package Gitolite::Triggers::RedmineUserAlias; use Gitolite::Rc; use Gitolite::Common; use Gitolite::Conf::Load; use strict; use warnings; # aliasing a redmine username to a more user-friendly one # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- =for usage Why: Redmine creates users like "redmine_alice_123"; we want the users to just see "alice" instead of that. Assumption: * Redmine does not allow duplicates in the middle bit; i.e., you can't create redmine_alice_123 and redmine_alice_456 also. How: * add this code as lib/Gitolite/Triggers/ to your site-local code directory; see this link for how: * add the following to the rc file, just before the ENABLE section (don't forget the trailing comma): INPUT => [ 'RedmineUserAlias::input' ], Notes: * http mode has not been tested and will not be. If someone has the time to test it and make it work please let me know. * not tested with mirroring. Quote: * "All that for what is effectively one line of code. I need a life". =cut sub input { $ARGV[0] or _die "no username???"; $ARGV[0] =~ s/^redmine_(\S+)_\d+$/$1/; } 1;