// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later /** @file * TODO: insert short description here *//* * Authors: see git history * * Copyright (C) 2018 Authors * Released under GNU GPL v2+, read the file 'COPYING' for more information. */ #include "livarot/sweep-event-queue.h" #include "livarot/sweep-tree-list.h" #include "livarot/sweep-tree.h" #include "livarot/sweep-event.h" #include "livarot/Shape.h" /* * the AVL tree holding the edges intersecting the sweepline * that structure is very sensitive to anything * you have edges stored in nodes, the nodes are sorted in increasing x-order of intersection * with the sweepline, you have the 2 potential intersections of the edge in the node with its * neighbours, plus the fact that it's stored in an array that's realloc'd */ SweepTree::SweepTree() { src = nullptr; bord = -1; startPoint = -1; evt[LEFT] = evt[RIGHT] = nullptr; sens = true; //invDirLength=1; } SweepTree::~SweepTree() { MakeDelete(); } void SweepTree::MakeNew(Shape *iSrc, int iBord, int iWeight, int iStartPoint) { AVLTree::MakeNew(); ConvertTo(iSrc, iBord, iWeight, iStartPoint); } void SweepTree::ConvertTo(Shape *iSrc, int iBord, int iWeight, int iStartPoint) { src = iSrc; bord = iBord; evt[LEFT] = evt[RIGHT] = nullptr; startPoint = iStartPoint; if (src->getEdge(bord).st < src->getEdge(bord).en) { if (iWeight >= 0) sens = true; else sens = false; } else { if (iWeight >= 0) sens = false; else sens = true; } //invDirLength=src->eData[bord].isqlength; //invDirLength=1/sqrt(src->getEdge(bord).dx*src->getEdge(bord).dx+src->getEdge(bord).dy*src->getEdge(bord).dy); } void SweepTree::MakeDelete() { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (evt[i]) { evt[i]->sweep[1 - i] = nullptr; } evt[i] = nullptr; } AVLTree::MakeDelete(); } // find the position at which node "newOne" should be inserted in the subtree rooted here // we want to order with respect to the order of intersections with the sweepline, currently // lying at y=px[1]. // px is the upper endpoint of newOne int SweepTree::Find(Geom::Point const &px, SweepTree *newOne, SweepTree *&insertL, SweepTree *&insertR, bool sweepSens) { // get the edge associated with this node: one point+one direction // since we're dealing with line, the direction (bNorm) is taken downwards Geom::Point bOrig, bNorm; bOrig = src->pData[src->getEdge(bord).st].rx; bNorm = src->eData[bord].rdx; if (src->getEdge(bord).st > src->getEdge(bord).en) { bNorm = -bNorm; } // rotate to get the normal to the edge bNorm=bNorm.ccw(); Geom::Point diff; diff = px - bOrig; // compute (px-orig)^dir to know on which side of this edge the point px lies double y = 0; //if ( startPoint == newOne->startPoint ) { // y=0; //} else { y = dot(bNorm, diff); //} //y*=invDirLength; if (fabs(y) < 0.000001) { // that damn point px lies on me, so i need to consider to direction of the edge in // newOne to know if it goes toward my left side or my right side // sweepSens is needed (actually only used by the Scan() functions) because if the sweepline goes upward, // signs change // prendre en compte les directions Geom::Point nNorm; nNorm = newOne->src->eData[newOne->bord].rdx; if (newOne->src->getEdge(newOne->bord).st > newOne->src->getEdge(newOne->bord).en) { nNorm = -nNorm; } nNorm=nNorm.ccw(); if (sweepSens) { y = cross(bNorm, nNorm); } else { y = cross(nNorm, bNorm); } if (y == 0) { y = dot(bNorm, nNorm); if (y == 0) { insertL = this; insertR = static_cast(elem[RIGHT]); return found_exact; } } } if (y < 0) { if (child[LEFT]) { return (static_cast(child[LEFT]))->Find(px, newOne, insertL, insertR, sweepSens); } else { insertR = this; insertL = static_cast(elem[LEFT]); if (insertL) { return found_between; } else { return found_on_left; } } } else { if (child[RIGHT]) { return (static_cast(child[RIGHT]))->Find(px, newOne, insertL, insertR, sweepSens); } else { insertL = this; insertR = static_cast(elem[RIGHT]); if (insertR) { return found_between; } else { return found_on_right; } } } return not_found; } // only find a point's position int SweepTree::Find(Geom::Point const &px, SweepTree * &insertL, SweepTree * &insertR) { Geom::Point bOrig, bNorm; bOrig = src->pData[src->getEdge(bord).st].rx; bNorm = src->eData[bord].rdx; if (src->getEdge(bord).st > src->getEdge(bord).en) { bNorm = -bNorm; } bNorm=bNorm.ccw(); Geom::Point diff; diff = px - bOrig; double y = 0; y = dot(bNorm, diff); if (y == 0) { insertL = this; insertR = static_cast(elem[RIGHT]); return found_exact; } if (y < 0) { if (child[LEFT]) { return (static_cast(child[LEFT]))->Find(px, insertL, insertR); } else { insertR = this; insertL = static_cast(elem[LEFT]); if (insertL) { return found_between; } else { return found_on_left; } } } else { if (child[RIGHT]) { return (static_cast(child[RIGHT]))->Find(px, insertL, insertR); } else { insertL = this; insertR = static_cast(elem[RIGHT]); if (insertR) { return found_between; } else { return found_on_right; } } } return not_found; } void SweepTree::RemoveEvents(SweepEventQueue & queue) { RemoveEvent(queue, LEFT); RemoveEvent(queue, RIGHT); } void SweepTree::RemoveEvent(SweepEventQueue &queue, Side s) { if (evt[s]) { queue.remove(evt[s]); evt[s] = nullptr; } } int SweepTree::Remove(SweepTreeList &list, SweepEventQueue &queue, bool rebalance) { RemoveEvents(queue); AVLTree *tempR = static_cast(list.racine); int err = AVLTree::Remove(tempR, rebalance); list.racine = static_cast(tempR); MakeDelete(); if (list.nbTree <= 1) { list.nbTree = 0; list.racine = nullptr; } else { if (list.racine == list.trees + (list.nbTree - 1)) list.racine = this; list.trees[--list.nbTree].Relocate(this); } return err; } int SweepTree::Insert(SweepTreeList &list, SweepEventQueue &queue, Shape *iDst, int iAtPoint, bool rebalance, bool sweepSens) { if (list.racine == nullptr) { list.racine = this; return avl_no_err; } SweepTree *insertL = nullptr; SweepTree *insertR = nullptr; int insertion = list.racine->Find(iDst->getPoint(iAtPoint).x, this, insertL, insertR, sweepSens); if (insertion == found_exact) { if (insertR) { insertR->RemoveEvent(queue, LEFT); } if (insertL) { insertL->RemoveEvent(queue, RIGHT); } } else if (insertion == found_between) { insertR->RemoveEvent(queue, LEFT); insertL->RemoveEvent(queue, RIGHT); } AVLTree *tempR = static_cast(list.racine); int err = AVLTree::Insert(tempR, insertion, static_cast(insertL), static_cast(insertR), rebalance); list.racine = static_cast(tempR); return err; } // insertAt() is a speedup on the regular sweepline: if the polygon contains a point of high degree, you // get a set of edge that are to be added in the same position. thus you insert one edge with a regular insert(), // and then insert all the other in a doubly-linked list fashion. this avoids the Find() call, but is O(d^2) worst-case // where d is the number of edge to add in this fashion. hopefully d remains small int SweepTree::InsertAt(SweepTreeList &list, SweepEventQueue &queue, Shape */*iDst*/, SweepTree *insNode, int fromPt, bool rebalance, bool sweepSens) { if (list.racine == nullptr) { list.racine = this; return avl_no_err; } Geom::Point fromP; fromP = src->pData[fromPt].rx; Geom::Point nNorm; nNorm = src->getEdge(bord).dx; if (src->getEdge(bord).st > src->getEdge(bord).en) { nNorm = -nNorm; } if (sweepSens == false) { nNorm = -nNorm; } Geom::Point bNorm; bNorm = insNode->src->getEdge(insNode->bord).dx; if (insNode->src->getEdge(insNode->bord).st > insNode->src->getEdge(insNode->bord).en) { bNorm = -bNorm; } SweepTree *insertL = nullptr; SweepTree *insertR = nullptr; double ang = cross(bNorm, nNorm); if (ang == 0) { insertL = insNode; insertR = static_cast(insNode->elem[RIGHT]); } else if (ang > 0) { insertL = insNode; insertR = static_cast(insNode->elem[RIGHT]); while (insertL) { if (insertL->src == src) { if (insertL->src->getEdge(insertL->bord).st != fromPt && insertL->src->getEdge(insertL->bord).en != fromPt) { break; } } else { int ils = insertL->src->getEdge(insertL->bord).st; int ile = insertL->src->getEdge(insertL->bord).en; if ((insertL->src->pData[ils].rx[0] != fromP[0] || insertL->src->pData[ils].rx[1] != fromP[1]) && (insertL->src->pData[ile].rx[0] != fromP[0] || insertL->src->pData[ile].rx[1] != fromP[1])) { break; } } bNorm = insertL->src->getEdge(insertL->bord).dx; if (insertL->src->getEdge(insertL->bord).st > insertL->src->getEdge(insertL->bord).en) { bNorm = -bNorm; } ang = cross(bNorm, nNorm); if (ang <= 0) { break; } insertR = insertL; insertL = static_cast(insertR->elem[LEFT]); } } else if (ang < 0) { insertL = insNode; insertR = static_cast(insNode->elem[RIGHT]); while (insertR) { if (insertR->src == src) { if (insertR->src->getEdge(insertR->bord).st != fromPt && insertR->src->getEdge(insertR->bord).en != fromPt) { break; } } else { int ils = insertR->src->getEdge(insertR->bord).st; int ile = insertR->src->getEdge(insertR->bord).en; if ((insertR->src->pData[ils].rx[0] != fromP[0] || insertR->src->pData[ils].rx[1] != fromP[1]) && (insertR->src->pData[ile].rx[0] != fromP[0] || insertR->src->pData[ile].rx[1] != fromP[1])) { break; } } bNorm = insertR->src->getEdge(insertR->bord).dx; if (insertR->src->getEdge(insertR->bord).st > insertR->src->getEdge(insertR->bord).en) { bNorm = -bNorm; } ang = cross(bNorm, nNorm); if (ang > 0) { break; } insertL = insertR; insertR = static_cast(insertL->elem[RIGHT]); } } int insertion = found_between; if (insertL == nullptr) { insertion = found_on_left; } if (insertR == nullptr) { insertion = found_on_right; } if (insertion == found_exact) { /* FIXME: surely this can never be called? */ if (insertR) { insertR->RemoveEvent(queue, LEFT); } if (insertL) { insertL->RemoveEvent(queue, RIGHT); } } else if (insertion == found_between) { insertR->RemoveEvent(queue, LEFT); insertL->RemoveEvent(queue, RIGHT); } AVLTree *tempR = static_cast(list.racine); int err = AVLTree::Insert(tempR, insertion, static_cast(insertL), static_cast(insertR), rebalance); list.racine = static_cast(tempR); return err; } void SweepTree::Relocate(SweepTree * to) { if (this == to) return; AVLTree::Relocate(to); to->src = src; to->bord = bord; to->sens = sens; to->evt[LEFT] = evt[LEFT]; to->evt[RIGHT] = evt[RIGHT]; to->startPoint = startPoint; if (unsigned(bord) < src->swsData.size()) src->swsData[bord].misc = to; if (unsigned(bord) < src->swrData.size()) src->swrData[bord].misc = to; if (evt[LEFT]) evt[LEFT]->sweep[RIGHT] = to; if (evt[RIGHT]) evt[RIGHT]->sweep[LEFT] = to; } // TODO check if ignoring these parameters is bad void SweepTree::SwapWithRight(SweepTreeList &/*list*/, SweepEventQueue &/*queue*/) { SweepTree *tL = this; SweepTree *tR = static_cast(elem[RIGHT]); tL->src->swsData[tL->bord].misc = tR; tR->src->swsData[tR->bord].misc = tL; { Shape *swap = tL->src; tL->src = tR->src; tR->src = swap; } { int swap = tL->bord; tL->bord = tR->bord; tR->bord = swap; } { int swap = tL->startPoint; tL->startPoint = tR->startPoint; tR->startPoint = swap; } //{double swap=tL->invDirLength;tL->invDirLength=tR->invDirLength;tR->invDirLength=swap;} { bool swap = tL->sens; tL->sens = tR->sens; tR->sens = swap; } } void SweepTree::Avance(Shape */*dstPts*/, int /*curPoint*/, Shape */*a*/, Shape */*b*/) { return; /* if ( curPoint != startPoint ) { int nb=-1; if ( sens ) { // nb=dstPts->AddEdge(startPoint,curPoint); } else { // nb=dstPts->AddEdge(curPoint,startPoint); } if ( nb >= 0 ) { dstPts->swsData[nb].misc=(void*)((src==b)?1:0); int wp=waitingPoint; dstPts->eData[nb].firstLinkedPoint=waitingPoint; waitingPoint=-1; while ( wp >= 0 ) { dstPts->pData[wp].edgeOnLeft=nb; wp=dstPts->pData[wp].nextLinkedPoint; } } startPoint=curPoint; }*/ } /* Local Variables: mode:c++ c-file-style:"stroustrup" c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +)) indent-tabs-mode:nil fill-column:99 End: */ // vim: filetype=cpp:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:fileencoding=utf-8:textwidth=99 :