/* Copyright (C) 2022 CZ.NIC, z.s.p.o. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "libknot/descriptor.h" #include "libknot/packet/wire.h" #include "knot/nameserver/process_query.h" #include "test_server.h" #include "contrib/sockaddr.h" #include "contrib/ucw/mempool.h" /* Basic response check (4 TAP tests). */ static void answer_sanity_check(const uint8_t *query, const uint8_t *answer, uint16_t answer_len, uint8_t expected_rcode, const char *name) { ok(answer_len >= KNOT_WIRE_HEADER_SIZE, "ns: len(%s answer) >= DNS header", name); if (answer_len >= KNOT_WIRE_HEADER_SIZE) { ok(knot_wire_get_qr(answer), "ns: %s answer has QR=1", name); is_int(expected_rcode, knot_wire_get_rcode(answer), "ns: %s answer RCODE=%d", name, expected_rcode); is_int(knot_wire_get_id(query), knot_wire_get_id(answer), "ns: %s MSGID match", name); } else { skip_block(3, "ns: can't check DNS header"); } } /* Resolve query and check answer for sanity (2 TAP tests). */ static void exec_query(knot_layer_t *layer, const char *name, knot_pkt_t *query, uint8_t expected_rcode) { knot_pkt_t *answer = knot_pkt_new(NULL, KNOT_WIRE_MAX_PKTSIZE, NULL); assert(answer); /* Input packet. */ knot_pkt_parse(query, 0); knot_layer_consume(layer, query); ok(layer->state == KNOT_STATE_PRODUCE || layer->state == KNOT_STATE_FAIL, "ns: process %s query", name); /* Create answer. */ knot_layer_produce(layer, answer); if (layer->state == KNOT_STATE_FAIL) { /* Allow 1 generic error response. */ knot_layer_produce(layer, answer); } ok(layer->state == KNOT_STATE_DONE, "ns: answer %s query", name); /* Check answer. */ answer_sanity_check(query->wire, answer->wire, answer->size, expected_rcode, name); knot_pkt_free(answer); } /* \internal Helpers */ #define WIRE_COPY(dst, dst_len, src, src_len) \ memcpy(dst, src, src_len); \ dst_len = src_len; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { plan_lazy(); knot_mm_t mm; mm_ctx_mempool(&mm, MM_DEFAULT_BLKSIZE); /* Create processing context. */ knot_layer_t proc; memset(&proc, 0, sizeof(knot_layer_t)); knot_layer_init(&proc, &mm, process_query_layer()); /* Create temporary storage directory. */ char *temp_dir = test_mkdtemp(); ok(temp_dir != NULL, "make temporary directory"); /* Create fake server environment. */ server_t server; int ret = create_fake_server(&server, proc.mm, temp_dir); is_int(KNOT_EOK, ret, "ns: fake server initialization"); if (ret != KNOT_EOK) { goto fatal; } zone_t *zone = knot_zonedb_find(server.zone_db, ROOT_DNAME); /* Prepare. */ knot_pkt_t *query = knot_pkt_new(NULL, KNOT_WIRE_MAX_PKTSIZE, proc.mm); /* Create query processing parameter. */ struct sockaddr_storage ss; memset(&ss, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage)); sockaddr_set(&ss, AF_INET, "", 53); knotd_qdata_params_t params = { .proto = KNOTD_QUERY_PROTO_TCP, .remote = &ss, .server = &server }; /* Query processor (CH zone) */ knot_layer_begin(&proc, ¶ms); knot_pkt_clear(query); knot_pkt_put_question(query, IDSERVER_DNAME, KNOT_CLASS_CH, KNOT_RRTYPE_TXT); exec_query(&proc, "CH TXT", query, KNOT_RCODE_NOERROR); /* Query processor (valid input). */ knot_layer_reset(&proc); knot_pkt_clear(query); knot_pkt_put_question(query, ROOT_DNAME, KNOT_CLASS_IN, KNOT_RRTYPE_SOA); exec_query(&proc, "IN/root", query, KNOT_RCODE_NOERROR); /* Query processor (-1 bytes, not enough data). */ knot_layer_reset(&proc); query->size -= 1; exec_query(&proc, "IN/few-data", query, KNOT_RCODE_FORMERR); query->size += 1; /* Query processor (+1 bytes trailing). */ knot_layer_reset(&proc); query->wire[query->size] = '\1'; /* Initialize the "garbage" value. */ query->size += 1; exec_query(&proc, "IN/trail-garbage", query, KNOT_RCODE_FORMERR); query->size -= 1; /* Forge NOTIFY query from SOA query. */ knot_layer_reset(&proc); knot_wire_set_opcode(query->wire, KNOT_OPCODE_NOTIFY); exec_query(&proc, "IN/notify", query, KNOT_RCODE_NOTAUTH); /* Forge AXFR query. */ knot_layer_reset(&proc); knot_pkt_clear(query); knot_pkt_put_question(query, ROOT_DNAME, KNOT_CLASS_IN, KNOT_RRTYPE_AXFR); exec_query(&proc, "IN/axfr", query, KNOT_RCODE_NOTAUTH); /* Forge IXFR query (well formed). */ knot_layer_reset(&proc); knot_pkt_clear(query); knot_pkt_put_question(query, ROOT_DNAME, KNOT_CLASS_IN, KNOT_RRTYPE_IXFR); /* Append SOA RR. */ knot_rrset_t soa_rr = node_rrset(zone->contents->apex, KNOT_RRTYPE_SOA); knot_pkt_begin(query, KNOT_AUTHORITY); knot_pkt_put(query, KNOT_COMPR_HINT_NONE, &soa_rr, 0); exec_query(&proc, "IN/ixfr", query, KNOT_RCODE_NOTAUTH); /* \note Tests below are not possible without proper zone and zone data. */ /* #189 Process UPDATE query. */ /* #189 Process AXFR client. */ /* #189 Process IXFR client. */ /* Query processor (smaller than DNS header, ignore). */ knot_layer_reset(&proc); knot_pkt_clear(query); knot_pkt_put_question(query, ROOT_DNAME, KNOT_CLASS_IN, KNOT_RRTYPE_SOA); size_t orig_query_size = query->size; query->size = KNOT_WIRE_HEADER_SIZE - 1; knot_layer_consume(&proc, query); ok(proc.state == KNOT_STATE_NOOP, "ns: IN/less-than-header query ignored"); query->size = orig_query_size; /* Query processor (response, ignore). */ knot_layer_reset(&proc); knot_wire_set_qr(query->wire); knot_layer_consume(&proc, query); ok(proc.state == KNOT_STATE_NOOP, "ns: IN/less-than-header query ignored"); /* Finish. */ knot_layer_finish(&proc); ok(proc.state == KNOT_STATE_NOOP, "ns: processing end" ); fatal: /* Cleanup. */ mp_delete((struct mempool *)mm.ctx); server_deinit(&server); conf_free(conf()); test_rm_rf(temp_dir); free(temp_dir); return 0; } #undef WIRE_COPY