-- SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later -- LuaJIT ffi bindings for zscanner, a DNS zone parser. -- Author: Marek Vavrusa local ffi = require('ffi') local libzscanner = ffi.load(libzscanner_SONAME) -- Wrap scanner context local zs_scanner_t = ffi.typeof('zs_scanner_t') ffi.metatype( zs_scanner_t, { __gc = function(zs) return libzscanner.zs_deinit(zs) end, __new = function(ct, origin, class, ttl) if not class then class = 1 end if not ttl then ttl = 3600 end local parser = ffi.new(ct) libzscanner.zs_init(parser, origin, class, ttl) return parser end, __index = { open = function (zs, file) assert(ffi.istype(zs, zs_scanner_t)) local ret = libzscanner.zs_set_input_file(zs, file) if ret ~= 0 then return false, zs:strerr() end return true end, parse = function(zs, input) assert(ffi.istype(zs, zs_scanner_t)) if input ~= nil then libzscanner.zs_set_input_string(zs, input, #input) end local ret = libzscanner.zs_parse_record(zs) -- Return current state only when parsed correctly, otherwise return error if ret == 0 and zs.state ~= "ZS_STATE_ERROR" then return zs.state == "ZS_STATE_DATA" else return false, zs:strerr() end end, current_rr = function(zs) assert(ffi.istype(zs, zs_scanner_t)) return { owner = ffi.string(zs.r_owner, zs.r_owner_length), ttl = tonumber(zs.r_ttl), class = tonumber(zs.r_class), type = tonumber(zs.r_type), rdata = ffi.string(zs.r_data, zs.r_data_length), comment = zs:current_comment(), } end, strerr = function(zs) assert(ffi.istype(zs, zs_scanner_t)) return ffi.string(libzscanner.zs_strerror(zs.error.code)) end, current_comment = function(zs) if zs.buffer_length > 0 then return ffi.string(zs.buffer, zs.buffer_length - 1) else return nil end end }, }) -- Module API local rrparser = { new = zs_scanner_t, -- Parse a file into a list of RRs file = function (path) local zs = zs_scanner_t() local ok, err = zs:open(path) if not ok then return ok, err end local results = {} while zs:parse() do table.insert(results, zs:current_rr()) end return results end, -- Parse a string into a list of RRs. string = function (input) local zs = zs_scanner_t() local results = {} local ok = zs:parse(input) while ok do table.insert(results, zs:current_rr()) ok = zs:parse() end return results end, } return rrparser