path: root/src/3rdparty/2geom/src/toys/normal-bundle.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 230 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/2geom/src/toys/normal-bundle.cpp b/src/3rdparty/2geom/src/toys/normal-bundle.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..efe7536
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/2geom/src/toys/normal-bundle.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+#include <2geom/d2.h>
+#include <2geom/sbasis.h>
+#include <2geom/sbasis-2d.h>
+#include <2geom/sbasis-geometric.h>
+#include <2geom/bezier-to-sbasis.h>
+#include <toys/path-cairo.h>
+#include <toys/toy-framework-2.h>
+#include <vector>
+using std::vector;
+using namespace Geom;
+class NormalBundle : public std::vector<D2<SBasis2d> >{
+ vector<double> lengths;
+ NormalBundle(){lengths.push_back(0.);}
+ void setBase(D2<SBasis> const &B, double tol);
+ void draw(cairo_t* cr, unsigned NbSections =5,unsigned NbFibre=5);
+vector<D2<SBasis> > compose(NormalBundle const &NB,
+ D2<SBasis> const &Binit,
+ Geom::Point Origin=Geom::Point(0,0));
+void SBasis1d_to_2d(D2<SBasis> C0,
+ D2<SBasis> C1,
+ D2<SBasis2d> &S){
+ for(unsigned dim = 0; dim < 2; dim++) {
+//**** C0 and C1 should have the same size...
+ for (unsigned i=C0[dim].size();i<C1[dim].size(); i++)
+ C0[dim].push_back(Linear(0));
+ for (unsigned i=C1[dim].size();i<C0[dim].size(); i++)
+ C1[dim].push_back(Linear(0));
+ S[dim].clear();
+ S[dim].us = C0[dim].size();
+ S[dim].vs = 1;
+ for(unsigned v = 0; v < S[dim].vs; v++)
+ for(unsigned u = 0; u < S[dim].us; u++)
+ S[dim].push_back(Linear2d(C0[dim][u][0],C0[dim][u][1],
+ C1[dim][u][0],C1[dim][u][1]));
+ }
+void NormalBundle::setBase(D2<SBasis> const &B, double tol=0.01) {
+ D2<SBasis> dB = derivative(B);
+ vector<double> cuts;
+ Piecewise<D2<SBasis> > unitV=unitVector(dB);
+ //TODO: clean this up, use arc_length_parametrization...
+ cuts=unitV.cuts;
+ double t0=0,t1,L=0;
+ for(unsigned i=1;i<cuts.size();i++){
+ t1=cuts[i];
+ D2<SBasis> subB=compose(B,Linear(t0,t1));
+ D2<SBasis2d> S;
+ SBasis1d_to_2d(subB, subB+rot90(unitV[i]), S);
+ push_back(S);
+ SBasis s=integral(dot(compose(dB,Linear(t0,t1)),unitV[i]));
+ L+=(s(1)-s(0))*(t1-t0);
+ lengths.push_back(L);
+ t0=t1;
+ }
+void NormalBundle::draw(cairo_t *cr, unsigned NbLi, unsigned NbCol) {
+ D2<SBasis> B;
+ vector<D2<SBasis> > tB;
+ //Geom::Point Seg[2];
+ B[1]=Linear(-100,100);
+ double width=*(lengths.rbegin());
+ if (NbCol>0)
+ for(unsigned ui = 0; ui <= NbCol; ui++) {
+ B[0]=Linear(ui*width/NbCol);
+ tB = compose(*this,B);
+ if (tB.size()>0) cairo_d2_sb(cr, tB[0]);
+ }
+ B[0]=SBasis(Linear(0,1));
+ for(unsigned ui = 0; ui <= NbLi; ui++) {
+ B[1]=Linear(-100+ui*200/NbLi);
+ for(unsigned i = 0; i <size(); i++) {
+ D2<SBasis> section=composeEach((*this)[i],B);
+ cairo_d2_sb(cr, section);
+ }
+ }
+vector<D2<SBasis> > compose(NormalBundle const &NB,
+ D2<SBasis> const &Binit,
+ Geom::Point Origin){
+ vector<D2<SBasis> > result;
+ D2<SBasis> B=Binit;
+ D2<SBasis> Bcut;
+ vector<double> Roots;
+ std::map<double,unsigned> Cuts;
+ unsigned idx;
+ B = B + (-Origin);
+ //--Find intersections with fibers over segment ends.
+ for(unsigned i=0; i<=NB.size();i++){
+ Roots=roots(B[0]);
+ for (vector<double>::iterator root=Roots.begin();
+ root!=Roots.end();root++)
+ Cuts[*root]=i;
+ if((Cuts.count(0.)==0) and
+ ((B[0].valueAt(0.)<=0) or i==NB.size()))
+ Cuts[0.]=i;
+ if((Cuts.count(1.)==0) and
+ ((B[0].valueAt(1.)<=0) or i==NB.size()))
+ Cuts[1.]=i;
+ if (i<NB.size())
+ B[0]-=(NB.lengths[i+1]-NB.lengths[i]);
+ }
+ B[0]+=*(NB.lengths.rbegin());
+ //-- Compose each piece with the relevant sbasis2d.
+ // TODO: use a uniform parametrization of the base.
+ std::map<double,unsigned>::iterator cut=Cuts.begin();
+ std::map<double,unsigned>::iterator next=cut; next++;
+ while(next!=Cuts.end()){
+ double t0=(*cut).first;
+ unsigned idx0=(*cut).second;
+ double t1=(*next).first;
+ unsigned idx1=(*next).second;
+ if (idx0 != idx1){
+ idx=std::min(idx0,idx1);
+ } else if(B[0]((t0+t1)/2) < NB.lengths[idx0]) { // we have a left 'bump',
+ idx=idx0-1;
+ } else if(B[0]((t0+t1)/2) == NB.lengths[idx0]) { //we have a vertical segment!...
+ idx= (idx0==NB.size())? idx0-1:idx0;
+ } else //we have a right 'bump'.
+ idx=idx0;
+ //--trim version...
+ if (idx>=0 and idx<NB.size()) {
+ for (unsigned dim=0;dim<2;dim++)
+ Bcut[dim]=compose(B[dim], Linear(t0,t1));
+ double width=NB.lengths[idx+1]-NB.lengths[idx];
+ Bcut[0]=compose(Linear(-NB.lengths[idx]/width,
+ (1-NB.lengths[idx])/width),Bcut[0]);
+ Bcut = composeEach(NB[idx], Bcut);
+ result.push_back(Bcut);
+ }
+ cut++;
+ next++;
+ }
+ return(result);
+class NormalBundleToy: public Toy {
+ PointSetHandle B_handle;
+ PointSetHandle P_handle;
+ PointHandle O_handle;
+ void draw(cairo_t *cr, std::ostringstream *notify, int width, int height, bool save, std::ostringstream *timer_stream) {
+ D2<SBasis> B = B_handle.asBezier();
+ D2<SBasis> P = P_handle.asBezier();
+ Geom::Point O = O_handle.pos;
+ NormalBundle NBdle;
+ NBdle.setBase(B);
+ Geom::Point Oo(O[0]+*(NBdle.lengths.rbegin()),O[1]);
+ vector<D2<SBasis> > Q=compose(NBdle,P,O);
+ cairo_set_line_width (cr, 0.5);
+ //Base lines
+ cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 0.9, 0., 0., 1);
+ cairo_d2_sb(cr, B);
+ draw_line_seg(cr, O, Oo);
+ cairo_stroke(cr);
+ //Sections
+ cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 0, 0, 0.9, 1);
+ cairo_d2_sb(cr, P);
+ for (unsigned i=0;i<Q.size();i++){
+ cairo_d2_sb(cr, Q[i]);
+ }
+ cairo_stroke(cr);
+ //Normal bundle
+ cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 0., 0., 0., 1);
+ NBdle.draw(cr,3,5);
+ cairo_stroke(cr);
+ Toy::draw(cr, notify, width, height, save,timer_stream);
+ }
+ NormalBundleToy(){
+ if(handles.empty()) {
+ handles.push_back(&B_handle);
+ handles.push_back(&P_handle);
+ handles.push_back(&O_handle);
+ for(unsigned i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+ B_handle.push_back(200+50*i,400);
+ for(unsigned i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+ P_handle.push_back(100+uniform()*400,
+ 150+uniform()*100);
+ O_handle.pos = Geom::Point(200,200);
+ }
+ }
+int main(int argc, char **argv) {
+ init(argc, argv, new NormalBundleToy);
+ return 0;
+ Local Variables:
+ mode:c++
+ c-file-style:"stroustrup"
+ c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))
+ indent-tabs-mode:nil
+ fill-column:99
+ End:
+// vim: filetype=cpp:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:fileencoding=utf-8:textwidth=99 :