// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later /* * feMorphology filter primitive renderer * * Authors: * Felipe Corrêa da Silva Sanches * * Copyright (C) 2007 authors * * Released under GNU GPL v2+, read the file 'COPYING' for more information. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" // only include where actually required! #endif #include #include #include #include #include "display/cairo-templates.h" #include "display/cairo-utils.h" #include "display/nr-filter-morphology.h" #include "display/nr-filter-slot.h" #include "display/nr-filter-units.h" namespace Inkscape { namespace Filters { FilterMorphology::FilterMorphology() = default; FilterPrimitive * FilterMorphology::create() { return new FilterMorphology(); } FilterMorphology::~FilterMorphology() = default; enum MorphologyOp { ERODE, DILATE }; namespace { /* This performs one "half" of the morphology operation by calculating * the componentwise extreme in the specified axis with the given radius. * Extreme of row extremes is equal to the extreme of components, so this * doesn't change the result. * The algorithm is due to: Petr Dokládal, Eva Dokládalová (2011), "Computationally efficient, one-pass algorithm for morphological filters" * TODO: Currently only the 1D algorithm is implemented, but it should not be too difficult (and at the very least more memory efficient) to implement the full 2D algorithm. * One problem with the 2D algorithm is that it is harder to parallelize. */ template void morphologicalFilter1D(cairo_surface_t * const input, cairo_surface_t * const out, double radius) { Comparison comp; int w = cairo_image_surface_get_width(out); int h = cairo_image_surface_get_height(out); if (axis == Geom::Y) std::swap(w,h); int stridein = cairo_image_surface_get_stride(input); int strideout = cairo_image_surface_get_stride(out); unsigned char *in_data = cairo_image_surface_get_data(input); unsigned char *out_data = cairo_image_surface_get_data(out); int ri = round(radius); // TODO: Support fractional radii? int wi = 2*ri+1; #if HAVE_OPENMP int limit = w * h; Inkscape::Preferences *prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get(); int numOfThreads = prefs->getIntLimited("/options/threading/numthreads", omp_get_num_procs(), 1, 256); (void) numOfThreads; // suppress unused variable warning #pragma omp parallel for if(limit > OPENMP_THRESHOLD) num_threads(numOfThreads) #endif // HAVE_OPENMP for (int i = 0; i < h; ++i) { // TODO: Store position and value in one 32 bit integer? 24 bits should be enough for a position, it would be quite strange to have an image with a width/height of more than 16 million(!). std::deque< std::pair > vals[BPP]; // In my tests it was actually slightly faster to allocate it here than allocate it once for all threads and retrieving the correct set based on the thread id. // Initialize with transparent black for(int p = 0; p < BPP; ++p) { vals[p].push_back(std::pair(-1,0)); // TODO: Only do this when performing an erosion? } // Process "row" unsigned char *in_p = in_data + i * (axis == Geom::X ? stridein : BPP); unsigned char *out_p = out_data + i * (axis == Geom::X ? strideout : BPP); /* This is the "short but slow" version, which might be easier to follow, the longer but faster version follows. for (int j = 0; j < w+ri; ++j) { for(int p = 0; p < BPP; ++p) { // Iterate over channels // Push new value onto FIFO, erasing any previous values that are "useless" (see paper) or out-of-range if (!vals[p].empty() && vals[p].front().first+wi <= j) vals[p].pop_front(); // out-of-range if (j < w) { while(!vals[p].empty() && !comp(vals[p].back().second, *in_p)) vals[p].pop_back(); // useless vals[p].push_back(std::make_pair(j, *in_p)); ++in_p; } else if (j == w) { // Transparent black beyond the image. TODO: Only do this when performing an erosion? while(!vals[p].empty() && !comp(vals[p].back().second, 0)) vals[p].pop_back(); vals[p].push_back(std::make_pair(j, 0)); } // Set output if (j >= ri) { *out_p = vals[p].front().second; ++out_p; } } if (axis == Geom::Y && j < w ) in_p += stridein - BPP; if (axis == Geom::Y && j >= ri) out_p += strideout - BPP; }*/ for (int j = 0; j < std::min(ri,w); ++j) { for(int p = 0; p < BPP; ++p) { // Iterate over channels // Push new value onto FIFO, erasing any previous values that are "useless" (see paper) or out-of-range if (!vals[p].empty() && vals[p].front().first <= j) vals[p].pop_front(); // out-of-range while(!vals[p].empty() && !comp(vals[p].back().second, *in_p)) vals[p].pop_back(); // useless vals[p].push_back(std::make_pair(j+wi, *in_p)); ++in_p; } if (axis == Geom::Y) in_p += stridein - BPP; } // We have now done all preparatory work. // If w<=ri, then the following loop does nothing (which is as it should). for (int j = ri; j < w; ++j) { for(int p = 0; p < BPP; ++p) { // Iterate over channels // Push new value onto FIFO, erasing any previous values that are "useless" (see paper) or out-of-range if (!vals[p].empty() && vals[p].front().first <= j) vals[p].pop_front(); // out-of-range while(!vals[p].empty() && !comp(vals[p].back().second, *in_p)) vals[p].pop_back(); // useless vals[p].push_back(std::make_pair(j+wi, *in_p)); ++in_p; // Set output *out_p = vals[p].front().second; ++out_p; } if (axis == Geom::Y) { in_p += stridein - BPP; out_p += strideout - BPP; } } // We have now done all work which involves both input and output. // The following loop makes sure that the border is handled correctly. for(int p = 0; p < BPP; ++p) { // Iterate over channels while(!vals[p].empty() && !comp(vals[p].back().second, 0)) vals[p].pop_back(); vals[p].push_back(std::make_pair(w+wi, 0)); } // Now we just have to finish the output. for (int j = std::max(w,ri); j < w+ri; ++j) { for(int p = 0; p < BPP; ++p) { // Iterate over channels // Remove out-of-range values if (!vals[p].empty() && vals[p].front().first <= j) vals[p].pop_front(); // out-of-range // Set output *out_p = vals[p].front().second; ++out_p; } if (axis == Geom::Y) out_p += strideout - BPP; } } cairo_surface_mark_dirty(out); } } // end anonymous namespace void FilterMorphology::render_cairo(FilterSlot &slot) { cairo_surface_t *input = slot.getcairo(_input); if (xradius == 0.0 || yradius == 0.0) { // output is transparent black cairo_surface_t *out = ink_cairo_surface_create_identical(input); copy_cairo_surface_ci(input, out); slot.set(_output, out); cairo_surface_destroy(out); return; } int device_scale = slot.get_device_scale(); Geom::Affine p2pb = slot.get_units().get_matrix_primitiveunits2pb(); double xr = fabs(xradius * p2pb.expansionX()) * device_scale; double yr = fabs(yradius * p2pb.expansionY()) * device_scale; int bpp = cairo_image_surface_get_format(input) == CAIRO_FORMAT_A8 ? 1 : 4; cairo_surface_t *interm = ink_cairo_surface_create_identical(input); if (Operator == MORPHOLOGY_OPERATOR_DILATE) { if (bpp == 1) { morphologicalFilter1D< std::greater, Geom::X, 1 >(input, interm, xr); } else { morphologicalFilter1D< std::greater, Geom::X, 4 >(input, interm, xr); } } else { if (bpp == 1) { morphologicalFilter1D< std::less, Geom::X, 1 >(input, interm, xr); } else { morphologicalFilter1D< std::less, Geom::X, 4 >(input, interm, xr); } } cairo_surface_t *out = ink_cairo_surface_create_identical(interm); // color_interpolation_filters for out same as input. See spec (DisplacementMap). copy_cairo_surface_ci(input, out); if (Operator == MORPHOLOGY_OPERATOR_DILATE) { if (bpp == 1) { morphologicalFilter1D< std::greater, Geom::Y, 1 >(interm, out, yr); } else { morphologicalFilter1D< std::greater, Geom::Y, 4 >(interm, out, yr); } } else { if (bpp == 1) { morphologicalFilter1D< std::less, Geom::Y, 1 >(interm, out, yr); } else { morphologicalFilter1D< std::less, Geom::Y, 4 >(interm, out, yr); } } cairo_surface_destroy(interm); slot.set(_output, out); cairo_surface_destroy(out); } void FilterMorphology::area_enlarge(Geom::IntRect &area, Geom::Affine const &trans) { int enlarge_x = ceil(xradius * trans.expansionX()); int enlarge_y = ceil(yradius * trans.expansionY()); area.expandBy(enlarge_x, enlarge_y); } double FilterMorphology::complexity(Geom::Affine const &trans) { int enlarge_x = ceil(xradius * trans.expansionX()); int enlarge_y = ceil(yradius * trans.expansionY()); return enlarge_x * enlarge_y; } void FilterMorphology::set_operator(FilterMorphologyOperator &o){ Operator = o; } void FilterMorphology::set_xradius(double x){ xradius = x; } void FilterMorphology::set_yradius(double y){ yradius = y; } } /* namespace Filters */ } /* namespace Inkscape */ /* Local Variables: mode:c++ c-file-style:"stroustrup" c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +)) indent-tabs-mode:nil fill-column:99 End: */ // vim: filetype=cpp:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:fileencoding=utf-8:textwidth=99 :