path: root/src/3rdparty/adaptagrams/libavoid/hyperedgetree.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 821 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/adaptagrams/libavoid/hyperedgetree.cpp b/src/3rdparty/adaptagrams/libavoid/hyperedgetree.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9cf1a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/adaptagrams/libavoid/hyperedgetree.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,821 @@
+ * vim: ts=4 sw=4 et tw=0 wm=0
+ *
+ * libavoid - Fast, Incremental, Object-avoiding Line Router
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2011-2014 Monash University
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ * See the file LICENSE.LGPL distributed with the library.
+ *
+ * Licensees holding a valid commercial license may use this file in
+ * accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
+ * library.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *
+ * Author(s): Michael Wybrow
+#include <algorithm>
+#include "libavoid/hyperedgetree.h"
+#include "libavoid/geometry.h"
+#include "libavoid/connector.h"
+#include "libavoid/router.h"
+#include "libavoid/connend.h"
+#include "libavoid/assertions.h"
+#include "libavoid/junction.h"
+#include "libavoid/debughandler.h"
+namespace Avoid {
+// Constructs a new hyperedge tree node.
+ : junction(nullptr),
+ shiftSegmentNodeSet(nullptr),
+ finalVertex(nullptr),
+ isConnectorSource(false),
+ isPinDummyEndpoint(false),
+ visited(false)
+ if (shiftSegmentNodeSet)
+ {
+ shiftSegmentNodeSet->erase(this);
+ shiftSegmentNodeSet = nullptr;
+ }
+// This method traverses the hyperedge tree and outputs each of the edges
+// and junction positions as SVG objects to the file fp.
+void HyperedgeTreeNode::outputEdgesExcept(FILE *fp, HyperedgeTreeEdge *ignored)
+ if (junction)
+ {
+ fprintf(fp, "<circle cx=\"%g\" cy=\"%g\" r=\"6\" "
+ "style=\"fill: green; stroke: none;\" />\n", point.x, point.y);
+ }
+ for (std::list<HyperedgeTreeEdge *>::iterator curr = edges.begin();
+ curr != edges.end(); ++curr)
+ {
+ if (*curr != ignored)
+ {
+ (*curr)->outputNodesExcept(fp, this);
+ }
+ }
+// This method traverses the hyperedge tree and removes from treeRoots any
+// junction nodes (other than this one).
+bool HyperedgeTreeNode::removeOtherJunctionsFrom(HyperedgeTreeEdge *ignored,
+ JunctionSet& treeRoots)
+ bool containsCycle = false;
+ if (visited)
+ {
+ // We've encountered this node before, so there must be cycles in
+ // the hyperedge. Don't recurse any further.
+ containsCycle = true;
+ return containsCycle;
+ }
+ if (junction && (ignored != nullptr))
+ {
+ // Remove junctions other than the first (when ignored == nullptr).
+ treeRoots.erase(junction);
+ }
+ visited = true;
+ for (std::list<HyperedgeTreeEdge *>::iterator curr = edges.begin();
+ curr != edges.end(); ++curr)
+ {
+ if (*curr != ignored)
+ {
+ containsCycle |= (*curr)->removeOtherJunctionsFrom(this, treeRoots);
+ }
+ }
+ return containsCycle;
+// This method traverses the hyperedge tree and writes each of the paths
+// back to the individual connectors as routes.
+void HyperedgeTreeNode::writeEdgesToConns(HyperedgeTreeEdge *ignored,
+ size_t pass)
+ for (std::list<HyperedgeTreeEdge *>::iterator curr = edges.begin();
+ curr != edges.end(); ++curr)
+ {
+ if (*curr != ignored)
+ {
+ (*curr)->writeEdgesToConns(this, pass);
+ }
+ }
+// This method traverses the hyperedge tree and creates connectors for each
+// segment bridging junction and/or terminals. It also sets the
+// appropriate ConnEnds for each connector.
+void HyperedgeTreeNode::addConns(HyperedgeTreeEdge *ignored, Router *router,
+ ConnRefList& oldConns, ConnRef *conn)
+ // If no connector is set, then we must be starting off at a junction.
+ COLA_ASSERT(conn || junction);
+ for (std::list<HyperedgeTreeEdge *>::iterator curr = edges.begin();
+ curr != edges.end(); ++curr)
+ {
+ if (*curr != ignored)
+ {
+ // If we're not at a junction, then use the connector value being
+ // passed in to the method.
+ if (junction)
+ {
+ // If we're at a junction, then we are effectively starting
+ // our traversal along a connector, so create this new connector
+ // and set it's start ConnEnd to be this junction.
+ conn = new ConnRef(router);
+ router->removeObjectFromQueuedActions(conn);
+ conn->makeActive();
+ conn->m_initialised = true;
+ ConnEnd connend(junction);
+ conn->updateEndPoint(VertID::src, connend);
+ }
+ // Set the connector for this edge.
+ (*curr)->conn = conn;
+ // Continue recursive traversal.
+ (*curr)->addConns(this, router, oldConns);
+ }
+ }
+static bool travellingForwardOnConnector(ConnRef *conn, JunctionRef *junction)
+ std::pair<ConnEnd, ConnEnd> connEnds = conn->endpointConnEnds();
+ if (connEnds.first.junction() == junction)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (connEnds.second.junction() == junction)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (connEnds.first.type() != ConnEndJunction &&
+ connEnds.first.type() != ConnEndEmpty)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (connEnds.second.type() != ConnEndJunction &&
+ connEnds.second.type() != ConnEndEmpty)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return true;
+// This method traverses the hyperedge tree and rewrites connector ends
+// that may have changed junctions due to major hyperedge improvement.
+void HyperedgeTreeNode::updateConnEnds(HyperedgeTreeEdge *ignored,
+ bool forward, ConnRefList& changedConns)
+ for (std::list<HyperedgeTreeEdge *>::iterator curr = edges.begin();
+ curr != edges.end(); ++curr)
+ {
+ HyperedgeTreeEdge *edge = *curr;
+ if (edge != ignored)
+ {
+ if (junction)
+ {
+ // If we're at a junction, then we are effectively starting
+ // our traversal along a connector, so create this new connector
+ // and set it's start ConnEnd to be this junction.
+ forward = travellingForwardOnConnector(edge->conn, junction);
+ std::pair<ConnEnd, ConnEnd> existingEnds =
+ edge->conn->endpointConnEnds();
+ ConnEnd existingEnd = (forward) ?
+ existingEnds.first : existingEnds.second;
+ if (existingEnd.junction() != junction)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "HyperedgeImprover: changed %s of "
+ "connector %u (from junction %u to %u)\n",
+ (forward) ? "src" : "tar", edge->conn->id(),
+ existingEnd.junction()->id(), junction->id());
+ unsigned short end = (forward) ? VertID::src : VertID::tar;
+ ConnEnd connend(junction);
+ edge->conn->updateEndPoint(end, connend);
+ changedConns.push_back(edge->conn);
+ }
+ }
+ // Continue recursive traversal.
+ edge->updateConnEnds(this, forward, changedConns);
+ }
+ }
+// This method traverses the hyperedge tree and returns a list of the junctions
+// and connectors that make up the hyperedge.
+void HyperedgeTreeNode::listJunctionsAndConnectors(HyperedgeTreeEdge *ignored,
+ JunctionRefList& junctions, ConnRefList& connectors)
+ if (junction)
+ {
+ junctions.push_back(junction);
+ }
+ for (std::list<HyperedgeTreeEdge *>::iterator curr = edges.begin();
+ curr != edges.end(); ++curr)
+ {
+ if (*curr != ignored)
+ {
+ (*curr)->listJunctionsAndConnectors(this, junctions, connectors);
+ }
+ }
+void HyperedgeTreeNode::validateHyperedge(const HyperedgeTreeEdge *ignored,
+ const size_t dist) const
+ size_t newDist = dist;
+ if (junction)
+ {
+ if (newDist == 0)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr,"\nHyperedge topology:\n");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ++newDist;
+ }
+ for (size_t d = 0; d < newDist; ++d)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr," ");
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, "j(%d)\n", junction->id());
+ ++newDist;
+ }
+ else if (edges.size() == 1)
+ {
+ ++newDist;
+ for (size_t d = 0; d < newDist; ++d)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, " ");
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, "t()\n");
+ ++newDist;
+ }
+ for (std::list<HyperedgeTreeEdge *>::const_iterator curr = edges.begin();
+ curr != edges.end(); ++curr)
+ {
+ HyperedgeTreeEdge *edge = *curr;
+ std::pair<ConnEnd, ConnEnd> connEnds = edge->conn->endpointConnEnds();
+ if (junction)
+ {
+ COLA_ASSERT((connEnds.first.junction() == junction) ||
+ (connEnds.second.junction() == junction));
+ COLA_ASSERT(connEnds.first.junction() != connEnds.second.junction());
+ }
+ else if (edges.size() == 1)
+ {
+ COLA_ASSERT(!connEnds.first.junction() ||
+ !connEnds.second.junction());
+ }
+ if (edge != ignored)
+ {
+ edge->validateHyperedge(this, newDist);
+ }
+ }
+// This method traverses the hyperedge tree, clearing up the objects and
+// memory used to store the tree.
+void HyperedgeTreeNode::deleteEdgesExcept(HyperedgeTreeEdge *ignored)
+ for (std::list<HyperedgeTreeEdge *>::iterator curr = edges.begin();
+ curr != edges.end(); ++curr)
+ {
+ if (*curr != ignored)
+ {
+ (*curr)->deleteNodesExcept(this);
+ delete *curr;
+ }
+ }
+ edges.clear();
+// This method disconnects a specific hyperedge tree edge from the given node.
+void HyperedgeTreeNode::disconnectEdge(HyperedgeTreeEdge *edge)
+ for (std::list<HyperedgeTreeEdge *>::iterator curr = edges.begin();
+ curr != edges.end(); )
+ {
+ if (*curr == edge)
+ {
+ curr = edges.erase(curr);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ++curr;
+ }
+ }
+// This method moves all edges attached to oldNode to instead be attached to
+// the given hyperedge tree node.
+void HyperedgeTreeNode::spliceEdgesFrom(HyperedgeTreeNode *oldNode)
+ COLA_ASSERT(oldNode != this);
+ for (std::list<HyperedgeTreeEdge *>::iterator curr = oldNode->edges.begin();
+ curr != oldNode->edges.end(); curr = oldNode->edges.begin())
+ {
+ (*curr)->replaceNode(oldNode, this);
+ }
+bool HyperedgeTreeNode::isImmovable(void) const
+ if ((edges.size() == 1) || (junction && junction->positionFixed()))
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (std::list<HyperedgeTreeEdge *>::const_iterator curr = edges.begin();
+ curr != edges.end(); ++curr)
+ {
+ if ((*curr)->hasFixedRoute)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+// Constructs a new hyperedge tree edge, given two endpoint nodes.
+HyperedgeTreeEdge::HyperedgeTreeEdge(HyperedgeTreeNode *node1,
+ HyperedgeTreeNode *node2, ConnRef *conn)
+ : conn(conn),
+ hasFixedRoute(false)
+ if (conn)
+ {
+ hasFixedRoute = conn->hasFixedRoute();
+ }
+ ends = std::make_pair(node1, node2);
+ node1->edges.push_back(this);
+ node2->edges.push_back(this);
+// Given one endpoint of the hyperedge tree edge, returns the other endpoint.
+HyperedgeTreeNode *HyperedgeTreeEdge::followFrom(HyperedgeTreeNode *from) const
+ return (ends.first == from) ? ends.second : ends.first;
+// Returns true if the length of this edge is zero, i.e., the endpoints are
+// located at the same position.
+bool HyperedgeTreeEdge::zeroLength(void) const
+ return (ends.first->point == ends.second->point);
+// This method traverses the hyperedge tree and outputs each of the edges
+// and junction positions as SVG objects to the file fp.
+void HyperedgeTreeEdge::outputNodesExcept(FILE *fp, HyperedgeTreeNode *ignored)
+ fprintf(fp, "<path d=\"M %g %g L %g %g\" "
+ "style=\"fill: none; stroke: %s; stroke-width: 2px; "
+ "stroke-opacity: 0.5;\" />\n",
+ ends.first->point.x, ends.first->point.y,
+ ends.second->point.x, ends.second->point.y, "purple");
+ if (ends.first != ignored)
+ {
+ ends.first->outputEdgesExcept(fp, this);
+ }
+ if (ends.second != ignored)
+ {
+ ends.second->outputEdgesExcept(fp, this);
+ }
+// This method returns true if the edge is in the dimension given, i.e.,
+// either horizontal or vertical.
+bool HyperedgeTreeEdge::hasOrientation(const size_t dimension) const
+ return (ends.first->point[dimension] == ends.second->point[dimension]);
+// This method updates any of the given hyperedge tree edge's endpoints that
+// are attached to oldNode to instead be attached to newNode.
+void HyperedgeTreeEdge::replaceNode(HyperedgeTreeNode *oldNode,
+ HyperedgeTreeNode *newNode)
+ if (ends.first == oldNode)
+ {
+ oldNode->disconnectEdge(this);
+ newNode->edges.push_back(this);
+ ends.first = newNode;
+ }
+ else if (ends.second == oldNode)
+ {
+ oldNode->disconnectEdge(this);
+ newNode->edges.push_back(this);
+ ends.second = newNode;
+ }
+// This method traverses the hyperedge tree and writes each of the paths
+// back to the individual connectors as routes.
+void HyperedgeTreeEdge::writeEdgesToConns(HyperedgeTreeNode *ignored,
+ size_t pass)
+ COLA_ASSERT(ignored != nullptr);
+ COLA_ASSERT(ends.first != nullptr);
+ COLA_ASSERT(ends.second != nullptr);
+ HyperedgeTreeNode *prevNode =
+ (ignored == ends.first) ? ends.first : ends.second;
+ HyperedgeTreeNode *nextNode =
+ (ignored == ends.first) ? ends.second : ends.first;
+ if (pass == 0)
+ {
+ conn->m_display_route.clear();
+ }
+ else if (pass == 1)
+ {
+ if (conn->m_display_route.empty())
+ {
+ //printf("[%u] - %g %g\n", conn->id(), prevNode->point.x, prevNode->point.y);
+ conn->>point);
+ }
+ //printf("[%u] + %g %g\n", conn->id(), nextNode->point.x, nextNode->point.y);
+ conn->>point);
+ size_t nextNodeEdges = nextNode->edges.size();
+ if (nextNodeEdges != 2)
+ {
+ // We have finished writing a connector. If the node has just
+ // two edges then it is an intermediate node on a connector.
+ bool shouldReverse = false;
+ if (nextNodeEdges == 1)
+ {
+ // This connector led to a terminal.
+ if (nextNode->isConnectorSource)
+ {
+ shouldReverse = true;
+ }
+ if (nextNode->isPinDummyEndpoint)
+ {
+ // If may be that the hyperedge has an extra segment or
+ // two leading to the centre dummy pin used for connection
+ // pin routing. If so, remove these points from the
+ // resulting route.
+ conn->;
+ if (prevNode->point == nextNode->point)
+ {
+ // Duplicated dummy point. Remove second one.
+ conn->;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else // if (nextNodeEdges > 2)
+ {
+ // This connector was between two junctions.
+ COLA_ASSERT(conn->m_dst_connend);
+ JunctionRef *correctEndJunction =
+ conn->m_dst_connend->junction();
+ if (nextNode->junction != correctEndJunction)
+ {
+ shouldReverse = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (shouldReverse == true)
+ {
+ // Reverse the written connector route.
+ std::reverse(conn->,
+ conn->;
+ }
+ }
+ if (conn->router()->debugHandler())
+ {
+ conn->router()->debugHandler()->updateConnectorRoute(
+ conn, -1, -1);
+ }
+ }
+ nextNode->writeEdgesToConns(this, pass);
+// This method traverses the hyperedge tree and creates connectors for each
+// segment bridging junction and/or terminals. It also sets the
+// appropriate ConnEnds for each connector.
+void HyperedgeTreeEdge::addConns(HyperedgeTreeNode *ignored, Router *router,
+ ConnRefList& oldConns)
+ COLA_ASSERT(conn != nullptr);
+ HyperedgeTreeNode *endNode = nullptr;
+ if (ends.first && (ends.first != ignored))
+ {
+ endNode = ends.first;
+ ends.first->addConns(this, router, oldConns, conn);
+ }
+ if (ends.second && (ends.second != ignored))
+ {
+ endNode = ends.second;
+ ends.second->addConns(this, router, oldConns, conn);
+ }
+ if (endNode->finalVertex)
+ {
+ // We have reached a terminal of the hyperedge, so set a ConnEnd for
+ // the original connector endpoint
+ ConnEnd connend;
+ bool result = false;
+ // Find the ConnEnd from the list of original connectors.
+ for (ConnRefList::iterator curr = oldConns.begin();
+ curr != oldConns.end(); ++curr)
+ {
+ result |= (*curr)->getConnEndForEndpointVertex(
+ endNode->finalVertex, connend);
+ if (result)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (result)
+ {
+ // XXX: Create new conn here.
+ conn->updateEndPoint(VertID::tar, connend);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (endNode->junction)
+ {
+ // Or, set a ConnEnd connecting to the junction we have reached.
+ ConnEnd connend(endNode->junction);
+ conn->updateEndPoint(VertID::tar, connend);
+ }
+// This method traverses the hyperedge tree and rewrites connector ends
+// that may have changed junctions due to major hyperedge improvement.
+void HyperedgeTreeEdge::updateConnEnds(HyperedgeTreeNode *ignored,
+ bool forward, ConnRefList& changedConns)
+ HyperedgeTreeNode *endNode = nullptr;
+ if (ends.first && (ends.first != ignored))
+ {
+ endNode = ends.first;
+ ends.first->updateConnEnds(this, forward, changedConns);
+ }
+ if (ends.second && (ends.second != ignored))
+ {
+ endNode = ends.second;
+ ends.second->updateConnEnds(this, forward, changedConns);
+ }
+ if (endNode->junction)
+ {
+ // We've reached a junction at the end of this connector, and it's
+ // not an endpoint of the hyperedge. So the connector ConnEnd to
+ // connect to the junction we have reached.
+ std::pair<ConnEnd, ConnEnd> existingEnds = conn->endpointConnEnds();
+ ConnEnd existingEnd = (forward) ?
+ existingEnds.second : existingEnds.first;
+ if (existingEnd.junction() != endNode->junction)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "HyperedgeImprover: changed %s of "
+ "connector %u (from junction %u to %u)\n",
+ (forward) ? "tar" : "src", conn->id(),
+ existingEnd.junction()->id(), endNode->junction->id());
+ ConnEnd connend(endNode->junction);
+ unsigned short end = (forward) ? VertID::tar : VertID::src;
+ conn->updateEndPoint(end, connend);
+ // Record that this connector was changed (so long as it wasn't
+ // already recorded).
+ if (changedConns.empty() || (changedConns.back() != conn))
+ {
+ changedConns.push_back(conn);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// This method traverses the hyperedge tree and returns a list of the junctions
+// and connectors that make up the hyperedge.
+void HyperedgeTreeEdge::listJunctionsAndConnectors(HyperedgeTreeNode *ignored,
+ JunctionRefList& junctions, ConnRefList& connectors)
+ ConnRefList::iterator foundPosition =
+ std::find(connectors.begin(), connectors.end(), conn);
+ if (foundPosition == connectors.end())
+ {
+ // Add connector if it isn't already in the list.
+ connectors.push_back(conn);
+ }
+ if (ends.first != ignored)
+ {
+ ends.first->listJunctionsAndConnectors(this, junctions, connectors);
+ }
+ else if (ends.second != ignored)
+ {
+ ends.second->listJunctionsAndConnectors(this, junctions, connectors);
+ }
+void HyperedgeTreeEdge::validateHyperedge(
+ const HyperedgeTreeNode *ignored, const size_t dist) const
+ for (size_t d = 0; d < dist; ++d)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, " ");
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, "-(%d)\n", conn->id());
+ if (ends.first != ignored)
+ {
+ ends.first->validateHyperedge(this, dist);
+ }
+ else if (ends.second != ignored)
+ {
+ ends.second->validateHyperedge(this, dist);
+ }
+// This method splits the current edge, adding a node at the given point.
+// The current edge will connect the source node and the newly created node.
+// A new edge will connect the new node and the node at the other end of the
+// original edge.
+void HyperedgeTreeEdge::splitFromNodeAtPoint(HyperedgeTreeNode *source,
+ const Point& point)
+ // Make the source the first of the two nodes.
+ if (ends.second == source)
+ {
+ std::swap(ends.second, ends.first);
+ }
+ COLA_ASSERT(ends.first == source);
+ // Remember the other end.
+ HyperedgeTreeNode *target = ends.second;
+ // Create a new node for the split point at the given position.
+ HyperedgeTreeNode *split = new HyperedgeTreeNode();
+ split->point = point;
+ // Create a new edge between the split point and the other end.
+ new HyperedgeTreeEdge(split, target, conn);
+ // Disconnect the current edge from the other end and connect it to
+ // the new split point node.
+ target->disconnectEdge(this);
+ ends.second = split;
+ split->edges.push_back(this);
+// This method disconnects the hyperedge tree edge nodes that it's attached to.
+void HyperedgeTreeEdge::disconnectEdge(void)
+ COLA_ASSERT(ends.first != nullptr);
+ COLA_ASSERT(ends.second != nullptr);
+ ends.first->disconnectEdge(this);
+ ends.second->disconnectEdge(this);
+ ends.first = nullptr;
+ ends.second = nullptr;
+// This method traverses the hyperedge tree and removes from treeRoots any
+// junction nodes.
+bool HyperedgeTreeEdge::removeOtherJunctionsFrom(HyperedgeTreeNode *ignored,
+ JunctionSet& treeRoots)
+ bool containsCycle = false;
+ if (ends.first && (ends.first != ignored))
+ {
+ containsCycle |= ends.first->removeOtherJunctionsFrom(this, treeRoots);
+ }
+ if (ends.second && (ends.second != ignored))
+ {
+ containsCycle |= ends.second->removeOtherJunctionsFrom(this, treeRoots);
+ }
+ return containsCycle;
+// This method traverses the hyperedge tree, clearing up the objects and
+// memory used to store the tree.
+void HyperedgeTreeEdge::deleteNodesExcept(HyperedgeTreeNode *ignored)
+ if (ends.first && (ends.first != ignored))
+ {
+ ends.first->deleteEdgesExcept(this);
+ delete ends.first;
+ }
+ ends.first = nullptr;
+ if (ends.second && (ends.second != ignored))
+ {
+ ends.second->deleteEdgesExcept(this);
+ delete ends.second;
+ }
+ ends.second = nullptr;
+CmpNodesInDim::CmpNodesInDim(const size_t dim)
+ : m_dimension(dim)
+// Nodes in set are ordered by position along a line in a certain dimension,
+// and then by Node pointer since multiple may exist at a particular position.
+bool CmpNodesInDim::operator()(const HyperedgeTreeNode *lhs,
+ const HyperedgeTreeNode *rhs) const
+ if (lhs->point[m_dimension] != rhs->point[m_dimension])
+ {
+ return lhs->point[m_dimension] < rhs->point[m_dimension];
+ }
+ return lhs < rhs;