path: root/contrib/t
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
3 files changed, 662 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/t/ukm.t b/contrib/t/ukm.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da4fc0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/t/ukm.t
@@ -0,0 +1,447 @@
+# Call like this:
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+# this is hardcoded; change it if needed
+use lib "src/lib";
+use Gitolite::Common;
+use Gitolite::Test;
+# basic tests using ssh
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+my $bd = `gitolite query-rc -n GL_BINDIR`;
+my $h = $ENV{HOME};
+my $ab = `gitolite query-rc -n GL_ADMIN_BASE`;
+my $pd = "$bd/../t/keys"; # source for pubkeys
+umask 0077;
+_mkdir( "$h/.ssh", 0700 ) if not -d "$h/.ssh";
+try "plan 204";
+# Reset everything.
+# Only admin and u1, u2, and u3 keys are available initially
+# Keys u4, u5, and u6 are used as guests later.
+# For easy access, we put the keys into ~/.ssh/, though.
+try "
+ rm -f $h/.ssh/authorized_keys; ok or die 1
+ cp $pd/u[1-6]* $h/.ssh; ok or die 2
+ cp $pd/admin* $h/.ssh; ok or die 3
+ cp $pd/config $h/.ssh; ok or die 4
+ cat $h/.ssh/config
+ perl s/%USER/$ENV{USER}/
+ put $h/.ssh/config
+ mkdir $ab/keydir; ok or die 5
+ cp $pd/u[1-3].pub $ab/keydir; ok or die 6
+ cp $pd/ $ab/keydir; ok or die 7
+# Put the keys into ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
+system("gitolite ../triggers/post-compile/ssh-authkeys");
+# enable user key management in a simple form.
+# Guest key managers can add keyids looking like email addresses, but
+# cannot add emails containing or
+system("sed -i \"s/.*ENABLE =>.*/'UKM_CONFIG'=>{'FORBIDDEN_GUEST_PATTERN'=>'|'}, ENABLE => ['ukm',/\" $h/.gitolite.rc");
+# super-key-managers can add/del any key
+# super-key-managers should in fact agree with people having write
+# access to gitolite-admin repo.
+# guest-key-managers can add/del guest keys
+confreset; confadd '
+ @guest-key-managers = u2 u3
+ @creators = u2 u3
+ repo pub/CREATOR/..*
+ C = @creators
+# Populate the gitolite-admin/keydir in the same way as it was used for
+# the initialization of .ssh/authorized_keys above.
+try "
+ mkdir keydir; ok or die 8
+ cp $pd/u[1-3].pub keydir; ok or die 9;
+ cp $pd/ keydir; ok or die 10;
+ git add conf keydir; ok
+ git commit -m ukm; ok; /master.* ukm/
+# Activate new config data.
+try "PUSH admin; ok; gsh; /master -> master/; !/FATAL/" or die text();
+# Check whether the above setup yields the expected behavior for ukm.
+# The admin is super-key-manager, thus can manage every key.
+try "
+ ssh admin ukm; ok; /Hello admin, you manage the following keys:/
+ / admin +admin/
+ / u1 +u1/
+ / u2 +u2/
+ / u3 +u3/
+# u1 isn't a key manager, so shouldn't be above to manage keys.
+try "ssh u1 ukm; !ok; /FATAL: You are not a key manager./";
+# u2 and u3 are guest key managers, but don't yet manage any key.
+try "ssh u2 ukm; ok"; cmp "Hello u2, you manage the following keys:\n\n\n";
+try "ssh u3 ukm; ok"; cmp "Hello u3, you manage the following keys:\n\n\n";
+# Unknows subkommands abort ukm.
+try "ssh u2 ukm fake; !ok; /FATAL: unknown ukm subcommand: fake/";
+# Addition of keys.
+# If no data is provided on stdin, we don't block, but rather timeout
+# after one second and abort the program.
+try "ssh u2 ukm add u4\; !ok; /FATAL: missing public key data/";
+# If no keyid is given, we cannot add a key.
+try "ssh u2 ukm add; !ok; /FATAL: keyid required/";
+try "
+ DEF ADD = cat $pd/|ssh %2 ukm add %3
+ DEF ADDOK = ADD %1 %2 %3; ok
+ DEF ADDNOK = ADD %1 %2 %3; !ok
+ DEF FP = ADDNOK u4 u2 %1
+ DEF FORBIDDEN_PATTERN = FP %1; /FATAL: keyid not allowed:/
+# Neither a guest key manager nor a super key manager can add keys that have
+# double dot in their keyid. This is hardcoded to forbid paths with .. in it.
+try "
+ ADDNOK u4 u2 u4\; /Not allowed to use '..' in keyid./
+ ADDNOK u4 admin u4\; /Not allowed to use '..' in keyid./
+ ADDNOK u4 admin ./../.myshrc; /Not allowed to use '..' in keyid./
+# guest-key-managers can only add keys that look like emails.
+try "
+ # No support for 'old style' multiple keys.
+ # No path delimiter in keyid
+ # Certain specific domains listed in FORBIDDEN_GUEST_PATTERN are forbidden.
+ # Note that also u4\@example-com would be rejected, because MYDOMAIN
+ # contains a regular expression --> I don't care.
+# Accept one guest key.
+try "ADDOK u4 u2 u4\";
+try "ssh u2 ukm; ok; /Hello u2, you manage the following keys:/
+ / u4\ *u4\";
+# Various ways how a key must be rejected.
+try "
+ # Cannot add the same key again.
+ ADDNOK u4 u2 u4\; /FATAL: cannot override existing key/
+ # u2 can also not add under another keyid
+ ADDNOK u4 u2 u4\; /FATAL: cannot add key/
+ /Same key is already available under another userid./
+ # u2 can also not add another key under the same keyid.
+ ADDNOK u5 u2 u4\; /FATAL: cannot override existing key/
+ # Also u3 cannot not add another key under the same keyid.
+ ADDNOK u5 u3 u4\
+ /FATAL: cannot add another public key for an existing user/
+ # And u3 cannot not add under another keyid.
+ ADDNOK u4 u3 u4\; /FATAL: cannot add key/
+ /Same key is already available under another userid./
+ # Not even the admin can add the same key u4 under a different userid.
+ ADDNOK u4 admin u4\; /FATAL: cannot add key/
+ /Same key is already available under another userid./
+ /Found .* u4\
+ # Super key managers cannot add keys that start with @.
+ # We don't care about @ in the dirname, though.
+ ADDNOK u4 admin foo/\; /FATAL: cannot add key that starts with \@/
+ ADDNOK u4 admin foo/\@ex; /FATAL: cannot add key that starts with \@/
+ ADDNOK u4 admin \; /FATAL: cannot add key that starts with \@/
+ ADDNOK u4 admin \@ex; /FATAL: cannot add key that starts with \@/
+# But u3 can add under the same keyid.
+try "ADDOK u4 u3 u4\";
+try "ssh u3 ukm; ok; /Hello u3, you manage the following keys:/
+ / u4\ *u4\";
+# The admin can add multiple keys for the same userid.
+try "
+ ADDOK u5 admin u4\
+ ADDOK u5 admin u4\\@home
+ ADDOK u5 admin laptop/u4\
+ ADDOK u5 admin laptop/u4\\@home
+# And admin can also do this for other guest key managers. Note,
+# however, that the gitolite-admin must be told where the
+# GUEST_DIRECTORY is. But he/she could find out by cloning the
+# gitolite-admin repository and adding the same key directly.
+try "
+ ADDOK u5 admin zzz/guests/u2/u4\\@foo
+ ADDOK u6 admin zzz/guests/u3/u6\
+try "ssh admin ukm; ok"; cmp "Hello admin, you manage the following keys:
+fingerprint userid keyid
+a4:d1:11:1d:25:5c:55:9b:5f:91:37:0e:44:a5:a5:f2 admin admin
+00:2c:1f:dd:a3:76:5a:1e:c4:3c:01:15:65:19:a5:2e u1 u1
+69:6f:b5:8a:f5:7b:d8:40:ce:94:09:a2:b8:95:79:5b u2 u2
+26:4b:20:24:98:a4:e4:a5:b9:97:76:9a:15:92:27:2d u3 u3
+78:cf:7e:2b:bf:18:58:54:23:cc:4b:3d:7e:f4:63:79 u4\ laptop/u4\
+78:cf:7e:2b:bf:18:58:54:23:cc:4b:3d:7e:f4:63:79 u4\ laptop/u4\\@home
+78:cf:7e:2b:bf:18:58:54:23:cc:4b:3d:7e:f4:63:79 u4\ u4\
+78:cf:7e:2b:bf:18:58:54:23:cc:4b:3d:7e:f4:63:79 u4\ u4\\@home
+8c:a6:c0:a5:71:85:0b:89:d3:08:97:22:ae:95:e1:bb u4\ zzz/guests/u2/u4\
+78:cf:7e:2b:bf:18:58:54:23:cc:4b:3d:7e:f4:63:79 u4\ zzz/guests/u2/u4\\@foo
+8c:a6:c0:a5:71:85:0b:89:d3:08:97:22:ae:95:e1:bb u4\ zzz/guests/u3/u4\
+fc:0f:eb:52:7a:d2:35:da:89:96:f5:15:0e:85:46:e7 u6\ zzz/guests/u3/u6\
+# Now, u2 has two keys in his directory, but u2 can manage only one of
+# them, since the one added by the admin has two @ in it. Thus the key
+# added by admin is invisible to u2.
+try "ssh u2 ukm; ok"; cmp "Hello u2, you manage the following keys:
+fingerprint userid keyid
+8c:a6:c0:a5:71:85:0b:89:d3:08:97:22:ae:95:e1:bb u4\ u4\
+# Since admin added key to the directory of u2, u2 is
+# also able to see it and, in fact, to manage it.
+try "ssh u3 ukm; ok"; cmp "Hello u3, you manage the following keys:
+fingerprint userid keyid
+8c:a6:c0:a5:71:85:0b:89:d3:08:97:22:ae:95:e1:bb u4\ u4\
+fc:0f:eb:52:7a:d2:35:da:89:96:f5:15:0e:85:46:e7 u6\ u6\
+# Deletion of keys.
+try "
+ DEF DEL = ssh %1 ukm del %2
+ DEF DELOK = DEL %1 %2; ok
+ DEF DELNOK = DEL %1 %2; !ok
+ DEF DELNOMGR = DELNOK %1 %2; /FATAL: You are not managing the key /
+# Deletion requires a keyid.
+try "ssh u3 ukm del; !ok; /FATAL: keyid required/";
+# u3 can, of course, not remove any unmanaged key.
+try "DELNOMGR u3 u2";
+# But u3 can delete and This will, of course,
+# not remove the key that u2 manages.
+try "
+ DELOK u3 u4\
+ DELOK u3 u6\
+# After having deleted, u3 cannot remove it again,
+# even though, u2 still manages that key.
+try "DELNOMGR u3 u4\";
+# Of course a super-key-manager can remove any (existing) key.
+try "
+ DELOK admin zzz/guests/u2/u4\
+ DELNOK admin zzz/guests/u2/u4\
+ /FATAL: You are not managing the key zzz/guests/u2/u4\
+ DELNOK admin zzz/guests/u2/u4\\@x
+ /FATAL: You are not managing the key zzz/guests/u2/u4\
+ DELOK admin zzz/guests/u2/u4\\@foo
+# As the admin could do that via pushing to the gitolite-admin manually,
+# it's also allowed to delete even non-guest keys.
+try "DELOK admin u3";
+# Let's clean the environment again.
+try "
+ DELOK admin laptop/u4\\@home
+ DELOK admin laptop/u4\
+ DELOK admin u4\\@home
+ DELOK admin u4\
+ ADDOK u3 admin u3
+ ";
+# Currently the admin has just one key. It cannot be removed.
+# But after adding another key, deletion should work fine.
+try "
+ DELNOK admin admin; /FATAL: You cannot delete your last key./
+ ADDOK u6 admin second/admin; /Adding new public key for admin./
+ DELOK admin admin
+ DELNOK u6 admin; /FATAL: You are not managing the key admin./
+ DELNOK u6 second/admin; /FATAL: You cannot delete your last key./
+ ADDOK admin u6 admin; /Adding new public key for admin./
+ DELOK u6 second/admin
+# Selfkey management.
+# If self key management is not switched on in the .gitolite.rc file,
+# it's not allowed at all.
+try "ssh u2 ukm add \@second; !ok; /FATAL: selfkey management is not enabled/";
+# Let's enable it.
+system("sed -i \"/'UKM_CONFIG'=>/s/=>{/=>{'SELFKEY_MANAGEMENT'=>1,/\" $h/.gitolite.rc");
+# And add self-key-managers to gitolite.conf
+# chdir("../gitolite-admin") or die "in `pwd`, could not cd ../g-a";
+try "glt pull admin origin master; ok";
+put "|cut -c5- > conf/gitolite.conf", '
+ repo gitolite-admin
+ RW+ = admin
+ repo testing
+ RW+ = @all
+ @guest-key-managers = u2 u3
+ @self-key-managers = u1 u2
+ @creators = u2 u3
+ repo pub/CREATOR/..*
+ C = @creators
+try "
+ git add conf keydir; ok
+ git commit -m selfkey; ok; /master.* selfkey/
+try "PUSH admin; ok; gsh; /master -> master/; !/FATAL/" or die text();
+# Now we can start with the tests.
+# Only self key managers are allowed to use selfkey management.
+# See variable @self-key-managers.
+try "ssh u3 ukm add \@second; !ok; /FATAL: You are not a selfkey manager./";
+# Cannot add keyid that are not alphanumeric.
+try "ssh u1 ukm add \@second-key; !ok; /FATAL: keyid not allowed:/";
+# Add a second key for u1, but leave it pending by not feeding in the
+# session key. The new user can login, but he/she lives under a quite
+# random gl_user name and thus is pretty much excluded from everything
+# except permissions given to @all. If this new id calls ukm without
+# providing the session key, this (pending) key is automatically
+# removed from the system.
+# If a certain keyid is in the system, then it cannot be added again.
+try "
+ ADDOK u4 u1 \@second
+ ssh admin ukm; ok; /u1 zzz/self/u1/zzz-add-[a-z0-9]{32}-second-u1/
+ ssh u1 ukm; ok; /u1 \@second .pending add./
+ ADDNOK u4 u1 \@second; /FATAL: keyid already in use: \@second/
+ ssh u4 ukm; ok; /pending keyid deleted: \@second/
+ ssh admin ukm; ok; !/zzz/; !/second/
+# Not providing a proper ssh public key will abort. Providing a good
+# ssh public key, which is not a session key makes the key invalid.
+# The key will, therefore, be deleted by this operation.
+try "
+ ADDOK u4 u1 \@second
+ echo fake|ssh u4 ukm; !ok; /FATAL: does not seem to be a valid pubkey/
+ cat $pd/ | ssh u4 ukm; ok;
+ /session key not accepted/
+ /pending keyid deleted: \@second/
+# True addition of a new selfkey is done via piping it to a second ssh
+# call that uses the new key to call ukm. Note that the first ssh must
+# have completed its job before the second ssh is able to successfully
+# log in. This can be done via sleep or via redirecting to a file and
+# then reading from it.
+try "
+ # ADDOK u4 u1 \@second | (sleep 2; ssh u4 ukm); ok
+ ADD u4 u1 \@second > session; ok
+ cat session | ssh u4 ukm; ok; /pending keyid added: \@second/
+# u1 cannot add his/her initial key, since that key can never be
+# confirmed via ukm, so it is forbidden altogether. In fact, u1 is not
+# allowed to add any key twice.
+try "
+ ADDNOK u1 u1 \@first
+ /FATAL: You cannot add a key that already belongs to you./
+ ADDNOK u4 u1 \@first
+ /FATAL: You cannot add a key that already belongs to you./
+# u1 also can add more keys, but not under an existing keyid. That can
+# be done by any of his/her identities (here we choose u4).
+try "
+ ADDNOK u5 u1 \@second; /FATAL: keyid already in use: \@second/
+ ADD u5 u4 \@third > session; ok
+ cat session | ssh u5 ukm; ok; /pending keyid added: \@third/
+# u2 cannot add the same key, but is allowed to use the same name (@third).
+try "
+ ADDNOK u5 u2 \@third; /FATAL: cannot add key/
+ /Same key is already available under another userid./
+ ADD u6 u2 \@third > session; ok
+ cat session | ssh u6 ukm; ok; /pending keyid added: \@third/
+# u6 can schedule his/her own key for deletion, but cannot actually
+# remove it. Trying to do so results in bringing back the key. Actual
+# deletion must be confirmed by another key.
+try "
+ ssh u6 ukm del \@third; /prepare deletion of key \@third/
+ ssh u2 ukm; ok; /u2 \@third .pending del./
+ ssh u6 ukm; ok; /undo pending deletion of keyid \@third/
+ ssh u6 ukm del \@third; /prepare deletion of key \@third/
+ ssh u2 ukm del \@third; ok; /pending keyid deleted: \@third/
+# While in pending-deletion state, it's forbidden to add another key
+# with the same keyid. It's also forbidden to add a key with the same
+# fingerprint as the to-be-deleted key).
+# A new key under another keyid, is OK.
+try "
+ ssh u1 ukm del \@third; /prepare deletion of key \@third/
+ ADDNOK u4 u1 \@third; /FATAL: keyid already in use: \@third/
+ ADDNOK u5 u1 \@fourth;
+ /FATAL: You cannot add a key that already belongs to you./
+ ADD u6 u1 \@fourth > session; ok
+ ssh u1 ukm; ok;
+ /u1 \@second/
+ /u1 \@fourth .pending add./
+ /u1 \@third .pending del./
+# We can remove a pending-for-addition key (@fourth) by logging in
+# with a non-pending key. Trying to do anything with key u5 (@third)
+# will just bring it back to its normal state, but not change the
+# state of any other key. As already shown above, using u6 (@fourth)
+# without a proper session key, would remove it from the system.
+# Here we want to demonstrate that key u1 can delete u6 immediately.
+try "ssh u1 ukm del \@fourth; /pending keyid deleted: \@fourth/";
+# The pending-for-deletion key @third can also be removed via the u4
+# (@second) key.
+try "ssh u4 ukm del \@third; ok; /pending keyid deleted: \@third/";
+# Non-existing selfkeys cannot be deleted.
+try "ssh u4 ukm del \@x; !ok; /FATAL: You are not managing the key \@x./";
diff --git a/contrib/triggers/IP-check b/contrib/triggers/IP-check
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9a4fda1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/triggers/IP-check
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# Check an IP before allowing access.
+# This is also a generic example of how to add arbitrary checks at the PRE_GIT
+# stage, in order to control fetch/clone as well, not just push operations
+# (VREFs, in contrast, only work for pushes).
+# Notice how repo-specific information is being passed to this code (bullet 3
+# below). For more on that, see:
+# Instructions:
+# 1. put this in an appropriate triggers directory (read about non-core
+# code at for more on this; the
+# cookbook may also help here).
+# 2. add a line:
+# PRE_GIT => [ 'IP-check' ],
+# just before the "ENABLE" line in the rc file
+# 3. add a line like this to the "repo ..." section in gitolite.conf:
+# option ENV.IP_allowed =
+# take care that this expression is valid, in the sense that passing it
+# to 'ipcalc -n' will return the part before the "/". I.e., in this
+# example, 'ipcalc -n' should (and does) return
+# ----
+[ -n "$GL_OPTION_IP_allowed" ] || exit 0
+ mask=${GL_OPTION_IP_allowed#*/}
+current_ip=${SSH_CONNECTION%% *}
+eval `ipcalc -n $current_ip/$mask`
+[ "$expected" == "$NETWORK" ] && exit 0
+echo >&2 "IP $current_ip does not match allowed block $GL_OPTION_IP_allowed"
+exit 1
diff --git a/contrib/triggers/file_mirror b/contrib/triggers/file_mirror
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..755ce86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/triggers/file_mirror
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+# Use an external (non-gitolite) mirror to backup gitolite repos. They will
+# be automatically kept uptodate as people push to your gitolite server. If
+# your server should die and you create a new one, you can quickly and easily
+# get everything back from the external mirror with a few simple commands.
+# -------------------------------------------------------------
+# -------------------------------------------------------------
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+use lib $ENV{GL_LIBDIR};
+use Gitolite::Easy;
+my ( $trigger, $repo, $dummy, $op ) = @ARGV;
+exit 0 unless $trigger eq 'POST_GIT' or $trigger eq 'POST_CREATE';
+exit 0 if $trigger eq 'POST_GIT' and $op ne 'W';
+chdir("$rc{GL_REPO_BASE}/$repo.git") or _die "chdir failed: $!\n";
+my %config = config( $repo, "gitolite-options\\.mirror\\.extcopy" );
+for my $copy ( values %config ) {
+ _do($copy);
+ # processing one copy is sufficient for restoring!
+ last if $trigger eq 'POST_CREATE';
+# in shell, that would be something like:
+# gitolite git-config -r $repo gitolite-options\\.mirror\\.extcopy | cut -f3 | while read copy
+# do
+# ...
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub _do {
+ my $url = shift;
+ if ( $trigger eq 'POST_CREATE' ) {
+ # brand new repo just created; needs to be populated from mirror
+ # For your urls you will need a way to somehow query the server and
+ # ask if the repo is present; it's upto you how you do it.
+ my $path = $url;
+ $path =~ s(^file://)();
+ return unless -d $path;
+ # now fetch. Maybe we can put a "-q" in there?
+ system( "git", "fetch", $url, "+refs/*:refs/*" );
+ } elsif ( $trigger eq 'POST_GIT' ) {
+ # someone just pushed; we need to update our mirrors
+ # need to create the repo on the mirror. Again, it's upto you how you
+ # make sure there's a repo on the mirror that can receive the push.
+ make_repo($url); # in case it doesn't already exist
+ # now push
+ system( "git", "push", "--mirror", $url );
+ }
+sub make_repo {
+ my $url = shift;
+ # in this example, the URL is 'file:///...'; for other urls, presumably
+ # the url tells you enough about how to *create* a repo.
+ my $path = $url;
+ $path =~ s(^file://)();
+ return if -d $path;
+ system( "git", "init", "--bare", $path );
+1. THIS IS SAMPLE CODE. You will AT LEAST have to customise the _do() and
+ make_repo() functions above based on what your remote URLs are. For
+ example, I don't even know how to create a repo from the command line if
+ your external store is, say, github!
+2. THIS DOES NOT WORK FOR WILD REPOs. It can be made to work, with a few
+ extra steps to backup and restore the "gl-perms" and "gl-creator" files.
+ "Left as an exercise for the reader!"
+This is really just a combination of "upstream" (see src/triggers/upstream)
+and mirroring (gitolite mirroring does allow a copy to be non-gitolite, as
+long as the ssh stuff is done the same way).
+The main difference is that gitolite mirroring expects peers to all talk ssh,
+whereas this method lets you use other protocols. Specifically, since this
+whole thing was started off by someone wanting to put his repos on s3
+(apparently jgit can talk to s3 directly), you can modify the two functions to
+deal with whatever remote server you have.
+This doesn't have to be in perl. Shell equivalent for the only gitolite
+specific code is supplied; the rest of the code is fairly straightforward.
+1. Put this code into your LOCAL_CODE directory under "triggers"; see
+ non-core.html for details.
+2. Add these lines to your rc file, just before the ENABLE line. (I'm
+ assuming a v3.4 or later installation here).
+ POST_CREATE => [ 'file_mirror' ],
+ POST_GIT => [ 'file_mirror' ],
+3. Backup your rc file, since you may have other changes in it that you'll
+ want to preserve.
+4. Do something like this in your gitolite.conf file:
+ repo @all
+ option mirror.extcopy-1 = file:///tmp/he1/%GL_REPO.git
+ option mirror.extcopy-2 = file:///tmp/he2/%GL_REPO.git
+ As you can see, since this is just for demo/test, we're using a couple of
+ temp directories to serve as our "remotes" using the file:// protocol.
+5. Do a one-time manual sync of all the repos (subsequent syncs happen on
+ each push):
+ gitolite list-phy-repos | xargs -I xx gitolite trigger POST_GIT xx admin W
+ (This is a little trick we're playing on the trigger stuff, but it should
+ work fine. Just make sure that, if you have other things in your POST_GIT
+ trigger list, they're not affected in some way. 'gitolite query-rc
+ POST_GIT' will tell you what else you have.)
+That takes care of the "setup" and "regular backup".
+1. Install gitolite normally. You'll get the usual two repos.
+2. Restore the previously backed up rc file to replace the default one that
+ gitolite created. At the very least, the rc file should have the
+ POST_CREATE and POST_GIT entries.
+ ---------------------------------------------------------
+ ---------------------------------------------------------
+3. Clone the admin repo from one of your backup servers to some temp dir. In
+ our example,
+ git clone /tmp/he1/gitolite-admin.git old-ga
+4. 'cd' to that clone and force push to your *new* admin repo:
+ cd old-ga
+ git push -f admin:gitolite-admin
+That's it. As each repo gets created by the admin push, they'll get populated
+by the backed up stuff due to the POST_CREATE trigger.