Internationalization These files are internationalized the same way as share/filters/filters/svg The script called from the makefile will extract strings from the *.svg files into a *.svg.h file. Intltool is then able to extracts these strings just like from normal .h files. Adding new files Symbol files should be carefully prepared. 1. The SVG should be clean: No unnecessary transforms, sensible path data, etc. Do a manual inspection. Remove cruft like guide-lines, grids, etc. 2. The SVG itself needs a element, placed before any <symbol> tags, which contains the name of the symbol set, without any surrounding extra spaces. The whole element needs to be on a line of its own. If no title element is provided, or its syntax isn't correct, the name of the file will be used as a label for the symbol set in the user interface instead. 3. Avoid adding unnecessary style properties in the symbol elements; this prevents the user from overriding the default styling by specifying the style on the <use> element. Default styling can be specified in the root SVG element. Inkscape will apply this styling by default in the <use> element. 4. Provide a meaningful <title> element for each symbol. This will be appear in the GUI as a tool-tip. 5. Make sure there are no "transform" elements in the <symbol> element. Transforms are not allowed per specification and are not supported in most browsers. ('refX' and 'refY' are allowed in SVG 2.) 6. Add a section with <use> elements to demonstrate the symbols if the file is opened by itself.