--- Global configuration file. Copy, customize and store in your -- project folder as '.luacov' for project specific configuration. -- If some options are missing, their default values from this file -- will be used. -- @class module -- @name luacov.defaults return { -- default filename to load for config options if not provided -- only has effect in 'luacov.defaults.lua' ["configfile"] = ".luacov", -- filename to store stats collected ["statsfile"] = "luacov.stats.out", -- filename to store report ["reportfile"] = "luacov.report.out", -- luacov.stats file updating frequency. -- The lower this value - the more frequenty results will be written out to luacov.stats -- You may want to reduce this value for short lived scripts (to for example 2) to avoid losing coverage data. ["savestepsize"] = 100, -- Run reporter on completion? (won't work for ticks) runreport = false, -- Delete stats file after reporting? deletestats = false, -- Process Lua code loaded from raw strings -- (that is, when the 'source' field in the debug info -- does not start with '@') codefromstrings = false, -- Patterns for files to include when reporting -- all will be included if nothing is listed -- (exclude overrules include, do not include -- the .lua extension, path separator is always '/') ["include"] = { 'src/tapered' }, -- Patterns for files to exclude when reporting -- all will be included if nothing is listed -- (exclude overrules include, do not include -- the .lua extension, path separator is always '/') ["exclude"] = { "luacov$", "luacov/reporter$", "luacov/defaults$", "luacov/runner$", "luacov/stats$", "luacov/tick$", }, }