[Unit] Description=GNOME Session Failed lockdown screen (user) OnFailure=gnome-session-shutdown.target OnFailureJobMode=replace-irreversibly CollectMode=inactive-or-failed PartOf=gnome-session-failed.target # We could do this, but it requires an intermediate target for OnFailure # handling, so gnome-session-failed checks RUNNING_UNDER_GDM itself #Conflicts=gnome-session@gnome-login.target # or in the case of GDM and then not passing --allow-logout #Requisite=gnome-session@gnome-login.target [Service] Type=simple ExecStart=@libexecdir@/gnome-session-failed --allow-logout # The fail whale doesn't trigger a shutdown itself, so do it here ExecStopPost=-@libexecdir@/gnome-session-ctl --shutdown