path: root/share/examples/animated-clock.svg
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'share/examples/animated-clock.svg')
1 files changed, 564 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/share/examples/animated-clock.svg b/share/examples/animated-clock.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a8dda7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/examples/animated-clock.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,564 @@
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+ <dc:title>Mechanical Clock</dc:title>
+ <dc:date>7 January 2007</dc:date>
+ <dc:creator>
+ <cc:Agent>
+ <dc:title>Tavmjong Bah</dc:title>
+ </cc:Agent>
+ </dc:creator>
+ <dc:description>Mechanical Clock with Hour, Minute, and Second hands.</dc:description>
+ <dc:contributor>
+ <cc:Agent>
+ <dc:title>Gears created with python script from Aaron Spike.</dc:title>
+ </cc:Agent>
+ </dc:contributor>
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+ type="text/ecmascript"
+ id="script2259">
+ var angle_seconds = 0;
+ var angle_gear7_5 = 0;
+ var angle_minutes = 0;
+ var angle_gear180 = 0;
+ var angle_hours = 0;
+ // Keep track of old time... so we don't update the display if not necessary.
+ // This is a mechanical clock so it's OK to move the second hand once every second.
+ var old_time = 0;
+ // The gear groups
+ var seconds;
+ var gear7_5;
+ var minutes;
+ var gear180;
+ var hours;
+ var second_hand;
+ var minute_hand;
+ var hour_hand;
+ function Start(evt) {
+ seconds =;RotSeconds&quot;);
+ gear7_5 =;RotGear7_5&quot;);
+ minutes =;RotMinutes&quot;);
+ gear180 =;RotGear180&quot;);
+ hours =;RotHours&quot; );
+ second_hand =;RotSecondHand&quot; );
+ minute_hand =;RotMinuteHand&quot; );
+ hour_hand =;RotHourHand&quot; );
+ Run();
+ }
+ function Run() {
+ // Get computer clock time
+ var date = new Date();
+ var s = date.getSeconds();
+ var m = date.getMinutes();
+ var h = date.getHours();
+ // Set start angles... this is a little tricky
+ s += m * 60.0 + h * 3600.0;
+ if( old_time != s ) {
+ angle_seconds = (s * 6.0 ) % 360.0;
+ angle_gear7_5 = -(s * 6.0 / 7.5 ) % 360.0;
+ angle_minutes = (s * 6.0 / 60.0 ) % 360.0;
+ angle_gear180 = -(s * 6.0 / 180.0 ) % 360.0;
+ angle_hours = (s * 6.0 / 720.0 ) % 360.0;
+ seconds.setAttribute(&quot;transform&quot;, &quot;rotate(&quot; +angle_seconds+ &quot;)&quot;);
+ gear7_5.setAttribute(&quot;transform&quot;, &quot;rotate(&quot; +angle_gear7_5+ &quot;)&quot;);
+ minutes.setAttribute(&quot;transform&quot;, &quot;rotate(&quot; +angle_minutes+ &quot;)&quot;);
+ gear180.setAttribute(&quot;transform&quot;, &quot;rotate(&quot; +angle_gear180+ &quot;)&quot;);
+ hours.setAttribute( &quot;transform&quot;, &quot;rotate(&quot; +angle_hours+ &quot;)&quot;);
+ second_hand.setAttribute(&quot;transform&quot;, &quot;rotate(&quot; +angle_seconds+ &quot;)&quot;);
+ minute_hand.setAttribute(&quot;transform&quot;, &quot;rotate(&quot; +angle_minutes+ &quot;)&quot;);
+ hour_hand.setAttribute( &quot;transform&quot;, &quot;rotate(&quot; +angle_hours+ &quot;)&quot;);
+ }
+ old_time = s;
+ // Repeat every 10th of a second.
+ setTimeout(&quot;Run()&quot;, 100)
+ }
+ window.Run = Run
+ </script>
+ <g
+ transform="translate(600,150)"
+ style="fill:#bfbfbf;stroke:black"
+ id="Seconds">
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+ id="RotSeconds">
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+ d="M 9.3370038,-2.0023549 L 11.698551,-2.5087975 L 12.487746,-2.4839671 L 15.892187,-0.86101804 L 15.892187,0.86101804 L 12.487746,2.4839671 L 11.698551,2.5087975 L 9.3370038,2.0023549 L 8.0181374,5.18638 L 10.046113,6.4981374 L 10.5866,7.0737399 L 11.846305,10.628641 L 10.628641,11.846305 L 7.0737399,10.5866 L 6.4981374,10.046113 L 5.18638,8.0181374 L 2.0023549,9.3370038 L 2.5087975,11.698551 L 2.4839671,12.487746 L 0.86101804,15.892187 L -0.86101804,15.892187 L -2.4839671,12.487746 L -2.5087975,11.698551 L -2.0023549,9.3370038 L -5.18638,8.0181374 L -6.4981374,10.046113 L -7.0737399,10.5866 L -10.628641,11.846305 L -11.846305,10.628641 L -10.5866,7.0737399 L -10.046113,6.4981374 L -8.0181374,5.18638 L -9.3370038,2.0023549 L -11.698551,2.5087975 L -12.487746,2.4839671 L -15.892187,0.86101804 L -15.892187,-0.86101804 L -12.487746,-2.4839671 L -11.698551,-2.5087975 L -9.3370038,-2.0023549 L -8.0181374,-5.18638 L -10.046113,-6.4981374 L -10.5866,-7.0737399 L -11.846305,-10.628641 L -10.628641,-11.846305 L -7.0737399,-10.5866 L -6.4981374,-10.046113 L -5.18638,-8.0181374 L -2.0023549,-9.3370038 L -2.5087975,-11.698551 L -2.4839671,-12.487746 L -0.86101804,-15.892187 L 0.86101804,-15.892187 L 2.4839671,-12.487746 L 2.5087975,-11.698551 L 2.0023549,-9.3370038 L 5.18638,-8.0181374 L 6.4981374,-10.046113 L 7.0737399,-10.5866 L 10.628641,-11.846305 L 11.846305,-10.628641 L 10.5866,-7.0737399 L 10.046113,-6.4981374 L 8.0181374,-5.18638 L 9.3370038,-2.0023549 z "
+ id="path2719" />
+ </g>
+ </g>
+ <g
+ transform="translate(490.12084,144.74606)"
+ style="fill:#bfbfbf;stroke:black"
+ id="Gear7_5">
+ <g
+ id="RotGear7_5">
+ <path
+ d="M 488.875,46.0625 L 487.625,49.28125 L 486.75,52.5 L 483.84375,52.65625 L 482.625,49.5625 L 481.0625,46.5 L 478.5625,46.75 L 477.65625,50.0625 L 477.125,53.34375 L 474.25,53.8125 L 472.71875,50.84375 L 470.84375,47.96875 L 468.375,48.5 L 467.84375,51.90625 L 467.65625,55.21875 L 464.8125,55.96875 L 463,53.1875 L 460.8125,50.53125 L 458.4375,51.28125 L 458.25,54.71875 L 458.40625,58.0625 L 455.6875,59.09375 L 453.5625,56.53125 L 451.125,54.09375 L 448.84375,55.125 L 449,58.5625 L 449.53125,61.84375 L 446.90625,63.15625 L 444.5625,60.8125 L 441.875,58.65625 L 439.71875,59.9375 L 440.21875,63.3125 L 441.0625,66.53125 L 438.625,68.125 L 436.03125,66.0625 L 433.125,64.1875 L 431.125,65.65625 L 432,69 L 433.15625,72.09375 L 430.90625,73.9375 L 428.09375,72.125 L 425.03125,70.59375 L 423.15625,72.25 L 424.375,75.46875 L 425.875,78.4375 L 423.8125,80.5 L 420.84375,79 L 417.625,77.78125 L 415.96875,79.65625 L 417.5,82.71875 L 419.3125,85.53125 L 417.46875,87.78125 L 414.375,86.625 L 411.03125,85.75 L 409.5625,87.75 L 411.4375,90.65625 L 413.5,93.25 L 411.90625,95.6875 L 408.6875,94.84375 L 405.3125,94.34375 L 404.03125,96.5 L 406.1875,99.1875 L 408.53125,101.53125 L 407.21875,104.15625 L 403.9375,103.625 L 400.5,103.46875 L 399.46875,105.75 L 401.90625,108.1875 L 404.46875,110.3125 L 403.4375,113.03125 L 400.09375,112.875 L 396.65625,113.0625 L 395.90625,115.4375 L 398.5625,117.625 L 401.34375,119.4375 L 400.59375,122.28125 L 397.28125,122.46875 L 393.875,123 L 393.34375,125.46875 L 396.21875,127.34375 L 399.1875,128.875 L 398.71875,131.75 L 395.4375,132.28125 L 392.125,133.1875 L 391.875,135.6875 L 394.9375,137.25 L 398.03125,138.46875 L 397.875,141.375 L 394.65625,142.25 L 391.4375,143.5 L 391.4375,146 L 394.65625,147.25 L 397.875,148.125 L 398.03125,151.03125 L 394.9375,152.25 L 391.875,153.8125 L 392.125,156.3125 L 395.4375,157.21875 L 398.71875,157.75 L 399.1875,160.625 L 396.21875,162.15625 L 393.34375,164.03125 L 393.875,166.46875 L 397.28125,167.03125 L 400.59375,167.21875 L 401.34375,170.03125 L 398.5625,171.875 L 395.90625,174.0625 L 396.65625,176.4375 L 400.09375,176.625 L 403.4375,176.46875 L 404.46875,179.1875 L 401.90625,181.28125 L 399.46875,183.75 L 400.5,186.03125 L 403.9375,185.84375 L 407.21875,185.34375 L 408.53125,187.9375 L 406.1875,190.3125 L 404.03125,193 L 405.3125,195.15625 L 408.6875,194.65625 L 411.90625,193.78125 L 413.5,196.25 L 411.4375,198.84375 L 409.5625,201.71875 L 411.03125,203.75 L 414.375,202.875 L 417.46875,201.6875 L 419.3125,203.96875 L 417.5,206.75 L 415.96875,209.84375 L 417.625,211.6875 L 420.84375,210.46875 L 423.8125,208.96875 L 425.875,211.03125 L 424.375,214 L 423.15625,217.21875 L 425.03125,218.90625 L 428.09375,217.375 L 430.90625,215.5625 L 433.15625,217.40625 L 432,220.5 L 431.125,223.84375 L 433.125,225.3125 L 436.03125,223.4375 L 438.625,221.375 L 441.0625,222.9375 L 440.21875,226.15625 L 439.71875,229.5625 L 441.875,230.8125 L 444.5625,228.65625 L 446.90625,226.3125 L 449.53125,227.65625 L 449,230.9375 L 448.84375,234.375 L 451.125,235.40625 L 453.5625,232.96875 L 455.6875,230.40625 L 458.40625,231.4375 L 458.25,234.75 L 458.4375,238.1875 L 460.8125,238.96875 L 463,236.3125 L 464.8125,233.53125 L 467.65625,234.28125 L 467.84375,237.59375 L 468.375,241 L 470.84375,241.53125 L 472.71875,238.625 L 474.25,235.6875 L 477.125,236.125 L 477.65625,239.4375 L 478.5625,242.75 L 481.0625,243 L 482.625,239.9375 L 483.84375,236.84375 L 486.75,237 L 487.625,240.21875 L 488.875,243.40625 L 491.375,243.40625 L 492.625,240.21875 L 493.5,237 L 496.40625,236.84375 L 497.625,239.9375 L 499.1875,243 L 501.6875,242.75 L 502.59375,239.4375 L 503.125,236.125 L 506,235.6875 L 507.53125,238.625 L 509.40625,241.53125 L 511.84375,241 L 512.40625,237.59375 L 512.59375,234.28125 L 515.40625,233.53125 L 517.25,236.3125 L 519.40625,238.96875 L 521.8125,238.1875 L 522,234.75 L 521.84375,231.4375 L 524.5625,230.40625 L 526.65625,232.96875 L 529.125,235.40625 L 531.40625,234.375 L 531.21875,230.9375 L 530.71875,227.65625 L 533.3125,226.3125 L 535.6875,228.65625 L 538.375,230.8125 L 540.53125,229.5625 L 540.03125,226.15625 L 539.15625,222.9375 L 541.625,221.375 L 544.21875,223.4375 L 547.09375,225.3125 L 549.125,223.84375 L 548.25,220.5 L 547.0625,217.40625 L 549.34375,215.5625 L 552.125,217.375 L 555.21875,218.90625 L 557.0625,217.21875 L 555.84375,214 L 554.34375,211.03125 L 556.40625,208.96875 L 559.375,210.46875 L 562.59375,211.6875 L 564.28125,209.84375 L 562.71875,206.75 L 560.9375,203.96875 L 562.78125,201.6875 L 565.875,202.875 L 569.21875,203.75 L 570.6875,201.71875 L 568.8125,198.84375 L 566.71875,196.25 L 568.3125,193.78125 L 571.53125,194.65625 L 574.9375,195.15625 L 576.1875,193 L 574.03125,190.3125 L 571.6875,187.9375 L 573.03125,185.34375 L 576.3125,185.84375 L 579.75,186.03125 L 580.78125,183.75 L 578.34375,181.28125 L 575.78125,179.1875 L 576.8125,176.46875 L 580.125,176.625 L 583.5625,176.4375 L 584.34375,174.0625 L 581.6875,171.875 L 578.90625,170.03125 L 579.65625,167.21875 L 582.96875,167.03125 L 586.375,166.46875 L 586.90625,164.03125 L 584,162.15625 L 581.0625,160.625 L 581.5,157.75 L 584.8125,157.21875 L 588.125,156.3125 L 588.375,153.8125 L 585.3125,152.25 L 582.21875,151.03125 L 582.375,148.125 L 585.59375,147.25 L 588.78125,146 L 588.78125,143.5 L 585.59375,142.25 L 582.375,141.375 L 582.21875,138.46875 L 585.3125,137.25 L 588.375,135.6875 L 588.125,133.1875 L 584.8125,132.28125 L 581.5,131.75 L 581.0625,128.875 L 584,127.34375 L 586.90625,125.46875 L 586.375,123 L 582.96875,122.46875 L 579.65625,122.28125 L 578.90625,119.4375 L 581.6875,117.625 L 584.34375,115.4375 L 583.5625,113.0625 L 580.125,112.875 L 576.8125,113.03125 L 575.78125,110.3125 L 578.34375,108.1875 L 580.78125,105.75 L 579.75,103.46875 L 576.3125,103.625 L 573.03125,104.15625 L 571.6875,101.53125 L 574.03125,99.1875 L 576.1875,96.5 L 574.9375,94.34375 L 571.53125,94.84375 L 568.3125,95.6875 L 566.71875,93.25 L 568.8125,90.65625 L 570.6875,87.75 L 569.21875,85.75 L 565.875,86.625 L 562.78125,87.78125 L 560.9375,85.53125 L 562.71875,82.71875 L 564.28125,79.65625 L 562.59375,77.78125 L 559.375,79 L 556.40625,80.5 L 554.34375,78.4375 L 555.84375,75.46875 L 557.0625,72.25 L 555.21875,70.59375 L 552.125,72.125 L 549.34375,73.9375 L 547.0625,72.09375 L 548.25,69 L 549.125,65.65625 L 547.09375,64.1875 L 544.21875,66.0625 L 541.625,68.125 L 539.15625,66.53125 L 540.03125,63.3125 L 540.53125,59.9375 L 538.375,58.65625 L 535.6875,60.8125 L 533.3125,63.15625 L 530.71875,61.84375 L 531.21875,58.5625 L 531.40625,55.125 L 529.125,54.09375 L 526.65625,56.53125 L 524.5625,59.09375 L 521.84375,58.0625 L 522,54.71875 L 521.8125,51.28125 L 519.40625,50.53125 L 517.25,53.1875 L 515.40625,55.96875 L 512.59375,55.21875 L 512.40625,51.90625 L 511.84375,48.5 L 509.40625,47.96875 L 507.53125,50.84375 L 506,53.8125 L 503.125,53.34375 L 502.59375,50.0625 L 501.6875,46.75 L 499.1875,46.5 L 497.625,49.5625 L 496.40625,52.65625 L 493.5,52.5 L 492.625,49.28125 L 491.375,46.0625 L 488.875,46.0625 z M 480.125,65.625 L 480.125,119.75 C 480.125,128.03 473.405,134.75 465.125,134.75 L 410.65625,134.75 C 415.27743,98.653617 443.97717,70.080066 480.125,65.625 z M 500.125,65.65625 C 536.15497,70.212199 564.73325,98.73698 569.34375,134.75 L 515.125,134.75 C 506.845,134.75 500.125,128.03 500.125,119.75 L 500.125,65.65625 z M 410.59375,154.75 L 465.125,154.75 C 473.405,154.75 480.125,161.47 480.125,169.75 L 480.125,224.375 C 443.81029,219.89937 415.01248,191.08222 410.59375,154.75 z M 515.125,154.75 L 569.40625,154.75 C 564.99768,190.9987 536.3217,219.76672 500.125,224.34375 L 500.125,169.75 C 500.125,161.47 506.845,154.75 515.125,154.75 z "
+ transform="translate(-490.12084,-144.74606)"
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+ transform="translate(375,150)"
+ style="fill:#bfbfbf;stroke:black"
+ id="Minutes">
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-73.78125,-70.25 L -72.125,-67.34375 L -74.09375,-65.1875 L -77.125,-66.53125 L -80.40625,-67.59375 L -82,-65.65625 L -80.3125,-62.65625 L -78.375,-59.9375 L -80.125,-57.625 L -83.28125,-58.65625 L -86.625,-59.40625 L -88.03125,-57.3125 L -86.0625,-54.5 L -83.875,-51.96875 L -85.375,-49.46875 L -88.625,-50.21875 L -92.03125,-50.625 L -93.21875,-48.40625 L -90.96875,-45.8125 L -88.5625,-43.5 L -89.8125,-40.875 L -93.125,-41.28125 L -96.5625,-41.34375 L -97.53125,-39.03125 L -95.03125,-36.65625 L -92.40625,-34.59375 L -93.375,-31.875 L -96.71875,-31.9375 L -100.15625,-31.6875 L -100.875,-29.28125 L -98.15625,-27.15625 L -95.34375,-25.375 L -96.0625,-22.5625 L -99.375,-22.3125 L -102.78125,-21.71875 L -103.25,-19.25 L -100.375,-17.40625 L -97.375,-15.90625 L -97.8125,-13.03125 L -101.09375,-12.46875 L -104.40625,-11.53125 L -104.65625,-9.03125 L -101.59375,-7.5 L -98.46875,-6.28125 L -98.625,-3.40625 L -101.84375,-2.5 L -105.03125,-1.25 L -105.03125,1.25 L -101.84375,2.5 L -98.625,3.40625 L -98.46875,6.28125 L -101.59375,7.5 L -104.65625,9.03125 L -104.40625,11.53125 L -101.09375,12.46875 L -97.8125,13.03125 L -97.375,15.90625 L -100.375,17.40625 L -103.25,19.25 L -102.78125,21.71875 L -99.375,22.3125 L -96.0625,22.5625 L -95.34375,25.375 L -98.15625,27.15625 L -100.875,29.28125 L -100.15625,31.6875 L -96.71875,31.9375 L -93.375,31.875 L -92.40625,34.59375 L -95.03125,36.65625 L -97.53125,39.03125 L -96.5625,41.34375 L -93.125,41.28125 L -89.8125,40.875 L -88.5625,43.5 L -90.96875,45.8125 L -93.21875,48.40625 L -92.03125,50.625 L -88.625,50.21875 L -85.375,49.46875 L -83.875,51.96875 L -86.0625,54.5 L -88.03125,57.3125 L -86.625,59.40625 L -83.28125,58.65625 L -80.125,57.625 L -78.375,59.9375 L -80.3125,62.65625 L -82,65.65625 L -80.40625,67.59375 L -77.125,66.53125 L -74.09375,65.1875 L -72.125,67.34375 L -73.78125,70.25 L -75.15625,73.375 L -73.375,75.15625 L -70.25,73.78125 L -67.34375,72.125 L -65.1875,74.09375 L -66.53125,77.125 L -67.59375,80.40625 L -65.65625,82 L -62.65625,80.3125 L -59.9375,78.375 L -57.625,80.125 L -58.65625,83.28125 L -59.40625,86.625 L -57.3125,88.03125 L -54.5,86.0625 L -51.96875,83.875 L -49.46875,85.375 L -50.21875,88.625 L -50.625,92.03125 L -48.40625,93.21875 L -45.8125,90.96875 L -43.5,88.5625 L -40.875,89.8125 L -41.28125,93.125 L -41.34375,96.5625 L -39.03125,97.53125 L -36.65625,95.03125 L -34.59375,92.40625 L -31.875,93.375 L -31.9375,96.71875 L -31.6875,100.15625 L -29.28125,100.875 L -27.15625,98.15625 L -25.375,95.34375 L -22.5625,96.0625 L -22.3125,99.375 L -21.71875,102.78125 L -19.25,103.25 L -17.40625,100.375 L -15.90625,97.375 L -13.03125,97.8125 L -12.46875,101.09375 L -11.53125,104.40625 L -9.03125,104.65625 L -7.5,101.59375 L -6.28125,98.46875 L -3.40625,98.625 L -2.5,101.84375 L -1.25,105.03125 L 1.25,105.03125 L 2.5,101.84375 L 3.40625,98.625 L 6.28125,98.46875 L 7.5,101.59375 L 9.03125,104.65625 L 11.53125,104.40625 L 12.46875,101.09375 L 13.03125,97.8125 L 15.90625,97.375 L 17.40625,100.375 L 19.25,103.25 L 21.71875,102.78125 L 22.3125,99.375 L 22.5625,96.0625 L 25.375,95.34375 L 27.15625,98.15625 L 29.28125,100.875 L 31.6875,100.15625 L 31.9375,96.71875 L 31.875,93.375 L 34.59375,92.40625 L 36.65625,95.03125 L 39.03125,97.53125 L 41.34375,96.5625 L 41.28125,93.125 L 40.875,89.8125 L 43.5,88.5625 L 45.8125,90.96875 L 48.40625,93.21875 L 50.625,92.03125 L 50.21875,88.625 L 49.46875,85.375 L 51.96875,83.875 L 54.5,86.0625 L 57.3125,88.03125 L 59.40625,86.625 L 58.65625,83.28125 L 57.625,80.125 L 59.9375,78.375 L 62.65625,80.3125 L 65.65625,82 L 67.59375,80.40625 L 66.53125,77.125 L 65.1875,74.09375 L 67.34375,72.125 L 70.25,73.78125 L 73.375,75.15625 L 75.15625,73.375 L 73.78125,70.25 L 72.125,67.34375 L 74.09375,65.1875 L 77.125,66.53125 L 80.40625,67.59375 L 82,65.65625 L 80.3125,62.65625 L 78.375,59.9375 L 80.125,57.625 L 83.28125,58.65625 L 86.625,59.40625 L 88.03125,57.3125 L 86.0625,54.5 L 83.875,51.96875 L 85.375,49.46875 L 88.625,50.21875 L 92.03125,50.625 L 93.21875,48.40625 L 90.96875,45.8125 L 88.5625,43.5 L 89.8125,40.875 L 93.125,41.28125 L 96.5625,41.34375 L 97.53125,39.03125 L 95.03125,36.65625 L 92.40625,34.59375 L 93.375,31.875 L 96.71875,31.9375 L 100.15625,31.6875 L 100.875,29.28125 L 98.15625,27.15625 L 95.34375,25.375 L 96.0625,22.5625 L 99.375,22.3125 L 102.78125,21.71875 L 103.25,19.25 L 100.375,17.40625 L 97.375,15.90625 L 97.8125,13.03125 L 101.09375,12.46875 L 104.40625,11.53125 L 104.65625,9.03125 L 101.59375,7.5 L 98.46875,6.28125 L 98.625,3.40625 L 101.84375,2.5 L 105.03125,1.25 L 105.03125,-1.25 L 101.84375,-2.5 L 98.625,-3.40625 L 98.46875,-6.28125 L 101.59375,-7.5 L 104.65625,-9.03125 L 104.40625,-11.53125 L 101.09375,-12.46875 L 97.8125,-13.03125 L 97.375,-15.90625 L 100.375,-17.40625 L 103.25,-19.25 L 102.78125,-21.71875 L 99.375,-22.3125 L 96.0625,-22.5625 L 95.34375,-25.375 L 98.15625,-27.15625 L 100.875,-29.28125 L 100.15625,-31.6875 L 96.71875,-31.9375 L 93.375,-31.875 L 92.40625,-34.59375 L 95.03125,-36.65625 L 97.53125,-39.03125 L 96.5625,-41.34375 L 93.125,-41.28125 L 89.8125,-40.875 L 88.5625,-43.5 L 90.96875,-45.8125 L 93.21875,-48.40625 L 92.03125,-50.625 L 88.625,-50.21875 L 85.375,-49.46875 L 83.875,-51.96875 L 86.0625,-54.5 L 88.03125,-57.3125 L 86.625,-59.40625 L 83.28125,-58.65625 L 80.125,-57.625 L 78.375,-59.9375 L 80.3125,-62.65625 L 82,-65.65625 L 80.40625,-67.59375 L 77.125,-66.53125 L 74.09375,-65.1875 L 72.125,-67.34375 L 73.78125,-70.25 L 75.15625,-73.375 L 73.375,-75.15625 L 70.25,-73.78125 L 67.34375,-72.125 L 65.1875,-74.09375 L 66.53125,-77.125 L 67.59375,-80.40625 L 65.65625,-82 L 62.65625,-80.3125 L 59.9375,-78.375 L 57.625,-80.125 L 58.65625,-83.28125 L 59.40625,-86.625 L 57.3125,-88.03125 L 54.5,-86.0625 L 51.96875,-83.875 L 49.46875,-85.375 L 50.21875,-88.625 L 50.625,-92.03125 L 48.40625,-93.21875 L 45.8125,-90.96875 L 43.5,-88.5625 L 40.875,-89.8125 L 41.28125,-93.125 L 41.34375,-96.5625 L 39.03125,-97.53125 L 36.65625,-95.03125 L 34.59375,-92.40625 L 31.875,-93.375 L 31.9375,-96.71875 L 31.6875,-100.15625 L 29.28125,-100.875 L 27.15625,-98.15625 L 25.375,-95.34375 L 22.5625,-96.0625 L 22.3125,-99.375 L 21.71875,-102.78125 L 19.25,-103.25 L 17.40625,-100.375 L 15.90625,-97.375 L 13.03125,-97.8125 L 12.46875,-101.09375 L 11.53125,-104.40625 L 9.03125,-104.65625 L 7.5,-101.59375 L 6.28125,-98.46875 L 3.40625,-98.625 L 2.5,-101.84375 L 1.25,-105.03125 L -1.25,-105.03125 z M 0,-85 C 19.85502,-85 38.12042,-78.172311 52.59375,-66.75 L 10.59375,-24.75 C 4.73891,-18.89516 -4.73891,-18.89516 -10.59375,-24.75 L -52.59375,-66.75 C -38.12042,-78.172311 -19.85502,-85 0,-85 z M -66.75,-52.59375 L -24.75,-10.59375 C -18.89516,-4.73891 -18.89516,4.73891 -24.75,10.59375 L -66.75,52.59375 C -78.172311,38.12042 -85,19.85502 -85,0 C -85,-19.85502 -78.172311,-38.12042 -66.75,-52.59375 z M 66.75,-52.59375 C 78.17231,-38.12042 85,-19.85502 85,0 C 85,19.85502 78.17231,38.12042 66.75,52.59375 L 24.75,10.59375 C 18.89516,4.73891 18.89516,-4.73891 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95.5,236.0625 L 98.03125,233.875 L 100.53125,235.375 L 99.78125,238.625 L 99.375,242.03125 L 101.59375,243.21875 L 104.1875,240.96875 L 106.5,238.5625 L 109.125,239.8125 L 108.71875,243.125 L 108.65625,246.5625 L 110.96875,247.53125 L 113.34375,245.03125 L 115.40625,242.40625 L 118.125,243.375 L 118.0625,246.71875 L 118.3125,250.15625 L 120.71875,250.875 L 122.84375,248.15625 L 124.625,245.34375 L 127.4375,246.0625 L 127.6875,249.375 L 128.28125,252.78125 L 130.75,253.25 L 132.59375,250.375 L 134.09375,247.375 L 136.96875,247.8125 L 137.53125,251.09375 L 138.46875,254.40625 L 140.96875,254.65625 L 142.5,251.59375 L 143.71875,248.46875 L 146.59375,248.625 L 147.5,251.84375 L 148.75,255.03125 L 151.25,255.03125 L 152.5,251.84375 L 153.40625,248.625 L 156.28125,248.46875 L 157.5,251.59375 L 159.03125,254.65625 L 161.53125,254.40625 L 162.46875,251.09375 L 163.03125,247.8125 L 165.90625,247.375 L 167.40625,250.375 L 169.25,253.25 L 171.71875,252.78125 L 172.3125,249.375 L 172.5625,246.0625 L 175.375,245.34375 L 177.15625,248.15625 L 179.28125,250.875 L 181.6875,250.15625 L 181.9375,246.71875 L 181.875,243.375 L 184.59375,242.40625 L 186.65625,245.03125 L 189.03125,247.53125 L 191.34375,246.5625 L 191.28125,243.125 L 190.875,239.8125 L 193.5,238.5625 L 195.8125,240.96875 L 198.40625,243.21875 L 200.625,242.03125 L 200.21875,238.625 L 199.46875,235.375 L 201.96875,233.875 L 204.5,236.0625 L 207.3125,238.03125 L 209.40625,236.625 L 208.65625,233.28125 L 207.625,230.125 L 209.9375,228.375 L 212.65625,230.3125 L 215.65625,232 L 217.59375,230.40625 L 216.53125,227.125 L 215.1875,224.09375 L 217.34375,222.125 L 220.25,223.78125 L 223.375,225.15625 L 225.15625,223.375 L 223.78125,220.25 L 222.125,217.34375 L 224.09375,215.1875 L 227.125,216.53125 L 230.40625,217.59375 L 232,215.65625 L 230.3125,212.65625 L 228.375,209.9375 L 230.125,207.625 L 233.28125,208.65625 L 236.625,209.40625 L 238.03125,207.3125 L 236.0625,204.5 L 233.875,201.96875 L 235.375,199.46875 L 238.625,200.21875 L 242.03125,200.625 L 243.21875,198.40625 L 240.96875,195.8125 L 238.5625,193.5 L 239.8125,190.875 L 243.125,191.28125 L 246.5625,191.34375 L 247.53125,189.03125 L 245.03125,186.65625 L 242.40625,184.59375 L 243.375,181.875 L 246.71875,181.9375 L 250.15625,181.6875 L 250.875,179.28125 L 248.15625,177.15625 L 245.34375,175.375 L 246.0625,172.5625 L 249.375,172.3125 L 252.78125,171.71875 L 253.25,169.25 L 250.375,167.40625 L 247.375,165.90625 L 247.8125,163.03125 L 251.09375,162.46875 L 254.40625,161.53125 L 254.65625,159.03125 L 251.59375,157.5 L 248.46875,156.28125 L 248.625,153.40625 L 251.84375,152.5 L 255.03125,151.25 L 255.03125,148.75 L 251.84375,147.5 L 248.625,146.59375 L 248.46875,143.71875 L 251.59375,142.5 L 254.65625,140.96875 L 254.40625,138.46875 L 251.09375,137.53125 L 247.8125,136.96875 L 247.375,134.09375 L 250.375,132.59375 L 253.25,130.75 L 252.78125,128.28125 L 249.375,127.6875 L 246.0625,127.4375 L 245.34375,124.625 L 248.15625,122.84375 L 250.875,120.71875 L 250.15625,118.3125 L 246.71875,118.0625 L 243.375,118.125 L 242.40625,115.40625 L 245.03125,113.34375 L 247.53125,110.96875 L 246.5625,108.65625 L 243.125,108.71875 L 239.8125,109.125 L 238.5625,106.5 L 240.96875,104.1875 L 243.21875,101.59375 L 242.03125,99.375 L 238.625,99.78125 L 235.375,100.53125 L 233.875,98.03125 L 236.0625,95.5 L 238.03125,92.6875 L 236.625,90.59375 L 233.28125,91.34375 L 230.125,92.375 L 228.375,90.0625 L 230.3125,87.34375 L 232,84.34375 L 230.40625,82.40625 L 227.125,83.46875 L 224.09375,84.8125 L 222.125,82.65625 L 223.78125,79.75 L 225.15625,76.625 L 223.375,74.84375 L 220.25,76.21875 L 217.34375,77.875 L 215.1875,75.90625 L 216.53125,72.875 L 217.59375,69.59375 L 215.65625,68 L 212.65625,69.6875 L 209.9375,71.625 L 207.625,69.875 L 208.65625,66.71875 L 209.40625,63.375 L 207.3125,61.96875 L 204.5,63.9375 L 201.96875,66.125 L 199.46875,64.625 L 200.21875,61.375 L 200.625,57.96875 L 198.40625,56.78125 L 195.8125,59.03125 L 193.5,61.4375 L 190.875,60.1875 L 191.28125,56.875 L 191.34375,53.4375 L 189.03125,52.46875 L 186.65625,54.96875 L 184.59375,57.59375 L 181.875,56.625 L 181.9375,53.28125 L 181.6875,49.84375 L 179.28125,49.125 L 177.15625,51.84375 L 175.375,54.65625 L 172.5625,53.9375 L 172.3125,50.625 L 171.71875,47.21875 L 169.25,46.75 L 167.40625,49.625 L 165.90625,52.625 L 163.03125,52.1875 L 162.46875,48.90625 L 161.53125,45.59375 L 159.03125,45.34375 L 157.5,48.40625 L 156.28125,51.53125 L 153.40625,51.375 L 152.5,48.15625 L 151.25,44.96875 L 148.75,44.96875 z M 150,65 C 169.85502,65 188.12042,71.827689 202.59375,83.25 L 160.59375,125.25 C 154.73891,131.10484 145.26109,131.10484 139.40625,125.25 L 97.40625,83.25 C 111.87958,71.827689 130.14498,65 150,65 z M 83.25,97.40625 L 125.25,139.40625 C 131.10484,145.26109 131.10484,154.73891 125.25,160.59375 L 83.25,202.59375 C 71.827689,188.12042 65,169.85502 65,150 C 65,130.14498 71.827689,111.87958 83.25,97.40625 z M 216.75,97.40625 C 228.17231,111.87958 235,130.14498 235,150 C 235,169.85502 228.17231,188.12042 216.75,202.59375 L 174.75,160.59375 C 168.89516,154.73891 168.89516,145.26109 174.75,139.40625 L 216.75,97.40625 z M 150,170.34375 C 153.83959,170.34375 157.66633,171.82258 160.59375,174.75 L 202.59375,216.75 C 188.12042,228.17231 169.85502,235 150,235 C 130.14498,235 111.87958,228.17231 97.40625,216.75 L 139.40625,174.75 C 142.33367,171.82258 146.16041,170.34375 150,170.34375 z "
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