"""Test suite to determine conditions of current network in regards to DNS(SEC) traffic. Invoke with `python3 -m pytest network_check.py`. """ # pylint: disable=C0301,C0111 # flake8: noqa import ipaddress import socket import pytest import dns.message import answer_checker ALL = {"opcode", "qtype", "qname", "flags", "rcode", "answer", "authority", "additional"} VERSION_QUERY = dns.message.make_query("_version.test.knot-resolver.cz", "TXT") # dnspython's `makequery` function sets RD bit in the messsages. # This is undesirable for query to authoritative servers since they # may or may not copy RD flag to the response. answer_checker.unset_flag(VERSION_QUERY, dns.flags.RD) VERSION_ANSWER = dns.message.from_text("""; opcode QUERY rcode NOERROR flags QR AA ;QUESTION _version.test.knot-resolver.cz. IN TXT ;ANSWER _version.test.knot-resolver.cz. 3600 IN TXT "1" ;AUTHORITY ;ADDITIONAL """) def test_zone_version(server): return answer_checker.send_and_check(VERSION_QUERY, VERSION_ANSWER, server, ALL - {"authority"}, unset_flags=[dns.flags.AD]) # Since AD bit may or may not be set by authoritative server # (see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4035#section-3.1.6) we normalise the answers # by unsetting the AD bit. QUERY = answer_checker.make_random_case_query("test.knot-resolver.cz", "A", want_dnssec=True, payload=4096) answer_checker.unset_flag(QUERY, dns.flags.RD) ANSWER = dns.message.from_text("""; opcode QUERY rcode NOERROR flags QR AA edns 0 eflags DO payload 4096 ;QUESTION test.knot-resolver.cz. IN A ;ANSWER test.knot-resolver.cz. 3600 IN A test.knot-resolver.cz. 3600 IN RRSIG A 13 3 3600 20370119135450 20190205122450 58 test.knot-resolver.cz. G9DTWRE8QKe0MKyHn+PZcgf+ggIR9Sk+ E9qtd8IlpEt3+y28qPp0lgDQojpQL9sv lqgC0g5e2ZIsZWg1T5ICNQ== ;AUTHORITY ;ADDITIONAL """) def test_remote_udp_53(server): return answer_checker.send_and_check(QUERY, ANSWER, server, ALL - {"authority"}, unset_flags=[dns.flags.AD]) def test_remote_tcp_53(server): return answer_checker.send_and_check(QUERY, ANSWER, server, ALL - {"authority"}, tcp=True, unset_flags=[dns.flags.AD]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("non_existent_server", [ipaddress.ip_address(""), ipaddress.ip_address("2001:db::1")]) def test_nonexistent_addres(non_existent_server): try: answer_checker.get_answer(QUERY, non_existent_server, timeout=1) except socket.timeout: return True return False LONG_QUERY = answer_checker.make_random_case_query("test.knot-resolver.cz", "TXT", use_edns=0, payload=4096, want_dnssec=True) answer_checker.unset_flag(LONG_QUERY, dns.flags.RD) LONG_ANSWER = dns.message.from_text("""; opcode QUERY rcode NOERROR flags QR AA edns 0 payload 4096 ;QUESTION test.knot-resolver.cz. IN TXT ;ANSWER test.knot-resolver.cz. 3600 IN TXT "Davku ve me o pln uvitani stari s tvuj neda? Tik kufr u traslo uf tabuli znaky mesity bimbal vyrvat vydelal pobezi zahajil a tajnosti. By 77 dusic ach prazdna kasari k zac platne potiz. O hon 30 otazek jiz post i rad zeleninu vyhrknu bhutanu nezdalo. I tr" "ida, ptat lzes vypadla newton, utal hm je bas samymi u sobe ukaz kazne medove u placeny ke ah jo zpola o ocich. Sul trimesicni kontrolujte v predstirana po nej mit za devetadevadesati eh mi lezu slava vuz v me smery. Tri akt dlazbu dal lamu, kavkam on zas" "luhy, sad muzikant vek. Paty neme radili trunil docist tech obou zari. My ze 11 tlusti jsemvidel. Podivej i prs kralik at ted o vynahradit ti si ma charakterni nehybny tulak poskytl rad! Muz ztuhla, ci ah propatral misce! Slz eh at? Zenou dilo intuici. Le" "su pud povesti, i jamou tej. V az vdanou zrejmo za ctil 81 kolika u ustrnule malicherny holemi nekradla jinych morfia: pocasi poplaseny zpovidat az dne vyjimecna zidovskem stejny sluzek tajemny hlidat u ruzovym pry jestli vyslychalo zem nerozbrecte farare" " strhla v mem tabule pije a odkraglujem otisky nebot. Ex povidani pusta duse eh zvalel, o pak ma bryle luzka: u posluhovi neudela 30 ze ctverce brovninku. 411 se vi rypaje nova to per ba zchoulostivil remenem. Vaze to lujzou styky, te? Ne me by pazeni tro" "ubil i srovnala dejoveho a prvnich me o zime hlasy nevsimnou. Jejim zajiste za porotam valka sekt. Oni vuli co ryb pruvod. Ode jehoz od lasce ve slouzilo co jektal hryzal lamparny. Zvlastnich ne vybil brejlil uz ah? Husa trit mu straze s zivaje abys chute" " pane ci nepochybujte ubiha k babe ach okoli zle okna deji dverim! Vymyslim do falesne. Pokaceneho leti oka krk. Nohy stejny u vykaslu, rinkotem ondyno, laureat z zabije." test.knot-resolver.cz. 3600 IN RRSIG TXT 13 3 3600 20370119135450 20190205122450 58 test.knot-resolver.cz. YYzbiOgNyIe2YcUHUbA8LNrqUYPSHEUA U7tAOLJx54kSlTMYDB5VrnqsAIgp2PtV C1gELBVK4Xtwxrx3ajeLhA== ;AUTHORITY ;ADDITIONAL """) @pytest.mark.skip(reason="This doesn't work since a.ns.nic.cz (and all CZ.NIC's nameservers in that " "matter) have internal EDNS buffer size of 1232 bytes. The answer is " "unfortunately bigger. :(") def test_udp_fragmentation(server): return answer_checker.send_and_check(LONG_QUERY, LONG_ANSWER, server, ALL - {"authority"}, unset_flags=[dns.flags.AD]) QUERY_WITH_SMALL_PAYLOAD = answer_checker.make_random_case_query("test.knot-resolver.cz", "TXT", use_edns=0, payload=1280, want_dnssec=True) answer_checker.unset_flag(QUERY_WITH_SMALL_PAYLOAD, dns.flags.RD) TRUNCATED_ANSWER = dns.message.from_text("""; opcode QUERY rcode NOERROR flags QR AA TC edns 0 payload 4096 ;QUESTION test.knot-resolver.cz. IN TXT ;ANSWER ;AUTHORITY ;ADDITIONAL """) def test_udp_fragmentation_truncated(server): return answer_checker.send_and_check(QUERY_WITH_SMALL_PAYLOAD, TRUNCATED_ANSWER, server, ALL - {"authority"}, unset_flags=[dns.flags.AD])