/* Copyright (C) 2022 CZ.NIC, z.s.p.o. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include "knot/common/fdset.h" #include "libknot/attribute.h" #include "contrib/time.h" #define PATTERN1 "0x45" #define PATTERN2 "0xED" #define TIMEOUT0 2000 #define TIMEOUT1 10 #define TIMEOUT2 400 #define JITTER (TIMEOUT2 - TIMEOUT1 - 10) void *thr_action1(void *arg) { usleep(1000 * TIMEOUT1); _unused_ int ret = write(*((int *)arg), &PATTERN1, 1); return NULL; } void *thr_action2(void *arg) { usleep(1000 * TIMEOUT2); _unused_ int ret = write(*((int *)arg), &PATTERN2, 1); return NULL; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { plan_lazy(); fdset_t fdset; int ret = fdset_init(&fdset, 32); ok(ret == KNOT_EOK, "fdset_init"); int fds0[2], fds1[2], fds2[2]; ret = pipe(fds0); ok(ret >= 0, "create pipe 0"); ret = fdset_add(&fdset, fds0[0], FDSET_POLLIN, NULL); ok(ret >= 0, "add pipe 0 to fdset"); ret = pipe(fds1); ok(ret >= 0, "create pipe 1"); ret = fdset_add(&fdset, fds1[0], FDSET_POLLIN, NULL); ok(ret >= 0, "add pipe 1 to fdset"); ret = pipe(fds2); ok(ret >= 0, "create pipe 2"); ret = fdset_add(&fdset, fds2[0], FDSET_POLLIN, NULL); ok(ret >= 0, "add pipe 2 to fdset"); ok(fdset_get_length(&fdset) == 3, "fdset size full"); struct timespec time0 = time_now(); pthread_t t1, t2; ret = pthread_create(&t1, 0, thr_action1, &fds1[1]); ok(ret == 0, "create thread 1"); ret = pthread_create(&t2, 0, thr_action2, &fds2[1]); ok(ret == 0, "create thread 2"); fdset_it_t it; ret = fdset_poll(&fdset, &it, 0, TIMEOUT0); struct timespec time1 = time_now(); double diff1 = time_diff_ms(&time0, &time1); ok(ret == 1, "fdset_poll return 1"); ok(diff1 >= TIMEOUT1 && diff1 < TIMEOUT1 + JITTER, "fdset_poll timeout 1 (%f)", diff1); for(; !fdset_it_is_done(&it); fdset_it_next(&it)) { ok(!fdset_it_is_error(&it), "fdset no error"); ok(fdset_it_is_pollin(&it), "fdset can read"); int fd = fdset_it_get_fd(&it); ok(fd == fds1[0], "fdset_it fd check"); char buf = 0x00; ret = read(fd, &buf, sizeof(buf)); ok(ret == 1 && buf == PATTERN1[0], "fdset_it value check"); fdset_it_remove(&it); } fdset_it_commit(&it); ok(fdset_get_length(&fdset) == 2, "fdset size 2"); close(fds1[1]); int fd2_dup = dup(fds2[0]); ok(fd2_dup >= 0, "duplicate fd"); ret = fdset_poll(&fdset, &it, 0, TIMEOUT0); struct timespec time2 = time_now(); double diff2 = time_diff_ms(&time0, &time2); ok(ret == 1, "fdset_poll return 2"); ok(diff2 >= TIMEOUT2 && diff2 < TIMEOUT2 + JITTER, "fdset_poll timeout 2 (%f)", diff2); for(; !fdset_it_is_done(&it); fdset_it_next(&it)) { ok(!fdset_it_is_error(&it), "fdset no error"); ok(fdset_it_is_pollin(&it), "fdset can read"); int fd = fdset_it_get_fd(&it); ok(fd == fds2[0], "fdset_it fd check"); char buf = 0x00; ret = read(fd, &buf, sizeof(buf)); ok(ret == 1 && buf == PATTERN2[0], "fdset_it value check"); fdset_it_remove(&it); } fdset_it_commit(&it); ok(fdset_get_length(&fdset) == 1, "fdset size 1"); pthread_join(t1, 0); pthread_join(t2, 0); ret = fdset_remove(&fdset, 0); ok(ret == KNOT_EOK, "fdset remove"); close(fds0[1]); ok(fdset_get_length(&fdset) == 0, "fdset size 0"); ret = write(fds2[1], &PATTERN2, 1); ok(ret == 1, "write to removed fd"); ret = fdset_poll(&fdset, &it, 0, 100); ok(ret == 0, "fdset_poll return 3"); close(fds2[1]); if (fd2_dup >= 0) { close(fd2_dup); } fdset_clear(&fdset); return 0; }