#! /usr/bin/python # This a simple test, using the dogtail framework: # # Activate the app via the org.gtk.Application bus interface. # Check that the expected actions are exported on the session bus. # Activate each action and verify the result. import os from gi.repository import Gio settings = Gio.Settings.new("org.gnome.desktop.interface") settings.set_boolean ("toolkit-accessibility", True) from dogtail.tree import * from dogtail.utils import * from dogtail.procedural import * from dogtail.rawinput import keyCombo try: run('gnome-software') app = root.application('gnome-software') bus = Gio.bus_get_sync(Gio.BusType.SESSION, None) proxy = Gio.DBusProxy.new_sync(bus, Gio.DBusProxyFlags.NONE, None, 'org.gnome.Software', '/org/gnome/Software', 'org.gtk.Application') proxy.call_sync('Activate', GLib.Variant('(a{sv})', ({},)), 0, -1, None) doDelay(1) assert (len(app.children) == 1) dbus_actions = Gio.DBusProxy.new_sync(bus, Gio.DBusProxyFlags.NONE, None, 'org.gnome.Software', '/org/gnome/Software', 'org.gtk.Actions') names = dbus_actions.call_sync('List', None, 0, -1, None).unpack()[0] assert (u'quit' in names) assert (u'about' in names) dbus_actions.call_sync('Activate', GLib.Variant('(sava{sv})', (u'about', [], {})), 0, -1, None) doDelay (1) assert (len(app.children) == 2) keyCombo("") doDelay (1) assert (len(app.children) == 1) dbus_actions.call_sync('Activate', GLib.Variant('(sava{sv})', (u'quit', [], {})), 0, -1, None) assert (len(app.children) == 0) finally: os.system("killall gnome-software")