2 256 8 1 5 -10 10 1 0.20 1 -20 20 5 1 2 2 8 4 1 1 -10 10 1 0.20 1 1 10 2 0.10 1 1 20 4 1 2 1 0.45 0.01 0.10 2 64 8 1 2 1 0.65 0.01 0.10 This dialog allows you to automatically convert a raster graphic into vector paths. Several options are available for different use cases: * "Brightness cutoff" detects areas that are darker than the threshold value and creates a path enclosing them (using potrace). * "Edge detection" detects changes greater than the given threshold value in the brightness of color patches and creates paths to separate them (using potrace). * "Color quantization" separates the image into the given number of colors, and separates them with a path (using potrace). * "Autotrace" uses the autotrace algorithm with the given option. * "Centerline tracing" tries to vectorize a line drawing (with autotrace). * "Multicolor" options separate the image into a number of scans, depending on brightness, color separation, or gray levels (using potrace), or using the autotrace algorithm, and create several paths for those. * The "Pixel art" tab allows to use an algorithm for pixel recognition or one for depixelizing to vectorize pixel art images. * NOTE: 1) Save your work before tracing 2) Watch your pixel count: "Trace pixel art" creates up to one path per pixel. It is not recommended for images that are not pixel art. 3) Autotrace is slower than potrace, it is not recommended for big images. Preprocessing your images to increase contrast is recommended. 4) If your goal is to get few nodes and good precision, manual tracing is always best. 300 400 False none True True never False True True natural natural False word helptext True False off-outline-symbolic 5 0.20 0.05 10 1.34 1 0.01 10 1000 2 1 10 True False vertical True False vertical top True True True start True False True False start vertical True False True start 8 8 4 4 4 Speckles True True False Ignore small spots (speckles) in the bitmap start True True 0 10 Smooth corners True True False Smooth out sharp corners of the trace start True True 0 11 60 True True True speckles 1 False 1 10 2 True True True smooth False 1 11 2 Optimize True True False Try to optimize paths by joining adjacent Bezier curve segments start True True 0 12 True True True optimize False 1 12 2 True False start Threshold 0 2 True False start Edge threshold 0 3 True False start Colors 0 4 True False start Filter iterations 0 5 True False start Error threshold 0 6 Invert image True True False Invert black and white regions start start True 0 7 4 True False start Details: 0 9 4 True True SS_AT_ET_T False 1 6 2 True True SS_AT_FI_T False 1 5 2 True True SS_CQ_T False 1 4 2 True True SS_ED_T False 1 3 2 True True SS_BC_T False 1 2 2 True False 0 Brightness cutoff Edge detection Color quantization Autotrace Centerline tracing (autotrace) 0 1 4 True False start Detection mode: 0 0 4 True True SS_BC_T 3 3 2 True True SS_ED_T 3 3 3 True True SS_CQ_T 3 4 True True SS_AT_FI_T 3 5 True True SS_AT_ET_T 1 3 6 True True Speckles of up to this many pixels will be suppressed speckles 3 10 True True Increase this to smooth corners more smooth 2 3 11 True True Increase this to reduce the number of nodes in the trace by more aggressive optimization optimize 3 0.20 3 12 User-assisted trace True True False Cover the area you want to select as the foreground then select both objects start True 0 13 4 False False 0 True False Single scan False True False start vertical True False True start 8 8 4 4 4 True False 0 Brightness steps Colors Grays Autotrace (slower) 0 1 4 True False start Scans 0 2 True False start Detection mode: 0 0 3 Smooth True True False Apply Gaussian blur to the bitmap before tracing start True 0 4 Remove background True True False Remove bottom (background) layer when done start True 0 5 3 True True The desired number of scans MS_scans 8 3 2 True False start Details: 0 8 3 60 True True True speckles False 1 10 2 True True Speckles of up to this many pixels will be suppressed speckles 2 3 10 Speckles True True False Ignore small spots (speckles) in the bitmap start True True 0 10 Optimize True True False Try to optimize paths by joining adjacent Bezier curve segments start True True 0 12 True True True optimize False 1 12 2 True True Increase this to smooth corners more smooth 2 1 3 11 True True True smooth False 1 11 2 Smooth corners True True False Smooth out sharp corners of the trace start True True 0 11 True True Increase this to reduce the number of nodes in the trace by more aggressive optimization optimize 3 0.20 3 12 User-assisted trace True True False Cover the area you want to select as the foreground then select both objects start True 0 13 3 True True True MS_scans 1 False 1 2 2 Stack True True False Stack scans on top of one another (no gaps) instead of tiling (usually with gaps) start True 1 4 3 False False 0 1 True False Multicolor 1 False True False start vertical True False start 8 8 4 4 4 2 True False Favors connections that are part of a long curve (multiplier) start Curves 0 1 True False Avoid single disconnected pixels (weight) start Islands 0 2 True False Favors connections that are part of foreground color start 8 Sparse pixels: 0 3 2 True True The heuristic computed vote will be multiplied by this value PA_curves 3 True 1 2 1 True True A constant vote value PA_islands True 5 2 2 True True The radius of the window analyzed PA_sparse1 True 2 2 4 True True The heuristic computed vote will be multiplied by this value PA_sparse2 3 True 1 2 5 True False start Heuristics: 0 0 2 60 True True True PA_curves 1 False 1 1 True True True PA_islands False 1 2 True True True PA_sparse1 False 1 4 True True True PA_sparse2 False 1 5 B-splines True True False Preserve staircasing artifacts start True RB_PA_voronoi 0 9 2 Voronoi True True False Output composed of straight lines start True True 0 8 2 True False start Output: 0 7 2 Optimize True True False Try to optimize paths by joining adjacent Bezier curve segments start True 0 6 2 True False Favors connections that are part of foreground color start Multiplier 0 5 True False Favors connections that are part of foreground color start Window radius 0 4 False True 0 2 True False start Pixel art 2 False False True 0 True False 4 4 True True 0 none True False 5 5 5 5 True True vertical 100 100 True False 4 True True 0 True False Live updates True True False True False True 0 Update preview True True True center False True end 1 False True 1 True False 4 Preview: True True 1 True True 0 True False 4 5 5 True True False True Instructions 4 up popover1 True False info-outline-symbolic False True 0 True True Abort trace operation image1 False True 1 True False True baseline 3 center gtk-revert-to-saved True True True True True 0 Apply 150 True True True True True 1 True True 2 False True 1