path: root/src/3rdparty/2geom/src/cython/_cy_primitives.pxd
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 237 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/2geom/src/cython/_cy_primitives.pxd b/src/3rdparty/2geom/src/cython/_cy_primitives.pxd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87df1c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/2geom/src/cython/_cy_primitives.pxd
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+from _common_decl cimport *
+cdef extern from "2geom/affine.h" namespace "Geom":
+ cdef cppclass Affine:
+ pass
+ cdef cppclass Translate
+ cdef cppclass Scale
+ cdef cppclass Rotate
+ cdef cppclass VShear
+ cdef cppclass HShear
+ cdef cppclass Zoom
+cdef extern from "2geom/angle.h" namespace "Geom":
+ cdef cppclass Angle:
+ Angle()
+ Angle(Coord)
+ Angle(Point)
+ Coord radians()
+ Coord radians0()
+ Coord degrees()
+ Coord degreesClock()
+ Coord operator()
+ Angle &operator+(Angle &)
+ Angle &operator-(Angle &)
+ bint operator==(Angle &)
+ bint operator!=(Angle &)
+ Coord rad_from_deg(Coord)
+ Coord deg_from_rad(Coord)
+cdef extern from "2geom/angle.h" namespace "Geom::Angle":
+ Angle from_radians(Coord d)
+ Angle from_degrees(Coord d)
+ Angle from_degrees_clock(Coord d)
+cdef class cy_Angle:
+ cdef Angle* thisptr
+cdef cy_Angle wrap_Angle(Angle)
+cdef extern from "2geom/angle.h" namespace "Geom":
+ cdef cppclass AngleInterval:
+ AngleInterval(AngleInterval &)
+ AngleInterval(Angle &, Angle &, bint)
+ AngleInterval(double, double, bint)
+ Angle & initialAngle()
+ Angle & finalAngle()
+ bint isDegenerate()
+ Angle angleAt(Coord)
+ Angle operator()(Coord)
+ bint contains(Angle &)
+ Coord extent()
+cdef extern from "2geom/point.h" namespace "Geom":
+ cdef cppclass Point:
+ Point()
+ Point(Coord, Coord)
+ Coord length()
+ Point ccw()
+ Point cw()
+ Coord x()
+ Coord y()
+ IntPoint round()
+ IntPoint floor()
+ IntPoint ceil()
+ bint isFinite()
+ bint isZero()
+ bint isNormalized(Coord)
+ bint operator==(Point &)
+ bint operator!=(Point &)
+ bint operator<(Point &)
+ bint operator>(Point &)
+ bint operator<=(Point &)
+ bint operator>=(Point &)
+ Coord &operator[](int)
+ Point operator-()
+ Point &operator+(Point &)
+ Point &operator-(Point &)
+ Point &operator*(Coord)
+ Point &operator/(Coord)
+ Point &operator*(Affine &)
+ Point &operator*(Translate &)
+ Point &operator*(Scale &)
+ Point &operator*(Rotate &)
+ Point &operator*(HShear &)
+ Point &operator*(VShear &)
+ Point &operator*(Zoom &)
+ Coord L2(Point &)
+ Coord L2sq(Point &)
+ bint are_near(Point &, Point &, double)
+ Point middle_point(Point &, Point &)
+ Point rot90(Point &)
+ Point lerp(double, Point &, Point &)
+ Coord dot(Point &, Point &)
+ Coord cross(Point &, Point &)
+ Coord distance (Point &, Point &)
+ Coord distanceSq (Point &, Point &)
+ Point unit_vector(Point &)
+ Coord L1(Point &)
+ Coord LInfty(Point &)
+ bint is_zero(Point &)
+ bint is_unit_vector(Point &)
+ double atan2(Point &)
+ double angle_between(Point &, Point &)
+ Point abs(Point &)
+ Point constrain_angle(Point &, Point &, unsigned int, Point &)
+cdef extern from "2geom/point.h" namespace "Geom::Point":
+ Point polar(Coord angle, Coord radius)
+cdef class cy_Point:
+ cdef Point* thisptr
+cdef cy_Point wrap_Point(Point p)
+cdef object wrap_vector_point(vector[Point] v)
+cdef vector[Point] make_vector_point(object l)
+cdef extern from "2geom/int-point.h" namespace "Geom":
+ cdef cppclass IntPoint:
+ IntPoint()
+ IntPoint(IntCoord, IntCoord)
+ IntPoint(IntPoint &)
+ IntCoord operator[](unsigned int)
+ IntCoord x()
+ IntCoord y()
+ #why doesn't IntPoint have unary -?
+ IntPoint & operator+(IntPoint &)
+ IntPoint & operator-(IntPoint &)
+ bint operator==(IntPoint &)
+ bint operator!=(IntPoint &)
+ bint operator<=(IntPoint &)
+ bint operator>=(IntPoint &)
+ bint operator>(IntPoint &)
+ bint operator<(IntPoint &)
+cdef class cy_IntPoint:
+ cdef IntPoint* thisptr
+cdef cy_IntPoint wrap_IntPoint(IntPoint p)
+cdef extern from "2geom/curve.h" namespace "Geom":
+ cdef cppclass Curve
+cdef extern from "2geom/bezier.h" namespace "Geom":
+ cdef cppclass LineSegment
+cdef extern from "2geom/line.h" namespace "Geom":
+ cdef cppclass Line:
+ Line()
+ Line(Point &, Coord)
+ Line(Point &, Point &)
+ Line(LineSegment &)
+ Line(Ray &)
+ Line* duplicate()
+ Point origin()
+ Point versor()
+ Coord angle()
+ void setOrigin(Point &)
+ void setVersor(Point &)
+ void setAngle(Coord)
+ void setPoints(Point &, Point &)
+ void setCoefficients(double, double, double)
+ bint isDegenerate()
+ Point pointAt(Coord)
+ Coord valueAt(Coord, Dim2)
+ Coord timeAt(Point &)
+ Coord timeAtProjection(Point &)
+ Coord nearestTime(Point &)
+ vector[Coord] roots(Coord, Dim2)
+ Line reverse()
+ Curve* portion(Coord, Coord)
+ LineSegment segment(Coord, Coord)
+ Ray ray(Coord)
+ Line derivative()
+ Line transformed(Affine &)
+ Point normal()
+ Point normalAndDist(double &)
+ double distance(Point &, Line &)
+ bint are_near(Point &, Line &, double)
+ bint are_parallel(Line &, Line &, double)
+ bint are_same(Line &, Line &, double)
+ bint are_orthogonal(Line &, Line &, double)
+ bint are_collinear(Point &, Point &, Point &, double)
+ double angle_between(Line &, Line &)
+ double distance(Point &, LineSegment &)
+cdef extern from "2geom/line.h" namespace "Geom::Line":
+ Line from_origin_and_versor(Point, Point)
+ Line from_normal_distance(Point, double)
+cdef extern from "2geom/ray.h" namespace "Geom":
+ cdef cppclass Ray:
+ Ray()
+ Ray(Point &, Coord)
+ Ray(Point&, Point &)
+ Point origin()
+ Point versor()
+ void setOrigin(Point &)
+ void setVersor(Point &)
+ void setAngle(Coord)
+ Coord angle()
+ void setPoints(Point &, Point &)
+ bint isDegenerate()
+ Point pointAt(Coord)
+ Coord valueAt(Coord, Dim2)
+ vector[Coord] roots(Coord, Dim2)
+ Coord nearestTime(Point &)
+ Ray reverse()
+ Curve *portion(Coord, Coord)
+ LineSegment segment(Coord, Coord)
+ Ray transformed(Affine &)
+ double distance(Point &, Ray &)
+ bint are_near(Point &, Ray &, double)
+ bint are_same(Ray&, Ray &, double)
+ double angle_between(Ray &, Ray &, bint)
+ Ray make_angle_bisector_ray(Ray &, Ray&)