import errno from ipaddress import IPv4Network, IPv6Network, ip_address from socket import AF_INET, AF_INET6 # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module,import-error from pyroute2 import IPRoute from pyroute2.netlink.rtnl import ndmsg from pyroute2.netlink.exceptions import NetlinkError # pylint: enable=no-name-in-module,import-error class InterfaceManager: """Wrapper for the `ip` command.""" def __init__(self, interface="deckard", ip4_range=IPv4Network(''), ip6_range=IPv6Network('fd00:dec::/32')): self.ip4_internal_range = ip4_range self.ip6_internal_range = ip6_range self.ip4_iterator = (host for host in ip4_range) self.ip6_iterator = (host for host in ip6_range) self.added_addresses = set() self.interface = interface self._ip = IPRoute() try: self._dev = self._setup_interface() except NetlinkError as ex: raise RuntimeError(f"Couldn't set interface `{self.interface}` up.") from ex def _setup_interface(self): """Set up a dummy interface with default route as well as loopback. This is done so the resulting PCAP contains as much of the communication as possible (including ICMP Destination unreachable packets etc.).""" # Create and set the interface up."add", ifname=self.interface, kind="dummy") dev = self._ip.link_lookup(ifname=self.interface)[0]"set", index=dev, state="up") # Set up default route for both IPv6 and IPv4 self._ip.neigh("add", dst='', lladdr='21:21:21:21:21:21', state=ndmsg.states['permanent'], ifindex=dev) self._ip.neigh("add", family=AF_INET6, dst='fe80::1', lladdr='21:21:21:21:21:21', state=ndmsg.states['permanent'], ifindex=dev) self._ip.addr("add", index=dev, address="", mask=24) self._ip.route("add", gateway="", oif=dev) self._ip.route("add", family=AF_INET6, gateway='fe80::1', oif=dev) # Set the loopback up as well since some of the packets go through there. lo = self._ip.link_lookup(ifname="lo")[0]"set", index=lo, state="up") # Return internal interface ID for later use return dev def assign_internal_address(self, sockfamily) -> str: """Add and return new address from the internal range""" try: if sockfamily == AF_INET: a = str(next(self.ip4_iterator)) elif sockfamily == AF_INET6: a = str(next(self.ip6_iterator)) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown sockfamily {sockfamily}") except StopIteration as ex: raise RuntimeError("Out of addresses.") from ex self._add_address(a) return a def add_address(self, address: str, check_duplicate=False): """Add an arbitrary new address to the interface""" if address in self.added_addresses and check_duplicate: raise ValueError(f"Tried to add duplicate address {address}") if ip_address(address) in self.ip4_internal_range or \ ip_address(address) in self.ip6_internal_range: raise ValueError(f"Address {address} in the internally reserved range.") self._add_address(address) def _add_address(self, address): if ":" in address: mask = 128 else: mask = 32 try: self._ip.addr("add", index=self._dev, address=address, mask=mask, nodad=True) except NetlinkError as ex: if ex.code != errno.EEXIST: # 'RTNETLINK answers: File exists' is OK here raise ValueError(f"Couldn't add {address}") from ex self.added_addresses.add(address)