# Epoch Changelog ## 0.8.4 - October 30th, 2015 ### Bug Fixes * Fixed bower css path (@ftaiolivista) ## 0.8.3 - October 17th, 2015 ### Enhancements / Features * Added `redraw` method for clearing styles on canvas based charts (#196, @woozyking) ## 0.8.2 - October 13th, 2015 ### Enhancements / Features * Charts now auto draw on construction (#195) ## 0.8.1 - October 13th, 2015 ### Enhancements / Features * Added packagist/composer package manager support (#202) ### Bug Fixes * Real-time charts no-longer error when pushing first data point after initialized with empty data layers. (#203) ## 0.8.0 - October 10th, 2015 ### Enhancements / Features * Multi-axis support for basic and real-time line plots * Added new gulp build-system (for development) ## 0.7.1 - October 4th, 2015 * Moved minified source to `dist/js` and `dist/css` respectively * Added non-minified source to aforementioned directories ## 0.7.0 - October 4th, 2015 ### Enhancements / Features * New basic chart: Histogram * New Feature: Data formatters * Chart layers can now be hidden/shown ### Bug Fixes * Ticks now working for ordinal scaled bar charts * Fixed CSS builds by updating NPM sass-node package * Removed versions from minified release files (@RyanNielson) * Time based graphs can now have fixed ranges (@willwhitney) * NPM Package: epoch-charting (@sompylasar) * Right axes now using correct formatters (@Dav1dde) * Add 'main' attribute enabling webpack support. (@WRidder) * Fixed Bower D3 Dependencies (@loopj) * Fixed CSS errors by using `transparent` instead of `none` (@mwsmith2) * Fixed bower "version" property (@kkirsche) ## 0.6.0 - July 21st, 2014 ### Enhancements / Features * Source code restructure for easier programming * Replaced Compass with node-sass * Removed put.js from the repository * Removed dependency on jQuery * Added CSS controlled themes * New "Dark" theme for dark backgrounds * Registered with bower * Added option accessor / mutator to all charts (making them adaptive) * Added bubble charts (special case of scatter plots) * Added MooTools and Zepto Adapters * Added Core Library Unit Testing * New `domain` and `range` options for basic charts ### Bug Fixes * Event `.off` method was completely busted, fixed * Swapped terminology for horizontal and vertical bar plots * Removed `isVisible` and related rendering hacks (caused all sorts of woe) ## 0.5.2 - June 24th, 2014 ### Enhancements / Features * #36 - Fixed the readme to focus on development * #54 - Added vertical orientation option to the basic bar chart ## 0.5.1 - June 23rd, 2014 ### Bug Fixes * #52 - Replaced instances of `$` with `jQuery` (ambiguous, otherwise) ## 0.5.0 - June 23rd, 2014 ### Enhancements / Features * #32 - QueryCSS greatly enhanced - now builds a full DOM context when computing styles * #42 - Heat map now allows for painting of "zero" values via a new `paintZeroValues` option * #43 - Heat map color computation abstracted out of `_paintEntry` (makes it easier to extend) ### Bug Fixes * #22 - Fixed an issue with pie chart transitions * #30 - Layers without labels now correctly render on a various basic charts * #31 - Real-time Line Chart thickness fixed by taking pixel ratio into account * #41 - Fixed bucketing issues with the Heat Map * #46 - Removed default black stroke from the Real-Time Area chart