// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later /* * SVG implementation * * Authors: * Lauris Kaplinski * bulia byak * Johan Engelen * Jon A. Cruz * Abhishek Sharma * * Copyright (C) 1999-2006 authors * Copyright (C) 2000-2001 Ximian, Inc. * * Released under GNU GPL v2+, read the file 'COPYING' for more information. */ #include #include #include #include "attributes.h" #include "box3d.h" #include "display/curve.h" #include "display/drawing-group.h" #include "document-undo.h" #include "document.h" #include "live_effects/effect.h" #include "live_effects/lpe-clone-original.h" #include "live_effects/lpeobject-reference.h" #include "live_effects/lpeobject.h" #include "persp3d.h" #include "selection-chemistry.h" #include "sp-clippath.h" #include "sp-defs.h" #include "sp-desc.h" #include "sp-flowtext.h" #include "sp-item-transform.h" #include "sp-mask.h" #include "sp-offset.h" #include "sp-path.h" #include "sp-rect.h" #include "sp-root.h" #include "sp-switch.h" #include "sp-textpath.h" #include "sp-title.h" #include "sp-use.h" #include "style.h" #include "svg/css-ostringstream.h" #include "svg/svg.h" #include "xml/repr.h" #include "xml/sp-css-attr.h" using Inkscape::DocumentUndo; static void sp_group_perform_patheffect(SPGroup *group, SPGroup *top_group, Inkscape::LivePathEffect::Effect *lpe, bool write); SPGroup::SPGroup() : SPLPEItem(), _insert_bottom(false), _layer_mode(SPGroup::GROUP) { } SPGroup::~SPGroup() = default; void SPGroup::build(SPDocument *document, Inkscape::XML::Node *repr) { this->readAttr(SPAttr::INKSCAPE_GROUPMODE); SPLPEItem::build(document, repr); } void SPGroup::release() { if (this->_layer_mode == SPGroup::LAYER) { this->document->removeResource("layer", this); } SPLPEItem::release(); } void SPGroup::child_added(Inkscape::XML::Node* child, Inkscape::XML::Node* ref) { SPLPEItem::child_added(child, ref); SPObject *last_child = this->lastChild(); if (last_child && last_child->getRepr() == child) { // optimization for the common special case where the child is being added at the end SPItem *item = dynamic_cast(last_child); if ( item ) { /* TODO: this should be moved into SPItem somehow */ SPItemView *v; for (v = this->display; v != nullptr; v = v->next) { Inkscape::DrawingItem *ac = item->invoke_show (v->arenaitem->drawing(), v->key, v->flags); if (ac) { v->arenaitem->appendChild(ac); } } } } else { // general case SPItem *item = dynamic_cast(get_child_by_repr(child)); if ( item ) { /* TODO: this should be moved into SPItem somehow */ SPItemView *v; unsigned position = item->pos_in_parent(); for (v = this->display; v != nullptr; v = v->next) { Inkscape::DrawingItem *ac = item->invoke_show (v->arenaitem->drawing(), v->key, v->flags); if (ac) { v->arenaitem->prependChild(ac); ac->setZOrder(position); } } } } this->requestModified(SP_OBJECT_MODIFIED_FLAG); } /* fixme: hide (Lauris) */ void SPGroup::remove_child(Inkscape::XML::Node *child) { SPLPEItem::remove_child(child); this->requestModified(SP_OBJECT_MODIFIED_FLAG); } void SPGroup::order_changed (Inkscape::XML::Node *child, Inkscape::XML::Node *old_ref, Inkscape::XML::Node *new_ref) { SPLPEItem::order_changed(child, old_ref, new_ref); SPItem *item = dynamic_cast(get_child_by_repr(child)); if ( item ) { /* TODO: this should be moved into SPItem somehow */ SPItemView *v; unsigned position = item->pos_in_parent(); for ( v = item->display ; v != nullptr ; v = v->next ) { v->arenaitem->setZOrder(position); } } this->requestModified(SP_OBJECT_MODIFIED_FLAG); } void SPGroup::update(SPCtx *ctx, unsigned int flags) { // std::cout << "SPGroup::update(): " << (getId()?getId():"null") << std::endl; SPItemCtx *ictx, cctx; ictx = (SPItemCtx *) ctx; cctx = *ictx; unsigned childflags = flags; if (flags & SP_OBJECT_MODIFIED_FLAG) { childflags |= SP_OBJECT_PARENT_MODIFIED_FLAG; } childflags &= SP_OBJECT_MODIFIED_CASCADE; std::vector l=this->childList(true, SPObject::ActionUpdate); for(auto child : l){ if (childflags || (child->uflags & (SP_OBJECT_MODIFIED_FLAG | SP_OBJECT_CHILD_MODIFIED_FLAG))) { SPItem *item = dynamic_cast(child); if (item) { cctx.i2doc = item->transform * ictx->i2doc; cctx.i2vp = item->transform * ictx->i2vp; child->updateDisplay((SPCtx *)&cctx, childflags); } else { child->updateDisplay(ctx, childflags); } } sp_object_unref(child); } // For a group, we need to update ourselves *after* updating children. // this is because the group might contain shapes such as rect or ellipse, // which recompute their equivalent path (a.k.a curve) in the update callback, // and this is in turn used when computing bbox. SPLPEItem::update(ctx, flags); if (flags & SP_OBJECT_STYLE_MODIFIED_FLAG) { for (SPItemView *v = this->display; v != nullptr; v = v->next) { Inkscape::DrawingGroup *group = dynamic_cast(v->arenaitem); if( this->parent ) { this->context_style = this->parent->context_style; } group->setStyle(this->style, this->context_style); } } } void SPGroup::modified(guint flags) { //std::cout << "SPGroup::modified(): " << (getId()?getId():"null") << std::endl; SPLPEItem::modified(flags); if (flags & SP_OBJECT_MODIFIED_FLAG) { flags |= SP_OBJECT_PARENT_MODIFIED_FLAG; } flags &= SP_OBJECT_MODIFIED_CASCADE; if (flags & SP_OBJECT_STYLE_MODIFIED_FLAG) { for (SPItemView *v = this->display; v != nullptr; v = v->next) { Inkscape::DrawingGroup *group = dynamic_cast(v->arenaitem); group->setStyle(this->style); } } std::vector l=this->childList(true); for(auto child : l){ if (flags || (child->mflags & (SP_OBJECT_MODIFIED_FLAG | SP_OBJECT_CHILD_MODIFIED_FLAG))) { child->emitModified(flags); } sp_object_unref(child); } } Inkscape::XML::Node* SPGroup::write(Inkscape::XML::Document *xml_doc, Inkscape::XML::Node *repr, guint flags) { if (flags & SP_OBJECT_WRITE_BUILD) { std::vector l; if (!repr) { if (dynamic_cast(this)) { repr = xml_doc->createElement("svg:switch"); } else { repr = xml_doc->createElement("svg:g"); } } for (auto& child: children) { if ( !dynamic_cast(&child) && !dynamic_cast(&child) ) { Inkscape::XML::Node *crepr = child.updateRepr(xml_doc, nullptr, flags); if (crepr) { l.push_back(crepr); } } } for (auto i=l.rbegin();i!=l.rend();++i) { repr->addChild(*i, nullptr); Inkscape::GC::release(*i); } } else { for (auto& child: children) { if ( !dynamic_cast(&child) && !dynamic_cast(&child) ) { child.updateRepr(flags); } } } if ( flags & SP_OBJECT_WRITE_EXT ) { const char *value; if ( _layer_mode == SPGroup::LAYER ) { value = "layer"; } else if ( _layer_mode == SPGroup::MASK_HELPER ) { value = "maskhelper"; } else if ( flags & SP_OBJECT_WRITE_ALL ) { value = "group"; } else { value = nullptr; } repr->setAttribute("inkscape:groupmode", value); } SPLPEItem::write(xml_doc, repr, flags); return repr; } Geom::OptRect SPGroup::bbox(Geom::Affine const &transform, SPItem::BBoxType bboxtype) const { Geom::OptRect bbox; // TODO CPPIFY: replace this const_cast later std::vector l = const_cast(this)->childList(false, SPObject::ActionBBox); for(auto o : l){ SPItem *item = dynamic_cast(o); if (item && !item->isHidden()) { Geom::Affine const ct(item->transform * transform); bbox |= item->bounds(bboxtype, ct); } } return bbox; } void SPGroup::print(SPPrintContext *ctx) { for(auto& child: children){ SPObject *o = &child; SPItem *item = dynamic_cast(o); if (item) { item->invoke_print(ctx); } } } const char *SPGroup::typeName() const { switch (_layer_mode) { case SPGroup::LAYER: return "layer"; case SPGroup::MASK_HELPER: case SPGroup::GROUP: default: return "group"; } } const char *SPGroup::displayName() const { switch (_layer_mode) { case SPGroup::LAYER: return _("Layer"); case SPGroup::MASK_HELPER: return _("Mask Helper"); case SPGroup::GROUP: default: return _("Group"); } } gchar *SPGroup::description() const { gint len = this->getItemCount(); return g_strdup_printf( ngettext(_("of %d object"), _("of %d objects"), len), len); } void SPGroup::set(SPAttr key, gchar const* value) { switch (key) { case SPAttr::INKSCAPE_GROUPMODE: if ( value && !strcmp(value, "layer") ) { this->setLayerMode(SPGroup::LAYER); } else if ( value && !strcmp(value, "maskhelper") ) { this->setLayerMode(SPGroup::MASK_HELPER); } else { this->setLayerMode(SPGroup::GROUP); } break; default: SPLPEItem::set(key, value); break; } } Inkscape::DrawingItem *SPGroup::show (Inkscape::Drawing &drawing, unsigned int key, unsigned int flags) { // std::cout << "SPGroup::show(): " << (getId()?getId():"null") << std::endl; Inkscape::DrawingGroup *ai; ai = new Inkscape::DrawingGroup(drawing); ai->setPickChildren(this->effectiveLayerMode(key) == SPGroup::LAYER); if( this->parent ) { this->context_style = this->parent->context_style; } ai->setStyle(this->style, this->context_style); this->_showChildren(drawing, ai, key, flags); return ai; } void SPGroup::hide (unsigned int key) { std::vector l=this->childList(false, SPObject::ActionShow); for(auto o : l){ SPItem *item = dynamic_cast(o); if (item) { item->invoke_hide(key); } } // SPLPEItem::onHide(key); } void SPGroup::snappoints(std::vector &p, Inkscape::SnapPreferences const *snapprefs) const { for (auto& o: children) { SPItem const *item = dynamic_cast(&o); if (item) { item->getSnappoints(p, snapprefs); } } } /** * Helper function for ungrouping. Compensates the transform of linked items * (clones, linked offset, text-on-path, text with shape-inside) who's source is a * direct child of the group being ungrouped (or will be moved to a different * group or layer). * * @param item An object which may be linked to `expected_source` * @param expected_source An object who's transform attribute (but not its * i2doc transform) will change (later) due to moving to a different group * @param source_transform A transform which will be applied to * `expected_source` (later) and needs to be compensated in its linked items * * @post item and its representation are updated */ static void _ungroup_compensate_source_transform(SPItem *item, SPItem const *const expected_source, Geom::Affine const &source_transform) { if (!item || item->cloned) { return; } SPItem *source = nullptr; SPText *item_text = nullptr; SPOffset *item_offset = nullptr; SPUse *item_use = nullptr; SPLPEItem *lpeitemclone = dynamic_cast(item); bool override = false; if ((item_offset = dynamic_cast(item))) { source = sp_offset_get_source(item_offset); } else if ((item_text = dynamic_cast(item))) { source = item_text->get_first_shape_dependency(); } else if (auto textpath = dynamic_cast(item)) { item_text = dynamic_cast(textpath->parent); if (!item_text) return; item = item_text; source = sp_textpath_get_path_item(textpath); } else if ((item_use = dynamic_cast(item))) { source = item_use->get_original(); } else if (lpeitemclone && lpeitemclone->hasPathEffectOfType(Inkscape::LivePathEffect::CLONE_ORIGINAL)) { override = true; } if (source != expected_source && !override) { return; } // FIXME: constructing a transform that would fully preserve the appearance of a // textpath if it is ungrouped with its path seems to be impossible in general // case. E.g. if the group was squeezed, to keep the ungrouped textpath squeezed // as well, we'll need to relink it to some "virtual" path which is inversely // stretched relative to the actual path, and then squeeze the textpath back so it // would both fit the actual path _and_ be squeezed as before. It's a bummer. auto const adv = item->transform.inverse() * source_transform * item->transform; double const scale = source_transform.descrim(); if (item_text) { item_text->_adjustFontsizeRecursive(item_text, scale); } else if (item_offset) { item_offset->rad *= scale; } else if (item_use) { item->transform = Geom::Translate(item_use->x.computed, item_use->y.computed) * item->transform; item_use->x = 0; item_use->y = 0; } if (!item_use) { item->adjust_stroke_width_recursive(scale); item->adjust_paint_recursive(adv, Geom::identity(), SPItem::PATTERN); item->adjust_paint_recursive(adv, Geom::identity(), SPItem::HATCH); item->adjust_paint_recursive(adv, Geom::identity(), SPItem::GRADIENT); } item->transform = source_transform.inverse() * item->transform; item->updateRepr(); } void sp_item_group_ungroup_handle_clones(SPItem *parent, Geom::Affine const g) { // copy the list because the original may get invalidated auto hrefListCopy = parent->hrefList; for (auto *cobj : hrefListCopy) { _ungroup_compensate_source_transform(dynamic_cast(cobj), parent, g); } } /* * Get bbox of clip/mask if is a rect to fix PDF import issues */ Geom::OptRect bbox_on_rect_clip (SPObject *object) { SPShape *shape = dynamic_cast(object); Geom::OptRect bbox_clip = Geom::OptRect(); if (shape) { auto curve = shape->curve(); if (curve) { Geom::PathVector pv = curve->get_pathvector(); std::vector nodes = pv.nodes(); if (pv.size() == 1 && nodes.size() == 4) { if (Geom::are_near(nodes[0][Geom::X],nodes[3][Geom::X]) && Geom::are_near(nodes[1][Geom::X],nodes[2][Geom::X]) && Geom::are_near(nodes[0][Geom::Y],nodes[1][Geom::Y]) && Geom::are_near(nodes[2][Geom::Y],nodes[3][Geom::Y])) { bbox_clip = shape->visualBounds(); bbox_clip->expandBy(1); } } } } return bbox_clip; } /* * Get clip and item has the same path, PDF fix */ bool equal_clip (SPItem *item, SPObject *clip) { SPShape *shape = dynamic_cast(item); SPShape *shape_clip = dynamic_cast(clip); bool equal = false; if (shape && shape_clip) { auto filter = shape->style->getFilter(); auto stroke = shape->style->getFillOrStroke(false); if (!filter && (!stroke || stroke->isNone())) { SPCurve *curve = shape->curve(); SPCurve *curve_clip = shape_clip->curve(); if (curve && curve_clip) { equal = curve->is_similar(curve_clip, 0.01); } } } return equal; } void sp_item_group_ungroup (SPGroup *group, std::vector &children, bool do_done) { g_return_if_fail (group != nullptr); SPDocument *doc = group->document; SPRoot *root = doc->getRoot(); SPObject *defs = root->defs; Inkscape::Preferences *prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get(); doc->onungroup = true; Inkscape::XML::Node *grepr = group->getRepr(); g_return_if_fail (!strcmp (grepr->name(), "svg:g") || !strcmp (grepr->name(), "svg:a") || !strcmp (grepr->name(), "svg:switch") || !strcmp (grepr->name(), "svg:svg")); // this converts the gradient/pattern fill/stroke on the group, if any, to userSpaceOnUse group->adjust_paint_recursive(Geom::identity(), Geom::identity()); SPItem *pitem = dynamic_cast(group->parent); g_assert(pitem); Inkscape::XML::Node *prepr = pitem->getRepr(); { SPBox3D *box = dynamic_cast(group); if (box) { group = box->convert_to_group(); } } group->removeAllPathEffects(false); bool maskonungroup = prefs->getBool("/options/maskobject/maskonungroup", true); bool topmost = prefs->getBool("/options/maskobject/topmost", true); bool remove_original = prefs->getBool("/options/maskobject/remove", true); int grouping = prefs->getInt("/options/maskobject/grouping", PREFS_MASKOBJECT_GROUPING_NONE); SPObject *clip = nullptr; SPObject *mask = nullptr; if (maskonungroup) { Inkscape::ObjectSet tmp_clip_set(doc); tmp_clip_set.add(group); Inkscape::ObjectSet tmp_mask_set(doc); tmp_mask_set.add(group); auto *clip_obj = group->getClipObject(); auto *mask_obj = group->getMaskObject(); prefs->setBool("/options/maskobject/remove", true); prefs->setBool("/options/maskobject/topmost", true); prefs->setInt("/options/maskobject/grouping", PREFS_MASKOBJECT_GROUPING_NONE); if (clip_obj) { tmp_clip_set.unsetMask(true, true, false); tmp_clip_set.remove(group); tmp_clip_set.group(); clip = tmp_clip_set.singleItem(); } if (mask_obj) { tmp_mask_set.unsetMask(false, true, false); tmp_mask_set.remove(group); tmp_mask_set.group(); mask = tmp_mask_set.singleItem(); } } /* Step 1 - generate lists of children objects */ std::vector items; std::vector objects; Geom::Affine const g = i2anc_affine(group, group->parent); if (!g.isIdentity()) { for (auto &child : group->children) { if (SPItem *citem = dynamic_cast(&child)) { SPLPEItem *lpeitem = dynamic_cast(citem); if (lpeitem) { for (auto lpe : lpeitem->getPathEffectsOfType(Inkscape::LivePathEffect::EffectType::CLONE_ORIGINAL)) { auto clonelpe = dynamic_cast(lpe); if (clonelpe) { SPObject *linked = clonelpe->linkeditem.getObject(); if (linked) { bool breakparent = false; for (auto &child2 : group->children) { if (dynamic_cast(&child2) == linked) { _ungroup_compensate_source_transform(citem, dynamic_cast(linked), g); breakparent = true; break; } } if (breakparent) { break; } } } } } sp_item_group_ungroup_handle_clones(citem, g); } } } for (auto& child: group->children) { SPItem *citem = dynamic_cast(&child); if (citem) { /* Merging of style */ // this converts the gradient/pattern fill/stroke, if any, to userSpaceOnUse; we need to do // it here _before_ the new transform is set, so as to use the pre-transform bbox citem->adjust_paint_recursive(Geom::identity(), Geom::identity()); child.style->merge( group->style ); /* * fixme: We currently make no allowance for the case where child is cloned * and the group has any style settings. * * (This should never occur with documents created solely with the current * version of inkscape without using the XML editor: we usually apply group * style changes to children rather than to the group itself.) * * If the group has no style settings, then style->merge() should be a no-op. Otherwise * (i.e. if we change the child's style to compensate for its parent going away) * then those changes will typically be reflected in any clones of child, * whereas we'd prefer for Ungroup not to affect the visual appearance. * * The only way of preserving styling appearance in general is for child to * be put into a new group -- a somewhat surprising response to an Ungroup * command. We could add a new groupmode:transparent that would mostly * hide the existence of such groups from the user (i.e. editing behaves as * if the transparent group's children weren't in a group), though that's * extra complication & maintenance burden and this case is rare. */ // Merging transform citem->transform *= g; child.updateRepr(); Inkscape::XML::Node *nrepr = child.getRepr()->duplicate(prepr->document()); items.push_back(nrepr); } else { Inkscape::XML::Node *nrepr = child.getRepr()->duplicate(prepr->document()); objects.push_back(nrepr); } } /* Step 2 - clear group */ // remember the position of the group auto insert_after = group->getRepr()->prev(); // the group is leaving forever, no heir, clones should take note; its children however are going to reemerge group->deleteObject(true, false); /* Step 3 - add nonitems */ if (!objects.empty()) { Inkscape::XML::Node *last_def = defs->getRepr()->lastChild(); for (auto i=objects.rbegin();i!=objects.rend();++i) { Inkscape::XML::Node *repr = *i; if (!sp_repr_is_meta_element(repr)) { defs->getRepr()->addChild(repr, last_def); } Inkscape::GC::release(repr); } } Inkscape::ObjectSet result_mask_set(doc); Inkscape::ObjectSet result_clip_set(doc); Geom::OptRect bbox_clip = Geom::OptRect(); if (clip) { // if !maskonungroup is always null bbox_clip = bbox_on_rect_clip(clip); } /* Step 4 - add items */ std::vector lpeitems; for (auto *repr : items) { // add item prepr->addChild(repr, insert_after); insert_after = repr; // fill in the children list if non-null SPItem *item = static_cast(doc->getObjectByRepr(repr)); SPLPEItem *lpeitem = dynamic_cast(item); if (item) { if (lpeitem) { lpeitems.push_back(lpeitem); sp_lpe_item_enable_path_effects(lpeitem, false); children.insert(children.begin(), item); } else { item->doWriteTransform(item->transform, nullptr, false); children.insert(children.begin(), item); item->requestModified(SP_OBJECT_MODIFIED_FLAG); } } else { g_assert_not_reached(); } Inkscape::GC::release(repr); if (!lpeitem && clip && item) { // if !maskonungroup is always null Geom::OptRect bbox_item = item->visualBounds(); if (bbox_item && !equal_clip(item, clip)) { if (!bbox_clip || !(*bbox_clip).contains(*bbox_item)) { result_clip_set.add(item); } } } if (mask && item) { result_mask_set.add(item); } } if (mask) { result_mask_set.add(mask); result_mask_set.setMask(false,false,true); } for (auto lpeitem : lpeitems) { sp_lpe_item_enable_path_effects(lpeitem, true); lpeitem->doWriteTransform(lpeitem->transform, nullptr, false); lpeitem->requestModified(SP_OBJECT_MODIFIED_FLAG); if (clip && lpeitem) { // if !maskonungroup is always null Geom::OptRect bbox_item = lpeitem->visualBounds(); if (bbox_item && !equal_clip(lpeitem, clip)) { if (!bbox_clip || !(*bbox_clip).contains(*bbox_item)) { result_clip_set.add(lpeitem); } } } } if (clip) { // if !maskonungroup is always null if (result_clip_set.size()) { result_clip_set.add(clip); result_clip_set.setMask(true,false,true); } else { clip->deleteObject(true, false); } } prefs->setBool("/options/maskobject/remove", remove_original); // if !maskonungroup become unchanged prefs->setBool("/options/maskobject/topmost", topmost); prefs->setBool("/options/maskobject/grouping", grouping); doc->onungroup = false; if (do_done) { DocumentUndo::done(doc, _("Ungroup"), ""); } } /* * some API for list aspect of SPGroup */ std::vector sp_item_group_item_list(SPGroup * group) { std::vector s; g_return_val_if_fail(group != nullptr, s); for (auto& o: group->children) { if ( dynamic_cast(&o) ) { s.push_back((SPItem*)&o); } } return s; } SPObject *sp_item_group_get_child_by_name(SPGroup *group, SPObject *ref, const gchar *name) { SPObject *child = (ref) ? ref->getNext() : group->firstChild(); while ( child && strcmp(child->getRepr()->name(), name) ) { child = child->getNext(); } return child; } void SPGroup::setLayerMode(LayerMode mode) { if ( _layer_mode != mode ) { if ( mode == LAYER ) { this->document->addResource("layer", this); } else if ( _layer_mode == LAYER ) { this->document->removeResource("layer", this); } _layer_mode = mode; _updateLayerMode(); } } SPGroup::LayerMode SPGroup::layerDisplayMode(unsigned int dkey) const { std::map::const_iterator iter; iter = _display_modes.find(dkey); if ( iter != _display_modes.end() ) { return (*iter).second; } else { return GROUP; } } void SPGroup::setInsertBottom(bool insertbottom) { if ( _insert_bottom != insertbottom) { _insert_bottom = insertbottom; } } void SPGroup::setLayerDisplayMode(unsigned int dkey, SPGroup::LayerMode mode) { if ( layerDisplayMode(dkey) != mode ) { _display_modes[dkey] = mode; _updateLayerMode(dkey); } } void SPGroup::_updateLayerMode(unsigned int display_key) { SPItemView *view; for ( view = this->display ; view ; view = view->next ) { if ( !display_key || view->key == display_key ) { Inkscape::DrawingGroup *g = dynamic_cast(view->arenaitem); if (g) { g->setPickChildren(effectiveLayerMode(view->key) == SPGroup::LAYER); } } } } void SPGroup::translateChildItems(Geom::Translate const &tr) { if ( hasChildren() ) { for (auto& o: children) { SPItem *item = dynamic_cast(&o); if ( item ) { item->move_rel(tr); } } } } // Recursively (or not) scale child items around a point void SPGroup::scaleChildItemsRec(Geom::Scale const &sc, Geom::Point const &p, bool noRecurse) { if ( hasChildren() ) { for (auto& o: children) { if ( SPDefs *defs = dynamic_cast(&o) ) { // select symbols from defs, ignore clips, masks, patterns for (auto& defschild: defs->children) { SPGroup *defsgroup = dynamic_cast(&defschild); if (defsgroup) defsgroup->scaleChildItemsRec(sc, p, false); } } else if ( SPItem *item = dynamic_cast(&o) ) { SPGroup *group = dynamic_cast(item); if (group && !dynamic_cast(item)) { /* Using recursion breaks clipping because transforms are applied in coordinates for draws but nothing in defs is changed instead change the transform on the entire group, and the transform is applied after any references to clipping paths. However NOT using recursion apparently breaks as of r13544 other parts of Inkscape involved with showing/modifying units. So offer both for use in different contexts. */ if(noRecurse) { // used for EMF import Geom::Translate const s(p); Geom::Affine final = s.inverse() * sc * s; Geom::Affine tAff = item->i2dt_affine() * final; item->set_i2d_affine(tAff); tAff = item->transform; // Eliminate common rounding error affecting EMF/WMF input. // When the rounding error persists it converts the simple // transform=scale() to transform=matrix(). if(std::abs(tAff[4]) < 1.0e-5 && std::abs(tAff[5]) < 1.0e-5){ tAff[4] = 0.0; tAff[5] = 0.0; } item->doWriteTransform(tAff, nullptr, true); } else { // used for other import SPItem *sub_item = nullptr; if (item->getClipObject()) { sub_item = dynamic_cast(item->getClipObject()->firstChild()); } if (sub_item != nullptr) { sub_item->doWriteTransform(sub_item->transform*sc, nullptr, true); } sub_item = nullptr; if (item->getMaskObject()) { sub_item = dynamic_cast(item->getMaskObject()->firstChild()); } if (sub_item != nullptr) { sub_item->doWriteTransform(sub_item->transform*sc, nullptr, true); } item->doWriteTransform(sc.inverse()*item->transform*sc, nullptr, true); group->scaleChildItemsRec(sc, p, false); } } else { // Geom::OptRect bbox = item->desktopVisualBounds(); // if (bbox) { // test not needed, this was causing a failure to scale and in the clipboard, see LP Bug 1365451 // Scale item Geom::Translate const s(p); Geom::Affine final = s.inverse() * sc * s; gchar const *conn_type = nullptr; SPText *text_item = dynamic_cast(item); bool is_text_path = text_item && text_item->firstChild() && dynamic_cast(text_item->firstChild()); if (is_text_path) { text_item->optimizeTextpathText(); } else { SPFlowtext *flowText = dynamic_cast(item); if (flowText) { flowText->optimizeScaledText(); } else { SPBox3D *box = dynamic_cast(item); if (box) { // Force recalculation from perspective box->position_set(); } else if (item->getAttribute("inkscape:connector-type") != nullptr && (item->getAttribute("inkscape:connection-start") == nullptr || item->getAttribute("inkscape:connection-end") == nullptr)) { // Remove and store connector type for transform if disconnected conn_type = item->getAttribute("inkscape:connector-type"); item->removeAttribute("inkscape:connector-type"); } } } Persp3D *persp = dynamic_cast(item); if (persp) { persp->apply_affine_transformation(final); } else if (is_text_path && !item->transform.isIdentity()) { // Save and reset current transform Geom::Affine tmp(item->transform); item->transform = Geom::Affine(); // Apply scale item->set_i2d_affine(item->i2dt_affine() * sc); item->doWriteTransform(item->transform, nullptr, true); // Scale translation and restore original transform tmp[4] *= sc[0]; tmp[5] *= sc[1]; item->doWriteTransform(tmp, nullptr, true); } else if (dynamic_cast(item)) { // calculate the matrix we need to apply to the clone // to cancel its induced transform from its original Geom::Affine move = final.inverse() * item->transform * final; item->doWriteTransform(move, &move, true); } else { item->doWriteTransform(item->transform*sc, nullptr, true); } if (conn_type != nullptr) { item->setAttribute("inkscape:connector-type", conn_type); } if (item->isCenterSet() && !(final.isTranslation() || final.isIdentity())) { item->scaleCenter(sc); // All coordinates have been scaled, so also the center must be scaled item->updateRepr(); } // } } } } } } gint SPGroup::getItemCount() const { gint len = 0; for (auto& child: children) { if (dynamic_cast(&child)) { len++; } } return len; } void SPGroup::_showChildren (Inkscape::Drawing &drawing, Inkscape::DrawingItem *ai, unsigned int key, unsigned int flags) { Inkscape::DrawingItem *ac = nullptr; std::vector l=this->childList(false, SPObject::ActionShow); for(auto o : l){ SPItem * child = dynamic_cast(o); if (child) { ac = child->invoke_show (drawing, key, flags); if (ac) { ai->appendChild(ac); } } } } void SPGroup::update_patheffect(bool write) { #ifdef GROUP_VERBOSE g_message("sp_group_update_patheffect: %p\n", lpeitem); #endif std::vector const item_list = sp_item_group_item_list(this); for (auto sub_item : item_list) { if (sub_item) { // don't need lpe version < 1 (issue only reply on lower LPE on nested LPEs // this doesn't happen because it's done at very first stage // we need to be sure performed to inform lpe original bounds ok, // if not original_bbox function fail on update groups SPShape* sub_shape = dynamic_cast(sub_item); if (sub_shape && sub_shape->hasPathEffectRecursive()) { sub_shape->bbox_vis_cache_is_valid = false; sub_shape->bbox_geom_cache_is_valid = false; } SPLPEItem *lpe_item = dynamic_cast(sub_item); if (lpe_item) { lpe_item->update_patheffect(write); // update satellites if (!lpe_item->hasPathEffect()) { if (auto classes = lpe_item->getAttribute("class")) { auto classdata = Glib::ustring(classes); size_t pos = classdata.find("UnoptimicedTransforms"); if (pos != Glib::ustring::npos) { lpe_item->requestDisplayUpdate(SP_OBJECT_MODIFIED_FLAG); } } } } } } this->resetClipPathAndMaskLPE(); if (hasPathEffect() && pathEffectsEnabled()) { PathEffectList path_effect_list(*this->path_effect_list); for (auto &lperef : path_effect_list) { LivePathEffectObject *lpeobj = lperef->lpeobject; if (lpeobj) { Inkscape::LivePathEffect::Effect *lpe = lpeobj->get_lpe(); if (lpe && lpe->isVisible()) { lpeobj->get_lpe()->doBeforeEffect_impl(this); sp_group_perform_patheffect(this, this, lpe, write); lpeobj->get_lpe()->doAfterEffect_impl(this, nullptr); } } } } } static void sp_group_perform_patheffect(SPGroup *group, SPGroup *top_group, Inkscape::LivePathEffect::Effect *lpe, bool write) { std::vector const item_list = sp_item_group_item_list(group); for (auto sub_item : item_list) { SPGroup *sub_group = dynamic_cast(sub_item); if (sub_group) { sp_group_perform_patheffect(sub_group, top_group, lpe, write); } else { SPShape* sub_shape = dynamic_cast(sub_item); //SPPath* sub_path = dynamic_cast(sub_item); SPItem* clipmaskto = dynamic_cast(sub_item); if (clipmaskto) { top_group->applyToClipPath(clipmaskto, lpe); top_group->applyToMask(clipmaskto, lpe); } if (sub_shape) { auto c = SPCurve::copy(sub_shape->curve()); bool success = false; // only run LPEs when the shape has a curve defined if (c) { lpe->pathvector_before_effect = c->get_pathvector(); c->transform(i2anc_affine(sub_shape, top_group)); sub_shape->setCurveInsync(c.get()); success = top_group->performOnePathEffect(c.get(), sub_shape, lpe); c->transform(i2anc_affine(sub_shape, top_group).inverse()); Inkscape::XML::Node *repr = sub_item->getRepr(); if (c && success) { sub_shape->setCurveInsync(c.get()); if (lpe->lpeversion.param_getSVGValue() != "0") { // we are on 1 or up sub_shape->bbox_vis_cache_is_valid = false; sub_shape->bbox_geom_cache_is_valid = false; } lpe->pathvector_after_effect = c->get_pathvector(); if (write) { repr->setAttribute("d", sp_svg_write_path(lpe->pathvector_after_effect)); #ifdef GROUP_VERBOSE g_message("sp_group_perform_patheffect writes 'd' attribute"); #endif } } else { // LPE was unsuccessful or doeffect stack return null. Read the old 'd'-attribute. if (gchar const * value = repr->attribute("d")) { Geom::PathVector pv = sp_svg_read_pathv(value); sub_shape->setCurve(std::make_unique(pv)); } } } } } } SPItem* clipmaskto = dynamic_cast(group); if (clipmaskto) { top_group->applyToClipPath(clipmaskto, lpe); top_group->applyToMask(clipmaskto, lpe); } } // A list of default highlight colours to use when one isn't set. std::vector default_highlights; /** * Generate a highlight colour if one isn't set and return it. */ guint32 SPGroup::highlight_color() const { // Parent must not be a layer (root, or similar) and this group must also be a layer if (!_highlightColor && !SP_IS_LAYER(parent) && this->_layer_mode == SPGroup::LAYER && !default_highlights.empty()) { char const * oid = defaultLabel(); if (oid && *oid) { // Color based on the last few bits of the label or object id. return default_highlights[oid[(strlen(oid) - 1)] % default_highlights.size()]; } } return SPItem::highlight_color(); } void set_default_highlight_colors(std::vector colors) { std::swap(default_highlights, colors); } /* Local Variables: mode:c++ c-file-style:"stroustrup" c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +)) indent-tabs-mode:nil fill-column:99 End: */ // vim: filetype=cpp:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4 :