.. _authors-tutorial: Tutorial ======== Introduction ------------ Extensions are small programs that extend Inkscape’s functionality. They can provide features for specific tasks, experimentation, or art styles. They can also add support for special hardware or different export formats. While many extensions are included with Inkscape, you can also install extensions written by third parties or write your own. This guide aims to provide you with enough information to write your own extension using the python programming language and a text editor. You should have the latest version of Inkscape installed. While Inkscape extensions generally work across platforms, this guide will use Linux as its default operating system. Linux is not required for writing extensions, but you may need to modify the location of files on your computer as you follow along. You may also need to use other “helper” programs, for example a different text editor, depending on your operating system. When a user selects an extension from the menu within Inkscape, Inkscape opens a pop-up dialog that presents information to the user and/or allows the user to enter any parameters that are necessary to use the extension. An extension can also be configured to run immediately without an intermediate dialog, for example if it does not have any adjustable parameters. When the user clicks **Apply** in the dialog, the parameters are passed to the extension program along with the svg file and a list of selected objects. The extension program itself then runs, and the data that it returns will be used to update Inkscape’s svg canvas or to save data to disk. We’ve made this process easier for you by creating a set of template extensions which you can download as the starting point for this tutorial. If you are a beginner we recommend that you start with the Effect Extension Template. Input, Output and other types of extensions will be covered in the more advanced topics later. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 my-first-effect-extension simple-path-extension my-first-text-extension my-first-import-extension