/* * Core Epoch Styles */ /** * Generates the styles needed to define a fill color for a given class name. * @param $name Name of the class to use (sans the leading .) * @param $color Fill color to associate with the class name. */ @mixin epoch-color($name, $color) { div.ref.#{$name} { background-color: $color; } .#{$name} { .line { stroke: $color; } .area, .dot { fill: $color; } } .arc.#{$name} path { fill: $color; } .bar.#{$name} { fill: $color; } .#{$name} { .bucket { fill: $color; } } } /** * Produces categorical color classes for plots (excluding heatmaps). * @param $list List of colors to use for each category. * @param $entries Size of the input list. */ @mixin epoch-category-colors($list, $entries) { @for $i from 1 through $entries { div.ref.category#{$i} { background-color: nth($list, $i); } .category#{$i} { .line { stroke: nth($list, $i); } .area, .dot { fill: nth($list, $i); stroke: rgba(0,0,0,0); } } .arc.category#{$i} path { fill: nth($list, $i); } .bar.category#{$i} { fill: nth($list, $i); } } } /** * Produces categorical colors for heatmaps. * @param $list List of colors to use for categories. * @param $entries Size of the input list. */ @mixin epoch-heatmap-colors($list, $entries) { @for $i from 1 through $entries { .category#{$i} { .bucket { fill: nth($list, $i); } } } } // Axis and Tick Shape Rendering .epoch { .axis path, .axis line { shape-rendering: crispEdges; } .axis.canvas .tick line { shape-rendering: geometricPrecision; } } /* * Canvas Styles Reference Container * * The reference container is an SVG that is automatically created when Epoch is loaded. It is used * by the canvas based plots to obtain color information from the page styles by creating reference * elements and then reading their computed styles. * * Note: don't mess with this ;) */ div#_canvas_css_reference { width: 0; height: 0; position: absolute; top: -1000px; left: -1000px; svg { position: absolute; width: 0; height: 0; top: -1000px; left: -1000px; } }