// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later /** * A class to represent a control rectangle. Used for rubberband selector, page outline, etc. */ /* * Author: * Tavmjong Bah * * Copyright (C) 2020 Tavmjong Bah * * Rewrite of CtrlRect * * Released under GNU GPL v2+, read the file 'COPYING' for more information. */ #include #include "canvas-item-rect.h" #include "display/cairo-utils.h" #include "color.h" // SP_RGBA_x_F #include "inkscape.h" // #include "ui/widget/canvas.h" #include "display/cairo-utils.h" // Checkerboard background. namespace Inkscape { /** * Create an null control rect. */ CanvasItemRect::CanvasItemRect(CanvasItemGroup *group) : CanvasItem(group) { _name = "CanvasItemRect:Null"; _pickable = false; // For now, nobody gets events from this class! } /** * Create a control rect. Point are in document coordinates. */ CanvasItemRect::CanvasItemRect(CanvasItemGroup *group, Geom::Rect const &rect) : CanvasItem(group) , _rect(rect) { _name = "CanvasItemRect"; _pickable = false; // For now, nobody gets events from this class! request_update(); } /** * Set a control rect. Points are in document coordinates. */ void CanvasItemRect::set_rect(Geom::Rect const &rect) { _rect = rect; request_update(); } /** * Returns distance between point in canvas units and nearest point in rect (zero if inside rect). * Only valid if canvas is not rotated. (A rotated Geom::Rect yields a new axis-aligned Geom::Rect * that contains the original rectangle; not a rotated rectangle.) */ double CanvasItemRect::closest_distance_to(Geom::Point const &p) { if (_affine.isNonzeroRotation()) { std::cerr << "CanvasItemRect::closest_distance_to: Affine includes rotation!" << std::endl; } Geom::Rect rect = _rect; rect *= _affine; // Convert from document to canvas coordinates. (TODO Cache this.) return Geom::distance(p, rect); } /** * Returns true if point p (in canvas units) is within tolerance (canvas units) distance of rect. * Non-zero tolerance not implemented! Is valid for a rotated canvas. */ bool CanvasItemRect::contains(Geom::Point const &p, double tolerance) { if (tolerance != 0) { std::cerr << "CanvasItemRect::contains: Non-zero tolerance not implemented!" << std::endl; } Geom::Point p0 = _rect.corner(0) * _affine; Geom::Point p1 = _rect.corner(1) * _affine; Geom::Point p2 = _rect.corner(2) * _affine; Geom::Point p3 = _rect.corner(3) * _affine; // From 2geom rotated-rect.cpp return Geom::cross(p1 - p0, p - p0) >= 0 && Geom::cross(p2 - p1, p - p1) >= 0 && Geom::cross(p3 - p2, p - p2) >= 0 && Geom::cross(p0 - p3, p - p3) >= 0; } /** * Update and redraw control rect. */ void CanvasItemRect::update(Geom::Affine const &affine) { if (_affine == affine && !_need_update) { // Nothing to do. return; } if (_rect.area() == 0) { return; // Nothing to show } // Queue redraw of old area (erase previous content). request_redraw(); // Get new bounds _affine = affine; // Enlarge bbox by twice shadow size (to allow for shadow on any side with a 45deg rotation). _bounds = _rect; // note: add shadow size before applying transformation, since get_shadow_size accounts for scale _bounds.expandBy(2 * get_shadow_size()); _bounds *= _affine; _bounds.expandBy(2); // Room for stroke. // Queue redraw of new area request_redraw(); _need_update = false; } /** * Render rect to screen via Cairo. */ void CanvasItemRect::render(Inkscape::CanvasItemBuffer *buf) { if (!buf) { std::cerr << "CanvasItemRect::Render: No buffer!" << std::endl; return; } if (!_bounds.intersects(buf->rect)) { return; // Rectangle not inside buffer rectangle. } if (!_visible) { // Hidden return; } // Geom::Rect is an axis-aligned rectangle. We need to rotate it if the canvas is rotated! // Get canvas rotation (scale is isotropic). double rotation = atan2(_affine[1], _affine[0]); // Are we axis aligned? double mod_rot = fmod(rotation * M_2_PI, 1); bool axis_aligned = Geom::are_near(mod_rot, 0) || Geom::are_near(mod_rot, 1.0); // Get the points we need transformed into window coordinates. Geom::Point rect_transformed[4]; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { rect_transformed[i] = _rect.corner(i) * _affine; } auto rect = _rect; using Geom::X; using Geom::Y; if (axis_aligned) { auto temp = _rect * _affine; auto min = temp.min(); auto max = temp.max(); auto pixgrid = Geom::Rect( Geom::Point(floor(min[X]) + 0.5, floor(min[Y]) + 0.5), Geom::Point(floor(max[X]) + 0.5, floor(max[Y]) + 0.5)); rect = pixgrid * _affine.inverse(); } buf->cr->save(); buf->cr->translate(-buf->rect.left(), -buf->rect.top()); if (_inverted) { // buf->cr->set_operator(Cairo::OPERATOR_XOR); // Blend mode operators do not have C++ bindings! cairo_set_operator(buf->cr->cobj(), CAIRO_OPERATOR_DIFFERENCE); } // fill background? if (_background && !buf->outline_overlay_pass) { buf->cr->save(); Cairo::Matrix m(_affine[0], _affine[1], _affine[2], _affine[3], _affine[4], _affine[5]); buf->cr->transform(m); buf->cr->rectangle(rect.corner(0)[X], rect.corner(0)[Y], rect.width(), rect.height()); // counter fill scaling (necessary for checkerboard pattern) _background->set_matrix(m); buf->cr->set_source(_background); buf->cr->fill(); buf->cr->restore(); } cairo_pattern_t *pattern = _canvas->get_background_pattern()->cobj(); guint32 backcolor = ink_cairo_pattern_get_argb32(pattern); EXTRACT_ARGB32(backcolor, ab,rb,gb,bb) // Draw shadow first. Shadow extends under rectangle to reduce aliasing effects. if (_shadow_width > 0 && !_dashed) { // there's only one UI knob to adjust border and shadow color, so instead of using border color // transparency as is, it is boosted by this function, since shadow attenuates it const auto a = (exp(-3 * SP_RGBA32_A_F(_shadow_color)) - 1) / (exp(-3) - 1); buf->cr->save(); auto affine = _affine; if (auto desktop = _canvas->get_desktop()) { rect *= desktop->doc2dt(); affine = desktop->doc2dt() * affine; } Cairo::Matrix m(affine[0], affine[1], affine[2], affine[3], affine[4], affine[5]); buf->cr->transform(m); ink_cairo_draw_drop_shadow(buf->cr, rect, get_shadow_size(), _shadow_color, a); buf->cr->restore(); } // Setup rectangle path if (axis_aligned) { // Snap to pixel grid Geom::Rect outline( _rect.min() * _affine, _rect.max() * _affine); buf->cr->rectangle(floor(outline.min()[X])+0.5, floor(outline.min()[Y])+0.5, floor(outline.max()[X]) - floor(outline.min()[X]), floor(outline.max()[Y]) - floor(outline.min()[Y])); } else { // Rotated buf->cr->move_to(rect_transformed[0][X], rect_transformed[0][Y] ); buf->cr->line_to(rect_transformed[1][X], rect_transformed[1][Y] ); buf->cr->line_to(rect_transformed[2][X], rect_transformed[2][Y] ); buf->cr->line_to(rect_transformed[3][X], rect_transformed[3][Y] ); buf->cr->close_path(); } static std::valarray dashes = {4.0, 4.0}; if (_dashed) { buf->cr->set_dash(dashes, -0.5); } // Draw border (stroke). buf->cr->set_line_width(1); // we maybe have painted the background, back to "normal" compositing buf->cr->set_source_rgba(SP_RGBA32_R_F(_stroke), SP_RGBA32_G_F(_stroke), SP_RGBA32_B_F(_stroke), SP_RGBA32_A_F(_stroke)); buf->cr->stroke_preserve(); // Highlight the border by drawing it in _shadow_color. if (_shadow_width == 1 && _dashed) { buf->cr->set_dash(dashes, 3.5); // Dash offset by dash length. buf->cr->set_source_rgba(SP_RGBA32_R_F(_shadow_color), SP_RGBA32_G_F(_shadow_color), SP_RGBA32_B_F(_shadow_color), SP_RGBA32_A_F(_shadow_color)); buf->cr->stroke_preserve(); } buf->cr->begin_new_path(); // Clear path or get weird artifacts. // Uncomment to show bounds // Geom::Rect bounds = _bounds; // bounds.expandBy(-1); // bounds -= buf->rect.min(); // buf->cr->set_source_rgba(1.0, 0.0, _shadow_width / 3.0, 1.0); // buf->cr->rectangle(bounds.min().x(), bounds.min().y(), bounds.width(), bounds.height()); // buf->cr->stroke(); buf->cr->restore(); } void CanvasItemRect::set_dashed(bool dashed) { if (_dashed != dashed) { _dashed = dashed; request_redraw(); } } void CanvasItemRect::set_inverted(bool inverted) { if (_inverted != inverted) { _inverted = inverted; request_redraw(); } } void CanvasItemRect::set_shadow(guint32 color, int width) { if (_shadow_color != color || _shadow_width != width) { _shadow_color = color; _shadow_width = width; request_redraw(); } } void CanvasItemRect::set_background(guint32 background) { _set_background(Cairo::SolidPattern::create_rgba(SP_RGBA32_R_F(background), SP_RGBA32_G_F(background), SP_RGBA32_B_F(background), SP_RGBA32_A_F(background))); } void CanvasItemRect::_set_background(Cairo::RefPtr background) { if (_background != background) { _background = background; request_redraw(); } } double CanvasItemRect::get_scale() const { return sqrt(_affine[0] * _affine[0] + _affine[1] * _affine[1]); } double CanvasItemRect::get_shadow_size() const { // gradient drop shadow needs much more room than solid one, so inflating the size; // fudge factor of 6 used to make sizes baked in svg documents work as steps: // typical value of 2 will work out to 12 pixels which is a narrow shadow (b/c of exponential fall of) auto size = _shadow_width * 6; if (size < 0) { size = 0; } else if (size > 120) { // arbitrarily selected max size, so Cairo gradient doesn't blow up if document has bogus shadow values size = 120; } auto scale = get_scale(); // calculate space for gradient shadow; if divided by 'scale' it would be zoom independent (fixed in size); // if 'scale' is not used, drop shadow will be getting smaller with document zoom; // here hybrid approach is used: "unscaling" with square root of scale allows shadows to diminish // more slowly at small zoom levels (so it's still perceptible) and grow more slowly at high mag (where it doesn't matter, b/c it's typically off-screen) return size / (scale > 0 ? sqrt(scale) : 1); } void CanvasItemRect::set_background_checkerboard(guint32 rgba, bool use_alpha) { auto pattern = ink_cairo_pattern_create_checkerboard(rgba, use_alpha); auto background = Cairo::RefPtr(new Cairo::Pattern(pattern)); _set_background(background); } } // namespace Inkscape /* Local Variables: mode:c++ c-file-style:"stroustrup" c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +)) indent-tabs-mode:nil fill-column:99 End: */ // vim: filetype=cpp:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4 :