* C++ * Functional programming style. * Points * Efficient affine transformations * Rectangles * Convex Hulls * Bounded error * General purpose paths: - exact elliptical arcs - area - centroid and bending moments * Path Locations - determination of special spots (e.g. maximum curvature) - splitting - point, tangent, curvature at location - efficient arc length and inverse arc length * Path algebra - computations such as offset curves can be written with their mathematical definition and still get a bounded error, efficient curve. (preliminary trials indicate offset done this way out performs the method used in Inkscape) - arbitrary distortion (with bounded error) -- mesh distorts -- computational distorts such as the GIMP's 'vortex' plugin -- 3d mapping (perspective, flag, sphere) * exact boolean ops (elliptic arcs remain elliptic arcs) * efficient 2d database * implicit function plotting * NURBs input and output * tunable path simplification * PDoF constraint system for CAD/ CAGD