-- SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later local ffi = require('ffi') -- Test LRU interface local function test_lru() local capacity = 1024 local lru = kres.lru(capacity) local dict = { "catagmatic", "prevaricator", "statoscope", "workhand", "benzamide", "alluvia", "fanciful", "bladish", "Tarsius", "unfast", "appropriative", "seraphically", "monkeypod", "deflectometer", "tanglesome", "zodiacal", "physiologically", "economizer", "forcepslike", "betrumpet", "Danization", "broadthroat", "randir", "usherette", "nephropyosis", "hematocyanin", "chrysohermidin", "uncave", "mirksome", "podophyllum", "siphonognathous", "indoor", "featheriness", "forwardation", "archruler", "soricoid", "Dailamite", "carmoisin", "controllability", "unpragmatical", "childless", "transumpt", "productive", "thyreotoxicosis", "oversorrow", "disshadow", "osse", "roar", "pantomnesia", "talcer", "hydrorrhoea", "Satyridae", "undetesting", "smoothbored", "widower", "sivathere", "pendle", "saltation", "autopelagic", "campfight", "unexplained", "Macrorhamphosus", "absconsa", "counterflory", "interdependent", "triact", "reconcentration", "oversharpness", "sarcoenchondroma", "superstimulate", "assessory", "pseudepiscopacy", "telescopically", "ventriloque", "politicaster", "Caesalpiniaceae", "inopportunity", "Helion", "uncompatible", "cephaloclasia", "oversearch", "Mahayanistic", "quarterspace", "bacillogenic", "hamartite", "polytheistical", "unescapableness", "Pterophorus", "cradlemaking", "Hippoboscidae", "overindustrialize", "perishless", "cupidity", "semilichen", "gadge", "detrimental", "misencourage", "toparchia", "lurchingly", "apocatastasis" } -- Check that key insertion works local inserted = 0 for i, word in ipairs(dict) do if lru:set(word, i) then if lru:get(word) == i then inserted = inserted + 1 end end end is(inserted, #dict, 'all inserted keys can be retrieved') -- Check that using binary data as keys works local badinserts = 0 for i, word in ipairs(dict) do local word_len = #word word = ffi.cast('char *', word) if lru:set(word, i, word_len) then if lru:get(word, word_len) ~= i then badinserts = badinserts + 1 end end end is(badinserts, 0, 'insertion works for binary keys') -- Sanity check that non-existent keys cannot be retrieved local missing = "not in lru" is(lru:get(missing, #missing, false), nil, 'key that wasnt inserted cannot be retrieved') -- Test whether key eviction works and LRU is able to insert past the capacity badinserts = 0 for i = 0, capacity do local word = dict[1] .. tostring(i) if lru:set(word, i) then if lru:get(word) ~= i then badinserts = badinserts + 1 end end end is(badinserts, 0, 'insertion works for more keys than LRU capacity') -- Delete and GC lru = nil -- luacheck: ignore 311 collectgarbage() collectgarbage() end return { test_lru, }