package Gitolite::Rc; # everything to do with 'rc'. Also defines some 'constants' # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- @EXPORT = qw( %rc glrc query_rc version greeting trigger _which $REMOTE_COMMAND_PATT $REF_OR_FILENAME_PATT $REPONAME_PATT $REPOPATT_PATT $USERNAME_PATT $UNSAFE_PATT ); use Exporter 'import'; use Gitolite::Common; # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- our %rc; our $non_core; # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # pre-populate some important rc keys # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- $rc{GL_BINDIR} = $ENV{GL_BINDIR}; $rc{GL_LIBDIR} = $ENV{GL_LIBDIR}; # these keys could be overridden by the rc file later $rc{GL_REPO_BASE} = "$ENV{HOME}/repositories"; $rc{GL_ADMIN_BASE} = "$ENV{HOME}/.gitolite"; $rc{LOG_TEMPLATE} = "$ENV{HOME}/.gitolite/logs/gitolite-%y-%m.log"; # variables that should probably never be changed but someone will want to, I'll bet... # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #<<< $REMOTE_COMMAND_PATT = qr(^[-0-9a-zA-Z._\@/+ :,\%=]*$); $REF_OR_FILENAME_PATT = qr(^[0-9a-zA-Z][-0-9a-zA-Z._\@/+ :,]*$); $REPONAME_PATT = qr(^\@?[0-9a-zA-Z][-0-9a-zA-Z._\@/+]*$); $REPOPATT_PATT = qr(^\@?[[0-9a-zA-Z][-0-9a-zA-Z._\@/+\\^$|()[\]*?{},]*$); $USERNAME_PATT = qr(^\@?[0-9a-zA-Z][-0-9a-zA-Z._\@+]*$); $UNSAFE_PATT = qr([`~#\$\&()|;<>]); #>>> # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # find the rc file and 'do' it # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- my $current_data_version = "3.2"; my $rc = glrc('filename'); if ( -r $rc and -s $rc ) { do $rc or die $@; } if ( defined($GL_ADMINDIR) ) { say2 ""; say2 "FATAL: '$rc' seems to be for older gitolite; please see\n"; exit 1; } # let values specified in rc file override our internal ones # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- @rc{ keys %RC } = values %RC; # expand the non_core list into INPUT, PRE_GIT, etc using 'ENABLE' settings non_core_expand() if $rc{ENABLE}; # add internal triggers # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # is the server/repo in a writable state (i.e., not down for maintenance etc) unshift @{ $rc{ACCESS_1} }, 'Writable::access_1'; # (testing only) override the rc file silently # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # use an env var that is highly unlikely to appear in real life :) do $ENV{G3T_RC} if exists $ENV{G3T_RC} and -r $ENV{G3T_RC}; # setup some perl/rc/env vars, plus umask # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- umask ( $rc{UMASK} || 0077 ); unshift @INC, "$rc{LOCAL_CODE}/lib" if $rc{LOCAL_CODE}; $ENV{PATH} = "$ENV{GL_BINDIR}:$ENV{PATH}" unless $ENV{PATH} =~ /^$ENV{GL_BINDIR}:/; { $rc{GL_TID} = $ENV{GL_TID} ||= $$; # TID: loosely, transaction ID. The first PID at the entry point passes # it down to all its children so you can track each access, across all the # various commands it spawns and actions it generates. $rc{GL_LOGFILE} = $ENV{GL_LOGFILE} ||= gen_lfn( $rc{LOG_TEMPLATE} ); } # these two are meant to help externally written commands (see # src/commands/writable for an example) $ENV{GL_REPO_BASE} = $rc{GL_REPO_BASE}; $ENV{GL_ADMIN_BASE} = $rc{GL_ADMIN_BASE}; # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- use strict; use warnings; # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- my $glrc_default_text = ''; { local $/ = undef; $glrc_default_text = ; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub non_core_expand { my %enable; for my $e ( @{ $rc{ENABLE} } ) { my ( $name, $arg ) = split ' ', $e, 2; # store args as the hash value for the name $enable{$name} = $arg || ''; # for now, we pretend everything is a command, because commands # are the only thing that the non_core list does not contain $rc{COMMANDS}{$name} = $arg || 1; } # bring in additional non-core specs from the rc file, if given if ( my $nc2 = $rc{NON_CORE} ) { for ( $non_core, $nc2 ) { # beat 'em into shape :) s/#.*//g; s/[ \t]+/ /g; s/^ //mg; s/ $//mg; s/\n+/\n/g; } for ( split "\n", $nc2 ) { next unless /\S/; my ( $name, $where, $module, $before, $name2 ) = split ' ', $_; if ( not $before ) { $non_core .= "$name $where $module\n"; next; } die if $before ne 'before'; $non_core =~ s(^(?=$name2 $where( |$)))($name $where $module\n)m; } } my @data = split "\n", $non_core || ''; for (@data) { next if /^\s*(#|$)/; my ( $name, $where, $module ) = split ' ', $_; # if it appears here, it's not a command, so delete it. At the end of # this loop, what's left in $rc{COMMANDS} will be those names in the # enable list that do not appear in the non_core list. delete $rc{COMMANDS}{$name}; next unless exists $enable{$name}; # module to call is name if specified as "." $module = $name if $module eq "."; # module to call is "name::pre_git" or such if specified as "::" ( $module = $name ) .= "::" . lc($where) if $module eq '::'; # append arguments, if supplied $module .= " $enable{$name}" if $enable{$name}; push @{ $rc{$where} }, $module; } # finally, add in commands that were declared in the non-core list map { /^(\S+)/; $rc{COMMANDS}{$1} = 1 } @{ $rc{COMMAND} }; } # exported functions # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub glrc { my $cmd = shift; if ( $cmd eq 'default-filename' ) { return "$ENV{HOME}/.gitolite.rc"; } elsif ( $cmd eq 'default-text' ) { return $glrc_default_text if $glrc_default_text; _die "rc file default text not set; this should not happen!"; } elsif ( $cmd eq 'filename' ) { # where is the rc file? # search $HOME first return "$ENV{HOME}/.gitolite.rc" if -f "$ENV{HOME}/.gitolite.rc"; return ''; } elsif ( $cmd eq 'current-data-version' ) { return $current_data_version; } else { _die "unknown argument to glrc: '$cmd'"; } } my $all = 0; my $dump = 0; my $nonl = 0; my $quiet = 0; sub query_rc { my @vars = args(); no strict 'refs'; if ($all) { for my $e ( sort keys %rc ) { print "$e=" . ( defined( $rc{$e} ) ? $rc{$e} : 'undef' ) . "\n"; } exit 0; } if ($dump) { require Data::Dumper; $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1; print Data::Dumper::Dumper \%rc; exit 0; } my $cv = \%rc; # current "value" while (@vars) { my $v = shift @vars; # dig into the rc hash, using each var as a component if ( not ref($cv) ) { _warn "unused arguments..."; last; } elsif ( ref($cv) eq 'HASH' ) { $cv = $cv->{$v} || ''; } elsif ( ref($cv) eq 'ARRAY' ) { $cv = $cv->[$v] || ''; } else { _die "dont know what to do with " . ref($cv) . " item in the rc file"; } } # we've run out of arguments so $cv is what we have. If we're supposed to # be quiet, we don't have to print anything so let's get that done first: exit( $cv ? 0 : 1 ) if $quiet; # shell truth # print values (notice we ignore the '-n' option if it's a ref) if ( ref($cv) eq 'HASH' ) { print join( "\n", sort keys %$cv ), "\n" if %$cv; } elsif ( ref($cv) eq 'ARRAY' ) { print join( "\n", @$cv ), "\n" if @$cv; } else { print $cv . ( $nonl ? '' : "\n" ) if $cv; } exit( $cv ? 0 : 1 ); # shell truth } sub version { my $version = ''; $version = '(unknown)'; for ("$ENV{GL_BINDIR}/VERSION") { $version = slurp($_) if -r $_; } chomp($version); return $version; } sub greeting { my $json = shift; chomp( my $hn = `hostname -s 2>/dev/null || hostname` ); my $gv = substr( `git --version`, 12 ); my $gl_user = $ENV{GL_USER} || ''; $gl_user = " $gl_user" if $gl_user; if ($json) { $json->{GL_USER} = $ENV{GL_USER}; $json->{USER} = ( $ENV{USER} || "httpd" ) . "\@$hn"; $json->{gitolite_version} = version(); chomp( $json->{git_version} = $gv ); # this thing has a newline at the end return; } # normal output return "hello$gl_user, this is " . ( $ENV{USER} || "httpd" ) . "\@$hn running gitolite3 " . version() . " on git $gv\n"; } sub trigger { my $rc_section = shift; # if arg-2 (now arg-1, due to the 'shift' above) exists, it is a repo # name, so setup env from options require Gitolite::Conf::Load; Gitolite::Conf::Load->import('env_options'); env_options( $_[0] ) if $_[0]; if ( exists $rc{$rc_section} ) { if ( ref( $rc{$rc_section} ) ne 'ARRAY' ) { _die "'$rc_section' section in rc file is not a perl list"; } else { for my $s ( @{ $rc{$rc_section} } ) { my ( $pgm, @args ) = split ' ', $s; if ( my ( $module, $sub ) = ( $pgm =~ /^(.*)::(\w+)$/ ) ) { require Gitolite::Triggers; trace( 2, 'trigger module', $module, $sub, @args, $rc_section, @_ ); Gitolite::Triggers::run( $module, $sub, @args, $rc_section, @_ ); } else { $pgm = _which( "triggers/$pgm", 'x' ); _warn("skipped trigger '$s' (not found or not executable)"), next if not $pgm; trace( 2, 'trigger command', $s ); _system( $pgm, @args, $rc_section, @_ ); # they better all return with 0 exit codes! } } } return; } trace( 3, "'$rc_section' not found in rc" ); } sub _which { # looks for a file in LOCAL_CODE or GL_BINDIR. Returns whichever exists # (LOCAL_CODE preferred if defined) or 0 if not found. my $file = shift; my $mode = shift; # could be 'x' or 'r' my @files = ("$rc{GL_BINDIR}/$file"); unshift @files, ("$rc{LOCAL_CODE}/$file") if $rc{LOCAL_CODE}; for my $f (@files) { return $f if -x $f; return $f if -r $f and $mode eq 'r'; } return 0; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- =for args Usage: gitolite query-rc -a gitolite query-rc -d gitolite query-rc [-n] [-q] rc-variable -a print all variables and values (first level only) -d dump the entire rc structure -n do not append a newline if variable is scalar -q exit code only (shell truth; 0 is success) Query the rc hash. Second and subsequent arguments dig deeper into the hash. The examples are for the default configuration; yours may be different. Single values: gitolite query-rc GL_ADMIN_BASE # prints "/home/git/.gitolite" or similar gitolite query-rc UMASK # prints "63" (that's 0077 in decimal!) Hashes: gitolite query-rc COMMANDS # prints "desc", "help", "info", "perms", "writable", one per line gitolite query-rc COMMANDS help # prints 1 gitolite query-rc -q COMMANDS help # prints nothing; exit code is 0 gitolite query-rc COMMANDS fork # prints nothing; exit code is 1 Arrays (somewhat less useful): gitolite query-rc POST_GIT # prints nothing; exit code is 0 gitolite query-rc POST_COMPILE # prints 4 lines gitolite query-rc POST_COMPILE 0 # prints the first of those 4 lines Explore: gitolite query-rc -a # prints all first level variables and values, one per line. Any that are # listed as HASH or ARRAY can be explored further in subsequent commands. gitolite query-rc -d # dump the entire rc structure =cut sub args { my $help = 0; require Getopt::Long; Getopt::Long::GetOptions( 'all|a' => \$all, 'dump|d' => \$dump, 'nonl|n' => \$nonl, 'quiet|q' => \$quiet, 'help|h' => \$help, ) or usage(); _die("'-a' cannot be combined with other arguments or options; run with '-h' for usage") if $all and ( @ARGV or $dump or $nonl or $quiet ); usage() if not $all and not $dump and not @ARGV or $help; return @ARGV; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN { $non_core = " # No user-servicable parts inside. Warranty void if seal broken. Refer # servicing to authorised service center only. continuation-lines SYNTACTIC_SUGAR . keysubdirs-as-groups SYNTACTIC_SUGAR . macros SYNTACTIC_SUGAR . refex-expr SYNTACTIC_SUGAR . renice PRE_GIT . Kindergarten INPUT :: CpuTime INPUT :: CpuTime POST_GIT :: Shell INPUT :: Alias INPUT :: Motd INPUT :: Motd PRE_GIT :: Motd COMMAND motd Mirroring INPUT :: Mirroring PRE_GIT :: Mirroring POST_GIT :: refex-expr ACCESS_2 RefexExpr::access_2 expand-deny-messages ACCESS_1 . expand-deny-messages ACCESS_2 . RepoUmask PRE_GIT :: RepoUmask POST_CREATE :: partial-copy PRE_GIT . upstream PRE_GIT . no-create-on-read PRE_CREATE AutoCreate::deny_R no-auto-create PRE_CREATE AutoCreate::deny_RW ssh-authkeys-split POST_COMPILE post-compile/ssh-authkeys-split ssh-authkeys POST_COMPILE post-compile/ssh-authkeys Shell POST_COMPILE post-compile/ssh-authkeys-shell-users set-default-roles POST_CREATE . git-config POST_COMPILE post-compile/update-git-configs git-config POST_CREATE post-compile/update-git-configs create-with-reference POST_CREATE post-compile/create-with-reference gitweb POST_CREATE post-compile/update-gitweb-access-list gitweb POST_COMPILE post-compile/update-gitweb-access-list cgit POST_COMPILE post-compile/update-description-file daemon POST_CREATE post-compile/update-git-daemon-access-list daemon POST_COMPILE post-compile/update-git-daemon-access-list repo-specific-hooks POST_COMPILE . repo-specific-hooks POST_CREATE . "; } 1; # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- __DATA__ # configuration variables for gitolite # This file is in perl syntax. But you do NOT need to know perl to edit it -- # just mind the commas, use single quotes unless you know what you're doing, # and make sure the brackets and braces stay matched up! # (Tip: perl allows a comma after the last item in a list also!) # HELP for commands can be had by running the command with "-h". # HELP for all the other FEATURES can be found in the documentation (look for # "list of non-core programs shipped with gitolite" in the master index) or # directly in the corresponding source file. %RC = ( # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # default umask gives you perms of '0700'; see the rc file docs for # how/why you might change this UMASK => 0077, # look for "git-config" in the documentation GIT_CONFIG_KEYS => '', # comment out if you don't need all the extra detail in the logfile LOG_EXTRA => 1, # logging options # 1. leave this section as is for 'normal' gitolite logging (default) # 2. uncomment this line to log ONLY to syslog: # LOG_DEST => 'syslog', # 3. uncomment this line to log to syslog and the normal gitolite log: # LOG_DEST => 'syslog,normal', # 4. prefixing "repo-log," to any of the above will **also** log just the # update records to "gl-log" in the bare repo directory: # LOG_DEST => 'repo-log,normal', # LOG_DEST => 'repo-log,syslog', # LOG_DEST => 'repo-log,syslog,normal', # syslog 'facility': defaults to 'local0', uncomment if needed. For example: # LOG_FACILITY => 'local4', # roles. add more roles (like MANAGER, TESTER, ...) here. # WARNING: if you make changes to this hash, you MUST run 'gitolite # compile' afterward, and possibly also 'gitolite trigger POST_COMPILE' ROLES => { READERS => 1, WRITERS => 1, }, # enable caching (currently only Redis). PLEASE RTFM BEFORE USING!!! # CACHE => 'Redis', # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # rc variables used by various features # the 'info' command prints this as additional info, if it is set # SITE_INFO => 'Please see http://blahblah/gitolite for more help', # the CpuTime feature uses these # display user, system, and elapsed times to user after each git operation # DISPLAY_CPU_TIME => 1, # display a warning if total CPU times (u, s, cu, cs) crosses this limit # CPU_TIME_WARN_LIMIT => 0.1, # the Mirroring feature needs this # HOSTNAME => "foo", # TTL for redis cache; PLEASE SEE DOCUMENTATION BEFORE UNCOMMENTING! # CACHE_TTL => 600, # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # suggested locations for site-local gitolite code (see cust.html) # this one is managed directly on the server # LOCAL_CODE => "$ENV{HOME}/local", # or you can use this, which lets you put everything in a subdirectory # called "local" in your gitolite-admin repo. For a SECURITY WARNING # on this, see # LOCAL_CODE => "$rc{GL_ADMIN_BASE}/local", # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # List of commands and features to enable ENABLE => [ # COMMANDS # These are the commands enabled by default 'help', 'desc', 'info', 'perms', 'writable', # Uncomment or add new commands here. # 'create', # 'fork', # 'mirror', # 'readme', # 'sskm', # 'D', # These FEATURES are enabled by default. # essential (unless you're using smart-http mode) 'ssh-authkeys', # creates git-config entries from gitolite.conf file entries like 'config = baz' 'git-config', # creates git-daemon-export-ok files; if you don't use git-daemon, comment this out 'daemon', # creates projects.list file; if you don't use gitweb, comment this out 'gitweb', # These FEATURES are disabled by default; uncomment to enable. If you # need to add new ones, ask on the mailing list :-) # user-visible behaviour # prevent wild repos auto-create on fetch/clone # 'no-create-on-read', # no auto-create at all (don't forget to enable the 'create' command!) # 'no-auto-create', # access a repo by another (possibly legacy) name # 'Alias', # give some users direct shell access. See documentation in # sts.html for details on the following two choices. # "Shell $ENV{HOME}/", # 'Shell alice bob', # set default roles from lines like 'option default.roles-1 = ...', etc. # 'set-default-roles', # show more detailed messages on deny # 'expand-deny-messages', # show a message of the day # 'Motd', # system admin stuff # enable mirroring (don't forget to set the HOSTNAME too!) # 'Mirroring', # allow people to submit pub files with more than one key in them # 'ssh-authkeys-split', # selective read control hack # 'partial-copy', # manage local, gitolite-controlled, copies of read-only upstream repos # 'upstream', # updates 'description' file instead of 'gitweb.description' config item # 'cgit', # allow repo-specific hooks to be added # 'repo-specific-hooks', # performance, logging, monitoring... # be nice # 'renice 10', # log CPU times (user, system, cumulative user, cumulative system) # 'CpuTime', # syntactic_sugar for gitolite.conf and included files # allow backslash-escaped continuation lines in gitolite.conf # 'continuation-lines', # create implicit user groups from directory names in keydir/ # 'keysubdirs-as-groups', # allow simple line-oriented macros # 'macros', # Kindergarten mode # disallow various things that sensible people shouldn't be doing anyway # 'Kindergarten', ], ); # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # per perl rules, this should be the last line in such a file: 1; # Local variables: # mode: perl # End: # vim: set syn=perl: