# coding=utf-8 # # Copyright (C) 2021 Jonathan Neuhauser, jonathan.neuhauser@outlook.com # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # """ Property management and parsing, CSS cascading, default value storage .. versionadded:: 1.2 .. data:: all_properties A list of all properties, their parser class, and additional information such as whether they are inheritable or can be given as presentation attributes """ from abc import ABC, abstractmethod import re from typing import Tuple, Dict, Type, Union, List, Optional from .interfaces.IElement import IBaseElement, ISVGDocumentElement from .units import parse_unit, convert_unit from .colors import Color, ColorError class BaseStyleValue: """A class encapsuling a single CSS declaration / presentation_attribute""" def __init__(self, declaration=None, attr_name=None, value=None, important=False): self.attr_name: str self.value: str self.important: bool if declaration is not None and ":" in declaration: ( self.attr_name, self.value, self.important, ) = BaseStyleValue.parse_declaration(declaration) elif attr_name is not None: self.attr_name = attr_name.strip().lower() if isinstance(value, str): self.value = value.strip() else: # maybe its already parsed? then set it self.value = self.unparse_value(value) self.important = important _ = self.parse_value() # check that we can parse this value @classmethod def parse_declaration(cls, declaration: str) -> Tuple[str, str, bool]: """Parse a single css declaration Args: declaration (str): a css declaration such as: ``fill: #000 !important;``. The trailing semicolon may be ommitted. Raises: ValueError: Unable to parse the declaration Returns: Tuple[str, str, bool]: a tuple with key, value and importance """ if declaration != "" and ":" in declaration: declaration = declaration.replace(";", "") (name, value) = declaration.split(":", 1) # check whether this is an important declaration important = False if "!important" in value: value = value.replace("!important", "") important = True return (name.strip().lower(), value.strip(), important) raise ValueError("Invalid declaration") def parse_value(self, element=None): """Get parsed property value with resolved urls, color, etc. Args: element (BaseElement): the SVG element to which this style is applied to currently used for resolving gradients / masks, could be used for computing percentage attributes or calc() attributes [optional] Returns: object: parsed property value """ if self.value == "inherit": if self.attr_name in all_properties: return self._parse_value(all_properties[self.attr_name][1], element) return None return self._parse_value(self.value, element) def _parse_value( # pylint: disable=unused-argument, no-self-use self, value: str, element=None ) -> object: """internal parse method, to be overwritten by derived classes Args: value (str): unparsed value element (BaseElement): the SVG element to which this style is applied to [optional] Returns: object: the parsed value """ return value def unparse_value(self, value: object) -> str: """ "Unparses" an object, i.e. converts an object back to an attribute. If the result is invalid, i.e. can't be parsed, an exception is raised. Args: value (object): the object to be unparsed Returns: str: the attribute value """ result = self._unparse_value(value) self._parse_value(result) # check if value can be parsed (value is valid) return result def _unparse_value(self, value: object) -> str: # pylint: disable=no-self-use return str(value) @property def declaration(self) -> str: """The css declaration corresponding to the StyleValue object Returns: str: the css declaration, such as "fill: #000 !important;" """ return ( self.attr_name + ":" + self.value + (" !important" if self.important else "") ) @classmethod def factory( cls, declaration: Optional[str] = None, attr_name: Optional[str] = None, value: Optional[object] = None, important: Optional[bool] = False, ): """Create an attribute Args: declaration (str, optional): the CSS declaration to parse. Defaults to None. attr_name (str, optional): the attribute name. Defaults to None. value (object, optional): the attribute value. Defaults to None. important (bool, optional): whether the attribute is marked !important. Defaults to False. Raises: Errors may also be raised on parsing, so make sure to handle them Returns: BaseStyleValue: the parsed style """ if declaration is not None and ":" in declaration: attr_name, value, important = BaseStyleValue.parse_declaration(declaration) elif attr_name is not None and value is not None: attr_name = attr_name.strip().lower() if isinstance(value, str): value = value.strip() if attr_name in all_properties: valuetype = all_properties[attr_name][0] return valuetype(declaration, attr_name, value, important) return BaseStyleValue(declaration, attr_name, value, important) def __eq__(self, other): if not (isinstance(other, BaseStyleValue)): return False if self.declaration != other.declaration: return False return True @staticmethod def factory_errorhandled(element=None, declaration="", key="", value=""): """Error handling for the factory method: if something goes wrong during parsing, ignore the attribute Args: element (BaseElement, optional): The element this declaration is affecting, for finding gradients ect. Defaults to None. declaration (str, optional): the CSS declaration to parse. Defaults to "". key (str, optional): the attribute name. Defaults to "". value (str, optional): the attribute value. Defaults to "". Returns: BaseStyleValue: The parsed style """ try: value = BaseStyleValue.factory( declaration=declaration, attr_name=key, value=value ) key = value.attr_name # Try to parse the attribute _ = value.parse_value(element) return (key, value) except ValueError: # something went wrong during parsing, e.g. a bad attribute format # or an attribute referencing a missing gradient # -> ignore this declaration pass except ColorError: # The color parsing methods have their own error type pass class AlphaValue(BaseStyleValue): """Stores an alpha value (such as opacity), which may be specified as as percentage or absolute value. Reference: https://www.w3.org/TR/css-color/#typedef-alpha-value""" def _parse_value(self, value: str, element=None): if value[-1] == "%": # percentage parsed_value = float(value[:-1]) * 0.01 else: parsed_value = float(value) if parsed_value < 0: return 0 if parsed_value > 1: return 1 return parsed_value def _unparse_value(self, value: object) -> str: if isinstance(value, (float, int)): if value < 0: return "0" if value > 1: return "1" return str(value) raise ValueError("Value must be number") class ColorValue(BaseStyleValue): """Stores a color value Reference: https://drafts.csswg.org/css-color-3/#valuea-def-color""" def _parse_value(self, value: str, element=None): if value == "currentColor": if element is not None: style = element.specified_style() return style("color") return None return Color(value) # https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-values/#url-value # matches anything inside url() enclosed with single/double quotes # (technically a fragment url) or no quotes at all URLREGEX = r"url\(\s*('.*?'|\".*?\"|[^\"'].*?)\s*\)" def match_url_and_return_element(string: str, svg): """Parses a string containing an url, e.g. "url(#rect1234)", looks up the element in the svg document and returns it. Args: string (str): the string to parse svg (SvgDocumentElement): document referenced in the URL Raises: ValueError: if the string has invalid format ValueError: if the referenced element is not found Returns: BaseElement: the referenced element """ regex = re.compile(URLREGEX) match = regex.match(string) if match: url = match.group(1) paint_server = svg.getElementById(url) return paint_server raise ValueError("invalid URL format") class URLNoneValue(BaseStyleValue): """Stores a value that is either none or an url, such as markers or masks. Reference: https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG2/painting.html#VertexMarkerProperties""" def _parse_value(self, value: str, element=None): if value == "none": return None if value[0:4] == "url(": if element is not None and self.element_has_root(element): return match_url_and_return_element(value, element.root) return None raise ValueError("Invalid property value") def _unparse_value(self, value: object): if isinstance(value, IBaseElement): return f"url(#{value.get_id()})" return super()._unparse_value(value) @staticmethod def element_has_root(element) -> bool: "Checks if an element has a root, i.e. if element.root will fail" return not ( element.getparent() is None and not isinstance(element, ISVGDocumentElement) ) class PaintValue(ColorValue, URLNoneValue): """Stores a paint value (such as fill and stroke), which may be specified as color, or url. Reference: https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG2/painting.html#SpecifyingPaint""" def _parse_value(self, value: str, element=None): if value == "none": return None if value in ["context-fill", "context-stroke"]: return value if value == "currentColor": return super()._parse_value(value, element) if value[0:4] == "url(": # First part: fragment url # second part: a fallback color if the url is not found. Colors start with # a letter or a # regex = re.compile(URLREGEX + r"\s*([#\w].*?)?$") match = regex.match(value) if match: url = match.group(1) if element is not None and self.element_has_root(element): paint_server = element.root.getElementById(url) else: return None if paint_server is not None: return paint_server if match.group(2) is None: raise ValueError("Paint server not found") return Color(match.group(2)) return Color(value) def _unparse_value(self, value: object): if value is None: return "none" return super()._unparse_value(value) class EnumValue(BaseStyleValue): """Stores a value that can only have a finite set of options""" def __init__(self, declaration=None, attr_name=None, value=None, important=False): self.valueset = all_properties[attr_name][4] super().__init__(declaration, attr_name, value, important) def _parse_value(self, value: str, element=None): if value in self.valueset: return value raise ValueError( f"Value '{value}' is invalid for the property {self.attr_name}. " + f"Allowed values are: {self.valueset + ['inherit']}" ) class ShorthandValue(BaseStyleValue, ABC): """Stores a value that sets other values (e.g. the font shorthand)""" def apply_shorthand(self, style): """Applies a shorthand attribute to its style, respecting the importance state of the individual attributes. Args: style (Style): the style that the shorthand attribute is contained in, and that the shorthand attribute will be applied on """ if self.attr_name not in style: return dct = self.get_shorthand_changes() importance = self.important # they are ordered in the order of adding the style elements. current_keys = list(style.keys()) for curkey in dct: perform = False if curkey not in current_keys: # this is the easiest case, just set the element and the importance perform = True else: if importance != style.get_importance(curkey): # different importance, result independent of position perform = importance else: # only apply if style overwrites previous with same importance perform = current_keys.index(curkey) < current_keys.index( self.attr_name ) if perform: style[curkey] = dct[curkey] style.set_importance(curkey, importance) style.pop(self.attr_name) @abstractmethod def get_shorthand_changes(self) -> Dict[str, str]: """calculates the value of affected attributes for this shorthand Returns: Dict[str, str]: a dictionary containing the new values of the affected attributes """ class FontValue(ShorthandValue): """Logic for the shorthand font property""" def get_shorthand_changes(self): keys = [ "font-style", "font-variant", "font-weight", "font-stretch", "font-size", "line-height", "font-family", ] options = { key: all_properties[key][4] for key in keys if isinstance(all_properties[key][4], list) } result = {key: all_properties[key][1] for key in keys} tokens = [i for i in self.value.split(" ") if i != ""] if len(tokens) == 0: return {} # shorthand not set, nothing to do while not (len(tokens) == 0): cur = tokens[0] if cur in options["font-style"]: result["font-style"] = cur elif cur in options["font-variant"]: result["font-variant"] = cur elif cur in options["font-weight"]: result["font-weight"] = cur elif cur in options["font-stretch"]: result["font-stretch"] = cur else: if "/" in cur: result["font-size"], result["line-height"] = cur.split("/") else: result["font-size"] = cur result["font-family"] = " ".join(tokens[1:]) break tokens = tokens[1:] # remove first element return result class MarkerShorthandValue(ShorthandValue, URLNoneValue): """Logic for the marker shorthand property""" def get_shorthand_changes(self): if self.value == "": return {} # shorthand not set, nothing to do return {k: self.value for k in ["marker-start", "marker-end", "marker-mid"]} def _parse_value(self, value: str, element=None): # Make sure the parsing routine doesn't choke on an empty shorthand if value == "": return "" return super()._parse_value(value, element) class FontSizeValue(BaseStyleValue): """Logic for the font-size property""" def _parse_value(self, value: str, element=None): if element is None: return value # no additional logic in this case try: return element.to_dimensionless(value) except ValueError: # unable to parse font size, e.g. font-size:normal return element.to_dimensionless("12pt") class StrokeDasharrayValue(BaseStyleValue): """Logic for the stroke-dasharray property""" def _parse_value(self, value: str, element=None): dashes = re.findall(r"[^,\s]+", value) if len(dashes) == 0 or value == "none": return None # no dasharray applied if not any(parse_unit(i) is None for i in dashes): dashes = [convert_unit(i, "px") for i in dashes] else: return None if any(i < 0 for i in dashes): return None # one negative value makes the dasharray invalid if len(dashes) % 2 == 1: dashes = 2 * dashes return dashes def _unparse_value(self, value: object) -> str: if value is None: return "none" if isinstance(value, list): return " ".join(map(str, value)) return str(value) # keys: attributes, right side: # - Subclass of BaseStyleValue used for instantiating # - default value # - is presentation attribute # - inherited # - additional information, such as valid enum values # For properties which have no special implementation yet: # "(BaseStyleValue, , , None)" # Source for this list: https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG2/styling.html#PresentationAttributes all_properties: Dict[ str, Tuple[Type[BaseStyleValue], str, bool, bool, Union[List[str], None]] ] = { "alignment-baseline": ( EnumValue, "baseline", True, False, [ "baseline", "text-bottom", "alphabetic", "ideographic", "middle", "central", "mathematical", "text-top", ], ), "baseline-shift": (BaseStyleValue, "0", True, False, None), "clip": (BaseStyleValue, "auto", True, False, None), "clip-path": (URLNoneValue, "none", True, False, None), "clip-rule": (EnumValue, "nonzero", True, True, ["nonzero", "evenodd"]), # only used for currentColor, which is not yet implemented "color": (PaintValue, "black", True, True, None), "color-interpolation": ( EnumValue, "sRGB", True, True, ["sRGB", "auto", "linearRGB"], ), "color-interpolation-filters": ( EnumValue, "linearRGB", True, True, ["auto", "sRGB", "linearRGB"], ), "color-rendering": ( EnumValue, "auto", True, True, ["auto", "optimizeSpeed", "optimizeQuality"], ), "cursor": (BaseStyleValue, "auto", True, True, None), "direction": (EnumValue, "ltr", True, True, ["ltr", "rtl"]), "display": ( EnumValue, "inline", True, False, [ "inline", "block", "list-item", "inline-block", "table", "inline-table", "table-row-group", "table-header-group", "table-footer-group", "table-row", "table-column-group", "table-column", "table-cell", "table-caption", "none", ], ), # every value except none is rendered normally "dominant-baseline": ( EnumValue, "auto", True, True, [ "auto", "text-bottom", "alphabetic", "ideographic", "middle", "central", "mathematical", "hanging", "text-top", ], ), "fill": ( PaintValue, "black", True, True, None, ), # the normal fill, not the one "fill-opacity": (AlphaValue, "1", True, True, None), "fill-rule": (EnumValue, "nonzero", True, True, ["nonzero", "evenodd"]), "filter": (BaseStyleValue, "none", True, False, None), "flood-color": (PaintValue, "black", True, False, None), "flood-opacity": (AlphaValue, "1", True, False, None), "font": (FontValue, "", True, False, None), "font-family": (BaseStyleValue, "sans-serif", True, True, None), "font-size": (FontSizeValue, "medium", True, True, None), "font-size-adjust": (BaseStyleValue, "none", True, True, None), "font-stretch": ( EnumValue, "normal", True, True, [ "normal", "ultra-condensed", "extra-condensed", "condensed", "semi-condensed", "semi-expanded", "expanded", "extra-expanded", "ultra-expanded", ], ), "font-style": (EnumValue, "normal", True, True, ["normal", "italic", "oblique"]), # a lot more values and subproperties in SVG2 / CSS-Fonts3 "font-variant": (EnumValue, "normal", True, True, ["normal", "small-caps"]), "font-weight": ( EnumValue, "normal", True, True, ["normal", "bold"] + [str(i) for i in range(100, 901, 100)], ), "glyph-orientation-horizontal": (BaseStyleValue, "0deg", True, True, None), "glyph-orientation-vertical": (BaseStyleValue, "auto", True, True, None), "image-rendering": ( EnumValue, "auto", True, True, ["auto", "optimizeQuality", "optimizeSpeed"], ), "letter-spacing": (BaseStyleValue, "normal", True, True, None), "lighting-color": (ColorValue, "normal", True, False, None), "line-height": (BaseStyleValue, "normal", False, True, None), "marker": (MarkerShorthandValue, "", True, True, None), "marker-end": (URLNoneValue, "none", True, True, None), "marker-mid": (URLNoneValue, "none", True, True, None), "marker-start": (URLNoneValue, "none", True, True, None), # is a shorthand for a lot of mask-related properties which Inkscape doesn't support "mask": (URLNoneValue, "none", True, False, None), "opacity": (AlphaValue, "1", True, False, None), "overflow": ( EnumValue, "visible", True, False, ["visible", "hidden", "scroll", "auto"], ), "paint-order": (BaseStyleValue, "normal", True, False, None), "pointer-events": ( EnumValue, "visiblePainted", True, True, [ "bounding-box", "visiblePainted", "visibleFill", "visibleStroke", "visible", "painted", "fill", "stroke", "all", "none", ], ), "shape-rendering": ( EnumValue, "visiblePainted", True, True, ["auto", "optimizeSpeed", "crispEdges", "geometricPrecision"], ), "stop-color": (ColorValue, "black", True, False, None), "stop-opacity": (AlphaValue, "1", True, False, None), "stroke": (PaintValue, "none", True, True, None), "stroke-dasharray": (StrokeDasharrayValue, "none", True, True, None), "stroke-dashoffset": (BaseStyleValue, "0", True, True, None), "stroke-linecap": (EnumValue, "butt", True, True, ["butt", "round", "square"]), "stroke-linejoin": ( EnumValue, "miter", True, True, ["miter", "miter-clip", "round", "bevel", "arcs"], ), "stroke-miterlimit": (BaseStyleValue, "4", True, True, None), "stroke-opacity": (AlphaValue, "1", True, True, None), "stroke-width": (BaseStyleValue, "1", True, True, None), "text-align": ( BaseStyleValue, "start", True, True, None, ), # only HTML property, but used by some unit tests "text-anchor": (EnumValue, "start", True, True, ["start", "middle", "end"]), # shorthand for text-decoration-line, *-style, *-color "text-decoration": (BaseStyleValue, "none", True, True, None), "text-overflow": (EnumValue, "clip", True, False, ["clip", "ellipsis"]), "text-rendering": ( EnumValue, "auto", True, True, ["auto", "optimizeSpeed", "optimizeLegibility", "geometricPrecision"], ), "unicode-bidi": ( EnumValue, "normal", True, False, [ "normal", "embed", "isolate", "bidi-override", "isolate-override", "plaintext", ], ), "vector-effect": (BaseStyleValue, "none", True, False, None), "vertical-align": (BaseStyleValue, "baseline", False, False, None), "visibility": (EnumValue, "visible", True, True, ["visible", "hidden", "collapse"]), "white-space": ( EnumValue, "normal", True, True, ["normal", "pre", "nowrap", "pre-wrap", "break-spaces", "pre-line"], ), "word-spacing": (BaseStyleValue, "normal", True, True, None), # including obsolete SVG 1.1 values "writing-mode": ( EnumValue, "horizontal-tb", True, True, [ "horizontal-tb", "vertical-rl", "vertical-lr", "lr", "lr-tb", "rl", "rl-tb", "tb", "tb-rl", ], ), "-inkscape-font-specification": (BaseStyleValue, "sans-serif", False, True, None), }