# gnome-extensions-tool gnome-extensions-tool is a command line utility for managing GNOME Shell extensions. It is usually built as part of gnome-shell, but can be used as a stand-alone project as well (for example to create an extension bundle as part of continuous integration). Bugs should be reported to the GNOME [bug tracking system][bug-tracker]. ## Building Before the project can be built stand-alone, the po directory has to be populated with translations (from gnome-shell). To do that, simply run the included script: ```sh $ ./generate-translations.sh ``` ## License gnome-extensions-tool is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3 or later. See the [COPYING][license] file for details. [bug-tracker]: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell/issues [license]: COPYING