# coding=utf-8 # # Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Jonathan Neuhauser, jonathan.neuhauser@outlook.com # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # """Test interpolation inkex module functionality""" from inkex.tester import TestCase import inkex import inkex.tween as tween import pytest import numpy as np class TweenTest(TestCase): """Unit tests for the Inkscape inkex tween library""" black = inkex.Color("#000000") grey50 = inkex.Color("#080808") white = inkex.Color("#111111") def test_interpcoord(self): val = tween.interpcoord(0, 1, 0.5) assert val == pytest.approx(0.5, 1e-3) def test_interppoints(self): val = tween.interppoints((0, 0), (1, 1), 0.5) assert val == pytest.approx((0.5, 0.5), (1e-3, 1e-3)) def initialize_gradient(self, lg, stoparray): for key, value in stoparray.items(): stop = inkex.Stop() stop.style = inkex.Style() stop.style["stop-color"] = value stop.offset = key lg.add(stop) def initialize_linear_gradient(self, bounding_box, stoparray): lg = inkex.LinearGradient() self.initialize_gradient(lg, stoparray) lg.set("x1", bounding_box.left) lg.set("x2", bounding_box.right) lg.set("y1", bounding_box.center.y) lg.set("y2", bounding_box.center.y) return lg def initialize_radial_gradient(self, bounding_box, stoparray): grad = inkex.RadialGradient() self.initialize_gradient(grad, stoparray) grad.set("cx", bounding_box.center.x) grad.set("cy", bounding_box.center.y) grad.set("fx", bounding_box.center.x) grad.set("fy", bounding_box.center.y) grad.set("r", bounding_box.right - bounding_box.center.x) return grad def test_fill_interpolator(self): svg = inkex.SvgDocumentElement() p1 = inkex.PathElement( d="M 5.23564,33.586285 46.410969,-0.94834 89.873815,35.045501 Z" ) p2 = inkex.PathElement( d="m 136.32372,31.390088 c 0,0 -65.213764,-4.27631 18.17433,-22.4506304 83.38809,-18.17434 64.14469,35.2795704 64.14469,35.2795704 z" ) p3 = inkex.Rectangle() svg.add(p1, p2, p3) g1 = self.initialize_linear_gradient( p1.bounding_box(), {0: "#ff0000", 0.5: "#00ff00", 1: "#0000ff"} ) g2 = self.initialize_linear_gradient( p2.bounding_box(), {0: "#ff0000", 0.25: "#ff0000", 0.75: "#0000ff", 1: "#0000ff"}, ) g3 = self.initialize_radial_gradient( p2.bounding_box(), {0: "#ff0000", 0.5: "#00ff00", 1: "#0000ff"} ) grad1 = tween.GradientInterpolator.append_to_doc(svg, g1) grad2 = tween.GradientInterpolator.append_to_doc(svg, g2) grad3 = tween.GradientInterpolator.append_to_doc(svg, g3) expected = [ [ {"fill": "#640000"}, {"fill": "#320000"}, {"fill": [75, 0, 0]}, ], # both only fill [ {"fill": "none"}, {"fill": "#320000"}, {"fill": [50, 0, 0], "fill-opacity": 0.5}, ], # interpolate via fill-opacity [{"fill": "none"}, {}, {"fill": [0, 0, 0]}], # only one fill set to None [ {"fill": "#00ff00"}, {"fill": grad1}, { "fill/grad/stops": [ [0, "#7f7f00"], [0.5, "#00ff00"], [1, "#007f7f"], ], "fill/grad/x1": "5.23564px", }, ], [ {"fill": "#00ff00"}, {"fill": grad3}, { "fill/grad/stops": [ [0, "#7f7f00"], [0.5, "#00ff00"], [1, "#007f7f"], ], "fill/grad/cx": "106.932px", }, ], [{"fill": grad2}, {"fill": grad3}, {"fill": grad2}], [ {"fill": grad1}, {"fill": grad2}, { "fill/grad/stops": [ [0, "#ff0000"], [0.25, "#bf3f00"], [0.5, "#3f7f3f"], [0.75, "#003fbf"], [1, "#0000ff"], ] }, ], [ {"fill": "none"}, {"fill": grad1}, { "fill/grad/stops": [ [0, "#ff0000"], [0.5, "#00ff00"], [1, "#0000ff"], ], "fill/grad/x1": "5.23564px", }, ], ] for sstyle, estyle, interpstyle in expected: p1.style = inkex.Style() p1.style.update(sstyle) p2.style = inkex.Style() p2.style.update(estyle) interpolator = tween.StyleInterpolator(p1, p2) p3.style = interpolator.interpolate(0.5) for key, value in interpstyle.items(): keys = key.split("/") if keys[0] == "fill": newfill = p3.style("fill") if key == "fill": assert newfill == value elif keys[1] == "grad": assert isinstance( newfill, (inkex.LinearGradient, inkex.RadialGradient) ) if keys[2] == "stops": assert len(value) == len(newfill.stops) for idx, _ in enumerate(value): assert ( newfill.stops[idx].style["stop-color"] == value[idx][1] ) self.assertAlmostEqual( float(newfill.stop_offsets[idx]), value[idx][0], 1e-3, ) else: assert newfill.get(keys[2]) == value else: assert p3.style(key) == value def test_path_interpolation(self): p1 = inkex.Path("M 5.23564,33.586285 46.410969,-0.94834 89.873815,35.045501 Z") p2 = inkex.Path( "m 136.32372,31.390088 c 0,0 -65.213764,-4.27631 18.17433,-22.4506304 83.38809,-18.17434 64.14469,35.2795704 64.14469,35.2795704 z" ) pel1 = inkex.PathElement() pel2 = inkex.PathElement() pel1.path = p1 pel2.path = p2 result_method_1 = "M 70.7798 32.4882 C 70.7798 32.4882 58.7606 13.0827 100.455 3.99558 C 142.149 -5.09157 154.258 39.6323 154.258 39.6323 Z" result_method_2 = "M 70.7798 32.4882 C 70.7798 32.4882 59.6785 13.1429 98.726 4.37785 C 99.2875 4.25181 100.254 4.44741 101.52 4.87808 C 126.751 3.94755 151.064 21.8659 153.864 27.4179 C 156.66 32.9612 150.143 39.5613 144.479 39.4637 C 131.98 39.2482 70.7798 32.4882 70.7798 32.4882" calls = [ [None, result_method_1], [tween.FirstNodesInterpolator, result_method_1], [tween.EqualSubsegmentsInterpolator, result_method_2], ] for arg, expected in calls: interp = tween.AttributeInterpolator.create_from_attribute( pel1, pel2, "d", method=arg ) result = interp.interpolate(0.5) print(result) assert np.allclose(result, inkex.CubicSuperPath(inkex.Path(expected)))