path: root/translations/source/sl/nlpsolver
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-07 09:06:44 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-07 09:06:44 +0000
commited5640d8b587fbcfed7dd7967f3de04b37a76f26 (patch)
tree7a5f7c6c9d02226d7471cb3cc8fbbf631b415303 /translations/source/sl/nlpsolver
parentInitial commit. (diff)
Adding upstream version 4:7.4.7.upstream/4%7.4.7upstream
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'translations/source/sl/nlpsolver')
3 files changed, 805 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/translations/source/sl/nlpsolver/help/en/ b/translations/source/sl/nlpsolver/help/en/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8c91e30be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translations/source/sl/nlpsolver/help/en/
@@ -0,0 +1,410 @@
+#. extracted from nlpsolver/help/en/
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: LibreOffice 7.4\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-14 22:44+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-07-06 11:57+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Martin Srebotnjak <>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: sl\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 0 : n%100==2 ? 1 : n%100==3 || n%100==4 ? 2 : 3);\n"
+"X-Generator: Virtaal 0.7.1\n"
+"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
+"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n"
+"X-Project-Style: openoffice\n"
+#: Options.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr "Možnosti"
+#: Options.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<bookmark_value>Solver for Nonlinear Problems;Options</bookmark_value>"
+msgstr "<bookmark_value>reševalec za nelinearne probleme;možnosti</bookmark_value>"
+#: Options.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "General Options"
+msgstr "Splošne možnosti"
+#: Options.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Size of Swarm"
+msgstr "Velikost jate"
+#: Options.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "… defines the number of individuals to participate in the learning process. Each individual finds its own solutions and contributes to the overall knowledge."
+msgstr "... določa število posameznikov, ki sodelujejo v postopku učenja. Vsak posameznik najde lastne rešitve in prispeva skupnemu znanju."
+#: Options.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Learning Cycles"
+msgstr "Učni cikli"
+#: Options.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "… defines the number of iterations, the algorithm should take. In each iteration, all individuals make a guess on the best solution and share their knowledge."
+msgstr "... določa število iteracij, ki naj jih izvede algoritem. V vsaki iteraciji vsak posameznik opravi ugibanje o najboljši rešitvi in deli znanje z drugimi."
+#: Options.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Variable Bounds Guessing"
+msgstr "Ugibanje omejitev spremenljivk"
+#: Options.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "If enabled (default), the algorithm tries to find variable bounds by looking at the starting values."
+msgstr "Če je vključeno (privzeto), poskuša algoritem najti omejitve spremenljivk z upoštevanjem začetnih vrednosti."
+#: Options.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Variable Bounds Threshold"
+msgstr "Prag omejitev spremenljivk"
+#: Options.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "When guessing variable bounds, this threshold specifies, how the initial values are shifted to build the bounds. For an example how these values are calculated, please refer to the Manual in the Wiki."
+msgstr "Pri ugibanju omejitev spremenljivk ta prag določa, kako se začetne vrednosti zamaknejo pri določanju omejitev. Če želite videti primer, kako se te vrednosti izračunajo, si oglejte priročnik na wikiju."
+#: Options.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Use ACR Comparator"
+msgstr "Uporabi primerjalnik ACR"
+#: Options.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "If <emph>disabled</emph> (default), the BCH Comparator is used. It compares two individuals by first looking at their constraint violations and only if those are equal, it measures their current solution."
+msgstr "Če je <emph>onemogočeno</emph> (privzeto), je uporabljen primerjalnik BCH. Slednji primerja dva posameznika najprej z njunim kršenjem omejitev in le če sta slednji enaki, oceni njuno trenutno rešitev."
+#: Options.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "If <emph>enabled</emph>, the ACR Comparator is used. It compares two individuals dependent on the current iteration and measures their goodness with knowledge about the libraries worst known solutions (in regard to their constraint violations)."
+msgstr "Če je <emph>omogočeno</emph>, je uporabljen primerjalnik ACR. Slednji primerja dva posameznika glede na trenutno iteracijo in oceni njuno kakovost z znanjem o najslabših znanih rešitvah v knjižnici (glede na njihove kršitve omejitev)."
+#: Options.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Use Random Starting Point"
+msgstr "Uporabi naključno izhodiščno točko"
+#: Options.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "If <emph>enabled</emph>, the library is simply filled up with randomly chosen points."
+msgstr "Če je <emph>omogočeno</emph>, se knjižnica enostavno zapolni z naključno izbranimi točkami."
+#: Options.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "If <emph>disabled</emph>, the currently present values (as given by the user) are inserted in the library as reference point."
+msgstr "Če je <emph>onemogočeno</emph>, so trenutno prisotne vrednosti (kot jih je podal uporabnik) vstavljene v knjižnico kot referenčne točke."
+#: Options.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Stagnation Limit"
+msgstr "Meja stagnacije"
+#: Options.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "If this number of individuals found solutions within a close range, the iteration is stopped and the best of these values is chosen as optimal."
+msgstr "Če takšno število posameznikov najde rešitve v bližnjem obsegu, se iteracija ustavi in najboljša izmed teh vrednosti bo izbrana kot optimalna."
+#: Options.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Stagnation Tolerance"
+msgstr "Toleranca stagnacije"
+#: Options.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Defines in what range solutions are considered “similar”."
+msgstr "Določa, v katerem obsegu veljajo rešitve za »podobne«."
+#: Options.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Show Enhanced Solver Status"
+msgstr "Pokaži napredno stanje reševalca"
+#: Options.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "If <emph>enabled</emph>, an additional dialog is shown during the solving process which gives information about the current progress, the level of stagnation, the currently best known solution as well as the possibility, to stop or resume the solver."
+msgstr "Če je <emph>omogočeno</emph>, je med postopkom reševanja prikazano dodatno pogovorno okno, ki obvešča o trenutnem napredku, o ravni stagnacije, trenutni najboljši rešitvi kot tudi o možnosti ustavitve ali nadaljevanja dela reševalca."
+#: Options.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "DEPS-specific Options"
+msgstr "Možnosti za DEPS"
+#: Options.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Agent Switch Rate"
+msgstr "Hitrost preklopa agenta"
+#: Options.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Specifies the probability for an individual to choose the Differential Evolution strategy."
+msgstr "Določa verjetnost, da posameznik izbere strategijo diferenčne evolucije (DE)."
+#: Options.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "DE: Crossover Probability"
+msgstr "DE: Verjetnost sekanja"
+#: Options.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "… defines the probability of the individual being combined with the globally best point. If crossover is not used, the point is assembled from the own memory of the individual."
+msgstr "... določa verjetnost posameznika, kombinirano z globalno najboljšo točko. Če sekanje ni uporabljeno, je točka sestavljena iz lastnega spomina posameznika."
+#: Options.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "DE: Scaling Factor"
+msgstr "DE: Faktor spremembe merila"
+#: Options.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "During crossover, the scaling factor decides about the “speed” of movement."
+msgstr "Med sekanjem faktor spremembe merila odloča o »hitrosti« gibanja."
+#: Options.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "PS: Constriction Coefficient"
+msgstr "PS: Koeficient krčenja"
+#: Options.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "… defines the speed at which the particles/individuals move towards each other."
+msgstr "... določa hitrosti, pri kateri se delci/posamezniki premikajo drug proti drugemu."
+#: Options.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "PS: Cognitive Constant"
+msgstr "PS: Kognitivna konstanta"
+#: Options.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "… sets the importance of the own memory (in particular the best reached point so far)."
+msgstr "... nastavi pomembnost lastnega spomina (še posebej najboljše doslej dosežene točke)."
+#: Options.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "PS: Social Constant"
+msgstr "PS: Socialna konstanta"
+#: Options.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "… sets the importance of the global best point between all particles/individuals."
+msgstr "... nastavi pomembnost globalno najboljše točke med vsemi delci/posamezniki."
+#: Options.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "PS: Mutation Probability"
+msgstr "PS: Verjetnost mutacije"
+#: Options.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "… defines the probability, that instead of moving a component of the particle towards the best point, it randomly chooses a new value from the valid range for that variable."
+msgstr "... določa verjetnost, da namesto premikanja komponente delca proti najboljši točki naključno izbere novo vrednost iz veljavnega obsega za to spremenljivko."
+#: Options.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "SCO-specific Options"
+msgstr "Možnosti za SCO"
+#: Options.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Size of Library"
+msgstr "Velikost knjižnice"
+#: Options.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "… defines the amount of information to store in the public library. Each individual stores knowledge there and asks for information."
+msgstr "... določa količino informacij, hranjenih v javni knjižnici. Vsak posameznik tam shrani znanje in sprašuje za informacijami."
+#: Usage.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Usage"
+msgstr "Raba"
+#: Usage.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<bookmark_value>Solver for Nonlinear Problems;Usage</bookmark_value>"
+msgstr "<bookmark_value>reševalec za nelinearne probleme;raba</bookmark_value>"
+#: Usage.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Usage"
+msgstr "Raba"
+#: Usage.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Regardless whether you use DEPS or SCO, you start by going to <menuitem>Tools - Solver</menuitem> and set the Cell to be optimized, the direction to go (minimization, maximization) and the cells to be modified to reach the goal. Then you go to the Options and specify the solver to be used and if necessary adjust the according <link href=\"\">parameters</link>."
+msgstr "Ne glede na to, ali uporabljate DEPS ali SCO, začnite z ukazom <menuitem>Orodja – Reševalec</menuitem> in določite celico, ki naj bo optimizirana, smer (minimizacija, maksimizacija) in celice, ki naj se spreminjajo, da bo cilj dosežen. Nato pojdite v Možnosti in določite reševalca, ki ga želite uporabiti, in, če je potrebno, prilagodite ustrezne <link href=\"\">parametre</link>."
+#: Usage.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "There is also a list of constraints you can use to restrict the possible range of solutions or to penalize certain conditions. However, in case of the evolutionary solvers DEPS and SCO, these constraints are also used to specify bounds on the variables of the problem. Due to the random nature of the algorithms, it is <emph>highly recommended</emph> to do so and give upper (and in case \"Assume Non-Negative Variables\" is turned off also lower) bounds for all variables. They don't have to be near the actual solution (which is probably unknown) but should give a rough indication of the expected size (0 ≤ var ≤ 1 or maybe -1000000 ≤ var ≤ 1000000)."
+msgstr "Uporabite lahko tudi seznam omejitev, in sicer za omejitev možnega obsega rešitev ali za kaznovanje nekaterih pogojev. Vendar pa se v primeru evolucijskih reševalcev DEPS in SCO te omejitve uporabljajo tudi za določitev meja na spremenljivkah problema. Zaradi naključnostne narave algoritmov je <emph>toplo priporočeno</emph>, da to storite in podate zgornjo (ter v primeru izključene možnosti »Domnevaj nenegativne spremenljivke« tudi spodnjo) mejo za vse spremenljivke. Ni potrebno, da so blizu dejanske rešitve (ki je običajno neznana), vendar podajajo grobo oceno pričakovane velikosti (0 ≤ var ≤ 1 ali morda -1000000 ≤ var ≤ 1000000)."
+#: Usage.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Bounds are specified by selecting one or more variables (as range) on the left side and entering a numerical value (not a cell or a formula) on the right side. That way you can also choose one or more variables to be <emph>Integer</emph> or <emph>Binary</emph> only."
+msgstr "Meje so določene z izborom ene ali več spremenljivk (kot obseg) na levi strani in z vnosom številske vrednosti (ne celice ali formule) na desni strani. Na ta način lahko izberete tudi eno ali več spremenljivk, da so le <emph>Integer</emph> (celoštevilske) ali <emph>Binary</emph> (dvojiške)."
+#: help.tree
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Solver for Nonlinear Problems"
+msgstr "Reševalec za nelinearno programiranje"
+#: help.tree
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Solver for Nonlinear Problems"
+msgstr "Reševalec za nelinearno programiranje"
diff --git a/translations/source/sl/nlpsolver/src/com/sun/star/comp/Calc/NLPSolver.po b/translations/source/sl/nlpsolver/src/com/sun/star/comp/Calc/NLPSolver.po
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b5d176da7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translations/source/sl/nlpsolver/src/com/sun/star/comp/Calc/NLPSolver.po
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+#. extracted from nlpsolver/src/com/sun/star/comp/Calc/NLPSolver
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: LibreOffice 4.0\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-23 12:04+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-11-20 10:39+0100\n"
+"Last-Translator: Martin Srebotnjak <>\n"
+"Language-Team: <>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: sl\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 0 : n%100==2 ? 1 : n%100==3 || n%100==4 ? 2 : 3);\n"
+"X-Generator: LibreOffice\n"
+"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
+"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n"
+#: description.xml
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Solver for Nonlinear Programming"
+msgstr "Reševalec za nelinearno programiranje"
+#: description.xml
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "This extension integrates into Calc and offers new Solver engines to use for optimizing nonlinear programming models.\n"
+msgstr "Ta razširitev se vgradi v Calc in reševalcu doda nove mehanizme za optimizacijo nelinearnih programskih modelov.\n"
diff --git a/translations/source/sl/nlpsolver/src/locale.po b/translations/source/sl/nlpsolver/src/locale.po
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3efa06c83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translations/source/sl/nlpsolver/src/locale.po
@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
+#. extracted from nlpsolver/src/locale
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: LibreOffice 7.3\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-01-19 22:36+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-01-19 19:48+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Martin Srebotnjak <>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: sl\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 0 : n%100==2 ? 1 : n%100==3 || n%100==4 ? 2 : 3);\n"
+"X-Generator: Virtaal 0.7.1\n"
+"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
+"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n"
+"X-Project-Style: openoffice\n"
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Assume Non-Negative Variables"
+msgstr "Domnevaj nenegativne spremenljivke"
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Size of Swarm"
+msgstr "Velikost jate"
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Size of Library"
+msgstr "Velikost knjižnice"
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Learning Cycles"
+msgstr "Učni cikli"
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Variable Bounds Guessing"
+msgstr "Ugibanje omejitev spremenljivk"
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Variable Bounds Threshold (when guessing)"
+msgstr "Prag omejitev spremenljivk (pri ugibanju)"
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Use ACR Comparator (instead of BCH)"
+msgstr "Uporabi primerjalnik ACR (namesto BCH)"
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Use Random starting point"
+msgstr "Uporabi naključno izhodiščno točko"
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Use a stronger random generator (slower)"
+msgstr "Uporabi zmogljivejši generator naključnih števil (počasneje)"
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Stagnation Limit"
+msgstr "Meja stagnacije"
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Stagnation Tolerance"
+msgstr "Toleranca stagnacije"
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Show enhanced solver status"
+msgstr "Pokaži napredno stanje reševalca"
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Agent Switch Rate (DE Probability)"
+msgstr "Hitrost preklopa agenta (verjetnost DE)"
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "DE: Min Scaling Factor (0-1.2)"
+msgstr "DE: Najmanjši faktor spremembe merila (0-1,2)"
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "DE: Max Scaling Factor (0-1.2)"
+msgstr "DE: Največji faktor spremembe merila (0-1,2)"
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "DE: Crossover Probability (0-1)"
+msgstr "DE: Verjetnost sekanja (0-1)"
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "PS: Cognitive Constant"
+msgstr "PS: Kognitivna konstanta"
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "PS: Social Constant"
+msgstr "PS: Socialna konstanta"
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "PS: Constriction Coefficient"
+msgstr "PS: Koeficient krčenja"
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "PS: Mutation Probability (0-0.005)"
+msgstr "PS: Verjetnost mutacije (0-0,005)"
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Solver Status"
+msgstr "Stanje reševalca"
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Current Solution:"
+msgstr "Trenutna rešitev:"
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Iteration:"
+msgstr "Iteracija:"
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Stagnation:"
+msgstr "Stagnacija:"
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Runtime:"
+msgstr "Čas izvajanja:"
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Stop"
+msgstr "Ustavi"
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "OK"
+msgstr "V redu"
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Continue"
+msgstr "Nadaljuj"
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Maximum iterations reached."
+msgstr "Doseženo največje število iteracij."
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Process stopped due to stagnation."
+msgstr "Postopek ustavljen zaradi stagnacije."
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Process stopped due to user interruption."
+msgstr "Postopek ustavljen zaradi prekinitve s strani uporabnika."
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Process stopped at iteration %d of %d."
+msgstr "Postopek ustavljen pri iteraciji %d od %d."
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Nanoseconds"
+msgstr "nanosekund"
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Microseconds"
+msgstr "mikrosekund"
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Milliseconds"
+msgstr "milisekund"
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Second"
+msgstr "sekunda"
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Seconds"
+msgstr "sekund"
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Minute"
+msgstr "minuta"
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Minutes"
+msgstr "minut"
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Hour"
+msgstr "ura"
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Hours"
+msgstr "ur"
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Day"
+msgstr "dan"
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Days"
+msgstr "dni"