package.path = '../src/?.lua;' .. package.path local tap = require 'tapered' -- luacheck: globals setup teardown function setup() print("# I'm a little teapot.") end tap.ok(true, "setup() only with '# I'm a little teapot.'") function setup() print('# This is my handle and this is my spout.') end function teardown() print('# Cleanup on aisle 9!') end tap.ok(true, 'setup() handle and spout, teardown() cleanup on aisle 9') function teardown() print('# I changed this.') end tap.ok(true, 'setup() again handle and spout, teardown() changed') setup = nil teardown = nil tap.ok(true, 'Both setup and teardown should be gone now: redefined as nil.') tap.done()