path: root/src/3rdparty/adaptagrams/libavoid/tests/improveHyperedge01.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 109 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/adaptagrams/libavoid/tests/improveHyperedge01.cpp b/src/3rdparty/adaptagrams/libavoid/tests/improveHyperedge01.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..092689c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/adaptagrams/libavoid/tests/improveHyperedge01.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+#include "libavoid/libavoid.h"
+#include <sstream>
+using namespace Avoid;
+int test()
+ // The contents of this function can be replaced by the automatically generated test code from the debug svg file
+ Avoid::ConnEnd end1;
+ Avoid::ConnEnd end2;
+ Avoid::Polygon poly;
+ Avoid::Router * router = new Avoid::Router(Avoid::OrthogonalRouting);
+ router->setTransactionUse(true);
+ router->setRoutingPenalty(Avoid::segmentPenalty);
+ router->setRoutingPenalty(Avoid::crossingPenalty);
+ router->setRoutingPenalty(Avoid::fixedSharedPathPenalty);
+ router->setRoutingParameter(idealNudgingDistance, 25);
+ router->setRoutingOption(Avoid::improveHyperedgeRoutesMovingJunctions, true);
+ poly = Avoid::Polygon(4);
+ poly.setPoint(0, Avoid::Point(51160, 50670));
+ poly.setPoint(1, Avoid::Point(51160, 50730));
+ poly.setPoint(2, Avoid::Point(50950, 50730));
+ poly.setPoint(3, Avoid::Point(50950, 50670));
+ Avoid::ShapeRef * shape341041314 = new Avoid::ShapeRef(router, poly, 341041314);
+ Avoid::ShapeConnectionPin * pin341041314_0 = new Avoid::ShapeConnectionPin(shape341041314, 1, 0.952381, 0.5, true, 10, 8);
+ pin341041314_0->setExclusive(true);
+ Avoid::ShapeConnectionPin * pin341041314_1 = new Avoid::ShapeConnectionPin(shape341041314, 2, 0, 0.5, true, 10, 4);
+ pin341041314_1->setExclusive(true);
+ poly = Avoid::Polygon(4);
+ poly.setPoint(0, Avoid::Point(51160, 50395));
+ poly.setPoint(1, Avoid::Point(51160, 50455));
+ poly.setPoint(2, Avoid::Point(50950, 50455));
+ poly.setPoint(3, Avoid::Point(50950, 50395));
+ Avoid::ShapeRef * shape47540376 = new Avoid::ShapeRef(router, poly, 47540376);
+ Avoid::ShapeConnectionPin * pin47540376_0 = new Avoid::ShapeConnectionPin(shape47540376, 1, 0.952381, 0.5, true, 10, 8);
+ pin47540376_0->setExclusive(true);
+ Avoid::ShapeConnectionPin * pin47540376_1 = new Avoid::ShapeConnectionPin(shape47540376, 2, 0, 0.5, true, 10, 4);
+ pin47540376_1->setExclusive(true);
+ poly = Avoid::Polygon(4);
+ poly.setPoint(0, Avoid::Point(50850, 50770));
+ poly.setPoint(1, Avoid::Point(50850, 50830));
+ poly.setPoint(2, Avoid::Point(50665, 50830));
+ poly.setPoint(3, Avoid::Point(50665, 50770));
+ Avoid::ShapeRef * shape81920772 = new Avoid::ShapeRef(router, poly, 81920772);
+ Avoid::ShapeConnectionPin * pin81920772_0 = new Avoid::ShapeConnectionPin(shape81920772, 1, 0.047619, 0.5, true, 10, 4);
+ pin81920772_0->setExclusive(true);
+ Avoid::ShapeConnectionPin * pin81920772_1 = new Avoid::ShapeConnectionPin(shape81920772, 2, 1, 0.5, true, 10, 8);
+ pin81920772_1->setExclusive(true);
+ Avoid::JunctionRef * junction878282342 = new Avoid::JunctionRef(router, Avoid::Point(50875, 50700), 878282342);
+ junction878282342->setPositionFixed(false);
+ poly = Avoid::Polygon(4);
+ poly.setPoint(0, Avoid::Point(50850, 50470));
+ poly.setPoint(1, Avoid::Point(50850, 50530));
+ poly.setPoint(2, Avoid::Point(50665, 50530));
+ poly.setPoint(3, Avoid::Point(50665, 50470));
+ Avoid::ShapeRef * shape206564314 = new Avoid::ShapeRef(router, poly, 206564314);
+ Avoid::ShapeConnectionPin * pin206564314_0 = new Avoid::ShapeConnectionPin(shape206564314, 1, 0.047619, 0.5, true, 10, 4);
+ pin206564314_0->setExclusive(true);
+ Avoid::ShapeConnectionPin * pin206564314_1 = new Avoid::ShapeConnectionPin(shape206564314, 2, 1, 0.5, true, 10, 8);
+ pin206564314_1->setExclusive(true);
+ Avoid::JunctionRef * junction213455341 = new Avoid::JunctionRef(router, Avoid::Point(50875, 50500), 213455341);
+ junction213455341->setPositionFixed(false);
+ end1 = Avoid::ConnEnd(junction878282342);
+ end2 = Avoid::ConnEnd(shape341041314, 2);
+ Avoid::ConnRef * conn290033688 = new Avoid::ConnRef(router, end1, end2);
+ conn290033688->makePathInvalid();
+ end1 = Avoid::ConnEnd(shape81920772, 2);
+ end2 = Avoid::ConnEnd(junction878282342);
+ Avoid::ConnRef * conn281807178 = new Avoid::ConnRef(router, end1, end2);
+ conn281807178->makePathInvalid();
+ end1 = Avoid::ConnEnd(shape47540376, 2);
+ end2 = Avoid::ConnEnd(junction213455341);
+ Avoid::ConnRef * conn762966660 = new Avoid::ConnRef(router, end1, end2);
+ conn762966660->makePathInvalid();
+ end1 = Avoid::ConnEnd(junction213455341);
+ end2 = Avoid::ConnEnd(junction878282342);
+ Avoid::ConnRef * conn46508714 = new Avoid::ConnRef(router, end1, end2);
+ conn46508714->makePathInvalid();
+ end1 = Avoid::ConnEnd(shape206564314, 2);
+ end2 = Avoid::ConnEnd(junction213455341);
+ Avoid::ConnRef * conn385831514 = new Avoid::ConnRef(router, end1, end2);
+ conn385831514->makePathInvalid();
+ router->processTransaction();
+ router->outputDiagram("output/improveHyperedge01-1");
+ poly = Avoid::Polygon(4);
+ poly.setPoint(0, Avoid::Point(51160, 50645));
+ poly.setPoint(1, Avoid::Point(51160, 50705));
+ poly.setPoint(2, Avoid::Point(50950, 50705));
+ poly.setPoint(3, Avoid::Point(50950, 50645));
+ router->moveShape(shape341041314, poly);
+ conn290033688->makePathInvalid();
+ conn281807178->makePathInvalid();
+ conn46508714->makePathInvalid();
+ conn762966660->makePathInvalid();
+ router->processTransaction();
+ router->outputDiagram("output/improveHyperedge01-2");
+ Avoid::Point junctionPos = junction878282342->recommendedPosition();
+ delete router;
+ // Regression test to check that a junction is correctly moved.
+ return (junctionPos.y == 50675) ? 0 : 1;
+int main(void)
+ return test();