path: root/share/icons/hicolor/symbolic
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-07 18:24:48 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-07 18:24:48 +0000
commitcca66b9ec4e494c1d919bff0f71a820d8afab1fa (patch)
tree146f39ded1c938019e1ed42d30923c2ac9e86789 /share/icons/hicolor/symbolic
parentInitial commit. (diff)
Adding upstream version 1.2.2.upstream/1.2.2upstream
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'share/icons/hicolor/symbolic')
556 files changed, 32975 insertions, 0 deletions
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+Ramon Miranda (design and SVG file)
+Jabiertxo (SVG stuff to integrate them in UI)</dc:description>
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+Ramon Miranda (design and SVG file)
+Jabiertxo (SVG stuff to integrate them in UI)</dc:description>
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+Jabiertxo (SVG stuff to integrate them in UI)</dc:description>
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+Ramon Miranda (design and SVG file)
+Jabiertxo (SVG stuff to integrate them in UI)</dc:description>
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+Jabiertxo (SVG stuff to integrate them in UI)</dc:description>
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+Jabiertxo (SVG stuff to integrate them in UI)</dc:description>
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+Ramon Miranda (design and SVG file)
+Jabiertxo (SVG stuff to integrate them in UI)</dc:description>
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+ <dc:title>LiveEffect Icons proposal</dc:title>
+ <dc:date>13 Jan 2019</dc:date>
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+ <dc:title>Ramón Miranda</dc:title>
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+ <dc:description>This is a contribution with Inkscape Project from
+Ramon Miranda (design and SVG file)
+Jabiertxo (SVG stuff to integrate them in UI)</dc:description>
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+Jabiertxo (SVG stuff to integrate them in UI)</dc:description>
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-0.321261 z m 1.327884,0 v -0.321262 h 0.32126 0.32126 v 0.321262 0.321262 h -0.32126 -0.32126 z m 1.306463,0 v -0.321262 h -0.321262 -0.321261 v -0.331971 -0.331971 h 0.321261 0.321262 v -0.321262 -0.321263 h 0.33197 0.331971 v 0.321263 0.321262 h -0.331971 -0.33197 v 0.331971 0.331971 h 0.33197 0.331971 v 0.321262 0.321262 h -0.331971 -0.33197 z M 6.2942595,13.39259 C 5.7900855,13.326673 5.3523725,12.948266 5.2072084,12.452828 5.1745432,12.34134 5.1636191,12.219139 5.1548959,11.86751 L 5.1438647,11.423097 H 4.493075 3.8422853 L 4.6553911,10.44779 C 5.1026034,9.9113714 5.4726312,9.4704391 5.4776685,9.4679406 c 0.010757,-0.00533 1.6205121,1.9245764 1.6205121,1.9428044 0,0.0068 -0.2898464,0.01235 -0.6441068,0.01235 H 5.8099736 l 0.00693,0.433705 0.00694,0.433704 0.063103,0.113916 c 0.070461,0.127192 0.1614465,0.215506 0.296235,0.28753 0.089968,0.04807 0.095962,0.04835 1.1773672,0.05442 l 1.0869371,0.0061 v 0.331225 0.331224 l -1.0119803,-0.0027 c -0.5565885,-0.0015 -1.070148,-0.01033 -1.141245,-0.01962 z m 2.3031441,-0.502395 v -0.331971 h 0.3212607 0.3212613 v 0.331971 0.331971 H 8.9186643 8.5974036 Z m 3.9622364,0 v -0.331971 h 0.321261 0.32126 v 0.331971 0.331971 H 12.880901 12.55964 Z M 9.2613457,12.236962 v -0.321263 h 0.32126 0.3212604 v 0.321263 0.321262 h -0.3212604 -0.32126 z m 2.6343513,0 v -0.321263 h 0.321261 0.321261 v 0.321263 0.321262 h -0.321261 -0.321261 z m 1.327884,0 v -0.321263 h 0.32126 0.32126 v 0.321263 0.321262 h -0.32126 -0.32126 z M 8.5974036,11.573019 v -0.321261 h 0.3212607 0.3212613 v 0.321261 0.321263 H 8.9186643 8.5974036 Z m 1.3278835,0 v -0.321261 h 0.3212599 0.321268 v 0.321261 0.321263 H 10.246547 9.9252871 Z m 1.3064699,0 v -0.321261 h 0.321259 0.321261 v 0.321261 0.321263 h -0.321261 -0.321259 z m 1.327883,0 v -0.321261 h 0.321261 0.32126 v 0.321261 0.321263 h -0.32126 -0.321261 z m 1.327881,0 v -0.321261 h 0.321262 0.321261 v 0.321261 0.321263 H 14.208783 13.887521 Z M 1.5510548,7.6107863 V 7.2895241 h 0.321261 0.3212607 V 7.6107863 7.9320484 H 1.8723158 1.5510548 Z m 1.3064632,0 V 7.2895241 H 3.1894887 3.5214595 V 7.6107863 7.9320484 H 3.1894887 2.857518 Z m 1.3278828,0 V 7.2895241 H 4.5066616 4.827929 V 7.6107863 7.9320484 H 4.5066616 4.1854008 Z m 1.327883,0 V 7.2895241 H 5.8345511 6.1558118 V 7.6107863 7.9320484 H 5.8345511 5.5132838 Z m 1.3064695,0 V 7.2895241 H 7.1517241 7.4836948 V 7.6107863 7.9320484 H 7.1517241 6.8197533 Z M 0.88711336,6.9468443 V 6.6255822 H 1.208374 1.5296347 V 6.9468443 7.2681066 H 1.208374 0.88711336 Z m 1.32788324,0 V 6.6255822 H 2.5362573 2.857518 V 6.9468443 7.2681066 H 2.5362573 2.2149966 Z m 1.3064629,0 V 6.6255822 H 3.8427202 4.1639875 V 6.9468443 7.2681066 H 3.8427202 3.5214595 Z m 1.3278828,0 V 6.6255822 H 5.1706097 5.4918704 V 6.9468443 7.2681066 H 5.1706097 4.8493423 Z m 1.3278829,0 V 6.6255822 H 6.4984926 6.8197533 V 6.9468443 7.2681066 H 6.4984926 6.1772252 Z M 1.5510548,6.2829024 V 5.9616403 h 0.321261 0.3212607 V 6.2829024 6.6041646 H 1.8723158 1.5510548 Z m 1.3064632,0 V 5.9616403 H 3.1894887 3.5214595 V 6.2829024 6.6041646 H 3.1894887 2.857518 Z m 1.3278828,0 V 5.9616403 H 4.5066616 4.827929 V 6.2829024 6.6041646 H 4.5066616 4.1854008 Z m 1.327883,0 V 5.9616403 H 5.8345511 6.1558118 V 6.2829024 6.6041646 H 5.8345511 5.5132838 Z m 1.3064695,0 V 5.9616403 H 7.1517241 7.4836948 V 6.2829024 6.6041646 H 7.1517241 6.8197533 Z m 2.701349,-0.8313572 -0.8149327,-0.9784199 0.6540013,-0.00567 0.6539941,-0.00567 -0.007,-0.4226834 C 10.000719,3.6439497 9.9969663,3.6101507 9.9497911,3.5200476 9.8810359,3.388733 9.7644962,3.2706618 9.6361498,3.2022888 l -0.1070869,-0.057048 -1.0226846,-0.00614 -1.0226835,-0.00614 -0.001,0.7557538 c -6.689e-4,0.4156645 0,0.9027311 9.389e-4,1.0823701 l 0.00194,0.3266166 H 7.1526539 6.8197399 V 5.6189621 5.9402243 H 6.4984792 6.1772119 V 5.6189621 5.2976999 H 6.4984792 6.8197399 V 4.965729 4.633758 H 6.4877693 6.1557985 V 4.965729 5.2976999 H 5.8345378 5.5132704 V 4.965729 4.633758 H 5.1705963 4.8279156 V 4.965729 5.2976999 H 4.5066482 4.1853875 V 4.965729 4.633758 L 3.8480651,4.6337367 3.510736,4.6337151 3.517156,4.965717 3.523576,5.2977187 H 3.8437971 4.1640143 V 5.618981 5.9402432 H 3.8427469 3.5214862 V 5.618981 5.2977187 H 3.1895154 2.8575447 V 5.618981 5.9402432 H 2.536284 2.2150233 V 5.618981 5.2977187 h 0.3202105 0.3202171 l 0.00642,-0.3320017 0.00642,-0.3320019 -0.3373291,2.16e-5 -0.3373224,2.13e-5 V 4.965729 5.2976999 H 1.8723827 1.5511217 V 4.965729 4.633758 H 1.219151 0.88718025 V 2.9846118 1.3354658 H 4.1854677 7.4837617 V 1.9137378 2.49201 l 1.0226836,3.345e-4 c 1.1420528,3.344e-4 1.1793473,0.00405 1.4488236,0.143794 0.2151901,0.111587 0.4525441,0.3516883 0.5562191,0.5626664 0.127109,0.2586576 0.141518,0.3429972 0.141806,0.8299278 v 0.4337036 h 0.662904 0.662905 L 11.21641,5.3780335 c -0.419484,0.5035785 -0.789217,0.946277 -0.821629,0.9837743 l -0.05893,0.068178 z M 0.88711336,5.6189606 V 5.2976984 H 1.208374 1.5296347 V 5.6189606 5.9402227 H 1.208374 0.88711336 Z m 3.96222894,0 V 5.2976984 H 5.1706097 5.4918704 V 5.6189606 5.9402227 H 5.1706097 4.8493423 Z"
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+Jabiertxo (SVG stuff to integrate them in UI)</dc:description>
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+Jabiertxo (SVG stuff to integrate them in UI)</dc:description>
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+ <dc:description>This is a little contribution with Inkscape Project
+Ramon Miranda (design and SVG file)
+Jabiertxo (SVG stuff to integrate them in UI)</dc:description>
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+Ramon Miranda (design and SVG file)
+Jabiertxo (SVG stuff to integrate them in UI)</dc:description>
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+Ramon Miranda (design and SVG file)
+Jabiertxo (SVG stuff to integrate them in UI)</dc:description>
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0.05215,-0.0065 c 0.1126544,-0.0141 0.2270545,-0.101156 0.2792583,-0.212535 l 0.025507,-0.05442 V 10.198193 9.7363818 l -0.03116,-0.063297 C 1.3231116,9.5619653 1.2168392,9.4855242 1.0935621,9.4686294 l -0.041501,-0.00569 V 9.1034496 8.7439613 l 0.048287,-0.00664 c 0.068221,-0.00938 0.170244,-0.063184 0.2179394,-0.1149264 0.022028,-0.023896 0.051442,-0.067752 0.065369,-0.097461 l 0.02532,-0.054015 V 8.0045537 7.5381834 L 1.3790328,7.4809205 C 1.3236975,7.3751155 1.2092766,7.2924113 1.1003872,7.2795164 l -0.048326,-0.00573 V 6.9141428 c 0,-0.3348613 -0.00116,-0.3598897 -0.016654,-0.3631164 -0.00916,-0.0019 0.00741,-0.00421 0.036811,-0.00513 0.144059,-0.00445 0.2855691,-0.1144833 0.3278283,-0.254905 0.020615,-0.068504 0.020032,-0.8837693 -6.84e-4,-0.9535251 C 1.3589739,5.2014608 1.2156229,5.0911826 1.0721649,5.0857552 c -0.024002,-8.922e-4 -0.038348,-0.00342 -0.031874,-0.00557 0.00907,-0.00302 0.011771,-0.086378 0.011771,-0.3635955 V 4.356917 l 0.046244,-0.00445 C 1.2071711,4.3420117 1.3265316,4.2555366 1.3812603,4.1474799 L 1.4089771,4.092754 V 3.6263873 3.1600171 l -0.024841,-0.05235 C 1.3319084,2.9976152 1.2331154,2.9215815 1.1115482,2.8978824 L 1.0520613,2.8862842 V 2.5269447 2.1676051 l 0.05215,-0.00651 C 1.216866,2.1470138 1.3312661,2.0599588 1.3834699,1.9485772 c 0.025254,-0.053884 0.025537,-0.056798 0.028344,-0.2942765 l 0.00282,-0.2398511 0.2303495,-0.00285 c 0.2296056,-0.00283 0.2305424,-0.00295 0.2874629,-0.0295 0.1117236,-0.052129 0.20158,-0.1719659 0.2115634,-0.2821519 l 0.00479,-0.052879 0.3640294,0.00259 0.3640323,0.00259 0.0057,0.048106 c 0.013291,0.1122172 0.095629,0.2236345 0.2050922,0.2775245 l 0.062666,0.030848 h 0.4620106 0.4620106 l 0.062666,-0.030848 C 4.2464692,1.3239835 4.3288076,1.2125663 4.3420979,1.100349 l 0.0057,-0.048106 0.3640323,-0.00259 0.3640294,-0.00259 0.00479,0.052879 c 0.00998,0.1101861 0.09984,0.2300224 0.2115634,0.2821519 l 0.057108,0.026643 H 5.810929 6.272541 L 6.326964,1.3832299 C 6.438342,1.3310316 6.5254,1.2166316 6.5394754,1.1039772 l 0.00651,-0.05215 H 6.905867 c 0.3350785,0 0.3601187,-0.00116 0.3633454,-0.016654 0.0019,-0.00916 0.00421,0.00753 0.00513,0.037099 0.0044,0.1422923 0.1129398,0.2815423 0.254679,0.3267366 0.041483,0.013228 0.1062515,0.014858 0.4951428,0.012476 l 0.4474205,-0.00274 0.063404,-0.031223 C 8.6409981,1.3253188 8.7130945,1.2289465 8.7358954,1.1089615 l 0.010858,-0.057129 h 0.3582599 0.3582571 l 0.010858,0.054729 c 0.024469,0.1233515 0.098112,0.2214189 0.2059755,0.2742949 l 0.056899,0.027892 h 0.4663701 0.46637 l 0.0535,-0.026272 c 0.112279,-0.055139 0.188839,-0.1549284 0.209689,-0.2733046 l 0.0101,-0.05734 h 0.359765 0.359761 l 0.0067,0.048287 c 0.0096,0.069982 0.0639,0.1720194 0.115795,0.2177015 0.02398,0.021109 0.06768,0.050202 0.0971,0.064656 l 0.0535,0.026271 0.447198,0.00274 c 0.499134,0.00306 0.49699,0.00329 0.593564,-0.062238 0.09457,-0.064159 0.154396,-0.1722693 0.156694,-0.2831423 6.55e-4,-0.031407 0.0026,-0.047469 0.0046,-0.035693 l 0.0034,0.021415 h 0.358836 0.358835 l 0.01085,0.057129 c 0.0228,0.1199702 0.09489,0.2163514 0.20089,0.2685642 l 0.06338,0.031223 0.380949,0.00586 c 0.209523,0.00323 0.392727,0.00908 0.407124,0.013008 l 0.02617,0.00714 V 1.793992 2.1532304 l -0.04988,0.00591 c -0.112274,0.013283 -0.229401,0.102143 -0.281629,0.2135751 l -0.02551,0.054423 V 2.8889497 3.350761 l 0.03123,0.063424 c 0.0522,0.1060286 0.148565,0.1781248 0.268565,0.2009287 l 0.05713,0.010858 v 0.3586047 0.358602 l -0.04829,0.00664 c -0.06822,0.00938 -0.170243,0.063184 -0.217939,0.1149265 -0.02203,0.023896 -0.05144,0.067752 -0.06537,0.097461 l -0.02532,0.054015 v 0.4663706 0.4663703 l 0.02995,0.057259 c 0.05533,0.1058084 0.169753,0.1885097 0.278645,0.2014045 l 0.04832,0.00573 v 0.3596518 c 0,0.3349119 0.0011,0.3598779 0.01665,0.3629796 0.0092,0.00182 -0.0069,0.00394 -0.03569,0.00469 -0.06596,0.0017 -0.146893,0.031678 -0.20467,0.075793 -0.05616,0.04288 -0.114575,0.1322138 -0.128579,0.1966255 -0.0073,0.03381 -0.0098,0.1870555 -0.0077,0.487143 l 0.003,0.4378179 0.02708,0.055178 c 0.05407,0.110183 0.168593,0.1937229 0.279329,0.2037568 l 0.05526,0.00501 -0.0026,0.3641395 -0.0026,0.3641424 -0.04603,0.00442 c -0.108649,0.010438 -0.228054,0.097003 -0.282738,0.2049702 l -0.02772,0.054726 v 0.4663702 0.4663704 l 0.02484,0.052348 c 0.05223,0.1100514 0.151021,0.1860884 0.272585,0.2097874 l 0.05948,0.01159 v 0.359343 0.359339 l -0.05215,0.0065 c -0.112658,0.01408 -0.227057,0.101134 -0.279259,0.212513 l -0.02551,0.05442 v 0.461811 0.461811 l 0.03116,0.0633 c 0.0547,0.11112 0.160977,0.187558 0.284254,0.204455 l 0.0415,0.0057 v 0.359491 0.359485 l -0.04828,0.0067 c -0.06823,0.0094 -0.170244,0.06318 -0.21794,0.114924 -0.02203,0.02389 -0.05144,0.06775 -0.06537,0.09746 l -0.02532,0.05401 v 0.46637 0.466371 l 0.03014,0.05711 c 0.05728,0.108557 0.167641,0.188439 0.278455,0.201562 l 0.04832,0.0058 v 0.184272 0.184269 H 14.77319 14.598437 l -0.0059,-0.04988 c -0.01328,-0.112166 -0.102141,-0.229293 -0.213574,-0.281521 l -0.05442,-0.02551 H 13.86295 13.401338 l -0.0581,0.02686 c -0.108972,0.05036 -0.200551,0.17369 -0.211188,0.284406 l -0.0044,0.04565 h -0.364012 -0.364011 l -0.0046,-0.04736 c -0.01045,-0.109094 -0.10322,-0.23183 -0.21467,-0.284067 l -0.05442,-0.02551 H 11.66412 11.202302 l -0.06265,0.03085 c -0.109461,0.05389 -0.191799,0.165309 -0.205089,0.277524 l -0.0057,0.04811 -0.36403,0.0026 -0.364032,0.0026 -0.0048,-0.0531 c -0.01028,-0.113413 -0.09307,-0.225202 -0.2067846,-0.279199 l -0.061867,-0.02938 H 9.4657652 9.0041532 l -0.054423,0.02551 c -0.1097905,0.05145 -0.187097,0.152017 -0.2101597,0.273376 L 8.728544,14.94767 H 8.3697428 c -0.3340465,0 -0.3590362,0.0012 -0.3622629,0.01666 -0.0019,0.0092 -0.00421,-0.0075 -0.00513,-0.0371 -0.0044,-0.142289 -0.1129398,-0.281539 -0.254679,-0.326733 -0.04148,-0.01323 -0.1062308,-0.01486 -0.4949227,-0.01248 l -0.4471975,0.0027 -0.05235,0.02484 c -0.110647,0.0525 -0.1982105,0.168593 -0.2140526,0.283785 l -0.00664,0.04829 H 6.1729688 5.8134241 l -0.01164,-0.05917 c -0.023515,-0.11947 -0.097788,-0.217144 -0.2051933,-0.269797 l -0.056899,-0.02789 H 5.073321 4.6069507 l -0.056897,0.02789 c -0.1074054,0.05265 -0.1816786,0.150327 -0.2051932,0.269855 l -0.01164,0.05917 H 3.9736762 3.6141343 L 3.6074943,14.8994 C 3.5916486,14.784243 3.5040881,14.668157 3.3934381,14.61565 L 3.3410911,14.59081 2.892139,14.58811 c -0.426178,-0.0026 -0.4516585,-0.0018 -0.502298,0.01601 -0.1391965,0.04892 -0.2427477,0.18448 -0.2459655,0.321993 -6.543e-4,0.0276 -0.00244,0.05018 -0.00398,0.05018 -0.00154,0 -0.0028,-0.0065 -0.0028,-0.0145 z m 4.8159815,-0.889512 c 1.5323565,-0.09517 2.7778623,-0.522048 3.3235101,-1.139067 0.215772,-0.243994 0.321789,-0.500698 0.321789,-0.779151 0,-0.76941 -0.8519874,-1.411324 -2.2986896,-1.731905 -0.4310968,-0.09553 -0.8837723,-0.155865 -1.394198,-0.185836 -0.226751,-0.01331 -0.8297186,-0.01331 -1.0564696,0 -1.6906127,0.09927 -3.0053689,0.58483 -3.4881492,1.288229 -0.1430863,0.208476 -0.2082861,0.409447 -0.207391,0.639246 0.00131,0.336634 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+ d="M 0.95621838,15.297037 C 0.8591978,15.269514 0.76577267,15.191335 0.72095002,15.100168 l -0.0257986,-0.05247 v -0.46637 -0.46637 l 0.0280826,-0.05547 c 0.0730569,-0.144309 0.2396727,-0.22801 0.39145768,-0.196649 0.1493226,0.03085 0.2572573,0.136974 0.2883495,0.28352 0.014623,0.06892 0.014623,0.80102 0,0.869937 -0.034729,0.163674 -0.1678768,0.279348 -0.3326131,0.288953 -0.042066,0.0025 -0.0883278,-8.62e-4 -0.11420968,-0.0082 z m 1.44685092,-0.0014 C 2.2989768,15.257315 2.2212151,15.187473 2.177026,15.092641 c -0.021517,-0.04618 -0.025374,-0.0674 -0.02546,-0.140086 0,-0.07655 0.00311,-0.09244 0.030063,-0.149435 0.052932,-0.111908 0.1467322,-0.184189 0.2691649,-0.207406 0.069429,-0.01316 0.7802894,-0.01253 0.8528526,7.43e-4 0.031063,0.0057 0.081113,0.02342 0.1112239,0.03941 0.2730995,0.144971 0.2393842,0.551986 -0.054274,0.655198 -0.048929,0.01719 -0.080783,0.01835 -0.4880203,0.01772 -0.3341685,-5.05e-4 -0.4435574,-0.0036 -0.4695077,-0.01314 z m 2.1811429,-0.0051 c -0.1745264,-0.06339 -0.2756033,-0.258198 -0.2251094,-0.433854 0.039966,-0.139036 0.1442728,-0.234034 0.28567,-0.260172 0.075332,-0.01392 0.7817615,-0.01392 0.8570934,0 0.1413971,0.02614 0.2457038,0.121136 0.2856701,0.260172 0.046616,0.162173 -0.037665,0.344755 -0.1947877,0.421973 l -0.05306,0.02607 -0.4520926,0.0022 c -0.428117,0.0021 -0.4548137,0.0012 -0.5033834,-0.01642 z m 2.1996585,3.27e-4 c -0.097431,-0.03533 -0.1782884,-0.113404 -0.2180732,-0.210565 -0.012464,-0.03044 -0.017228,-0.06708 -0.017228,-0.132489 0,-0.07802 0.00347,-0.09782 0.025322,-0.144434 0.050298,-0.107296 0.1519248,-0.185432 0.2690965,-0.206894 0.072566,-0.01329 0.7834268,-0.01392 0.8528556,-7.44e-4 0.1626041,0.03083 0.2838352,0.160011 0.3005871,0.320283 0.01547,0.148027 -0.070951,0.297855 -0.2084378,0.361359 l -0.059222,0.02735 -0.4473343,0.0022 c -0.419912,0.002 -0.4504124,0.0011 -0.4975666,-0.01604 z m 2.2012436,0.0016 c -0.096283,-0.03388 -0.1732388,-0.104496 -0.2166666,-0.198871 -0.017371,-0.03775 -0.021162,-0.06301 -0.021213,-0.14129 0,-0.08854 0.00217,-0.09984 0.03116,-0.1588 0.052056,-0.105832 0.1447904,-0.175157 0.2637108,-0.197139 0.072168,-0.01335 0.7827816,-0.01392 0.8530337,-6.85e-4 0.3450378,0.06495 0.4099078,0.523169 0.095953,0.677776 l -0.063274,0.03116 -0.4475538,0.0023 c -0.4060179,0.002 -0.4519737,7.15e-4 -0.4951458,-0.01446 z m 2.2060827,0.0034 c -0.09772,-0.03098 -0.176062,-0.100175 -0.220343,-0.19462 -0.02211,-0.04715 -0.02508,-0.06534 -0.02508,-0.153427 0,-0.09084 0.0025,-0.104702 0.02679,-0.152285 0.05551,-0.108458 0.156864,-0.182422 0.275246,-0.200851 0.03742,-0.0058 0.221006,-0.0085 0.46067,-0.0066 0.391071,0.003 0.399481,0.0035 0.453517,0.02518 0.07073,0.02838 0.159844,0.110111 0.192232,0.176316 0.08955,0.183033 0.01136,0.402831 -0.174238,0.48984 l -0.05401,0.02533 -0.447335,0.0019 c -0.351149,0.0016 -0.455958,-8.03e-4 -0.487443,-0.01079 z m 2.198602,0 c -0.132216,-0.04191 -0.22439,-0.148682 -0.249924,-0.289493 -0.03393,-0.187152 0.09978,-0.37407 0.293709,-0.410578 0.06583,-0.01239 0.776994,-0.01262 0.852391,-2.97e-4 0.113191,0.01854 0.214493,0.09392 0.268788,0.200016 0.02436,0.0476 0.02679,0.06144 0.02679,0.152433 0,0.0939 -0.0019,0.104015 -0.03128,0.16368 -0.03627,0.07373 -0.09566,0.131379 -0.173348,0.168246 l -0.05235,0.02484 -0.447335,0.0019 c -0.351149,0.0016 -0.455958,-8.03e-4 -0.48744,-0.01079 z m 1.497755,-0.729224 c -0.09643,-0.01618 -0.197613,-0.08744 -0.249359,-0.175612 -0.0481,-0.08196 -0.05188,-0.121255 -0.05188,-0.538451 0,-0.212813 0.0041,-0.408611 0.0091,-0.435115 0.05001,-0.263702 0.355869,-0.383919 0.572393,-0.224973 0.05995,0.04401 0.117865,0.130382 0.132386,0.197438 0.0073,0.03364 0.0097,0.187058 0.0077,0.482384 l -0.003,0.433057 -0.02532,0.05401 c -0.05148,0.109818 -0.154729,0.18763 -0.274809,0.207115 -0.03385,0.0055 -0.06369,0.0095 -0.06631,0.009 -0.0027,-5.95e-4 -0.02553,-0.0046 -0.05091,-0.0088 z M 6.0465096,14.075331 c 0.00654,-0.0026 0.017252,-0.0026 0.023794,0 0.00654,0.0026 0.00119,0.0048 -0.011899,0.0048 -0.013085,0 -0.018438,-0.0022 -0.011896,-0.0048 z m 0.633111,-2.97e-4 c 0.00926,-0.0024 0.022111,-0.0023 0.028553,3.56e-4 0.00644,0.0026 -0.00113,0.0046 -0.016835,0.0044 -0.015705,-2.97e-4 -0.020978,-0.0023 -0.011718,-0.0047 z m 0.2240805,-0.0094 c 0.00687,-0.0027 0.01508,-0.0024 0.018242,7.44e-4 0.00316,0.0032 -0.00247,0.0054 -0.01249,0.005 -0.01109,-4.47e-4 -0.013344,-0.0027 -0.00576,-0.0058 z M 0.97640225,13.109949 C 0.87403161,13.089878 0.77651738,13.013134 0.72212768,12.909832 l -0.0269763,-0.05123 v -0.46637 -0.46637 l 0.0267235,-0.05442 c 0.0963515,-0.196212 0.33931332,-0.265296 0.52266622,-0.148615 0.060144,0.03827 0.09934,0.08469 0.1349141,0.159752 l 0.029528,0.06231 0.00305,0.409263 c 0.00325,0.436307 -3.866e-4,0.48593 -0.041557,0.56717 -0.04733,0.0934 -0.1509196,0.168782 -0.2602194,0.189358 -0.058291,0.01097 -0.074574,0.01088 -0.1338524,-7.43e-4 z m 1.61187865,-0.06813 -0.018132,-0.02141 0.021415,0.01813 c 0.020124,0.01704 0.025748,0.02469 0.018132,0.02469 -0.00182,0 -0.011443,-0.0096 -0.021415,-0.02141 z m 7.6099511,-0.03807 c 0.03944,-0.04202 0.04799,-0.04958 0.04799,-0.04243 0,0.0016 -0.02035,0.02187 -0.04521,0.04521 l -0.04521,0.04244 z m -7.7051279,-0.05711 -0.018132,-0.02141 0.021415,0.01813 c 0.01178,0.01 0.021415,0.0196 0.021415,0.02141 0,0.0076 -0.00766,0.002 -0.024698,-0.01813 z M 14.846015,12.364692 c -0.102008,-0.03327 -0.194496,-0.117909 -0.233017,-0.213247 -0.0218,-0.05395 -0.02193,-0.05686 -0.02193,-0.496841 0,-0.441662 0,-0.442688 0.02222,-0.497631 0.03114,-0.07716 0.108548,-0.15828 0.184486,-0.193349 0.05339,-0.02466 0.07,-0.02761 0.155194,-0.02761 0.0884,0 0.100009,0.0023 0.158208,0.03093 0.07447,0.03667 0.13296,0.09643 0.168403,0.172031 l 0.02531,0.05401 v 0.461612 0.461609 l -0.02559,0.05459 c -0.03284,0.07009 -0.107378,0.144404 -0.176802,0.176297 -0.06595,0.03029 -0.191204,0.03888 -0.256501,0.01759 z m -4.255657,-0.167576 c 0,-0.01308 0.0022,-0.01844 0.0048,-0.01189 0.0026,0.0066 0.0026,0.01725 0,0.02379 -0.0026,0.0066 -0.0048,0.0012 -0.0048,-0.01189 z m 0,-0.08566 c 0,-0.01308 0.0022,-0.01844 0.0048,-0.01189 0.0026,0.0066 0.0026,0.01725 0,0.02379 -0.0026,0.0066 -0.0048,0.0012 -0.0048,-0.0119 z M 2.4321421,11.432103 c 0,-0.002 0.0075,-0.0095 0.016657,-0.01665 0.015096,-0.01184 0.015431,-0.0115 0.00359,0.0036 -0.012434,0.01585 -0.020249,0.02089 -0.020249,0.01306 z m 0.1094544,-0.12014 c 0.020446,-0.02094 0.039319,-0.03807 0.041935,-0.03807 0.00261,0 -0.01197,0.01713 -0.032418,0.03807 -0.020446,0.02094 -0.039315,0.03807 -0.041932,0.03807 -0.00261,0 0.01197,-0.01713 0.032415,-0.03807 z M 0.91494657,10.898717 C 0.81563307,10.856927 0.74670995,10.786005 0.70996145,10.68779 0.69039615,10.6355 0.68993225,10.62207 0.69250765,10.18542 l 0.002647,-0.4486428 0.0255874,-0.054592 c 0.0326891,-0.06975 0.10705155,-0.1441124 0.17680145,-0.1768015 0.0478679,-0.022436 0.0663358,-0.025585 0.1499709,-0.025585 0.088515,0 0.099929,0.00223 0.1586755,0.03116 0.07841,0.038601 0.1498787,0.1138053 0.1807092,0.1901572 0.022004,0.054488 0.022087,0.056373 0.022087,0.4972721 0,0.440899 0,0.442782 -0.022087,0.497269 -0.029466,0.07297 -0.1037595,0.152927 -0.1769442,0.190431 -0.05053,0.0259 -0.069521,0.03012 -0.148365,0.03299 -0.0793348,0.0029 -0.0973121,3.86e-4 -0.14664016,-0.02036 z m 4.97035673,-0.65924 c 0.00687,-0.0027 0.015078,-0.0024 0.018242,7.43e-4 0.00316,0.0032 -0.00247,0.0054 -0.012493,0.005 -0.011087,-4.46e-4 -0.013341,-0.0027 -0.00575,-0.0058 z m 0.2468666,-0.0093 c 0.00654,-0.0027 0.017248,-0.0027 0.023794,0 0.00654,0.0026 0.00119,0.0048 -0.011898,0.0048 -0.013085,0 -0.018442,-0.0022 -0.011896,-0.0048 z m 0.4617904,-2.98e-4 c 0.00926,-0.0024 0.022111,-0.0023 0.028556,3.57e-4 0.00644,0.0026 -0.00113,0.0046 -0.016838,0.0044 -0.015705,-2.97e-4 -0.020978,-0.0023 -0.011718,-0.0047 z m 8.2484647,-0.05848 c -0.103932,-0.03435 -0.17179,-0.09594 -0.221939,-0.2014253 l -0.02942,-0.061858 -0.0029,-0.4164121 c -0.0025,-0.3566808 -7.44e-4,-0.424911 0.01225,-0.4756548 0.02786,-0.1087704 0.09523,-0.1943623 0.18903,-0.2401811 0.18302,-0.089402 0.390813,-0.018233 0.488505,0.1673116 l 0.02697,0.051232 v 0.4663703 0.4663699 l -0.02672,0.054413 C 15.199108,10.14256 15.007606,10.22599 14.842423,10.171383 Z M 11.459731,9.3608225 c 0.209341,-0.2093895 0.382762,-0.38071 0.385379,-0.38071 0.0026,0 -0.166521,0.1713205 -0.375863,0.38071 -0.209338,0.2093925 -0.382762,0.38071 -0.385379,0.38071 -0.0026,0 0.166521,-0.1713175 0.375863,-0.38071 z M 6.428879,9.5821106 6.405805,9.5559376 6.431978,9.5790116 c 0.014397,0.01269 0.026173,0.024469 0.026173,0.026173 0,0.00746 -0.0077,0.0014 -0.029272,-0.023074 z M 8.7376084,8.5970234 8.3569429,8.2139343 8.7400321,8.5945997 c 0.2107009,0.2093656 0.3830891,0.3817568 0.3830891,0.3830891 0,0.00671 -0.031705,-0.024606 -0.3855128,-0.3806654 z M 0.93599287,8.7148524 C 0.82326117,8.6776459 0.72317747,8.570972 0.69982639,8.4631324 0.69254331,8.4294946 0.69009876,8.2760769 0.69214778,7.9807477 L 0.69515142,7.547691 0.72047419,7.493676 C 0.84460784,7.2288798 1.2143322,7.2106379 1.3618586,7.4620307 c 0.048097,0.081964 0.051886,0.121258 0.051886,0.5384547 0,0.2128094 -0.00411,0.4086112 -0.00914,0.4351117 -0.021391,0.112803 -0.095141,0.2102905 -0.197024,0.2604453 -0.07995,0.039362 -0.186877,0.046768 -0.27158773,0.01881 z M 14.867085,7.9869601 c -0.14027,-0.036484 -0.240381,-0.140392 -0.270072,-0.280314 -0.0069,-0.032591 -0.0107,-0.1865083 -0.0107,-0.4349689 0,-0.2484635 0.0037,-0.4023808 0.0107,-0.4349688 0.02457,-0.115774 0.08996,-0.1998522 0.196331,-0.2524248 0.06801,-0.033608 0.07839,-0.035957 0.159109,-0.035957 0.07788,0 0.09241,0.00298 0.148119,0.030408 0.0757,0.037269 0.143982,0.1038011 0.178419,0.1738603 l 0.02591,0.052712 v 0.4663703 0.4663703 l -0.02808,0.055466 c -0.03716,0.073398 -0.120993,0.1507708 -0.192251,0.1774319 -0.06846,0.025611 -0.155838,0.032046 -0.217487,0.016014 z M 6.9078527,7.404914 6.9435337,7.367196 6.9744777,7.40012 7.0054237,7.433044 6.9744447,7.405265 6.9434687,7.377483 6.9078197,7.410057 6.8721747,7.442633 Z M 13.634537,7.1955334 c 0.0915,-0.091608 0.168498,-0.1665593 0.171114,-0.1665593 0.0027,0 -0.0701,0.074952 -0.161595,0.1665593 -0.0915,0.091608 -0.168499,0.1665624 -0.171115,0.1665624 -0.0027,0 0.0701,-0.074954 0.161596,-0.1665624 z M 0.95475819,6.5301021 C 0.85802311,6.5021593 0.75828735,6.4172752 0.71626612,6.3271244 0.69536256,6.2822839 0.69515142,6.2771717 0.69515142,5.8154615 V 5.3490913 l 0.0280826,-0.05547 c 0.0367574,-0.072608 0.12072257,-0.1503694 0.19287835,-0.1786304 0.041593,-0.016291 0.074862,-0.021623 0.13606193,-0.021804 0.071136,-2.974e-4 0.088762,0.00339 0.1446744,0.029554 0.1083095,0.050684 0.1817322,0.1424647 0.2061925,0.257751 0.014501,0.068337 0.014626,0.8007439 2.974e-4,0.8699377 -0.034022,0.1626219 -0.1695392,0.2797966 -0.3340495,0.2888432 -0.041849,0.00229 -0.0872751,-0.00133 -0.11438218,-0.00917 z M 13.244309,6.005815 c -0.211958,-0.2120065 -0.38324,-0.3854682 -0.38062,-0.3854682 0.0026,0 0.178179,0.1734617 0.390137,0.3854682 0.21196,0.2120096 0.383241,0.3854683 0.380624,0.3854683 -0.0026,0 -0.178181,-0.1734587 -0.390141,-0.3854683 z M 8.1856253,5.9820209 c 0.209339,-0.2093895 0.382762,-0.38071 0.3853791,-0.38071 0.00261,0 -0.1665206,0.1713205 -0.3758625,0.38071 -0.2093419,0.2093895 -0.3827621,0.38071 -0.3853791,0.38071 -0.00261,0 0.1665207,-0.1713205 0.3758625,-0.38071 z M 14.890882,5.7996671 c -0.101347,-0.016134 -0.19951,-0.083947 -0.252687,-0.1745621 -0.0481,-0.08196 -0.05188,-0.1212578 -0.05188,-0.5384546 0,-0.2128098 0.0041,-0.4086115 0.0091,-0.4351119 0.0409,-0.2156942 0.254203,-0.3441935 0.463485,-0.2792257 0.03582,0.011119 0.0857,0.035419 0.110841,0.054001 0.05661,0.041831 0.116285,0.1322761 0.130453,0.1976901 0.0073,0.033638 0.0097,0.1870554 0.0077,0.482385 l -0.003,0.4330566 -0.02532,0.054015 c -0.04837,0.1031943 -0.157427,0.189723 -0.256035,0.203165 -0.02324,0.00317 -0.05081,0.00703 -0.06128,0.00857 -0.01047,0.00154 -0.04259,-9.501e-4 -0.07138,-0.00553 z M 11.350277,5.1396988 c -0.21196,-0.2120067 -0.383239,-0.3854685 -0.380621,-0.3854685 0.0026,0 0.178178,0.1734618 0.39014,0.3854685 0.211959,0.2120095 0.383238,0.3854712 0.38062,0.3854712 -0.0026,0 -0.178181,-0.1734617 -0.390139,-0.3854712 z m -1.270621,-0.023794 c 0.209342,-0.2093898 0.382761,-0.3807103 0.385379,-0.3807103 0.0026,0 -0.16652,0.1713205 -0.37586,0.3807103 -0.2093418,0.2093925 -0.3827616,0.3807101 -0.3853787,0.3807101 -0.00261,0 0.1665211,-0.1713176 0.3758597,-0.3807101 z M 0.97592642,4.3418512 C 0.86071746,4.3158028 0.77023649,4.243421 0.72066155,4.1376512 L 0.69515142,4.0832288 V 3.6216171 3.1600081 l 0.0267235,-0.054419 c 0.0367842,-0.074907 0.0990012,-0.1358717 0.1757695,-0.1722395 0.0584105,-0.027672 0.071909,-0.030271 0.15442278,-0.029757 0.076834,4.758e-4 0.098668,0.00435 0.1453198,0.025727 0.06683,0.030629 0.1472914,0.1089936 0.1767746,0.1721651 0.037278,0.079876 0.040668,0.130135 0.037486,0.5557777 -0.00271,0.3610105 -0.00493,0.4117631 -0.01977,0.4497606 -0.067841,0.1736911 -0.244711,0.2735428 -0.41595118,0.2348282 z M 10.574579,3.6025842 c 0.209341,-0.2093924 0.382762,-0.38071 0.385382,-0.38071 0.0026,0 -0.166521,0.1713176 -0.375863,0.38071 -0.209342,0.2093891 -0.382762,0.3807096 -0.385379,0.3807096 -0.0026,0 0.166521,-0.1713205 0.37586,-0.3807096 z m 4.271436,-0.00375 c -0.131762,-0.04297 -0.225719,-0.1498371 -0.250739,-0.2851883 -0.0064,-0.034699 -0.009,-0.2022194 -0.007,-0.4609904 0.003,-0.3988657 0.0035,-0.4075078 0.02502,-0.4611778 0.02908,-0.072388 0.103423,-0.1526743 0.176828,-0.1909483 0.05433,-0.028324 0.0642,-0.030218 0.15803,-0.030292 0.09375,0 0.104063,0.00187 0.16297,0.030854 0.07455,0.036668 0.133001,0.09636 0.168477,0.1720313 l 0.02532,0.054015 V 2.888754 3.350363 l -0.02559,0.054592 c -0.03256,0.06947 -0.101719,0.1387474 -0.17364,0.1739346 -0.04626,0.022638 -0.07066,0.027993 -0.137885,0.030269 -0.05084,0.00173 -0.09681,-0.00217 -0.121778,-0.01032 z m -3.239974,-0.517349 c -0.01184,-0.015096 -0.0115,-0.015431 0.0036,-0.00359 0.01585,0.012434 0.02089,0.020249 0.01306,0.020249 -0.0019,0 -0.0095,-0.00749 -0.01665,-0.016657 z M 11.329456,2.9774283 c 0.0069,-0.00273 0.01508,-0.00241 0.01824,7.435e-4 0.0032,0.00316 -0.0025,0.00541 -0.01249,0.005 -0.01109,-4.461e-4 -0.01335,-0.0027 -0.0058,-0.00575 z m 0.03807,0 c 0.0069,-0.00273 0.01508,-0.00241 0.01824,7.435e-4 0.0032,0.00316 -0.0025,0.00541 -0.01249,0.005 -0.01109,-4.461e-4 -0.01335,-0.0027 -0.0058,-0.00575 z M 0.93119299,2.1386125 C 0.83504971,2.1045138 0.76328648,2.0394091 0.71990915,1.9469297 L 0.69515142,1.8941459 V 1.4230174 0.95188889 l 0.0255875,-0.0545919 C 0.753428,0.82754707 0.82779042,0.75318465 0.89754031,0.72049552 l 0.0545919,-0.0255874 H 1.4137442 1.8753533 l 0.054425,0.0255101 c 0.1488291,0.0697558 0.236229,0.23139634 0.2079859,0.38465338 -0.028439,0.1543098 -0.1427027,0.270176 -0.2946423,0.298776 -0.028196,0.00531 -0.1359519,0.00965 -0.2394586,0.00965 H 1.4154721 l -0.00375,0.2308045 C 1.4073321,1.9140648 1.3995081,1.9465368 1.3171521,2.036649 1.2464831,2.113971 1.1670354,2.1503741 1.0618307,2.1536424 1.0020557,2.1554824 0.9676532,2.1515324 0.93119609,2.1386094 Z M 14.529205,1.4142652 c -0.299879,-0.00491 -0.373623,-0.00873 -0.406018,-0.021008 -0.104654,-0.039675 -0.177327,-0.1046664 -0.220866,-0.1975235 -0.02186,-0.046616 -0.02508,-0.06572 -0.02508,-0.1486684 0,-0.0860498 0.0026,-0.10064276 0.02798,-0.15216264 0.03564,-0.072584 0.09943,-0.1363772 0.172017,-0.17201347 l 0.05699,-0.0279814 h 0.45685 0.456854 l 0.0546,0.0255875 c 0.06974,0.0326891 0.144113,0.10705154 0.176802,0.17680143 0.02291,0.0488821 0.02559,0.0655418 0.02559,0.15928818 0,0.095468 -0.0024,0.1094901 -0.02672,0.1591127 -0.03651,0.074348 -0.09911,0.1359995 -0.173397,0.1707614 -0.07575,0.035449 -0.08415,0.035853 -0.575578,0.027806 z M 3.1749574,1.4033748 C 3.0712396,1.382379 2.9577317,1.2924096 2.9160287,1.1981339 2.8366314,1.0186381 2.9177238,0.80413652 3.096717,0.72023084 l 0.054015,-0.0253228 h 0.461612 0.4616121 l 0.054015,0.0253228 C 4.3124243,0.80670004 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0.07259,0.0356392 0.1365734,0.0996227 0.1720997,0.17209971 0.025189,0.051389 0.027892,0.0661187 0.027892,0.15207642 3e-6,0.083177 -0.00319,0.10199 -0.02532,0.1491947 C 8.6525161,1.3036152 8.5508919,1.3817486 8.4337172,1.4032142 8.36662,1.4155053 7.635739,1.4156421 7.573406,1.4035116 Z m 2.199492,2.974e-4 C 9.6757168,1.3844935 9.5844923,1.3238556 9.534391,1.2451364 9.4064419,1.0441036 9.501226,0.78093711 9.7286582,0.70575092 c 0.043529,-0.0143877 0.096515,-0.0158212 0.4949228,-0.0133736 l 0.446177,0.002736 0.05441,0.0267175 c 0.07489,0.0367753 0.13588,0.0990042 0.172248,0.17577544 0.02759,0.0582409 0.03029,0.0721498 0.02997,0.15442284 -2.97e-4,0.078615 -0.0037,0.09741 -0.02629,0.1439487 -0.05392,0.1112002 -0.150336,0.1858689 -0.267781,0.2073821 -0.06662,0.012202 -0.7978266,0.01247 -0.8594192,3.271e-4 z m 2.186513,-0.00271 C 11.800516,1.3654696 11.686119,1.234163 11.675943,1.0755886 c -0.01063,-0.16550064 0.08594,-0.31262849 0.240936,-0.36710443 0.05031,-0.0176828 0.07661,-0.0185304 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0.2366 V 8.7299861 8.97398 h -0.2366 -0.236605 v 0.2366036 0.2365997 h 0.236605 0.2366 v 0.2366035 0.236604 h -0.2366 -0.236605 v 0.2366002 0.236603 h 0.236605 0.2366 v 0.243993 0.244 h -0.2366 -0.236605 v 0.236598 0.236604 h 0.236605 0.2366 v 0.236604 0.236599 h -0.2366 -0.236605 v 0.236603 0.236605 h -0.2366 -0.236603 v 0.243994 0.243994 h -0.236234 -0.236239 l -0.0041,-0.240297 -0.0041,-0.240302 h -0.236566 -0.236603 l -0.0041,0.240302 -0.0041,0.240297 H 10.83985 10.60361 V 12.545194 12.3012 h -0.236599 -0.236604 v 0.243994 0.243994 h 0.236604 0.236599 v 0.236604 0.236603 h 0.236604 0.2366 z M 12.51115,12.545194 V 12.3012 h 0.236605 0.2366 v 0.243994 0.243994 h -0.2366 -0.236605 z M 6.7883337,11.591393 V 11.354789 H 6.5517342 6.3151303 v 0.236604 0.236599 H 6.5517342 6.7883337 Z M 7.7347451,11.118185 V 10.408383 H 7.4984415 7.2621373 l -4.617e-4,0.709802 -4.618e-4,0.709807 h 0.2366039 0.2366039 v -0.709807 z m 4.3032019,0.236604 v -0.473202 h -0.236604 -0.236599 v 0.473202 0.473203 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+Jabiertxo (SVG stuff to integrate them in UI)</dc:description>
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+Jabiertxo (SVG stuff to integrate them in UI)</dc:description>
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+Jabiertxo (SVG stuff to integrate them in UI)</dc:description>
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+Ramon Miranda (design and SVG file)
+Jabiertxo (SVG stuff to integrate them in UI)</dc:description>
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+ <dc:description>This is a little contribution with Inkscape Project
+Ramon Miranda (design and SVG file)
+Jabiertxo (SVG stuff to integrate them in UI)</dc:description>
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+ <cc:Agent>
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+ <dc:description>This is a contribution with Inkscape Project from
+Ramon Miranda (design and SVG file)
+Jabiertxo (SVG stuff to integrate them in UI)</dc:description>
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+Ramon Miranda (design and SVG file)
+Jabiertxo (SVG stuff to integrate them in UI)</dc:description>
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+Ramon Miranda (design and SVG file)
+Jabiertxo (SVG stuff to integrate them in UI)</dc:description>
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+Ramon Miranda (design and SVG file)
+Jabiertxo (SVG stuff to integrate them in UI)</dc:description>
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+Jabiertxo (SVG stuff to integrate them in UI)</dc:description>
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+ <h1>Inkscape Icons</h1>
+ <p>Purpose: to display icons in this directory.</p>
+ <h2>Menus</h2>
+ <p>Note, icons not shown in menus by default.</p>
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+ <li>Clone original path (LPE)</li>
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+ <hr/>
+ <li><img src="dialog-xml-editor.svg" alt="X"/> XML Editor... (dialog-xml-editor)</li>
+ <li><img src="dialog-input-devices.svg" alt="X"/> Input Devices... (dialog-input-devices)</li>
+ <li><img src="gtk-preferences.svg" alt="X"/> Preferences... (gtk-preferences)</li>
+ </ul>
+ <h3>View</h3>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Zoom</li>
+ <ul>
+ <li><img src="zoom-in.svg" alt="X"/> Zoom In (zoom-in)</li>
+ <li><img src="zoom-out.svg" alt="X"/> Zoom Out (zoom-out)</li>
+ <hr/>
+ <li><img src="zoom-original.svg" alt="X"/> Zoom 1:1 (zoom-original)</li>
+ <li><img src="zoom-half-size.svg" alt="X"/> Zoom 1:2 (zoom-half-size)</li>
+ <li><img src="zoom-double-size.svg" alt="X"/> Zoom 2:1 (zoom-double-size)</li>
+ <hr/>
+ <li><img src="zoom-fit-selection.svg" alt="X"/> Selection (zoom-fit-selection)</li>
+ <li><img src="zoom-fit-drawing.svg" alt="X"/> Drawing (zoom-fit-drawing)</li>
+ <li><img src="zoom-fit-page.svg" alt="X"/> Page (zoom-fit-page)</li>
+ <li><img src="zoom-fit-width.svg" alt="X"/> Page Width (zoom-fit-width)</li>
+ <hr/>
+ <li><img src="zoom-previous.svg" alt="X"/> Previous Zoom (zoom-previous)</li>
+ <li><img src="zoom-next.svg" alt="X"/> Next Zoom (zoom-next)</li>
+ </ul>
+ <li>Display mode</li>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Toggle</li>
+ <li>Normal</li>
+ <li>No Filters</li>
+ <li>Outline</li>
+ </ul>
+ <li>Color display mode</li>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Toggle</li>
+ <li>Normal</li>
+ <li>Grayscale</li>
+ </ul>
+ <hr/>
+ <li>Page Grid</li>
+ <li>Guides</li>
+ <li>Color-managed view</li>
+ <hr/>
+ <li>Show/Hide</li>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Command Bar</li>
+ <li>....</li>
+ </ul>
+ <li><img src="show-dialogs.svg" alt="X"/> Show/Hide (show-dialogs)</li>
+ <hr/>
+ <li><img src="gtk-select-color.svg" alt="X"/> Swatches... (gtk-select-color)</li>
+ <li><img src="dialog-messages.svg" alt="X"/> Messages... (dialog-messages)</li>
+ <hr/>
+ <li><img src="window-previous.svg" alt="X"/> Previous Window (window-previous)</li>
+ <li><img src="window-next.svg" alt="X"/> Next Window (window-next)</li>
+ <hr/>
+ <li><img src="dialog-icon-preview.svg" alt="X"/> Icon Preview... (dialog-icon-preview)</li>
+ <li><img src="window-new.svg" alt="X"/> Duplicate Window (???)</li>
+ <hr/>
+ <li><img src="view-fullscreen.svg" alt="X"/> Fullscreen (view-fullscreen???)</li>
+ <hr/>
+ <li>Default</li>
+ <li>Custom</li>
+ <li>Wide</li>
+ </ul>
+ <h3>Layer</h3>
+ <ul>
+ <li><img src="layer-new.svg" alt="X"/> Add Layer... (layer-new)</li>
+ <li><img src="layer-rename.svg" alt="X"/> Rename Layer... (layer-rename)</li>
+ <hr/>
+ <li>Show/Hide Current Layer</li>
+ <li>Lock/Unlock Current Layer</li>
+ <hr/>
+ <li><img src="layer-previous.svg" alt="X"/> (layer-previous)</li>
+ <li><img src="layer-next.svg" alt="X"/> (layer-next)</li>
+ <hr/>
+ <li><img src="selection-move-to-layer-above.svg" alt="X"/> Move Selection to Layer Above (selection-move-to-layer-above)</li>
+ <li><img src="selection-move-to-layer-below.svg" alt="X"/> Move Selection to Layer Below (selection-move-to-layer-below)</li>
+ <li><img src="layer-rename.svg" alt="X"/> Move Selection to Layer... (layer-rename)</li>
+ <hr/>
+ <li><img src="layer-raise.svg" alt="X"/> Raise Layer (layer-raise)</li>
+ <li><img src="layer-lower.svg" alt="X"/> Lower Layer (layer-lower)</li>
+ <li><img src="layer-top.svg" alt="X"/> (layer-top)</li>
+ <li><img src="layer-bottom.svg" alt="X"/> (layer-bottom)</li>
+ <hr/>
+ <li><img src="layer-duplicate.svg" alt="X"/> Duplicate Current Layer (layer-duplicate)</li>
+ <li><img src="layer-delete.svg" alt="X"/> Delete Current Layer (layer-delete)</li>
+ <hr/>
+ <li><img src="dialog-layers.svg" alt="X"/> Layers... (dialog-layers)</li>
+ </ul>
+ <h3>Object</h3>
+ <ul>
+ <li><img src="dialog-layers.svg" alt="X"/> Objects... (dialog-layers)</li>
+ <li><img src="edit-select-all-layers.svg" alt="X"/> Selection sets... (edit-select-all-layers)</li>
+ <li>Style Dialog...</li>
+ <hr/>
+ <li><img src="dialog-fill-and-stroke.svg" alt="X"/> (dialog-fill-and-stroke)</li>
+ <li><img src="dialog-object-properties.svg" alt="X"/> (dialog-object-properties)</li>
+ <li><img src="symbols.svg" alt="X"/> Symbols (symbols)</li>
+ <hr/>
+ <hr/>
+ <li><img src="object-group.svg" alt="X"/> Group (object-group)</li>
+ <li><img src="object-ungroup.svg" alt="X"/> Ungroup (object-ungroup)</li>
+ <li><img src="object-ungroup-pop-selection.svg" alt="X"/> Pop selected objects out of group (object-ungroup-pop-selection)</li>
+ <hr/>
+ <li>Clip</li>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Set</li>
+ <li>Release</li>
+ </ul>
+ <li>Mask</li>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Set</li>
+ <li>Release</li>
+ </ul>
+ <li>Pattern</li>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Objects to Pattern</li>
+ <li>Pattern to Objects</li>
+ </ul>
+ <li>Objects to Markers</li>
+ <li>Objects to Guides</li>
+ <hr/>
+ <li><img src="selection-raise.svg" alt="X"/> Raise (selection-raise)</li>
+ <li><img src="selection-lower.svg" alt="X"/> Lower (selection-lower)</li>
+ <li><img src="selection-top.svg" alt="X"/> Raise to Top (selection-top)</li>
+ <li><img src="selection-bottom.svg" alt="X"/> Lower to Bottom (selection-bottom)</li>
+ <hr/>
+ <li><img src="object-rotate-right.svg" alt="X"/> Rotate 90 CW (object-rotate-right)</li>
+ <li><img src="object-rotate-left.svg" alt="X"/> Rotate 90 CCW (object-rotate-left)</li>
+ <li><img src="object-flip-horizontal.svg" alt="X"/> Flip Horizontal (object-flip-horizontal)</li>
+ <li><img src="object-flip-vertical.svg" alt="X"/> Flip Vertical (object-flip-vertical)</li>
+ <hr/>
+ <li>Unhide All</li>
+ <li>Unlock All</li>
+ <hr/>
+ <li><img src="dialog-transform.svg" alt="X"/> Transform... (dialog-transform)</li>
+ <li><img src="dialog-align-and-distribute.svg" alt="X"/> Align and Distribute... (dialog-align-and-distribute)</li>
+ <li><img src="dialog-rows-and-columns.svg" alt="X"/> Arrange... (dialog-rows-and-columns)</li>
+ </ul>
+ <h3>Path</h3>
+ <ul>
+ <li><img src="object-to-path.svg" alt="X"/> Object to Path (object-to-path)</li>
+ <li><img src="stroke-to-path.svg" alt="X"/> Stroke to Path (stroke-to-path)</li>
+ <li><img src="bitmap-trace.svg" alt="X"/> Trace Bitmap... (bitmap-trace)</li>
+ <li><img src="pixelart-trace.svg" alt="X"/> Trace Pixel Art (pixelart-trace)</li>
+ <hr/>
+ <li><img src="path-union.svg" alt="X"/> Union (path-union)</li>
+ <li><img src="path-difference.svg" alt="X"/> Difference (path-difference)</li>
+ <li><img src="path-intersection.svg" alt="X"/> Intersection (path-intersection)</li>
+ <li><img src="path-exclusion.svg" alt="X"/> Exclusion (path-exclusion)</li>
+ <li><img src="path-division.svg" alt="X"/> Division (path-division)</li>
+ <li><img src="path-cut.svg" alt="X"/> Cut Path (path-cut)</li>
+ <hr/>
+ <li><img src="path-combine.svg" alt="X"/> Combine (path-combine)</li>
+ <li><img src="path-break-apart.svg" alt="X"/> Break Apart (path-break-apart)</li>
+ <hr/>
+ <li><img src="path-inset.svg" alt="X"/> Inset (path-inset)</li>
+ <li><img src="path-outset.svg" alt="X"/> Outset (path-outset)</li>
+ <li><img src="path-offset-dynamic.svg" alt="X"/> Dynamic Offset (path-offset-dynamic)</li>
+ <li><img src="path-offset-linked.svg" alt="X"/> Linked Offset (path-offset-linked)</li>
+ <hr/>
+ <li><img src="path-simplify.svg" alt="X"/> Simplify (path-simplify)</li>
+ <li><img src="path-reverse.svg" alt="X"/> Reverser (path-reverse)</li>
+ <hr/>
+ <li><img src="dialog-path-effects.svg" alt="X"/> Path Effects... (dialog-path-effects)</li>
+ <li>Paste Path Effect</li>
+ <li>Remove Path Effect</li>
+ </ul>
+ <h3>Text</h3>
+ <ul>
+ <li><img src="dialog-text-and-font.svg" alt="X"/> Text and Font... (dialog-text-and-font)</li>
+ <li>SVG Font Editor...</li>
+ <li><img src="gtk-select-font.svg" alt="X"/> Glyphs... (gtk-select-font)</li>
+ <hr/>
+ <li><img src="text-put-on-path.svg" alt="X"/> (text-put-on-path)</li>
+ <li><img src="text-remove-from-path.svg" alt="X"/> (text-remove-from-path)</li>
+ <hr/>
+ <li><img src="text-flow-into-frame.svg" alt="X"/> Flow into Frame (text-flow-into-frame)</li>
+ <li><img src="text-unflow.svg" alt="X"/> Unflow (text-unflow)</li>
+ <li><img src="text-convert-to-regular.svg" alt="X"/> Convert to Text (text-convert-to-regular)</li>
+ <hr/>
+ <li><img src="text-unkern.svg" alt="X"/> Remove Manual Kerns (text-unkern)</li>
+ <hr/>
+ <li><img src="tools-check-spelling.svg" alt="X"/> Check Spelling... (tools-check-spelling)</li>
+ </ul>
+ <h3>Filters</h3>
+ <ul>
+ <li>...</li>
+ <hr/>
+ <li><img src="dialog-filters.svg" alt="X"/> Filter Editor... (dialog-filters)</li>
+ <li>Remove Filters</li>
+ </ul>
+ <h3>Extensions</h3>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Previous Extension</li>
+ <li>Previous Extension Settings...</li>
+ <hr/>
+ <li>...</li>
+ </ul>
+ <h3>Help</h3>
+ <ul>
+ <li>...</li>
+ <hr/>
+ <li><img src="dialog-memory.svg" alt="X"/> About Memory (dialog-memory)</li>
+ <li><img src="inkscape-logo.svg" alt="X"/> About Inkscape (inkscape-logo)</li>
+ </ul>
+ <h2>Tools</h2>
+ <h3>Selection</h3>
+ <h3>Node</h3>
+ <h3>Tweak</h3>
+ <h3>Zoom</h3>
+ <h3>Ruler</h3>
+ <h3>Rectangle</h3>
+ <h3>Box</h3>
+ <h3>Ellipse</h3>
+ <h3>Star</h3>
+ <ul>
+ <li><img src="draw-star.svg" alt="draw-star.svg"/></li>
+ </ul>
+ <h3>Spiral</h3>
+ <h3>Pencil</h3>
+ <h3>Pen</h3>
+ <h3>Caligraphic</h3>
+ <h3>Spray</h3>
+ <h3>Eraser</h3>
+ <h3>Paint Bucket</h3>
+ <h3>Gradient</h3>
+ <h3>Mesh</h3>
+ <h3>Dropper</h3>
+ <h3>Connector</h3>
+ <h3>Geometric</h3>
+ <h2>Dialogs</h2>
+ <h3>Fill and Stroke</h3>
+ <h3>etc.</h3>
+ </body>
diff --git a/share/icons/hicolor/symbolic/actions/image-missing-symbolic.svg b/share/icons/hicolor/symbolic/actions/image-missing-symbolic.svg
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+Ramon Miranda (design and SVG file)
+Jabiertxo (SVG stuff to integrate them in UI)</dc:description>
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+Ramon Miranda (design and SVG file)
+Jabiertxo (SVG stuff to integrate them in UI)</dc:description>
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+ <dc:title>LiveEffect Icons proposal</dc:title>
+ <dc:date>13 Jan 2019</dc:date>
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+ <dc:title>Ramón Miranda</dc:title>
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+ <dc:description>This is a contribution with Inkscape Project from
+Ramon Miranda (design and SVG file)
+Jabiertxo (SVG stuff to integrate them in UI)</dc:description>
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+ <dc:title>Ramon Miranda
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3.958984 L 8.759766 3.523438 C 8.928643 3.551925 9.095781 3.590102 9.257812 3.636719 L 9.134766 4.064453 C 9.00911 4.028323 8.880331 3.996766 8.75 3.972656 L 8.683594 4.333984 C 8.820982 4.359808 8.956855 4.392792 9.089844 4.433594 L 9.197266 4.078125 C 9.323571 4.116751 9.447258 4.162645 9.568359 4.212891 L 9.738281 3.804688 C 9.895876 3.870035 10.04925 3.943415 10.19727 4.025391 L 9.982422 4.414062 C 9.867841 4.350599 9.747916 4.292664 9.626953 4.240234 L 9.482422 4.578125 C 9.610423 4.633611 9.73442 4.696286 9.855469 4.765625 L 10.03906 4.445312 C 10.15322 4.510924 10.26397 4.580203 10.37109 4.65625 L 10.62695 4.296875 C 10.76554 4.395383 10.89896 4.502177 11.02539 4.615234 L 10.72852 4.947266 C 10.63059 4.859692 10.52987 4.775236 10.42383 4.697266 L 10.20703 4.994141 C 10.31941 5.076359 10.42633 5.165072 10.5293 5.259766 L 10.7793 4.988281 C 10.87602 5.077458 10.96871 5.17132 11.05664 5.269531 L 11.38477 4.974609 C 11.49784 5.101036 11.6046 5.234461 11.70312 5.373047 L 11.33984 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8.230469 C 12.09384 8.154399 12.0957 8.07715 12.0957 8 C 12.0957 7.944754 12.0938 7.890657 12.0918 7.835938 L 11.72852 7.849609 C 11.73432 7.989896 11.7313 8.131096 11.7207 8.269531 L 12.08984 8.294922 C 12.08044 8.427339 12.06487 8.558389 12.04297 8.6875 L 12.47656 8.759766 C 12.44815 8.928643 12.40988 9.095782 12.36328 9.257812 L 11.9375 9.134766 C 11.9736 9.009118 12.00324 8.880323 12.02734 8.75 L 11.66797 8.683594 C 11.64218 8.820965 11.60711 8.956855 11.56641 9.089844 L 11.92188 9.197266 C 11.8832 9.32356 11.83936 9.447266 11.78906 9.568359 L 12.19531 9.738281 C 12.12996 9.89587 12.05661 10.04925 11.97461 10.19727 L 11.58594 9.982422 C 11.64941 9.867836 11.70727 9.749879 11.75977 9.628906 L 11.42188 9.482422 C 11.36639 9.610407 11.30376 9.734443 11.23438 9.855469 L 11.55664 10.04102 C 11.49103 10.15517 11.41975 10.26399 11.34375 10.37109 L 11.70312 10.62695 C 11.60464 10.76553 11.49784 10.89897 11.38477 11.02539 L 11.05469 10.72852 C 11.14224 10.63062 11.22483 10.52987 11.30273 10.42383 L 11.00781 10.20703 C 10.92557 10.31942 10.83689 10.42636 10.74219 10.5293 L 11.01367 10.7793 C 10.9245 10.87601 10.82867 10.96884 10.73047 11.05664 L 11.02539 11.38477 C 10.89897 11.49781 10.76553 11.60464 10.62695 11.70312 L 10.37109 11.33984 C 10.47849 11.26351 10.58029 11.18376 10.67969 11.09766 L 10.44141 10.82227 C 10.33656 10.91326 10.22707 10.99667 10.11133 11.07617 L 10.32031 11.38086 C 10.21209 11.45525 10.09813 11.52389 9.982422 11.58789 L 10.19727 11.97461 C 10.04925 12.05659 9.895867 12.12992 9.738281 12.19531 L 9.568359 11.78516 C 9.690344 11.73456 9.808087 11.67899 9.923828 11.61719 L 9.751953 11.29492 C 9.629994 11.35972 9.504096 11.41705 9.373047 11.46875 L 9.507812 11.8125 C 9.386247 11.86049 9.262085 11.90295 9.134766 11.93945 L 9.257812 12.36328 C 9.095785 12.4099 8.928653 12.44806 8.759766 12.47656 L 8.6875 12.03906 C 8.817978 12.01706 8.946307 11.98723 9.072266 11.95312 L 8.976562 11.60156 C 8.840454 11.63856 8.702971 11.6665 8.566406 11.6875 L 8.623047 12.05078 C 8.547756 12.06228 8.471241 12.07308 8.394531 12.08008 C 8.339682 12.08578 8.285009 12.0888 8.230469 12.0918 L 8.253906 12.5332 C 8.169679 12.5382 8.08537 12.53906 8 12.53906 C 7.914656 12.53906 7.830324 12.5372 7.746094 12.5332 L 7.769531 12.08984 C 7.845601 12.09384 7.92284 12.0957 8 12.0957 C 8.055246 12.0957 8.109344 12.0938 8.164062 12.0918 L 8.150391 11.72852 C 8.010059 11.73432 7.870899 11.7313 7.732422 11.7207 L 7.705078 12.08984 C 7.572658 12.08044 7.441606 12.06487 7.3125 12.04297 L 7.240234 12.47656 C 7.07135 12.44814 6.906175 12.40998 6.744141 12.36328 L 6.865234 11.9375 C 6.990887 11.9736 7.119699 12.00324 7.25 12.02734 L 7.316406 11.66797 C 7.179007 11.64217 7.043167 11.60721 6.910156 11.56641 L 6.802734 11.92188 C 6.676401 11.8832 6.552773 11.83741 6.431641 11.78711 L 6.261719 12.19531 C 6.104133 12.12998 5.950753 12.05661 5.802734 11.97461 L 6.019531 11.58594 C 6.134129 11.6494 6.252103 11.7073 6.373047 11.75977 L 6.519531 11.42188 C 6.391524 11.36637 6.265579 11.30376 6.144531 11.23438 L 5.960938 11.55664 C 5.846775 11.49103 5.735996 11.41975 5.628906 11.34375 L 5.373047 11.70312 C 5.234462 11.60464 5.101033 11.49781 4.974609 11.38477 L 5.271484 11.05469 C 5.369405 11.14225 5.472099 11.2248 5.578125 11.30273 L 5.794922 11.00781 C 5.682538 10.92557 5.573664 10.83689 5.470703 10.74219 L 5.220703 11.01367 C 5.124022 10.92454 5.031229 10.83062 4.943359 10.73242 L 4.615234 11.02539 C 4.502177 10.89896 4.395375 10.76552 4.296875 10.62695 L 4.660156 10.37109 C 4.736486 10.4785 4.818175 10.58023 4.904297 10.67969 L 5.179688 10.44141 C 5.088726 10.33655 5.003258 10.22705 4.923828 10.11133 L 4.619141 10.32031 C 4.544742 10.21206 4.476119 10.09815 4.412109 9.982422 L 4.025391 10.19727 C 3.943415 10.04925 3.870027 9.89587 3.804688 9.738281 L 4.214844 9.568359 C 4.265439 9.690367 4.322963 9.80807 4.384766 9.923828 L 4.707031 9.751953 C 4.642224 9.629987 4.58301 9.504105 4.53125 9.373047 L 4.1875 9.509766 C 4.139459 9.388205 4.097097 9.262075 4.060547 9.134766 L 3.636719 9.257812 C 3.59012 9.095778 3.551897 8.928651 3.523438 8.759766 L 3.962891 8.6875 C 3.984899 8.81796 4.012862 8.946319 4.046875 9.072266 L 4.398438 8.976562 C 4.361457 8.84044 4.33357 8.702989 4.3125 8.566406 L 3.949219 8.623047 C 3.937719 8.547763 3.927422 8.471241 3.919922 8.394531 C 3.914742 8.339664 3.911403 8.285009 3.908203 8.230469 L 3.466797 8.253906 C 3.462397 8.16967 3.460938 8.08537 3.460938 8 C 3.460938 7.914648 3.462197 7.830334 3.466797 7.746094 L 3.910156 7.769531 C 3.905856 7.845601 3.904297 7.92285 3.904297 8 C 3.904297 8.055256 3.906103 8.111296 3.908203 8.166016 L 4.271484 8.150391 C 4.265874 8.010051 4.269157 7.870892 4.279297 7.732422 L 3.910156 7.705078 C 3.919546 7.57266 3.937104 7.44161 3.958984 7.3125 L 3.523438 7.240234 C 3.551925 7.071357 3.590103 6.906178 3.636719 6.744141 L 4.064453 6.865234 C 4.028323 6.990898 3.996766 7.119696 3.972656 7.25 L 4.333984 7.316406 C 4.359813 7.178993 4.392779 7.045132 4.433594 6.912109 L 4.078125 6.802734 C 4.116762 6.676386 4.162596 6.552777 4.212891 6.431641 L 3.804688 6.261719 C 3.870035 6.104132 3.943416 5.952707 4.025391 5.804688 L 4.414062 6.019531 C 4.350579 6.134157 4.292677 6.252068 4.240234 6.373047 L 4.578125 6.519531 C 4.633614 6.391537 4.696282 6.265562 4.765625 6.144531 L 4.443359 5.960938 C 4.508974 5.846771 4.580189 5.73601 4.65625 5.628906 L 4.296875 5.373047 C 4.395379 5.234461 4.502177 5.101036 4.615234 4.974609 L 4.947266 5.271484 C 4.8597 5.369402 4.775227 5.472105 4.697266 5.578125 L 4.994141 5.794922 C 5.076353 5.682563 5.165086 5.573655 5.259766 5.470703 L 4.988281 5.220703 C 5.077441 5.123999 5.171342 5.031244 5.269531 4.943359 L 4.974609 4.615234 C 5.101033 4.502177 5.234462 4.395383 5.373047 4.296875 L 5.630859 4.660156 C 5.523449 4.736504 5.419702 4.818157 5.320312 4.904297 L 5.558594 5.179688 C 5.663448 5.088717 5.774877 5.003268 5.890625 4.923828 L 5.681641 4.619141 C 5.789903 4.544741 5.901839 4.476126 6.017578 4.412109 L 5.802734 4.025391 C 5.950746 3.943415 6.104129 3.870034 6.261719 3.804688 L 6.431641 4.214844 C 6.309634 4.265438 6.191896 4.323055 6.076172 4.384766 L 6.248047 4.707031 C 6.370029 4.642213 6.495871 4.583022 6.626953 4.53125 L 6.492188 4.1875 C 6.613806 4.139441 6.73787 4.097104 6.865234 4.060547 L 6.744141 3.636719 C 6.90618 3.590122 7.071355 3.551906 7.240234 3.523438 L 7.314453 3.962891 C 7.183942 3.984908 7.05564 4.012859 6.929688 4.046875 L 7.023438 4.400391 C 7.15958 4.363381 7.29699 4.33355 7.433594 4.3125 L 7.378906 3.949219 C 7.454198 3.937709 7.528769 3.927422 7.605469 3.919922 C 7.66034 3.914742 7.714931 3.911403 7.769531 3.908203 L 7.746094 3.466797 C 7.830326 3.461897 7.91466 3.460938 8 3.460938 z M 4.109375 3.480469 L 4.398438 3.818359 C 4.24146 3.953627 4.092796 4.097168 3.953125 4.248047 L 3.626953 3.945312 C 3.478586 4.105512 3.337904 4.271144 3.208984 4.445312 L 2.851562 4.181641 C 2.99367 3.989662 3.146417 3.805122 3.310547 3.628906 L 3.636719 3.931641 C 3.632892 3.93575 3.630768 3.941194 3.626953 3.945312 C 3.77789 3.782261 3.939673 3.626703 4.109375 3.480469 z M 4.859375 3.484375 L 5.113281 3.847656 C 4.957463 3.956082 4.809496 4.072982 4.667969 4.197266 L 4.375 3.863281 C 4.528992 3.728051 4.689767 3.602395 4.859375 3.484375 z M 11.22461 3.544922 C 11.39106 3.665342 11.55078 3.795024 11.70312 3.933594 L 11.4043 4.263672 C 11.26423 4.136271 11.11792 4.016994 10.96484 3.90625 L 11.22461 3.544922 z M 5.621094 3.587891 L 5.832031 3.978516 C 5.681073 4.059948 5.536231 4.148956 5.396484 4.246094 L 5.142578 3.880859 C 5.295949 3.774256 5.455355 3.677308 5.621094 3.587891 z M 12.05469 3.626953 C 12.21774 3.777896 12.3733 3.939671 12.51953 4.109375 L 12.18164 4.398438 C 12.04637 4.241459 11.90281 4.092794 11.75195 3.953125 L 12.05469 3.626953 z M 10.4707 3.638672 C 10.63394 3.73133 10.79185 3.833356 10.94336 3.943359 L 10.68164 4.302734 C 10.54349 4.202427 10.40074 4.109851 10.25195 4.025391 L 10.4707 3.638672 z M 12.86914 3.830078 C 13.02389 4.010889 13.16918 4.200171 13.30469 4.400391 L 12.9375 4.650391 C 12.81142 4.464093 12.67517 4.287319 12.53125 4.119141 L 12.86914 3.830078 z M 4.699219 4.228516 L 4.992188 4.5625 C 4.863502 4.675268 4.742011 4.793792 4.626953 4.919922 L 4.298828 4.621094 C 4.425011 4.48277 4.558051 4.35222 4.699219 4.228516 z M 3.933594 4.296875 L 4.263672 4.595703 C 4.136269 4.735786 4.017 4.882086 3.90625 5.035156 L 3.544922 4.775391 C 3.665349 4.608946 3.795024 4.449234 3.933594 4.296875 z M 11.37891 4.298828 C 11.51724 4.425016 11.64778 4.558051 11.77148 4.699219 L 11.4375 4.992188 C 11.32475 4.863501 11.20621 4.742011 11.08008 4.626953 L 11.37891 4.298828 z M 12.13477 4.375 C 12.27001 4.528994 12.3976 4.689766 12.51562 4.859375 L 12.15039 5.113281 C 12.04197 4.957462 11.92506 4.809494 11.80078 4.667969 L 12.13477 4.375 z M 3.201172 4.460938 L 3.558594 4.724609 C 3.436036 4.891052 3.323706 5.063523 3.220703 5.242188 L 2.835938 5.019531 C 2.726913 5.208842 2.626627 5.401933 2.539062 5.601562 L 2.130859 5.423828 C 2.227038 5.204546 2.336709 4.990908 2.457031 4.783203 L 2.841797 5.005859 C 2.839309 5.010154 2.838413 5.015231 2.835938 5.019531 C 2.94719 4.826565 3.068777 4.640745 3.201172 4.460938 z M 12.92578 4.638672 C 13.05046 4.821621 13.16657 5.013959 13.27148 5.212891 L 12.87891 5.419922 C 12.78184 5.23586 12.67389 5.057879 12.55859 4.888672 L 12.92578 4.638672 z M 13.67383 5.017578 C 13.72916 5.123053 13.78203 5.230185 13.83203 5.339844 C 13.88205 5.449503 13.9274 5.560939 13.9707 5.671875 L 13.55664 5.833984 C 13.51637 5.730653 13.47433 5.627603 13.42773 5.525391 C 13.38108 5.423176 13.3308 5.322839 13.2793 5.224609 L 13.67383 5.017578 z M 3.943359 5.056641 L 4.302734 5.318359 C 4.202427 5.456511 4.109861 5.599247 4.025391 5.748047 L 3.638672 5.529297 C 3.73133 5.366065 3.833355 5.208149 3.943359 5.056641 z M 12.11914 5.142578 C 12.22576 5.295947 12.32269 5.455352 12.41211 5.621094 L 12.02148 5.832031 C 11.94004 5.681069 11.85101 5.536232 11.75391 5.396484 L 12.11914 5.142578 z M 3.212891 5.294922 L 3.599609 5.513672 C 3.506588 5.678119 3.421932 5.8473 3.347656 6.021484 L 2.939453 5.847656 C 3.020242 5.658212 3.111746 5.473736 3.212891 5.294922 z M 12.83984 5.384766 C 12.93682 5.564472 13.02425 5.750869 13.10156 5.943359 L 12.6875 6.109375 C 12.61644 5.93249 12.53637 5.760779 12.44727 5.595703 L 12.83984 5.384766 z M 2.535156 5.617188 L 2.941406 5.794922 C 2.85892 5.983946 2.787593 6.177517 2.726562 6.375 L 2.302734 6.244141 C 2.368667 6.030804 2.446071 5.821335 2.535156 5.617188 z M 13.54883 5.820312 C 13.58925 5.923474 13.62704 6.028288 13.66211 6.134766 C 13.69716 6.241253 13.72897 6.348099 13.75781 6.455078 L 13.33008 6.570312 C 13.30348 6.471204 13.27273 6.372158 13.24023 6.273438 C 13.20779 6.174726 13.17227 6.077962 13.13477 5.982422 L 13.54883 5.820312 z M 3.388672 6.033203 L 3.798828 6.207031 C 3.731905 6.36351 3.672365 6.525164 3.623047 6.689453 L 3.197266 6.560547 C 3.251381 6.380163 3.315226 6.204937 3.388672 6.033203 z M 1.880859 6.097656 L 2.304688 6.228516 C 2.238421 6.441385 2.182834 6.657542 2.140625 6.876953 L 1.705078 6.792969 C 1.750435 6.55726 1.809679 6.326283 1.880859 6.097656 z M 12.65234 6.130859 C 12.72168 6.30358 12.78181 6.481791 12.83203 6.664062 L 12.40234 6.78125 C 12.35662 6.615187 12.30138 6.454166 12.23828 6.296875 L 12.65234 6.130859 z M 14.19531 6.355469 C 14.25764 6.589066 14.30674 6.823188 14.3418 7.058594 L 13.90234 7.125 C 13.86971 6.906045 13.82362 6.686104 13.76562 6.46875 L 14.19531 6.355469 z M 2.728516 6.427734 L 3.154297 6.554688 C 3.100266 6.735121 3.057092 6.918651 3.023438 7.105469 L 2.585938 7.027344 C 2.622571 6.823991 2.66973 6.624057 2.728516 6.427734 z M 13.29883 6.529297 C 13.32613 6.627775 13.35105 6.727106 13.37305 6.828125 C 13.39505 6.929148 13.41329 7.029988 13.42969 7.130859 L 12.99023 7.201172 C 12.97523 7.108357 12.9578 7.014905 12.9375 6.921875 C 12.9172 6.828852 12.89414 6.737104 12.86914 6.646484 L 13.29883 6.529297 z M 2.140625 6.892578 L 2.578125 6.976562 C 2.539785 7.178557 2.511604 7.383214 2.496094 7.589844 L 2.052734 7.556641 C 2.036157 7.773124 2.029479 7.990337 2.037109 8.208984 L 1.59375 8.224609 C 1.58541 7.983939 1.590755 7.743993 1.609375 7.505859 L 2.052734 7.541016 C 2.052323 7.546196 2.053131 7.551458 2.052734 7.556641 C 2.0695 7.333252 2.099196 7.110867 2.140625 6.892578 z M 3.066406 7.107422 L 3.503906 7.1875 C 3.473816 7.354299 3.452656 7.523442 3.441406 7.695312 L 2.998047 7.666016 C 3.010417 7.477355 3.033366 7.290585 3.066406 7.107422 z M 13.89648 7.109375 C 13.93018 7.331717 13.95098 7.554157 13.95898 7.775391 L 13.51562 7.792969 C 13.50782 7.588352 13.48843 7.381507 13.45703 7.175781 L 13.89648 7.109375 z M 12.94922 7.212891 C 12.96392 7.304875 12.97633 7.398447 12.98633 7.492188 C 12.99583 7.585929 13.00186 7.678444 13.00586 7.771484 L 12.5625 7.792969 C 12.5586 7.708111 12.55097 7.622729 12.54297 7.537109 C 12.53437 7.451514 12.52492 7.367093 12.51172 7.283203 L 12.94922 7.212891 z M 2.511719 7.638672 L 2.955078 7.667969 C 2.942978 7.855158 2.940119 8.043966 2.949219 8.234375 L 2.505859 8.255859 C 2.495919 8.048653 2.498399 7.842442 2.511719 7.638672 z M 13.49414 7.744141 C 13.50444 7.951339 13.50158 8.15756 13.48828 8.361328 L 13.04492 8.332031 C 13.05592 8.144851 13.05783 7.956035 13.04883 7.765625 L 13.49414 7.744141 z M 14.40625 7.775391 C 14.41455 8.016062 14.40924 8.256017 14.39062 8.494141 L 13.94727 8.458984 C 13.94766 8.453804 13.94689 8.448542 13.94727 8.443359 C 13.93047 8.666747 13.90087 8.889132 13.85938 9.107422 L 13.42188 9.023438 C 13.46037 8.821442 13.48841 8.616791 13.50391 8.410156 L 13.94727 8.443359 C 13.96304 8.226872 13.96973 8.009664 13.96289 7.791016 L 14.40625 7.775391 z M 2.484375 8.207031 C 2.4922 8.411649 2.511649 8.618476 2.542969 8.824219 L 2.103516 8.890625 C 2.069696 8.668284 2.049416 8.445833 2.041016 8.224609 L 2.484375 8.207031 z M 3.4375 8.207031 C 3.44144 8.29189 3.448319 8.377297 3.457031 8.462891 C 3.465743 8.548494 3.47696 8.632891 3.490234 8.716797 L 3.050781 8.787109 C 3.036201 8.695126 3.023172 8.601554 3.013672 8.507812 C 3.004132 8.414073 2.998241 8.321546 2.994141 8.228516 L 3.4375 8.207031 z M 12.55859 8.304688 L 13.00195 8.333984 C 12.98965 8.522637 12.96649 8.709415 12.93359 8.892578 L 12.49609 8.8125 C 12.52619 8.645701 12.54729 8.476568 12.55859 8.304688 z M 3.007812 8.798828 C 3.022757 8.891652 3.040271 8.985102 3.060547 9.078125 C 3.080817 9.171148 3.103811 9.262913 3.128906 9.353516 L 2.701172 9.470703 C 2.673882 9.372216 2.648983 9.272893 2.626953 9.171875 C 2.604933 9.07086 2.586552 8.970022 2.570312 8.869141 L 3.007812 8.798828 z M 2.097656 8.875 C 2.130253 9.093947 2.176385 9.313909 2.234375 9.53125 L 1.804688 9.644531 C 1.742366 9.410939 1.693253 9.176795 1.658203 8.941406 L 2.097656 8.875 z M 12.97656 8.894531 L 13.41406 8.972656 C 13.37742 9.176008 13.32833 9.375935 13.26953 9.572266 L 12.84375 9.445312 C 12.89779 9.26489 12.94286 9.081348 12.97656 8.894531 z M 13.85938 9.121094 L 14.29492 9.205078 C 14.24957 9.440792 14.19034 9.673722 14.11914 9.902344 L 13.69531 9.771484 C 13.76156 9.558625 13.81728 9.340505 13.85938 9.121094 z M 3.597656 9.21875 C 3.643391 9.384818 3.698596 9.545825 3.761719 9.703125 L 3.349609 9.869141 C 3.28029 9.696423 3.220112 9.518209 3.169922 9.335938 L 3.597656 9.21875 z M 12.37695 9.310547 L 12.80273 9.439453 C 12.74862 9.619826 12.68473 9.795061 12.61133 9.966797 L 12.20117 9.792969 C 12.26811 9.636489 12.32765 9.474832 12.37695 9.310547 z M 2.669922 9.429688 C 2.696597 9.528779 2.727254 9.627857 2.759766 9.726562 C 2.792278 9.82527 2.827796 9.922031 2.865234 10.01758 L 2.451172 10.17969 C 2.410757 10.07653 2.372941 9.971721 2.337891 9.865234 C 2.302831 9.758756 2.270967 9.651913 2.242188 9.544922 L 2.669922 9.429688 z M 13.27344 9.625 L 13.69727 9.755859 C 13.63135 9.969182 13.55394 10.17866 13.46484 10.38281 L 13.05859 10.20508 C 13.14106 10.01606 13.21244 9.822477 13.27344 9.625 z M 3.310547 9.890625 C 3.381599 10.06752 3.4617 10.23726 3.550781 10.40234 L 3.160156 10.61523 C 3.063179 10.43554 2.975757 10.24915 2.898438 10.05664 L 3.310547 9.890625 z M 12.65039 9.978516 L 13.06055 10.15234 C 12.97976 10.34178 12.88825 10.52626 12.78711 10.70508 L 12.40039 10.48633 C 12.49342 10.32188 12.57609 10.15268 12.65039 9.978516 z M 2.443359 10.16602 C 2.483741 10.26934 2.525656 10.37239 2.572266 10.47461 C 2.618877 10.57682 2.669173 10.67719 2.720703 10.77539 L 2.326172 10.98242 C 2.270855 10.87694 2.217949 10.76786 2.167969 10.6582 C 2.117964 10.54854 2.072647 10.43905 2.029297 10.32812 L 2.443359 10.16602 z M 3.978516 10.16797 C 4.059952 10.31893 4.148957 10.46376 4.246094 10.60352 L 3.880859 10.85742 C 3.774258 10.70406 3.677311 10.54465 3.587891 10.37891 L 3.978516 10.16797 z M 11.97461 10.25195 L 12.36133 10.4707 C 12.26866 10.63394 12.16664 10.79185 12.05664 10.94336 L 11.69727 10.68164 C 11.79759 10.54349 11.89011 10.40074 11.97461 10.25195 z M 13.46094 10.39844 L 13.86914 10.57617 C 13.77296 10.79544 13.66329 11.00909 13.54297 11.2168 L 13.1582 10.99414 C 13.27019 10.8008 13.37144 10.6026 13.46094 10.39844 z M 3.121094 10.58008 C 3.218154 10.76414 3.326093 10.94017 3.441406 11.10938 L 3.074219 11.36133 C 2.949541 11.17839 2.83343 10.98605 2.728516 10.78711 L 3.121094 10.58008 z M 12.7793 10.75781 L 13.16406 10.97852 C 13.05281 11.17148 12.93122 11.35925 12.79883 11.53906 L 12.44141 11.27539 C 12.56397 11.10894 12.67625 10.93648 12.7793 10.75781 z M 3.847656 10.88672 C 3.956078 11.04253 4.072981 11.1905 4.197266 11.33203 L 3.863281 11.625 C 3.728055 11.471 3.602395 11.31025 3.484375 11.14062 L 3.847656 10.88672 z M 12.09375 10.96484 L 12.45312 11.22461 C 12.33272 11.39106 12.20302 11.55078 12.06445 11.70312 L 11.73633 11.4043 C 11.86373 11.26422 11.983 11.11791 12.09375 10.96484 z M 4.5625 11.00781 C 4.675267 11.13649 4.793794 11.258 4.919922 11.37305 L 4.621094 11.70117 C 4.482769 11.57499 4.352221 11.44194 4.228516 11.30078 L 4.5625 11.00781 z M 11.37305 11.08008 L 11.70117 11.37891 C 11.57499 11.51723 11.44195 11.64778 11.30078 11.77148 L 11.00781 11.4375 C 11.1365 11.32473 11.25799 11.20619 11.37305 11.08008 z M 3.0625 11.34961 C 3.188574 11.5359 3.324819 11.71269 3.46875 11.88086 L 3.130859 12.16992 C 2.976121 11.98911 2.830815 11.79788 2.695312 11.59766 L 3.0625 11.34961 z M 12.79102 11.55273 L 13.14844 11.81836 C 13.00634 12.01034 12.85358 12.19487 12.68945 12.37109 L 12.36328 12.06836 C 12.3671 12.06426 12.36924 12.0588 12.37305 12.05469 C 12.2221 12.21773 12.06033 12.37329 11.89062 12.51953 L 11.60156 12.18164 C 11.75855 12.04637 11.9072 11.90283 12.04688 11.75195 L 12.37305 12.05469 C 12.52141 11.89448 12.66209 11.72691 12.79102 11.55273 z M 3.818359 11.60156 C 3.953631 11.75852 4.09717 11.9072 4.248047 12.04688 L 3.945312 12.37305 C 4.105514 12.52141 4.271144 12.6621 4.445312 12.79102 L 4.181641 13.14844 C 3.989655 13.00634 3.805127 12.85358 3.628906 12.68945 L 3.931641 12.36328 C 3.93575 12.36711 3.941194 12.36923 3.945312 12.37305 C 3.782262 12.2221 3.626708 12.06034 3.480469 11.89062 L 3.818359 11.60156 z M 5.318359 11.69727 C 5.456508 11.79757 5.599247 11.89011 5.748047 11.97461 L 5.529297 12.36133 C 5.366065 12.26866 5.208148 12.16665 5.056641 12.05664 L 5.318359 11.69727 z M 4.595703 11.73633 C 4.735788 11.86373 4.882085 11.983 5.035156 12.09375 L 4.775391 12.45312 C 4.608945 12.33272 4.449235 12.20303 4.296875 12.06445 L 4.595703 11.73633 z M 10.60352 11.75391 L 10.85742 12.11914 C 10.70404 12.22574 10.54465 12.32271 10.37891 12.41211 L 10.16797 12.02148 C 10.31892 11.94004 10.46376 11.85101 10.60352 11.75391 z M 11.33203 11.80273 L 11.625 12.13477 C 11.471 12.27 11.30828 12.39762 11.13867 12.51562 L 10.88477 12.15234 C 11.04059 12.04392 11.1905 11.927 11.33203 11.80273 z M 6.207031 12.20117 C 6.363511 12.2681 6.525165 12.32764 6.689453 12.37695 L 6.560547 12.80273 C 6.380166 12.74862 6.204935 12.68473 6.033203 12.61133 L 6.207031 12.20117 z M 9.703125 12.23828 L 9.869141 12.65039 C 9.69642 12.71971 9.518209 12.77978 9.335938 12.83008 L 9.21875 12.40234 C 9.384813 12.3566 9.545832 12.30138 9.703125 12.23828 z M 5.511719 12.40039 C 5.676164 12.49342 5.847306 12.57807 6.021484 12.65234 L 5.845703 13.06055 C 5.656258 12.97976 5.471784 12.88826 5.292969 12.78711 L 5.511719 12.40039 z M 4.724609 12.44141 C 4.89105 12.56397 5.063523 12.67629 5.242188 12.7793 L 5.019531 13.16406 C 5.208844 13.2731 5.401933 13.37338 5.601562 13.46094 L 5.423828 13.86914 C 5.204545 13.77296 4.990909 13.66329 4.783203 13.54297 L 5.005859 13.1582 C 5.010154 13.16069 5.015231 13.16159 5.019531 13.16406 C 4.826566 13.05281 4.640744 12.93123 4.460938 12.79883 L 4.724609 12.44141 z M 10.40234 12.44727 L 10.61328 12.83984 C 10.43357 12.93683 10.24719 13.02426 10.05469 13.10156 L 9.890625 12.68945 C 10.06752 12.61839 10.23727 12.53637 10.40234 12.44727 z M 7.1875 12.49609 C 7.354299 12.52619 7.523432 12.54729 7.695312 12.55859 L 7.666016 13.00195 C 7.477356 12.98965 7.290581 12.96649 7.107422 12.93359 L 7.1875 12.49609 z M 8.716797 12.50977 L 8.787109 12.94922 C 8.695125 12.96382 8.601554 12.97733 8.507812 12.98633 C 8.414074 12.99583 8.321546 13.00186 8.228516 13.00586 L 8.207031 12.5625 C 8.291898 12.5586 8.377261 12.55097 8.462891 12.54297 C 8.548486 12.53447 8.632907 12.52307 8.716797 12.50977 z M 11.88086 12.53125 L 12.16992 12.86914 C 11.98911 13.02389 11.79982 13.16918 11.59961 13.30469 L 11.34961 12.93555 C 11.35386 12.93267 11.35708 12.92867 11.36133 12.92578 C 11.17838 13.05046 10.98605 13.16653 10.78711 13.27148 L 10.58008 12.87891 C 10.76415 12.78185 10.94017 12.67391 11.10938 12.55859 L 11.36133 12.92578 C 11.54297 12.80218 11.71651 12.67189 11.88086 12.53125 z M 6.554688 12.84375 C 6.735124 12.89783 6.918646 12.94288 7.105469 12.97656 L 7.027344 13.41406 C 6.823993 13.37742 6.622107 13.32833 6.425781 13.26953 L 6.554688 12.84375 z M 9.353516 12.87109 L 9.470703 13.29883 C 9.372234 13.32603 9.272894 13.35105 9.171875 13.37305 C 9.070853 13.39505 8.970022 13.41339 8.869141 13.42969 L 8.798828 12.99219 C 8.891645 12.97719 8.985085 12.9578 9.078125 12.9375 C 9.171148 12.9172 9.262896 12.89609 9.353516 12.87109 z M 7.667969 13.04492 C 7.855147 13.05692 8.043957 13.05883 8.234375 13.04883 L 8.255859 13.49414 C 8.048652 13.50444 7.842443 13.50158 7.638672 13.48828 L 7.667969 13.04492 z M 5.794922 13.05859 C 5.983941 13.14107 6.177524 13.21244 6.375 13.27344 L 6.244141 13.69727 C 6.030812 13.63134 5.821332 13.55394 5.617188 13.46484 L 5.794922 13.05859 z M 10.01758 13.13477 L 10.17969 13.54883 C 10.07653 13.58936 9.97172 13.62701 9.865234 13.66211 C 9.758764 13.69721 9.651901 13.72901 9.544922 13.75781 L 9.429688 13.33008 C 9.528798 13.30348 9.627852 13.27273 9.726562 13.24023 C 9.825265 13.20769 9.922048 13.17227 10.01758 13.13477 z M 10.77539 13.2793 L 10.98242 13.67383 C 10.87695 13.72919 10.76786 13.78213 10.6582 13.83203 C 10.54854 13.88197 10.43905 13.9273 10.32812 13.9707 L 10.16602 13.55664 C 10.26936 13.51637 10.3724 13.47433 10.47461 13.42773 C 10.57683 13.38109 10.67719 13.3308 10.77539 13.2793 z M 6.976562 13.42188 C 7.178555 13.46038 7.383205 13.48841 7.589844 13.50391 L 7.556641 13.94727 C 7.773126 13.96365 7.990336 13.96973 8.208984 13.96289 L 8.224609 14.40625 C 7.98393 14.41455 7.74399 14.40924 7.505859 14.39062 L 7.541016 13.94727 C 7.546196 13.94767 7.551458 13.94687 7.556641 13.94727 C 7.333248 13.93047 7.11087 13.90087 6.892578 13.85938 L 6.976562 13.42188 z M 8.824219 13.45703 L 8.890625 13.89648 C 8.668284 13.93018 8.44585 13.95098 8.224609 13.95898 L 8.207031 13.51562 C 8.411657 13.50783 8.618503 13.48843 8.824219 13.45703 z M 6.228516 13.69531 C 6.441378 13.76163 6.657541 13.81717 6.876953 13.85938 L 6.794922 14.29492 C 6.559212 14.24955 6.326275 14.19034 6.097656 14.11914 L 6.228516 13.69531 z M 9.53125 13.76562 L 9.644531 14.19531 C 9.410934 14.25769 9.176803 14.3067 8.941406 14.3418 L 8.875 13.90234 C 9.093946 13.86972 9.313896 13.82362 9.53125 13.76562 z" style="opacity:1" />
+<path id="path1083" d="m 7.491502,3.014086 c -0.09373,0.0095 -0.186546,0.02177 -0.278537,0.0363 l 0.06943,0.438858 c 0.08391,-0.01327 0.168599,-0.02427 0.254195,-0.03304 0.0856,-0.0087 0.170922,-0.01504 0.255786,-0.01897 L 7.771797,2.993396 c -0.09303,0.0041 -0.186551,0.0111 -0.280288,0.02069 z M 6.663654,3.16899 C 6.481381,3.219183 6.303608,3.279321 6.130881,3.348639 L 6.296307,3.760932 C 6.453603,3.697805 6.61547,3.643156 6.781533,3.597421 Z m 1.670083,-0.170315 -0.029,0.4434 c 0.17189,0.01126 0.341451,0.0321 0.50825,0.0622 L 8.891771,3.067069 C 8.708607,3.034037 8.522363,3.011042 8.333702,2.998669 Z M 5.621698,3.587164 C 5.455959,3.676581 5.29609,3.774876 5.142719,3.881479 L 5.396212,4.246407 C 5.535959,4.149269 5.681574,4.059649 5.832532,3.978217 Z M 9.438662,3.197904 9.310946,3.623477 c 0.164288,0.04932 0.325,0.107665 0.481487,0.174593 L 9.967197,3.389465 C 9.795455,3.316017 9.619044,3.252019 9.438662,3.197904 Z M 4.699843,4.227755 C 4.558675,4.351459 4.424718,4.48275 4.298535,4.621074 L 4.626806,4.920635 C 4.741864,4.794505 4.864085,4.674652 4.992771,4.561884 Z M 10.47085,3.63921 10.25141,4.025596 c 0.14879,0.08446 0.29269,0.177182 0.43084,0.277489 L 10.94329,3.943423 C 10.79178,3.83342 10.63409,3.731868 10.47085,3.63921 Z M 3.943484,5.05677 C 3.83348,5.208278 3.731928,5.365981 3.63927,5.529213 L 4.025656,5.748661 C 4.110126,5.599861 4.202837,5.455962 4.303144,5.31781 Z m 7.435346,-0.75828 -0.2994,0.328257 c 0.12613,0.115058 0.24599,0.237278 0.35874,0.365964 L 11.77231,4.699785 C 11.64861,4.558617 11.51716,4.424678 11.37883,4.29849 Z M 3.389524,6.032872 C 3.316078,6.204606 3.252075,6.381024 3.19796,6.561408 L 3.623522,6.68896 C 3.67284,6.524671 3.731187,6.363959 3.79811,6.20748 Z M 12.11842,5.142679 11.75366,5.396152 c 0.0971,0.139748 0.18675,0.285365 0.26819,0.436327 L 12.4129,5.62164 C 12.32348,5.455898 12.22504,5.296048 12.11842,5.142679 Z m -9.051306,1.96542 c -0.03304,0.183163 -0.05601,0.369564 -0.06838,0.558225 l 0.443407,0.029 c 0.01125,-0.17187 0.03209,-0.341439 0.06218,-0.508238 z M 12.6514,6.130666 12.23913,6.296253 c 0.0631,0.157291 0.11778,0.319156 0.1635,0.485219 L 12.83107,6.663591 C 12.78085,6.48132 12.72074,6.303387 12.6514,6.130666 Z M 2.993468,8.228271 c 0.0041,0.09303 0.0111,0.186384 0.02064,0.280126 0.0095,0.09374 0.02177,0.186714 0.03635,0.278697 L 3.489307,8.717656 C 3.476033,8.63375 3.464989,8.548908 3.456277,8.463305 3.447565,8.377711 3.441239,8.292541 3.437299,8.207682 Z m 9.956192,-1.015365 -0.43885,0.06944 c 0.0132,0.08389 0.0243,0.168599 0.0329,0.254194 0.008,0.08562 0.0151,0.170929 0.019,0.255787 l 0.44382,-0.02061 c -0.004,-0.09304 -0.0113,-0.186531 -0.0208,-0.280272 -0.01,-0.09374 -0.0215,-0.186565 -0.0362,-0.278549 z M 3.597466,9.218365 3.169051,9.336406 C 3.219241,9.518678 3.279381,9.696457 3.3487,9.869175 L 3.760988,9.703752 C 3.697865,9.546452 3.643201,9.384433 3.597466,9.218365 Z M 12.55797,8.304549 c -0.0113,0.171882 -0.0321,0.341609 -0.0622,0.508408 l 0.4372,0.07878 c 0.0329,-0.183163 0.0561,-0.369408 0.0684,-0.558061 z m -8.579713,1.862811 -0.391033,0.211 c 0.08942,0.16574 0.187713,0.32561 0.294314,0.47897 L 4.24645,10.60369 C 4.149313,10.46393 4.059693,10.31832 3.978257,10.16736 Z M 12.37659,9.310885 c -0.0493,0.164285 -0.10766,0.325001 -0.1746,0.481481 l 0.40846,0.174776 c 0.0734,-0.171736 0.1376,-0.34817 0.19171,-0.528543 z M 4.561944,11.00729 4.227811,11.30022 c 0.123705,0.14116 0.254996,0.27512 0.393321,0.4013 L 4.920694,11.37325 C 4.794566,11.2582 4.674711,11.13597 4.561944,11.00729 Z m 7.412526,-0.75595 c -0.0845,0.14879 -0.17718,0.2927 -0.2775,0.43085 l 0.35951,0.26105 c 0.11,-0.15151 0.21171,-0.30922 0.30438,-0.47246 z m -6.6566,1.44557 -0.261057,0.3595 c 0.151507,0.11001 0.309224,0.21171 0.472456,0.30438 l 0.219452,-0.38638 c -0.1488,-0.0845 -0.292702,-0.1772 -0.430851,-0.2775 z m 6.05545,-0.61754 c -0.11506,0.12611 -0.23728,0.24598 -0.36597,0.35875 l 0.29293,0.33412 c 0.14117,-0.1237 0.27511,-0.25516 0.40129,-0.39348 z m -5.165782,1.12257 -0.17462,0.40843 c 0.171732,0.0734 0.348165,0.13761 0.528546,0.19172 L 6.68902,12.37653 C 6.524732,12.32722 6.364018,12.26887 6.207538,12.20194 Z m 4.396222,-0.44833 c -0.13976,0.0971 -0.28538,0.18674 -0.43633,0.26818 l 0.21099,0.39104 c 0.16574,-0.0894 0.32559,-0.18787 0.47897,-0.29447 z m -3.416653,0.74212 -0.0788,0.43719 c 0.183159,0.0329 0.369405,0.0561 0.558065,0.0684 l 0.02899,-0.4434 c -0.171881,-0.0113 -0.341446,-0.0321 -0.508245,-0.0622 z m 2.51671,-0.25666 c -0.157293,0.0631 -0.319156,0.11777 -0.485219,0.16351 l 0.117881,0.42843 c 0.182271,-0.0503 0.360039,-0.11033 0.53276,-0.17965 z m -1.496074,0.32369 0.02061,0.44384 c 0.09303,-0.004 0.186375,-0.0113 0.280116,-0.0208 0.09374,-0.009 0.186722,-0.0216 0.278706,-0.0362 l -0.06944,-0.43886 c -0.08389,0.0133 -0.168764,0.0244 -0.254359,0.0329 -0.08563,0.008 -0.170756,0.0151 -0.255623,0.019 z" style="opacity:0.3357039" />
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+Jabier Arraiza</dc:title>
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+Jabiertxo (SVG stuff to integrate them in UI)</dc:description>
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+Ramon Miranda (design and SVG file)
+Jabiertxo (SVG stuff to integrate them in UI)</dc:description>
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+Jabiertxo (SVG stuff to integrate them in UI)</dc:description>
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+ <dc:description>This is a contribution with Inkscape Project from
+Ramon Miranda (design and SVG file)
+Jabiertxo (SVG stuff to integrate them in UI)</dc:description>
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+Jabier Arraiza</dc:title>
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+Jabiertxo (SVG stuff to integrate them in UI)</dc:description>
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+Ramon Miranda (design and SVG file)
+Jabiertxo (SVG stuff to integrate them in UI)</dc:description>
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+Ramon Miranda (design and SVG file)
+Jabiertxo (SVG stuff to integrate them in UI)</dc:description>
+ <dc:publisher>
+ <cc:Agent>
+ <dc:title></dc:title>
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