# Real-time Heatmap Implementation. class Epoch.Time.Heatmap extends Epoch.Time.Plot defaults = type: 'time.heatmap' buckets: 10 bucketRange: [0, 100] opacity: 'linear' bucketPadding: 2 paintZeroValues: false cutOutliers: false # Easy to use "named" color functions colorFunctions = root: (value, max) -> Math.pow(value/max, 0.5) linear: (value, max) -> value / max quadratic: (value, max) -> Math.pow(value/max, 2) cubic: (value, max) -> Math.pow(value/max, 3) quartic: (value, max) -> Math.pow(value/max, 4) quintic: (value, max) -> Math.pow(value/max, 5) optionListeners = 'option:buckets': 'bucketsChanged' 'option:bucketRange': 'bucketRangeChanged' 'option:opacity': 'opacityChanged' 'option:bucketPadding': 'bucketPaddingChanged' 'option:paintZeroValues': 'paintZeroValuesChanged' 'option:cutOutliers': 'cutOutliersChanged' # Creates a new heatmap. # @param [Object] options Options for the heatmap. # @option options [Integer] buckets Number of vertical buckets to use when normalizing the # incoming histogram data for visualization in the heatmap (default: 10). # @option options [Array] bucketRange A range of acceptable values to be bucketed (default: [0, 100]). # @option options [String, Function] opacity The opacity coloring function to use when rendering buckets # in a column. The built-in functions (referenced by string) are: 'root', 'linear', 'quadratic', 'cubic', # 'quartic', and 'quintic'. A custom function can be supplied given it accepts two parameters (value, max) # and returns a numeric value from 0 to 1. Default: linear. # @option options [Number] bucketPadding Amount of padding to apply around buckets (default: 2). constructor: (@options={}) -> super(@options = Epoch.Util.defaults(@options, defaults)) @_setOpacityFunction() @_setupPaintCanvas() @onAll optionListeners @draw() _setOpacityFunction: -> if Epoch.isString(@options.opacity) @_opacityFn = colorFunctions[@options.opacity] Epoch.exception "Unknown coloring function provided '#{@options.opacity}'" unless @_opacityFn? else if Epoch.isFunction(@options.opacity) @_opacityFn = @options.opacity else Epoch.exception "Unknown type for provided coloring function." # Prepares initially set data for rendering. # @param [Array] data Layered histogram data for the visualization. setData: (data) -> super(data) for layer in @data layer.values = layer.values.map((entry) => @_prepareEntry(entry)) # Distributes the full histogram in the entry into the defined buckets # for the visualization. # @param [Object] entry Entry to prepare for visualization. _getBuckets: (entry) -> prepared = time: entry.time max: 0 buckets: (0 for i in [0...@options.buckets]) # Bucket size = (Range[1] - Range[0]) / number of buckets bucketSize = (@options.bucketRange[1] - @options.bucketRange[0]) / @options.buckets for own value, count of entry.histogram index = parseInt((value - @options.bucketRange[0]) / bucketSize) # Remove outliers from the preprared buckets if instructed to do so if @options.cutOutliers and ((index < 0) or (index >= @options.buckets)) continue # Bound the histogram to the range (aka, handle out of bounds values) if index < 0 index = 0 else if index >= @options.buckets index = @options.buckets - 1 prepared.buckets[index] += parseInt count for i in [0...prepared.buckets.length] prepared.max = Math.max(prepared.max, prepared.buckets[i]) return prepared # @return [Function] The y scale for the heatmap. y: -> d3.scale.linear() .domain(@options.bucketRange) .range([@innerHeight(), 0]) # @return [Function] The y scale for the svg portions of the heatmap. ySvg: -> d3.scale.linear() .domain(@options.bucketRange) .range([@innerHeight() / @pixelRatio, 0]) # @return [Number] The height to render each bucket in a column (disregards padding). h: -> @innerHeight() / @options.buckets # @return [Number] The offset needed to center ticks at the middle of each column. _offsetX: -> 0.5 * @w() / @pixelRatio # Creates the painting canvas which is used to perform all the actual drawing. The contents # of the canvas are then copied into the actual display canvas and through some image copy # trickery at the end of a transition the illusion of motion over time is preserved. # # Using two canvases in this way allows us to render an incredible number of buckets in the # visualization and animate them at high frame rates without smashing the cpu. _setupPaintCanvas: -> # Size the paint canvas to have a couple extra columns so we can perform smooth transitions @paintWidth = (@options.windowSize + 1) * @w() @paintHeight = @height * @pixelRatio # Create the "memory only" canvas and nab the drawing context @paint = document.createElement('CANVAS') @paint.width = @paintWidth @paint.height = @paintHeight @p = Epoch.Util.getContext @paint # Paint the initial data (rendering backwards from just before the fixed paint position) @redraw() # Hook into the events to paint the next row after it's been shifted into the data @on 'after:shift', '_paintEntry' # At the end of a transition we must reset the paint canvas by shifting the viewable # buckets to the left (this allows for a fixed cut point and single renders below in @draw) @on 'transition:end', '_shiftPaintCanvas' @on 'transition:end', => @draw(@animation.frame * @animation.delta()) # Redraws the entire heatmap for the current data. redraw: -> return unless Epoch.isNonEmptyArray(@data) and Epoch.isNonEmptyArray(@data[0].values) entryIndex = @data[0].values.length drawColumn = @options.windowSize # This addresses a strange off-by-one issue when the chart is transitioning drawColumn++ if @inTransition() while (--entryIndex >= 0) and (--drawColumn >= 0) @_paintEntry(entryIndex, drawColumn) @draw(@animation.frame * @animation.delta()) # Computes the correct color for a given bucket. # @param [Integer] value Normalized value at the bucket. # @param [Integer] max Normalized maximum for the column. # @param [String] color Computed base color for the bucket. _computeColor: (value, max, color) -> Epoch.Util.toRGBA(color, @_opacityFn(value, max)) # Paints a single entry column on the paint canvas at the given column. # @param [Integer] entryIndex Index of the entry to paint. # @param [Integer] drawColumn Column on the paint canvas to place the visualized entry. _paintEntry: (entryIndex=null, drawColumn=null) -> [w, h] = [@w(), @h()] entryIndex ?= @data[0].values.length - 1 drawColumn ?= @options.windowSize entries = [] bucketTotals = (0 for i in [0...@options.buckets]) maxTotal = 0 for layer in @getVisibleLayers() entry = @_getBuckets( layer.values[entryIndex] ) for own bucket, count of entry.buckets bucketTotals[bucket] += count maxTotal += entry.max styles = @getStyles ".#{layer.className.split(' ').join('.')} rect.bucket" entry.color = styles.fill entries.push entry xPos = drawColumn * w @p.clearRect xPos, 0, w, @paintHeight j = @options.buckets for own bucket, sum of bucketTotals color = @_avgLab(entries, bucket) max = 0 for entry in entries max += (entry.buckets[bucket] / sum) * maxTotal if sum > 0 or @options.paintZeroValues @p.fillStyle = @_computeColor(sum, max, color) @p.fillRect xPos, (j-1) * h, w-@options.bucketPadding, h-@options.bucketPadding j-- # This shifts the image contents of the paint canvas to the left by 1 column width. # It is called after a transition has ended (yay, slight of hand). _shiftPaintCanvas: -> data = @p.getImageData @w(), 0, @paintWidth-@w(), @paintHeight @p.putImageData data, 0, 0 # Performs an averaging of the colors for muli-layer heatmaps using the lab color space. # @param [Array] entries The layers for which the colors are to be averaged. # @param [Number] bucket The bucket in the entries that must be averaged. # @return [String] The css color code for the average of all the layer colors. _avgLab: (entries, bucket) -> [l, a, b, total] = [0, 0, 0, 0] for entry in entries continue unless entry.buckets[bucket]? total += entry.buckets[bucket] for own i, entry of entries if entry.buckets[bucket]? value = entry.buckets[bucket]|0 else value = 0 ratio = value / total color = d3.lab(entry.color) l += ratio * color.l a += ratio * color.a b += ratio * color.b d3.lab(l, a, b).toString() # Copies the paint canvas onto the display canvas, thus rendering the heatmap. draw: (delta=0) -> @clear() @ctx.drawImage @paint, delta, 0 super() # Changes the number of buckets in response to an option:buckets event. bucketsChanged: -> @redraw() # Changes the range of the buckets in response to an option:bucketRange event. bucketRangeChanged: -> @_transitionRangeAxes() @redraw() # Changes the opacity function in response to an option:opacity event. opacityChanged: -> @_setOpacityFunction() @redraw() # Changes the bucket padding in response to an option:bucketPadding event. bucketPaddingChanged: -> @redraw() # Changes whether or not to paint zeros in response to an option:paintZeroValues event. paintZeroValuesChanged: -> @redraw() # Changes whether or not to cut outliers when bucketing in response to an # option:cutOutliers event. cutOutliersChanged: -> @redraw() layerChanged: -> @redraw() # "Audio... 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