/* Copyright (C) CZ.NIC, z.s.p.o. * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later */ /* Module is intended to import resource records from file into resolver's cache. * File supposed to be a standard DNS zone file * which contains text representations of resource records. * For now only root zone import is supported. * * Import process consists of two stages. * 1) Zone file parsing and (optionally) ZONEMD verification. * 2) DNSSEC validation and storage in cache. * * These stages are implemented as two separate functions * (zi_zone_import and zi_zone_process) which run sequentially with a * pause between them. This is done because resolver is a single-threaded * application, so it can't process user's requests during the whole import * process. Separation into two stages allows to reduce the * continuous time interval when resolver can't serve user requests. * Since root zone isn't large, it is imported as single chunk. */ #include "daemon/zimport.h" #include /* PRIu64 */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define ENABLE_ZONEMD (KNOT_VERSION_HEX >= 0x030100) #if ENABLE_ZONEMD #include #if KNOT_VERSION_HEX < 0x030200 #define KNOT_ZONEMD_ALGORITHM_SHA384 KNOT_ZONEMD_ALORITHM_SHA384 #define KNOT_ZONEMD_ALGORITHM_SHA512 KNOT_ZONEMD_ALORITHM_SHA512 #endif #endif #include "daemon/worker.h" #include "lib/dnssec/ta.h" #include "lib/dnssec.h" #include "lib/generic/trie.h" #include "lib/utils.h" /* Pause between parse and import stages, milliseconds. */ #define ZONE_IMPORT_PAUSE 100 // NAN normally comes from but it's not guaranteed. #ifndef NAN #define NAN nan("") #endif struct zone_import_ctx { knot_mm_t *pool; /// memory pool for all allocations (including struct itself) knot_dname_t *origin; uv_timer_t timer; // from zi_config_t zi_callback cb; void *cb_param; trie_t *rrsets; /// map: key_get() -> knot_rrset_t*, in ZONEMD order uint32_t timestamp_rr; /// stamp of when RR data arrived (seconds since epoch) struct kr_svldr_ctx *svldr; /// DNSSEC validator; NULL iff we don't validate const knot_dname_t *last_cut; /// internal to zi_rrset_import() #if ENABLE_ZONEMD uint8_t *digest_buf; /// temporary buffer for digest computation (on pool) #define DIGEST_BUF_SIZE (64*1024 - 1) #define DIGEST_ALG_COUNT 2 struct { bool active; /// whether we want it computed dnssec_digest_ctx_t *ctx; const uint8_t *expected; /// expected digest (inside zonemd on pool) } digests[DIGEST_ALG_COUNT]; /// we use indices 0 and 1 for SHA 384 and 512 #endif }; typedef struct zone_import_ctx zone_import_ctx_t; #define KEY_LEN (KNOT_DNAME_MAXLEN + 1 + 2 + 2) /** Construct key for name, type and signed type (if type == RRSIG). * * Return negative error code in asserted cases. */ static int key_get(char buf[KEY_LEN], const knot_dname_t *name, uint16_t type, uint16_t type_maysig, char **key_p) { char *lf = (char *)knot_dname_lf(name, (uint8_t *)buf); if (kr_fails_assert(lf && key_p)) return kr_error(EINVAL); int len = lf[0]; lf++; // point to start of data *key_p = lf; // Check that LF is right-aligned to KNOT_DNAME_MAXLEN in buf. if (kr_fails_assert(lf + len == buf + KNOT_DNAME_MAXLEN)) return kr_error(EINVAL); buf[KNOT_DNAME_MAXLEN] = 0; // this ensures correct ZONEMD order memcpy(buf + KNOT_DNAME_MAXLEN + 1, &type, sizeof(type)); len += 1 + sizeof(type); if (type == KNOT_RRTYPE_RRSIG) { memcpy(buf + KNOT_DNAME_MAXLEN + 1 + sizeof(type), &type_maysig, sizeof(type_maysig)); len += sizeof(type_maysig); } return len; } /** Simple helper to retreive from zone_import_ctx_t::rrsets */ static knot_rrset_t * rrset_get(trie_t *rrsets, const knot_dname_t *name, uint16_t type, uint16_t type_maysig) { char key_buf[KEY_LEN], *key; const int len = key_get(key_buf, name, type, type_maysig, &key); if (len < 0) return NULL; const trie_val_t *rrsig_p = trie_get_try(rrsets, key, len); if (!rrsig_p) return NULL; kr_assert(*rrsig_p); return *rrsig_p; } #if ENABLE_ZONEMD static int digest_rrset(trie_val_t *rr_p, void *z_import_v) { zone_import_ctx_t *z_import = z_import_v; const knot_rrset_t *rr = *rr_p; // ignore apex ZONEMD or its RRSIG, and also out of bailiwick records const int origin_bailiwick = knot_dname_in_bailiwick(rr->owner, z_import->origin); const bool is_apex = origin_bailiwick == 0; if (is_apex && kr_rrset_type_maysig(rr) == KNOT_RRTYPE_ZONEMD) return KNOT_EOK; if (unlikely(origin_bailiwick < 0)) return KNOT_EOK; const int len = knot_rrset_to_wire_extra(rr, z_import->digest_buf, DIGEST_BUF_SIZE, 0, NULL, KNOT_PF_ORIGTTL); if (len < 0) return kr_error(len); // digest serialized RRSet for (int i = 0; i < DIGEST_ALG_COUNT; ++i) { if (!z_import->digests[i].active) continue; dnssec_binary_t bufbin = { len, z_import->digest_buf }; int ret = dnssec_digest(z_import->digests[i].ctx, &bufbin); if (ret != KNOT_EOK) return kr_error(ret); } return KNOT_EOK; } /** Verify ZONEMD in the stored zone, and return error code. * * ZONEMD signature is verified iff z_import->svldr != NULL https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc8976.html#name-verifying-zone-digest */ static int zonemd_verify(zone_import_ctx_t *z_import) { bool zonemd_is_valid = false; // Find ZONEMD RR + RRSIG knot_rrset_t * const rr_zonemd = rrset_get(z_import->rrsets, z_import->origin, KNOT_RRTYPE_ZONEMD, 0); if (!rr_zonemd) { // no zonemd; let's compute the shorter digest and print info later z_import->digests[KNOT_ZONEMD_ALGORITHM_SHA384 - 1].active = true; goto do_digest; } // Validate ZONEMD RRSIG, if desired if (z_import->svldr) { const knot_rrset_t *rrsig_zonemd = rrset_get(z_import->rrsets, z_import->origin, KNOT_RRTYPE_RRSIG, KNOT_RRTYPE_ZONEMD); int ret = rrsig_zonemd ? kr_svldr_rrset(rr_zonemd, &rrsig_zonemd->rrs, z_import->svldr) : kr_error(ENOENT); zonemd_is_valid = (ret == kr_ok()); if (!rrsig_zonemd) { kr_log_error(PREFILL, "ZONEMD signature missing\n"); } else if (!zonemd_is_valid) { kr_log_error(PREFILL, "ZONEMD signature failed to validate\n"); } } // Get SOA serial const knot_rrset_t *soa = rrset_get(z_import->rrsets, z_import->origin, KNOT_RRTYPE_SOA, 0); if (!soa) { kr_log_error(PREFILL, "SOA record not found\n"); return kr_error(ENOENT); } if (soa->rrs.count != 1) { kr_log_error(PREFILL, "the SOA RR set is weird\n"); return kr_error(EINVAL); } // length is checked by parser already const uint32_t soa_serial = knot_soa_serial(soa->rrs.rdata); // Figure out SOA+ZONEMD RR contents. bool some_active = false; knot_rdata_t *rd = rr_zonemd->rrs.rdata; for (int i = 0; i < rr_zonemd->rrs.count; ++i, rd = knot_rdataset_next(rd)) { if (rd->len < 6 || knot_zonemd_scheme(rd) != KNOT_ZONEMD_SCHEME_SIMPLE || knot_zonemd_soa_serial(rd) != soa_serial) continue; const int algo = knot_zonemd_algorithm(rd); if (algo != KNOT_ZONEMD_ALGORITHM_SHA384 && algo != KNOT_ZONEMD_ALGORITHM_SHA512) continue; if (rd->len != 6 + knot_zonemd_digest_size(rd)) { kr_log_error(PREFILL, "ZONEMD record has incorrect digest length\n"); return kr_error(EINVAL); } if (z_import->digests[algo - 1].active) { kr_log_error(PREFILL, "multiple clashing ZONEMD records found\n"); return kr_error(EINVAL); } some_active = true; z_import->digests[algo - 1].active = true; z_import->digests[algo - 1].expected = knot_zonemd_digest(rd); } if (!some_active) { kr_log_error(PREFILL, "ZONEMD record(s) found but none were usable\n"); return kr_error(ENOENT); } do_digest: // Init memory, etc. if (!z_import->digest_buf) { z_import->digest_buf = mm_alloc(z_import->pool, DIGEST_BUF_SIZE); if (!z_import->digest_buf) return kr_error(ENOMEM); } for (int i = 0; i < DIGEST_ALG_COUNT; ++i) { const int algo = i + 1; if (!z_import->digests[i].active) continue; int ret = dnssec_digest_init(algo, &z_import->digests[i].ctx); if (ret != KNOT_EOK) { // free previous successful _ctx, if applicable dnssec_binary_t digest = { 0 }; while (--i >= 0) { if (z_import->digests[i].active) dnssec_digest_finish(z_import->digests[i].ctx, &digest); } return kr_error(ENOMEM); } } // Actually compute the digest(s). int ret = trie_apply(z_import->rrsets, digest_rrset, z_import); dnssec_binary_t digs[DIGEST_ALG_COUNT] = { { 0 } }; for (int i = 0; i < DIGEST_ALG_COUNT; ++i) { if (!z_import->digests[i].active) continue; int ret2 = dnssec_digest_finish(z_import->digests[i].ctx, &digs[i]); if (ret == DNSSEC_EOK) ret = ret2; // we need to keep going to free all digests[*].ctx } if (ret != DNSSEC_EOK) { for (int i = 0; i < DIGEST_ALG_COUNT; ++i) free(digs[i].data); kr_log_error(PREFILL, "error when computing digest: %s\n", kr_strerror(ret)); return kr_error(ret); } // Now only check that one of the hashes match. bool has_match = false; for (int i = 0; i < DIGEST_ALG_COUNT; ++i) { if (!z_import->digests[i].active) continue; // hexdump the hash for logging char hash_str[digs[i].size * 2 + 1]; for (ssize_t j = 0; j < digs[i].size; ++j) sprintf(hash_str + 2*j, "%02x", digs[i].data[j]); if (!z_import->digests[i].expected) { kr_log_error(PREFILL, "no ZONEMD found; computed hash: %s\n", hash_str); } else if (memcmp(z_import->digests[i].expected, digs[i].data, digs[i].size) != 0) { kr_log_error(PREFILL, "ZONEMD hash mismatch; computed hash: %s\n", hash_str); } else { kr_log_debug(PREFILL, "ZONEMD hash matches\n"); has_match = true; continue; } } for (int i = 0; i < DIGEST_ALG_COUNT; ++i) free(digs[i].data); bool ok = has_match && (zonemd_is_valid || !z_import->svldr); return ok ? kr_ok() : kr_error(ENOENT); } #endif /** * @internal Import given rrset to cache. * * @return error code; we could've chosen to keep importing even if some RRset fails, * but it would be harder to ensure that we don't generate too many logs * and that we pass an error to the finishing callback. */ static int zi_rrset_import(trie_val_t *rr_p, void *z_import_v) { zone_import_ctx_t *z_import = z_import_v; knot_rrset_t *rr = *rr_p; if (rr->type == KNOT_RRTYPE_RRSIG) return 0; // we do RRSIGs at once with their types const int origin_bailiwick = knot_dname_in_bailiwick(rr->owner, z_import->origin); if (unlikely(origin_bailiwick < 0)) { KR_DNAME_GET_STR(owner_str, rr->owner); kr_log_warning(PREFILL, "ignoring out of bailiwick record(s) on %s\n", owner_str); return 0; // well, let's continue without error } // Determine if this RRset is authoritative. // We utilize that iteration happens in canonical order. bool is_auth; const int kdib = knot_dname_in_bailiwick(rr->owner, z_import->last_cut); if (kdib == 0 && (rr->type == KNOT_RRTYPE_DS || rr->type == KNOT_RRTYPE_NSEC || rr->type == KNOT_RRTYPE_NSEC3)) { // parent side of the zone cut (well, presumably in case of NSEC*) is_auth = true; } else if (kdib >= 0) { // inside non-auth subtree is_auth = false; } else if (rr->type == KNOT_RRTYPE_NS && origin_bailiwick > 0) { // entering non-auth subtree z_import->last_cut = rr->owner; is_auth = false; } else { // outside non-auth subtree is_auth = true; z_import->last_cut = NULL; // so that the next _in_bailiwick() is faster } // Rare case: `A` exactly on zone cut would be misdetected and fail validation; // it's the only type ordered before NS. if (unlikely(is_auth && rr->type < KNOT_RRTYPE_NS)) { if (rrset_get(z_import->rrsets, rr->owner, KNOT_RRTYPE_NS, 0)) is_auth = false; } // Get and validate the corresponding RRSIGs, if authoritative. const knot_rrset_t *rrsig = NULL; if (is_auth) { rrsig = rrset_get(z_import->rrsets, rr->owner, KNOT_RRTYPE_RRSIG, rr->type); if (unlikely(!rrsig && z_import->svldr)) { KR_DNAME_GET_STR(owner_str, rr->owner); KR_RRTYPE_GET_STR(type_str, rr->type); kr_log_error(PREFILL, "no records found for %s RRSIG %s\n", owner_str, type_str); return kr_error(ENOENT); } } if (is_auth && z_import->svldr) { int ret = kr_svldr_rrset(rr, &rrsig->rrs, z_import->svldr); if (unlikely(ret)) { KR_DNAME_GET_STR(owner_str, rr->owner); KR_RRTYPE_GET_STR(type_str, rr->type); kr_log_error(PREFILL, "validation failed for %s %s: %s\n", owner_str, type_str, kr_strerror(ret)); return kr_error(ret); } } uint8_t rank; if (!is_auth) { rank = KR_RANK_OMIT; } else if (z_import->svldr) { rank = KR_RANK_AUTH|KR_RANK_SECURE; } else { rank = KR_RANK_AUTH|KR_RANK_INSECURE; } int ret = kr_cache_insert_rr(&the_worker->engine->resolver.cache, rr, rrsig, rank, z_import->timestamp_rr, // Optim.: only stash NSEC* params at the apex. origin_bailiwick == 0); if (ret) { kr_log_error(PREFILL, "caching an RRset failed: %s\n", kr_strerror(ret)); return kr_error(ret); } return 0; // success } static void ctx_delete(zone_import_ctx_t *z_import) { if (kr_fails_assert(z_import)) return; kr_svldr_free_ctx(z_import->svldr); /* Free `z_import`'s pool, including `z_import` itself, because it is * allocated inside said pool. */ mm_ctx_delete(z_import->pool); } static void timer_close(uv_handle_t *handle) { ctx_delete(handle->data); } /** @internal Iterate over parsed rrsets and try to import each of them. */ static void zi_zone_process(uv_timer_t *timer) { zone_import_ctx_t *z_import = timer->data; kr_timer_t stopwatch; kr_timer_start(&stopwatch); int ret = trie_apply(z_import->rrsets, zi_rrset_import, z_import); (void)kr_cache_commit(&the_worker->engine->resolver.cache); // RW transaction open if (ret == 0) { kr_log_info(PREFILL, "performance: validating and caching took %.3lf s\n", kr_timer_elapsed(&stopwatch)); } if (z_import->cb) z_import->cb(kr_error(ret), z_import->cb_param); uv_close((uv_handle_t *)timer, timer_close); } /** @internal Store rrset that has been imported to zone import context memory pool. * @return -1 if failed; 0 if success. */ static int zi_record_store(zs_scanner_t *s) { if (s->r_data_length > UINT16_MAX) { /* Due to knot_rrset_add_rdata(..., const uint16_t size, ...); */ kr_log_error(PREFILL, "line %"PRIu64": rdata is too long\n", s->line_counter); return -1; } if (knot_dname_size(s->r_owner) != strlen((const char *)(s->r_owner)) + 1) { kr_log_error(PREFILL, "line %"PRIu64 ": owner name contains zero byte, skip\n", s->line_counter); return 0; } zone_import_ctx_t *z_import = (zone_import_ctx_t *)s->process.data; knot_rrset_t *new_rr = knot_rrset_new(s->r_owner, s->r_type, s->r_class, s->r_ttl, z_import->pool); if (!new_rr) { kr_log_error(PREFILL, "line %"PRIu64": error creating rrset\n", s->line_counter); return -1; } int res = knot_rrset_add_rdata(new_rr, s->r_data, s->r_data_length, z_import->pool); if (res != KNOT_EOK) { kr_log_error(PREFILL, "line %"PRIu64": error adding rdata to rrset\n", s->line_counter); return -1; } /* zscanner itself does not canonize - neither owner nor insides */ res = knot_rrset_rr_to_canonical(new_rr); if (res != KNOT_EOK) { kr_log_error(PREFILL, "line %"PRIu64": error when canonizing: %s\n", s->line_counter, knot_strerror(res)); return -1; } /* Records in zone file may not be grouped by name and RR type. * Use map to create search key and * avoid ineffective searches across all the imported records. */ char key_buf[KEY_LEN], *key; const int len = key_get(key_buf, new_rr->owner, new_rr->type, kr_rrset_type_maysig(new_rr), &key); if (len < 0) { kr_log_error(PREFILL, "line %"PRIu64": error constructing rrkey\n", s->line_counter); return -1; } trie_val_t *rr_p = trie_get_ins(z_import->rrsets, key, len); if (!rr_p) return -1; // ENOMEM if (*rr_p) { knot_rrset_t *rr = *rr_p; res = knot_rdataset_merge(&rr->rrs, &new_rr->rrs, z_import->pool); } else { *rr_p = new_rr; } if (res != 0) { kr_log_error(PREFILL, "line %"PRIu64": error saving parsed rrset\n", s->line_counter); return -1; } return 0; } static int zi_state_parsing(zs_scanner_t *s) { bool empty = true; while (zs_parse_record(s) == 0) { switch (s->state) { case ZS_STATE_DATA: if (zi_record_store(s) != 0) { return -1; } zone_import_ctx_t *z_import = (zone_import_ctx_t *) s->process.data; empty = false; if (s->r_type == KNOT_RRTYPE_SOA) { z_import->origin = knot_dname_copy(s->r_owner, z_import->pool); } break; case ZS_STATE_ERROR: kr_log_error(PREFILL, "line: %"PRIu64 ": parse error; code: %i ('%s')\n", s->line_counter, s->error.code, zs_strerror(s->error.code)); return -1; case ZS_STATE_INCLUDE: kr_log_error(PREFILL, "line: %"PRIu64 ": INCLUDE is not supported\n", s->line_counter); return -1; case ZS_STATE_EOF: case ZS_STATE_STOP: if (empty) { kr_log_error(PREFILL, "empty zone file\n"); return -1; } if (!((zone_import_ctx_t *) s->process.data)->origin) { kr_log_error(PREFILL, "zone file doesn't contain SOA record\n"); return -1; } return (s->error.counter == 0) ? 0 : -1; default: kr_log_error(PREFILL, "line: %"PRIu64 ": unexpected parse state: %i\n", s->line_counter, s->state); return -1; } } return -1; } int zi_zone_import(const zi_config_t config) { const zi_config_t *c = &config; if (kr_fails_assert(c && c->zone_file)) return kr_error(EINVAL); knot_mm_t *pool = mm_ctx_mempool2(1024 * 1024); zone_import_ctx_t *z_import = mm_calloc(pool, 1, sizeof(*z_import)); if (!z_import) return kr_error(ENOMEM); z_import->pool = pool; z_import->cb = c->cb; z_import->cb_param = c->cb_param; z_import->rrsets = trie_create(z_import->pool); kr_timer_t stopwatch; kr_timer_start(&stopwatch); //// Parse the whole zone file into z_import->rrsets. zs_scanner_t s_storage, *s = &s_storage; /* zs_init(), zs_set_input_file(), zs_set_processing() returns -1 in case of error, * so don't print error code as it meaningless. */ int ret = zs_init(s, c->origin, KNOT_CLASS_IN, c->ttl); if (ret != 0) { kr_log_error(PREFILL, "error initializing zone scanner instance, error: %i (%s)\n", s->error.code, zs_strerror(s->error.code)); goto fail; } ret = zs_set_input_file(s, c->zone_file); if (ret != 0) { kr_log_error(PREFILL, "error opening zone file `%s`, error: %i (%s)\n", c->zone_file, s->error.code, zs_strerror(s->error.code)); zs_deinit(s); goto fail; } /* Don't set processing and error callbacks as we don't use automatic parsing. * Parsing as well error processing will be performed in zi_state_parsing(). * Store pointer to zone import context for further use. */ ret = zs_set_processing(s, NULL, NULL, (void *)z_import); if (ret != 0) { kr_log_error(PREFILL, "zs_set_processing() failed for zone file `%s`, " "error: %i (%s)\n", c->zone_file, s->error.code, zs_strerror(s->error.code)); zs_deinit(s); goto fail; } ret = zi_state_parsing(s); zs_deinit(s); const double time_parse = kr_timer_elapsed(&stopwatch); if (ret != 0) { kr_log_error(PREFILL, "error parsing zone file `%s`\n", c->zone_file); goto fail; } kr_log_debug(PREFILL, "import started for zone file `%s`\n", c->zone_file); KR_DNAME_GET_STR(zone_name_str, z_import->origin); //// Choose timestamp_rr, according to config. struct timespec now; if (clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &now)) { ret = kr_error(errno); kr_log_error(PREFILL, "failed to get current time: %s\n", kr_strerror(ret)); goto fail; } if (config.time_src == ZI_STAMP_NOW) { z_import->timestamp_rr = now.tv_sec; } else if (config.time_src == ZI_STAMP_MTIM) { struct stat st; if (stat(c->zone_file, &st) != 0) { kr_log_debug(PREFILL, "failed to stat file `%s`: %s\n", c->zone_file, strerror(errno)); goto fail; } z_import->timestamp_rr = st.st_mtime; } else { ret = kr_error(EINVAL); goto fail; } //// Some sanity checks const knot_rrset_t *soa = rrset_get(z_import->rrsets, z_import->origin, KNOT_RRTYPE_SOA, 0); if (z_import->timestamp_rr > now.tv_sec) { kr_log_warning(PREFILL, "zone file `%s` comes from future\n", c->zone_file); } else if (!soa) { kr_log_warning(PREFILL, "missing %s SOA\n", zone_name_str); } else if ((int64_t)z_import->timestamp_rr + soa->ttl < now.tv_sec) { kr_log_warning(PREFILL, "%s SOA already expired\n", zone_name_str); } //// Initialize validator context with the DNSKEY. if (c->downgrade) goto zonemd; struct kr_context *resolver = &the_worker->engine->resolver; const knot_rrset_t * const ds = c->ds ? c->ds : kr_ta_get(resolver->trust_anchors, z_import->origin); if (!ds) { if (!kr_ta_closest(resolver, z_import->origin, KNOT_RRTYPE_DNSKEY)) goto zonemd; // our TAs say we're insecure kr_log_error(PREFILL, "no DS found for `%s`, fail\n", zone_name_str); ret = kr_error(ENOENT); goto fail; } if (!knot_dname_is_equal(ds->owner, z_import->origin)) { kr_log_error(PREFILL, "mismatching DS owner, fail\n"); ret = kr_error(EINVAL); goto fail; } knot_rrset_t * const dnskey = rrset_get(z_import->rrsets, z_import->origin, KNOT_RRTYPE_DNSKEY, 0); if (!dnskey) { kr_log_error(PREFILL, "no DNSKEY found for `%s`, fail\n", zone_name_str); ret = kr_error(ENOENT); goto fail; } knot_rrset_t * const dnskey_sigs = rrset_get(z_import->rrsets, z_import->origin, KNOT_RRTYPE_RRSIG, KNOT_RRTYPE_DNSKEY); if (!dnskey_sigs) { kr_log_error(PREFILL, "no RRSIGs for DNSKEY found for `%s`, fail\n", zone_name_str); ret = kr_error(ENOENT); goto fail; } kr_rrset_validation_ctx_t err_ctx; z_import->svldr = kr_svldr_new_ctx(ds, dnskey, &dnskey_sigs->rrs, z_import->timestamp_rr, &err_ctx); if (!z_import->svldr) { // log RRSIG stats; very similar to log_bogus_rrsig() kr_log_error(PREFILL, "failed to validate DNSKEY for `%s` " "(%u matching RRSIGs, %u expired, %u not yet valid, " "%u invalid signer, %u invalid label count, %u invalid key, " "%u invalid crypto, %u invalid NSEC)\n", zone_name_str, err_ctx.rrs_counters.matching_name_type, err_ctx.rrs_counters.expired, err_ctx.rrs_counters.notyet, err_ctx.rrs_counters.signer_invalid, err_ctx.rrs_counters.labels_invalid, err_ctx.rrs_counters.key_invalid, err_ctx.rrs_counters.crypto_invalid, err_ctx.rrs_counters.nsec_invalid); ret = kr_error(ENOENT); goto fail; } //// Do all ZONEMD processing, if desired. zonemd: (void)0; // C can't have a variable definition following a label double time_zonemd = NAN; if (c->zonemd) { #if ENABLE_ZONEMD kr_timer_start(&stopwatch); ret = zonemd_verify(z_import); time_zonemd = kr_timer_elapsed(&stopwatch); #else kr_log_error(PREFILL, "ZONEMD check requested but not supported, fail\n"); ret = kr_error(ENOSYS); #endif } else { ret = kr_ok(); } kr_log_info(PREFILL, "performance: parsing took %.3lf s, hashing took %.3lf s\n", time_parse, time_zonemd); if (ret) goto fail; //// Phase two, after a pause. Validate and import all the remaining records. ret = uv_timer_init(the_worker->loop, &z_import->timer); if (ret) goto fail; z_import->timer.data = z_import; ret = uv_timer_start(&z_import->timer, zi_zone_process, ZONE_IMPORT_PAUSE, 0); if (ret) goto fail; return kr_ok(); fail: if (z_import->cb) z_import->cb(kr_error(ret), z_import->cb_param); if (kr_fails_assert(ret)) ret = ENOENT; ctx_delete(z_import); return kr_error(ret); }