::croak }
+use Git::LoadCPAN::Error qw(:try);
+=over 4
+=item repository ( OPTIONS )
+=item repository ( DIRECTORY )
+=item repository ()
+Construct a new repository object.
+C<OPTIONS> are passed in a hash like fashion, using key and value pairs.
+Possible options are:
+B<Repository> - Path to the Git repository.
+B<WorkingCopy> - Path to the associated working copy; not strictly required
+as many commands will happily crunch on a bare repository.
+B<WorkingSubdir> - Subdirectory in the working copy to work inside.
+Just left undefined if you do not want to limit the scope of operations.
+B<Directory> - Path to the Git working directory in its usual setup.
+The C<.git> directory is searched in the directory and all the parent
+directories; if found, C<WorkingCopy> is set to the directory containing
+it and C<Repository> to the C<.git> directory itself. If no C<.git>
+directory was found, the C<Directory> is assumed to be a bare repository,
+C<Repository> is set to point at it and C<WorkingCopy> is left undefined.
+If the C<$GIT_DIR> environment variable is set, things behave as expected
+as well.
+You should not use both C<Directory> and either of C<Repository> and
+C<WorkingCopy> - the results of that are undefined.
+Alternatively, a directory path may be passed as a single scalar argument
+to the constructor; it is equivalent to setting only the C<Directory> option
+Calling the constructor with no options whatsoever is equivalent to
+calling it with C<< Directory => '.' >>. In general, if you are building
+a standard porcelain command, simply doing C<< Git->repository() >> should
+do the right thing and setup the object to reflect exactly where the user
+is right now.
+sub repository {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my @args = @_;
+ my %opts = ();
+ my $self;
+ if (defined $args[0]) {
+ if ($#args % 2 != 1) {
+ # Not a hash.
+ $#args == 0 or throw Error::Simple("bad usage");
+ %opts = ( Directory => $args[0] );
+ } else {
+ %opts = @args;
+ }
+ }
+ if (not defined $opts{Repository} and not defined $opts{WorkingCopy}
+ and not defined $opts{Directory}) {
+ $opts{Directory} = '.';
+ }
+ if (defined $opts{Directory}) {
+ -d $opts{Directory} or throw Error::Simple("Directory not found: $opts{Directory} $!");
+ my $search = Git->repository(WorkingCopy => $opts{Directory});
+ # This rev-parse will throw an exception if we're not in a
+ # repository, which is what we want, but it's kind of noisy.
+ # Ideally we'd capture stderr and relay it, but doing so is
+ # awkward without depending on it fitting in a pipe buffer. So
+ # we just reproduce a plausible error message ourselves.
+ my $out;
+ try {
+ # Note that "--is-bare-repository" must come first, as
+ # --git-dir output could contain newlines.
+ $out = $search->command([qw(rev-parse --is-bare-repository --git-dir)],
+ STDERR => 0);
+ } catch Git::Error::Command with {
+ throw Error::Simple("fatal: not a git repository: $opts{Directory}");
+ };
+ chomp $out;
+ my ($bare, $dir) = split /\n/, $out, 2;
+ require Cwd;
+ if ($bare ne 'true') {
+ require File::Spec;
+ File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($dir) or $dir = $opts{Directory} . '/' . $dir;
+ $opts{Repository} = Cwd::abs_path($dir);
+ # If --git-dir went ok, this shouldn't die either.
+ my $prefix = $search->command_oneline('rev-parse', '--show-prefix');
+ $dir = Cwd::abs_path($opts{Directory}) . '/';
+ if ($prefix) {
+ if (substr($dir, -length($prefix)) ne $prefix) {
+ throw Error::Simple("rev-parse confused me - $dir does not have trailing $prefix");
+ }
+ substr($dir, -length($prefix)) = '';
+ }
+ $opts{WorkingCopy} = $dir;
+ $opts{WorkingSubdir} = $prefix;
+ } else {
+ $opts{Repository} = Cwd::abs_path($dir);
+ }
+ delete $opts{Directory};
+ }
+ $self = { opts => \%opts };
+ bless $self, $class;
+=head1 METHODS
+=over 4
+=item command ( COMMAND [, ARGUMENTS... ] )
+=item command ( [ COMMAND, ARGUMENTS... ], { Opt => Val ... } )
+Execute the given Git C<COMMAND> (specify it without the 'git-'
+prefix), optionally with the specified extra C<ARGUMENTS>.
+The second more elaborate form can be used if you want to further adjust
+the command execution. Currently, only one option is supported:
+B<STDERR> - How to deal with the command's error output. By default (C<undef>)
+it is delivered to the caller's C<STDERR>. A false value (0 or '') will cause
+it to be thrown away. If you want to process it, you can get it in a filehandle
+you specify, but you must be extremely careful; if the error output is not
+very short and you want to read it in the same process as where you called
+C<command()>, you are set up for a nice deadlock!
+The method can be called without any instance or on a specified Git repository
+(in that case the command will be run in the repository context).
+In scalar context, it returns all the command output in a single string
+In array context, it returns an array containing lines printed to the
+command's stdout (without trailing newlines).
+In both cases, the command's stdin and stderr are the same as the caller's.
+sub command {
+ my ($fh, $ctx) = command_output_pipe(@_);
+ if (not defined wantarray) {
+ # Nothing to pepper the possible exception with.
+ _cmd_close($ctx, $fh);
+ } elsif (not wantarray) {
+ local $/;
+ my $text = <$fh>;
+ try {
+ _cmd_close($ctx, $fh);
+ } catch Git::Error::Command with {
+ # Pepper with the output:
+ my $E = shift;
+ $E->{'-outputref'} = \$text;
+ throw $E;
+ };
+ return $text;
+ } else {
+ my @lines = <$fh>;
+ defined and chomp for @lines;
+ try {
+ _cmd_close($ctx, $fh);
+ } catch Git::Error::Command with {
+ my $E = shift;
+ $E->{'-outputref'} = \@lines;
+ throw $E;
+ };
+ return @lines;
+ }
+=item command_oneline ( COMMAND [, ARGUMENTS... ] )
+=item command_oneline ( [ COMMAND, ARGUMENTS... ], { Opt => Val ... } )
+Execute the given C<COMMAND> in the same way as command()
+does but always return a scalar string containing the first line
+of the command's standard output.
+sub command_oneline {
+ my ($fh, $ctx) = command_output_pipe(@_);
+ my $line = <$fh>;
+ defined $line and chomp $line;
+ try {
+ _cmd_close($ctx, $fh);
+ } catch Git::Error::Command with {
+ # Pepper with the output:
+ my $E = shift;
+ $E->{'-outputref'} = \$line;
+ throw $E;
+ };
+ return $line;
+=item command_output_pipe ( COMMAND [, ARGUMENTS... ] )
+=item command_output_pipe ( [ COMMAND, ARGUMENTS... ], { Opt => Val ... } )
+Execute the given C<COMMAND> in the same way as command()
+does but return a pipe filehandle from which the command output can be
+The function can return C<($pipe, $ctx)> in array context.
+See C<command_close_pipe()> for details.
+sub command_output_pipe {
+ _command_common_pipe('-|', @_);
+=item command_input_pipe ( COMMAND [, ARGUMENTS... ] )
+=item command_input_pipe ( [ COMMAND, ARGUMENTS... ], { Opt => Val ... } )
+Execute the given C<COMMAND> in the same way as command_output_pipe()
+does but return an input pipe filehandle instead; the command output
+is not captured.
+The function can return C<($pipe, $ctx)> in array context.
+See C<command_close_pipe()> for details.
+sub command_input_pipe {
+ _command_common_pipe('|-', @_);
+=item command_close_pipe ( PIPE [, CTX ] )
+Close the C<PIPE> as returned from C<command_*_pipe()>, checking
+whether the command finished successfully. The optional C<CTX> argument
+is required if you want to see the command name in the error message,
+and it is the second value returned by C<command_*_pipe()> when
+called in array context. The call idiom is:
+ my ($fh, $ctx) = $r->command_output_pipe('status');
+ while (<$fh>) { ... }
+ $r->command_close_pipe($fh, $ctx);
+Note that you should not rely on whatever actually is in C<CTX>;
+currently it is simply the command name but in future the context might
+have more complicated structure.
+sub command_close_pipe {
+ my ($self, $fh, $ctx) = _maybe_self(@_);
+ $ctx ||= '<unknown>';
+ _cmd_close($ctx, $fh);
+=item command_bidi_pipe ( COMMAND [, ARGUMENTS... ] )
+Execute the given C<COMMAND> in the same way as command_output_pipe()
+does but return both an input pipe filehandle and an output pipe filehandle.
+The function will return C<($pid, $pipe_in, $pipe_out, $ctx)>.
+See C<command_close_bidi_pipe()> for details.
+sub command_bidi_pipe {
+ my ($pid, $in, $out);
+ my ($self) = _maybe_self(@_);
+ local %ENV = %ENV;
+ my $cwd_save = undef;
+ if ($self) {
+ shift;
+ require Cwd;
+ $cwd_save = Cwd::getcwd();
+ _setup_git_cmd_env($self);
+ }
+ require IPC::Open2;
+ $pid = IPC::Open2::open2($in, $out, 'git', @_);
+ chdir($cwd_save) if $cwd_save;
+ return ($pid, $in, $out, join(' ', @_));
+=item command_close_bidi_pipe ( PID, PIPE_IN, PIPE_OUT [, CTX] )
+Close the C<PIPE_IN> and C<PIPE_OUT> as returned from C<command_bidi_pipe()>,
+checking whether the command finished successfully. The optional C<CTX>
+argument is required if you want to see the command name in the error message,
+and it is the fourth value returned by C<command_bidi_pipe()>. The call idiom
+ my ($pid, $in, $out, $ctx) = $r->command_bidi_pipe('cat-file --batch-check');
+ print $out "000000000\n";
+ while (<$in>) { ... }
+ $r->command_close_bidi_pipe($pid, $in, $out, $ctx);
+Note that you should not rely on whatever actually is in C<CTX>;
+currently it is simply the command name but in future the context might
+have more complicated structure.
+C<PIPE_IN> and C<PIPE_OUT> may be C<undef> if they have been closed prior to
+calling this function. This may be useful in a query-response type of
+commands where caller first writes a query and later reads response, eg:
+ my ($pid, $in, $out, $ctx) = $r->command_bidi_pipe('cat-file --batch-check');
+ print $out "000000000\n";
+ close $out;
+ while (<$in>) { ... }
+ $r->command_close_bidi_pipe($pid, $in, undef, $ctx);
+This idiom may prevent potential dead locks caused by data sent to the output
+pipe not being flushed and thus not reaching the executed command.
+sub command_close_bidi_pipe {
+ local $?;
+ my ($self, $pid, $in, $out, $ctx) = _maybe_self(@_);
+ _cmd_close($ctx, (grep { defined } ($in, $out)));
+ waitpid $pid, 0;
+ if ($? >> 8) {
+ throw Git::Error::Command($ctx, $? >>8);
+ }
+=item command_noisy ( COMMAND [, ARGUMENTS... ] )
+Execute the given C<COMMAND> in the same way as command() does but do not
+capture the command output - the standard output is not redirected and goes
+to the standard output of the caller application.
+While the method is called command_noisy(), you might want to as well use
+it for the most silent Git commands which you know will never pollute your
+stdout but you want to avoid the overhead of the pipe setup when calling them.
+The function returns only after the command has finished running.
+sub command_noisy {
+ my ($self, $cmd, @args) = _maybe_self(@_);
+ _check_valid_cmd($cmd);
+ my $pid = fork;
+ if (not defined $pid) {
+ throw Error::Simple("fork failed: $!");
+ } elsif ($pid == 0) {
+ _cmd_exec($self, $cmd, @args);
+ }
+ if (waitpid($pid, 0) > 0 and $?>>8 != 0) {
+ throw Git::Error::Command(join(' ', $cmd, @args), $? >> 8);
+ }
+=item version ()
+Return the Git version in use.
+sub version {
+ my $verstr = command_oneline('--version');
+ $verstr =~ s/^git version //;
+ $verstr;
+=item exec_path ()
+Return path to the Git sub-command executables (the same as
+C<git --exec-path>). Useful mostly only internally.
+sub exec_path { command_oneline('--exec-path') }
+=item html_path ()
+Return path to the Git html documentation (the same as
+C<git --html-path>). Useful mostly only internally.
+sub html_path { command_oneline('--html-path') }
+=item get_tz_offset ( TIME )
+Return the time zone offset from GMT in the form +/-HHMM where HH is
+the number of hours from GMT and MM is the number of minutes. This is
+the equivalent of what strftime("%z", ...) would provide on a GNU
+If TIME is not supplied, the current local time is used.
+sub get_tz_offset {
+ # some systems don't handle or mishandle %z, so be creative.
+ my $t = shift || time;
+ my @t = localtime($t);
+ $t[5] += 1900;
+ require Time::Local;
+ my $gm = Time::Local::timegm(@t);
+ my $sign = qw( + + - )[ $gm <=> $t ];
+ return sprintf("%s%02d%02d", $sign, (gmtime(abs($t - $gm)))[2,1]);
+Read one record from FILEHANDLE delimited by INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR,
+removing any trailing INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR.
+sub get_record {
+ my ($fh, $rs) = @_;
+ local $/ = $rs;
+ my $rec = <$fh>;
+ chomp $rec if defined $rec;
+ $rec;
+=item prompt ( PROMPT , ISPASSWORD )
+Query user C<PROMPT> and return answer from user.
+Honours GIT_ASKPASS and SSH_ASKPASS environment variables for querying
+the user. If no *_ASKPASS variable is set or an error occurred,
+the terminal is tried as a fallback.
+If C<ISPASSWORD> is set and true, the terminal disables echo.
+sub prompt {
+ my ($prompt, $isPassword) = @_;
+ my $ret;
+ if (exists $ENV{'GIT_ASKPASS'}) {
+ $ret = _prompt($ENV{'GIT_ASKPASS'}, $prompt);
+ }
+ if (!defined $ret && exists $ENV{'SSH_ASKPASS'}) {
+ $ret = _prompt($ENV{'SSH_ASKPASS'}, $prompt);
+ }
+ if (!defined $ret) {
+ print STDERR $prompt;
+ STDERR->flush;
+ if (defined $isPassword && $isPassword) {
+ require Term::ReadKey;
+ Term::ReadKey::ReadMode('noecho');
+ $ret = '';
+ while (defined(my $key = Term::ReadKey::ReadKey(0))) {
+ last if $key =~ /[\012\015]/; # \n\r
+ $ret .= $key;
+ }
+ Term::ReadKey::ReadMode('restore');
+ print STDERR "\n";
+ STDERR->flush;
+ } else {
+ chomp($ret = <STDIN>);
+ }
+ }
+ return $ret;
+sub _prompt {
+ my ($askpass, $prompt) = @_;
+ return unless length $askpass;
+ $prompt =~ s/\n/ /g;
+ my $ret;
+ open my $fh, "-|", $askpass, $prompt or return;
+ $ret = <$fh>;
+ $ret =~ s/[\015\012]//g; # strip \r\n, chomp does not work on all systems (i.e. windows) as expected
+ close ($fh);
+ return $ret;
+=item repo_path ()
+Return path to the git repository. Must be called on a repository instance.
+sub repo_path { $_[0]->{opts}->{Repository} }
+=item wc_path ()
+Return path to the working copy. Must be called on a repository instance.
+sub wc_path { $_[0]->{opts}->{WorkingCopy} }
+=item wc_subdir ()
+Return path to the subdirectory inside of a working copy. Must be called
+on a repository instance.
+sub wc_subdir { $_[0]->{opts}->{WorkingSubdir} ||= '' }
+=item wc_chdir ( SUBDIR )
+Change the working copy subdirectory to work within. The C<SUBDIR> is
+relative to the working copy root directory (not the current subdirectory).
+Must be called on a repository instance attached to a working copy
+and the directory must exist.
+sub wc_chdir {
+ my ($self, $subdir) = @_;
+ $self->wc_path()
+ or throw Error::Simple("bare repository");
+ -d $self->wc_path().'/'.$subdir
+ or throw Error::Simple("subdir not found: $subdir $!");
+ # Of course we will not "hold" the subdirectory so anyone
+ # can delete it now and we will never know. But at least we tried.
+ $self->{opts}->{WorkingSubdir} = $subdir;
+=item config ( VARIABLE )
+Retrieve the configuration C<VARIABLE> in the same manner as C<config>
+does. In scalar context requires the variable to be set only one time
+(exception is thrown otherwise), in array context returns allows the
+variable to be set multiple times and returns all the values.
+sub config {
+ return _config_common({}, @_);
+=item config_bool ( VARIABLE )
+Retrieve the bool configuration C<VARIABLE>. The return value
+is usable as a boolean in perl (and C<undef> if it's not defined,
+of course).
+sub config_bool {
+ my $val = scalar _config_common({'kind' => '--bool'}, @_);
+ # Do not rewrite this as return (defined $val && $val eq 'true')
+ # as some callers do care what kind of falsehood they receive.
+ if (!defined $val) {
+ return undef;
+ } else {
+ return $val eq 'true';
+ }
+=item config_path ( VARIABLE )
+Retrieve the path configuration C<VARIABLE>. The return value
+is an expanded path or C<undef> if it's not defined.
+sub config_path {
+ return _config_common({'kind' => '--path'}, @_);
+=item config_int ( VARIABLE )
+Retrieve the integer configuration C<VARIABLE>. The return value
+is simple decimal number. An optional value suffix of 'k', 'm',
+or 'g' in the config file will cause the value to be multiplied
+by 1024, 1048576 (1024^2), or 1073741824 (1024^3) prior to output.
+It would return C<undef> if configuration variable is not defined.
+sub config_int {
+ return scalar _config_common({'kind' => '--int'}, @_);
+=item config_regexp ( RE )
+Retrieve the list of configuration key names matching the regular
+expression C<RE>. The return value is a list of strings matching
+this regex.
+sub config_regexp {
+ my ($self, $regex) = _maybe_self(@_);
+ try {
+ my @cmd = ('config', '--name-only', '--get-regexp', $regex);
+ unshift @cmd, $self if $self;
+ my @matches = command(@cmd);
+ return @matches;
+ } catch Git::Error::Command with {
+ my $E = shift;
+ if ($E->value() == 1) {
+ my @matches = ();
+ return @matches;
+ } else {
+ throw $E;
+ }
+ };
+# Common subroutine to implement bulk of what the config* family of methods
+# do. This currently wraps command('config') so it is not so fast.
+sub _config_common {
+ my ($opts) = shift @_;
+ my ($self, $var) = _maybe_self(@_);
+ try {
+ my @cmd = ('config', $opts->{'kind'} ? $opts->{'kind'} : ());
+ unshift @cmd, $self if $self;
+ if (wantarray) {
+ return command(@cmd, '--get-all', $var);
+ } else {
+ return command_oneline(@cmd, '--get', $var);
+ }
+ } catch Git::Error::Command with {
+ my $E = shift;
+ if ($E->value() == 1) {
+ # Key not found.
+ return;
+ } else {
+ throw $E;
+ }
+ };
+=item get_colorbool ( NAME )
+Finds if color should be used for NAMEd operation from the configuration,
+and returns boolean (true for "use color", false for "do not use color").
+sub get_colorbool {
+ my ($self, $var) = @_;
+ my $stdout_to_tty = (-t STDOUT) ? "true" : "false";
+ my $use_color = $self->command_oneline('config', '--get-colorbool',
+ $var, $stdout_to_tty);
+ return ($use_color eq 'true');
+=item get_color ( SLOT, COLOR )
+Finds color for SLOT from the configuration, while defaulting to COLOR,
+and returns the ANSI color escape sequence:
+ print $repo->get_color("color.interactive.prompt", "underline blue white");
+ print "some text";
+ print $repo->get_color("", "normal");
+sub get_color {
+ my ($self, $slot, $default) = @_;
+ my $color = $self->command_oneline('config', '--get-color', $slot, $default);
+ if (!defined $color) {
+ $color = "";
+ }
+ return $color;
+=item remote_refs ( REPOSITORY [, GROUPS [, REFGLOBS ] ] )
+This function returns a hashref of refs stored in a given remote repository.
+The hash is in the format C<refname =\> hash>. For tags, the C<refname> entry
+contains the tag object while a C<refname^{}> entry gives the tagged objects.
+C<REPOSITORY> has the same meaning as the appropriate C<git-ls-remote>
+argument; either a URL or a remote name (if called on a repository instance).
+C<GROUPS> is an optional arrayref that can contain 'tags' to return all the
+tags and/or 'heads' to return all the heads. C<REFGLOB> is an optional array
+of strings containing a shell-like glob to further limit the refs returned in
+the hash; the meaning is again the same as the appropriate C<git-ls-remote>
+This function may or may not be called on a repository instance. In the former
+case, remote names as defined in the repository are recognized as repository
+sub remote_refs {
+ my ($self, $repo, $groups, $refglobs) = _maybe_self(@_);
+ my @args;
+ if (ref $groups eq 'ARRAY') {
+ foreach (@$groups) {
+ if ($_ eq 'heads') {
+ push (@args, '--heads');
+ } elsif ($_ eq 'tags') {
+ push (@args, '--tags');
+ } else {
+ # Ignore unknown groups for future
+ # compatibility
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ push (@args, $repo);
+ if (ref $refglobs eq 'ARRAY') {
+ push (@args, @$refglobs);
+ }
+ my @self = $self ? ($self) : (); # Ultra trickery
+ my ($fh, $ctx) = Git::command_output_pipe(@self, 'ls-remote', @args);
+ my %refs;
+ while (<$fh>) {
+ chomp;
+ my ($hash, $ref) = split(/\t/, $_, 2);
+ $refs{$ref} = $hash;
+ }
+ Git::command_close_pipe(@self, $fh, $ctx);
+ return \%refs;
+=item ident ( TYPE | IDENTSTR )
+=item ident_person ( TYPE | IDENTSTR | IDENTARRAY )
+This suite of functions retrieves and parses ident information, as stored
+in the commit and tag objects or produced by C<var GIT_type_IDENT> (thus
+C<TYPE> can be either I<author> or I<committer>; case is insignificant).
+The C<ident> method retrieves the ident information from C<git var>
+and either returns it as a scalar string or as an array with the fields parsed.
+Alternatively, it can take a prepared ident string (e.g. from the commit
+object) and just parse it.
+C<ident_person> returns the person part of the ident - name and email;
+it can take the same arguments as C<ident> or the array returned by C<ident>.
+The synopsis is like:
+ my ($name, $email, $time_tz) = ident('author');
+ "$name <$email>" eq ident_person('author');
+ "$name <$email>" eq ident_person($name);
+ $time_tz =~ /^\d+ [+-]\d{4}$/;
+sub ident {
+ my ($self, $type) = _maybe_self(@_);
+ my $identstr;
+ if (lc $type eq lc 'committer' or lc $type eq lc 'author') {
+ my @cmd = ('var', 'GIT_'.uc($type).'_IDENT');
+ unshift @cmd, $self if $self;
+ $identstr = command_oneline(@cmd);
+ } else {
+ $identstr = $type;
+ }
+ if (wantarray) {
+ return $identstr =~ /^(.*) <(.*)> (\d+ [+-]\d{4})$/;
+ } else {
+ return $identstr;
+ }
+sub ident_person {
+ my ($self, @ident) = _maybe_self(@_);
+ $#ident == 0 and @ident = $self ? $self->ident($ident[0]) : ident($ident[0]);
+ return "$ident[0] <$ident[1]>";
+=item hash_object ( TYPE, FILENAME )
+Compute the SHA1 object id of the given C<FILENAME> considering it is
+of the C<TYPE> object type (C<blob>, C<commit>, C<tree>).
+The method can be called without any instance or on a specified Git repository,
+it makes zero difference.
+The function returns the SHA1 hash.
+# TODO: Support for passing FILEHANDLE instead of FILENAME
+sub hash_object {
+ my ($self, $type, $file) = _maybe_self(@_);
+ command_oneline('hash-object', '-t', $type, $file);
+=item hash_and_insert_object ( FILENAME )
+Compute the SHA1 object id of the given C<FILENAME> and add the object to the
+object database.
+The function returns the SHA1 hash.
+# TODO: Support for passing FILEHANDLE instead of FILENAME
+sub hash_and_insert_object {
+ my ($self, $filename) = @_;
+ carp "Bad filename \"$filename\"" if $filename =~ /[\r\n]/;
+ $self->_open_hash_and_insert_object_if_needed();
+ my ($in, $out) = ($self->{hash_object_in}, $self->{hash_object_out});
+ unless (print $out $filename, "\n") {
+ $self->_close_hash_and_insert_object();
+ throw Error::Simple("out pipe went bad");
+ }
+ chomp(my $hash = <$in>);
+ unless (defined($hash)) {
+ $self->_close_hash_and_insert_object();
+ throw Error::Simple("in pipe went bad");
+ }
+ return $hash;
+sub _open_hash_and_insert_object_if_needed {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ return if defined($self->{hash_object_pid});
+ ($self->{hash_object_pid}, $self->{hash_object_in},
+ $self->{hash_object_out}, $self->{hash_object_ctx}) =
+ $self->command_bidi_pipe(qw(hash-object -w --stdin-paths --no-filters));
+sub _close_hash_and_insert_object {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ return unless defined($self->{hash_object_pid});
+ my @vars = map { 'hash_object_' . $_ } qw(pid in out ctx);
+ command_close_bidi_pipe(@$self{@vars});
+ delete @$self{@vars};
+=item cat_blob ( SHA1, FILEHANDLE )
+Prints the contents of the blob identified by C<SHA1> to C<FILEHANDLE> and
+returns the number of bytes printed.
+sub cat_blob {
+ my ($self, $sha1, $fh) = @_;
+ $self->_open_cat_blob_if_needed();
+ my ($in, $out) = ($self->{cat_blob_in}, $self->{cat_blob_out});
+ unless (print $out $sha1, "\n") {
+ $self->_close_cat_blob();
+ throw Error::Simple("out pipe went bad");
+ }
+ my $description = <$in>;
+ if ($description =~ / missing$/) {
+ carp "$sha1 doesn't exist in the repository";
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if ($description !~ /^[0-9a-fA-F]{40}(?:[0-9a-fA-F]{24})? \S+ (\d+)$/) {
+ carp "Unexpected result returned from git cat-file";
+ return -1;
+ }
+ my $size = $1;
+ my $blob;
+ my $bytesLeft = $size;
+ while (1) {
+ last unless $bytesLeft;
+ my $bytesToRead = $bytesLeft < 1024 ? $bytesLeft : 1024;
+ my $read = read($in, $blob, $bytesToRead);
+ unless (defined($read)) {
+ $self->_close_cat_blob();
+ throw Error::Simple("in pipe went bad");
+ }
+ unless (print $fh $blob) {
+ $self->_close_cat_blob();
+ throw Error::Simple("couldn't write to passed in filehandle");
+ }
+ $bytesLeft -= $read;
+ }
+ # Skip past the trailing newline.
+ my $newline;
+ my $read = read($in, $newline, 1);
+ unless (defined($read)) {
+ $self->_close_cat_blob();
+ throw Error::Simple("in pipe went bad");
+ }
+ unless ($read == 1 && $newline eq "\n") {
+ $self->_close_cat_blob();
+ throw Error::Simple("didn't find newline after blob");
+ }
+ return $size;
+sub _open_cat_blob_if_needed {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ return if defined($self->{cat_blob_pid});
+ ($self->{cat_blob_pid}, $self->{cat_blob_in},
+ $self->{cat_blob_out}, $self->{cat_blob_ctx}) =
+ $self->command_bidi_pipe(qw(cat-file --batch));
+sub _close_cat_blob {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ return unless defined($self->{cat_blob_pid});
+ my @vars = map { 'cat_blob_' . $_ } qw(pid in out ctx);
+ command_close_bidi_pipe(@$self{@vars});
+ delete @$self{@vars};
+=item credential_read( FILEHANDLE )
+Reads credential key-value pairs from C<FILEHANDLE>. Reading stops at EOF or
+when an empty line is encountered. Each line must be of the form C<key=value>
+with a non-empty key. Function returns hash with all read values. Any white
+space (other than new-line character) is preserved.
+sub credential_read {
+ my ($self, $reader) = _maybe_self(@_);
+ my %credential;
+ while (<$reader>) {
+ chomp;
+ if ($_ eq '') {
+ last;
+ } elsif (!/^([^=]+)=(.*)$/) {
+ throw Error::Simple("unable to parse git credential data:\n$_");
+ }
+ $credential{$1} = $2;
+ }
+ return %credential;
+=item credential_write( FILEHANDLE, CREDENTIAL_HASHREF )
+Writes credential key-value pairs from hash referenced by
+C<CREDENTIAL_HASHREF> to C<FILEHANDLE>. Keys and values cannot contain
+new-lines or NUL bytes characters, and key cannot contain equal signs nor be
+empty (if they do Error::Simple is thrown). Any white space is preserved. If
+value for a key is C<undef>, it will be skipped.
+If C<'url'> key exists it will be written first. (All the other key-value
+pairs are written in sorted order but you should not depend on that). Once
+all lines are written, an empty line is printed.
+sub credential_write {
+ my ($self, $writer, $credential) = _maybe_self(@_);
+ my ($key, $value);
+ # Check if $credential is valid prior to writing anything
+ while (($key, $value) = each %$credential) {
+ if (!defined $key || !length $key) {
+ throw Error::Simple("credential key empty or undefined");
+ } elsif ($key =~ /[=\n\0]/) {
+ throw Error::Simple("credential key contains invalid characters: $key");
+ } elsif (defined $value && $value =~ /[\n\0]/) {
+ throw Error::Simple("credential value for key=$key contains invalid characters: $value");
+ }
+ }
+ for $key (sort {
+ # url overwrites other fields, so it must come first
+ return -1 if $a eq 'url';
+ return 1 if $b eq 'url';
+ return $a cmp $b;
+ } keys %$credential) {
+ if (defined $credential->{$key}) {
+ print $writer $key, '=', $credential->{$key}, "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ print $writer "\n";
+sub _credential_run {
+ my ($self, $credential, $op) = _maybe_self(@_);
+ my ($pid, $reader, $writer, $ctx) = command_bidi_pipe('credential', $op);
+ credential_write $writer, $credential;
+ close $writer;
+ if ($op eq "fill") {
+ %$credential = credential_read $reader;
+ }
+ if (<$reader>) {
+ throw Error::Simple("unexpected output from git credential $op response:\n$_\n");
+ }
+ command_close_bidi_pipe($pid, $reader, undef, $ctx);
+=item credential( CREDENTIAL_HASHREF [, OPERATION ] )
+=item credential( CREDENTIAL_HASHREF, CODE )
+Executes C<git credential> for a given set of credentials and specified
+operation. In both forms C<CREDENTIAL_HASHREF> needs to be a reference to
+a hash which stores credentials. Under certain conditions the hash can
+In the first form, C<OPERATION> can be C<'fill'>, C<'approve'> or C<'reject'>,
+and function will execute corresponding C<git credential> sub-command. If
+it's omitted C<'fill'> is assumed. In case of C<'fill'> the values stored in
+C<CREDENTIAL_HASHREF> will be changed to the ones returned by the C<git
+credential fill> command. The usual usage would look something like:
+ my %cred = (
+ 'protocol' => 'https',
+ 'host' => '',
+ 'username' => 'bob'
+ );
+ Git::credential \%cred;
+ if (try_to_authenticate($cred{'username'}, $cred{'password'})) {
+ Git::credential \%cred, 'approve';
+ ... do more stuff ...
+ } else {
+ Git::credential \%cred, 'reject';
+ }
+In the second form, C<CODE> needs to be a reference to a subroutine. The
+function will execute C<git credential fill> to fill the provided credential
+hash, then call C<CODE> with C<CREDENTIAL_HASHREF> as the sole argument. If
+C<CODE>'s return value is defined, the function will execute C<git credential
+approve> (if return value yields true) or C<git credential reject> (if return
+value is false). If the return value is undef, nothing at all is executed;
+this is useful, for example, if the credential could neither be verified nor
+rejected due to an unrelated network error. The return value is the same as
+what C<CODE> returns. With this form, the usage might look as follows:
+ if (Git::credential {
+ 'protocol' => 'https',
+ 'host' => '',
+ 'username' => 'bob'
+ }, sub {
+ my $cred = shift;
+ return !!try_to_authenticate($cred->{'username'},
+ $cred->{'password'});
+ }) {
+ ... do more stuff ...
+ }
+sub credential {
+ my ($self, $credential, $op_or_code) = (_maybe_self(@_), 'fill');
+ if ('CODE' eq ref $op_or_code) {
+ _credential_run $credential, 'fill';
+ my $ret = $op_or_code->($credential);
+ if (defined $ret) {
+ _credential_run $credential, $ret ? 'approve' : 'reject';
+ }
+ return $ret;
+ } else {
+ _credential_run $credential, $op_or_code;
+ }
+{ # %TEMP_* Lexical Context
+=item temp_acquire ( NAME )
+Attempts to retrieve the temporary file mapped to the string C<NAME>. If an
+associated temp file has not been created this session or was closed, it is
+created, cached, and set for autoflush and binmode.
+Internally locks the file mapped to C<NAME>. This lock must be released with
+C<temp_release()> when the temp file is no longer needed. Subsequent attempts
+to retrieve temporary files mapped to the same C<NAME> while still locked will
+cause an error. This locking mechanism provides a weak guarantee and is not
+threadsafe. It does provide some error checking to help prevent temp file refs
+writing over one another.
+In general, the L<File::Handle> returned should not be closed by consumers as
+it defeats the purpose of this caching mechanism. If you need to close the temp
+file handle, then you should use L<File::Temp> or another temp file faculty
+directly. If a handle is closed and then requested again, then a warning will
+sub temp_acquire {
+ my $temp_fd = _temp_cache(@_);
+ $TEMP_FILES{$temp_fd}{locked} = 1;
+ $temp_fd;
+=item temp_is_locked ( NAME )
+Returns true if the internal lock created by a previous C<temp_acquire()>
+call with C<NAME> is still in effect.
+When temp_acquire is called on a C<NAME>, it internally locks the temporary
+file mapped to C<NAME>. That lock will not be released until C<temp_release()>
+is called with either the original C<NAME> or the L<File::Handle> that was
+returned from the original call to temp_acquire.
+Subsequent attempts to call C<temp_acquire()> with the same C<NAME> will fail
+unless there has been an intervening C<temp_release()> call for that C<NAME>
+(or its corresponding L<File::Handle> that was returned by the original
+C<temp_acquire()> call).
+If true is returned by C<temp_is_locked()> for a C<NAME>, an attempt to
+C<temp_acquire()> the same C<NAME> will cause an error unless
+C<temp_release> is first called on that C<NAME> (or its corresponding
+L<File::Handle> that was returned by the original C<temp_acquire()> call).
+sub temp_is_locked {
+ my ($self, $name) = _maybe_self(@_);
+ my $temp_fd = \$TEMP_FILEMAP{$name};
+ defined $$temp_fd && $$temp_fd->opened && $TEMP_FILES{$$temp_fd}{locked};
+=item temp_release ( NAME )
+=item temp_release ( FILEHANDLE )
+Releases a lock acquired through C<temp_acquire()>. Can be called either with
+the C<NAME> mapping used when acquiring the temp file or with the C<FILEHANDLE>
+referencing a locked temp file.
+Warns if an attempt is made to release a file that is not locked.
+The temp file will be truncated before being released. This can help to reduce
+disk I/O where the system is smart enough to detect the truncation while data
+is in the output buffers. Beware that after the temp file is released and
+truncated, any operations on that file may fail miserably until it is
+re-acquired. All contents are lost between each release and acquire mapped to
+the same string.
+sub temp_release {
+ my ($self, $temp_fd, $trunc) = _maybe_self(@_);
+ if (exists $TEMP_FILEMAP{$temp_fd}) {
+ $temp_fd = $TEMP_FILES{$temp_fd};
+ }
+ unless ($TEMP_FILES{$temp_fd}{locked}) {
+ carp "Attempt to release temp file '",
+ $temp_fd, "' that has not been locked";
+ }
+ temp_reset($temp_fd) if $trunc and $temp_fd->opened;
+ $TEMP_FILES{$temp_fd}{locked} = 0;
+ undef;
+sub _temp_cache {
+ my ($self, $name) = _maybe_self(@_);
+ my $temp_fd = \$TEMP_FILEMAP{$name};
+ if (defined $$temp_fd and $$temp_fd->opened) {
+ if ($TEMP_FILES{$$temp_fd}{locked}) {
+ throw Error::Simple("Temp file with moniker '" .
+ $name . "' already in use");
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (defined $$temp_fd) {
+ # then we're here because of a closed handle.
+ carp "Temp file '", $name,
+ "' was closed. Opening replacement.";
+ }
+ my $fname;
+ my $tmpdir;
+ if (defined $self) {
+ $tmpdir = $self->repo_path();
+ }
+ my $n = $name;
+ $n =~ s/\W/_/g; # no strange chars
+ require File::Temp;
+ ($$temp_fd, $fname) = File::Temp::tempfile(
+ "Git_${n}_XXXXXX", UNLINK => 1, DIR => $tmpdir,
+ ) or throw Error::Simple("couldn't open new temp file");
+ $$temp_fd->autoflush;
+ binmode $$temp_fd;
+ $TEMP_FILES{$$temp_fd}{fname} = $fname;
+ }
+ $$temp_fd;
+=item temp_reset ( FILEHANDLE )
+Truncates and resets the position of the C<FILEHANDLE>.
+sub temp_reset {
+ my ($self, $temp_fd) = _maybe_self(@_);
+ truncate $temp_fd, 0
+ or throw Error::Simple("couldn't truncate file");
+ sysseek($temp_fd, 0, Fcntl::SEEK_SET()) and seek($temp_fd, 0, Fcntl::SEEK_SET())
+ or throw Error::Simple("couldn't seek to beginning of file");
+ sysseek($temp_fd, 0, Fcntl::SEEK_CUR()) == 0 and tell($temp_fd) == 0
+ or throw Error::Simple("expected file position to be reset");
+=item temp_path ( NAME )
+=item temp_path ( FILEHANDLE )
+Returns the filename associated with the given tempfile.
+sub temp_path {
+ my ($self, $temp_fd) = _maybe_self(@_);
+ if (exists $TEMP_FILEMAP{$temp_fd}) {
+ $temp_fd = $TEMP_FILEMAP{$temp_fd};
+ }
+ $TEMP_FILES{$temp_fd}{fname};
+sub END {
+ unlink values %TEMP_FILEMAP if %TEMP_FILEMAP;
+} # %TEMP_* Lexical Context
+=item prefix_lines ( PREFIX, STRING [, STRING... ])
+Prefixes lines in C<STRING> with C<PREFIX>.
+sub prefix_lines {
+ my $prefix = shift;
+ my $string = join("\n", @_);
+ $string =~ s/^/$prefix/mg;
+ return $string;
+=item unquote_path ( PATH )
+Unquote a quoted path containing c-escapes as returned by ls-files etc.
+when not using -z or when parsing the output of diff -u.
+ my %cquote_map = (
+ "a" => chr(7),
+ "b" => chr(8),
+ "t" => chr(9),
+ "n" => chr(10),
+ "v" => chr(11),
+ "f" => chr(12),
+ "r" => chr(13),
+ "\\" => "\\",
+ "\042" => "\042",
+ );
+ sub unquote_path {
+ local ($_) = @_;
+ my ($retval, $remainder);
+ if (!/^\042(.*)\042$/) {
+ return $_;
+ }
+ ($_, $retval) = ($1, "");
+ while (/^([^\\]*)\\(.*)$/) {
+ $remainder = $2;
+ $retval .= $1;
+ for ($remainder) {
+ if (/^([0-3][0-7][0-7])(.*)$/) {
+ $retval .= chr(oct($1));
+ $_ = $2;
+ last;
+ }
+ if (/^([\\\042abtnvfr])(.*)$/) {
+ $retval .= $cquote_map{$1};
+ $_ = $2;
+ last;
+ }
+ # This is malformed
+ throw Error::Simple("invalid quoted path $_[0]");
+ }
+ $_ = $remainder;
+ }
+ $retval .= $_;
+ return $retval;
+ }
+=item get_comment_line_char ( )
+Gets the core.commentchar configuration value.
+The value falls-back to '#' if core.commentchar is set to 'auto'.
+sub get_comment_line_char {
+ my $comment_line_char = config("core.commentchar") || '#';
+ $comment_line_char = '#' if ($comment_line_char eq 'auto');
+ $comment_line_char = '#' if (length($comment_line_char) != 1);
+ return $comment_line_char;
+=item comment_lines ( STRING [, STRING... ])
+Comments lines following core.commentchar configuration.
+sub comment_lines {
+ my $comment_line_char = get_comment_line_char;
+ return prefix_lines("$comment_line_char ", @_);
+All functions are supposed to throw Perl exceptions in case of errors.
+See the L<Error> module on how to catch those. Most exceptions are mere
+L<Error::Simple> instances.
+However, the C<command()>, C<command_oneline()> and C<command_noisy()>
+functions suite can throw C<Git::Error::Command> exceptions as well: those are
+thrown when the external command returns an error code and contain the error
+code as well as access to the captured command's output. The exception class
+provides the usual C<stringify> and C<value> (command's exit code) methods and
+in addition also a C<cmd_output> method that returns either an array or a
+string with the captured command output (depending on the original function
+call context; C<command_noisy()> returns C<undef>) and $<cmdline> which
+returns the command and its arguments (but without proper quoting).
+Note that the C<command_*_pipe()> functions cannot throw this exception since
+it has no idea whether the command failed or not. You will only find out
+at the time you C<close> the pipe; if you want to have that automated,
+use C<command_close_pipe()>, which can throw the exception.
+ package Git::Error::Command;
+ @Git::Error::Command::ISA = qw(Error);
+ sub new {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $cmdline = '' . shift;
+ my $value = 0 + shift;
+ my $outputref = shift;
+ my(@args) = ();
+ local $Error::Depth = $Error::Depth + 1;
+ push(@args, '-cmdline', $cmdline);
+ push(@args, '-value', $value);
+ push(@args, '-outputref', $outputref);
+ $self->SUPER::new(-text => 'command returned error', @args);
+ }
+ sub stringify {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $text = $self->SUPER::stringify;
+ $self->cmdline() . ': ' . $text . ': ' . $self->value() . "\n";
+ }
+ sub cmdline {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{'-cmdline'};
+ }
+ sub cmd_output {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $ref = $self->{'-outputref'};
+ defined $ref or undef;
+ if (ref $ref eq 'ARRAY') {
+ return @$ref;
+ } else { # SCALAR
+ return $$ref;
+ }
+ }
+=over 4
+=item git_cmd_try { CODE } ERRMSG
+This magical statement will automatically catch any C<Git::Error::Command>
+exceptions thrown by C<CODE> and make your program die with C<ERRMSG>
+on its lips; the message will have %s substituted for the command line
+and %d for the exit status. This statement is useful mostly for producing
+more user-friendly error messages.
+In case of no exception caught the statement returns C<CODE>'s return value.
+Note that this is the only auto-exported function.
+sub git_cmd_try(&$) {
+ my ($code, $errmsg) = @_;
+ my @result;
+ my $err;
+ my $array = wantarray;
+ try {
+ if ($array) {
+ @result = &$code;
+ } else {
+ $result[0] = &$code;
+ }
+ } catch Git::Error::Command with {
+ my $E = shift;
+ $err = $errmsg;
+ $err =~ s/\%s/$E->cmdline()/ge;
+ $err =~ s/\%d/$E->value()/ge;
+ # We can't croak here since would mangle
+ # that to Error::Simple.
+ };
+ $err and croak $err;
+ return $array ? @result : $result[0];
+Copyright 2006 by Petr Baudis E<lt>pasky@suse.czE<gt>.
+This module is free software; it may be used, copied, modified
+and distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence,
+either version 2, or (at your option) any later version.
+# Take raw method argument list and return ($obj, @args) in case
+# the method was called upon an instance and (undef, @args) if
+# it was called directly.
+sub _maybe_self {
+ UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], 'Git') ? @_ : (undef, @_);
+# Check if the command id is something reasonable.
+sub _check_valid_cmd {
+ my ($cmd) = @_;
+ $cmd =~ /^[a-z0-9A-Z_-]+$/ or throw Error::Simple("bad command: $cmd");
+# Common backend for the pipe creators.
+sub _command_common_pipe {
+ my $direction = shift;
+ my ($self, @p) = _maybe_self(@_);
+ my (%opts, $cmd, @args);
+ if (ref $p[0]) {
+ ($cmd, @args) = @{shift @p};
+ %opts = ref $p[0] ? %{$p[0]} : @p;
+ } else {
+ ($cmd, @args) = @p;
+ }
+ _check_valid_cmd($cmd);
+ my $fh;
+ if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
+ # ActiveState Perl
+ #defined $opts{STDERR} and
+ # warn 'ignoring STDERR option - running w/ ActiveState';
+ $direction eq '-|' or
+ die 'input pipe for ActiveState not implemented';
+ # the strange construction with *ACPIPE is just to
+ # explain the tie below that we want to bind to
+ # a handle class, not scalar. It is not known if
+ # it is something specific to ActiveState Perl or
+ # just a Perl quirk.
+ tie (*ACPIPE, 'Git::activestate_pipe', $cmd, @args);
+ $fh = *ACPIPE;
+ } else {
+ my $pid = open($fh, $direction);
+ if (not defined $pid) {
+ throw Error::Simple("open failed: $!");
+ } elsif ($pid == 0) {
+ if ($opts{STDERR}) {
+ open (STDERR, '>&', $opts{STDERR})
+ or die "dup failed: $!";
+ } elsif (defined $opts{STDERR}) {
+ open (STDERR, '>', '/dev/null')
+ or die "opening /dev/null failed: $!";
+ }
+ _cmd_exec($self, $cmd, @args);
+ }
+ }
+ return wantarray ? ($fh, join(' ', $cmd, @args)) : $fh;
+# When already in the subprocess, set up the appropriate state
+# for the given repository and execute the git command.
+sub _cmd_exec {
+ my ($self, @args) = @_;
+ _setup_git_cmd_env($self);
+ _execv_git_cmd(@args);
+ die qq[exec "@args" failed: $!];
+# set up the appropriate state for git command
+sub _setup_git_cmd_env {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if ($self) {
+ $self->repo_path() and $ENV{'GIT_DIR'} = $self->repo_path();
+ $self->repo_path() and $self->wc_path()
+ and $ENV{'GIT_WORK_TREE'} = $self->wc_path();
+ $self->wc_path() and chdir($self->wc_path());
+ $self->wc_subdir() and chdir($self->wc_subdir());
+ }
+# Execute the given Git command ($_[0]) with arguments ($_[1..])
+# by searching for it at proper places.
+sub _execv_git_cmd { exec('git', @_); }
+sub _is_sig {
+ my ($v, $n) = @_;
+ # We are avoiding a "use POSIX qw(SIGPIPE SIGABRT)" in the hot
+ # codepath.
+ require POSIX;
+ no strict 'refs';
+ $v == *{"POSIX::$n"}->();
+# Close pipe to a subprocess.
+sub _cmd_close {
+ my $ctx = shift @_;
+ foreach my $fh (@_) {
+ if (close $fh) {
+ # nop
+ } elsif ($!) {
+ # It's just close, no point in fatalities
+ carp "error closing pipe: $!";
+ } elsif ($? >> 8) {
+ # The caller should pepper this.
+ throw Git::Error::Command($ctx, $? >> 8);
+ } elsif ($? & 127 && _is_sig($? & 127, "SIGPIPE")) {
+ # we might e.g. closed a live stream; the command
+ # dying of SIGPIPE would drive us here.
+ } elsif ($? & 127 && _is_sig($? & 127, "SIGABRT")) {
+ die sprintf('BUG?: got SIGABRT ($? = %d, $? & 127 = %d) when closing pipe',
+ $?, $? & 127);
+ } elsif ($? & 127) {
+ die sprintf('got signal ($? = %d, $? & 127 = %d) when closing pipe',
+ $?, $? & 127);
+ }
+ }
+sub DESTROY {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ $self->_close_hash_and_insert_object();
+ $self->_close_cat_blob();
+# Pipe implementation for ActiveState Perl.
+package Git::activestate_pipe;
+ my ($class, @params) = @_;
+ # FIXME: This is probably horrible idea and the thing will explode
+ # at the moment you give it arguments that require some quoting,
+ # but I have no ActiveState clue... --pasky
+ # Let's just hope ActiveState Perl does at least the quoting
+ # correctly.
+ my @data = qx{git @params};
+ bless { i => 0, data => \@data }, $class;
+ my $self = shift;
+ if ($self->{i} >= scalar @{$self->{data}}) {
+ return undef;
+ }
+ my $i = $self->{i};
+ if (wantarray) {
+ $self->{i} = $#{$self->{'data'}} + 1;
+ return splice(@{$self->{'data'}}, $i);
+ }
+ $self->{i} = $i + 1;
+ return $self->{'data'}->[ $i ];
+sub CLOSE {
+ my $self = shift;
+ delete $self->{data};
+ delete $self->{i};
+sub EOF {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return ($self->{i} >= scalar @{$self->{data}});
+1; # Famous last words
diff --git a/perl/Git/ b/perl/Git/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..895e759
--- /dev/null
+++ b/perl/Git/
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+package Git::I18N;
+use 5.008;
+use strict;
+use warnings $ENV{GIT_PERL_FATAL_WARNINGS} ? qw(FATAL all) : ();
+ require Exporter;
+ if ($] < 5.008003) {
+ *import = \&Exporter::import;
+ } else {
+ # Exporter 5.57 which supports this invocation was
+ # released with perl 5.8.3
+ Exporter->import('import');
+ }
+our @EXPORT = qw(__ __n N__);
+# See Git::LoadCPAN's NO_PERL_CPAN_FALLBACKS_STR for a description of
+# this "'@@' [...] '@@'" pattern.
+use constant NO_GETTEXT_STR => '@@' . 'NO_GETTEXT' . '@@';
+use constant NO_GETTEXT => (
+ q[@@NO_GETTEXT@@] ne ''
+ and
+sub __bootstrap_locale_messages {
+ our $TEXTDOMAIN = 'git';
+ require POSIX;
+ POSIX->import(qw(setlocale));
+ # Non-core prerequisite module
+ require Locale::Messages;
+ Locale::Messages->import(qw(:locale_h :libintl_h));
+ setlocale(LC_MESSAGES(), '');
+ setlocale(LC_CTYPE(), '');
+ textdomain($TEXTDOMAIN);
+ bindtextdomain($TEXTDOMAIN => $TEXTDOMAINDIR);
+ return;
+ # Used by our test script to see if it should test fallbacks or
+ # not.
+ our $__HAS_LIBRARY = 1;
+ local $@;
+ eval {
+ __bootstrap_locale_messages();
+ *__ = \&Locale::Messages::gettext;
+ *__n = \&Locale::Messages::ngettext;
+ 1;
+ } or do {
+ # Tell that we couldn't load the gettext library.
+ $Git::I18N::__HAS_LIBRARY = 0;
+ # Just a fall-through no-op
+ *__ = sub ($) { $_[0] };
+ *__n = sub ($$$) { $_[2] == 1 ? $_[0] : $_[1] };
+ };
+ sub N__($) { return shift; }
+=head1 NAME
+Git::I18N - Perl interface to Git's Gettext localizations
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Git::I18N;
+ print __("Welcome to Git!\n");
+ printf __("The following error occurred: %s\n"), $error;
+ printf __n("committed %d file\n", "committed %d files\n", $files), $files;
+Git's internal Perl interface to gettext via L<Locale::Messages>. If
+L<Locale::Messages> can't be loaded (it's not a core module) we
+provide stub passthrough fallbacks.
+This is a distilled interface to gettext, see C<info '(gettext)Perl'>
+for the full interface. This module implements only a small part of
+=head2 __($)
+L<Locale::Messages>'s gettext function if all goes well, otherwise our
+passthrough fallback function.
+=head2 __n($$$)
+L<Locale::Messages>'s ngettext function or passthrough fallback function.
+=head2 N__($)
+No-operation that only returns its argument. Use this if you want xgettext to
+extract the text to the pot template but do not want to trigger retrival of the
+translation at run time.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+E<AElig>var ArnfjE<ouml>rE<eth> Bjarmason <>
+Copyright 2010 E<AElig>var ArnfjE<ouml>rE<eth> Bjarmason <>
diff --git a/perl/Git/ b/perl/Git/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ee054f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/perl/Git/
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+package Git::IndexInfo;
+use strict;
+use warnings $ENV{GIT_PERL_FATAL_WARNINGS} ? qw(FATAL all) : ();
+use Git qw/command_input_pipe command_close_pipe/;
+sub new {
+ my ($class) = @_;
+ my $hash_algo = Git::config('extensions.objectformat') || 'sha1';
+ my ($gui, $ctx) = command_input_pipe(qw/update-index -z --index-info/);
+ bless { gui => $gui, ctx => $ctx, nr => 0, hash_algo => $hash_algo}, $class;
+sub remove {
+ my ($self, $path) = @_;
+ my $length = $self->{hash_algo} eq 'sha256' ? 64 : 40;
+ if (print { $self->{gui} } '0 ', 0 x $length, "\t", $path, "\0") {
+ return ++$self->{nr};
+ }
+ undef;
+sub update {
+ my ($self, $mode, $hash, $path) = @_;
+ if (print { $self->{gui} } $mode, ' ', $hash, "\t", $path, "\0") {
+ return ++$self->{nr};
+ }
+ undef;
+sub DESTROY {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ command_close_pipe($self->{gui}, $self->{ctx});
diff --git a/perl/Git/ b/perl/Git/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c360bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/perl/Git/
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+package Git::LoadCPAN;
+use 5.008;
+use strict;
+use warnings $ENV{GIT_PERL_FATAL_WARNINGS} ? qw(FATAL all) : ();
+=head1 NAME
+Git::LoadCPAN - Wrapper for loading modules from the CPAN (OS) or Git's own copy
+The Perl code in Git depends on some modules from the CPAN, but we
+don't want to make those a hard requirement for anyone building from
+Therefore the L<Git::LoadCPAN> namespace shipped with Git contains
+wrapper modules like C<Git::LoadCPAN::Module::Name> that will first
+attempt to load C<Module::Name> from the OS, and if that doesn't work
+will fall back on C<FromCPAN::Module::Name> shipped with Git itself.
+Usually distributors will not ship with Git's Git::FromCPAN tree at
+all via the C<NO_PERL_CPAN_FALLBACKS> option, preferring to use their
+own packaging of CPAN modules instead.
+This module is only intended to be used for code shipping in the
+C<git.git> repository. Use it for anything else at your peril!
+# NO_PERL_CPAN_FALLBACKS_STR evades the sed search-replace from the
+# Makefile, and allows for detecting whether the module is loaded from
+# perl/Git as opposed to perl/build/Git, which is useful for one-off
+# testing without having et al installed.
+use constant NO_PERL_CPAN_FALLBACKS_STR => '@@' . 'NO_PERL_CPAN_FALLBACKS' . '@@';
+use constant NO_PERL_CPAN_FALLBACKS => (
+ and
+sub import {
+ shift;
+ my $caller = caller;
+ my %args = @_;
+ my $module = exists $args{module} ? delete $args{module} : die "BUG: Expected 'module' parameter!";
+ my $import = exists $args{import} ? delete $args{import} : die "BUG: Expected 'import' parameter!";
+ die "BUG: Too many arguments!" if keys %args;
+ # Foo::Bar to Foo/
+ my $package_pm = $module;
+ $package_pm =~ s[::][/]g;
+ $package_pm .= '.pm';
+ eval {
+ require $package_pm;
+ 1;
+ } or do {
+ my $error = $@ || "Zombie Error";
+ chomp(my $error = sprintf <<'THEY_PROMISED', $module);
+BUG: The '%s' module is not here, but NO_PERL_CPAN_FALLBACKS was set!
+Git needs this Perl module from the CPAN, and will by default ship
+with a copy of it. This Git was built with NO_PERL_CPAN_FALLBACKS,
+meaning that whoever built it promised to provide this module.
+You're seeing this error because they broke that promise, and we can't
+load our fallback version, since we were asked not to install it.
+If you're seeing this error and didn't package Git yourself the
+package you're using is broken, or your system is broken. This error
+won't appear if Git is built without NO_PERL_CPAN_FALLBACKS (instead
+we'll use our fallback version of the module).
+ die $error;
+ }
+ my $Git_LoadCPAN_pm_path = $INC{"Git/"} || die "BUG: Should have our own path from %INC!";
+ require File::Basename;
+ my $Git_LoadCPAN_pm_root = File::Basename::dirname($Git_LoadCPAN_pm_path) || die "BUG: Can't figure out lib/Git dirname from '$Git_LoadCPAN_pm_path'!";
+ require File::Spec;
+ my $Git_pm_FromCPAN_root = File::Spec->catdir($Git_LoadCPAN_pm_root, '..', 'FromCPAN');
+ die "BUG: '$Git_pm_FromCPAN_root' should be a directory!" unless -d $Git_pm_FromCPAN_root;
+ local @INC = ($Git_pm_FromCPAN_root, @INC);
+ require $package_pm;
+ };
+ if ($import) {
+ no strict 'refs';
+ *{"${caller}::import"} = sub {
+ shift;
+ use strict 'refs';
+ unshift @_, $module;
+ goto &{"${module}::import"};
+ };
+ use strict 'refs';
+ }
diff --git a/perl/Git/LoadCPAN/ b/perl/Git/LoadCPAN/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d84c20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/perl/Git/LoadCPAN/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+package Git::LoadCPAN::Error;
+use 5.008;
+use strict;
+use warnings $ENV{GIT_PERL_FATAL_WARNINGS} ? qw(FATAL all) : ();
+use Git::LoadCPAN (
+ module => 'Error',
+ import => 1,
diff --git a/perl/Git/LoadCPAN/Mail/ b/perl/Git/LoadCPAN/Mail/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..340e88a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/perl/Git/LoadCPAN/Mail/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+package Git::LoadCPAN::Mail::Address;
+use 5.008;
+use strict;
+use warnings $ENV{GIT_PERL_FATAL_WARNINGS} ? qw(FATAL all) : ();
+use Git::LoadCPAN (
+ module => 'Mail::Address',
+ import => 0,
diff --git a/perl/Git/ b/perl/Git/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d144f51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/perl/Git/
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+package Git::Packet;
+use 5.008;
+use strict;
+use warnings $ENV{GIT_PERL_FATAL_WARNINGS} ? qw(FATAL all) : ();
+ require Exporter;
+ if ($] < 5.008003) {
+ *import = \&Exporter::import;
+ } else {
+ # Exporter 5.57 which supports this invocation was
+ # released with perl 5.8.3
+ Exporter->import('import');
+ }
+our @EXPORT = qw(
+ packet_compare_lists
+ packet_bin_read
+ packet_txt_read
+ packet_key_val_read
+ packet_bin_write
+ packet_txt_write
+ packet_flush
+ packet_initialize
+ packet_read_capabilities
+ packet_read_and_check_capabilities
+ packet_check_and_write_capabilities
+ );
+sub packet_compare_lists {
+ my ($expect, @result) = @_;
+ my $ix;
+ if (scalar @$expect != scalar @result) {
+ return undef;
+ }
+ for ($ix = 0; $ix < $#result; $ix++) {
+ if ($expect->[$ix] ne $result[$ix]) {
+ return undef;
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+sub packet_bin_read {
+ my $buffer;
+ my $bytes_read = read STDIN, $buffer, 4;
+ if ( $bytes_read == 0 ) {
+ # EOF - Git stopped talking to us!
+ return ( -1, "" );
+ } elsif ( $bytes_read != 4 ) {
+ die "invalid packet: '$buffer'";
+ }
+ my $pkt_size = hex($buffer);
+ if ( $pkt_size == 0 ) {
+ return ( 1, "" );
+ } elsif ( $pkt_size > 4 ) {
+ my $content_size = $pkt_size - 4;
+ $bytes_read = read STDIN, $buffer, $content_size;
+ if ( $bytes_read != $content_size ) {
+ die "invalid packet ($content_size bytes expected; $bytes_read bytes read)";
+ }
+ return ( 0, $buffer );
+ } else {
+ die "invalid packet size: $pkt_size";
+ }
+sub remove_final_lf_or_die {
+ my $buf = shift;
+ if ( $buf =~ s/\n$// ) {
+ return $buf;
+ }
+ die "A non-binary line MUST be terminated by an LF.\n"
+ . "Received: '$buf'";
+sub packet_txt_read {
+ my ( $res, $buf ) = packet_bin_read();
+ if ( $res != -1 and $buf ne '' ) {
+ $buf = remove_final_lf_or_die($buf);
+ }
+ return ( $res, $buf );
+# Read a text packet, expecting that it is in the form "key=value" for
+# the given $key. An EOF does not trigger any error and is reported
+# back to the caller (like packet_txt_read() does). Die if the "key"
+# part of "key=value" does not match the given $key, or the value part
+# is empty.
+sub packet_key_val_read {
+ my ( $key ) = @_;
+ my ( $res, $buf ) = packet_txt_read();
+ if ( $res == -1 or ( $buf =~ s/^$key=// and $buf ne '' ) ) {
+ return ( $res, $buf );
+ }
+ die "bad $key: '$buf'";
+sub packet_bin_write {
+ my $buf = shift;
+ print STDOUT sprintf( "%04x", length($buf) + 4 );
+ print STDOUT $buf;
+ STDOUT->flush();
+sub packet_txt_write {
+ packet_bin_write( $_[0] . "\n" );
+sub packet_flush {
+ print STDOUT sprintf( "%04x", 0 );
+ STDOUT->flush();
+sub packet_initialize {
+ my ($name, $version) = @_;
+ packet_compare_lists([0, $name . "-client"], packet_txt_read()) ||
+ die "bad initialize";
+ packet_compare_lists([0, "version=" . $version], packet_txt_read()) ||
+ die "bad version";
+ packet_compare_lists([1, ""], packet_bin_read()) ||
+ die "bad version end";
+ packet_txt_write( $name . "-server" );
+ packet_txt_write( "version=" . $version );
+ packet_flush();
+sub packet_read_capabilities {
+ my @cap;
+ while (1) {
+ my ( $res, $buf ) = packet_bin_read();
+ if ( $res == -1 ) {
+ die "unexpected EOF when reading capabilities";
+ }
+ return ( $res, @cap ) if ( $res != 0 );
+ $buf = remove_final_lf_or_die($buf);
+ unless ( $buf =~ s/capability=// ) {
+ die "bad capability buf: '$buf'";
+ }
+ push @cap, $buf;
+ }
+# Read remote capabilities and check them against capabilities we require
+sub packet_read_and_check_capabilities {
+ my @required_caps = @_;
+ my ($res, @remote_caps) = packet_read_capabilities();
+ my %remote_caps = map { $_ => 1 } @remote_caps;
+ foreach (@required_caps) {
+ unless (exists($remote_caps{$_})) {
+ die "required '$_' capability not available from remote" ;
+ }
+ }
+ return %remote_caps;
+# Check our capabilities we want to advertise against the remote ones
+# and then advertise our capabilities
+sub packet_check_and_write_capabilities {
+ my ($remote_caps, @our_caps) = @_;
+ foreach (@our_caps) {
+ unless (exists($remote_caps->{$_})) {
+ die "our capability '$_' is not available from remote"
+ }
+ packet_txt_write( "capability=" . $_ );
+ }
+ packet_flush();
diff --git a/perl/Git/ b/perl/Git/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ce2e28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/perl/Git/
@@ -0,0 +1,2573 @@
+package Git::SVN;
+use strict;
+use warnings $ENV{GIT_PERL_FATAL_WARNINGS} ? qw(FATAL all) : ();
+use Fcntl qw/:DEFAULT :seek/;
+use constant rev_map_fmt => 'NH*';
+use vars qw/$_no_metadata
+ $_repack $_repack_flags $_use_svm_props $_head
+ $_use_svnsync_props $no_reuse_existing
+ $_use_log_author $_add_author_from $_localtime $_use_fsync/;
+use Carp qw/croak/;
+use File::Path qw/mkpath/;
+use IPC::Open3;
+use Memoize; # core since 5.8.0, Jul 2002
+use POSIX qw(:signal_h);
+use Time::Local;
+use Git qw(
+ command
+ command_oneline
+ command_noisy
+ command_output_pipe
+ command_close_pipe
+ get_tz_offset
+use Git::SVN::Utils qw(
+ fatal
+ can_compress
+ join_paths
+ canonicalize_path
+ canonicalize_url
+ add_path_to_url
+my $memo_backend;
+our $_follow_parent = 1;
+our $_minimize_url = 'unset';
+our $default_repo_id = 'svn';
+our $default_ref_id = $ENV{GIT_SVN_ID} || 'git-svn';
+my ($_gc_nr, $_gc_period);
+# properties that we do not log:
+ %SKIP_PROP = map { $_ => 1 } qw/svn:wc:ra_dav:version-url
+ svn:special svn:executable
+ svn:entry:committed-rev
+ svn:entry:last-author
+ svn:entry:uuid
+ svn:entry:committed-date/;
+ # some options are read globally, but can be overridden locally
+ # per [svn-remote "..."] section. Command-line options will *NOT*
+ # override options set in an [svn-remote "..."] section
+ no strict 'refs';
+ for my $option (qw/follow_parent no_metadata use_svm_props
+ use_svnsync_props/) {
+ my $key = $option;
+ $key =~ tr/_//d;
+ my $prop = "-$option";
+ *$option = sub {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ return $self->{$prop} if exists $self->{$prop};
+ my $k = "svn-remote.$self->{repo_id}.$key";
+ eval { command_oneline(qw/config --get/, $k) };
+ if ($@) {
+ $self->{$prop} = ${"Git::SVN::_$option"};
+ } else {
+ my $v = command_oneline(qw/config --bool/,$k);
+ $self->{$prop} = $v eq 'false' ? 0 : 1;
+ }
+ return $self->{$prop};
+ }
+ }
+END {
+ unlink keys %LOCKFILES if %LOCKFILES;
+ unlink keys %INDEX_FILES if %INDEX_FILES;
+sub resolve_local_globs {
+ my ($url, $fetch, $glob_spec) = @_;
+ return unless defined $glob_spec;
+ my $ref = $glob_spec->{ref};
+ my $path = $glob_spec->{path};
+ foreach (command(qw#for-each-ref --format=%(refname) refs/#)) {
+ next unless m#^$ref->{regex}$#;
+ my $p = $1;
+ my $pathname = desanitize_refname($path->full_path($p));
+ my $refname = desanitize_refname($ref->full_path($p));
+ if (my $existing = $fetch->{$pathname}) {
+ if ($existing ne $refname) {
+ die "Refspec conflict:\n",
+ "existing: $existing\n",
+ " globbed: $refname\n";
+ }
+ my $u = (::cmt_metadata("$refname"))[0];
+ if (!defined($u)) {
+ warn
+"W: $refname: no associated commit metadata from SVN, skipping\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ $u =~ s!^\Q$url\E(/|$)!! or die
+ "$refname: '$url' not found in '$u'\n";
+ if ($pathname ne $u) {
+ warn "W: Refspec glob conflict ",
+ "(ref: $refname):\n",
+ "expected path: $pathname\n",
+ " real path: $u\n",
+ "Continuing ahead with $u\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $fetch->{$pathname} = $refname;
+ }
+ }
+sub parse_revision_argument {
+ my ($base, $head) = @_;
+ if (!defined $::_revision || $::_revision eq 'BASE:HEAD') {
+ return ($base, $head);
+ }
+ return ($1, $2) if ($::_revision =~ /^(\d+):(\d+)$/);
+ return ($::_revision, $::_revision) if ($::_revision =~ /^\d+$/);
+ return ($head, $head) if ($::_revision eq 'HEAD');
+ return ($base, $1) if ($::_revision =~ /^BASE:(\d+)$/);
+ return ($1, $head) if ($::_revision =~ /^(\d+):HEAD$/);
+ die "revision argument: $::_revision not understood by git-svn\n";
+sub fetch_all {
+ my ($repo_id, $remotes) = @_;
+ if (ref $repo_id) {
+ my $gs = $repo_id;
+ $repo_id = undef;
+ $repo_id = $gs->{repo_id};
+ }
+ $remotes ||= read_all_remotes();
+ my $remote = $remotes->{$repo_id} or
+ die "[svn-remote \"$repo_id\"] unknown\n";
+ my $fetch = $remote->{fetch};
+ my $url = $remote->{url} or die "svn-remote.$repo_id.url not defined\n";
+ my (@gs, @globs);
+ my $ra = Git::SVN::Ra->new($url);
+ my $uuid = $ra->get_uuid;
+ my $head = $ra->get_latest_revnum;
+ # ignore errors, $head revision may not even exist anymore
+ eval { $ra->get_log("", $head, 0, 1, 0, 1, sub { $head = $_[1] }) };
+ warn "W: $@\n" if $@;
+ my $base = defined $fetch ? $head : 0;
+ # read the max revs for wildcard expansion (branches/*, tags/*)
+ foreach my $t (qw/branches tags/) {
+ defined $remote->{$t} or next;
+ push @globs, @{$remote->{$t}};
+ my $max_rev = eval { tmp_config(qw/--int --get/,
+ "svn-remote.$repo_id.${t}-maxRev") };
+ if (defined $max_rev && ($max_rev < $base)) {
+ $base = $max_rev;
+ } elsif (!defined $max_rev) {
+ $base = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($fetch) {
+ foreach my $p (sort keys %$fetch) {
+ my $gs = Git::SVN->new($fetch->{$p}, $repo_id, $p);
+ my $lr = $gs->rev_map_max;
+ if (defined $lr) {
+ $base = $lr if ($lr < $base);
+ }
+ push @gs, $gs;
+ }
+ }
+ ($base, $head) = parse_revision_argument($base, $head);
+ $ra->gs_fetch_loop_common($base, $head, \@gs, \@globs);
+sub read_all_remotes {
+ my $r = {};
+ my $use_svm_props = eval { command_oneline(qw/config --bool
+ svn.useSvmProps/) };
+ $use_svm_props = $use_svm_props eq 'true' if $use_svm_props;
+ my $svn_refspec = qr{\s*(.*?)\s*:\s*(.+?)\s*};
+ foreach (grep { s/^svn-remote\.// } command(qw/config -l/)) {
+ if (m!^(.+)\.fetch=$svn_refspec$!) {
+ my ($remote, $local_ref, $remote_ref) = ($1, $2, $3);
+ die("svn-remote.$remote: remote ref '$remote_ref' "
+ . "must start with 'refs/'\n")
+ unless $remote_ref =~ m{^refs/};
+ $local_ref = uri_decode($local_ref);
+ $r->{$remote}->{fetch}->{$local_ref} = $remote_ref;
+ $r->{$remote}->{svm} = {} if $use_svm_props;
+ } elsif (m!^(.+)\.usesvmprops=\s*(.*)\s*$!) {
+ $r->{$1}->{svm} = {};
+ } elsif (m!^(.+)\.url=\s*(.*)\s*$!) {
+ $r->{$1}->{url} = canonicalize_url($2);
+ } elsif (m!^(.+)\.pushurl=\s*(.*)\s*$!) {
+ $r->{$1}->{pushurl} = canonicalize_url($2);
+ } elsif (m!^(.+)\.ignore-refs=\s*(.*)\s*$!) {
+ $r->{$1}->{ignore_refs_regex} = $2;
+ } elsif (m!^(.+)\.(branches|tags)=$svn_refspec$!) {
+ my ($remote, $t, $local_ref, $remote_ref) =
+ ($1, $2, $3, $4);
+ die("svn-remote.$remote: remote ref '$remote_ref' ($t) "
+ . "must start with 'refs/'\n")
+ unless $remote_ref =~ m{^refs/};
+ $local_ref = uri_decode($local_ref);
+ require Git::SVN::GlobSpec;
+ my $rs = {
+ t => $t,
+ remote => $remote,
+ path => Git::SVN::GlobSpec->new($local_ref, 1),
+ ref => Git::SVN::GlobSpec->new($remote_ref, 0) };
+ if (length($rs->{ref}->{right}) != 0) {
+ die "The '*' glob character must be the last ",
+ "character of '$remote_ref'\n";
+ }
+ push @{ $r->{$remote}->{$t} }, $rs;
+ }
+ }
+ map {
+ if (defined $r->{$_}->{svm}) {
+ my $svm;
+ eval {
+ my $section = "svn-remote.$_";
+ $svm = {
+ source => tmp_config('--get',
+ "$section.svm-source"),
+ replace => tmp_config('--get',
+ "$section.svm-replace"),
+ }
+ };
+ $r->{$_}->{svm} = $svm;
+ }
+ } keys %$r;
+ foreach my $remote (keys %$r) {
+ foreach ( grep { defined $_ }
+ map { $r->{$remote}->{$_} } qw(branches tags) ) {
+ foreach my $rs ( @$_ ) {
+ $rs->{ignore_refs_regex} =
+ $r->{$remote}->{ignore_refs_regex};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $r;
+sub init_vars {
+ $_gc_nr = $_gc_period = 1000;
+ if (defined $_repack || defined $_repack_flags) {
+ warn "Repack options are obsolete; they have no effect.\n";
+ }
+sub verify_remotes_sanity {
+ return unless -d $ENV{GIT_DIR};
+ my %seen;
+ foreach (command(qw/config -l/)) {
+ if (m!^svn-remote\.(?:.+)\.fetch=.*:refs/remotes/(\S+)\s*$!) {
+ if ($seen{$1}) {
+ die "Remote ref refs/remote/$1 is tracked by",
+ "\n \"$_\"\nand\n \"$seen{$1}\"\n",
+ "Please resolve this ambiguity in ",
+ "your git configuration file before ",
+ "continuing\n";
+ }
+ $seen{$1} = $_;
+ }
+ }
+sub find_existing_remote {
+ my ($url, $remotes) = @_;
+ return undef if $no_reuse_existing;
+ my $existing;
+ foreach my $repo_id (keys %$remotes) {
+ my $u = $remotes->{$repo_id}->{url} or next;
+ next if $u ne $url;
+ $existing = $repo_id;
+ last;
+ }
+ $existing;
+sub init_remote_config {
+ my ($self, $url, $no_write) = @_;
+ $url = canonicalize_url($url);
+ my $r = read_all_remotes();
+ my $existing = find_existing_remote($url, $r);
+ if ($existing) {
+ unless ($no_write) {
+ print STDERR "Using existing ",
+ "[svn-remote \"$existing\"]\n";
+ }
+ $self->{repo_id} = $existing;
+ } elsif ($_minimize_url) {
+ my $min_url = Git::SVN::Ra->new($url)->minimize_url;
+ $existing = find_existing_remote($min_url, $r);
+ if ($existing) {
+ unless ($no_write) {
+ print STDERR "Using existing ",
+ "[svn-remote \"$existing\"]\n";
+ }
+ $self->{repo_id} = $existing;
+ }
+ if ($min_url ne $url) {
+ unless ($no_write) {
+ print STDERR "Using higher level of URL: ",
+ "$url => $min_url\n";
+ }
+ my $old_path = $self->path;
+ $url =~ s!^\Q$min_url\E(/|$)!!;
+ $url = join_paths($url, $old_path);
+ $self->path($url);
+ $url = $min_url;
+ }
+ }
+ my $orig_url;
+ if (!$existing) {
+ # verify that we aren't overwriting anything:
+ $orig_url = eval {
+ command_oneline('config', '--get',
+ "svn-remote.$self->{repo_id}.url")
+ };
+ if ($orig_url && ($orig_url ne $url)) {
+ die "svn-remote.$self->{repo_id}.url already set: ",
+ "$orig_url\nwanted to set to: $url\n";
+ }
+ }
+ my ($xrepo_id, $xpath) = find_ref($self->refname);
+ if (!$no_write && defined $xpath) {
+ die "svn-remote.$xrepo_id.fetch already set to track ",
+ "$xpath:", $self->refname, "\n";
+ }
+ unless ($no_write) {
+ command_noisy('config',
+ "svn-remote.$self->{repo_id}.url", $url);
+ my $path = $self->path;
+ $path =~ s{^/}{};
+ $path =~ s{%([0-9A-F]{2})}{chr hex($1)}ieg;
+ $self->path($path);
+ command_noisy('config', '--add',
+ "svn-remote.$self->{repo_id}.fetch",
+ $self->path.":".$self->refname);
+ }
+ $self->url($url);
+sub find_by_url { # repos_root and, path are optional
+ my ($class, $full_url, $repos_root, $path) = @_;
+ $full_url = canonicalize_url($full_url);
+ return undef unless defined $full_url;
+ remove_username($full_url);
+ remove_username($repos_root) if defined $repos_root;
+ my $remotes = read_all_remotes();
+ if (defined $full_url && defined $repos_root && !defined $path) {
+ $path = $full_url;
+ $path =~ s#^\Q$repos_root\E(?:/|$)##;
+ }
+ foreach my $repo_id (keys %$remotes) {
+ my $u = $remotes->{$repo_id}->{url} or next;
+ remove_username($u);
+ next if defined $repos_root && $repos_root ne $u;
+ my $fetch = $remotes->{$repo_id}->{fetch} || {};
+ foreach my $t (qw/branches tags/) {
+ foreach my $globspec (@{$remotes->{$repo_id}->{$t}}) {
+ resolve_local_globs($u, $fetch, $globspec);
+ }
+ }
+ my $p = $path;
+ my $rwr = rewrite_root({repo_id => $repo_id});
+ my $svm = $remotes->{$repo_id}->{svm}
+ if defined $remotes->{$repo_id}->{svm};
+ unless (defined $p) {
+ $p = $full_url;
+ my $z = $u;
+ my $prefix = '';
+ if ($rwr) {
+ $z = $rwr;
+ remove_username($z);
+ } elsif (defined $svm) {
+ $z = $svm->{source};
+ $prefix = $svm->{replace};
+ $prefix =~ s#^\Q$u\E(?:/|$)##;
+ $prefix =~ s#/$##;
+ }
+ $p =~ s#^\Q$z\E(?:/|$)#$prefix# or next;
+ }
+ # remote fetch paths are not URI escaped. Decode ours
+ # so they match
+ $p = uri_decode($p);
+ foreach my $f (keys %$fetch) {
+ next if $f ne $p;
+ return Git::SVN->new($fetch->{$f}, $repo_id, $f);
+ }
+ }
+ undef;
+sub init {
+ my ($class, $url, $path, $repo_id, $ref_id, $no_write) = @_;
+ my $self = _new($class, $repo_id, $ref_id, $path);
+ if (defined $url) {
+ $self->init_remote_config($url, $no_write);
+ }
+ $self;
+sub find_ref {
+ my ($ref_id) = @_;
+ foreach (command(qw/config -l/)) {
+ next unless m!^svn-remote\.(.+)\.fetch=
+ \s*(.*?)\s*:\s*(.+?)\s*$!x;
+ my ($repo_id, $path, $ref) = ($1, $2, $3);
+ if ($ref eq $ref_id) {
+ $path = '' if ($path =~ m#^\./?#);
+ return ($repo_id, $path);
+ }
+ }
+ (undef, undef, undef);
+sub new {
+ my ($class, $ref_id, $repo_id, $path) = @_;
+ if (defined $ref_id && !defined $repo_id && !defined $path) {
+ ($repo_id, $path) = find_ref($ref_id);
+ if (!defined $repo_id) {
+ die "Could not find a \"svn-remote.*.fetch\" key ",
+ "in the repository configuration matching: ",
+ "$ref_id\n";
+ }
+ }
+ my $self = _new($class, $repo_id, $ref_id, $path);
+ if (!defined $self->path || !length $self->path) {
+ my $fetch = command_oneline('config', '--get',
+ "svn-remote.$repo_id.fetch",
+ ":$ref_id\$") or
+ die "Failed to read \"svn-remote.$repo_id.fetch\" ",
+ "\":$ref_id\$\" in config\n";
+ my($path) = split(/\s*:\s*/, $fetch);
+ $self->path($path);
+ }
+ {
+ my $path = $self->path;
+ $path =~ s{\A/}{};
+ $path =~ s{/\z}{};
+ $self->path($path);
+ }
+ my $url = command_oneline('config', '--get',
+ "svn-remote.$repo_id.url") or
+ die "Failed to read \"svn-remote.$repo_id.url\" in config\n";
+ $self->url($url);
+ $self->{pushurl} = eval { command_oneline('config', '--get',
+ "svn-remote.$repo_id.pushurl") };
+ $self->rebuild;
+ $self;
+sub refname {
+ my ($refname) = $_[0]->{ref_id} ;
+ # It cannot end with a slash /, we'll throw up on this because
+ # SVN can't have directories with a slash in their name, either:
+ if ($refname =~ m{/$}) {
+ die "ref: '$refname' ends with a trailing slash; this is ",
+ "not permitted by git or Subversion\n";
+ }
+ # It cannot have ASCII control character space, tilde ~, caret ^,
+ # colon :, question-mark ?, asterisk *, space, or open bracket [
+ # anywhere.
+ #
+ # Additionally, % must be escaped because it is used for escaping
+ # and we want our escaped refname to be reversible
+ $refname =~ s{([ \%~\^:\?\*\[\t\\])}{sprintf('%%%02X',ord($1))}eg;
+ # no slash-separated component can begin with a dot .
+ # /.* becomes /%2E*
+ $refname =~ s{/\.}{/%2E}g;
+ # It cannot have two consecutive dots .. anywhere
+ # .. becomes %2E%2E
+ $refname =~ s{\.\.}{%2E%2E}g;
+ # trailing dots and .lock are not allowed
+ # .$ becomes %2E and .lock becomes %2Elock
+ $refname =~ s{\.(?=$|lock$)}{%2E};
+ # the sequence @{ is used to access the reflog
+ # @{ becomes %40{
+ $refname =~ s{\@\{}{%40\{}g;
+ return $refname;
+sub desanitize_refname {
+ my ($refname) = @_;
+ $refname =~ s{%(?:([0-9A-F]{2}))}{chr hex($1)}eg;
+ return $refname;
+sub svm_uuid {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ return $self->{svm}->{uuid} if $self->svm;
+ $self->ra;
+ unless ($self->{svm}) {
+ die "SVM UUID not cached, and reading remotely failed\n";
+ }
+ $self->{svm}->{uuid};
+sub svm {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ return $self->{svm} if $self->{svm};
+ my $svm;
+ # see if we have it in our config, first:
+ eval {
+ my $section = "svn-remote.$self->{repo_id}";
+ $svm = {
+ source => tmp_config('--get', "$section.svm-source"),
+ uuid => tmp_config('--get', "$section.svm-uuid"),
+ replace => tmp_config('--get', "$section.svm-replace"),
+ }
+ };
+ if ($svm && $svm->{source} && $svm->{uuid} && $svm->{replace}) {
+ $self->{svm} = $svm;
+ }
+ $self->{svm};
+sub _set_svm_vars {
+ my ($self, $ra) = @_;
+ return $ra if $self->svm;
+ my @err = ( "useSvmProps set, but failed to read SVM properties\n",
+ "(svm:source, svm:uuid) ",
+ "from the following URLs:\n" );
+ sub read_svm_props {
+ my ($self, $ra, $path, $r) = @_;
+ my $props = ($ra->get_dir($path, $r))[2];
+ my $src = $props->{'svm:source'};
+ my $uuid = $props->{'svm:uuid'};
+ return undef if (!$src || !$uuid);
+ chomp($src, $uuid);
+ $uuid =~ m{^[0-9a-f\-]{30,}$}i
+ or die "doesn't look right - svm:uuid is '$uuid'\n";
+ # the '!' is used to mark the repos_root!/relative/path
+ $src =~ s{/?!/?}{/};
+ $src =~ s{/+$}{}; # no trailing slashes please
+ # username is of no interest
+ $src =~ s{(^[a-z\+]*://)[^/@]*@}{$1};
+ my $replace = add_path_to_url($ra->url, $path);
+ my $section = "svn-remote.$self->{repo_id}";
+ tmp_config("$section.svm-source", $src);
+ tmp_config("$section.svm-replace", $replace);
+ tmp_config("$section.svm-uuid", $uuid);
+ $self->{svm} = {
+ source => $src,
+ uuid => $uuid,
+ replace => $replace
+ };
+ }
+ my $r = $ra->get_latest_revnum;
+ my $path = $self->path;
+ my %tried;
+ while (length $path) {
+ my $try = add_path_to_url($self->url, $path);
+ unless ($tried{$try}) {
+ return $ra if $self->read_svm_props($ra, $path, $r);
+ $tried{$try} = 1;
+ }
+ $path =~ s#/?[^/]+$##;
+ }
+ die "Path: '$path' should be ''\n" if $path ne '';
+ return $ra if $self->read_svm_props($ra, $path, $r);
+ $tried{ add_path_to_url($self->url, $path) } = 1;
+ if ($ra->{repos_root} eq $self->url) {
+ die @err, (map { " $_\n" } keys %tried), "\n";
+ }
+ # nope, make sure we're connected to the repository root:
+ my $ok;
+ my @tried_b;
+ $path = $ra->{svn_path};
+ $ra = Git::SVN::Ra->new($ra->{repos_root});
+ while (length $path) {
+ my $try = add_path_to_url($ra->url, $path);
+ unless ($tried{$try}) {
+ $ok = $self->read_svm_props($ra, $path, $r);
+ last if $ok;
+ $tried{$try} = 1;
+ }
+ $path =~ s#/?[^/]+$##;
+ }
+ die "Path: '$path' should be ''\n" if $path ne '';
+ $ok ||= $self->read_svm_props($ra, $path, $r);
+ $tried{ add_path_to_url($ra->url, $path) } = 1;
+ if (!$ok) {
+ die @err, (map { " $_\n" } keys %tried), "\n";
+ }
+ Git::SVN::Ra->new($self->url);
+sub svnsync {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ return $self->{svnsync} if $self->{svnsync};
+ if ($self->no_metadata) {
+ die "Can't have both 'noMetadata' and ",
+ "'useSvnsyncProps' options set!\n";
+ }
+ if ($self->rewrite_root) {
+ die "Can't have both 'useSvnsyncProps' and 'rewriteRoot' ",
+ "options set!\n";
+ }
+ if ($self->rewrite_uuid) {
+ die "Can't have both 'useSvnsyncProps' and 'rewriteUUID' ",
+ "options set!\n";
+ }
+ my $svnsync;
+ # see if we have it in our config, first:
+ eval {
+ my $section = "svn-remote.$self->{repo_id}";
+ my $url = tmp_config('--get', "$section.svnsync-url");
+ ($url) = ($url =~ m{^([a-z\+]+://\S+)$}) or
+ die "doesn't look right - svn:sync-from-url is '$url'\n";
+ my $uuid = tmp_config('--get', "$section.svnsync-uuid");
+ ($uuid) = ($uuid =~ m{^([0-9a-f\-]{30,})$}i) or
+ die "doesn't look right - svn:sync-from-uuid is '$uuid'\n";
+ $svnsync = { url => $url, uuid => $uuid }
+ };
+ if ($svnsync && $svnsync->{url} && $svnsync->{uuid}) {
+ return $self->{svnsync} = $svnsync;
+ }
+ my $err = "useSvnsyncProps set, but failed to read " .
+ "svnsync property: svn:sync-from-";
+ my $rp = $self->ra->rev_proplist(0);
+ my $url = $rp->{'svn:sync-from-url'} or die $err . "url\n";
+ ($url) = ($url =~ m{^([a-z\+]+://\S+)$}) or
+ die "doesn't look right - svn:sync-from-url is '$url'\n";
+ my $uuid = $rp->{'svn:sync-from-uuid'} or die $err . "uuid\n";
+ ($uuid) = ($uuid =~ m{^([0-9a-f\-]{30,})$}i) or
+ die "doesn't look right - svn:sync-from-uuid is '$uuid'\n";
+ my $section = "svn-remote.$self->{repo_id}";
+ tmp_config('--add', "$section.svnsync-uuid", $uuid);
+ tmp_config('--add', "$section.svnsync-url", $url);
+ return $self->{svnsync} = { url => $url, uuid => $uuid };
+# this allows us to memoize our SVN::Ra UUID locally and avoid a
+# remote lookup (useful for 'git svn log').
+sub ra_uuid {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ unless ($self->{ra_uuid}) {
+ my $key = "svn-remote.$self->{repo_id}.uuid";
+ my $uuid = eval { tmp_config('--get', $key) };
+ if (!$@ && $uuid && $uuid =~ /^([a-f\d\-]{30,})$/i) {
+ $self->{ra_uuid} = $uuid;
+ } else {
+ die "ra_uuid called without URL\n" unless $self->url;
+ $self->{ra_uuid} = $self->ra->get_uuid;
+ tmp_config('--add', $key, $self->{ra_uuid});
+ }
+ }
+ $self->{ra_uuid};
+sub _set_repos_root {
+ my ($self, $repos_root) = @_;
+ my $k = "svn-remote.$self->{repo_id}.reposRoot";
+ $repos_root ||= $self->ra->{repos_root};
+ tmp_config($k, $repos_root);
+ $repos_root;
+sub repos_root {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ my $k = "svn-remote.$self->{repo_id}.reposRoot";
+ eval { tmp_config('--get', $k) } || $self->_set_repos_root;
+sub ra {
+ my ($self) = shift;
+ my $ra = Git::SVN::Ra->new($self->url);
+ $self->_set_repos_root($ra->{repos_root});
+ if ($self->use_svm_props && !$self->{svm}) {
+ if ($self->no_metadata) {
+ die "Can't have both 'noMetadata' and ",
+ "'useSvmProps' options set!\n";
+ } elsif ($self->use_svnsync_props) {
+ die "Can't have both 'useSvnsyncProps' and ",
+ "'useSvmProps' options set!\n";
+ }
+ $ra = $self->_set_svm_vars($ra);
+ $self->{-want_revprops} = 1;
+ }
+ $ra;
+# prop_walk(PATH, REV, SUB)
+# -------------------------
+# Recursively traverse PATH at revision REV and invoke SUB for each
+# directory that contains a SVN property. SUB will be invoked as
+# follows: &SUB(gs, path, props); where `gs' is this instance of
+# Git::SVN, `path' the path to the directory where the properties
+# `props' were found. The `path' will be relative to point of checkout,
+# that is, if url://repo/trunk is the current Git branch, and that
+# directory contains a sub-directory `d', SUB will be invoked with `/d/'
+# as `path' (note the trailing `/').
+sub prop_walk {
+ my ($self, $path, $rev, $sub) = @_;
+ $path =~ s#^/##;
+ my ($dirent, undef, $props) = $self->ra->get_dir($path, $rev);
+ $path =~ s#^/*#/#g;
+ my $p = $path;
+ # Strip the irrelevant part of the path.
+ $p =~ s#^/+\Q@{[$self->path]}\E(/|$)#/#;
+ # Ensure the path is terminated by a `/'.
+ $p =~ s#/*$#/#;
+ # The properties contain all the internal SVN stuff nobody
+ # (usually) cares about.
+ my $interesting_props = 0;
+ foreach (keys %{$props}) {
+ # If it doesn't start with `svn:', it must be a
+ # user-defined property.
+ ++$interesting_props and next if $_ !~ /^svn:/;
+ # FIXME: Fragile, if SVN adds new public properties,
+ # this needs to be updated.
+ ++$interesting_props if /^svn:(?:ignore|keywords|executable
+ |eol-style|mime-type
+ |externals|needs-lock)$/x;
+ }
+ &$sub($self, $p, $props) if $interesting_props;
+ foreach (sort keys %$dirent) {
+ next if $dirent->{$_}->{kind} != $SVN::Node::dir;
+ $self->prop_walk($self->path . $p . $_, $rev, $sub);
+ }
+sub last_rev { ($_[0]->last_rev_commit)[0] }
+sub last_commit { ($_[0]->last_rev_commit)[1] }
+# returns the newest SVN revision number and newest commit SHA1
+sub last_rev_commit {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ if (defined $self->{last_rev} && defined $self->{last_commit}) {
+ return ($self->{last_rev}, $self->{last_commit});
+ }
+ my $c = ::verify_ref($self->refname.'^0');
+ if ($c && !$self->use_svm_props && !$self->no_metadata) {
+ my $rev = (::cmt_metadata($c))[1];
+ if (defined $rev) {
+ ($self->{last_rev}, $self->{last_commit}) = ($rev, $c);
+ return ($rev, $c);
+ }
+ }
+ my $map_path = $self->map_path;
+ unless (-e $map_path) {
+ ($self->{last_rev}, $self->{last_commit}) = (undef, undef);
+ return (undef, undef);
+ }
+ my ($rev, $commit) = $self->rev_map_max(1);
+ ($self->{last_rev}, $self->{last_commit}) = ($rev, $commit);
+ return ($rev, $commit);
+sub get_fetch_range {
+ my ($self, $min, $max) = @_;
+ $max ||= $self->ra->get_latest_revnum;
+ $min ||= $self->rev_map_max;
+ (++$min, $max);
+sub svn_dir {
+ command_oneline(qw(rev-parse --git-path svn));
+sub tmp_config {
+ my (@args) = @_;
+ my $svn_dir = svn_dir();
+ my $old_def_config = "$svn_dir/config";
+ my $config = "$svn_dir/.metadata";
+ if (! -f $config && -f $old_def_config) {
+ rename $old_def_config, $config or
+ die "Failed rename $old_def_config => $config: $!\n";
+ }
+ my $old_config = $ENV{GIT_CONFIG};
+ $ENV{GIT_CONFIG} = $config;
+ $@ = undef;
+ my @ret = eval {
+ unless (-f $config) {
+ mkfile($config);
+ open my $fh, '>', $config or
+ die "Can't open $config: $!\n";
+ print $fh "; This file is used internally by ",
+ "git-svn\n" or die
+ "Couldn't write to $config: $!\n";
+ print $fh "; You should not have to edit it\n" or
+ die "Couldn't write to $config: $!\n";
+ close $fh or die "Couldn't close $config: $!\n";
+ }
+ command('config', @args);
+ };
+ my $err = $@;
+ if (defined $old_config) {
+ $ENV{GIT_CONFIG} = $old_config;
+ } else {
+ delete $ENV{GIT_CONFIG};
+ }
+ die $err if $err;
+ wantarray ? @ret : $ret[0];
+sub tmp_index_do {
+ my ($self, $sub) = @_;
+ my $old_index = $ENV{GIT_INDEX_FILE};
+ $ENV{GIT_INDEX_FILE} = $self->{index};
+ $@ = undef;
+ my @ret = eval {
+ my ($dir, $base) = ($self->{index} =~ m#^(.*?)/?([^/]+)$#);
+ mkpath([$dir]) unless -d $dir;
+ &$sub;
+ };
+ my $err = $@;
+ if (defined $old_index) {
+ $ENV{GIT_INDEX_FILE} = $old_index;
+ } else {
+ delete $ENV{GIT_INDEX_FILE};
+ }
+ die $err if $err;
+ wantarray ? @ret : $ret[0];
+sub assert_index_clean {
+ my ($self, $treeish) = @_;
+ $self->tmp_index_do(sub {
+ command_noisy('read-tree', $treeish) unless -e $self->{index};
+ my $x = command_oneline('write-tree');
+ my ($y) = (command(qw/cat-file commit/, $treeish) =~
+ /^tree ($::oid)/mo);
+ return if $y eq $x;
+ warn "Index mismatch: $y != $x\nrereading $treeish\n";
+ unlink $self->{index} or die "unlink $self->{index}: $!\n";
+ command_noisy('read-tree', $treeish);
+ $x = command_oneline('write-tree');
+ if ($y ne $x) {
+ fatal "trees ($treeish) $y != $x\n",
+ "Something is seriously wrong...";
+ }
+ });
+sub get_commit_parents {
+ my ($self, $log_entry) = @_;
+ my (%seen, @ret, @tmp);
+ # legacy support for 'set-tree'; this is only used by set_tree_cb:
+ if (my $ip = $self->{inject_parents}) {
+ if (my $commit = delete $ip->{$log_entry->{revision}}) {
+ push @tmp, $commit;
+ }
+ }
+ if (my $cur = ::verify_ref($self->refname.'^0')) {
+ push @tmp, $cur;
+ }
+ if (my $ipd = $self->{inject_parents_dcommit}) {
+ if (my $commit = delete $ipd->{$log_entry->{revision}}) {
+ push @tmp, @$commit;
+ }
+ }
+ push @tmp, $_ foreach (@{$log_entry->{parents}}, @tmp);
+ while (my $p = shift @tmp) {
+ next if $seen{$p};
+ $seen{$p} = 1;
+ push @ret, $p;
+ }
+ @ret;
+sub rewrite_root {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ return $self->{-rewrite_root} if exists $self->{-rewrite_root};
+ my $k = "svn-remote.$self->{repo_id}.rewriteRoot";
+ my $rwr = eval { command_oneline(qw/config --get/, $k) };
+ if ($rwr) {
+ $rwr =~ s#/+$##;
+ if ($rwr !~ m#^[a-z\+]+://#) {
+ die "$rwr is not a valid URL (key: $k)\n";
+ }
+ }
+ $self->{-rewrite_root} = $rwr;
+sub rewrite_uuid {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ return $self->{-rewrite_uuid} if exists $self->{-rewrite_uuid};
+ my $k = "svn-remote.$self->{repo_id}.rewriteUUID";
+ my $rwid = eval { command_oneline(qw/config --get/, $k) };
+ if ($rwid) {
+ $rwid =~ s#/+$##;
+ if ($rwid !~ m#^[a-f0-9]{8}-(?:[a-f0-9]{4}-){3}[a-f0-9]{12}$#) {
+ die "$rwid is not a valid UUID (key: $k)\n";
+ }
+ }
+ $self->{-rewrite_uuid} = $rwid;
+sub metadata_url {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ my $url = $self->rewrite_root || $self->url;
+ return canonicalize_url( add_path_to_url( $url, $self->path ) );
+sub full_url {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ return canonicalize_url( add_path_to_url( $self->url, $self->path ) );
+sub full_pushurl {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ if ($self->{pushurl}) {
+ return canonicalize_url( add_path_to_url( $self->{pushurl}, $self->path ) );
+ } else {
+ return $self->full_url;
+ }
+sub set_commit_header_env {
+ my ($log_entry) = @_;
+ my %env;
+ foreach my $ned (qw/NAME EMAIL DATE/) {
+ foreach my $ac (qw/AUTHOR COMMITTER/) {
+ $env{"GIT_${ac}_${ned}"} = $ENV{"GIT_${ac}_${ned}"};
+ }
+ }
+ $ENV{GIT_AUTHOR_NAME} = $log_entry->{name};
+ $ENV{GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL} = $log_entry->{email};
+ $ENV{GIT_AUTHOR_DATE} = $ENV{GIT_COMMITTER_DATE} = $log_entry->{date};
+ $ENV{GIT_COMMITTER_NAME} = (defined $log_entry->{commit_name})
+ ? $log_entry->{commit_name}
+ : $log_entry->{name};
+ $ENV{GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL} = (defined $log_entry->{commit_email})
+ ? $log_entry->{commit_email}
+ : $log_entry->{email};
+ \%env;
+sub restore_commit_header_env {
+ my ($env) = @_;
+ foreach my $ned (qw/NAME EMAIL DATE/) {
+ foreach my $ac (qw/AUTHOR COMMITTER/) {
+ my $k = "GIT_${ac}_${ned}";
+ if (defined $env->{$k}) {
+ $ENV{$k} = $env->{$k};
+ } else {
+ delete $ENV{$k};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub gc {
+ command_noisy('gc', '--auto');
+sub do_git_commit {
+ my ($self, $log_entry) = @_;
+ my $lr = $self->last_rev;
+ if (defined $lr && $lr >= $log_entry->{revision}) {
+ die "Last fetched revision of ", $self->refname,
+ " was r$lr, but we are about to fetch: ",
+ "r$log_entry->{revision}!\n";
+ }
+ if (my $c = $self->rev_map_get($log_entry->{revision})) {
+ croak "$log_entry->{revision} = $c already exists! ",
+ "Why are we refetching it?\n";
+ }
+ my $old_env = set_commit_header_env($log_entry);
+ my $tree = $log_entry->{tree};
+ if (!defined $tree) {
+ $tree = $self->tmp_index_do(sub {
+ command_oneline('write-tree') });
+ }
+ die "Tree is not a valid oid $tree\n" if $tree !~ /^$::oid$/o;
+ my @exec = ('git', 'commit-tree', $tree);
+ foreach ($self->get_commit_parents($log_entry)) {
+ push @exec, '-p', $_;
+ }
+ defined(my $pid = open3(my $msg_fh, my $out_fh, '>&STDERR', @exec))
+ or croak $!;
+ binmode $msg_fh;
+ # we always get UTF-8 from SVN, but we may want our commits in
+ # a different encoding.
+ if (my $enc = Git::config('i18n.commitencoding')) {
+ require Encode;
+ Encode::from_to($log_entry->{log}, 'UTF-8', $enc);
+ }
+ print $msg_fh $log_entry->{log} or croak $!;
+ restore_commit_header_env($old_env);
+ unless ($self->no_metadata) {
+ print $msg_fh "\ngit-svn-id: $log_entry->{metadata}\n"
+ or croak $!;
+ }
+ $msg_fh->flush == 0 or croak $!;
+ close $msg_fh or croak $!;
+ chomp(my $commit = do { local $/; <$out_fh> });
+ close $out_fh or croak $!;
+ waitpid $pid, 0;
+ croak $? if $?;
+ if ($commit !~ /^$::oid$/o) {
+ die "Failed to commit, invalid oid: $commit\n";
+ }
+ $self->rev_map_set($log_entry->{revision}, $commit, 1);
+ $self->{last_rev} = $log_entry->{revision};
+ $self->{last_commit} = $commit;
+ print "r$log_entry->{revision}" unless $::_q > 1;
+ if (defined $log_entry->{svm_revision}) {
+ print " (\@$log_entry->{svm_revision})" unless $::_q > 1;
+ $self->rev_map_set($log_entry->{svm_revision}, $commit,
+ 0, $self->svm_uuid);
+ }
+ print " = $commit ($self->{ref_id})\n" unless $::_q > 1;
+ if (--$_gc_nr == 0) {
+ $_gc_nr = $_gc_period;
+ gc();
+ }
+ return $commit;
+sub match_paths {
+ my ($self, $paths, $r) = @_;
+ return 1 if $self->path eq '';
+ if (my $path = $paths->{"/".$self->path}) {
+ return ($path->{action} eq 'D') ? 0 : 1;
+ }
+ $self->{path_regex} ||= qr{^/\Q@{[$self->path]}\E/};
+ if (grep /$self->{path_regex}/, keys %$paths) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ my $c = '';
+ foreach (split m#/#, $self->path) {
+ $c .= "/$_";
+ next unless ($paths->{$c} &&
+ ($paths->{$c}->{action} =~ /^[AR]$/));
+ if ($self->ra->check_path($self->path, $r) ==
+ $SVN::Node::dir) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+sub find_parent_branch {
+ my ($self, $paths, $rev) = @_;
+ return undef unless $self->follow_parent;
+ unless (defined $paths) {
+ my $err_handler = $SVN::Error::handler;
+ $SVN::Error::handler = \&Git::SVN::Ra::skip_unknown_revs;
+ $self->ra->get_log([$self->path], $rev, $rev, 0, 1, 1,
+ sub { $paths = $_[0] });
+ $SVN::Error::handler = $err_handler;
+ }
+ return undef unless defined $paths;
+ # look for a parent from another branch:
+ my @b_path_components = split m#/#, $self->path;
+ my @a_path_components;
+ my $i;
+ while (@b_path_components) {
+ $i = $paths->{'/'.join('/', @b_path_components)};
+ last if $i && defined $i->{copyfrom_path};
+ unshift(@a_path_components, pop(@b_path_components));
+ }
+ return undef unless defined $i && defined $i->{copyfrom_path};
+ my $branch_from = $i->{copyfrom_path};
+ if (@a_path_components) {
+ print STDERR "branch_from: $branch_from => ";
+ $branch_from .= '/'.join('/', @a_path_components);
+ print STDERR $branch_from, "\n";
+ }
+ my $r = $i->{copyfrom_rev};
+ my $repos_root = $self->ra->{repos_root};
+ my $url = $self->ra->url;
+ my $new_url = canonicalize_url( add_path_to_url( $url, $branch_from ) );
+ print STDERR "Found possible branch point: ",
+ "$new_url => ", $self->full_url, ", $r\n"
+ unless $::_q > 1;
+ $branch_from =~ s#^/##;
+ my $gs = $self->other_gs($new_url, $url,
+ $branch_from, $r, $self->{ref_id});
+ my ($r0, $parent) = $gs->find_rev_before($r, 1);
+ {
+ my ($base, $head);
+ if (!defined $r0 || !defined $parent) {
+ ($base, $head) = parse_revision_argument(0, $r);
+ } else {
+ if ($r0 < $r) {
+ $gs->ra->get_log([$gs->path], $r0 + 1, $r, 1,
+ 0, 1, sub { $base = $_[1] - 1 });
+ }
+ }
+ if (defined $base && $base <= $r) {
+ $gs->fetch($base, $r);
+ }
+ ($r0, $parent) = $gs->find_rev_before($r, 1);
+ }
+ if (defined $r0 && defined $parent) {
+ print STDERR "Found branch parent: ($self->{ref_id}) $parent\n"
+ unless $::_q > 1;
+ my $ed;
+ if ($self->ra->can_do_switch) {
+ $self->assert_index_clean($parent);
+ print STDERR "Following parent with do_switch\n"
+ unless $::_q > 1;
+ # do_switch works with svn/trunk >= r22312, but that
+ # is not included with SVN 1.4.3 (the latest version
+ # at the moment), so we can't rely on it
+ $self->{last_rev} = $r0;
+ $self->{last_commit} = $parent;
+ $ed = Git::SVN::Fetcher->new($self, $gs->path);
+ $gs->ra->gs_do_switch($r0, $rev, $gs,
+ $self->full_url, $ed)
+ or die "SVN connection failed somewhere...\n";
+ } elsif ($self->ra->trees_match($new_url, $r0,
+ $self->full_url, $rev)) {
+ print STDERR "Trees match:\n",
+ " $new_url\@$r0\n",
+ " ${\$self->full_url}\@$rev\n",
+ "Following parent with no changes\n"
+ unless $::_q > 1;
+ $self->tmp_index_do(sub {
+ command_noisy('read-tree', $parent);
+ });
+ $self->{last_commit} = $parent;
+ } else {
+ print STDERR "Following parent with do_update\n"
+ unless $::_q > 1;
+ $ed = Git::SVN::Fetcher->new($self);
+ $self->ra->gs_do_update($rev, $rev, $self, $ed)
+ or die "SVN connection failed somewhere...\n";
+ }
+ print STDERR "Successfully followed parent\n" unless $::_q > 1;
+ return $self->make_log_entry($rev, [$parent], $ed, $r0, $branch_from);
+ }
+ return undef;
+sub do_fetch {
+ my ($self, $paths, $rev) = @_;
+ my $ed;
+ my ($last_rev, @parents);
+ if (my $lc = $self->last_commit) {
+ # we can have a branch that was deleted, then re-added
+ # under the same name but copied from another path, in
+ # which case we'll have multiple parents (we don't
+ # want to break the original ref or lose copypath info):
+ if (my $log_entry = $self->find_parent_branch($paths, $rev)) {
+ push @{$log_entry->{parents}}, $lc;
+ return $log_entry;
+ }
+ $ed = Git::SVN::Fetcher->new($self);
+ $last_rev = $self->{last_rev};
+ $ed->{c} = $lc;
+ @parents = ($lc);
+ } else {
+ $last_rev = $rev;
+ if (my $log_entry = $self->find_parent_branch($paths, $rev)) {
+ return $log_entry;
+ }
+ $ed = Git::SVN::Fetcher->new($self);
+ }
+ unless ($self->ra->gs_do_update($last_rev, $rev, $self, $ed)) {
+ die "SVN connection failed somewhere...\n";
+ }
+ $self->make_log_entry($rev, \@parents, $ed, $last_rev, $self->path);
+sub mkemptydirs {
+ my ($self, $r) = @_;
+ # add/remove/collect a paths table
+ #
+ # Paths are split into a tree of nodes, stored as a hash of hashes.
+ #
+ # Each node contains a 'path' entry for the path (if any) associated
+ # with that node and a 'children' entry for any nodes under that
+ # location.
+ #
+ # Removing a path requires a hash lookup for each component then
+ # dropping that node (and anything under it), which is substantially
+ # faster than a grep slice into a single hash of paths for large
+ # numbers of paths.
+ #
+ # For a large (200K) number of empty_dir directives this reduces
+ # scanning time to 3 seconds vs 10 minutes for grep+delete on a single
+ # hash of paths.
+ sub add_path {
+ my ($paths_table, $path) = @_;
+ my $node_ref;
+ foreach my $x (split('/', $path)) {
+ if (!exists($paths_table->{$x})) {
+ $paths_table->{$x} = { children => {} };
+ }
+ $node_ref = $paths_table->{$x};
+ $paths_table = $paths_table->{$x}->{children};
+ }
+ $node_ref->{path} = $path;
+ }
+ sub remove_path {
+ my ($paths_table, $path) = @_;
+ my $nodes_ref;
+ my $node_name;
+ foreach my $x (split('/', $path)) {
+ if (!exists($paths_table->{$x})) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $nodes_ref = $paths_table;
+ $node_name = $x;
+ $paths_table = $paths_table->{$x}->{children};
+ }
+ delete($nodes_ref->{$node_name});
+ }
+ sub collect_paths {
+ my ($paths_table, $paths_ref) = @_;
+ foreach my $v (values %$paths_table) {
+ my $p = $v->{path};
+ my $c = $v->{children};
+ collect_paths($c, $paths_ref);
+ if (defined($p)) {
+ push(@$paths_ref, $p);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ sub scan {
+ my ($r, $paths_table, $line) = @_;
+ if (defined $r && $line =~ /^r(\d+)$/) {
+ return 0 if $1 > $r;
+ } elsif ($line =~ /^ \+empty_dir: (.+)$/) {
+ add_path($paths_table, $1);
+ } elsif ($line =~ /^ \-empty_dir: (.+)$/) {
+ remove_path($paths_table, $1);
+ }
+ 1; # continue
+ };
+ my @empty_dirs;
+ my %paths_table;
+ my $gz_file = "$self->{dir}/unhandled.log.gz";
+ if (-f $gz_file) {
+ if (!can_compress()) {
+ warn "Compress::Zlib could not be found; ",
+ "empty directories in $gz_file will not be read\n";
+ } else {
+ my $gz = Compress::Zlib::gzopen($gz_file, "rb") or
+ die "Unable to open $gz_file: $!\n";
+ my $line;
+ while ($gz->gzreadline($line) > 0) {
+ scan($r, \%paths_table, $line) or last;
+ }
+ $gz->gzclose;
+ }
+ }
+ if (open my $fh, '<', "$self->{dir}/unhandled.log") {
+ binmode $fh or croak "binmode: $!";
+ while (<$fh>) {
+ scan($r, \%paths_table, $_) or last;
+ }
+ close $fh;
+ }
+ collect_paths(\%paths_table, \@empty_dirs);
+ my $strip = qr/\A\Q@{[$self->path]}\E(?:\/|$)/;
+ foreach my $d (sort @empty_dirs) {
+ $d = uri_decode($d);
+ $d =~ s/$strip//;
+ next unless length($d);
+ next if -d $d;
+ if (-e $d) {
+ warn "$d exists but is not a directory\n";
+ } else {
+ print "creating empty directory: $d\n";
+ mkpath([$d]);
+ }
+ }
+sub get_untracked {
+ my ($self, $ed) = @_;
+ my @out;
+ my $h = $ed->{empty};
+ foreach (sort keys %$h) {
+ my $act = $h->{$_} ? '+empty_dir' : '-empty_dir';
+ push @out, " $act: " . uri_encode($_);
+ warn "W: $act: $_\n";
+ }
+ foreach my $t (qw/dir_prop file_prop/) {
+ $h = $ed->{$t} or next;
+ foreach my $path (sort keys %$h) {
+ my $ppath = $path eq '' ? '.' : $path;
+ foreach my $prop (sort keys %{$h->{$path}}) {
+ next if $SKIP_PROP{$prop};
+ my $v = $h->{$path}->{$prop};
+ my $t_ppath_prop = "$t: " .
+ uri_encode($ppath) . ' ' .
+ uri_encode($prop);
+ if (defined $v) {
+ push @out, " +$t_ppath_prop " .
+ uri_encode($v);
+ } else {
+ push @out, " -$t_ppath_prop";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $t (qw/absent_file absent_directory/) {
+ $h = $ed->{$t} or next;
+ foreach my $parent (sort keys %$h) {
+ foreach my $path (sort @{$h->{$parent}}) {
+ push @out, " $t: " .
+ uri_encode("$parent/$path");
+ warn "W: $t: $parent/$path ",
+ "Insufficient permissions?\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ \@out;
+# parse_svn_date(DATE)
+# --------------------
+# Given a date (in UTC) from Subversion, return a string in the format
+# "<TZ Offset> <local date/time>" that Git will use.
+# By default the parsed date will be in UTC; if $Git::SVN::_localtime
+# is true we'll convert it to the local timezone instead.
+sub parse_svn_date {
+ my $date = shift || return '+0000 1970-01-01 00:00:00';
+ my ($Y,$m,$d,$H,$M,$S) = ($date =~ /^(\d{4})\-(\d\d)\-(\d\d)T
+ (\d\d?)\:(\d\d)\:(\d\d)\.\d*Z$/x) or
+ croak "Unable to parse date: $date\n";
+ my $parsed_date; # Set next.
+ if ($Git::SVN::_localtime) {
+ # Translate the Subversion datetime to an epoch time.
+ # Begin by switching ourselves to $date's timezone, UTC.
+ my $old_env_TZ = $ENV{TZ};
+ $ENV{TZ} = 'UTC';
+ my $epoch_in_UTC =
+ Time::Local::timelocal($S, $M, $H, $d, $m - 1, $Y);
+ # Determine our local timezone (including DST) at the
+ # time of $epoch_in_UTC. $Git::SVN::Log::TZ stored the
+ # value of TZ, if any, at the time we were run.
+ if (defined $Git::SVN::Log::TZ) {
+ $ENV{TZ} = $Git::SVN::Log::TZ;
+ } else {
+ delete $ENV{TZ};
+ }
+ my $our_TZ = get_tz_offset($epoch_in_UTC);
+ # This converts $epoch_in_UTC into our local timezone.
+ my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year,
+ $wday, $yday, $isdst) = localtime($epoch_in_UTC);
+ $parsed_date = sprintf('%s %04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d',
+ $our_TZ, $year + 1900, $mon + 1,
+ $mday, $hour, $min, $sec);
+ # Reset us to the timezone in effect when we entered
+ # this routine.
+ if (defined $old_env_TZ) {
+ $ENV{TZ} = $old_env_TZ;
+ } else {
+ delete $ENV{TZ};
+ }
+ } else {
+ $parsed_date = "+0000 $Y-$m-$d $H:$M:$S";
+ }
+ return $parsed_date;
+sub other_gs {
+ my ($self, $new_url, $url,
+ $branch_from, $r, $old_ref_id) = @_;
+ my $gs = Git::SVN->find_by_url($new_url, $url, $branch_from);
+ unless ($gs) {
+ my $ref_id = $old_ref_id;
+ $ref_id =~ s/\@\d+-*$//;
+ $ref_id .= "\@$r";
+ # just grow a tail if we're not unique enough :x
+ $ref_id .= '-' while find_ref($ref_id);
+ my ($u, $p, $repo_id) = ($new_url, '', $ref_id);
+ if ($u =~ s#^\Q$url\E(/|$)##) {
+ $p = $u;
+ $u = $url;
+ $repo_id = $self->{repo_id};
+ }
+ while (1) {
+ # It is possible to tag two different subdirectories at
+ # the same revision. If the url for an existing ref
+ # does not match, we must either find a ref with a
+ # matching url or create a new ref by growing a tail.
+ $gs = Git::SVN->init($u, $p, $repo_id, $ref_id, 1);
+ my (undef, $max_commit) = $gs->rev_map_max(1);
+ last if (!$max_commit);
+ my ($url) = ::cmt_metadata($max_commit);
+ last if ($url eq $gs->metadata_url);
+ $ref_id .= '-';
+ }
+ print STDERR "Initializing parent: $ref_id\n" unless $::_q > 1;
+ }
+ $gs
+sub call_authors_prog {
+ my ($orig_author) = @_;
+ $orig_author = command_oneline('rev-parse', '--sq-quote', $orig_author);
+ my $author = `$::_authors_prog $orig_author`;
+ if ($? != 0) {
+ die "$::_authors_prog failed with exit code $?\n"
+ }
+ if ($author =~ /^\s*(.+?)\s*<(.*)>\s*$/) {
+ my ($name, $email) = ($1, $2);
+ return [$name, $email];
+ } else {
+ die "Author: $orig_author: $::_authors_prog returned "
+ . "invalid author format: $author\n";
+ }
+sub check_author {
+ my ($author) = @_;
+ if (defined $author) {
+ $author =~ s/^\s+//g;
+ $author =~ s/\s+$//g;
+ }
+ if (!defined $author || length $author == 0) {
+ $author = '(no author)';
+ }
+ if (!defined $::users{$author}) {
+ if (defined $::_authors_prog) {
+ $::users{$author} = call_authors_prog($author);
+ } elsif (defined $::_authors) {
+ die "Author: $author not defined in $::_authors file\n";
+ }
+ }
+ $author;
+sub find_extra_svk_parents {
+ my ($self, $tickets, $parents) = @_;
+ # aha! svk:merge property changed...
+ my @tickets = split "\n", $tickets;
+ my @known_parents;
+ for my $ticket ( @tickets ) {
+ my ($uuid, $path, $rev) = split /:/, $ticket;
+ if ( $uuid eq $self->ra_uuid ) {
+ my $repos_root = $self->url;
+ my $branch_from = $path;
+ $branch_from =~ s{^/}{};
+ my $gs = $self->other_gs(add_path_to_url( $repos_root, $branch_from ),
+ $repos_root,
+ $branch_from,
+ $rev,
+ $self->{ref_id});
+ if ( my $commit = $gs->rev_map_get($rev, $uuid) ) {
+ # wahey! we found it, but it might be
+ # an old one (!)
+ push @known_parents, [ $rev, $commit ];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Ordering matters; highest-numbered commit merge tickets
+ # first, as they may account for later merge ticket additions
+ # or changes.
+ @known_parents = map {$_->[1]} sort {$b->[0] <=> $a->[0]} @known_parents;
+ for my $parent ( @known_parents ) {
+ my @cmd = ('rev-list', $parent, map { "^$_" } @$parents );
+ my ($msg_fh, $ctx) = command_output_pipe(@cmd);
+ my $new;
+ while ( <$msg_fh> ) {
+ $new=1;last;
+ }
+ command_close_pipe($msg_fh, $ctx);
+ if ( $new ) {
+ print STDERR
+ "Found merge parent (svk:merge ticket): $parent\n";
+ push @$parents, $parent;
+ }
+ }
+sub lookup_svn_merge {
+ my $uuid = shift;
+ my $url = shift;
+ my $source = shift;
+ my $revs = shift;
+ my $path = $source;
+ $path =~ s{^/}{};
+ my $gs = Git::SVN->find_by_url($url.$source, $url, $path);
+ if ( !$gs ) {
+ warn "Couldn't find revmap for $url$source\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ my @ranges = split ",", $revs;
+ my ($tip, $tip_commit);
+ my @merged_commit_ranges;
+ # find the tip
+ for my $range ( @ranges ) {
+ if ($range =~ /[*]$/) {
+ warn "W: Ignoring partial merge in svn:mergeinfo "
+ ."dirprop: $source:$range\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ my ($bottom, $top) = split "-", $range;
+ $top ||= $bottom;
+ my $bottom_commit = $gs->find_rev_after( $bottom, 1, $top );
+ my $top_commit = $gs->find_rev_before( $top, 1, $bottom );
+ unless ($top_commit and $bottom_commit) {
+ warn "W: unknown path/rev in svn:mergeinfo "
+ ."dirprop: $source:$range\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ if (scalar(command('rev-parse', "$bottom_commit^@"))) {
+ push @merged_commit_ranges,
+ "$bottom_commit^..$top_commit";
+ } else {
+ push @merged_commit_ranges, "$top_commit";
+ }
+ if ( !defined $tip or $top > $tip ) {
+ $tip = $top;
+ $tip_commit = $top_commit;
+ }
+ }
+ return ($tip_commit, @merged_commit_ranges);
+sub _rev_list {
+ my ($msg_fh, $ctx) = command_output_pipe(
+ "rev-list", @_,
+ );
+ my @rv;
+ while ( <$msg_fh> ) {
+ chomp;
+ push @rv, $_;
+ }
+ command_close_pipe($msg_fh, $ctx);
+ @rv;
+sub check_cherry_pick2 {
+ my $base = shift;
+ my $tip = shift;
+ my $parents = shift;
+ my @ranges = @_;
+ my %commits = map { $_ => 1 }
+ _rev_list("--no-merges", $tip, "--not", $base, @$parents, "--");
+ for my $range ( @ranges ) {
+ delete @commits{_rev_list($range, "--")};
+ }
+ for my $commit (keys %commits) {
+ if (has_no_changes($commit)) {
+ delete $commits{$commit};
+ }
+ }
+ my @k = (keys %commits);
+ return (scalar @k, $k[0]);
+sub has_no_changes {
+ my $commit = shift;
+ my @revs = split / /, command_oneline(
+ qw(rev-list --parents -1), $commit);
+ # Commits with no parents, e.g. the start of a partial branch,
+ # have changes by definition.
+ return 1 if (@revs < 2);
+ # Commits with multiple parents, e.g a merge, have no changes
+ # by definition.
+ return 0 if (@revs > 2);
+ return (command_oneline("rev-parse", "$commit^{tree}") eq
+ command_oneline("rev-parse", "$commit~1^{tree}"));
+sub tie_for_persistent_memoization {
+ my $hash = shift;
+ my $path = shift;
+ unless ($memo_backend) {
+ if (eval { require Git::SVN::Memoize::YAML; 1}) {
+ $memo_backend = 1;
+ } else {
+ require Memoize::Storable;
+ $memo_backend = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($memo_backend > 0) {
+ tie %$hash => 'Git::SVN::Memoize::YAML', "$path.yaml";
+ } else {
+ # first verify that any existing file can actually be loaded
+ # (it may have been saved by an incompatible version)
+ my $db = "$path.db";
+ if (-e $db) {
+ use Storable qw(retrieve);
+ if (!eval { retrieve($db); 1 }) {
+ unlink $db or die "unlink $db failed: $!";
+ }
+ }
+ tie %$hash => 'Memoize::Storable', $db, 'nstore';
+ }
+# The GIT_DIR environment variable is not always set until after the command
+# line arguments are processed, so we can't memoize in a BEGIN block.
+ my $memoized = 0;
+ sub memoize_svn_mergeinfo_functions {
+ return if $memoized;
+ $memoized = 1;
+ my $cache_path = svn_dir() . '/.caches/';
+ mkpath([$cache_path]) unless -d $cache_path;
+ my %lookup_svn_merge_cache;
+ my %check_cherry_pick2_cache;
+ my %has_no_changes_cache;
+ tie_for_persistent_memoization(\%lookup_svn_merge_cache,
+ "$cache_path/lookup_svn_merge");
+ memoize 'lookup_svn_merge',
+ LIST_CACHE => ['HASH' => \%lookup_svn_merge_cache],
+ ;
+ tie_for_persistent_memoization(\%check_cherry_pick2_cache,
+ "$cache_path/check_cherry_pick2");
+ memoize 'check_cherry_pick2',
+ LIST_CACHE => ['HASH' => \%check_cherry_pick2_cache],
+ ;
+ tie_for_persistent_memoization(\%has_no_changes_cache,
+ "$cache_path/has_no_changes");
+ memoize 'has_no_changes',
+ SCALAR_CACHE => ['HASH' => \%has_no_changes_cache],
+ ;
+ }
+ sub unmemoize_svn_mergeinfo_functions {
+ return if not $memoized;
+ $memoized = 0;
+ Memoize::unmemoize 'lookup_svn_merge';
+ Memoize::unmemoize 'check_cherry_pick2';
+ Memoize::unmemoize 'has_no_changes';
+ }
+ sub clear_memoized_mergeinfo_caches {
+ die "Only call this method in non-memoized context" if ($memoized);
+ my $cache_path = svn_dir() . '/.caches/';
+ return unless -d $cache_path;
+ for my $cache_file (("$cache_path/lookup_svn_merge",
+ "$cache_path/check_cherry_pick", # old
+ "$cache_path/check_cherry_pick2",
+ "$cache_path/has_no_changes")) {
+ for my $suffix (qw(yaml db)) {
+ my $file = "$cache_file.$suffix";
+ next unless -e $file;
+ unlink($file) or die "unlink($file) failed: $!\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Memoize::memoize 'Git::SVN::repos_root';
+END {
+ # Force cache writeout explicitly instead of waiting for
+ # global destruction to avoid segfault in Storable:
+ #
+ unmemoize_svn_mergeinfo_functions();
+sub parents_exclude {
+ my $parents = shift;
+ my @commits = @_;
+ return unless @commits;
+ my @excluded;
+ my $excluded;
+ do {
+ my @cmd = ('rev-list', "-1", @commits, "--not", @$parents );
+ $excluded = command_oneline(@cmd);
+ if ( $excluded ) {
+ my @new;
+ my $found;
+ for my $commit ( @commits ) {
+ if ( $commit eq $excluded ) {
+ push @excluded, $commit;
+ $found++;
+ }
+ else {
+ push @new, $commit;
+ }
+ }
+ die "saw commit '$excluded' in rev-list output, "
+ ."but we didn't ask for that commit (wanted: @commits --not @$parents)"
+ unless $found;
+ @commits = @new;
+ }
+ }
+ while ($excluded and @commits);
+ return @excluded;
+# Compute what's new in svn:mergeinfo.
+sub mergeinfo_changes {
+ my ($self, $old_path, $old_rev, $path, $rev, $mergeinfo_prop) = @_;
+ my %minfo = map {split ":", $_ } split "\n", $mergeinfo_prop;
+ my $old_minfo = {};
+ my $ra = $self->ra;
+ # Give up if $old_path isn't in the repo.
+ # This is probably a merge on a subtree.
+ if ($ra->check_path($old_path, $old_rev) != $SVN::Node::dir) {
+ warn "W: ignoring svn:mergeinfo on $old_path, ",
+ "directory didn't exist in r$old_rev\n";
+ return {};
+ }
+ my (undef, undef, $props) = $ra->get_dir($old_path, $old_rev);
+ if (defined $props->{"svn:mergeinfo"}) {
+ my %omi = map {split ":", $_ } split "\n",
+ $props->{"svn:mergeinfo"};
+ $old_minfo = \%omi;
+ }
+ my %changes = ();
+ foreach my $p (keys %minfo) {
+ my $a = $old_minfo->{$p} || "";
+ my $b = $minfo{$p};
+ # Omit merged branches whose ranges lists are unchanged.
+ next if $a eq $b;
+ # Remove any common range list prefix.
+ ($a ^ $b) =~ /^[\0]*/;
+ my $common_prefix = rindex $b, ",", $+[0] - 1;
+ $changes{$p} = substr $b, $common_prefix + 1;
+ }
+ print STDERR "Checking svn:mergeinfo changes since r$old_rev: ",
+ scalar(keys %minfo), " sources, ",
+ scalar(keys %changes), " changed\n";
+ return \%changes;
+# note: this function should only be called if the various dirprops
+# have actually changed
+sub find_extra_svn_parents {
+ my ($self, $mergeinfo, $parents) = @_;
+ # aha! svk:merge property changed...
+ memoize_svn_mergeinfo_functions();
+ # We first search for merged tips which are not in our
+ # history. Then, we figure out which git revisions are in
+ # that tip, but not this revision. If all of those revisions
+ # are now marked as merge, we can add the tip as a parent.
+ my @merges = sort keys %$mergeinfo;
+ my @merge_tips;
+ my $url = $self->url;
+ my $uuid = $self->ra_uuid;
+ my @all_ranges;
+ for my $merge ( @merges ) {
+ my ($tip_commit, @ranges) =
+ lookup_svn_merge( $uuid, $url,
+ $merge, $mergeinfo->{$merge} );
+ unless (!$tip_commit or
+ grep { $_ eq $tip_commit } @$parents ) {
+ push @merge_tips, $tip_commit;
+ push @all_ranges, @ranges;
+ } else {
+ push @merge_tips, undef;
+ }
+ }
+ my %excluded = map { $_ => 1 }
+ parents_exclude($parents, grep { defined } @merge_tips);
+ # check merge tips for new parents
+ my @new_parents;
+ for my $merge_tip ( @merge_tips ) {
+ my $merge = shift @merges;
+ next unless $merge_tip and $excluded{$merge_tip};
+ my $spec = "$merge:$mergeinfo->{$merge}";
+ # check out 'new' tips
+ my $merge_base;
+ eval {
+ $merge_base = command_oneline(
+ "merge-base",
+ @$parents, $merge_tip,
+ );
+ };
+ if ($@) {
+ die "An error occurred during merge-base"
+ unless $@->isa("Git::Error::Command");
+ warn "W: Cannot find common ancestor between ".
+ "@$parents and $merge_tip. Ignoring merge info.\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ # double check that there are no missing non-merge commits
+ my ($ninc, $ifirst) = check_cherry_pick2(
+ $merge_base, $merge_tip,
+ $parents,
+ @all_ranges,
+ );
+ if ($ninc) {
+ warn "W: svn cherry-pick ignored ($spec) - missing " .
+ "$ninc commit(s) (eg $ifirst)\n";
+ } else {
+ warn "Found merge parent ($spec): ", $merge_tip, "\n";
+ push @new_parents, $merge_tip;
+ }
+ }
+ # cater for merges which merge commits from multiple branches
+ if ( @new_parents > 1 ) {
+ for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#new_parents; $i++ ) {
+ for ( my $j = 0; $j <= $#new_parents; $j++ ) {
+ next if $i == $j;
+ next unless $new_parents[$i];
+ next unless $new_parents[$j];
+ my $revs = command_oneline(
+ "rev-list", "-1",
+ "$new_parents[$i]..$new_parents[$j]",
+ );
+ if ( !$revs ) {
+ undef($new_parents[$j]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ push @$parents, grep { defined } @new_parents;
+sub make_log_entry {
+ my ($self, $rev, $parents, $ed, $parent_rev, $parent_path) = @_;
+ my $untracked = $self->get_untracked($ed);
+ my @parents = @$parents;
+ my $props = $ed->{dir_prop}{$self->path};
+ if ($self->follow_parent) {
+ my $tickets = $props->{"svk:merge"};
+ if ($tickets) {
+ $self->find_extra_svk_parents($tickets, \@parents);
+ }
+ my $mergeinfo_prop = $props->{"svn:mergeinfo"};
+ if ($mergeinfo_prop) {
+ my $mi_changes = $self->mergeinfo_changes(
+ $parent_path,
+ $parent_rev,
+ $self->path,
+ $rev,
+ $mergeinfo_prop);
+ $self->find_extra_svn_parents($mi_changes, \@parents);
+ }
+ }
+ open my $un, '>>', "$self->{dir}/unhandled.log" or croak $!;
+ print $un "r$rev\n" or croak $!;
+ print $un $_, "\n" foreach @$untracked;
+ my %log_entry = ( parents => \@parents, revision => $rev,
+ log => '');
+ my $headrev;
+ my $logged = delete $self->{logged_rev_props};
+ if (!$logged || $self->{-want_revprops}) {
+ my $rp = $self->ra->rev_proplist($rev);
+ foreach (sort keys %$rp) {
+ my $v = $rp->{$_};
+ if (/^svn:(author|date|log)$/) {
+ $log_entry{$1} = $v;
+ } elsif ($_ eq 'svm:headrev') {
+ $headrev = $v;
+ } else {
+ print $un " rev_prop: ", uri_encode($_), ' ',
+ uri_encode($v), "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ map { $log_entry{$_} = $logged->{$_} } keys %$logged;
+ }
+ close $un or croak $!;
+ $log_entry{date} = parse_svn_date($log_entry{date});
+ $log_entry{log} .= "\n";
+ my $author = $log_entry{author} = check_author($log_entry{author});
+ my ($name, $email) = defined $::users{$author} ? @{$::users{$author}}
+ : ($author, undef);
+ my ($commit_name, $commit_email) = ($name, $email);
+ if ($_use_log_author) {
+ my $name_field;
+ if ($log_entry{log} =~ /From:\s+(.*\S)\s*\n/i) {
+ $name_field = $1;
+ } elsif ($log_entry{log} =~ /Signed-off-by:\s+(.*\S)\s*\n/i) {
+ $name_field = $1;
+ }
+ if (!defined $name_field) {
+ if (!defined $email) {
+ $email = $name;
+ }
+ } elsif ($name_field =~ /(.*?)\s+<(.*)>/) {
+ ($name, $email) = ($1, $2);
+ } elsif ($name_field =~ /(.*)@/) {
+ ($name, $email) = ($1, $name_field);
+ } else {
+ ($name, $email) = ($name_field, $name_field);
+ }
+ }
+ if (defined $headrev && $self->use_svm_props) {
+ if ($self->rewrite_root) {
+ die "Can't have both 'useSvmProps' and 'rewriteRoot' ",
+ "options set!\n";
+ }
+ if ($self->rewrite_uuid) {
+ die "Can't have both 'useSvmProps' and 'rewriteUUID' ",
+ "options set!\n";
+ }
+ my ($uuid, $r) = $headrev =~ m{^([a-f\d\-]{30,}):(\d+)$}i;
+ # we don't want "SVM: initializing mirror for junk" ...
+ return undef if $r == 0;
+ my $svm = $self->svm;
+ if ($uuid ne $svm->{uuid}) {
+ die "UUID mismatch on SVM path:\n",
+ "expected: $svm->{uuid}\n",
+ " got: $uuid\n";
+ }
+ my $full_url = $self->full_url;
+ $full_url =~ s#^\Q$svm->{replace}\E(/|$)#$svm->{source}$1# or
+ die "Failed to replace '$svm->{replace}' with ",
+ "'$svm->{source}' in $full_url\n";
+ # throw away username for storing in records
+ remove_username($full_url);
+ $log_entry{metadata} = "$full_url\@$r $uuid";
+ $log_entry{svm_revision} = $r;
+ $email = "$author\@$uuid" unless defined $email;
+ $commit_email = "$author\@$uuid" unless defined $commit_email;
+ } elsif ($self->use_svnsync_props) {
+ my $full_url = canonicalize_url(
+ add_path_to_url( $self->svnsync->{url}, $self->path )
+ );
+ remove_username($full_url);
+ my $uuid = $self->svnsync->{uuid};
+ $log_entry{metadata} = "$full_url\@$rev $uuid";
+ $email = "$author\@$uuid" unless defined $email;
+ $commit_email = "$author\@$uuid" unless defined $commit_email;
+ } else {
+ my $url = $self->metadata_url;
+ remove_username($url);
+ my $uuid = $self->rewrite_uuid || $self->ra->get_uuid;
+ $log_entry{metadata} = "$url\@$rev " . $uuid;
+ $email = "$author\@$uuid" unless defined $email;
+ $commit_email = "$author\@$uuid" unless defined $commit_email;
+ }
+ $log_entry{name} = $name;
+ $log_entry{email} = $email;
+ $log_entry{commit_name} = $commit_name;
+ $log_entry{commit_email} = $commit_email;
+ \%log_entry;
+sub fetch {
+ my ($self, $min_rev, $max_rev, @parents) = @_;
+ my ($last_rev, $last_commit) = $self->last_rev_commit;
+ my ($base, $head) = $self->get_fetch_range($min_rev, $max_rev);
+ $self->ra->gs_fetch_loop_common($base, $head, [$self]);
+sub set_tree_cb {
+ my ($self, $log_entry, $tree, $rev, $date, $author) = @_;
+ $self->{inject_parents} = { $rev => $tree };
+ $self->fetch(undef, undef);
+sub set_tree {
+ my ($self, $tree) = (shift, shift);
+ my $log_entry = ::get_commit_entry($tree);
+ unless ($self->{last_rev}) {
+ fatal("Must have an existing revision to commit");
+ }
+ my %ed_opts = ( r => $self->{last_rev},
+ log => $log_entry->{log},
+ ra => $self->ra,
+ tree_a => $self->{last_commit},
+ tree_b => $tree,
+ editor_cb => sub {
+ $self->set_tree_cb($log_entry, $tree, @_) },
+ svn_path => $self->path );
+ if (!Git::SVN::Editor->new(\%ed_opts)->apply_diff) {
+ print "No changes\nr$self->{last_rev} = $tree\n";
+ }
+sub rebuild_from_rev_db {
+ my ($self, $path) = @_;
+ my $r = -1;
+ open my $fh, '<', $path or croak "open: $!";
+ binmode $fh or croak "binmode: $!";
+ while (<$fh>) {
+ length($_) == $::oid_length + 1 or croak "inconsistent size in ($_)";
+ chomp($_);
+ ++$r;
+ next if $_ eq ('0' x $::oid_length);
+ $self->rev_map_set($r, $_);
+ print "r$r = $_\n";
+ }
+ close $fh or croak "close: $!";
+ unlink $path or croak "unlink: $!";
+#define a global associate map to record rebuild status
+my %rebuild_status;
+#define a global associate map to record rebuild verify status
+my %rebuild_verify_status;
+sub rebuild {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ my $map_path = $self->map_path;
+ my $partial = (-e $map_path && ! -z $map_path);
+ my $verify_key = $self->refname.'^0';
+ if (!$rebuild_verify_status{$verify_key}) {
+ my $verify_result = ::verify_ref($verify_key);
+ if ($verify_result) {
+ $rebuild_verify_status{$verify_key} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$rebuild_verify_status{$verify_key}) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!$partial && ($self->use_svm_props || $self->no_metadata)) {
+ my $rev_db = $self->rev_db_path;
+ $self->rebuild_from_rev_db($rev_db);
+ if ($self->use_svm_props) {
+ my $svm_rev_db = $self->rev_db_path($self->svm_uuid);
+ $self->rebuild_from_rev_db($svm_rev_db);
+ }
+ $self->unlink_rev_db_symlink;
+ return;
+ }
+ print "Rebuilding $map_path ...\n" if (!$partial);
+ my ($base_rev, $head) = ($partial ? $self->rev_map_max_norebuild(1) :
+ (undef, undef));
+ my $key_value = ($head ? "$head.." : "") . $self->refname;
+ if (exists $rebuild_status{$key_value}) {
+ print "Done rebuilding $map_path\n" if (!$partial || !$head);
+ my $rev_db_path = $self->rev_db_path;
+ if (-f $self->rev_db_path) {
+ unlink $self->rev_db_path or croak "unlink: $!";
+ }
+ $self->unlink_rev_db_symlink;
+ return;
+ }
+ my ($log, $ctx) =
+ command_output_pipe(qw/rev-list --pretty=raw --reverse/,
+ $key_value,
+ '--');
+ $rebuild_status{$key_value} = 1;
+ my $metadata_url = $self->metadata_url;
+ remove_username($metadata_url);
+ my $svn_uuid = $self->rewrite_uuid || $self->ra_uuid;
+ my $c;
+ while (<$log>) {
+ if ( m{^commit ($::oid)$} ) {
+ $c = $1;
+ next;
+ }
+ next unless s{^\s*(git-svn-id:)}{$1};
+ my ($url, $rev, $uuid) = ::extract_metadata($_);
+ remove_username($url);
+ # ignore merges (from set-tree)
+ next if (!defined $rev || !$uuid);
+ # if we merged or otherwise started elsewhere, this is
+ # how we break out of it
+ if (($uuid ne $svn_uuid) ||
+ ($metadata_url && $url && ($url ne $metadata_url))) {
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($partial && $head) {
+ print "Partial-rebuilding $map_path ...\n";
+ print "Currently at $base_rev = $head\n";
+ $head = undef;
+ }
+ $self->rev_map_set($rev, $c);
+ print "r$rev = $c\n";
+ }
+ command_close_pipe($log, $ctx);
+ print "Done rebuilding $map_path\n" if (!$partial || !$head);
+ my $rev_db_path = $self->rev_db_path;
+ if (-f $self->rev_db_path) {
+ unlink $self->rev_db_path or croak "unlink: $!";
+ }
+ $self->unlink_rev_db_symlink;
+# rev_map:
+# Tie::File seems to be prone to offset errors if revisions get sparse,
+# it's not that fast, either. Tie::File is also not in Perl 5.6. So
+# one of my favorite modules is out :< Next up would be one of the DBM
+# modules, but I'm not sure which is most portable...
+# This is the replacement for the rev_db format, which was too big
+# and inefficient for large repositories with a lot of sparse history
+# (mainly tags)
+# The format is this:
+# - 24 or 36 bytes for every record,
+# * 4 bytes for the integer representing an SVN revision number
+# * 20 or 32 bytes representing the oid of a git commit
+# - No empty padding records like the old format
+# (except the last record, which can be overwritten)
+# - new records are written append-only since SVN revision numbers
+# increase monotonically
+# - lookups on SVN revision number are done via a binary search
+# - Piping the file to xxd -c24 is a good way of dumping it for
+# viewing or editing (piped back through xxd -r), should the need
+# ever arise.
+# - The last record can be padding revision with an all-zero oid
+# This is used to optimize fetch performance when using multiple
+# "fetch" directives in .git/config
+# These files are disposable unless noMetadata or useSvmProps is set
+sub _rev_map_set {
+ my ($fh, $rev, $commit) = @_;
+ my $record_size = ($::oid_length / 2) + 4;
+ binmode $fh or croak "binmode: $!";
+ my $size = (stat($fh))[7];
+ ($size % $record_size) == 0 or croak "inconsistent size: $size";
+ my $wr_offset = 0;
+ if ($size > 0) {
+ sysseek($fh, -$record_size, SEEK_END) or croak "seek: $!";
+ my $read = sysread($fh, my $buf, $record_size) or croak "read: $!";
+ $read == $record_size or croak "read only $read bytes (!= $record_size)";
+ my ($last_rev, $last_commit) = unpack(rev_map_fmt, $buf);
+ if ($last_commit eq ('0' x $::oid_length)) {
+ if ($size >= ($record_size * 2)) {
+ sysseek($fh, -($record_size * 2), SEEK_END) or croak "seek: $!";
+ $read = sysread($fh, $buf, $record_size) or
+ croak "read: $!";
+ $read == $record_size or
+ croak "read only $read bytes (!= $record_size)";
+ ($last_rev, $last_commit) =
+ unpack(rev_map_fmt, $buf);
+ if ($last_commit eq ('0' x $::oid_length)) {
+ croak "inconsistent .rev_map\n";
+ }
+ }
+ if ($last_rev >= $rev) {
+ croak "last_rev is higher!: $last_rev >= $rev";
+ }
+ $wr_offset = -$record_size;
+ }
+ }
+ sysseek($fh, $wr_offset, SEEK_END) or croak "seek: $!";
+ syswrite($fh, pack(rev_map_fmt, $rev, $commit), $record_size) == $record_size or
+ croak "write: $!";
+sub _rev_map_reset {
+ my ($fh, $rev, $commit) = @_;
+ my $c = _rev_map_get($fh, $rev);
+ $c eq $commit or die "_rev_map_reset(@_) commit $c does not match!\n";
+ my $offset = sysseek($fh, 0, SEEK_CUR) or croak "seek: $!";
+ truncate $fh, $offset or croak "truncate: $!";
+sub mkfile {
+ my ($path) = @_;
+ unless (-e $path) {
+ my ($dir, $base) = ($path =~ m#^(.*?)/?([^/]+)$#);
+ mkpath([$dir]) unless -d $dir;
+ open my $fh, '>>', $path or die "Couldn't create $path: $!\n";
+ close $fh or die "Couldn't close (create) $path: $!\n";
+ }
+# TODO: move this to
+sub use_fsync {
+ if (!defined($_use_fsync)) {
+ my $x = $ENV{GIT_TEST_FSYNC};
+ if (defined $x) {
+ my $v = command_oneline('-c', "test.fsync=$x",
+ qw(config --type=bool test.fsync));
+ $_use_fsync = defined($v) ? ($v eq "true\n") : 1;
+ }
+ }
+ $_use_fsync;
+sub rev_map_set {
+ my ($self, $rev, $commit, $update_ref, $uuid) = @_;
+ defined $commit or die "missing arg3\n";
+ $commit =~ /^$::oid$/ or die "arg3 must be a full hex object ID\n";
+ my $db = $self->map_path($uuid);
+ my $db_lock = "$db.lock";
+ my $sigmask;
+ $update_ref ||= 0;
+ if ($update_ref) {
+ $sigmask = POSIX::SigSet->new();
+ my $signew = POSIX::SigSet->new(SIGINT, SIGHUP, SIGTERM,
+ sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, $signew, $sigmask) or
+ croak "Can't block signals: $!";
+ }
+ mkfile($db);
+ $LOCKFILES{$db_lock} = 1;
+ my $sync;
+ # both of these options make our .rev_db file very, very important
+ # and we can't afford to lose it because rebuild() won't work
+ if (($self->use_svm_props || $self->no_metadata) && use_fsync()) {
+ require File::Copy;
+ $sync = 1;
+ File::Copy::copy($db, $db_lock) or die "rev_map_set(@_): ",
+ "Failed to copy: ",
+ "$db => $db_lock ($!)\n";
+ } else {
+ rename $db, $db_lock or die "rev_map_set(@_): ",
+ "Failed to rename: ",
+ "$db => $db_lock ($!)\n";
+ }
+ sysopen(my $fh, $db_lock, O_RDWR | O_CREAT)
+ or croak "Couldn't open $db_lock: $!\n";
+ if ($update_ref eq 'reset') {
+ clear_memoized_mergeinfo_caches();
+ _rev_map_reset($fh, $rev, $commit);
+ } else {
+ _rev_map_set($fh, $rev, $commit);
+ }
+ if ($sync) {
+ $fh->flush or die "Couldn't flush $db_lock: $!\n";
+ $fh->sync or die "Couldn't sync $db_lock: $!\n";
+ }
+ close $fh or croak $!;
+ if ($update_ref) {
+ $_head = $self;
+ my $note = "";
+ $note = " ($update_ref)" if ($update_ref !~ /^\d*$/);
+ command_noisy('update-ref', '-m', "r$rev$note",
+ $self->refname, $commit);
+ }
+ rename $db_lock, $db or die "rev_map_set(@_): ", "Failed to rename: ",
+ "$db_lock => $db ($!)\n";
+ delete $LOCKFILES{$db_lock};
+ if ($update_ref) {
+ sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, $sigmask) or
+ croak "Can't restore signal mask: $!";
+ }
+# If want_commit, this will return an array of (rev, commit) where
+# commit _must_ be a valid commit in the archive.
+# Otherwise, it'll return the max revision (whether or not the
+# commit is valid or just a 0x40 placeholder).
+sub rev_map_max {
+ my ($self, $want_commit) = @_;
+ $self->rebuild;
+ my ($r, $c) = $self->rev_map_max_norebuild($want_commit);
+ $want_commit ? ($r, $c) : $r;
+sub rev_map_max_norebuild {
+ my ($self, $want_commit) = @_;
+ my $record_size = ($::oid_length / 2) + 4;
+ my $map_path = $self->map_path;
+ stat $map_path or return $want_commit ? (0, undef) : 0;
+ sysopen(my $fh, $map_path, O_RDONLY) or croak "open: $!";
+ binmode $fh or croak "binmode: $!";
+ my $size = (stat($fh))[7];
+ ($size % $record_size) == 0 or croak "inconsistent size: $size";
+ if ($size == 0) {
+ close $fh or croak "close: $!";
+ return $want_commit ? (0, undef) : 0;
+ }
+ sysseek($fh, -$record_size, SEEK_END) or croak "seek: $!";
+ sysread($fh, my $buf, $record_size) == $record_size or croak "read: $!";
+ my ($r, $c) = unpack(rev_map_fmt, $buf);
+ if ($want_commit && $c eq ('0' x $::oid_length)) {
+ if ($size < $record_size * 2) {
+ return $want_commit ? (0, undef) : 0;
+ }
+ sysseek($fh, -($record_size * 2), SEEK_END) or croak "seek: $!";
+ sysread($fh, $buf, $record_size) == $record_size or croak "read: $!";
+ ($r, $c) = unpack(rev_map_fmt, $buf);
+ if ($c eq ('0' x $::oid_length)) {
+ croak "Penultimate record is all-zeroes in $map_path";
+ }
+ }
+ close $fh or croak "close: $!";
+ $want_commit ? ($r, $c) : $r;
+sub rev_map_get {
+ my ($self, $rev, $uuid) = @_;
+ my $map_path = $self->map_path($uuid);
+ return undef unless -e $map_path;
+ sysopen(my $fh, $map_path, O_RDONLY) or croak "open: $!";
+ my $c = _rev_map_get($fh, $rev);
+ close($fh) or croak "close: $!";
+ $c
+sub _rev_map_get {
+ my ($fh, $rev) = @_;
+ my $record_size = ($::oid_length / 2) + 4;
+ binmode $fh or croak "binmode: $!";
+ my $size = (stat($fh))[7];
+ ($size % $record_size) == 0 or croak "inconsistent size: $size";
+ if ($size == 0) {
+ return undef;
+ }
+ my ($l, $u) = (0, $size - $record_size);
+ my ($r, $c, $buf);
+ while ($l <= $u) {
+ my $i = int(($l/$record_size + $u/$record_size) / 2) * $record_size;
+ sysseek($fh, $i, SEEK_SET) or croak "seek: $!";
+ sysread($fh, my $buf, $record_size) == $record_size or croak "read: $!";
+ my ($r, $c) = unpack(rev_map_fmt, $buf);
+ if ($r < $rev) {
+ $l = $i + $record_size;
+ } elsif ($r > $rev) {
+ $u = $i - $record_size;
+ } else { # $r == $rev
+ return $c eq ('0' x $::oid_length) ? undef : $c;
+ }
+ }
+ undef;
+# Finds the first svn revision that exists on (if $eq_ok is true) or
+# before $rev for the current branch. It will not search any lower
+# than $min_rev. Returns the git commit hash and svn revision number
+# if found, else (undef, undef).
+sub find_rev_before {
+ my ($self, $rev, $eq_ok, $min_rev) = @_;
+ --$rev unless $eq_ok;
+ $min_rev ||= 1;
+ my $max_rev = $self->rev_map_max;
+ $rev = $max_rev if ($rev > $max_rev);
+ while ($rev >= $min_rev) {
+ if (my $c = $self->rev_map_get($rev)) {
+ return ($rev, $c);
+ }
+ --$rev;
+ }
+ return (undef, undef);
+# Finds the first svn revision that exists on (if $eq_ok is true) or
+# after $rev for the current branch. It will not search any higher
+# than $max_rev. Returns the git commit hash and svn revision number
+# if found, else (undef, undef).
+sub find_rev_after {
+ my ($self, $rev, $eq_ok, $max_rev) = @_;
+ ++$rev unless $eq_ok;
+ $max_rev ||= $self->rev_map_max;
+ while ($rev <= $max_rev) {
+ if (my $c = $self->rev_map_get($rev)) {
+ return ($rev, $c);
+ }
+ ++$rev;
+ }
+ return (undef, undef);
+sub _new {
+ my ($class, $repo_id, $ref_id, $path) = @_;
+ unless (defined $repo_id && length $repo_id) {
+ $repo_id = $default_repo_id;
+ }
+ unless (defined $ref_id && length $ref_id) {
+ # Access the prefix option from the git-svn main program if it's loaded.
+ my $prefix = defined &::opt_prefix ? ::opt_prefix() : "";
+ $_[2] = $ref_id =
+ "refs/remotes/$prefix$default_ref_id";
+ }
+ $_[1] = $repo_id;
+ my $svn_dir = svn_dir();
+ my $dir = "$svn_dir/$ref_id";
+ # Older repos imported by us used $svn_dir/foo instead of
+ # $svn_dir/refs/remotes/foo when tracking refs/remotes/foo
+ if ($ref_id =~ m{^refs/remotes/(.+)}) {
+ my $old_dir = "$svn_dir/$1";
+ if (-d $old_dir && ! -d $dir) {
+ $dir = $old_dir;
+ }
+ }
+ $_[3] = $path = '' unless (defined $path);
+ mkpath([$dir]);
+ my $obj = bless {
+ ref_id => $ref_id, dir => $dir, index => "$dir/index",
+ config => "$svn_dir/config",
+ map_root => "$dir/.rev_map", repo_id => $repo_id }, $class;
+ # Ensure it gets canonicalized
+ $obj->path($path);
+ return $obj;
+sub path {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if (@_) {
+ my $path = shift;
+ $self->{_path} = canonicalize_path($path);
+ return;
+ }
+ return $self->{_path};
+sub url {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if (@_) {
+ my $url = shift;
+ $self->{url} = canonicalize_url($url);
+ return;
+ }
+ return $self->{url};
+# for read-only access of old .rev_db formats
+sub unlink_rev_db_symlink {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ my $link = $self->rev_db_path;
+ $link =~ s/\.[\w-]+$// or croak "missing UUID at the end of $link";
+ if (-l $link) {
+ unlink $link or croak "unlink: $link failed!";
+ }
+sub rev_db_path {
+ my ($self, $uuid) = @_;
+ my $db_path = $self->map_path($uuid);
+ $db_path =~ s{/\.rev_map\.}{/\.rev_db\.}
+ or croak "map_path: $db_path does not contain '/.rev_map.' !";
+ $db_path;
+# the new replacement for .rev_db
+sub map_path {
+ my ($self, $uuid) = @_;
+ $uuid ||= $self->ra_uuid;
+ "$self->{map_root}.$uuid";
+sub uri_encode {
+ my ($f) = @_;
+ $f =~ s#([^a-zA-Z0-9\*!\:_\./\-])#sprintf("%%%02X",ord($1))#eg;
+ $f
+sub uri_decode {
+ my ($f) = @_;
+ $f =~ s#%([0-9a-fA-F]{2})#chr(hex($1))#eg;
+ $f
+sub remove_username {
+ $_[0] =~ s{^([^:]*://)[^@]+@}{$1};
diff --git a/perl/Git/SVN/ b/perl/Git/SVN/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47fd048
--- /dev/null
+++ b/perl/Git/SVN/
@@ -0,0 +1,605 @@
+package Git::SVN::Editor;
+use vars qw/@ISA $_rmdir $_cp_similarity $_find_copies_harder $_rename_limit/;
+use strict;
+use warnings $ENV{GIT_PERL_FATAL_WARNINGS} ? qw(FATAL all) : ();
+use SVN::Core;
+use SVN::Delta;
+use Carp qw/croak/;
+use Git qw/command command_oneline command_noisy command_output_pipe
+ command_input_pipe command_close_pipe
+ command_bidi_pipe command_close_bidi_pipe
+ get_record/;
+ @ISA = qw(SVN::Delta::Editor);
+sub new {
+ my ($class, $opts) = @_;
+ foreach (qw/svn_path r ra tree_a tree_b log editor_cb/) {
+ die "$_ required!\n" unless (defined $opts->{$_});
+ }
+ my $pool = SVN::Pool->new;
+ my $mods = generate_diff($opts->{tree_a}, $opts->{tree_b});
+ my $types = check_diff_paths($opts->{ra}, $opts->{svn_path},
+ $opts->{r}, $mods);
+ # $opts->{ra} functions should not be used after this:
+ my @ce = $opts->{ra}->get_commit_editor($opts->{log},
+ $opts->{editor_cb}, $pool);
+ my $self = SVN::Delta::Editor->new(@ce, $pool);
+ bless $self, $class;
+ foreach (qw/svn_path r tree_a tree_b/) {
+ $self->{$_} = $opts->{$_};
+ }
+ $self->{url} = $opts->{ra}->{url};
+ $self->{mods} = $mods;
+ $self->{types} = $types;
+ $self->{pool} = $pool;
+ $self->{bat} = { '' => $self->open_root($self->{r}, $self->{pool}) };
+ $self->{rm} = { };
+ $self->{path_prefix} = length $self->{svn_path} ?
+ "$self->{svn_path}/" : '';
+ $self->{config} = $opts->{config};
+ $self->{mergeinfo} = $opts->{mergeinfo};
+ $self->{pathnameencoding} = Git::config('svn.pathnameencoding');
+ return $self;
+sub generate_diff {
+ my ($tree_a, $tree_b) = @_;
+ my @diff_tree = qw(diff-tree -z -r);
+ if ($_cp_similarity) {
+ push @diff_tree, "-C$_cp_similarity";
+ } else {
+ push @diff_tree, '-C';
+ }
+ push @diff_tree, '--find-copies-harder' if $_find_copies_harder;
+ push @diff_tree, "-l$_rename_limit" if defined $_rename_limit;
+ push @diff_tree, $tree_a, $tree_b;
+ my ($diff_fh, $ctx) = command_output_pipe(@diff_tree);
+ my $state = 'meta';
+ my @mods;
+ while (defined($_ = get_record($diff_fh, "\0"))) {
+ if ($state eq 'meta' && /^:(\d{6})\s(\d{6})\s
+ ($::oid)\s($::oid)\s
+ ([MTCRAD])\d*$/xo) {
+ push @mods, { mode_a => $1, mode_b => $2,
+ sha1_a => $3, sha1_b => $4,
+ chg => $5 };
+ if ($5 =~ /^(?:C|R)$/) {
+ $state = 'file_a';
+ } else {
+ $state = 'file_b';
+ }
+ } elsif ($state eq 'file_a') {
+ my $x = $mods[$#mods] or croak "Empty array\n";
+ if ($x->{chg} !~ /^(?:C|R)$/) {
+ croak "Error parsing $_, $x->{chg}\n";
+ }
+ $x->{file_a} = $_;
+ $state = 'file_b';
+ } elsif ($state eq 'file_b') {
+ my $x = $mods[$#mods] or croak "Empty array\n";
+ if (exists $x->{file_a} && $x->{chg} !~ /^(?:C|R)$/) {
+ croak "Error parsing $_, $x->{chg}\n";
+ }
+ if (!exists $x->{file_a} && $x->{chg} =~ /^(?:C|R)$/) {
+ croak "Error parsing $_, $x->{chg}\n";
+ }
+ $x->{file_b} = $_;
+ $state = 'meta';
+ } else {
+ croak "Error parsing $_\n";
+ }
+ }
+ command_close_pipe($diff_fh, $ctx);
+ \@mods;
+sub check_diff_paths {
+ my ($ra, $pfx, $rev, $mods) = @_;
+ my %types;
+ $pfx .= '/' if length $pfx;
+ sub type_diff_paths {
+ my ($ra, $types, $path, $rev) = @_;
+ my @p = split m#/+#, $path;
+ my $c = shift @p;
+ unless (defined $types->{$c}) {
+ $types->{$c} = $ra->check_path($c, $rev);
+ }
+ while (@p) {
+ $c .= '/' . shift @p;
+ next if defined $types->{$c};
+ $types->{$c} = $ra->check_path($c, $rev);
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $m (@$mods) {
+ foreach my $f (qw/file_a file_b/) {
+ next unless defined $m->{$f};
+ my ($dir) = ($m->{$f} =~ m#^(.*?)/?(?:[^/]+)$#);
+ if (length $pfx.$dir && ! defined $types{$dir}) {
+ type_diff_paths($ra, \%types, $pfx.$dir, $rev);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ \%types;
+sub split_path {
+ return ($_[0] =~ m#^(.*?)/?([^/]+)$#);
+sub repo_path {
+ my ($self, $path) = @_;
+ if (my $enc = $self->{pathnameencoding}) {
+ require Encode;
+ Encode::from_to($path, $enc, 'UTF-8');
+ }
+ $self->{path_prefix}.(defined $path ? $path : '');
+sub url_path {
+ my ($self, $path) = @_;
+ $path = $self->repo_path($path);
+ if ($self->{url} =~ m#^https?://#) {
+ # characters are taken from subversion/libsvn_subr/path.c
+ $path =~ s#([^~a-zA-Z0-9_./!$&'()*+,-])#sprintf("%%%02X",ord($1))#eg;
+ }
+ $self->{url} . '/' . $path;
+sub rmdirs {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ my $rm = $self->{rm};
+ delete $rm->{''}; # we never delete the url we're tracking
+ return unless %$rm;
+ foreach (keys %$rm) {
+ my @d = split m#/#, $_;
+ my $c = shift @d;
+ $rm->{$c} = 1;
+ while (@d) {
+ $c .= '/' . shift @d;
+ $rm->{$c} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ delete $rm->{$self->{svn_path}};
+ delete $rm->{''}; # we never delete the url we're tracking
+ return unless %$rm;
+ my ($fh, $ctx) = command_output_pipe(qw/ls-tree --name-only -r -z/,
+ $self->{tree_b});
+ while (defined($_ = get_record($fh, "\0"))) {
+ my @dn = split m#/#, $_;
+ while (pop @dn) {
+ delete $rm->{join '/', @dn};
+ }
+ unless (%$rm) {
+ close $fh;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ command_close_pipe($fh, $ctx);
+ my ($r, $p, $bat) = ($self->{r}, $self->{pool}, $self->{bat});
+ foreach my $d (sort { $b =~ tr#/#/# <=> $a =~ tr#/#/# } keys %$rm) {
+ $self->close_directory($bat->{$d}, $p);
+ my ($dn) = ($d =~ m#^(.*?)/?(?:[^/]+)$#);
+ print "\tD+\t$d/\n" unless $::_q;
+ $self->SUPER::delete_entry($d, $r, $bat->{$dn}, $p);
+ delete $bat->{$d};
+ }
+sub open_or_add_dir {
+ my ($self, $full_path, $baton, $deletions) = @_;
+ my $t = $self->{types}->{$full_path};
+ if (!defined $t) {
+ die "$full_path not known in r$self->{r} or we have a bug!\n";
+ }
+ {
+ no warnings 'once';
+ # SVN::Node::none and SVN::Node::file are used only once,
+ # so we're shutting up Perl's warnings about them.
+ if ($t == $SVN::Node::none || defined($deletions->{$full_path})) {
+ return $self->add_directory($full_path, $baton,
+ undef, -1, $self->{pool});
+ } elsif ($t == $SVN::Node::dir) {
+ return $self->open_directory($full_path, $baton,
+ $self->{r}, $self->{pool});
+ } # no warnings 'once'
+ print STDERR "$full_path already exists in repository at ",
+ "r$self->{r} and it is not a directory (",
+ ($t == $SVN::Node::file ? 'file' : 'unknown'),"/$t)\n";
+ } # no warnings 'once'
+ exit 1;
+sub ensure_path {
+ my ($self, $path, $deletions) = @_;
+ my $bat = $self->{bat};
+ my $repo_path = $self->repo_path($path);
+ return $bat->{''} unless (length $repo_path);
+ my @p = split m#/+#, $repo_path;
+ my $c = shift @p;
+ $bat->{$c} ||= $self->open_or_add_dir($c, $bat->{''}, $deletions);
+ while (@p) {
+ my $c0 = $c;
+ $c .= '/' . shift @p;
+ $bat->{$c} ||= $self->open_or_add_dir($c, $bat->{$c0}, $deletions);
+ }
+ return $bat->{$c};
+# Subroutine to convert a globbing pattern to a regular expression.
+# From perl cookbook.
+sub glob2pat {
+ my $globstr = shift;
+ my %patmap = ('*' => '.*', '?' => '.', '[' => '[', ']' => ']');
+ $globstr =~ s{(.)} { $patmap{$1} || "\Q$1" }ge;
+ return '^' . $globstr . '$';
+sub check_autoprop {
+ my ($self, $pattern, $properties, $file, $fbat) = @_;
+ # Convert the globbing pattern to a regular expression.
+ my $regex = glob2pat($pattern);
+ # Check if the pattern matches the file name.
+ if($file =~ m/($regex)/) {
+ # Parse the list of properties to set.
+ my @props = split(/;/, $properties);
+ foreach my $prop (@props) {
+ # Parse 'name=value' syntax and set the property.
+ if ($prop =~ /([^=]+)=(.*)/) {
+ my ($n,$v) = ($1,$2);
+ for ($n, $v) {
+ s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//;
+ }
+ $self->change_file_prop($fbat, $n, $v);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub apply_autoprops {
+ my ($self, $file, $fbat) = @_;
+ my $conf_t = ${$self->{config}}{'config'};
+ no warnings 'once';
+ # Check [miscellany]/enable-auto-props in svn configuration.
+ if (SVN::_Core::svn_config_get_bool(
+ $conf_t,
+ 0)) {
+ # Auto-props are enabled. Enumerate them to look for matches.
+ my $callback = sub {
+ $self->check_autoprop($_[0], $_[1], $file, $fbat);
+ };
+ SVN::_Core::svn_config_enumerate(
+ $conf_t,
+ $callback);
+ }
+sub check_attr {
+ my ($attr,$path) = @_;
+ my $val = command_oneline("check-attr", $attr, "--", $path);
+ if ($val) { $val =~ s/^[^:]*:\s*[^:]*:\s*(.*)\s*$/$1/; }
+ return $val;
+sub apply_manualprops {
+ my ($self, $file, $fbat) = @_;
+ my $pending_properties = check_attr( "svn-properties", $file );
+ if ($pending_properties eq "") { return; }
+ # Parse the list of properties to set.
+ my @props = split(/;/, $pending_properties);
+ # TODO: get existing properties to compare to
+ # - this fails for add so currently not done
+ # my $existing_props = ::get_svnprops($file);
+ my $existing_props = {};
+ # TODO: caching svn properties or storing them in .gitattributes
+ # would make that faster
+ foreach my $prop (@props) {
+ # Parse 'name=value' syntax and set the property.
+ if ($prop =~ /([^=]+)=(.*)/) {
+ my ($n,$v) = ($1,$2);
+ for ($n, $v) {
+ s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//;
+ }
+ my $existing = $existing_props->{$n};
+ if (!defined($existing) || $existing ne $v) {
+ $self->change_file_prop($fbat, $n, $v);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub A {
+ my ($self, $m, $deletions) = @_;
+ my ($dir, $file) = split_path($m->{file_b});
+ my $pbat = $self->ensure_path($dir, $deletions);
+ my $fbat = $self->add_file($self->repo_path($m->{file_b}), $pbat,
+ undef, -1);
+ print "\tA\t$m->{file_b}\n" unless $::_q;
+ $self->apply_autoprops($file, $fbat);
+ $self->apply_manualprops($m->{file_b}, $fbat);
+ $self->chg_file($fbat, $m);
+ $self->close_file($fbat,undef,$self->{pool});
+sub C {
+ my ($self, $m, $deletions) = @_;
+ my ($dir, $file) = split_path($m->{file_b});
+ my $pbat = $self->ensure_path($dir, $deletions);
+ # workaround for a bug in svn serf backend (v1.8.5 and below):
+ # store third argument to ->add_file() in a local variable, to make it
+ # have the same lifetime as $fbat
+ my $upa = $self->url_path($m->{file_a});
+ my $fbat = $self->add_file($self->repo_path($m->{file_b}), $pbat,
+ $upa, $self->{r});
+ print "\tC\t$m->{file_a} => $m->{file_b}\n" unless $::_q;
+ $self->apply_manualprops($m->{file_b}, $fbat);
+ $self->chg_file($fbat, $m);
+ $self->close_file($fbat,undef,$self->{pool});
+sub delete_entry {
+ my ($self, $path, $pbat) = @_;
+ my $rpath = $self->repo_path($path);
+ my ($dir, $file) = split_path($rpath);
+ $self->{rm}->{$dir} = 1;
+ $self->SUPER::delete_entry($rpath, $self->{r}, $pbat, $self->{pool});
+sub R {
+ my ($self, $m, $deletions) = @_;
+ my ($dir, $file) = split_path($m->{file_b});
+ my $pbat = $self->ensure_path($dir, $deletions);
+ # workaround for a bug in svn serf backend, see comment in C() above
+ my $upa = $self->url_path($m->{file_a});
+ my $fbat = $self->add_file($self->repo_path($m->{file_b}), $pbat,
+ $upa, $self->{r});
+ print "\tR\t$m->{file_a} => $m->{file_b}\n" unless $::_q;
+ $self->apply_autoprops($file, $fbat);
+ $self->apply_manualprops($m->{file_b}, $fbat);
+ $self->chg_file($fbat, $m);
+ $self->close_file($fbat,undef,$self->{pool});
+ ($dir, $file) = split_path($m->{file_a});
+ $pbat = $self->ensure_path($dir, $deletions);
+ $self->delete_entry($m->{file_a}, $pbat);
+sub M {
+ my ($self, $m, $deletions) = @_;
+ my ($dir, $file) = split_path($m->{file_b});
+ my $pbat = $self->ensure_path($dir, $deletions);
+ my $fbat = $self->open_file($self->repo_path($m->{file_b}),
+ $pbat,$self->{r},$self->{pool});
+ print "\t$m->{chg}\t$m->{file_b}\n" unless $::_q;
+ $self->apply_manualprops($m->{file_b}, $fbat);
+ $self->chg_file($fbat, $m);
+ $self->close_file($fbat,undef,$self->{pool});
+sub T {
+ my ($self, $m, $deletions) = @_;
+ # Work around subversion issue 4091: toggling the "is a
+ # symlink" property requires removing and re-adding a
+ # file or else "svn up" on affected clients trips an
+ # assertion and aborts.
+ if (($m->{mode_b} =~ /^120/ && $m->{mode_a} !~ /^120/) ||
+ ($m->{mode_b} !~ /^120/ && $m->{mode_a} =~ /^120/)) {
+ $self->D({
+ mode_a => $m->{mode_a}, mode_b => '000000',
+ sha1_a => $m->{sha1_a}, sha1_b => '0' x $::oid_length,
+ chg => 'D', file_b => $m->{file_b}
+ }, $deletions);
+ $self->A({
+ mode_a => '000000', mode_b => $m->{mode_b},
+ sha1_a => '0' x $::oid_length, sha1_b => $m->{sha1_b},
+ chg => 'A', file_b => $m->{file_b}
+ }, $deletions);
+ return;
+ }
+ $self->M($m, $deletions);
+sub change_file_prop {
+ my ($self, $fbat, $pname, $pval) = @_;
+ $self->SUPER::change_file_prop($fbat, $pname, $pval, $self->{pool});
+sub change_dir_prop {
+ my ($self, $pbat, $pname, $pval) = @_;
+ $self->SUPER::change_dir_prop($pbat, $pname, $pval, $self->{pool});
+sub _chg_file_get_blob ($$$$) {
+ my ($self, $fbat, $m, $which) = @_;
+ my $fh = $::_repository->temp_acquire("git_blob_$which");
+ if ($m->{"mode_$which"} =~ /^120/) {
+ print $fh 'link ' or croak $!;
+ $self->change_file_prop($fbat,'svn:special','*');
+ } elsif ($m->{mode_a} =~ /^120/ && $m->{"mode_$which"} !~ /^120/) {
+ $self->change_file_prop($fbat,'svn:special',undef);
+ }
+ my $blob = $m->{"sha1_$which"};
+ return ($fh,) if ($blob =~ /^0+$/);
+ my $size = $::_repository->cat_blob($blob, $fh);
+ croak "Failed to read object $blob" if ($size < 0);
+ $fh->flush == 0 or croak $!;
+ seek $fh, 0, 0 or croak $!;
+ my $exp = ::md5sum($fh);
+ seek $fh, 0, 0 or croak $!;
+ return ($fh, $exp);
+sub chg_file {
+ my ($self, $fbat, $m) = @_;
+ if ($m->{mode_b} =~ /755$/ && $m->{mode_a} !~ /755$/) {
+ $self->change_file_prop($fbat,'svn:executable','*');
+ } elsif ($m->{mode_b} !~ /755$/ && $m->{mode_a} =~ /755$/) {
+ $self->change_file_prop($fbat,'svn:executable',undef);
+ }
+ my ($fh_a, $exp_a) = _chg_file_get_blob $self, $fbat, $m, 'a';
+ my ($fh_b, $exp_b) = _chg_file_get_blob $self, $fbat, $m, 'b';
+ my $pool = SVN::Pool->new;
+ my $atd = $self->apply_textdelta($fbat, $exp_a, $pool);
+ if (-s $fh_a) {
+ my $txstream = SVN::TxDelta::new ($fh_a, $fh_b, $pool);
+ my $res = SVN::TxDelta::send_txstream($txstream, @$atd, $pool);
+ if (defined $res) {
+ die "Unexpected result from send_txstream: $res\n",
+ "(SVN::Core::VERSION: $SVN::Core::VERSION)\n";
+ }
+ } else {
+ my $got = SVN::TxDelta::send_stream($fh_b, @$atd, $pool);
+ die "Checksum mismatch\nexpected: $exp_b\ngot: $got\n"
+ if ($got ne $exp_b);
+ }
+ Git::temp_release($fh_b, 1);
+ Git::temp_release($fh_a, 1);
+ $pool->clear;
+sub D {
+ my ($self, $m, $deletions) = @_;
+ my ($dir, $file) = split_path($m->{file_b});
+ my $pbat = $self->ensure_path($dir, $deletions);
+ print "\tD\t$m->{file_b}\n" unless $::_q;
+ $self->delete_entry($m->{file_b}, $pbat);
+sub close_edit {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ my ($p,$bat) = ($self->{pool}, $self->{bat});
+ foreach (sort { $b =~ tr#/#/# <=> $a =~ tr#/#/# } keys %$bat) {
+ next if $_ eq '';
+ $self->close_directory($bat->{$_}, $p);
+ }
+ $self->close_directory($bat->{''}, $p);
+ $self->SUPER::close_edit($p);
+ $p->clear;
+sub abort_edit {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ $self->SUPER::abort_edit($self->{pool});
+sub DESTROY {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->SUPER::DESTROY(@_);
+ $self->{pool}->clear;
+# this drives the editor
+sub apply_diff {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ my $mods = $self->{mods};
+ my %o = ( D => 0, C => 1, R => 2, A => 3, M => 4, T => 5 );
+ my %deletions;
+ foreach my $m (@$mods) {
+ if ($m->{chg} eq "D") {
+ $deletions{$m->{file_b}} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $m (sort { $o{$a->{chg}} <=> $o{$b->{chg}} } @$mods) {
+ my $f = $m->{chg};
+ if (defined $o{$f}) {
+ $self->$f($m, \%deletions);
+ } else {
+ fatal("Invalid change type: $f");
+ }
+ }
+ if (defined($self->{mergeinfo})) {
+ $self->change_dir_prop($self->{bat}{''}, "svn:mergeinfo",
+ $self->{mergeinfo});
+ }
+ $self->rmdirs if $_rmdir;
+ if (@$mods == 0 && !defined($self->{mergeinfo})) {
+ $self->abort_edit;
+ } else {
+ $self->close_edit;
+ }
+ return scalar @$mods;
+=head1 NAME
+Git::SVN::Editor - commit driver for "git svn set-tree" and dcommit
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Git::SVN::Editor;
+ use Git::SVN::Ra;
+ my $ra = Git::SVN::Ra->new($url);
+ my %opts = (
+ r => 19,
+ log => "log message",
+ ra => $ra,
+ config => SVN::Core::config_get_config($svn_config_dir),
+ tree_a => "$commit^",
+ tree_b => "$commit",
+ editor_cb => sub { print "Committed r$_[0]\n"; },
+ mergeinfo => "/branches/foo:1-10",
+ svn_path => "trunk"
+ );
+ Git::SVN::Editor->new(\%opts)->apply_diff or print "No changes\n";
+ my $re = Git::SVN::Editor::glob2pat("trunk/*");
+ if ($branchname =~ /$re/) {
+ print "matched!\n";
+ }
+This module is an implementation detail of the "git svn" command.
+Do not use it unless you are developing git-svn.
+This module adapts the C<SVN::Delta::Editor> object returned by
+C<SVN::Delta::get_commit_editor> and drives it to convey the
+difference between two git tree objects to a remote Subversion
+The interface will change as git-svn evolves.
+Subversion perl bindings,
+the core L<Carp> module,
+and git's L<Git> helper module.
+C<Git::SVN::Editor> has not been tested using callers other than
+B<git-svn> itself.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+None reported.
+=head1 BUGS
diff --git a/perl/Git/SVN/ b/perl/Git/SVN/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..968309e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/perl/Git/SVN/
@@ -0,0 +1,622 @@
+package Git::SVN::Fetcher;
+use vars qw/@ISA $_ignore_regex $_include_regex $_preserve_empty_dirs
+ $_placeholder_filename @deleted_gpath %added_placeholder
+ $repo_id/;
+use strict;
+use warnings $ENV{GIT_PERL_FATAL_WARNINGS} ? qw(FATAL all) : ();
+use SVN::Delta;
+use Carp qw/croak/;
+use File::Basename qw/dirname/;
+use Git qw/command command_oneline command_noisy command_output_pipe
+ command_input_pipe command_close_pipe
+ command_bidi_pipe command_close_bidi_pipe
+ get_record/;
+ @ISA = qw(SVN::Delta::Editor);
+# file baton members: path, mode_a, mode_b, pool, fh, blob, base
+sub new {
+ my ($class, $git_svn, $switch_path) = @_;
+ my $self = SVN::Delta::Editor->new;
+ bless $self, $class;
+ if (exists $git_svn->{last_commit}) {
+ $self->{c} = $git_svn->{last_commit};
+ $self->{empty_symlinks} =
+ _mark_empty_symlinks($git_svn, $switch_path);
+ }
+ # some options are read globally, but can be overridden locally
+ # per [svn-remote "..."] section. Command-line options will *NOT*
+ # override options set in an [svn-remote "..."] section
+ $repo_id = $git_svn->{repo_id};
+ my $k = "svn-remote.$repo_id.ignore-paths";
+ my $v = eval { command_oneline('config', '--get', $k) };
+ $self->{ignore_regex} = $v;
+ $k = "svn-remote.$repo_id.include-paths";
+ $v = eval { command_oneline('config', '--get', $k) };
+ $self->{include_regex} = $v;
+ $k = "svn-remote.$repo_id.preserve-empty-dirs";
+ $v = eval { command_oneline('config', '--get', '--bool', $k) };
+ if ($v && $v eq 'true') {
+ $_preserve_empty_dirs = 1;
+ $k = "svn-remote.$repo_id.placeholder-filename";
+ $v = eval { command_oneline('config', '--get', $k) };
+ $_placeholder_filename = $v;
+ }
+ # Load the list of placeholder files added during previous invocations.
+ $k = "svn-remote.$repo_id.added-placeholder";
+ $v = eval { command_oneline('config', '--get-all', $k) };
+ if ($_preserve_empty_dirs && $v) {
+ # command() prints errors to stderr, so we only call it if
+ # command_oneline() succeeded.
+ my @v = command('config', '--get-all', $k);
+ $added_placeholder{ dirname($_) } = $_ foreach @v;
+ }
+ $self->{empty} = {};
+ $self->{dir_prop} = {};
+ $self->{file_prop} = {};
+ $self->{absent_dir} = {};
+ $self->{absent_file} = {};
+ require Git::IndexInfo;
+ $self->{gii} = $git_svn->tmp_index_do(sub { Git::IndexInfo->new });
+ $self->{pathnameencoding} = Git::config('svn.pathnameencoding');
+ $self;
+# this uses the Ra object, so it must be called before do_{switch,update},
+# not inside them (when the Git::SVN::Fetcher object is passed) to
+# do_{switch,update}
+sub _mark_empty_symlinks {
+ my ($git_svn, $switch_path) = @_;
+ my $bool = Git::config_bool('svn.brokenSymlinkWorkaround');
+ return {} if (!defined($bool)) || (defined($bool) && ! $bool);
+ my %ret;
+ my ($rev, $cmt) = $git_svn->last_rev_commit;
+ return {} unless ($rev && $cmt);
+ # allow the warning to be printed for each revision we fetch to
+ # ensure the user sees it. The user can also disable the workaround
+ # on the repository even while git svn is running and the next
+ # revision fetched will skip this expensive function.
+ my $printed_warning;
+ chomp(my $empty_blob = `git hash-object -t blob --stdin < /dev/null`);
+ my ($ls, $ctx) = command_output_pipe(qw/ls-tree -r -z/, $cmt);
+ my $pfx = defined($switch_path) ? $switch_path : $git_svn->path;
+ $pfx .= '/' if length($pfx);
+ while (defined($_ = get_record($ls, "\0"))) {
+ s/\A100644 blob $empty_blob\t//o or next;
+ unless ($printed_warning) {
+ print STDERR "Scanning for empty symlinks, ",
+ "this may take a while if you have ",
+ "many empty files\n",
+ "You may disable this with `",
+ "git config svn.brokenSymlinkWorkaround ",
+ "false'.\n",
+ "This may be done in a different ",
+ "terminal without restarting ",
+ "git svn\n";
+ $printed_warning = 1;
+ }
+ my $path = $_;
+ my (undef, $props) =
+ $git_svn->ra->get_file($pfx.$path, $rev, undef);
+ if ($props->{'svn:special'}) {
+ $ret{$path} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ command_close_pipe($ls, $ctx);
+ \%ret;
+# returns true if a given path is inside a ".git" directory
+sub in_dot_git {
+ $_[0] =~ m{(?:^|/)\.git(?:/|$)};
+# return value: 0 -- don't ignore, 1 -- ignore
+# This will also check whether the path is explicitly included
+sub is_path_ignored {
+ my ($self, $path) = @_;
+ return 1 if in_dot_git($path);
+ return 1 if defined($self->{ignore_regex}) &&
+ $path =~ m!$self->{ignore_regex}!;
+ return 0 if defined($self->{include_regex}) &&
+ $path =~ m!$self->{include_regex}!;
+ return 0 if defined($_include_regex) &&
+ $path =~ m!$_include_regex!;
+ return 1 if defined($self->{include_regex});
+ return 1 if defined($_include_regex);
+ return 0 unless defined($_ignore_regex);
+ return 1 if $path =~ m!$_ignore_regex!o;
+ return 0;
+sub set_path_strip {
+ my ($self, $path) = @_;
+ $self->{path_strip} = qr/^\Q$path\E(\/|$)/ if length $path;
+sub open_root {
+ { path => '' };
+sub open_directory {
+ my ($self, $path, $pb, $rev) = @_;
+ { path => $path };
+sub git_path {
+ my ($self, $path) = @_;
+ if (my $enc = $self->{pathnameencoding}) {
+ require Encode;
+ Encode::from_to($path, 'UTF-8', $enc);
+ }
+ if ($self->{path_strip}) {
+ $path =~ s!$self->{path_strip}!! or
+ die "Failed to strip path '$path' ($self->{path_strip})\n";
+ }
+ $path;
+sub delete_entry {
+ my ($self, $path, $rev, $pb) = @_;
+ return undef if $self->is_path_ignored($path);
+ my $gpath = $self->git_path($path);
+ return undef if ($gpath eq '');
+ # remove entire directories.
+ my ($tree) = (command('ls-tree', '-z', $self->{c}, "./$gpath")
+ =~ /\A040000 tree ($::oid)\t\Q$gpath\E\0/);
+ if ($tree) {
+ my ($ls, $ctx) = command_output_pipe(qw/ls-tree
+ -r --name-only -z/,
+ $tree);
+ while (defined($_ = get_record($ls, "\0"))) {
+ my $rmpath = "$gpath/$_";
+ $self->{gii}->remove($rmpath);
+ print "\tD\t$rmpath\n" unless $::_q;
+ }
+ print "\tD\t$gpath/\n" unless $::_q;
+ command_close_pipe($ls, $ctx);
+ } else {
+ $self->{gii}->remove($gpath);
+ print "\tD\t$gpath\n" unless $::_q;
+ }
+ # Don't add to @deleted_gpath if we're deleting a placeholder file.
+ push @deleted_gpath, $gpath unless $added_placeholder{dirname($path)};
+ $self->{empty}->{$path} = 0;
+ undef;
+sub open_file {
+ my ($self, $path, $pb, $rev) = @_;
+ my ($mode, $blob);
+ goto out if $self->is_path_ignored($path);
+ my $gpath = $self->git_path($path);
+ ($mode, $blob) = (command('ls-tree', '-z', $self->{c}, "./$gpath")
+ =~ /\A(\d{6}) blob ($::oid)\t\Q$gpath\E\0/);
+ unless (defined $mode && defined $blob) {
+ die "$path was not found in commit $self->{c} (r$rev)\n";
+ }
+ if ($mode eq '100644' && $self->{empty_symlinks}->{$path}) {
+ $mode = '120000';
+ }
+ { path => $path, mode_a => $mode, mode_b => $mode, blob => $blob,
+ pool => SVN::Pool->new, action => 'M' };
+sub add_file {
+ my ($self, $path, $pb, $cp_path, $cp_rev) = @_;
+ my $mode;
+ if (!$self->is_path_ignored($path)) {
+ my ($dir, $file) = ($path =~ m#^(.*?)/?([^/]+)$#);
+ delete $self->{empty}->{$dir};
+ $mode = '100644';
+ if ($added_placeholder{$dir}) {
+ # Remove our placeholder file, if we created one.
+ delete_entry($self, $added_placeholder{$dir})
+ unless $path eq $added_placeholder{$dir};
+ delete $added_placeholder{$dir}
+ }
+ }
+ { path => $path, mode_a => $mode, mode_b => $mode,
+ pool => SVN::Pool->new, action => 'A' };
+sub add_directory {
+ my ($self, $path, $cp_path, $cp_rev) = @_;
+ goto out if $self->is_path_ignored($path);
+ my $gpath = $self->git_path($path);
+ if ($gpath eq '') {
+ my ($ls, $ctx) = command_output_pipe(qw/ls-tree
+ -r --name-only -z/,
+ $self->{c});
+ while (defined($_ = get_record($ls, "\0"))) {
+ $self->{gii}->remove($_);
+ print "\tD\t$_\n" unless $::_q;
+ push @deleted_gpath, $gpath;
+ }
+ command_close_pipe($ls, $ctx);
+ $self->{empty}->{$path} = 0;
+ }
+ my ($dir, $file) = ($path =~ m#^(.*?)/?([^/]+)$#);
+ delete $self->{empty}->{$dir};
+ $self->{empty}->{$path} = 1;
+ if ($added_placeholder{$dir}) {
+ # Remove our placeholder file, if we created one.
+ delete_entry($self, $added_placeholder{$dir});
+ delete $added_placeholder{$dir}
+ }
+ { path => $path };
+sub change_dir_prop {
+ my ($self, $db, $prop, $value) = @_;
+ return undef if $self->is_path_ignored($db->{path});
+ $self->{dir_prop}->{$db->{path}} ||= {};
+ $self->{dir_prop}->{$db->{path}}->{$prop} = $value;
+ undef;
+sub absent_directory {
+ my ($self, $path, $pb) = @_;
+ return undef if $self->is_path_ignored($path);
+ $self->{absent_dir}->{$pb->{path}} ||= [];
+ push @{$self->{absent_dir}->{$pb->{path}}}, $path;
+ undef;
+sub absent_file {
+ my ($self, $path, $pb) = @_;
+ return undef if $self->is_path_ignored($path);
+ $self->{absent_file}->{$pb->{path}} ||= [];
+ push @{$self->{absent_file}->{$pb->{path}}}, $path;
+ undef;
+sub change_file_prop {
+ my ($self, $fb, $prop, $value) = @_;
+ return undef if $self->is_path_ignored($fb->{path});
+ if ($prop eq 'svn:executable') {
+ if ($fb->{mode_b} != 120000) {
+ $fb->{mode_b} = defined $value ? 100755 : 100644;
+ }
+ } elsif ($prop eq 'svn:special') {
+ $fb->{mode_b} = defined $value ? 120000 : 100644;
+ } else {
+ $self->{file_prop}->{$fb->{path}} ||= {};
+ $self->{file_prop}->{$fb->{path}}->{$prop} = $value;
+ }
+ undef;
+sub apply_textdelta {
+ my ($self, $fb, $exp) = @_;
+ return undef if $self->is_path_ignored($fb->{path});
+ my $suffix = 0;
+ ++$suffix while $::_repository->temp_is_locked("svn_delta_${$}_$suffix");
+ my $fh = $::_repository->temp_acquire("svn_delta_${$}_$suffix");
+ # $fh gets auto-closed() by SVN::TxDelta::apply(),
+ # (but $base does not,) so dup() it for reading in close_file
+ open my $dup, '<&', $fh or croak $!;
+ my $base = $::_repository->temp_acquire("git_blob_${$}_$suffix");
+ # close_file may call temp_acquire on 'svn_hash', but because of the
+ # call chain, if the temp_acquire call from close_file ends up being the
+ # call that first creates the 'svn_hash' temp file, then the FileHandle
+ # that's created as a result will end up in an SVN::Pool that we clear
+ # in SVN::Ra::gs_fetch_loop_common. Avoid that by making sure the
+ # 'svn_hash' FileHandle is already created before close_file is called.
+ my $tmp_fh = $::_repository->temp_acquire('svn_hash');
+ $::_repository->temp_release($tmp_fh, 1);
+ if ($fb->{blob}) {
+ my ($base_is_link, $size);
+ if ($fb->{mode_a} eq '120000' &&
+ ! $self->{empty_symlinks}->{$fb->{path}}) {
+ print $base 'link ' or die "print $!\n";
+ $base_is_link = 1;
+ }
+ retry:
+ $size = $::_repository->cat_blob($fb->{blob}, $base);
+ die "Failed to read object $fb->{blob}" if ($size < 0);
+ if (defined $exp) {
+ seek $base, 0, 0 or croak $!;
+ my $got = ::md5sum($base);
+ if ($got ne $exp) {
+ my $err = "Checksum mismatch: ".
+ "$fb->{path} $fb->{blob}\n" .
+ "expected: $exp\n" .
+ " got: $got\n";
+ if ($base_is_link) {
+ warn $err,
+ "Retrying... (possibly ",
+ "a bad symlink from SVN)\n";
+ $::_repository->temp_reset($base);
+ $base_is_link = 0;
+ goto retry;
+ }
+ die $err;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ seek $base, 0, 0 or croak $!;
+ $fb->{fh} = $fh;
+ $fb->{base} = $base;
+ [ SVN::TxDelta::apply($base, $dup, undef, $fb->{path}, $fb->{pool}) ];
+sub close_file {
+ my ($self, $fb, $exp) = @_;
+ return undef if $self->is_path_ignored($fb->{path});
+ my $hash;
+ my $path = $self->git_path($fb->{path});
+ if (my $fh = $fb->{fh}) {
+ if (defined $exp) {
+ seek($fh, 0, 0) or croak $!;
+ my $got = ::md5sum($fh);
+ if ($got ne $exp) {
+ die "Checksum mismatch: $path\n",
+ "expected: $exp\n got: $got\n";
+ }
+ }
+ if ($fb->{mode_b} == 120000) {
+ sysseek($fh, 0, 0) or croak $!;
+ my $rd = sysread($fh, my $buf, 5);
+ if (!defined $rd) {
+ croak "sysread: $!\n";
+ } elsif ($rd == 0) {
+ warn "$path has mode 120000",
+ " but it points to nothing\n",
+ "converting to an empty file with mode",
+ " 100644\n";
+ $fb->{mode_b} = '100644';
+ } elsif ($buf ne 'link ') {
+ warn "$path has mode 120000",
+ " but is not a link\n";
+ } else {
+ my $tmp_fh = $::_repository->temp_acquire(
+ 'svn_hash');
+ my $res;
+ while ($res = sysread($fh, my $str, 1024)) {
+ my $out = syswrite($tmp_fh, $str, $res);
+ defined($out) && $out == $res
+ or croak("write ",
+ Git::temp_path($tmp_fh),
+ ": $!\n");
+ }
+ defined $res or croak $!;
+ ($fh, $tmp_fh) = ($tmp_fh, $fh);
+ Git::temp_release($tmp_fh, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ $hash = $::_repository->hash_and_insert_object(
+ Git::temp_path($fh));
+ $hash =~ /^$::oid$/ or die "not an object ID: $hash\n";
+ Git::temp_release($fb->{base}, 1);
+ Git::temp_release($fh, 1);
+ } else {
+ $hash = $fb->{blob} or die "no blob information\n";
+ }
+ $fb->{pool}->clear;
+ $self->{gii}->update($fb->{mode_b}, $hash, $path) or croak $!;
+ print "\t$fb->{action}\t$path\n" if $fb->{action} && ! $::_q;
+ undef;
+sub abort_edit {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{nr} = $self->{gii}->{nr};
+ delete $self->{gii};
+ $self->SUPER::abort_edit(@_);
+sub close_edit {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if ($_preserve_empty_dirs) {
+ my @empty_dirs;
+ # Any entry flagged as empty that also has an associated
+ # dir_prop represents a newly created empty directory.
+ foreach my $i (keys %{$self->{empty}}) {
+ push @empty_dirs, $i if exists $self->{dir_prop}->{$i};
+ }
+ # Search for directories that have become empty due subsequent
+ # file deletes.
+ push @empty_dirs, $self->find_empty_directories();
+ # Finally, add a placeholder file to each empty directory.
+ $self->add_placeholder_file($_) foreach (@empty_dirs);
+ $self->stash_placeholder_list();
+ }
+ $self->{git_commit_ok} = 1;
+ $self->{nr} = $self->{gii}->{nr};
+ delete $self->{gii};
+ $self->SUPER::close_edit(@_);
+sub find_empty_directories {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ my @empty_dirs;
+ my %dirs = map { dirname($_) => 1 } @deleted_gpath;
+ foreach my $dir (sort keys %dirs) {
+ next if $dir eq ".";
+ # If there have been any additions to this directory, there is
+ # no reason to check if it is empty.
+ my $skip_added = 0;
+ foreach my $t (qw/dir_prop file_prop/) {
+ foreach my $path (keys %{ $self->{$t} }) {
+ if (exists $self->{$t}->{dirname($path)}) {
+ $skip_added = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ last if $skip_added;
+ }
+ next if $skip_added;
+ # Use `git ls-tree` to get the filenames of this directory
+ # that existed prior to this particular commit.
+ my $ls = command('ls-tree', '-z', '--name-only',
+ $self->{c}, "$dir/");
+ my %files = map { $_ => 1 } split(/\0/, $ls);
+ # Remove the filenames that were deleted during this commit.
+ delete $files{$_} foreach (@deleted_gpath);
+ # Report the directory if there are no filenames left.
+ push @empty_dirs, $dir unless (scalar %files);
+ }
+ @empty_dirs;
+sub add_placeholder_file {
+ my ($self, $dir) = @_;
+ my $path = "$dir/$_placeholder_filename";
+ my $gpath = $self->git_path($path);
+ my $fh = $::_repository->temp_acquire($gpath);
+ my $hash = $::_repository->hash_and_insert_object(Git::temp_path($fh));
+ Git::temp_release($fh, 1);
+ $self->{gii}->update('100644', $hash, $gpath) or croak $!;
+ # The directory should no longer be considered empty.
+ delete $self->{empty}->{$dir} if exists $self->{empty}->{$dir};
+ # Keep track of any placeholder files we create.
+ $added_placeholder{$dir} = $path;
+sub stash_placeholder_list {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ my $k = "svn-remote.$repo_id.added-placeholder";
+ my $v = eval { command_oneline('config', '--get-all', $k) };
+ command_noisy('config', '--unset-all', $k) if $v;
+ foreach (values %added_placeholder) {
+ command_noisy('config', '--add', $k, $_);
+ }
+=head1 NAME
+Git::SVN::Fetcher - tree delta consumer for "git svn fetch"
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use SVN::Core;
+ use SVN::Ra;
+ use Git::SVN;
+ use Git::SVN::Fetcher;
+ use Git;
+ my $gs = Git::SVN->find_by_url($url);
+ my $ra = SVN::Ra->new(url => $url);
+ my $editor = Git::SVN::Fetcher->new($gs);
+ my $reporter = $ra->do_update($SVN::Core::INVALID_REVNUM, '',
+ 1, $editor);
+ $reporter->set_path('', $old_rev, 0);
+ $reporter->finish_report;
+ my $tree = $gs->tmp_index_do(sub { command_oneline('write-tree') });
+ foreach my $path (keys %{$editor->{dir_prop}) {
+ my $props = $editor->{dir_prop}{$path};
+ foreach my $prop (keys %$props) {
+ print "property $prop at $path changed to $props->{$prop}\n";
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $path (keys %{$editor->{empty}) {
+ my $action = $editor->{empty}{$path} ? 'added' : 'removed';
+ print "empty directory $path $action\n";
+ }
+ foreach my $path (keys %{$editor->{file_prop}) { ... }
+ foreach my $parent (keys %{$editor->{absent_dir}}) {
+ my @children = @{$editor->{abstent_dir}{$parent}};
+ print "cannot fetch directory $parent/$_: not authorized?\n"
+ foreach @children;
+ }
+ foreach my $parent (keys %{$editor->{absent_file}) { ... }
+This is a subclass of C<SVN::Delta::Editor>, which means it implements
+callbacks to act as a consumer of Subversion tree deltas. This
+particular implementation of those callbacks is meant to store
+information about the resulting content which B<git svn fetch> could
+use to populate new commits and new entries for F<unhandled.log>.
+More specifically:
+=item * Additions, removals, and modifications of files are propagated
+to git-svn's index file F<$GIT_DIR/svn/$refname/index> using
+B<git update-index>.
+=item * Changes in Subversion path properties are recorded in the
+C<dir_prop> and C<file_prop> fields (which are hashes).
+=item * Addition and removal of empty directories are indicated by
+entries with value 1 and 0 respectively in the C<empty> hash.
+=item * Paths that are present but cannot be conveyed (presumably due
+to permissions) are recorded in the C<absent_file> and
+C<absent_dirs> hashes. For each key, the corresponding value is
+a list of paths under that directory that were present but
+could not be conveyed.
+The interface is unstable. Do not use this module unless you are
+developing git-svn.
+L<SVN::Delta> from the Subversion perl bindings,
+the core L<Carp> and L<File::Basename> modules,
+and git's L<Git> helper module.
+C<Git::SVN::Fetcher> has not been tested using callers other than
+B<git-svn> itself.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+None reported.
+=head1 BUGS
diff --git a/perl/Git/SVN/ b/perl/Git/SVN/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2c1e1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/perl/Git/SVN/
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+package Git::SVN::GlobSpec;
+use strict;
+use warnings $ENV{GIT_PERL_FATAL_WARNINGS} ? qw(FATAL all) : ();
+sub new {
+ my ($class, $glob, $pattern_ok) = @_;
+ my $re = $glob;
+ $re =~ s!/+$!!g; # no need for trailing slashes
+ my (@left, @right, @patterns);
+ my $state = "left";
+ my $die_msg = "Only one set of wildcards " .
+ "(e.g. '*' or '*/*/*') is supported: $glob\n";
+ for my $part (split(m|/|, $glob)) {
+ if ($pattern_ok && $part =~ /[{}]/ &&
+ $part !~ /^\{[^{}]+\}/) {
+ die "Invalid pattern in '$glob': $part\n";
+ }
+ my $nstars = $part =~ tr/*//;
+ if ($nstars > 1) {
+ die "Only one '*' is allowed in a pattern: '$part'\n";
+ }
+ if ($part =~ /(.*)\*(.*)/) {
+ die $die_msg if $state eq "right";
+ my ($l, $r) = ($1, $2);
+ $state = "pattern";
+ my $pat = quotemeta($l) . '[^/]*' . quotemeta($r);
+ push(@patterns, $pat);
+ } elsif ($pattern_ok && $part =~ /^\{(.*)\}$/) {
+ die $die_msg if $state eq "right";
+ $state = "pattern";
+ my $p = quotemeta($1);
+ $p =~ s/\\,/|/g;
+ push(@patterns, "(?:$p)");
+ } else {
+ if ($state eq "left") {
+ push(@left, $part);
+ } else {
+ push(@right, $part);
+ $state = "right";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my $depth = @patterns;
+ if ($depth == 0) {
+ die "One '*' is needed in glob: '$glob'\n";
+ }
+ my $left = join('/', @left);
+ my $right = join('/', @right);
+ $re = join('/', @patterns);
+ $re = join('\/',
+ grep(length, quotemeta($left),
+ "($re)(?=/|\$)",
+ quotemeta($right)));
+ my $left_re = qr/^\/\Q$left\E(\/|$)/;
+ bless { left => $left, right => $right, left_regex => $left_re,
+ regex => qr/$re/, glob => $glob, depth => $depth }, $class;
+sub full_path {
+ my ($self, $path) = @_;
+ return (length $self->{left} ? "$self->{left}/" : '') .
+ $path . (length $self->{right} ? "/$self->{right}" : '');
diff --git a/perl/Git/SVN/ b/perl/Git/SVN/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc8b484
--- /dev/null
+++ b/perl/Git/SVN/
@@ -0,0 +1,400 @@
+package Git::SVN::Log;
+use strict;
+use warnings $ENV{GIT_PERL_FATAL_WARNINGS} ? qw(FATAL all) : ();
+use Git::SVN::Utils qw(fatal);
+use Git qw(command
+ command_oneline
+ command_output_pipe
+ command_close_pipe
+ get_tz_offset);
+use POSIX qw/strftime/;
+use constant commit_log_separator => ('-' x 72) . "\n";
+use vars qw/$TZ $limit $color $pager $non_recursive $verbose $oneline
+ %rusers $show_commit $incremental/;
+# Option set in git-svn
+our $_git_format;
+sub cmt_showable {
+ my ($c) = @_;
+ return 1 if defined $c->{r};
+ # big commit message got truncated by the 16k pretty buffer in rev-list
+ if ($c->{l} && $c->{l}->[-1] eq "...\n" &&
+ $c->{a_raw} =~ /\@([a-f\d\-]+)>$/) {
+ @{$c->{l}} = ();
+ my @log = command(qw/cat-file commit/, $c->{c});
+ # shift off the headers
+ shift @log while ($log[0] ne '');
+ shift @log;
+ # TODO: make $c->{l} not have a trailing newline in the future
+ @{$c->{l}} = map { "$_\n" } grep !/^git-svn-id: /, @log;
+ (undef, $c->{r}, undef) = ::extract_metadata(
+ (grep(/^git-svn-id: /, @log))[-1]);
+ }
+ return defined $c->{r};
+sub log_use_color {
+ return $color || Git->repository->get_colorbool('color.diff');
+sub git_svn_log_cmd {
+ my ($r_min, $r_max, @args) = @_;
+ my $head = 'HEAD';
+ my (@files, @log_opts);
+ foreach my $x (@args) {
+ if ($x eq '--' || @files) {
+ push @files, $x;
+ } else {
+ if (::verify_ref("$x^0")) {
+ $head = $x;
+ } else {
+ push @log_opts, $x;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my ($url, $rev, $uuid, $gs) = ::working_head_info($head);
+ require Git::SVN;
+ $gs ||= Git::SVN->_new;
+ my @cmd = (qw/log --abbrev-commit --pretty=raw --default/,
+ $gs->refname);
+ push @cmd, '-r' unless $non_recursive;
+ push @cmd, qw/--raw --name-status/ if $verbose;
+ push @cmd, '--color' if log_use_color();
+ push @cmd, @log_opts;
+ if (defined $r_max && $r_max == $r_min) {
+ push @cmd, '--max-count=1';
+ if (my $c = $gs->rev_map_get($r_max)) {
+ push @cmd, $c;
+ }
+ } elsif (defined $r_max) {
+ if ($r_max < $r_min) {
+ ($r_min, $r_max) = ($r_max, $r_min);
+ }
+ my (undef, $c_max) = $gs->find_rev_before($r_max, 1, $r_min);
+ my (undef, $c_min) = $gs->find_rev_after($r_min, 1, $r_max);
+ # If there are no commits in the range, both $c_max and $c_min
+ # will be undefined. If there is at least 1 commit in the
+ # range, both will be defined.
+ return () if !defined $c_min || !defined $c_max;
+ if ($c_min eq $c_max) {
+ push @cmd, '--max-count=1', $c_min;
+ } else {
+ push @cmd, '--boundary', "$c_min..$c_max";
+ }
+ }
+ return (@cmd, @files);
+# adapted from pager.c
+sub config_pager {
+ if (! -t *STDOUT) {
+ $ENV{GIT_PAGER_IN_USE} = 'false';
+ $pager = undef;
+ return;
+ }
+ chomp($pager = command_oneline(qw(var GIT_PAGER)));
+ if ($pager eq 'cat') {
+ $pager = undef;
+ }
+ $ENV{GIT_PAGER_IN_USE} = defined($pager);
+sub run_pager {
+ return unless defined $pager;
+ pipe my ($rfd, $wfd) or return;
+ defined(my $pid = fork) or fatal "Can't fork: $!";
+ if (!$pid) {
+ open STDOUT, '>&', $wfd or
+ fatal "Can't redirect to stdout: $!";
+ return;
+ }
+ open STDIN, '<&', $rfd or fatal "Can't redirect stdin: $!";
+ $ENV{LESS} ||= 'FRX';
+ $ENV{LV} ||= '-c';
+ exec $pager or fatal "Can't run pager: $! ($pager)";
+sub format_svn_date {
+ my $t = shift || time;
+ require Git::SVN;
+ my $gmoff = get_tz_offset($t);
+ return strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S $gmoff (%a, %d %b %Y)", localtime($t));
+sub parse_git_date {
+ my ($t, $tz) = @_;
+ # Date::Parse isn't in the standard Perl distro :(
+ if ($tz =~ s/^\+//) {
+ $t += tz_to_s_offset($tz);
+ } elsif ($tz =~ s/^\-//) {
+ $t -= tz_to_s_offset($tz);
+ }
+ return $t;
+sub set_local_timezone {
+ if (defined $TZ) {
+ $ENV{TZ} = $TZ;
+ } else {
+ delete $ENV{TZ};
+ }
+sub tz_to_s_offset {
+ my ($tz) = @_;
+ $tz =~ s/(\d\d)$//;
+ return ($1 * 60) + ($tz * 3600);
+sub get_author_info {
+ my ($dest, $author, $t, $tz) = @_;
+ $author =~ s/(?:^\s*|\s*$)//g;
+ $dest->{a_raw} = $author;
+ my $au;
+ if ($::_authors) {
+ $au = $rusers{$author} || undef;
+ }
+ if (!$au) {
+ ($au) = ($author =~ /<([^>]+)\@[^>]+>$/);
+ }
+ $dest->{t} = $t;
+ $dest->{tz} = $tz;
+ $dest->{a} = $au;
+ $dest->{t_utc} = parse_git_date($t, $tz);
+sub process_commit {
+ my ($c, $r_min, $r_max, $defer) = @_;
+ if (defined $r_min && defined $r_max) {
+ if ($r_min == $c->{r} && $r_min == $r_max) {
+ show_commit($c);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1 if $r_min == $r_max;
+ if ($r_min < $r_max) {
+ # we need to reverse the print order
+ return 0 if (defined $limit && --$limit < 0);
+ push @$defer, $c;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if ($r_min != $r_max) {
+ return 1 if ($r_min < $c->{r});
+ return 1 if ($r_max > $c->{r});
+ }
+ }
+ return 0 if (defined $limit && --$limit < 0);
+ show_commit($c);
+ return 1;
+my $l_fmt;
+sub show_commit {
+ my $c = shift;
+ if ($oneline) {
+ my $x = "\n";
+ if (my $l = $c->{l}) {
+ while ($l->[0] =~ /^\s*$/) { shift @$l }
+ $x = $l->[0];
+ }
+ $l_fmt ||= 'A' . length($c->{r});
+ print 'r',pack($l_fmt, $c->{r}),' | ';
+ print "$c->{c} | " if $show_commit;
+ print $x;
+ } else {
+ show_commit_normal($c);
+ }
+sub show_commit_changed_paths {
+ my ($c) = @_;
+ return unless $c->{changed};
+ print "Changed paths:\n", @{$c->{changed}};
+sub show_commit_normal {
+ my ($c) = @_;
+ print commit_log_separator, "r$c->{r} | ";
+ print "$c->{c} | " if $show_commit;
+ print "$c->{a} | ", format_svn_date($c->{t_utc}), ' | ';
+ my $nr_line = 0;
+ if (my $l = $c->{l}) {
+ while ($l->[$#$l] eq "\n" && $#$l > 0
+ && $l->[($#$l - 1)] eq "\n") {
+ pop @$l;
+ }
+ $nr_line = scalar @$l;
+ if (!$nr_line) {
+ print "1 line\n\n\n";
+ } else {
+ if ($nr_line == 1) {
+ $nr_line = '1 line';
+ } else {
+ $nr_line .= ' lines';
+ }
+ print $nr_line, "\n";
+ show_commit_changed_paths($c);
+ print "\n";
+ print $_ foreach @$l;
+ }
+ } else {
+ print "1 line\n";
+ show_commit_changed_paths($c);
+ print "\n";
+ }
+ foreach my $x (qw/raw stat diff/) {
+ if ($c->{$x}) {
+ print "\n";
+ print $_ foreach @{$c->{$x}}
+ }
+ }
+sub cmd_show_log {
+ my (@args) = @_;
+ my ($r_min, $r_max);
+ my $r_last = -1; # prevent dupes
+ set_local_timezone();
+ if (defined $::_revision) {
+ if ($::_revision =~ /^(\d+):(\d+)$/) {
+ ($r_min, $r_max) = ($1, $2);
+ } elsif ($::_revision =~ /^\d+$/) {
+ $r_min = $r_max = $::_revision;
+ } else {
+ fatal "-r$::_revision is not supported, use ",
+ "standard 'git log' arguments instead";
+ }
+ }
+ config_pager();
+ @args = git_svn_log_cmd($r_min, $r_max, @args);
+ if (!@args) {
+ print commit_log_separator unless $incremental || $oneline;
+ return;
+ }
+ my $log = command_output_pipe(@args);
+ run_pager();
+ my (@k, $c, $d, $stat);
+ my $esc_color = qr/(?:\033\[(?:(?:\d+;)*\d*)?m)*/;
+ while (<$log>) {
+ if (/^${esc_color}commit (?:- )?($::oid_short)/o) {
+ my $cmt = $1;
+ if ($c && cmt_showable($c) && $c->{r} != $r_last) {
+ $r_last = $c->{r};
+ process_commit($c, $r_min, $r_max, \@k) or
+ goto out;
+ }
+ $d = undef;
+ $c = { c => $cmt };
+ } elsif (/^${esc_color}author (.+) (\d+) ([\-\+]?\d+)$/o) {
+ get_author_info($c, $1, $2, $3);
+ } elsif (/^${esc_color}(?:tree|parent|committer) /o) {
+ # ignore
+ } elsif (/^${esc_color}:\d{6} \d{6} $::oid_short/o) {
+ push @{$c->{raw}}, $_;
+ } elsif (/^${esc_color}[ACRMDT]\t/) {
+ # we could add $SVN->{svn_path} here, but that requires
+ # remote access at the moment (repo_path_split)...
+ s#^(${esc_color})([ACRMDT])\t#$1 $2 #o;
+ push @{$c->{changed}}, $_;
+ } elsif (/^${esc_color}diff /o) {
+ $d = 1;
+ push @{$c->{diff}}, $_;
+ } elsif ($d) {
+ push @{$c->{diff}}, $_;
+ } elsif (/^\ .+\ \|\s*\d+\ $esc_color[\+\-]*
+ $esc_color*[\+\-]*$esc_color$/x) {
+ $stat = 1;
+ push @{$c->{stat}}, $_;
+ } elsif ($stat && /^ \d+ files changed, \d+ insertions/) {
+ push @{$c->{stat}}, $_;
+ $stat = undef;
+ } elsif (/^${esc_color} (git-svn-id:.+)$/o) {
+ ($c->{url}, $c->{r}, undef) = ::extract_metadata($1);
+ } elsif (s/^${esc_color} //o) {
+ push @{$c->{l}}, $_;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($c && defined $c->{r} && $c->{r} != $r_last) {
+ $r_last = $c->{r};
+ process_commit($c, $r_min, $r_max, \@k);
+ }
+ if (@k) {
+ ($r_min, $r_max) = ($r_max, $r_min);
+ process_commit($_, $r_min, $r_max) foreach reverse @k;
+ }
+ close $log;
+ print commit_log_separator unless $incremental || $oneline;
+sub cmd_blame {
+ my $path = pop;
+ config_pager();
+ run_pager();
+ my ($fh, $ctx, $rev);
+ if ($_git_format) {
+ ($fh, $ctx) = command_output_pipe('blame', @_, $path);
+ while (my $line = <$fh>) {
+ if ($line =~ /^\^?([[:xdigit:]]+)\s/) {
+ # Uncommitted edits show up as a rev ID of
+ # all zeros, which we can't look up with
+ # cmt_metadata
+ if ($1 !~ /^0+$/) {
+ (undef, $rev, undef) =
+ ::cmt_metadata($1);
+ $rev = '0' if (!$rev);
+ } else {
+ $rev = '0';
+ }
+ $rev = sprintf('%-10s', $rev);
+ $line =~ s/^\^?[[:xdigit:]]+(\s)/$rev$1/;
+ }
+ print $line;
+ }
+ } else {
+ ($fh, $ctx) = command_output_pipe('blame', '-p', @_, 'HEAD',
+ '--', $path);
+ my ($sha1);
+ my %authors;
+ my @buffer;
+ my %dsha; #distinct sha keys
+ while (my $line = <$fh>) {
+ push @buffer, $line;
+ if ($line =~ /^([[:xdigit:]]{40})\s\d+\s\d+/) {
+ $dsha{$1} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ my $s2r = ::cmt_sha2rev_batch([keys %dsha]);
+ foreach my $line (@buffer) {
+ if ($line =~ /^([[:xdigit:]]{40})\s\d+\s\d+/) {
+ $rev = $s2r->{$1};
+ $rev = '0' if (!$rev)
+ }
+ elsif ($line =~ /^author (.*)/) {
+ $authors{$rev} = $1;
+ $authors{$rev} =~ s/\s/_/g;
+ }
+ elsif ($line =~ /^\t(.*)$/) {
+ printf("%6s %10s %s\n", $rev, $authors{$rev}, $1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ command_close_pipe($fh, $ctx);
diff --git a/perl/Git/SVN/Memoize/ b/perl/Git/SVN/Memoize/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8fcf664
--- /dev/null
+++ b/perl/Git/SVN/Memoize/
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+package Git::SVN::Memoize::YAML;
+use warnings $ENV{GIT_PERL_FATAL_WARNINGS} ? qw(FATAL all) : ();
+use strict;
+use YAML::Any ();
+# based on Memoize::Storable.
+sub TIEHASH {
+ my $package = shift;
+ my $filename = shift;
+ my $truehash = (-e $filename) ? YAML::Any::LoadFile($filename) : {};
+ my $self = {FILENAME => $filename, H => $truehash};
+ bless $self => $package;
+sub STORE {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{H}{$_[0]} = $_[1];
+sub FETCH {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{H}{$_[0]};
+sub EXISTS {
+ my $self = shift;
+ exists $self->{H}{$_[0]};
+sub DESTROY {
+ my $self = shift;
+ YAML::Any::DumpFile($self->{FILENAME}, $self->{H});
+sub SCALAR {
+ my $self = shift;
+ scalar(%{$self->{H}});
+ 'Fake hash from Git::SVN::Memoize::YAML';
+sub NEXTKEY {
+ undef;
+=head1 NAME
+Git::SVN::Memoize::YAML - store Memoized data in YAML format
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Memoize;
+ use Git::SVN::Memoize::YAML;
+ tie my %cache => 'Git::SVN::Memoize::YAML', $filename;
+ memoize('slow_function', SCALAR_CACHE => [HASH => \%cache]);
+ slow_function(arguments);
+This module provides a class that can be used to tie a hash to a
+YAML file. The file is read when the hash is initialized and
+rewritten when the hash is destroyed.
+The intent is to allow L<Memoize> to back its cache with a file in
+YAML format, just like L<Memoize::Storable> allows L<Memoize> to
+back its cache with a file in Storable format. Unlike the Storable
+format, the YAML format is platform-independent and fairly stable.
+Carps on error.
+See L<YAML::Any>.
+L<YAML::Any> from CPAN.
+None reported.
+=head1 BUGS
+The entire cache is read into a Perl hash when loading the file,
+so this is not very scalable.
diff --git a/perl/Git/SVN/ b/perl/Git/SVN/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed96ac5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/perl/Git/SVN/
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+package Git::SVN::Migration;
+# these version numbers do NOT correspond to actual version numbers
+# of git or git-svn. They are just relative.
+# v0 layout: .git/$id/info/url, refs/heads/$id-HEAD
+# v1 layout: .git/$id/info/url, refs/remotes/$id
+# v2 layout: .git/svn/$id/info/url, refs/remotes/$id
+# v3 layout: .git/svn/$id, refs/remotes/$id
+# - info/url may remain for backwards compatibility
+# - this is what we migrate up to this layout automatically,
+# - this will be used by git svn init on single branches
+# v3.1 layout (auto migrated):
+# - .rev_db => .rev_db.$UUID, .rev_db will remain as a symlink
+# for backwards compatibility
+# v4 layout: .git/svn/$repo_id/$id, refs/remotes/$repo_id/$id
+# - this is only created for newly multi-init-ed
+# repositories. Similar in spirit to the
+# --use-separate-remotes option in git-clone (now default)
+# - we do not automatically migrate to this (following
+# the example set by core git)
+# v5 layout: .rev_db.$UUID => .rev_map.$UUID
+# - newer, more-efficient format that uses 24-bytes per record
+# with no filler space.
+# - use xxd -c24 < .rev_map.$UUID to view and debug
+# - This is a one-way migration, repositories updated to the
+# new format will not be able to use old git-svn without
+# rebuilding the .rev_db. Rebuilding the rev_db is not
+# possible if noMetadata or useSvmProps are set; but should
+# be no problem for users that use the (sensible) defaults.
+use strict;
+use warnings $ENV{GIT_PERL_FATAL_WARNINGS} ? qw(FATAL all) : ();
+use Carp qw/croak/;
+use File::Path qw/mkpath/;
+use File::Basename qw/dirname basename/;
+our $_minimize;
+use Git qw(
+ command
+ command_noisy
+ command_output_pipe
+ command_close_pipe
+ command_oneline
+use Git::SVN;
+sub migrate_from_v0 {
+ my $git_dir = $ENV{GIT_DIR};
+ return undef unless -d $git_dir;
+ my ($fh, $ctx) = command_output_pipe(qw/rev-parse --symbolic --all/);
+ my $migrated = 0;
+ while (<$fh>) {
+ chomp;
+ my ($id, $orig_ref) = ($_, $_);
+ next unless $id =~ s#^refs/heads/(.+)-HEAD$#$1#;
+ my $info_url = command_oneline(qw(rev-parse --git-path),
+ "$id/info/url");
+ next unless -f $info_url;
+ my $new_ref = "refs/remotes/$id";
+ if (::verify_ref("$new_ref^0")) {
+ print STDERR "W: $orig_ref is probably an old ",
+ "branch used by an ancient version of ",
+ "git-svn.\n",
+ "However, $new_ref also exists.\n",
+ "We will not be able ",
+ "to use this branch until this ",
+ "ambiguity is resolved.\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ print STDERR "Migrating from v0 layout...\n" if !$migrated;
+ print STDERR "Renaming ref: $orig_ref => $new_ref\n";
+ command_noisy('update-ref', $new_ref, $orig_ref);
+ command_noisy('update-ref', '-d', $orig_ref, $orig_ref);
+ $migrated++;
+ }
+ command_close_pipe($fh, $ctx);
+ print STDERR "Done migrating from v0 layout...\n" if $migrated;
+ $migrated;
+sub migrate_from_v1 {
+ my $git_dir = $ENV{GIT_DIR};
+ my $migrated = 0;
+ return $migrated unless -d $git_dir;
+ my $svn_dir = Git::SVN::svn_dir();
+ # just in case somebody used 'svn' as their $id at some point...
+ return $migrated if -d $svn_dir && ! -f "$svn_dir/info/url";
+ print STDERR "Migrating from a git-svn v1 layout...\n";
+ mkpath([$svn_dir]);
+ print STDERR "Data from a previous version of git-svn exists, but\n\t",
+ "$svn_dir\n\t(required for this version ",
+ "($::VERSION) of git-svn) does not exist.\n";
+ my ($fh, $ctx) = command_output_pipe(qw/rev-parse --symbolic --all/);
+ while (<$fh>) {
+ my $x = $_;
+ next unless $x =~ s#^refs/remotes/##;
+ chomp $x;
+ my $info_url = command_oneline(qw(rev-parse --git-path),
+ "$x/info/url");
+ next unless -f $info_url;
+ my $u = eval { ::file_to_s($info_url) };
+ next unless $u;
+ my $dn = dirname("$svn_dir/$x");
+ mkpath([$dn]) unless -d $dn;
+ if ($x eq 'svn') { # they used 'svn' as GIT_SVN_ID:
+ mkpath(["$svn_dir/svn"]);
+ print STDERR " - $git_dir/$x/info => ",
+ "$svn_dir/$x/info\n";
+ rename "$git_dir/$x/info", "$svn_dir/$x/info" or
+ croak "$!: $x";
+ # don't worry too much about these, they probably
+ # don't exist with repos this old (save for index,
+ # and we can easily regenerate that)
+ foreach my $f (qw/unhandled.log index .rev_db/) {
+ rename "$git_dir/$x/$f", "$svn_dir/$x/$f";
+ }
+ } else {
+ print STDERR " - $git_dir/$x => $svn_dir/$x\n";
+ rename "$git_dir/$x", "$svn_dir/$x" or croak "$!: $x";
+ }
+ $migrated++;
+ }
+ command_close_pipe($fh, $ctx);
+ print STDERR "Done migrating from a git-svn v1 layout\n";
+ $migrated;
+sub read_old_urls {
+ my ($l_map, $pfx, $path) = @_;
+ my @dir;
+ foreach (<$path/*>) {
+ if (-r "$_/info/url") {
+ $pfx .= '/' if $pfx && $pfx !~ m!/$!;
+ my $ref_id = $pfx . basename $_;
+ my $url = ::file_to_s("$_/info/url");
+ $l_map->{$ref_id} = $url;
+ } elsif (-d $_) {
+ push @dir, $_;
+ }
+ }
+ my $svn_dir = Git::SVN::svn_dir();
+ foreach (@dir) {
+ my $x = $_;
+ $x =~ s!^\Q$svn_dir\E/!!o;
+ read_old_urls($l_map, $x, $_);
+ }
+sub migrate_from_v2 {
+ my @cfg = command(qw/config -l/);
+ return if grep /^svn-remote\..+\.url=/, @cfg;
+ my %l_map;
+ read_old_urls(\%l_map, '', Git::SVN::svn_dir());
+ my $migrated = 0;
+ require Git::SVN;
+ foreach my $ref_id (sort keys %l_map) {
+ eval { Git::SVN->init($l_map{$ref_id}, '', undef, $ref_id) };
+ if ($@) {
+ Git::SVN->init($l_map{$ref_id}, '', $ref_id, $ref_id);
+ }
+ $migrated++;
+ }
+ $migrated;
+sub minimize_connections {
+ require Git::SVN;
+ require Git::SVN::Ra;
+ my $r = Git::SVN::read_all_remotes();
+ my $new_urls = {};
+ my $root_repos = {};
+ foreach my $repo_id (keys %$r) {
+ my $url = $r->{$repo_id}->{url} or next;
+ my $fetch = $r->{$repo_id}->{fetch} or next;
+ my $ra = Git::SVN::Ra->new($url);
+ # skip existing cases where we already connect to the root
+ if (($ra->url eq $ra->{repos_root}) ||
+ ($ra->{repos_root} eq $repo_id)) {
+ $root_repos->{$ra->url} = $repo_id;
+ next;
+ }
+ my $root_ra = Git::SVN::Ra->new($ra->{repos_root});
+ my $root_path = $ra->url;
+ $root_path =~ s#^\Q$ra->{repos_root}\E(/|$)##;
+ foreach my $path (keys %$fetch) {
+ my $ref_id = $fetch->{$path};
+ my $gs = Git::SVN->new($ref_id, $repo_id, $path);
+ # make sure we can read when connecting to
+ # a higher level of a repository
+ my ($last_rev, undef) = $gs->last_rev_commit;
+ if (!defined $last_rev) {
+ $last_rev = eval {
+ $root_ra->get_latest_revnum;
+ };
+ next if $@;
+ }
+ my $new = $root_path;
+ $new .= length $path ? "/$path" : '';
+ eval {
+ $root_ra->get_log([$new], $last_rev, $last_rev,
+ 0, 0, 1, sub { });
+ };
+ next if $@;
+ $new_urls->{$ra->{repos_root}}->{$new} =
+ { ref_id => $ref_id,
+ old_repo_id => $repo_id,
+ old_path => $path };
+ }
+ }
+ my @emptied;
+ foreach my $url (keys %$new_urls) {
+ # see if we can re-use an existing [svn-remote "repo_id"]
+ # instead of creating a(n ugly) new section:
+ my $repo_id = $root_repos->{$url} || $url;
+ my $fetch = $new_urls->{$url};
+ foreach my $path (keys %$fetch) {
+ my $x = $fetch->{$path};
+ Git::SVN->init($url, $path, $repo_id, $x->{ref_id});
+ my $pfx = "svn-remote.$x->{old_repo_id}";
+ my $old_fetch = quotemeta("$x->{old_path}:".
+ "$x->{ref_id}");
+ command_noisy(qw/config --unset/,
+ "$pfx.fetch", '^'. $old_fetch . '$');
+ delete $r->{$x->{old_repo_id}}->
+ {fetch}->{$x->{old_path}};
+ if (!keys %{$r->{$x->{old_repo_id}}->{fetch}}) {
+ command_noisy(qw/config --unset/,
+ "$pfx.url");
+ push @emptied, $x->{old_repo_id}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (@emptied) {
+ my $file = $ENV{GIT_CONFIG} ||
+ command_oneline(qw(rev-parse --git-path config));
+ print STDERR <<EOF;
+The following [svn-remote] sections in your config file ($file) are empty
+and can be safely removed:
+ print STDERR "[svn-remote \"$_\"]\n" foreach @emptied;
+ }
+sub migration_check {
+ migrate_from_v0();
+ migrate_from_v1();
+ migrate_from_v2();
+ minimize_connections() if $_minimize;
diff --git a/perl/Git/SVN/ b/perl/Git/SVN/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de158e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/perl/Git/SVN/
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+package Git::SVN::Prompt;
+use strict;
+use warnings $ENV{GIT_PERL_FATAL_WARNINGS} ? qw(FATAL all) : ();
+require SVN::Core;
+use vars qw/$_no_auth_cache $_username/;
+sub simple {
+ my ($cred, $realm, $default_username, $may_save, $pool) = @_;
+ $may_save = undef if $_no_auth_cache;
+ $default_username = $_username if defined $_username;
+ if (defined $default_username && length $default_username) {
+ if (defined $realm && length $realm) {
+ print STDERR "Authentication realm: $realm\n";
+ STDERR->flush;
+ }
+ $cred->username($default_username);
+ } else {
+ username($cred, $realm, $may_save, $pool);
+ }
+ $cred->password(_read_password("Password for '" .
+ $cred->username . "': ", $realm));
+ $cred->may_save($may_save);
+ $SVN::_Core::SVN_NO_ERROR;
+sub ssl_server_trust {
+ my ($cred, $realm, $failures, $cert_info, $may_save, $pool) = @_;
+ $may_save = undef if $_no_auth_cache;
+ print STDERR "Error validating server certificate for '$realm':\n";
+ {
+ no warnings 'once';
+ # All variables SVN::Auth::SSL::* are used only once,
+ # so we're shutting up Perl warnings about this.
+ if ($failures & $SVN::Auth::SSL::UNKNOWNCA) {
+ print STDERR " - The certificate is not issued ",
+ "by a trusted authority. Use the\n",
+ " fingerprint to validate ",
+ "the certificate manually!\n";
+ }
+ if ($failures & $SVN::Auth::SSL::CNMISMATCH) {
+ print STDERR " - The certificate hostname ",
+ "does not match.\n";
+ }
+ if ($failures & $SVN::Auth::SSL::NOTYETVALID) {
+ print STDERR " - The certificate is not yet valid.\n";
+ }
+ if ($failures & $SVN::Auth::SSL::EXPIRED) {
+ print STDERR " - The certificate has expired.\n";
+ }
+ if ($failures & $SVN::Auth::SSL::OTHER) {
+ print STDERR " - The certificate has ",
+ "an unknown error.\n";
+ }
+ } # no warnings 'once'
+ printf STDERR
+ "Certificate information:\n".
+ " - Hostname: %s\n".
+ " - Valid: from %s until %s\n".
+ " - Issuer: %s\n".
+ " - Fingerprint: %s\n",
+ map $cert_info->$_, qw(hostname valid_from valid_until
+ issuer_dname fingerprint);
+ my $choice;
+ my $options = $may_save ?
+ "(R)eject, accept (t)emporarily or accept (p)ermanently? " :
+ "(R)eject or accept (t)emporarily? ";
+ STDERR->flush;
+ $choice = lc(substr(Git::prompt("Certificate problem.\n" . $options) || 'R', 0, 1));
+ if ($choice eq 't') {
+ $cred->may_save(undef);
+ } elsif ($choice eq 'r') {
+ return -1;
+ } elsif ($may_save && $choice eq 'p') {
+ $cred->may_save($may_save);
+ } else {
+ goto prompt;
+ }
+ $cred->accepted_failures($failures);
+ $SVN::_Core::SVN_NO_ERROR;
+sub ssl_client_cert {
+ my ($cred, $realm, $may_save, $pool) = @_;
+ $may_save = undef if $_no_auth_cache;
+ print STDERR "Client certificate filename: ";
+ STDERR->flush;
+ chomp(my $filename = <STDIN>);
+ $cred->cert_file($filename);
+ $cred->may_save($may_save);
+ $SVN::_Core::SVN_NO_ERROR;
+sub ssl_client_cert_pw {
+ my ($cred, $realm, $may_save, $pool) = @_;
+ $may_save = undef if $_no_auth_cache;
+ $cred->password(_read_password("Password: ", $realm));
+ $cred->may_save($may_save);
+ $SVN::_Core::SVN_NO_ERROR;
+sub username {
+ my ($cred, $realm, $may_save, $pool) = @_;
+ $may_save = undef if $_no_auth_cache;
+ if (defined $realm && length $realm) {
+ print STDERR "Authentication realm: $realm\n";
+ }
+ my $username;
+ if (defined $_username) {
+ $username = $_username;
+ } else {
+ $username = Git::prompt("Username: ");
+ }
+ $cred->username($username);
+ $cred->may_save($may_save);
+ $SVN::_Core::SVN_NO_ERROR;
+sub _read_password {
+ my ($prompt, $realm) = @_;
+ my $password = Git::prompt($prompt, 1);
+ $password;
+=head1 NAME
+Git::SVN::Prompt - authentication callbacks for git-svn
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Git::SVN::Prompt qw(simple ssl_client_cert ssl_client_cert_pw
+ ssl_server_trust username);
+ use SVN::Client ();
+ my $cached_simple = SVN::Client::get_simple_provider();
+ my $git_simple = SVN::Client::get_simple_prompt_provider(\&simple, 2);
+ my $cached_ssl = SVN::Client::get_ssl_server_trust_file_provider();
+ my $git_ssl = SVN::Client::get_ssl_server_trust_prompt_provider(
+ \&ssl_server_trust);
+ my $cached_cert = SVN::Client::get_ssl_client_cert_file_provider();
+ my $git_cert = SVN::Client::get_ssl_client_cert_prompt_provider(
+ \&ssl_client_cert, 2);
+ my $cached_cert_pw = SVN::Client::get_ssl_client_cert_pw_file_provider();
+ my $git_cert_pw = SVN::Client::get_ssl_client_cert_pw_prompt_provider(
+ \&ssl_client_cert_pw, 2);
+ my $cached_username = SVN::Client::get_username_provider();
+ my $git_username = SVN::Client::get_username_prompt_provider(
+ \&username, 2);
+ my $ctx = new SVN::Client(
+ auth => [
+ $cached_simple, $git_simple,
+ $cached_ssl, $git_ssl,
+ $cached_cert, $git_cert,
+ $cached_cert_pw, $git_cert_pw,
+ $cached_username, $git_username
+ ]);
+This module is an implementation detail of the "git svn" command.
+It implements git-svn's authentication policy. Do not use it unless
+you are developing git-svn.
+The interface will change as git-svn evolves.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+None reported.
+=head1 BUGS
diff --git a/perl/Git/SVN/ b/perl/Git/SVN/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..912e035
--- /dev/null
+++ b/perl/Git/SVN/
@@ -0,0 +1,708 @@
+package Git::SVN::Ra;
+use vars qw/@ISA $config_dir $_ignore_refs_regex $_log_window_size/;
+use strict;
+use warnings $ENV{GIT_PERL_FATAL_WARNINGS} ? qw(FATAL all) : ();
+use Memoize;
+use Git::SVN::Utils qw(
+ canonicalize_url
+ canonicalize_path
+ add_path_to_url
+use SVN::Ra;
+ @ISA = qw(SVN::Ra);
+my ($ra_invalid, $can_do_switch, %ignored_err, $RA);
+ # enforce temporary pool usage for some simple functions
+ no strict 'refs';
+ for my $f (qw/rev_proplist get_latest_revnum get_uuid get_repos_root
+ get_file/) {
+ my $SUPER = "SUPER::$f";
+ *$f = sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $pool = SVN::Pool->new;
+ my @ret = $self->$SUPER(@_,$pool);
+ $pool->clear;
+ wantarray ? @ret : $ret[0];
+ };
+ }
+# serf has a bug that leads to a coredump upon termination if the
+# remote access object is left around (not fixed yet in serf 1.3.1).
+# Explicitly free it to work around the issue.
+END {
+ $RA = undef;
+ $ra_invalid = 1;
+sub _auth_providers () {
+ require SVN::Client;
+ my @rv = (
+ SVN::Client::get_simple_provider(),
+ SVN::Client::get_ssl_server_trust_file_provider(),
+ SVN::Client::get_simple_prompt_provider(
+ \&Git::SVN::Prompt::simple, 2),
+ SVN::Client::get_ssl_client_cert_file_provider(),
+ SVN::Client::get_ssl_client_cert_prompt_provider(
+ \&Git::SVN::Prompt::ssl_client_cert, 2),
+ SVN::Client::get_ssl_client_cert_pw_file_provider(),
+ SVN::Client::get_ssl_client_cert_pw_prompt_provider(
+ \&Git::SVN::Prompt::ssl_client_cert_pw, 2),
+ SVN::Client::get_username_provider(),
+ SVN::Client::get_ssl_server_trust_prompt_provider(
+ \&Git::SVN::Prompt::ssl_server_trust),
+ SVN::Client::get_username_prompt_provider(
+ \&Git::SVN::Prompt::username, 2)
+ );
+ # earlier 1.6.x versions would segfault, and <= 1.5.x didn't have
+ # this function
+ if (::compare_svn_version('1.6.15') >= 0) {
+ my $config = SVN::Core::config_get_config($config_dir);
+ my ($p, @a);
+ # config_get_config returns all config files from
+ # ~/.subversion, auth_get_platform_specific_client_providers
+ # just wants the config "file".
+ @a = ($config->{'config'}, undef);
+ $p = SVN::Core::auth_get_platform_specific_client_providers(@a);
+ # Insert the return value from
+ # auth_get_platform_specific_providers
+ unshift @rv, @$p;
+ }
+ \@rv;
+sub prepare_config_once {
+ SVN::_Core::svn_config_ensure($config_dir, undef);
+ my ($baton, $callbacks) = SVN::Core::auth_open_helper(_auth_providers);
+ my $config = SVN::Core::config_get_config($config_dir);
+ my $conf_t = $config->{'config'};
+ no warnings 'once';
+ # The usage of $SVN::_Core::SVN_CONFIG_* variables
+ # produces warnings that variables are used only once.
+ # I had not found the better way to shut them up, so
+ # the warnings of type 'once' are disabled in this block.
+ if (SVN::_Core::svn_config_get_bool($conf_t,
+ 1) == 0) {
+ my $val = '1';
+ if (::compare_svn_version('1.9.0') < 0) { # pre-SVN r1553823
+ my $dont_store_passwords = 1;
+ $val = bless \$dont_store_passwords, "_p_void";
+ }
+ SVN::_Core::svn_auth_set_parameter($baton,
+ $val);
+ }
+ if (SVN::_Core::svn_config_get_bool($conf_t,
+ 1) == 0) {
+ $Git::SVN::Prompt::_no_auth_cache = 1;
+ }
+ return ($config, $baton, $callbacks);
+} # no warnings 'once'
+ Memoize::memoize '_auth_providers';
+ Memoize::memoize 'prepare_config_once';
+sub new {
+ my ($class, $url) = @_;
+ $url = canonicalize_url($url);
+ return $RA if ($RA && $RA->url eq $url);
+ ::_req_svn();
+ $RA = undef;
+ my ($config, $baton, $callbacks) = prepare_config_once();
+ my $self = SVN::Ra->new(url => $url, auth => $baton,
+ config => $config,
+ pool => SVN::Pool->new,
+ auth_provider_callbacks => $callbacks);
+ $RA = bless $self, $class;
+ # Make sure its canonicalized
+ $self->url($url);
+ $self->{svn_path} = $url;
+ $self->{repos_root} = $self->get_repos_root;
+ $self->{svn_path} =~ s#^\Q$self->{repos_root}\E(/|$)##;
+ $self->{cache} = { check_path => { r => 0, data => {} },
+ get_dir => { r => 0, data => {} } };
+ return $RA;
+sub url {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if (@_) {
+ my $url = shift;
+ $self->{url} = canonicalize_url($url);
+ return;
+ }
+ return $self->{url};
+sub check_path {
+ my ($self, $path, $r) = @_;
+ my $cache = $self->{cache}->{check_path};
+ if ($r == $cache->{r} && exists $cache->{data}->{$path}) {
+ return $cache->{data}->{$path};
+ }
+ my $pool = SVN::Pool->new;
+ my $t = $self->SUPER::check_path($path, $r, $pool);
+ $pool->clear;
+ if ($r != $cache->{r}) {
+ %{$cache->{data}} = ();
+ $cache->{r} = $r;
+ }
+ $cache->{data}->{$path} = $t;
+sub get_dir {
+ my ($self, $dir, $r) = @_;
+ my $cache = $self->{cache}->{get_dir};
+ if ($r == $cache->{r}) {
+ if (my $x = $cache->{data}->{$dir}) {
+ return wantarray ? @$x : $x->[0];
+ }
+ }
+ my $pool = SVN::Pool->new;
+ my ($d, undef, $props);
+ if (::compare_svn_version('1.4.0') >= 0) {
+ # n.b. in addition to being potentially more efficient,
+ # this works around what appears to be a bug in some
+ # SVN 1.8 versions
+ my $kind = 1; # SVN_DIRENT_KIND
+ ($d, undef, $props) = $self->get_dir2($dir, $r, $kind, $pool);
+ } else {
+ ($d, undef, $props) = $self->SUPER::get_dir($dir, $r, $pool);
+ }
+ my %dirents = map { $_ => { kind => $d->{$_}->kind } } keys %$d;
+ $pool->clear;
+ if ($r != $cache->{r}) {
+ %{$cache->{data}} = ();
+ $cache->{r} = $r;
+ }
+ $cache->{data}->{$dir} = [ \%dirents, $r, $props ];
+ wantarray ? (\%dirents, $r, $props) : \%dirents;
+# get_log(paths, start, end, limit,
+# discover_changed_paths, strict_node_history, receiver)
+sub get_log {
+ my ($self, @args) = @_;
+ my $pool = SVN::Pool->new;
+ # svn_log_changed_path_t objects passed to get_log are likely to be
+ # overwritten even if only the refs are copied to an external variable,
+ # so we should dup the structures in their entirety. Using an
+ # externally passed pool (instead of our temporary and quickly cleared
+ # pool in Git::SVN::Ra) does not help matters at all...
+ my $receiver = pop @args;
+ my $prefix = "/".$self->{svn_path};
+ $prefix =~ s#/+($)##;
+ my $prefix_regex = qr#^\Q$prefix\E#;
+ push(@args, sub {
+ my ($paths) = $_[0];
+ return &$receiver(@_) unless $paths;
+ $_[0] = ();
+ foreach my $p (keys %$paths) {
+ my $i = $paths->{$p};
+ # Make path relative to our url, not repos_root
+ $p =~ s/$prefix_regex//;
+ my %s = map { $_ => $i->$_; }
+ qw/copyfrom_path copyfrom_rev action/;
+ if ($s{'copyfrom_path'}) {
+ $s{'copyfrom_path'} =~ s/$prefix_regex//;
+ $s{'copyfrom_path'} = canonicalize_path($s{'copyfrom_path'});
+ }
+ $_[0]{$p} = \%s;
+ }
+ &$receiver(@_);
+ });
+ # the limit parameter was not supported in SVN 1.1.x, so we
+ # drop it. Therefore, the receiver callback passed to it
+ # is made aware of this limitation by being wrapped if
+ # the limit passed to is being wrapped.
+ if (::compare_svn_version('1.2.0') <= 0) {
+ my $limit = splice(@args, 3, 1);
+ if ($limit > 0) {
+ my $receiver = pop @args;
+ push(@args, sub { &$receiver(@_) if (--$limit >= 0) });
+ }
+ }
+ my $ret = $self->SUPER::get_log(@args, $pool);
+ $pool->clear;
+ $ret;
+# uncommon, only for ancient SVN (<= 1.4.2)
+sub trees_match {
+ require IO::File;
+ require SVN::Client;
+ my ($self, $url1, $rev1, $url2, $rev2) = @_;
+ my $ctx = SVN::Client->new(auth => _auth_providers);
+ my $out = IO::File->new_tmpfile;
+ # older SVN (1.1.x) doesn't take $pool as the last parameter for
+ # $ctx->diff(), so we'll create a default one
+ my $pool = SVN::Pool->new_default_sub;
+ $ra_invalid = 1; # this will open a new SVN::Ra connection to $url1
+ $ctx->diff([], $url1, $rev1, $url2, $rev2, 1, 1, 0, $out, $out);
+ $out->flush;
+ my $ret = (($out->stat)[7] == 0);
+ close $out or croak $!;
+ $ret;
+sub get_commit_editor {
+ my ($self, $log, $cb, $pool) = @_;
+ my @lock = (::compare_svn_version('1.2.0') >= 0) ? (undef, 0) : ();
+ $self->SUPER::get_commit_editor($log, $cb, @lock, $pool);
+sub gs_do_update {
+ my ($self, $rev_a, $rev_b, $gs, $editor) = @_;
+ my $new = ($rev_a == $rev_b);
+ my $path = $gs->path;
+ if ($new && -e $gs->{index}) {
+ unlink $gs->{index} or die
+ "Couldn't unlink index: $gs->{index}: $!\n";
+ }
+ my $pool = SVN::Pool->new;
+ $editor->set_path_strip($path);
+ my (@pc) = split m#/#, $path;
+ my $reporter = $self->do_update($rev_b, (@pc ? shift @pc : ''),
+ 1, $editor, $pool);
+ my @lock = (::compare_svn_version('1.2.0') >= 0) ? (undef) : ();
+ # Since we can't rely on svn_ra_reparent being available, we'll
+ # just have to do some magic with set_path to make it so
+ # we only want a partial path.
+ my $sp = '';
+ my $final = join('/', @pc);
+ while (@pc) {
+ $reporter->set_path($sp, $rev_b, 0, @lock, $pool);
+ $sp .= '/' if length $sp;
+ $sp .= shift @pc;
+ }
+ die "BUG: '$sp' != '$final'\n" if ($sp ne $final);
+ $reporter->set_path($sp, $rev_a, $new, @lock, $pool);
+ $reporter->finish_report($pool);
+ $pool->clear;
+ $editor->{git_commit_ok};
+# this requires SVN 1.4.3 or later (do_switch didn't work before 1.4.3, and
+# svn_ra_reparent didn't work before 1.4)
+sub gs_do_switch {
+ my ($self, $rev_a, $rev_b, $gs, $url_b, $editor) = @_;
+ my $path = $gs->path;
+ my $pool = SVN::Pool->new;
+ my $old_url = $self->url;
+ my $full_url = add_path_to_url( $self->url, $path );
+ my ($ra, $reparented);
+ if ($old_url =~ m#^svn(\+\w+)?://# ||
+ ($full_url =~ m#^https?://# &&
+ canonicalize_url($full_url) ne $full_url)) {
+ $_[0] = undef;
+ $self = undef;
+ $RA = undef;
+ $ra = Git::SVN::Ra->new($full_url);
+ $ra_invalid = 1;
+ } elsif ($old_url ne $full_url) {
+ SVN::_Ra::svn_ra_reparent(
+ $self->{session},
+ canonicalize_url($full_url),
+ $pool
+ );
+ $self->url($full_url);
+ $reparented = 1;
+ }
+ $ra ||= $self;
+ $url_b = canonicalize_url($url_b);
+ my $reporter = $ra->do_switch($rev_b, '', 1, $url_b, $editor, $pool);
+ my @lock = (::compare_svn_version('1.2.0') >= 0) ? (undef) : ();
+ $reporter->set_path('', $rev_a, 0, @lock, $pool);
+ $reporter->finish_report($pool);
+ if ($reparented) {
+ SVN::_Ra::svn_ra_reparent($self->{session}, $old_url, $pool);
+ $self->url($old_url);
+ }
+ $pool->clear;
+ $editor->{git_commit_ok};
+sub longest_common_path {
+ my ($gsv, $globs) = @_;
+ my %common;
+ my $common_max = scalar @$gsv;
+ foreach my $gs (@$gsv) {
+ my @tmp = split m#/#, $gs->path;
+ my $p = '';
+ foreach (@tmp) {
+ $p .= length($p) ? "/$_" : $_;
+ $common{$p} ||= 0;
+ $common{$p}++;
+ }
+ }
+ $globs ||= [];
+ $common_max += scalar @$globs;
+ foreach my $glob (@$globs) {
+ my @tmp = split m#/#, $glob->{path}->{left};
+ my $p = '';
+ foreach (@tmp) {
+ $p .= length($p) ? "/$_" : $_;
+ $common{$p} ||= 0;
+ $common{$p}++;
+ }
+ }
+ my $longest_path = '';
+ foreach (sort {length $b <=> length $a} keys %common) {
+ if ($common{$_} == $common_max) {
+ $longest_path = $_;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ $longest_path;
+sub gs_fetch_loop_common {
+ my ($self, $base, $head, $gsv, $globs) = @_;
+ return if ($base > $head);
+ # Make sure the cat_blob open2 FileHandle is created before calling
+ # SVN::Pool::new_default so that it does not incorrectly end up in the pool.
+ $::_repository->_open_cat_blob_if_needed;
+ my $gpool = SVN::Pool->new_default;
+ my $ra_url = $self->url;
+ my $reload_ra = sub {
+ $_[0] = undef;
+ $self = undef;
+ $RA = undef;
+ $gpool->clear;
+ $self = Git::SVN::Ra->new($ra_url);
+ $ra_invalid = undef;
+ };
+ my $inc = $_log_window_size;
+ my ($min, $max) = ($base, $head < $base + $inc ? $head : $base + $inc);
+ my $longest_path = longest_common_path($gsv, $globs);
+ my $find_trailing_edge;
+ while (1) {
+ my %revs;
+ my $err;
+ my $err_handler = $SVN::Error::handler;
+ $SVN::Error::handler = sub {
+ ($err) = @_;
+ skip_unknown_revs($err);
+ };
+ sub _cb {
+ my ($paths, $r, $author, $date, $log) = @_;
+ [ $paths,
+ { author => $author, date => $date, log => $log } ];
+ }
+ $self->get_log([$longest_path], $min, $max, 0, 1, 1,
+ sub { $revs{$_[1]} = _cb(@_) });
+ if ($err) {
+ print "Checked through r$max\r";
+ } else {
+ $find_trailing_edge = 1;
+ }
+ if ($err and $find_trailing_edge) {
+ print STDERR "Path '$longest_path' ",
+ "was probably deleted:\n",
+ $err->expanded_message,
+ "\nWill attempt to follow ",
+ "revisions r$min .. r$max ",
+ "committed before the deletion\n";
+ my $hi = $max;
+ while (--$hi >= $min) {
+ my $ok;
+ $self->get_log([$longest_path], $min, $hi,
+ 0, 1, 1, sub {
+ $ok = $_[1];
+ $revs{$_[1]} = _cb(@_) });
+ if ($ok) {
+ print STDERR "r$min .. r$ok OK\n";
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ $find_trailing_edge = 0;
+ }
+ $SVN::Error::handler = $err_handler;
+ my %exists = map { $_->path => $_ } @$gsv;
+ foreach my $r (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %revs) {
+ my ($paths, $logged) = @{delete $revs{$r}};
+ foreach my $gs ($self->match_globs(\%exists, $paths,
+ $globs, $r)) {
+ if ($gs->rev_map_max >= $r) {
+ next;
+ }
+ next unless $gs->match_paths($paths, $r);
+ $gs->{logged_rev_props} = $logged;
+ if (my $last_commit = $gs->last_commit) {
+ $gs->assert_index_clean($last_commit);
+ }
+ my $log_entry = $gs->do_fetch($paths, $r);
+ if ($log_entry) {
+ $gs->do_git_commit($log_entry);
+ }
+ $Git::SVN::INDEX_FILES{$gs->{index}} = 1;
+ }
+ foreach my $g (@$globs) {
+ my $k = "svn-remote.$g->{remote}." .
+ "$g->{t}-maxRev";
+ Git::SVN::tmp_config($k, $r);
+ }
+ $reload_ra->() if $ra_invalid;
+ }
+ # pre-fill the .rev_db since it'll eventually get filled in
+ # with '0' x $oid_length if something new gets committed
+ foreach my $gs (@$gsv) {
+ next if $gs->rev_map_max >= $max;
+ next if defined $gs->rev_map_get($max);
+ $gs->rev_map_set($max, 0 x $::oid_length);
+ }
+ foreach my $g (@$globs) {
+ my $k = "svn-remote.$g->{remote}.$g->{t}-maxRev";
+ Git::SVN::tmp_config($k, $max);
+ }
+ last if $max >= $head;
+ $min = $max + 1;
+ $max += $inc;
+ $max = $head if ($max > $head);
+ $reload_ra->();
+ }
+ Git::SVN::gc();
+sub get_dir_globbed {
+ my ($self, $left, $depth, $r) = @_;
+ my @x = eval { $self->get_dir($left, $r) };
+ return unless scalar @x == 3;
+ my $dirents = $x[0];
+ my @finalents;
+ foreach my $de (keys %$dirents) {
+ next if $dirents->{$de}->{kind} != $SVN::Node::dir;
+ if ($depth > 1) {
+ my @args = ("$left/$de", $depth - 1, $r);
+ foreach my $dir ($self->get_dir_globbed(@args)) {
+ push @finalents, "$de/$dir";
+ }
+ } else {
+ push @finalents, $de;
+ }
+ }
+ @finalents;
+# return value: 0 -- don't ignore, 1 -- ignore
+sub is_ref_ignored {
+ my ($g, $p) = @_;
+ my $refname = $g->{ref}->full_path($p);
+ return 1 if defined($g->{ignore_refs_regex}) &&
+ $refname =~ m!$g->{ignore_refs_regex}!;
+ return 0 unless defined($_ignore_refs_regex);
+ return 1 if $refname =~ m!$_ignore_refs_regex!o;
+ return 0;
+sub match_globs {
+ my ($self, $exists, $paths, $globs, $r) = @_;
+ sub get_dir_check {
+ my ($self, $exists, $g, $r) = @_;
+ my @dirs = $self->get_dir_globbed($g->{path}->{left},
+ $g->{path}->{depth},
+ $r);
+ foreach my $de (@dirs) {
+ my $p = $g->{path}->full_path($de);
+ next if $exists->{$p};
+ next if (length $g->{path}->{right} &&
+ ($self->check_path($p, $r) !=
+ $SVN::Node::dir));
+ next unless $p =~ /$g->{path}->{regex}/;
+ $exists->{$p} = Git::SVN->init($self->url, $p, undef,
+ $g->{ref}->full_path($de), 1);
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $g (@$globs) {
+ if (my $path = $paths->{"/$g->{path}->{left}"}) {
+ if ($path->{action} =~ /^[AR]$/) {
+ get_dir_check($self, $exists, $g, $r);
+ }
+ }
+ foreach (keys %$paths) {
+ if (/$g->{path}->{left_regex}/ &&
+ !/$g->{path}->{regex}/) {
+ next if $paths->{$_}->{action} !~ /^[AR]$/;
+ get_dir_check($self, $exists, $g, $r);
+ }
+ next unless /$g->{path}->{regex}/;
+ my $p = $1;
+ my $pathname = $g->{path}->full_path($p);
+ next if is_ref_ignored($g, $p);
+ next if $exists->{$pathname};
+ next if ($self->check_path($pathname, $r) !=
+ $SVN::Node::dir);
+ $exists->{$pathname} = Git::SVN->init(
+ $self->url, $pathname, undef,
+ $g->{ref}->full_path($p), 1);
+ }
+ my $c = '';
+ foreach (split m#/#, $g->{path}->{left}) {
+ $c .= "/$_";
+ next unless ($paths->{$c} &&
+ ($paths->{$c}->{action} =~ /^[AR]$/));
+ get_dir_check($self, $exists, $g, $r);
+ }
+ }
+ values %$exists;
+sub minimize_url {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ return $self->url if ($self->url eq $self->{repos_root});
+ my $url = $self->{repos_root};
+ my @components = split(m!/!, $self->{svn_path});
+ my $c = '';
+ do {
+ $url = add_path_to_url($url, $c);
+ eval {
+ my $ra = (ref $self)->new($url);
+ my $latest = $ra->get_latest_revnum;
+ $ra->get_log("", $latest, 0, 1, 0, 1, sub {});
+ };
+ } while ($@ && defined($c = shift @components));
+ return canonicalize_url($url);
+sub can_do_switch {
+ my $self = shift;
+ unless (defined $can_do_switch) {
+ my $pool = SVN::Pool->new;
+ my $rep = eval {
+ $self->do_switch(1, '', 0, $self->url,
+ SVN::Delta::Editor->new, $pool);
+ };
+ if ($@) {
+ $can_do_switch = 0;
+ } else {
+ $rep->abort_report($pool);
+ $can_do_switch = 1;
+ }
+ $pool->clear;
+ }
+ $can_do_switch;
+sub skip_unknown_revs {
+ my ($err) = @_;
+ my $errno = $err->apr_err();
+ # Maybe the branch we're tracking didn't
+ # exist when the repo started, so it's
+ # not an error if it doesn't, just continue
+ #
+ # Wonderfully consistent library, eh?
+ # 160013 - svn:// and file://
+ # 175002 - http(s)://
+ # 175007 - http(s):// (this repo required authorization, too...)
+ # More codes may be discovered later...
+ if ($errno == 175007 || $errno == 175002 || $errno == 160013) {
+ my $err_key = $err->expanded_message;
+ # revision numbers change every time, filter them out
+ $err_key =~ s/\d+/\0/g;
+ $err_key = "$errno\0$err_key";
+ unless ($ignored_err{$err_key}) {
+ warn "W: Ignoring error from SVN, path probably ",
+ "does not exist: ($errno): ",
+ $err->expanded_message,"\n";
+ warn "W: Do not be alarmed at the above message ",
+ "git-svn is just searching aggressively for ",
+ "old history.\n",
+ "This may take a while on large repositories\n";
+ $ignored_err{$err_key} = 1;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ die "Error from SVN, ($errno): ", $err->expanded_message,"\n";
+=head1 NAME
+Git::SVN::Ra - Subversion remote access functions for git-svn
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Git::SVN::Ra;
+ my $ra = Git::SVN::Ra->new($branchurl);
+ my ($dirents, $fetched_revnum, $props) =
+ $ra->get_dir('.', $SVN::Core::INVALID_REVNUM);
+This is a wrapper around the L<SVN::Ra> module for use by B<git-svn>.
+It fills in some default parameters (such as the authentication
+scheme), smooths over incompatibilities between libsvn versions, adds
+caching, and implements some functions specific to B<git-svn>.
+Do not use it unless you are developing git-svn. The interface will
+change as git-svn evolves.
+Subversion perl bindings,
+C<Git::SVN::Ra> has not been tested using callers other than
+B<git-svn> itself.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+None reported.
+=head1 BUGS
diff --git a/perl/Git/SVN/ b/perl/Git/SVN/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ca09ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/perl/Git/SVN/
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+package Git::SVN::Utils;
+use strict;
+use warnings $ENV{GIT_PERL_FATAL_WARNINGS} ? qw(FATAL all) : ();
+use SVN::Core;
+use base qw(Exporter);
+our @EXPORT_OK = qw(
+ fatal
+ can_compress
+ canonicalize_path
+ canonicalize_url
+ join_paths
+ add_path_to_url
+=head1 NAME
+Git::SVN::Utils - utility functions used across Git::SVN
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Git::SVN::Utils qw(functions to import);
+This module contains functions which are useful across many different
+parts of Git::SVN. Mostly it's a place to put utility functions
+rather than duplicate the code or have classes grabbing at other
+All functions can be imported only on request.
+=head3 fatal
+ fatal(@message);
+Display a message and exit with a fatal error code.
+# Note: not certain why this is in use instead of die. Probably because
+# the exit code of die is 255? Doesn't appear to be used consistently.
+sub fatal (@) { print STDERR "@_\n"; exit 1 }
+=head3 can_compress
+ my $can_compress = can_compress;
+Returns true if Compress::Zlib is available, false otherwise.
+my $can_compress;
+sub can_compress {
+ return $can_compress if defined $can_compress;
+ return $can_compress = eval { require Compress::Zlib; };
+=head3 canonicalize_path
+ my $canoncalized_path = canonicalize_path($path);
+Converts $path into a canonical form which is safe to pass to the SVN
+API as a file path.
+# Turn foo/../bar into bar
+sub _collapse_dotdot {
+ my $path = shift;
+ 1 while $path =~ s{/[^/]+/+\.\.}{};
+ 1 while $path =~ s{[^/]+/+\.\./}{};
+ 1 while $path =~ s{[^/]+/+\.\.}{};
+ return $path;
+sub canonicalize_path {
+ my $path = shift;
+ my $rv;
+ # The 1.7 way to do it
+ if ( defined &SVN::_Core::svn_dirent_canonicalize ) {
+ $path = _collapse_dotdot($path);
+ $rv = SVN::_Core::svn_dirent_canonicalize($path);
+ }
+ # The 1.6 way to do it
+ # This can return undef on subversion-perl-1.4.2-2.el5 (CentOS 5.2)
+ elsif ( defined &SVN::_Core::svn_path_canonicalize ) {
+ $path = _collapse_dotdot($path);
+ $rv = SVN::_Core::svn_path_canonicalize($path);
+ }
+ return $rv if defined $rv;
+ # No SVN API canonicalization is available, or the SVN API
+ # didn't return a successful result, do it ourselves
+ return _canonicalize_path_ourselves($path);
+sub _canonicalize_path_ourselves {
+ my ($path) = @_;
+ my $dot_slash_added = 0;
+ if (substr($path, 0, 1) ne "/") {
+ $path = "./" . $path;
+ $dot_slash_added = 1;
+ }
+ $path =~ s#/+#/#g;
+ $path =~ s#/\.(?:/|$)#/#g;
+ $path = _collapse_dotdot($path);
+ $path =~ s#/$##g;
+ $path =~ s#^\./## if $dot_slash_added;
+ $path =~ s#^\.$##;
+ return $path;
+=head3 canonicalize_url
+ my $canonicalized_url = canonicalize_url($url);
+Converts $url into a canonical form which is safe to pass to the SVN
+API as a URL.
+sub canonicalize_url {
+ my $url = shift;
+ # The 1.7 way to do it
+ if ( defined &SVN::_Core::svn_uri_canonicalize ) {
+ return SVN::_Core::svn_uri_canonicalize($url);
+ }
+ # There wasn't a 1.6 way to do it, so we do it ourself.
+ else {
+ return _canonicalize_url_ourselves($url);
+ }
+sub _canonicalize_url_path {
+ my ($uri_path) = @_;
+ my @parts;
+ foreach my $part (split m{/+}, $uri_path) {
+ $part =~ s/([^!\$%&'()*+,.\/\w:=\@_`~-]|%(?![a-fA-F0-9]{2}))/sprintf("%%%02X",ord($1))/eg;
+ push @parts, $part;
+ }
+ return join('/', @parts);
+sub _canonicalize_url_ourselves {
+ my ($url) = @_;
+ if ($url =~ m#^([^:]+)://([^/]*)(.*)$#) {
+ my ($scheme, $domain, $uri) = ($1, $2, _canonicalize_url_path(canonicalize_path($3)));
+ $url = "$scheme://$domain$uri";
+ }
+ $url;
+=head3 join_paths
+ my $new_path = join_paths(@paths);
+Appends @paths together into a single path. Any empty paths are ignored.
+sub join_paths {
+ my @paths = @_;
+ @paths = grep { defined $_ && length $_ } @paths;
+ return '' unless @paths;
+ return $paths[0] if @paths == 1;
+ my $new_path = shift @paths;
+ $new_path =~ s{/+$}{};
+ my $last_path = pop @paths;
+ $last_path =~ s{^/+}{};
+ for my $path (@paths) {
+ $path =~ s{^/+}{};
+ $path =~ s{/+$}{};
+ $new_path .= "/$path";
+ }
+ return $new_path .= "/$last_path";
+=head3 add_path_to_url
+ my $new_url = add_path_to_url($url, $path);
+Appends $path onto the $url. If $path is empty, $url is returned unchanged.
+sub add_path_to_url {
+ my($url, $path) = @_;
+ return $url if !defined $path or !length $path;
+ # Strip trailing and leading slashes so we don't
+ # wind up with
+ $url =~ s{/+$}{};
+ $path =~ s{^/+}{};
+ # If a path has a % in it, URI escape it so it's not
+ # mistaken for a URI escape later.
+ $path =~ s{%}{%25}g;
+ return join '/', $url, $path;
diff --git a/perl/header_templates/ b/perl/header_templates/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..857b439
--- /dev/null
+++ b/perl/header_templates/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+use lib (split(/@@PATHSEP@@/, $ENV{GITPERLLIB} || '@@INSTLIBDIR@@'));
diff --git a/perl/header_templates/ b/perl/header_templates/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d28b3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/perl/header_templates/
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# BEGIN RUNTIME_PREFIX generated code.
+# This finds our Git::* libraries relative to the script's runtime path.
+sub __git_system_path {
+ my ($relpath) = @_;
+ my $gitexecdir_relative = '@@GITEXECDIR_REL@@';
+ # GIT_EXEC_PATH is supplied by `git` or the test suite.
+ my $exec_path;
+ if (exists $ENV{GIT_EXEC_PATH}) {
+ $exec_path = $ENV{GIT_EXEC_PATH};
+ } else {
+ # This can happen if this script is being directly invoked instead of run
+ # by "git".
+ require FindBin;
+ $exec_path = $FindBin::Bin;
+ }
+ # Trim off the relative gitexecdir path to get the system path.
+ (my $prefix = $exec_path) =~ s/\Q$gitexecdir_relative\E$//;
+ require File::Spec;
+ return File::Spec->catdir($prefix, $relpath);
+ use lib split /@@PATHSEP@@/,
+ (
+ do {
+ my $perllibdir = __git_system_path('@@PERLLIBDIR_REL@@');
+ (-e $perllibdir) || die("Invalid system path ($relpath): $path");
+ $perllibdir;
+ }
+ );
+ # Export the system locale directory to the I18N module. The locale directory
+ # is only installed if NO_GETTEXT is set.
+ $Git::I18N::TEXTDOMAINDIR = __git_system_path('@@LOCALEDIR_REL@@');
+# END RUNTIME_PREFIX generated code.