image/svg+xml Several texts can be attached to the same path. An attached text can be freely moved and transformed without losing the link to its path. Text on path is fully editable, including kerning and letterspacing. Horizontal kerning is often necessary to fix intervals in sharp bends: Without kerning: too dense too sparse inkscape 0.40 inkscape 0.40 Text can be attached not only to a path but also to a shape (rectangle, ellipse, star, or spiral) without converting it to path. (The path or shape is editable, too.) With kerning: mollusca monoplacophora mollusca monoplacophora Vertical kerning works, too. Меня так просто не раздавишь, царицу санками не сдвинешь, и в доказательство мы ляжем с царицей прямо под трамвай. If your text is attached to an invisible path, select the text and press Shift+D to select the path. Text put on an offset linked to a star. Editing the star updates both the offset and the text-on-path. If a path has several subpaths, text attached to it flows from one subpath to the next. glyph rotation (Alt+[, Alt+]) works in text-on-path too