// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later /* * Authors: * Johan Engelen * * Copyright (C) 2006-2012 Authors * Released under GNU GPL v2+, read the file 'COPYING' for more information. */ /* * Current limits are: one axis (y-axis) is always vertical. The other two * axes are bound to a certain range of angles. The z-axis always has an angle * smaller than 90 degrees (measured from horizontal, 0 degrees being a line extending * to the right). The x-axis will always have an angle between 0 and 90 degrees. */ #include #include #include #include #include <2geom/angle.h> #include <2geom/line.h> #include "canvas-axonomgrid.h" #include "canvas-grid.h" #include "canvas-item-grid.h" #include "desktop.h" #include "document.h" #include "inkscape.h" #include "preferences.h" #include "display/cairo-utils.h" #include "helper/mathfns.h" #include "object/sp-namedview.h" #include "object/sp-object.h" #include "object/sp-root.h" #include "svg/svg-color.h" #include "ui/widget/canvas.h" #include "ui/widget/registered-widget.h" #include "util/units.h" using Inkscape::Util::unit_table; enum Dim3 { X=0, Y, Z }; /** * This function calls Cairo to render a line on a particular canvas buffer. * Coordinates are interpreted as SCREENcoordinates */ static void sp_caxonomgrid_drawline (Inkscape::CanvasItemBuffer *buf, gint x0, gint y0, gint x1, gint y1, guint32 rgba) { buf->cr->move_to(0.5 + x0, 0.5 + y0); buf->cr->line_to(0.5 + x1, 0.5 + y1); buf->cr->set_source_rgba(SP_RGBA32_R_F(rgba), SP_RGBA32_G_F(rgba), SP_RGBA32_B_F(rgba), SP_RGBA32_A_F(rgba)); buf->cr->stroke(); } static void sp_grid_vline (Inkscape::CanvasItemBuffer *buf, gint x, gint ys, gint ye, guint32 rgba) { if ((x < buf->rect.left()) || (x >= buf->rect.right())) return; buf->cr->move_to(0.5 + x, 0.5 + ys); buf->cr->line_to(0.5 + x, 0.5 + ye); buf->cr->set_source_rgba(SP_RGBA32_R_F(rgba), SP_RGBA32_G_F(rgba), SP_RGBA32_B_F(rgba), SP_RGBA32_A_F(rgba)); buf->cr->stroke(); } namespace Inkscape { CanvasAxonomGrid::CanvasAxonomGrid (SPNamedView * nv, Inkscape::XML::Node * in_repr, SPDocument * in_doc) : CanvasGrid(nv, in_repr, in_doc, GRID_AXONOMETRIC) { Inkscape::Preferences *prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get(); gridunit = unit_table.getUnit(prefs->getString("/options/grids/axonom/units")); if (!gridunit) { gridunit = unit_table.getUnit("px"); } origin[Geom::X] = Inkscape::Util::Quantity::convert(prefs->getDouble("/options/grids/axonom/origin_x", 0.0), gridunit, "px"); origin[Geom::Y] = Inkscape::Util::Quantity::convert(prefs->getDouble("/options/grids/axonom/origin_y", 0.0), gridunit, "px"); color = prefs->getInt("/options/grids/axonom/color", GRID_DEFAULT_COLOR); empcolor = prefs->getInt("/options/grids/axonom/empcolor", GRID_DEFAULT_EMPCOLOR); empspacing = prefs->getInt("/options/grids/axonom/empspacing", 5); lengthy = Inkscape::Util::Quantity::convert(prefs->getDouble("/options/grids/axonom/spacing_y", 1.0), gridunit, "px"); angle_deg[X] = prefs->getDouble("/options/grids/axonom/angle_x", 30.0); angle_deg[Z] = prefs->getDouble("/options/grids/axonom/angle_z", 30.0); angle_deg[Y] = 0; angle_rad[X] = Geom::rad_from_deg(angle_deg[X]); tan_angle[X] = tan(angle_rad[X]); angle_rad[Z] = Geom::rad_from_deg(angle_deg[Z]); tan_angle[Z] = tan(angle_rad[Z]); snapper = new CanvasAxonomGridSnapper(this, &namedview->snap_manager, 0); if (repr) readRepr(); } CanvasAxonomGrid::~CanvasAxonomGrid () { if (snapper) delete snapper; } static gboolean sp_nv_read_opacity(gchar const *str, guint32 *color) { if (!str) { return FALSE; } gchar *u; gdouble v = g_ascii_strtod(str, &u); if (!u) { return FALSE; } v = CLAMP(v, 0.0, 1.0); *color = (*color & 0xffffff00) | (guint32) floor(v * 255.9999); return TRUE; } void CanvasAxonomGrid::readRepr() { SPRoot *root = doc->getRoot(); double scale_x = 1.0; double scale_y = 1.0; if( root->viewBox_set ) { scale_x = root->width.computed / root->viewBox.width(); scale_y = root->height.computed / root->viewBox.height(); if (Geom::are_near(scale_x / scale_y, 1.0, Geom::EPSILON)) { // scaling is uniform, try to reduce numerical error scale_x = (scale_x + scale_y)/2.0; double scale_none = Inkscape::Util::Quantity::convert(1, doc->getDisplayUnit(), "px"); if (Geom::are_near(scale_x / scale_none, 1.0, Geom::EPSILON)) scale_x = scale_none; // objects are same size, reduce numerical error scale_y = scale_x; } } gchar const *value; if ( (value = repr->attribute("originx")) ) { Inkscape::Util::Quantity q = unit_table.parseQuantity(value); if( q.unit->type == UNIT_TYPE_LINEAR ) { // Legacy grid not in 'user units' origin[Geom::X] = q.value("px"); } else { // Grid in 'user units' origin[Geom::X] = q.quantity * scale_x; } } if ( (value = repr->attribute("originy")) ) { Inkscape::Util::Quantity q = unit_table.parseQuantity(value); if( q.unit->type == UNIT_TYPE_LINEAR ) { // Legacy grid not in 'user units' origin[Geom::Y] = q.value("px"); } else { // Grid in 'user units' origin[Geom::Y] = q.quantity * scale_y; } } if ( (value = repr->attribute("spacingy")) ) { Inkscape::Util::Quantity q = unit_table.parseQuantity(value); if( q.unit->type == UNIT_TYPE_LINEAR ) { // Legacy grid not in 'user units' lengthy = q.value("px"); } else { // Grid in 'user units' lengthy = q.quantity * scale_y; // We do not handle scale_x != scale_y } if (lengthy < 0.0500) lengthy = 0.0500; } if ( (value = repr->attribute("gridanglex")) ) { angle_deg[X] = g_ascii_strtod(value, nullptr); if (angle_deg[X] < 0.) angle_deg[X] = 0.; if (angle_deg[X] > 89.0) angle_deg[X] = 89.0; angle_rad[X] = Geom::rad_from_deg(angle_deg[X]); tan_angle[X] = tan(angle_rad[X]); } if ( (value = repr->attribute("gridanglez")) ) { angle_deg[Z] = g_ascii_strtod(value, nullptr); if (angle_deg[Z] < 0.) angle_deg[Z] = 0.; if (angle_deg[Z] > 89.0) angle_deg[Z] = 89.0; angle_rad[Z] = Geom::rad_from_deg(angle_deg[Z]); tan_angle[Z] = tan(angle_rad[Z]); } if ( (value = repr->attribute("color")) ) { color = (color & 0xff) | sp_svg_read_color(value, color); } if ( (value = repr->attribute("empcolor")) ) { empcolor = (empcolor & 0xff) | sp_svg_read_color(value, empcolor); } if ( (value = repr->attribute("opacity")) ) { sp_nv_read_opacity(value, &color); } if ( (value = repr->attribute("empopacity")) ) { sp_nv_read_opacity(value, &empcolor); } if ( (value = repr->attribute("empspacing")) ) { empspacing = atoi(value); } if ( (value = repr->attribute("visible")) ) { visible = (strcmp(value,"false") != 0 && strcmp(value, "0") != 0); } if ( (value = repr->attribute("enabled")) ) { g_assert(snapper != nullptr); snapper->setEnabled(strcmp(value,"false") != 0 && strcmp(value, "0") != 0); } if ( (value = repr->attribute("snapvisiblegridlinesonly")) ) { g_assert(snapper != nullptr); snapper->setSnapVisibleOnly(strcmp(value,"false") != 0 && strcmp(value, "0") != 0); } if ( (value = repr->attribute("units")) ) { gridunit = unit_table.getUnit(value); // Display unit identifier in grid menu } for (auto grid : canvas_item_grids) { grid->request_update(); } return; } /** * Called when XML node attribute changed; updates dialog widgets if change was not done by widgets themselves. */ void CanvasAxonomGrid::onReprAttrChanged(Inkscape::XML::Node */*repr*/, gchar const */*key*/, gchar const */*oldval*/, gchar const */*newval*/, bool /*is_interactive*/) { readRepr(); if ( ! (_wr.isUpdating()) ) updateWidgets(); } Gtk::Widget * CanvasAxonomGrid::newSpecificWidget() { _rumg = Gtk::manage( new Inkscape::UI::Widget::RegisteredUnitMenu( _("Grid _units:"), "units", _wr, repr, doc) ); _rsu_ox = Gtk::manage( new Inkscape::UI::Widget::RegisteredScalarUnit( _("_Origin X:"), _("X coordinate of grid origin"), "originx", *_rumg, _wr, repr, doc, Inkscape::UI::Widget::RSU_x) ); _rsu_oy = Gtk::manage( new Inkscape::UI::Widget::RegisteredScalarUnit( _("O_rigin Y:"), _("Y coordinate of grid origin"), "originy", *_rumg, _wr, repr, doc, Inkscape::UI::Widget::RSU_y) ); _rsu_sy = Gtk::manage( new Inkscape::UI::Widget::RegisteredScalarUnit( _("Spacing _Y:"), _("Base length of z-axis"), "spacingy", *_rumg, _wr, repr, doc, Inkscape::UI::Widget::RSU_y) ); _rsu_ax = Gtk::manage( new Inkscape::UI::Widget::RegisteredScalar( _("Angle X:"), _("Angle of x-axis"), "gridanglex", _wr, repr, doc ) ); _rsu_az = Gtk::manage( new Inkscape::UI::Widget::RegisteredScalar( _("Angle Z:"), _("Angle of z-axis"), "gridanglez", _wr, repr, doc ) ); _rcp_gcol = Gtk::manage( new Inkscape::UI::Widget::RegisteredColorPicker( _("Minor grid line _color:"), _("Minor grid line color"), _("Color of the minor grid lines"), "color", "opacity", _wr, repr, doc)); _rcp_gmcol = Gtk::manage( new Inkscape::UI::Widget::RegisteredColorPicker( _("Ma_jor grid line color:"), _("Major grid line color"), _("Color of the major (highlighted) grid lines"), "empcolor", "empopacity", _wr, repr, doc)); _rsi = Gtk::manage( new Inkscape::UI::Widget::RegisteredSuffixedInteger( _("_Major grid line every:"), "", _("lines"), "empspacing", _wr, repr, doc ) ); _rumg->set_hexpand(); _rsu_ox->set_hexpand(); _rsu_oy->set_hexpand(); _rsu_sy->set_hexpand(); _rsu_ax->set_hexpand(); _rsu_az->set_hexpand(); _rcp_gcol->set_hexpand(); _rcp_gmcol->set_hexpand(); _rsi->set_hexpand(); // set widget values _wr.setUpdating (true); _rsu_ox->setDigits(5); _rsu_ox->setIncrements(0.1, 1.0); _rsu_oy->setDigits(5); _rsu_oy->setIncrements(0.1, 1.0); _rsu_sy->setDigits(5); _rsu_sy->setIncrements(0.1, 1.0); _rumg->setUnit (gridunit->abbr); gdouble val; val = origin[Geom::X]; val = Inkscape::Util::Quantity::convert(val, "px", gridunit); _rsu_ox->setValue (val); val = origin[Geom::Y]; val = Inkscape::Util::Quantity::convert(val, "px", gridunit); _rsu_oy->setValue (val); val = lengthy; double gridy = Inkscape::Util::Quantity::convert(val, "px", gridunit); _rsu_sy->setValue (gridy); _rsu_ax->setValue(angle_deg[X]); _rsu_az->setValue(angle_deg[Z]); _rcp_gcol->setRgba32 (color); _rcp_gmcol->setRgba32 (empcolor); _rsi->setValue (empspacing); _wr.setUpdating (false); _rsu_ox->setProgrammatically = false; _rsu_oy->setProgrammatically = false; Gtk::Box *column = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Box(Gtk::ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 4)); column->pack_start(*_rumg, true, false); column->pack_start(*_rsu_ox, true, false); column->pack_start(*_rsu_oy, true, false); column->pack_start(*_rsu_sy, true, false); column->pack_start(*_rsu_ax, true, false); column->pack_start(*_rsu_az, true, false); column->pack_start(*_rcp_gcol, true, false); column->pack_start(*_rcp_gmcol, true, false); column->pack_start(*_rsi, true, false); return column; } /** * Update dialog widgets from object's values. */ void CanvasAxonomGrid::updateWidgets() { if (_wr.isUpdating()) return; //no widgets (grid created with the document, not with the dialog) if (!_rcb_visible) return; _wr.setUpdating (true); _rcb_visible->setActive(visible); if (snapper != nullptr) { _rcb_enabled->setActive(snapper->getEnabled()); _rcb_snap_visible_only->setActive(snapper->getSnapVisibleOnly()); } _rumg->setUnit (gridunit->abbr); gdouble val; val = origin[Geom::X]; val = Inkscape::Util::Quantity::convert(val, "px", gridunit); _rsu_ox->setValue (val); val = origin[Geom::Y]; val = Inkscape::Util::Quantity::convert(val, "px", gridunit); _rsu_oy->setValue (val); val = lengthy; val = Inkscape::Util::Quantity::convert(val, "px", gridunit); _rsu_sy->setValue (val); _rsu_ax->setValue(angle_deg[X]); _rsu_az->setValue(angle_deg[Z]); _rsu_ox->setProgrammatically = false; _rsu_oy->setProgrammatically = false; _rsu_sy->setProgrammatically = false; _rsu_ax->setProgrammatically = false; _rsu_az->setProgrammatically = false; _rcp_gcol->setRgba32 (color); _rcp_gmcol->setRgba32 (empcolor); _rsi->setValue (empspacing); _wr.setUpdating (false); } void CanvasAxonomGrid::Update (Geom::Affine const &affine, unsigned int /*flags*/) { ow = origin * affine; sw = Geom::Point(fabs(affine[0]),fabs(affine[3])); sw *= lengthy; scaled = false; for(int dim = 0; dim < 2; dim++) { gint scaling_factor = empspacing; if (scaling_factor <= 1) scaling_factor = 5; int watchdog = 0; while ( (sw[dim] < 8.0) & (watchdog < 100) ) { scaled = true; sw[dim] *= scaling_factor; // First pass, go up to the major line spacing, then // keep increasing by two. scaling_factor = 2; watchdog++; } } spacing_ylines = sw[Geom::X] /(tan_angle[X] + tan_angle[Z]); lyw = sw[Geom::Y]; lxw_x = Geom::are_near(tan_angle[X],0.) ? Geom::infinity() : sw[Geom::X] / tan_angle[X]; lxw_z = Geom::are_near(tan_angle[Z],0.) ? Geom::infinity() : sw[Geom::X] / tan_angle[Z]; if (empspacing == 0) { scaled = true; } } void CanvasAxonomGrid::Render (Inkscape::CanvasItemBuffer *buf) { //set correct coloring, depending preference (when zoomed out, always major coloring or minor coloring) Inkscape::Preferences *prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get(); guint32 _empcolor; guint32 _color = color; bool preference = prefs->getBool("/options/grids/no_emphasize_when_zoomedout", false); if( scaled && preference ) { _empcolor = color; } else { _empcolor = empcolor; } bool xrayactive = prefs->getBool("/desktop/xrayactive", false); if (xrayactive) { //this allow good looking on xray zones guint32 bg = 0xffffffff; _color = SP_RGBA32_F_COMPOSE( CLAMP(((1 - SP_RGBA32_A_F(_color)) * SP_RGBA32_R_F(bg)) + (SP_RGBA32_A_F(_color) * SP_RGBA32_R_F(_color)), 0.0, 1.0), CLAMP(((1 - SP_RGBA32_A_F(_color)) * SP_RGBA32_G_F(bg)) + (SP_RGBA32_A_F(_color) * SP_RGBA32_G_F(_color)), 0.0, 1.0), CLAMP(((1 - SP_RGBA32_A_F(_color)) * SP_RGBA32_B_F(bg)) + (SP_RGBA32_A_F(_color) * SP_RGBA32_B_F(_color)), 0.0, 1.0), 1.0); _empcolor = SP_RGBA32_F_COMPOSE( CLAMP(((1 - SP_RGBA32_A_F(_empcolor)) * SP_RGBA32_R_F(bg)) + (SP_RGBA32_A_F(_empcolor) * SP_RGBA32_R_F(_empcolor)), 0.0, 1.0), CLAMP(((1 - SP_RGBA32_A_F(_empcolor)) * SP_RGBA32_G_F(bg)) + (SP_RGBA32_A_F(_empcolor) * SP_RGBA32_G_F(_empcolor)), 0.0, 1.0), CLAMP(((1 - SP_RGBA32_A_F(_empcolor)) * SP_RGBA32_B_F(bg)) + (SP_RGBA32_A_F(_empcolor) * SP_RGBA32_B_F(_empcolor)), 0.0, 1.0), 1.0); } buf->cr->save(); buf->cr->translate(-buf->rect.left(), -buf->rect.top()); buf->cr->set_line_width(1.0); buf->cr->set_line_cap(Cairo::LINE_CAP_SQUARE); // gc = gridcoordinates (the coordinates calculated from the grids origin 'grid->ow'. // sc = screencoordinates ( for example "buf->rect.left()" is in screencoordinates ) // bc = buffer patch coordinates (x=0 on left side of page, y=0 on bottom of page) // tl = topleft ; br = bottomright Geom::Point buf_tl_gc; Geom::Point buf_br_gc; buf_tl_gc[Geom::X] = buf->rect.left() - ow[Geom::X]; buf_tl_gc[Geom::Y] = buf->rect.top() - ow[Geom::Y]; buf_br_gc[Geom::X] = buf->rect.right() - ow[Geom::X]; buf_br_gc[Geom::Y] = buf->rect.bottom() - ow[Geom::Y]; // render the three separate line groups representing the main-axes // x-axis always goes from topleft to bottomright. (0,0) - (1,1) gdouble const xintercept_y_bc = (buf_tl_gc[Geom::X] * tan_angle[X]) - buf_tl_gc[Geom::Y] ; gdouble const xstart_y_sc = ( xintercept_y_bc - floor(xintercept_y_bc/lyw)*lyw ) + buf->rect.top(); gint const xlinestart = round( (xstart_y_sc - buf_tl_gc[Geom::X]*tan_angle[X] - ow[Geom::Y]) / lyw ); gint xlinenum = xlinestart; // lines starting on left side. for (gdouble y = xstart_y_sc; y < buf->rect.bottom(); y += lyw, xlinenum++) { gint const x0 = buf->rect.left(); gint const y0 = round(y); gint x1 = x0 + round( (buf->rect.bottom() - y) / tan_angle[X] ); gint y1 = buf->rect.bottom(); if ( Geom::are_near(tan_angle[X],0.) ) { x1 = buf->rect.right(); y1 = y0; } if (!scaled && (xlinenum % empspacing) != 0) { sp_caxonomgrid_drawline (buf, x0, y0, x1, y1, _color); } else { sp_caxonomgrid_drawline (buf, x0, y0, x1, y1, _empcolor); } } // lines starting from top side if (!Geom::are_near(tan_angle[X],0.)) { gdouble const xstart_x_sc = buf->rect.left() + (lxw_x - (xstart_y_sc - buf->rect.top()) / tan_angle[X]) ; xlinenum = xlinestart-1; for (gdouble x = xstart_x_sc; x < buf->rect.right(); x += lxw_x, xlinenum--) { gint const y0 = buf->rect.top(); gint const y1 = buf->rect.bottom(); gint const x0 = round(x); gint const x1 = x0 + round( (y1 - y0) / tan_angle[X] ); if (!scaled && (xlinenum % empspacing) != 0) { sp_caxonomgrid_drawline (buf, x0, y0, x1, y1, _color); } else { sp_caxonomgrid_drawline (buf, x0, y0, x1, y1, _empcolor); } } } // y-axis lines (vertical) gdouble const ystart_x_sc = floor (buf_tl_gc[Geom::X] / spacing_ylines) * spacing_ylines + ow[Geom::X]; gint const ylinestart = round((ystart_x_sc - ow[Geom::X]) / spacing_ylines); gint ylinenum = ylinestart; for (gdouble x = ystart_x_sc; x < buf->rect.right(); x += spacing_ylines, ylinenum++) { gint const x0 = floor(x); // sp_grid_vline will add 0.5 again, so we'll pre-emptively use floor() // instead of round() to avoid biasing the vertical lines to the right by half a pixel; see // CanvasXYGrid::Render() for more details if (!scaled && (ylinenum % empspacing) != 0) { sp_grid_vline (buf, x0, buf->rect.top(), buf->rect.bottom() - 1, _color); } else { sp_grid_vline (buf, x0, buf->rect.top(), buf->rect.bottom() - 1, _empcolor); } } // z-axis always goes from bottomleft to topright. (0,1) - (1,0) gdouble const zintercept_y_bc = (buf_tl_gc[Geom::X] * -tan_angle[Z]) - buf_tl_gc[Geom::Y] ; gdouble const zstart_y_sc = ( zintercept_y_bc - floor(zintercept_y_bc/lyw)*lyw ) + buf->rect.top(); gint const zlinestart = round( (zstart_y_sc + buf_tl_gc[Geom::X]*tan_angle[Z] - ow[Geom::Y]) / lyw ); gint zlinenum = zlinestart; // lines starting from left side gdouble next_y = zstart_y_sc; for (gdouble y = zstart_y_sc; y < buf->rect.bottom(); y += lyw, zlinenum++, next_y = y) { gint const x0 = buf->rect.left(); gint const y0 = round(y); gint x1 = x0 + round( (y - buf->rect.top() ) / tan_angle[Z] ); gint y1 = buf->rect.top(); if ( Geom::are_near(tan_angle[Z],0.) ) { x1 = buf->rect.right(); y1 = y0; } if (!scaled && (zlinenum % empspacing) != 0) { sp_caxonomgrid_drawline (buf, x0, y0, x1, y1, _color); } else { sp_caxonomgrid_drawline (buf, x0, y0, x1, y1, _empcolor); } } // draw lines from bottom-up if (!Geom::are_near(tan_angle[Z],0.)) { gdouble const zstart_x_sc = buf->rect.left() + (next_y - buf->rect.bottom()) / tan_angle[Z] ; for (gdouble x = zstart_x_sc; x < buf->rect.right(); x += lxw_z, zlinenum++) { gint const y0 = buf->rect.bottom(); gint const y1 = buf->rect.top(); gint const x0 = round(x); gint const x1 = x0 + round(buf->rect.height() / tan_angle[Z] ); if (!scaled && (zlinenum % empspacing) != 0) { sp_caxonomgrid_drawline (buf, x0, y0, x1, y1, _color); } else { sp_caxonomgrid_drawline (buf, x0, y0, x1, y1, _empcolor); } } } buf->cr->restore(); } CanvasAxonomGridSnapper::CanvasAxonomGridSnapper(CanvasAxonomGrid *grid, SnapManager *sm, Geom::Coord const d) : LineSnapper(sm, d) { this->grid = grid; } /** * \return Snap tolerance (desktop coordinates); depends on current zoom so that it's always the same in screen pixels */ Geom::Coord CanvasAxonomGridSnapper::getSnapperTolerance() const { SPDesktop const *dt = _snapmanager->getDesktop(); double const zoom = dt ? dt->current_zoom() : 1; return _snapmanager->snapprefs.getGridTolerance() / zoom; } bool CanvasAxonomGridSnapper::getSnapperAlwaysSnap() const { return _snapmanager->snapprefs.getGridTolerance() == 10000; //TODO: Replace this threshold of 10000 by a constant; see also tolerance-slider.cpp } LineSnapper::LineList CanvasAxonomGridSnapper::_getSnapLines(Geom::Point const &p) const { LineList s; if ( grid == nullptr ) { return s; } SPDesktop const *dt = _snapmanager->getDesktop(); double ta_x = grid->tan_angle[X]; double ta_z = grid->tan_angle[Z]; if (dt && dt->is_yaxisdown()) { std::swap(ta_x, ta_z); } double spacing_h; double spacing_v; if (getSnapVisibleOnly()) { // Only snapping to visible grid lines spacing_h = grid->spacing_ylines; // this is the spacing of the visible grid lines measured in screen pixels spacing_v = grid->lyw; // vertical // convert screen pixels to px // FIXME: after we switch to snapping dist in screen pixels, this will be unnecessary if (dt) { spacing_h /= dt->current_zoom(); spacing_v /= dt->current_zoom(); } } else { // Snapping to any grid line, whether it's visible or not spacing_h = grid->lengthy /(grid->tan_angle[X] + grid->tan_angle[Z]); spacing_v = grid->lengthy; } // In an axonometric grid, any point will be surrounded by 6 grid lines: // - 2 vertical grid lines, one left and one right from the point // - 2 angled z grid lines, one above and one below the point // - 2 angled x grid lines, one above and one below the point // Calculate the x coordinate of the vertical grid lines Geom::Coord x_max = Inkscape::Util::round_to_upper_multiple_plus(p[Geom::X], spacing_h, grid->origin[Geom::X]); Geom::Coord x_min = Inkscape::Util::round_to_lower_multiple_plus(p[Geom::X], spacing_h, grid->origin[Geom::X]); // Calculate the y coordinate of the intersection of the angled grid lines with the y-axis double y_proj_along_z = p[Geom::Y] - ta_z * (p[Geom::X] - grid->origin[Geom::X]); double y_proj_along_x = p[Geom::Y] + ta_x * (p[Geom::X] - grid->origin[Geom::X]); double y_proj_along_z_max = Inkscape::Util::round_to_upper_multiple_plus(y_proj_along_z, spacing_v, grid->origin[Geom::Y]); double y_proj_along_z_min = Inkscape::Util::round_to_lower_multiple_plus(y_proj_along_z, spacing_v, grid->origin[Geom::Y]); double y_proj_along_x_max = Inkscape::Util::round_to_upper_multiple_plus(y_proj_along_x, spacing_v, grid->origin[Geom::Y]); double y_proj_along_x_min = Inkscape::Util::round_to_lower_multiple_plus(y_proj_along_x, spacing_v, grid->origin[Geom::Y]); // Calculate the versor for the angled grid lines Geom::Point vers_x = Geom::Point(1, -ta_x); Geom::Point vers_z = Geom::Point(1, ta_z); // Calculate the normal for the angled grid lines Geom::Point norm_x = Geom::rot90(vers_x); Geom::Point norm_z = Geom::rot90(vers_z); // The four angled grid lines form a parallelogram, enclosing the point // One of the two vertical grid lines divides this parallelogram in two triangles // We will now try to find out in which half (i.e. triangle) our point is, and return // only the three grid lines defining that triangle // The vertical grid line is at the intersection of two angled grid lines. // Now go find that intersection! Geom::Point p_x(0, y_proj_along_x_max); Geom::Line line_x(p_x, p_x + vers_x); Geom::Point p_z(0, y_proj_along_z_max); Geom::Line line_z(p_z, p_z + vers_z); Geom::OptCrossing inters = Geom::OptCrossing(); // empty by default try { inters = Geom::intersection(line_x, line_z); } catch (Geom::InfiniteSolutions &e) { // We're probably dealing with parallel lines; this is useless! return s; } // Determine which half of the parallelogram to use bool use_left_half = true; bool use_right_half = true; if (inters) { Geom::Point inters_pt = line_x.pointAt((*inters).ta); use_left_half = (p[Geom::X] - grid->origin[Geom::X]) < inters_pt[Geom::X]; use_right_half = !use_left_half; } // Return the three grid lines which define the triangle that encloses our point // If we didn't find an intersection above, all 6 grid lines will be returned if (use_left_half) { s.push_back(std::make_pair(norm_z, Geom::Point(grid->origin[Geom::X], y_proj_along_z_max))); s.push_back(std::make_pair(norm_x, Geom::Point(grid->origin[Geom::X], y_proj_along_x_min))); s.push_back(std::make_pair(Geom::Point(1, 0), Geom::Point(x_max, 0))); } if (use_right_half) { s.push_back(std::make_pair(norm_z, Geom::Point(grid->origin[Geom::X], y_proj_along_z_min))); s.push_back(std::make_pair(norm_x, Geom::Point(grid->origin[Geom::X], y_proj_along_x_max))); s.push_back(std::make_pair(Geom::Point(1, 0), Geom::Point(x_min, 0))); } return s; } void CanvasAxonomGridSnapper::_addSnappedLine(IntermSnapResults &isr, Geom::Point const &snapped_point, Geom::Coord const &snapped_distance, SnapSourceType const &source, long source_num, Geom::Point const &normal_to_line, Geom::Point const &point_on_line) const { SnappedLine dummy = SnappedLine(snapped_point, snapped_distance, source, source_num, Inkscape::SNAPTARGET_GRID, getSnapperTolerance(), getSnapperAlwaysSnap(), normal_to_line, point_on_line); isr.grid_lines.push_back(dummy); } void CanvasAxonomGridSnapper::_addSnappedPoint(IntermSnapResults &isr, Geom::Point const &snapped_point, Geom::Coord const &snapped_distance, SnapSourceType const &source, long source_num, bool constrained_snap) const { SnappedPoint dummy = SnappedPoint(snapped_point, source, source_num, Inkscape::SNAPTARGET_GRID, snapped_distance, getSnapperTolerance(), getSnapperAlwaysSnap(), constrained_snap, true); isr.points.push_back(dummy); } void CanvasAxonomGridSnapper::_addSnappedLinePerpendicularly(IntermSnapResults &isr, Geom::Point const &snapped_point, Geom::Coord const &snapped_distance, SnapSourceType const &source, long source_num, bool constrained_snap) const { SnappedPoint dummy = SnappedPoint(snapped_point, source, source_num, Inkscape::SNAPTARGET_GRID_PERPENDICULAR, snapped_distance, getSnapperTolerance(), getSnapperAlwaysSnap(), constrained_snap, true); isr.points.push_back(dummy); } bool CanvasAxonomGridSnapper::ThisSnapperMightSnap() const { return _snap_enabled && _snapmanager->snapprefs.isTargetSnappable(Inkscape::SNAPTARGET_GRID); } }; // namespace Inkscape /* Local Variables: mode:c++ c-file-style:"stroustrup" c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +)) indent-tabs-mode:nil fill-column:99 End: */ // vim: filetype=cpp:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:fileencoding=utf-8:textwidth=99 :