// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later /** * @file * Desktop main menu bar code. */ /* * Authors: * Tavmjong Bah * Alex Valavanis * Patrick Storz * Krzysztof KosiƄski * Kris De Gussem * Sushant A.A. * * Copyright (C) 2018 Authors * * The contents of this file may be used under the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later. * Read the file 'COPYING' for more information. * */ #include "menubar.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "inkscape-application.h" // Open recent #include "preferences.h" // Use icons or not #include "io/resource.h" // UI File location // =================== Main Menu ================ void build_menu() { std::string filename = Inkscape::IO::Resource::get_filename(Inkscape::IO::Resource::UIS, "menus.ui"); auto refBuilder = Gtk::Builder::create(); try { refBuilder->add_from_file(filename); } catch (const Glib::Error& err) { std::cerr << "build_menu: failed to load Main menu from: " << filename <<": " << err.what().raw() << std::endl; } const auto object = refBuilder->get_object("menus"); #if GTK_CHECK_VERSION(4, 0 ,0) const auto gmenu = std::dynamic_pointer_cast(object); #else const auto gmenu = Glib::RefPtr::cast_dynamic(object); #endif if (!gmenu) { std::cerr << "build_menu: failed to build Main menu!" << std::endl; } else { static auto app = InkscapeApplication::instance(); std::map& label_to_tooltip_map = app->get_menu_label_to_tooltip_map(); label_to_tooltip_map.clear(); { // Filters and Extensions auto effects_object = refBuilder->get_object("effect-menu-effects"); auto filters_object = refBuilder->get_object("filter-menu-filters"); auto effects_menu = Glib::RefPtr::cast_dynamic(effects_object); auto filters_menu = Glib::RefPtr::cast_dynamic(filters_object); if (!filters_menu) { std::cerr << "build_menu(): Couldn't find Filters menu entry!" << std::endl; } if (!effects_menu) { std::cerr << "build_menu(): Couldn't find Extensions menu entry!" << std::endl; } std::map> submenus; for (auto &[ entry_id, submenu_name_list, entry_name ] : app->get_action_effect_data().give_all_data()) { if (submenu_name_list.size() > 0) { // Effect data is used for both filters menu and extensions menu... we need to // add to correct menu. 'submenu_name_list' either starts with 'Effects' or 'Filters'. // Note "Filters" is translated! Glib::ustring path; // Only used as index to map of submenus. auto top_menu = filters_menu; if (submenu_name_list.front() == "Effects") { top_menu = effects_menu; path += "Effects"; } else { path += "Filters"; } submenu_name_list.pop_front(); if (top_menu) { // It's possible that the menu doesn't exist (Kid's Inkscape?) auto current_menu = top_menu; for (auto &submenu_name : submenu_name_list) { path += submenu_name + "-"; auto it = submenus.find(path); if (it == submenus.end()) { auto new_gsubmenu = Gio::Menu::create(); submenus[path] = new_gsubmenu; current_menu->append_submenu(submenu_name, new_gsubmenu); current_menu = new_gsubmenu; } else { current_menu = it->second; } } current_menu->append(entry_name, "app." + entry_id); } else { std::cerr << "build_menu(): menu doesn't exist!" << std::endl; // Warn for now. } } } } // Recent file auto recent_manager = Gtk::RecentManager::get_default(); auto sub_object = refBuilder->get_object("recent-files"); auto sub_gmenu = Glib::RefPtr::cast_dynamic(sub_object); auto recent_menu_quark = Glib::Quark("recent-manager"); sub_gmenu->set_data(recent_menu_quark, recent_manager.get()); // mark submenu, so we can find it auto rebuild = [](Glib::RefPtr submenu) { auto recent_manager = Gtk::RecentManager::get_default(); submenu->remove_all(); int max_files = Inkscape::Preferences::get()->getInt("/options/maxrecentdocuments/value"); if (max_files <= 0) { return; } auto recent_files = recent_manager->get_items(); // all recent files not necessarily inkscape only // sort by "last modified" time, which puts the most recently opened files first std::sort(begin(recent_files), end(recent_files), [](Glib::RefPtr a, Glib::RefPtr b) -> bool { return a->get_modified() > b->get_modified(); } ); unsigned inserted_entries = 0; for (auto const &recent_file : recent_files) { // check if given was generated by inkscape bool valid_file = recent_file->has_application(g_get_prgname()) || recent_file->has_application("org.inkscape.Inkscape") || recent_file->has_application("inkscape") #ifdef _WIN32 || recent_file->has_application("inkscape.exe") #endif ; // this is potentially expensive: local FS access (remote files are not checked) valid_file = valid_file && recent_file->exists(); if (!valid_file) { continue; } // Escape underscores to prevent them from being interpreted as accelerator mnemonics std::regex underscore{"_"}; std::string const dunder{"__"}; std::string raw_name = recent_file->get_short_name(); Glib::ustring escaped = std::regex_replace(raw_name, underscore, dunder); auto item { Gio::MenuItem::create(std::move(escaped), Glib::ustring()) }; auto target { Glib::Variant::create(recent_file->get_uri_display()) }; // note: setting action and target separately rather than using convenience menu method append // since some filename characters can result in invalid "direct action" string item->set_action_and_target(Glib::ustring("app.file-open-window"), target); submenu->append_item(item); inserted_entries++; if (--max_files == 0) { break; } } if (!inserted_entries) { // Create a placeholder with a non-existent action auto nothing2c = Gio::MenuItem::create(_("No items found"), "app.nop"); submenu->append_item(nothing2c); } }; rebuild(sub_gmenu); Inkscape::Preferences *prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get(); auto useicons = static_cast(prefs->getInt("/theme/menuIcons", 0)); // Remove all or some icons. Also create label to tooltip map. auto gmenu_copy = Gio::Menu::create(); // menu gets recreated; keep track of new recent items submenu rebuild_menu(gmenu, gmenu_copy, useicons, recent_menu_quark, sub_gmenu); app->gtk_app()->set_menubar(gmenu_copy); // rebuild recent items submenu when the list changes recent_manager->signal_changed().connect([=](){ rebuild(sub_gmenu); }); } } /* * Disable all or some menu icons. * * This is quite nasty: * * We must disable icons in the Gio::Menu as there is no way to pass * the needed information to the children of Gtk::PopoverMenu and no * way to set visibility via CSS. * * MenuItems are immutable and not copyable so you have to recreate * the menu tree. The format for accessing MenuItem data is not the * same as what you need to create a new MenuItem. * * NOTE: Input is a Gio::MenuModel, Output is a Gio::Menu!! */ #if GTK_CHECK_VERSION(4, 0, 0) void rebuild_menu (std::shared_ptr menu, std::shared_ptr menu_copy, UseIcons useIcons, Glib::Quark quark, Glib::RefPtr& recent_files) { #else void rebuild_menu (Glib::RefPtr menu, Glib::RefPtr menu_copy, UseIcons useIcons, Glib::Quark quark, Glib::RefPtr& recent_files) { #endif static auto app = InkscapeApplication::instance(); auto& extra_data = app->get_action_extra_data(); auto& label_to_tooltip_map = app->get_menu_label_to_tooltip_map(); for (int i = 0; i < menu->get_n_items(); ++i) { Glib::ustring label; Glib::ustring action; Glib::ustring target; Glib::VariantBase icon; Glib::ustring use_icon; std::map attributes; auto attribute_iter = menu->iterate_item_attributes(i); while (attribute_iter->next()) { // Attributes we need to create MenuItem or set icon. if (attribute_iter->get_name() == "label") { // Convert label while preserving unicode translations label = Glib::VariantBase::cast_dynamic >(attribute_iter->get_value()).get(); } else if (attribute_iter->get_name() == "action") { action = attribute_iter->get_value().print(); action.erase(0, 1); action.erase(action.size()-1, 1); } else if (attribute_iter->get_name() == "target") { target = attribute_iter->get_value().print(); } else if (attribute_iter->get_name() == "icon") { icon = attribute_iter->get_value(); } else if (attribute_iter->get_name() == "use-icon") { use_icon = attribute_iter->get_value().print(); } else { // All the remaining attributes. attributes[attribute_iter->get_name()] = attribute_iter->get_value(); } } Glib::ustring detailed_action = action; if (target.size() > 0) { detailed_action += "(" + target + ")"; } auto tooltip = extra_data.get_tooltip_for_action(detailed_action); label_to_tooltip_map[label] = tooltip; // std::cout << " " << std::setw(30) << detailed_action // << " label: " << std::setw(30) << label.c_str() // << " use_icon (.ui): " << std::setw(6) << use_icon // << " icon: " << (icon ? "yes" : "no ") // << " useIcons: " << (int)useIcons // << " use_icon.size(): " << use_icon.size() // << " tooltip: " << tooltip.c_str() // << std::endl; auto menu_item = Gio::MenuItem::create(label, detailed_action); if (icon && (useIcons == UseIcons::always || (useIcons == UseIcons::as_requested && use_icon.size() > 0))) { menu_item->set_attribute_value("icon", icon); } // Add remaining attributes for (auto const& [key, value] : attributes) { menu_item->set_attribute_value(key, value); } // Add submenus auto link_iter = menu->iterate_item_links(i); while (link_iter->next()) { auto submenu = Gio::Menu::create(); if (link_iter->get_name() == "submenu") { menu_item->set_submenu(submenu); if (link_iter->get_value()->get_data(quark)) { recent_files = submenu; } } else if (link_iter->get_name() == "section") { menu_item->set_section(submenu); } else { std::cerr << "rebuild_menu: Unknown link type: " << link_iter->get_name() << std::endl; } rebuild_menu (link_iter->get_value(), submenu, useIcons, quark, recent_files); } menu_copy->append_item(menu_item); } } /* Local Variables: mode:c++ c-file-style:"stroustrup" c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +)) indent-tabs-mode:nil fill-column:99 End: */ // vim: filetype=cpp:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:fileencoding=utf-8:textwidth=99 :