# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 René de Hesselle # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later ### description ################################################################ # This file contains functions to download, install and configure JHBuild. ### shellcheck ################################################################# # shellcheck shell=bash # no shebang as this file is intended to be sourced ### dependencies ############################################################### # Nothing here. ### variables ################################################################## export JHBUILDRC=$ETC_DIR/jhbuildrc export JHBUILDRC_CUSTOM=$JHBUILDRC-custom JHBUILD_REQUIREMENTS="\ certifi==2022.9.24\ meson==0.59.2\ ninja==\ " # JHBuild build system >3.38.0 (current master as of 08.03.2022) # The last stable release (3.38.0) is missing a critical fix (commit # a896cbf404461cab979fa3cd1c83ddf158efe83b) so we have to stay on master branch # for the time being. # https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/jhbuild # https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/Jhbuild/Introduction JHBUILD_VER=d1c5316 JHBUILD_URL=https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/jhbuild/-/archive/$JHBUILD_VER/\ jhbuild-$JHBUILD_VER.tar.bz2 # A dedicated Python runtime (only) for JHBuild. It is installed and kept # separately from the rest of the system. It won't interfere with a Python # that might get installed as part of building modules with JHBuild. JHBUILD_PYTHON_VER_MAJOR=3 JHBUILD_PYTHON_VER_MINOR=8 JHBUILD_PYTHON_VER=$JHBUILD_PYTHON_VER_MAJOR.$JHBUILD_PYTHON_VER_MINOR JHBUILD_PYTHON_URL="https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/26780227/packages/\ generic/python_macos/15/python_${JHBUILD_PYTHON_VER/./}_$(uname -m).tar.xz" JHBUILD_PYTHON_DIR=$OPT_DIR/Python.framework/Versions/$JHBUILD_PYTHON_VER JHBUILD_PYTHON_BIN_DIR=$JHBUILD_PYTHON_DIR/bin export JHBUILD_PYTHON_BIN=$JHBUILD_PYTHON_BIN_DIR/python$JHBUILD_PYTHON_VER export JHBUILD_PYTHON_PIP=$JHBUILD_PYTHON_BIN_DIR/pip$JHBUILD_PYTHON_VER ### functions ################################################################## function jhbuild_install_python { # Download and extract Python.framework to OPT_DIR. curl -L "$JHBUILD_PYTHON_URL" | tar -C "$OPT_DIR" -x # Create a pkg-config configuration to match our installation location. # Note: sed changes the prefix and exec_prefix lines! find "$JHBUILD_PYTHON_DIR"/lib/pkgconfig/*.pc \ -type f \ -exec sed -i "" "s|prefix=.*|prefix=$JHBUILD_PYTHON_DIR|" {} \; jhbuild_set_python_interpreter # add to PYTHONPATH echo "../../../../../../../usr/lib/python$JHBUILD_PYTHON_VER/site-packages"\ > "$OPT_DIR"/Python.framework/Versions/$JHBUILD_PYTHON_VER/lib/\ python$JHBUILD_PYTHON_VER/site-packages/jhb.pth } function jhbuild_set_python_interpreter { # Symlink binaries to USR_DIR/bin. if command -v gln 1>/dev/null; then local gnu=g # necessary for union mount fi ${gnu}ln -sf "$JHBUILD_PYTHON_BIN" "$USR_DIR"/bin ${gnu}ln -sf "$JHBUILD_PYTHON_PIP" "$USR_DIR"/bin # Set interpreter to the one in USR_DIR/bin. while IFS= read -r -d '' file; do local file_type file_type=$(file "$file") if [[ $file_type = *"Python script"* ]]; then sed -i "" "1 s|.*|#!$USR_DIR/bin/python$JHBUILD_PYTHON_VER|" "$file" fi done < <(find "$USR_DIR"/bin/ -maxdepth 1 -type f -print0) } function jhbuild_install { # We use our own custom Python. jhbuild_install_python # Install dependencies. # shellcheck disable=SC2086 # we need word splitting for requirements $JHBUILD_PYTHON_PIP install --prefix=$USR_DIR $JHBUILD_REQUIREMENTS function pem_remove_expired { local pem_bundle=$1 # BSD's csplit does not support '{*}' (it's a GNU extension) csplit -n 3 -k -f "$TMP_DIR"/pem- "$pem_bundle" \ '/END CERTIFICATE/+1' '{999}' >/dev/null 2>&1 || true for pem in "$TMP_DIR"/pem-*; do if [ "$(stat -f%z "$pem")" -eq 0 ]; then rm "$pem" # the csplit command above created one superfluous empty file elif ! openssl x509 -checkend 0 -noout -in "$pem"; then echo_d "removing $pem: $(openssl x509 -enddate -noout -in "$pem")" rm "$pem" fi done cat "$TMP_DIR"/pem-??? > "$pem_bundle" } local cacert="$USR_DIR"/lib/python$JHBUILD_PYTHON_VER/site-packages/certifi/\ cacert.pem pem_remove_expired "$cacert" # Download JHBuild. Setting CURL_CA_BUNDLE is required on older macOS, e.g. # High Sierra. local archive archive=$PKG_DIR/$(basename $JHBUILD_URL) CURL_CA_BUNDLE=$cacert curl -o "$archive" -L "$JHBUILD_URL" tar -C "$SRC_DIR" -xf "$archive" ( # Install JHBuild. cd "$SRC_DIR"/jhbuild-$JHBUILD_VER || exit 1 ./autogen.sh \ --prefix="$USR_DIR" \ --with-python="$JHBUILD_PYTHON_BIN" make make install ) } function jhbuild_configure { local moduleset=$1 moduleset=${moduleset:-jhb.modules} local suffix suffix=$(basename -s .modules "$moduleset") # install custom moduleset if [ "$suffix" != "jhb" ]; then local moduleset_dir moduleset_dir=$(dirname "$(greadlink -f "$moduleset")") rsync -a --delete "$moduleset_dir"/ "$ETC_DIR/modulesets/$suffix/" fi local target target=$(/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Print \ :DefaultProperties:MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET" "$SDKROOT"/SDKSettings.plist) # create custom jhbuildrc configuration { echo "# -*- mode: python -*-" # moduleset echo "modulesets_dir = '$ETC_DIR/modulesets/$suffix'" echo "moduleset = '$(basename "$moduleset")'" echo "use_local_modulesets = True" # basic directory layout echo "buildroot = '$BLD_DIR'" echo "checkoutroot = '$SRC_DIR'" echo "prefix = '$VER_DIR'" echo "tarballdir = '$PKG_DIR'" echo "top_builddir = '$VAR_DIR/jhbuild'" # setup macOS SDK echo "setup_sdk(target=\"$target\")" # set release build echo "setup_release()" # Use compiler binaries from our own USR_DIR/bin if present, the intention # being that these are symlinks pointing to ccache if that has been # installed (see ccache.sh for details). if [ -x "$USR_DIR/bin/gcc" ]; then echo "os.environ[\"CC\"] = \"$USR_DIR/bin/gcc\"" echo "os.environ[\"OBJC\"] = \"$USR_DIR/bin/gcc\"" fi if [ -x "$USR_DIR/bin/g++" ]; then echo "os.environ[\"CXX\"] = \"$USR_DIR/bin/g++\"" fi # certificates for https echo "os.environ[\"SSL_CERT_FILE\"] = \ \"$USR_DIR/lib/python$JHBUILD_PYTHON_VER/site-packages/certifi/cacert.pem\"" echo "os.environ[\"REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE\"] = \ \"$USR_DIR/lib/python$JHBUILD_PYTHON_VER/site-packages/certifi/cacert.pem\"" # user home directory echo "os.environ[\"HOME\"] = \"$HOME\"" # less noise on the terminal if not CI if ! $CI; then echo "quiet_mode = True" echo "progress_bar = True" fi # add moduleset-specific settings if exist local moduleset_rc=$ETC_DIR/modulesets/$suffix/jhbuildrc if [ -f "$moduleset_rc" ]; then cat "$moduleset_rc" fi } > "$JHBUILDRC-$suffix" if command -v gln 1>/dev/null; then local gnu=g # necessary for union mount fi ${gnu}ln -sf "$(basename "$JHBUILDRC-$suffix")" "$JHBUILDRC_CUSTOM" # Update the paths to Python. jhbuild_set_python_interpreter } ### main ####################################################################### # Nothing here.