ok 1 - Test ok on true not ok 2 - Test ok on false # Trouble in test03-allfuncs.lua around line 9 ok 3 - Test nok on false not ok 4 - Test nok on true # Trouble in test03-allfuncs.lua around line 11 ok 5 - Test is on 2 + 1 = 3 not ok 6 - Test is on 2 + 2 = 3 # Trouble in test03-allfuncs.lua around line 17 ok 7 - Test isnt on 2 + 2 = 3 not ok 8 - Test isnt on 2 + 2 = 4 # Trouble in test03-allfuncs.lua around line 19 ok 9 - Test same on two empty tables ok 10 - Test same on two identical, simple tables not ok 11 - Test same on two simple non-identical tables # Trouble in test03-allfuncs.lua around line 36 ok 12 - Test same on two identical, nested tables ok 13 - Test same on identical, array-like tables not ok 14 - Test same on two non-identical, array-like tables # Trouble in test03-allfuncs.lua around line 43 ok 15 - Test same on two identical, hash-like tables not ok 16 - Test same on two non-identical, hash-like tables # Trouble in test03-allfuncs.lua around line 65 ok 17 - Test same on two identical tables with functions as values not ok 18 - Test same on two non-identical tables with functions as values # Trouble in test03-allfuncs.lua around line 74 ok 19 - Test same on two dissimilar tables that share .__eq => true not ok 20 - Test same: first table .__eq => true, second => false # Trouble in test03-allfuncs.lua around line 89 not ok 21 - Test same: first table .__eq => false, second => true # Trouble in test03-allfuncs.lua around line 90 not ok 22 - Test same on two similar tables where first .__eq => true # Trouble in test03-allfuncs.lua around line 91 not ok 23 - Test same on two similar tables where second .__eq => true # Trouble in test03-allfuncs.lua around line 92 ok 24 - Test like with string 'sat' and pattern 'sat' not ok 25 - Test like with string 'sat' and pattern 'bbb' # Trouble in test03-allfuncs.lua around line 98 ok 26 - Test unlike with string 'sat' and pattern 'q' not ok 27 - Test unlike with string 'q' and pattern 'q' # Trouble in test03-allfuncs.lua around line 100 ok 28 - Test like with string ' sat' and pattern '%s+sat' ok 29 - Test like with string '934' and pattern '%d%d%d' ok 30 - Test like with string '934' and pattern '%d%d' ok 31 - Test unlike with string '934' and pattern '%d%s' ok 32 - No test: just pass not ok 33 - No test: just fail # Trouble in test03-allfuncs.lua around line 112 not ok 34 - Test boom with a method that throws no exception # Trouble in test03-allfuncs.lua around line 123 ok 35 - Test boom with a method that throws an exception "Kaboom!" # Got this error: # Kaboom! 1..35 # Bad plan. You planned 43 tests but ran 35