path: root/subprojects/gnome-pwa-list/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 213 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/subprojects/gnome-pwa-list/ b/subprojects/gnome-pwa-list/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ef7f24a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/subprojects/gnome-pwa-list/
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2021-2022 Matthew Leeds
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
+Generates AppStream metainfo for a set of Progressive Web Apps
+Usage: LIST.CSV
+The CSV format expected looks like this:
+The output will be written to a file with the same name as the input but a .xml
+file ending.
+This tool uses the web app's manifest to fill out the AppStream info, so an
+Internet connection is required
+import csv
+import sys
+import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
+import requests
+import json
+import hashlib
+from urllib.parse import urljoin
+from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
+# w3c categories:
+# appstream categories:
+# left out due to no corresponding appstream category:
+# entertainment, food, government, kids, lifestyle, personalization, politics, shopping, travel
+w3c_to_appstream_categories = {
+ "books": "Literature",
+ "business": "Office",
+ "education": "Education",
+ "finance": "Finance",
+ "fitness": "Sports",
+ "games": "Game",
+ "health": "MedicalSoftware",
+ "magazines": "News",
+ "medical": "MedicalSoftware",
+ "music": "Music",
+ "navigation": "Maps",
+ "news": "News",
+ "photo": "Photography",
+ "productivity": "Office",
+ "security": "Security",
+ "social": "Chat",
+ "sports": "Sports",
+ "utilities": "Utility",
+ "weather": "Utility"
+def get_manifest_for_url(url):
+ response = requests.get(url)
+ response.raise_for_status()
+ soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser')
+ # Seems this link is broken for discourse, href value doesn't use quotes
+ if url.startswith('https://discourse.'):
+ manifest_path = '/manifest.webmanifest'
+ elif soup.head:
+ manifest_path = soup.head.find('link', rel='manifest', href=True)['href']
+ else:
+ manifest_path = soup.find('link', rel='manifest', href=True)['href']
+ manifest_response = requests.get(urljoin(url, manifest_path))
+ manifest_response.raise_for_status()
+ return json.loads(manifest_response.text)
+def copy_metainfo_from_manifest(url, app_component, manifest, categories, content_rating, adaptive, custom_summary):
+ # Short name seems more suitable in practice
+ try:
+ ET.SubElement(app_component, 'name').text = manifest['short_name']
+ except KeyError:
+ ET.SubElement(app_component, 'name').text = manifest['name']
+ # Generate a unique app ID that meets the spec requirements. A different
+ # app ID will be used upon install that is determined by the backing browser
+ hashed_url = hashlib.sha1(url.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
+ app_id = 'org.gnome.Software.WebApp_' + hashed_url + '.desktop'
+ ET.SubElement(app_component, 'id').text = app_id
+ # Avoid using maskable icons if we can, they don't have nice rounded edges
+ normal_icon_exists = False
+ for icon in manifest['icons']:
+ if 'purpose' not in icon or icon['purpose'] == 'any':
+ normal_icon_exists = True
+ for icon in manifest['icons']:
+ if 'purpose' in icon and icon['purpose'] != 'any' and normal_icon_exists:
+ continue
+ icon_element = ET.SubElement(app_component, 'icon')
+ icon_element.text = urljoin(url, icon['src'])
+ icon_element.set('type', 'remote')
+ size = icon['sizes'].split(' ')[-1]
+ icon_element.set('width', size.split('x')[0])
+ icon_element.set('height', size.split('x')[1])
+ if 'screenshots' in manifest:
+ screenshots_element = ET.SubElement(app_component, 'screenshots')
+ for screenshot in manifest['screenshots']:
+ screenshot_element = ET.SubElement(screenshots_element, 'screenshot')
+ screenshot_element.set('type', 'default')
+ image_element = ET.SubElement(screenshot_element, 'image')
+ image_element.text = urljoin(url, screenshot['src'])
+ size = screenshot['sizes'].split(' ')[-1]
+ image_element.set('width', size.split('x')[0])
+ image_element.set('height', size.split('x')[1])
+ if 'label' in screenshot:
+ ET.SubElement(screenshot_element, 'caption').text = screenshot['label']
+ categories_element = ET.SubElement(app_component, 'categories')
+ user_categories = categories.split(';')
+ for category in user_categories:
+ if len(category) > 0:
+ ET.SubElement(categories_element, 'category').text = category
+ if 'categories' in manifest:
+ for category in manifest['categories']:
+ try:
+ mapped_category = w3c_to_appstream_categories[category]
+ if mapped_category not in user_categories:
+ ET.SubElement(categories_element, 'category').text = mapped_category
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ if len(content_rating) > 0:
+ ratings_element = ET.SubElement(app_component, 'content_rating')
+ ratings_element.set('type', 'oars-1.1')
+ content_ratings = content_rating.split(';')
+ for rating in content_ratings:
+ if len(rating) > 0:
+ rating_element = ET.SubElement(ratings_element, 'content_attribute')
+ rating_element.text = rating.split('=')[1]
+ rating_element.set('id', rating.split('=')[0])
+ if adaptive in ('adaptive', 'not-adaptive'):
+ recommends_element = ET.SubElement(app_component, 'recommends')
+ ET.SubElement(recommends_element, 'control').text = 'pointing'
+ ET.SubElement(recommends_element, 'control').text = 'keyboard'
+ if adaptive == 'adaptive':
+ ET.SubElement(recommends_element, 'control').text = 'touch'
+ display_element = ET.SubElement(recommends_element, 'display_length')
+ display_element.set('compare', 'ge')
+ if adaptive == 'adaptive':
+ display_element.text = 'small'
+ else:
+ display_element.text = 'medium'
+ summary = ''
+ if len(custom_summary) > 0:
+ summary = custom_summary
+ elif 'description' in manifest:
+ summary = manifest['description']
+ if len(summary) > 0:
+ # appstreamcli validate recommends summary not ending with '.'
+ if summary.endswith('.'): summary = summary[:-1]
+ # ...and not containing newlines
+ summary = summary.replace('\n', ' ').strip()
+ ET.SubElement(app_component, 'summary').text = summary
+def main():
+ if len(sys.argv) != 2 or not sys.argv[1].endswith('.csv'):
+ print('Usage: {} input.csv'.format(sys.argv[0]))
+ sys.exit(1)
+ input_filename = sys.argv[1]
+ out_filename = input_filename.replace('.csv', '.xml')
+ with open(input_filename) as input_csv:
+ components = ET.Element('components')
+ components.set('version', '0.15')
+ reader = csv.reader(input_csv)
+ for (i, app) in enumerate(reader):
+ if len(app) != 6:
+ print('Line {} has the wrong number of columns!'.format(i+1), file=sys.stderr)
+ sys.exit(2)
+ app_component = ET.SubElement(components, 'component')
+ app_component.set('type', 'web-application')
+ launchable = ET.SubElement(app_component, 'launchable')
+ launchable.set('type', 'url')
+ launchable.text = app[0]
+ url = ET.SubElement(app_component, 'url')
+ url.set('type', 'homepage')
+ url.text = app[0]
+ project_license = ET.SubElement(app_component, 'project_license')
+ project_license.text = app[1]
+ # metadata license is a required field but we don't have one, assume FSFAP?
+ metadata_license = ET.SubElement(app_component, 'metadata_license')
+ metadata_license.text = 'FSFAP'
+ print('Processing entry \'{}\' from file \'{}\''.format(app[0], input_filename))
+ copy_metainfo_from_manifest(app[0], app_component, get_manifest_for_url(app[0]),
+ app[2], app[3], app[4], app[5])
+ tree = ET.ElementTree(components)
+ ET.indent(tree)
+ tree.write(out_filename, xml_declaration=True, encoding='utf-8', method='xml')
+if __name__=='__main__':
+ main()