path: root/src/extension/internal/filter/bumps.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 494 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/extension/internal/filter/bumps.h b/src/extension/internal/filter/bumps.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4db33d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/extension/internal/filter/bumps.h
@@ -0,0 +1,494 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+/* Change the 'BUMPS' above to be your file name */
+ * Copyright (C) 2011 Authors:
+ * Ivan Louette (filters)
+ * Nicolas Dufour (UI) <>
+ *
+ * Bump filters
+ * Bump
+ * Wax bump
+ *
+ * Released under GNU GPL v2+, read the file 'COPYING' for more information.
+ */
+/* ^^^ Change the copyright to be you and your e-mail address ^^^ */
+#include "filter.h"
+#include "extension/internal/clear-n_.h"
+#include "extension/system.h"
+#include "extension/extension.h"
+namespace Inkscape {
+namespace Extension {
+namespace Internal {
+namespace Filter {
+ \brief Custom predefined Bump filter.
+ All purpose bump filter
+ Filter's parameters:
+ Options
+ * Image simplification (0.01->10., default 0.01) -> blur1 (stdDeviation)
+ * Bump simplification (0.01->10., default 0.01) -> blur2 (stdDeviation)
+ * Crop (-50.->50., default 0.) -> composite1 (k3)
+ * Red (-50.->50., default 0.) -> colormatrix1 (values)
+ * Green (-50.->50., default 0.) -> colormatrix1 (values)
+ * Blue (-50.->50., default 0.) -> colormatrix1 (values)
+ * Bump from background (boolean, default false) -> colormatrix1 (false: in="SourceGraphic", true: in="BackgroundImage")
+ Lighting
+ * Lighting type (enum, default specular) -> lighting block
+ * Height (0.->50., default 5.) -> lighting (surfaceScale)
+ * Lightness (0.->5., default 1.) -> lighting [diffuselighting (diffuseConstant)|specularlighting (specularConstant)]
+ * Precision (1->128, default 15) -> lighting (specularExponent)
+ * Color (guint, default -1 (RGB:255,255,255))-> lighting (lighting-color)
+ Light source
+ * Azimuth (0->360, default 225) -> lightsOptions (distantAzimuth)
+ * Elevation (0->180, default 45) -> lightsOptions (distantElevation)
+ * X location [point] (-5000->5000, default 526) -> lightsOptions (x)
+ * Y location [point] (-5000->5000, default 372) -> lightsOptions (y)
+ * Z location [point] (0->5000, default 150) -> lightsOptions (z)
+ * X location [spot] (-5000->5000, default 526) -> lightsOptions (x)
+ * Y location [spot] (-5000->5000, default 372) -> lightsOptions (y)
+ * Z location [spot] (-5000->5000, default 150) -> lightsOptions (z)
+ * X target (-5000->5000, default 0) -> lightsOptions (pointsAtX)
+ * Y target (-5000->5000, default 0) -> lightsOptions (pointsAtX)
+ * Z target (-5000->0, default -1000) -> lightsOptions (pointsAtX)
+ * Specular exponent (1->100, default 1) -> lightsOptions (specularExponent)
+ * Cone angle (0->100, default 50) -> lightsOptions (limitingConeAngle)
+ Color bump
+ * Blend type (enum, default normal) -> blend (mode)
+ * Image color (guint, default -987158017 (RGB:197,41,41)) -> flood (flood-color)
+ * Color bump (boolean, default false) -> composite2 (false: in="diffuselighting", true in="flood")
+class Bump : public Inkscape::Extension::Internal::Filter::Filter {
+ gchar const * get_filter_text (Inkscape::Extension::Extension * ext) override;
+ Bump ( ) : Filter() { };
+ ~Bump ( ) override { if (_filter != nullptr) g_free((void *)_filter); return; }
+ static void init () {
+ // clang-format off
+ Inkscape::Extension::build_from_mem(
+ "<inkscape-extension xmlns=\"" INKSCAPE_EXTENSION_URI "\">\n"
+ "<name>" N_("Bump") "</name>\n"
+ "<id>org.inkscape.effect.filter.Bump</id>\n"
+ "<param name=\"tab\" type=\"notebook\">\n"
+ "<page name=\"optionstab\" gui-text=\"Options\">\n"
+ "<param name=\"simplifyImage\" gui-text=\"" N_("Image simplification") "\" type=\"float\" appearance=\"full\" precision=\"2\" min=\"0.01\" max=\"10.00\">0.01</param>\n"
+ "<param name=\"simplifyBump\" gui-text=\"" N_("Bump simplification") "\" type=\"float\" appearance=\"full\" precision=\"2\" min=\"0.01\" max=\"10.00\">0.01</param>\n"
+ "<param name=\"crop\" gui-text=\"" N_("Crop") "\" type=\"float\" appearance=\"full\" precision=\"2\" min=\"-50.\" max=\"50.\">0</param>\n"
+ "<label appearance=\"header\">" N_("Bump source") "</label>\n"
+ "<param name=\"red\" gui-text=\"" N_("Red") "\" type=\"float\" indent=\"1\" appearance=\"full\" precision=\"2\" min=\"-50.\" max=\"50.\">0</param>\n"
+ "<param name=\"green\" gui-text=\"" N_("Green") "\" type=\"float\" indent=\"1\" appearance=\"full\" precision=\"2\" min=\"-50.\" max=\"50.\">0</param>\n"
+ "<param name=\"blue\" gui-text=\"" N_("Blue") "\" type=\"float\" indent=\"1\" appearance=\"full\" precision=\"2\" min=\"-50.\" max=\"50.\">0</param>\n"
+ "<param name=\"background\" gui-text=\"" N_("Bump from background") "\" indent=\"1\" type=\"bool\">false</param>\n"
+ "</page>\n"
+ "<page name=\"lightingtab\" gui-text=\"Lighting\">\n"
+ "<param name=\"lightType\" gui-text=\"" N_("Lighting type:") "\" type=\"optiongroup\" appearance=\"combo\">\n"
+ "<option value=\"specular\">" N_("Specular") "</option>\n"
+ "<option value=\"diffuse\">" N_("Diffuse") "</option>\n"
+ "</param>\n"
+ "<param name=\"height\" gui-text=\"" N_("Height") "\" type=\"float\" appearance=\"full\" precision=\"2\" min=\"0\" max=\"50.\">5</param>\n"
+ "<param name=\"lightness\" gui-text=\"" N_("Lightness") "\" type=\"float\" appearance=\"full\" precision=\"2\" min=\"0\" max=\"5.\">1</param>\n"
+ "<param name=\"precision\" gui-text=\"" N_("Precision") "\" type=\"int\" appearance=\"full\" min=\"1\" max=\"128\">15</param>\n"
+ "<param name=\"lightingColor\" gui-text=\"" N_("Color") "\" type=\"color\">-1</param>\n"
+ "</page>\n"
+ "<page name=\"lightsourcetab\" gui-text=\"" N_("Light source") "\">\n"
+ "<param name=\"lightSource\" gui-text=\"" N_("Light source:") "\" type=\"optiongroup\" appearance=\"combo\">\n"
+ "<option value=\"distant\">" N_("Distant") "</option>\n"
+ "<option value=\"point\">" N_("Point") "</option>\n"
+ "<option value=\"spot\">" N_("Spot") "</option>\n"
+ "</param>\n"
+ "<label appearance=\"header\">" N_("Distant light options") "</label>\n"
+ "<param name=\"distantAzimuth\" gui-text=\"" N_("Azimuth") "\" type=\"int\" indent=\"1\" appearance=\"full\" min=\"0\" max=\"360\">225</param>\n"
+ "<param name=\"distantElevation\" gui-text=\"" N_("Elevation") "\" type=\"int\" indent=\"1\" appearance=\"full\" min=\"0\" max=\"180\">45</param>\n"
+ "<label appearance=\"header\">" N_("Point light options") "</label>\n"
+ "<param name=\"pointX\" gui-text=\"" N_("X location") "\" type=\"int\" indent=\"1\" appearance=\"full\" min=\"-5000\" max=\"5000\">526</param>\n"
+ "<param name=\"pointY\" gui-text=\"" N_("Y location") "\" type=\"int\" indent=\"1\" appearance=\"full\" min=\"-5000\" max=\"5000\">372</param>\n"
+ "<param name=\"pointZ\" gui-text=\"" N_("Z location") "\" type=\"int\" indent=\"1\" appearance=\"full\" min=\"0\" max=\"5000\">150</param>\n"
+ "<label appearance=\"header\">" N_("Spot light options") "</label>\n"
+ "<param name=\"spotX\" gui-text=\"" N_("X location") "\" type=\"int\" indent=\"1\" appearance=\"full\" min=\"-5000\" max=\"5000\">526</param>\n"
+ "<param name=\"spotY\" gui-text=\"" N_("Y location") "\" type=\"int\" indent=\"1\" appearance=\"full\" min=\"-5000\" max=\"5000\">372</param>\n"
+ "<param name=\"spotZ\" gui-text=\"" N_("Z location") "\" type=\"int\" indent=\"1\" appearance=\"full\" min=\"-5000\" max=\"5000\">150</param>\n"
+ "<param name=\"spotAtX\" gui-text=\"" N_("X target") "\" type=\"int\" indent=\"1\" appearance=\"full\" min=\"-5000\" max=\"5000\">0</param>\n"
+ "<param name=\"spotAtY\" gui-text=\"" N_("Y target") "\" type=\"int\" indent=\"1\" appearance=\"full\" min=\"-5000\" max=\"5000\">0</param>\n"
+ "<param name=\"spotAtZ\" gui-text=\"" N_("Z target") "\" type=\"int\" indent=\"1\" appearance=\"full\" min=\"-5000\" max=\"0\">-1000</param>\n"
+ "<param name=\"spotExponent\" gui-text=\"" N_("Specular exponent") "\" type=\"int\" indent=\"1\" appearance=\"full\" min=\"1\" max=\"100\">1</param>\n"
+ "<param name=\"spotConeAngle\" gui-text=\"" N_("Cone angle") "\" type=\"int\" indent=\"1\" appearance=\"full\" min=\"0\" max=\"100\">50</param>\n"
+ "</page>\n"
+ "<page name=\"colortab\" gui-text=\"Color bump\">\n"
+ "<param name=\"imageColor\" gui-text=\"" N_("Image color") "\" type=\"color\">-987158017</param>\n"
+ "<param name=\"colorize\" gui-text=\"" N_("Color bump") "\" type=\"bool\" >false</param>\n"
+ "<param name=\"blend\" gui-text=\"" N_("Blend type:") "\" type=\"optiongroup\" appearance=\"combo\">\n"
+ "<option value=\"normal\">" N_("Normal") "</option>\n"
+ "<option value=\"darken\">" N_("Darken") "</option>\n"
+ "<option value=\"screen\">" N_("Screen") "</option>\n"
+ "<option value=\"multiply\">" N_("Multiply") "</option>\n"
+ "<option value=\"lighten\">" N_("Lighten") "</option>\n"
+ "</param>\n"
+ "</page>\n"
+ "</param>\n"
+ "<effect>\n"
+ "<object-type>all</object-type>\n"
+ "<effects-menu>\n"
+ "<submenu name=\"" N_("Filters") "\">\n"
+ "<submenu name=\"" N_("Bumps") "\"/>\n"
+ "</submenu>\n"
+ "</effects-menu>\n"
+ "<menu-tip>" N_("All purposes bump filter") "</menu-tip>\n"
+ "</effect>\n"
+ "</inkscape-extension>\n", new Bump());
+ // clang-format on
+ };
+gchar const *
+Bump::get_filter_text (Inkscape::Extension::Extension * ext)
+ if (_filter != nullptr) g_free((void *)_filter);
+ std::ostringstream simplifyImage;
+ std::ostringstream simplifyBump;
+ std::ostringstream red;
+ std::ostringstream green;
+ std::ostringstream blue;
+ std::ostringstream crop;
+ std::ostringstream bumpSource;
+ std::ostringstream blend;
+ std::ostringstream lightStart;
+ std::ostringstream lightOptions;
+ std::ostringstream lightEnd;
+ std::ostringstream floodRed;
+ std::ostringstream floodGreen;
+ std::ostringstream floodBlue;
+ std::ostringstream floodAlpha;
+ std::ostringstream colorize;
+ simplifyImage << ext->get_param_float("simplifyImage");
+ simplifyBump << ext->get_param_float("simplifyBump");
+ red << ext->get_param_float("red");
+ green << ext->get_param_float("green");
+ blue << ext->get_param_float("blue");
+ crop << ext->get_param_float("crop");
+ blend << ext->get_param_optiongroup("blend");
+ guint32 lightingColor = ext->get_param_color("lightingColor");
+ guint32 imageColor = ext->get_param_color("imageColor");
+ if (ext->get_param_bool("background")) {
+ bumpSource << "BackgroundImage" ;
+ } else {
+ bumpSource << "blur1" ;
+ }
+ const gchar *lightType = ext->get_param_optiongroup("lightType");
+ if ((g_ascii_strcasecmp("specular", lightType) == 0)) {
+ // Specular
+ lightStart << "<feSpecularLighting lighting-color=\"rgb(" << ((lightingColor >> 24) & 0xff) << ","
+ << ((lightingColor >> 16) & 0xff) << "," << ((lightingColor >> 8) & 0xff) << ")\" surfaceScale=\""
+ << ext->get_param_float("height") << "\" specularConstant=\"" << ext->get_param_float("lightness")
+ << "\" specularExponent=\"" << ext->get_param_int("precision") << "\" result=\"lighting\">";
+ lightEnd << "</feSpecularLighting>";
+ } else {
+ // Diffuse
+ lightStart << "<feDiffuseLighting lighting-color=\"rgb(" << ((lightingColor >> 24) & 0xff) << ","
+ << ((lightingColor >> 16) & 0xff) << "," << ((lightingColor >> 8) & 0xff) << ")\" surfaceScale=\""
+ << ext->get_param_float("height") << "\" diffuseConstant=\"" << ext->get_param_float("lightness")
+ << "\" result=\"lighting\">";
+ lightEnd << "</feDiffuseLighting>";
+ }
+ const gchar *lightSource = ext->get_param_optiongroup("lightSource");
+ if ((g_ascii_strcasecmp("distant", lightSource) == 0)) {
+ // Distant
+ lightOptions << "<feDistantLight azimuth=\"" << ext->get_param_int("distantAzimuth") << "\" elevation=\""
+ << ext->get_param_int("distantElevation") << "\" />";
+ } else if ((g_ascii_strcasecmp("point", lightSource) == 0)) {
+ // Point
+ lightOptions << "<fePointLight z=\"" << ext->get_param_int("pointX") << "\" y=\"" << ext->get_param_int("pointY")
+ << "\" x=\"" << ext->get_param_int("pointZ") << "\" />";
+ } else {
+ // Spot
+ lightOptions << "<feSpotLight x=\"" << ext->get_param_int("pointX") << "\" y=\"" << ext->get_param_int("pointY")
+ << "\" z=\"" << ext->get_param_int("pointZ") << "\" pointsAtX=\"" << ext->get_param_int("spotAtX")
+ << "\" pointsAtY=\"" << ext->get_param_int("spotAtY") << "\" pointsAtZ=\"" << ext->get_param_int("spotAtZ")
+ << "\" specularExponent=\"" << ext->get_param_int("spotExponent")
+ << "\" limitingConeAngle=\"" << ext->get_param_int("spotConeAngle")
+ << "\" />";
+ }
+ floodRed << ((imageColor >> 24) & 0xff);
+ floodGreen << ((imageColor >> 16) & 0xff);
+ floodBlue << ((imageColor >> 8) & 0xff);
+ floodAlpha << (imageColor & 0xff) / 255.0F;
+ if (ext->get_param_bool("colorize")) {
+ colorize << "flood" ;
+ } else {
+ colorize << "blur1" ;
+ }
+ // clang-format off
+ _filter = g_strdup_printf(
+ "<filter xmlns:inkscape=\"\" style=\"color-interpolation-filters:sRGB;\" inkscape:label=\"Bump\">\n"
+ "<feGaussianBlur in=\"SourceGraphic\" stdDeviation=\"%s\" result=\"blur1\" />\n"
+ "<feColorMatrix in=\"%s\" values=\"1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 %s %s %s 1 0 \" result=\"colormatrix1\" />\n"
+ "<feColorMatrix in=\"colormatrix1\" type=\"luminanceToAlpha\" result=\"colormatrix2\" />\n"
+ "<feComposite in2=\"blur1\" operator=\"arithmetic\" k2=\"1\" k3=\"%s\" result=\"composite1\" />\n"
+ "<feGaussianBlur in=\"composite1\" stdDeviation=\"%s\" result=\"blur2\" />\n"
+ "%s\n"
+ "%s\n"
+ "%s\n"
+ "<feFlood flood-color=\"rgb(%s,%s,%s)\" flood-opacity=\"%s\" result=\"flood\" />\n"
+ "<feComposite in=\"lighting\" in2=\"%s\" operator=\"arithmetic\" k3=\"1\" k2=\"1\" result=\"composite2\" />\n"
+ "<feBlend in2=\"SourceGraphic\" mode=\"%s\" result=\"blend\" />\n"
+ "<feComposite in=\"blend\" in2=\"SourceGraphic\" operator=\"in\" k2=\"1\" result=\"composite3\" />\n"
+ "</filter>\n", simplifyImage.str().c_str(), bumpSource.str().c_str(), red.str().c_str(), green.str().c_str(), blue.str().c_str(),
+ crop.str().c_str(), simplifyBump.str().c_str(),
+ lightStart.str().c_str(), lightOptions.str().c_str(), lightEnd.str().c_str(),
+ floodRed.str().c_str(), floodGreen.str().c_str(), floodBlue.str().c_str(), floodAlpha.str().c_str(),
+ colorize.str().c_str(), blend.str().c_str());
+ // clang-format on
+ return _filter;
+}; /* Bump filter */
+ \brief Custom predefined Wax Bump filter.
+ Turns an image to jelly
+ Filter's parameters:
+ Options
+ * Image simplification (0.01->10., default 1.5) -> blur1 (stdDeviation)
+ * Bump simplification (0.01->10., default 1) -> blur2 (stdDeviation)
+ * Crop (-10.->10., default 1.) -> colormatrix2 (4th value of the last line)
+ * Red (-10.->10., default 0.) -> colormatrix2 (values, substract 0.21)
+ * Green (-10.->10., default 0.) -> colormatrix2 (values, substract 0.72)
+ * Blue (-10.->10., default 0.) -> colormatrix2 (values, substract 0.07)
+ * Background (enum, default color) ->
+ * color: colormatrix1 (in="flood1")
+ * image: colormatrix1 (in="SourceGraphic")
+ * blurred image: colormatrix1 (in="blur1")
+ * Background opacity (0.->1., default 0) -> colormatrix1 (last value)
+ Lighting (specular, distant light)
+ * Color (guint, default -1 (RGB:255,255,255))-> lighting (lighting-color)
+ * Height (-50.->50., default 5.) -> lighting (surfaceScale)
+ * Lightness (0.->10., default 1.4) -> lighting [diffuselighting (diffuseConstant)|specularlighting (specularConstant)]
+ * Precision (0->50, default 35) -> lighting (specularExponent)
+ * Azimuth (0->360, default 225) -> lightsOptions (distantAzimuth)
+ * Elevation (0->180, default 60) -> lightsOptions (distantElevation)
+ * Lighting blend (enum, default screen) -> blend1 (mode)
+ * Highlight blend (enum, default screen) -> blend2 (mode)
+ Bump
+ * Transparency type (enum [in,atop], default atop) -> composite2 (operator)
+ * Color (guint, default -520083713 (RGB:225,0,38)) -> flood2 (flood-color)
+ * Revert bump (boolean, default false) -> composite1 (false: operator="out", true operator="in")
+class WaxBump : public Inkscape::Extension::Internal::Filter::Filter {
+ gchar const * get_filter_text (Inkscape::Extension::Extension * ext) override;
+ WaxBump ( ) : Filter() { };
+ ~WaxBump ( ) override { if (_filter != nullptr) g_free((void *)_filter); return; }
+ static void init () {
+ // clang-format off
+ Inkscape::Extension::build_from_mem(
+ "<inkscape-extension xmlns=\"" INKSCAPE_EXTENSION_URI "\">\n"
+ "<name>" N_("Wax Bump") "</name>\n"
+ "<id>org.inkscape.effect.filter.WaxBump</id>\n"
+ "<param name=\"tab\" type=\"notebook\">\n"
+ "<page name=\"optionstab\" gui-text=\"Options\">\n"
+ "<param name=\"simplifyImage\" gui-text=\"" N_("Image simplification") "\" type=\"float\" appearance=\"full\" precision=\"2\" min=\"0.01\" max=\"10.00\">1.5</param>\n"
+ "<param name=\"simplifyBump\" gui-text=\"" N_("Bump simplification") "\" type=\"float\" appearance=\"full\" precision=\"2\" min=\"0.01\" max=\"10.00\">1</param>\n"
+ "<param name=\"crop\" gui-text=\"" N_("Crop") "\" type=\"float\" appearance=\"full\" precision=\"2\" min=\"-10.\" max=\"10.\">1</param>\n"
+ "<label appearance=\"header\">" N_("Bump source") "</label>\n"
+ "<param name=\"red\" gui-text=\"" N_("Red") "\" type=\"float\" indent=\"1\" appearance=\"full\" precision=\"2\" min=\"-10.\" max=\"10.\">0</param>\n"
+ "<param name=\"green\" gui-text=\"" N_("Green") "\" type=\"float\" indent=\"1\" appearance=\"full\" precision=\"2\" min=\"-10.\" max=\"10.\">0</param>\n"
+ "<param name=\"blue\" gui-text=\"" N_("Blue") "\" type=\"float\" indent=\"1\" appearance=\"full\" precision=\"2\" min=\"-10.\" max=\"10.\">0</param>\n"
+ "<param name=\"background\" gui-text=\"" N_("Background:") "\" type=\"optiongroup\" appearance=\"combo\">\n"
+ "<option value=\"flood1\">" N_("Color") "</option>\n"
+ "<option value=\"SourceGraphic\">" N_("Image") "</option>\n"
+ "<option value=\"blur1\">" N_("Blurred image") "</option>\n"
+ "</param>\n"
+ "<param name=\"bgopacity\" gui-text=\"" N_("Background opacity") "\" type=\"float\" appearance=\"full\" precision=\"2\" min=\"0.\" max=\"1.\">0</param>\n"
+ "</page>\n"
+ "<page name=\"lightingtab\" gui-text=\"" N_("Lighting") "\">\n"
+ "<param name=\"lightingColor\" gui-text=\"" N_("Color") "\" type=\"color\">-1</param>\n"
+ "<param name=\"height\" gui-text=\"" N_("Height") "\" type=\"float\" appearance=\"full\" precision=\"2\" min=\"-50.\" max=\"50.\">5</param>\n"
+ "<param name=\"lightness\" gui-text=\"" N_("Lightness") "\" type=\"float\" appearance=\"full\" precision=\"2\" min=\"0\" max=\"10.\">1.4</param>\n"
+ "<param name=\"precision\" gui-text=\"" N_("Precision") "\" type=\"int\" appearance=\"full\" min=\"1\" max=\"50\">35</param>\n"
+ "<param name=\"distantAzimuth\" gui-text=\"" N_("Azimuth") "\" type=\"int\" indent=\"1\" appearance=\"full\" min=\"0\" max=\"360\">225</param>\n"
+ "<param name=\"distantElevation\" gui-text=\"" N_("Elevation") "\" type=\"int\" indent=\"1\" appearance=\"full\" min=\"0\" max=\"180\">60</param>\n"
+ "<param name=\"lightingblend\" gui-text=\"" N_("Lighting blend:") "\" type=\"optiongroup\" appearance=\"combo\">\n"
+ "<option value=\"screen\">" N_("Screen") "</option>\n"
+ "<option value=\"normal\">" N_("Normal") "</option>\n"
+ "<option value=\"darken\">" N_("Darken") "</option>\n"
+ "<option value=\"multiply\">" N_("Multiply") "</option>\n"
+ "<option value=\"lighten\">" N_("Lighten") "</option>\n"
+ "</param>\n"
+ "<param name=\"highlightblend\" gui-text=\"" N_("Highlight blend:") "\" type=\"optiongroup\" appearance=\"combo\">\n"
+ "<option value=\"screen\">" N_("Screen") "</option>\n"
+ "<option value=\"normal\">" N_("Normal") "</option>\n"
+ "<option value=\"darken\">" N_("Darken") "</option>\n"
+ "<option value=\"multiply\">" N_("Multiply") "</option>\n"
+ "<option value=\"lighten\">" N_("Lighten") "</option>\n"
+ "</param>\n"
+ "</page>\n"
+ "<page name=\"colortab\" gui-text=\"Bump\">\n"
+ "<param name=\"imageColor\" gui-text=\"" N_("Bump color") "\" type=\"color\">-520083713</param>\n"
+ "<param name=\"revert\" gui-text=\"" N_("Revert bump") "\" type=\"bool\" >false</param>\n"
+ "<param name=\"transparency\" gui-text=\"" N_("Transparency type:") "\" type=\"optiongroup\" appearance=\"combo\">\n"
+ "<option value=\"atop\">" N_("Atop") "</option>\n"
+ "<option value=\"in\">" N_("In") "</option>\n"
+ "</param>\n"
+ "</page>\n"
+ "</param>\n"
+ "<effect>\n"
+ "<object-type>all</object-type>\n"
+ "<effects-menu>\n"
+ "<submenu name=\"" N_("Filters") "\">\n"
+ "<submenu name=\"" N_("Bumps") "\"/>\n"
+ "</submenu>\n"
+ "</effects-menu>\n"
+ "<menu-tip>" N_("Turns an image to jelly") "</menu-tip>\n"
+ "</effect>\n"
+ "</inkscape-extension>\n", new WaxBump());
+ // clang-format on
+ };
+gchar const *
+WaxBump::get_filter_text (Inkscape::Extension::Extension * ext)
+ if (_filter != nullptr) g_free((void *)_filter);
+ std::ostringstream simplifyImage;
+ std::ostringstream simplifyBump;
+ std::ostringstream crop;
+ std::ostringstream red;
+ std::ostringstream green;
+ std::ostringstream blue;
+ std::ostringstream background;
+ std::ostringstream bgopacity;
+ std::ostringstream height;
+ std::ostringstream lightness;
+ std::ostringstream precision;
+ std::ostringstream distantAzimuth;
+ std::ostringstream distantElevation;
+ std::ostringstream lightRed;
+ std::ostringstream lightGreen;
+ std::ostringstream lightBlue;
+ std::ostringstream floodRed;
+ std::ostringstream floodGreen;
+ std::ostringstream floodBlue;
+ std::ostringstream floodAlpha;
+ std::ostringstream revert;
+ std::ostringstream lightingblend;
+ std::ostringstream highlightblend;
+ std::ostringstream transparency;
+ simplifyImage << ext->get_param_float("simplifyImage");
+ simplifyBump << ext->get_param_float("simplifyBump");
+ crop << ext->get_param_float("crop");
+ red << ext->get_param_float("red") - 0.21;
+ green << ext->get_param_float("green") - 0.72;
+ blue << ext->get_param_float("blue") - 0.07;
+ background << ext->get_param_optiongroup("background");
+ bgopacity << ext->get_param_float("bgopacity");
+ height << ext->get_param_float("height");
+ lightness << ext->get_param_float("lightness");
+ precision << ext->get_param_int("precision");
+ distantAzimuth << ext->get_param_int("distantAzimuth");
+ distantElevation << ext->get_param_int("distantElevation");
+ guint32 lightingColor = ext->get_param_color("lightingColor");
+ lightRed << ((lightingColor >> 24) & 0xff);
+ lightGreen << ((lightingColor >> 16) & 0xff);
+ lightBlue << ((lightingColor >> 8) & 0xff);
+ guint32 imageColor = ext->get_param_color("imageColor");
+ floodRed << ((imageColor >> 24) & 0xff);
+ floodGreen << ((imageColor >> 16) & 0xff);
+ floodBlue << ((imageColor >> 8) & 0xff);
+ floodAlpha << (imageColor & 0xff) / 255.0F;
+ if (ext->get_param_bool("revert")) {
+ revert << "in" ;
+ } else {
+ revert << "out" ;
+ }
+ lightingblend << ext->get_param_optiongroup("lightingblend");
+ highlightblend << ext->get_param_optiongroup("highlightblend");
+ transparency << ext->get_param_optiongroup("transparency");
+ // clang-format off
+ _filter = g_strdup_printf(
+ "<filter xmlns:inkscape=\"\" style=\"color-interpolation-filters:sRGB;\" inkscape:label=\"Wax Bump\">\n"
+ "<feGaussianBlur in=\"SourceGraphic\" stdDeviation=\"%s\" result=\"blur1\" />\n"
+ "<feFlood flood-opacity=\"1\" flood-color=\"rgb(255,255,255)\" result=\"flood1\" />\n"
+ "<feColorMatrix in=\"%s\" values=\"1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 %s \" result=\"colormatrix1\" />\n"
+ "<feColorMatrix in=\"blur1\" values=\"0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 %s %s %s %s 0 \" result=\"colormatrix2\" />\n"
+ "<feFlood flood-color=\"rgb(%s,%s,%s)\" flood-opacity=\"%s\" result=\"flood2\" />\n"
+ "<feComposite in=\"flood2\" in2=\"colormatrix2\" operator=\"%s\" result=\"composite1\" />\n"
+ "<feGaussianBlur in=\"composite1\" stdDeviation=\"%s\" result=\"blur2\" />\n"
+ "<feSpecularLighting in=\"blur2\" lighting-color=\"rgb(%s,%s,%s)\" specularConstant=\"%s\" surfaceScale=\"%s\" specularExponent=\"%s\" result=\"specular\">\n"
+ "<feDistantLight elevation=\"%s\" azimuth=\"%s\" />\n"
+ "</feSpecularLighting>\n"
+ "<feBlend in=\"specular\" in2=\"blur2\" specularConstant=\"1\" mode=\"%s\" result=\"blend1\" />\n"
+ "<feComposite in=\"blend1\" in2=\"blur2\" k2=\"0\" operator=\"%s\" k1=\"0.5\" k3=\"0.5\" k4=\"0\" result=\"composite2\" />\n"
+ "<feMerge result=\"merge\">\n"
+ "<feMergeNode in=\"colormatrix1\" />\n"
+ "<feMergeNode in=\"composite2\" />\n"
+ "</feMerge>\n"
+ "<feBlend in2=\"composite2\" mode=\"%s\" result=\"blend2\" />\n"
+ "<feComposite in=\"blend2\" in2=\"SourceGraphic\" operator=\"in\" result=\"composite3\" />\n"
+ "</filter>\n", simplifyImage.str().c_str(), background.str().c_str(), bgopacity.str().c_str(),
+ red.str().c_str(), green.str().c_str(), blue.str().c_str(), crop.str().c_str(),
+ floodRed.str().c_str(), floodGreen.str().c_str(), floodBlue.str().c_str(), floodAlpha.str().c_str(),
+ revert.str().c_str(), simplifyBump.str().c_str(),
+ lightRed.str().c_str(), lightGreen.str().c_str(), lightBlue.str().c_str(),
+ lightness.str().c_str(), height.str().c_str(), precision.str().c_str(),
+ distantElevation.str().c_str(), distantAzimuth.str().c_str(),
+ lightingblend.str().c_str(), transparency.str().c_str(), highlightblend.str().c_str() );
+ // clang-format on
+ return _filter;
+}; /* Wax bump filter */
+}; /* namespace Filter */
+}; /* namespace Internal */
+}; /* namespace Extension */
+}; /* namespace Inkscape */
+/* Change the 'BUMPS' below to be your file name */