from lxml import etree def d_cmp(orig, new): """ Compares the original d attribute to the new one. """ orig_list = orig.split() new_list = new.split() if len(orig_list) != len(new_list): return False # Normalize the final 'z' to uppercase: orig_list[-1] = orig_list[-1].upper() new_list[-1] = new_list[-1].upper() for (o, n) in zip(orig_list, new_list): if o == n: continue numeric = "{:.0f}".format(float(n)) if o != numeric: return False return True document = etree.parse("regression-1364_output.svg") layer = document.find('{}g[@id="layer1"]') boolop_result = layer.find('{}path[@id="small"]') assert boolop_result.attrib.get("transform") == "scale(2)" assert d_cmp("M 0 0 L 0 50 A 50 50 0 0 0 50 0 L 0 0 z", boolop_result.attrib.get("d"))