# Explanation The start screen can sometimes have text placed upon it. This text will need to be translated into other languages and converted into an image, this guide will explain how you can translate these texts correctly. Files with the prefix `-text.svg` contain translatable text. Localized versions are saved as `$name-text.$lang.svg`. The files `$name-text.$lang.svg` will be rendered on top of the corresponding PNG files with the name `$name.png` when the interface is loaded. # Instructions Each translation should be a separate SVG file. The goal of these instructions is to create a translated version of the text. In this example we will be translating the welcome-start.svg file for Inkscape 1.1 into Japanese. ## Step One: Get the file The source files are NOT in the Inkscape repository, but are kept in the media repository here: https://gitlab.com/inkscape/vectors/content/-/tree/master/screens/welcome 1. Navigate into the directory which has the same name as the version of Inkscape you are translating. In this example we will use `1.1` 2. Install all the fonts in the fonts directory, if it exists. You don't have to use these fonts, but they will let you see the original design in the way it was intended. 3. Download the SVG file. It contains the full design, not just the text. For this example we download `welcome-start.svg` ## Step Two: Edit the SVG 1. Open the SVG file in the latest version of Inkscape. For example, use the Inkscape alpha or beta release if you can. 2. Open the layers dialog in Inkscape. You should see two layers, one labeled `Text` and one `Base`. If you don't find a `Text` layer, this startup graphic might not have any text to translate. 3. Make sure the Text layer is visible by pressing the eye in the layers dialog. 4. Edit the text, try to keep to the same design, colours and spacing if possible. But if you need to use a different font, reorder things or make it more attractive in your language, please do. 5. Convert the text to paths using `Path > Object To Path` 6. Delete the Layer that is marked as `Base` so you only have the text layer. 7. Run `File > Clean Up Document` to remove unneeded elements. ## Step Three: Saving and Committing 1. Save as a `Plain SVG` document in the screens folder. For our example the name will be `share/screens/welcome-start-text.ja.svg` 2. Add the new file using git tools (see other instructions for how to commit and push merge requests or ask for help)