path: root/solenv/maven/
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diff --git a/solenv/maven/ b/solenv/maven/
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/solenv/maven/
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+= Uploading LibreOffice API to Maven Central
+This file documents the prerequisites and workflow to upload LibreOffice
+API to Maven Central or local Maven repository.
+To install LibreOffice API to local Maven repository or deploy the API
+to the Maven Central, extra build toolchain is required.
+`Ant` is used to bootstrap `Buck` build tool. `Buck` build tool is
+used to build sources and javadocs for the API and install or deploy
+the artifacts to Maven repository. `Maven` commands are invoked for
+that from within `Buck` driven build - so make sure you've maven
+installed, too. To be able to upload the API to Maven Central, access
+must be granted to LibreOffice project on OSSRH.
+== Buck
+`Buck` is new build tool that uses Python to write build files. It is
+maintained by Facebook and is available under Apache 2 license.
+=== Installing Buck
+There is currently no binary distribution of `Buck`, so it has to be manually
+built and installed. Apache Ant and gcc are required.
+Clone the git and build it:
+ git clone
+ cd buck
+ ant
+If you don't have a `bin/` directory in your home directory, create one:
+ mkdir ~/bin
+Add the `~/bin` folder to the path:
+ PATH=~/bin:$PATH
+Note that the buck executable needs to be available in all shell sessions,
+so also make sure it is appended to the path globally.
+Add a symbolic link in `~/bin` to the buck and buckd executables:
+ ln -s `pwd`/bin/buck ~/bin/
+ ln -s `pwd`/bin/buckd ~/bin/
+Verify that `buck` is accessible:
+ which buck
+To enable autocompletion of buck commands, install the autocompletion
+script from `./scripts/buck_completion.bash` in the buck project. Refer
+to the script's header comments for installation instructions.
+=== Prerequisites
+Buck requires Python version 2.7 to be installed. The Maven download toolchain
+requires `curl` to be installed.
+=== Using Buck daemon
+Buck ships with a daemon command `buckd`, which uses the
+link:[Nailgun] protocol for running
+Java programs from the command line without incurring the JVM startup
+Using a Buck daemon can save significant amounts of time as it avoids the
+overhead of starting a Java virtual machine, loading the buck class files
+and parsing the build files for each command.
+It is safe to run several buck daemons started from different project
+directories and they will not interfere with each other. Buck's documentation
+covers daemon in[buckd].
+To use `buckd` the additional
+link:[watchman] program must be installed.
+To disable `buckd`, the environment variable `NO_BUCKD` must be set. It's not
+recommended to put it in the shell config, as it can be forgotten about it and
+then assumed Buck was working as it should when it should be using buckd.
+Prepend the variable to Buck invocation instead:
+ NO_BUCKD=1 buck build api
+=== Installing watchman
+Watchman is used internally by Buck to monitor directory trees and is needed
+for buck daemon to work properly. Because buckd is activated by default in the
+latest version of Buck, it searches for the watchman executable in the
+path and issues a warning when it is not found and kills buckd.
+To prepare watchman installation on Linux:
+ git clone
+ cd watchman
+ ./
+To install it in user home directory (without root privileges):
+ ./configure --prefix $HOME/watchman
+ make install
+To install it system wide:
+ ./configure
+ make
+ sudo make install
+Put $HOME/watchman/bin/watchman in path or link to $HOME/bin/watchman.
+To install watchman on macOS:
+ brew install --HEAD watchman
+See the original documentation for more information:
+=== Override Buck's settings
+Additional JVM args for Buck can be set in `.buckjavaargs` in the
+project root directory. For example to override Buck's default 1GB
+heap size:
+ cat > .buckjavaargs <<EOF
+ -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -Xms8000m -Xmx16000m
+== Preparations to publish LibreOffice API to Maven Central
+=== Deploy Configuration settings for Maven Central
+To be able to publish artifacts to Maven Central some preparations must
+be done:
+* Create an account on
+link:!default.jspa[Sonatype's Jira].
+Sonatype is the company that runs Maven Central and you need a Sonatype
+account to be able to upload artifacts to Maven Central.
+* Configure your Sonatype user and password in `~/.m2/settings.xml`:
+ <servers>
+ <server>
+ <id>sonatype-nexus-staging</id>
+ <username>USER</username>
+ <password>PASSWORD</password>
+ </server>
+ </servers>
+* Request permissions to upload artifacts to the `org.libreoffice`
+repository on Maven Central:
+Ask for this permission by adding a comment on the
+link:[OSSRH-19129] Jira
+ticket at Sonatype.
+The request needs to be approved by someone who already has this
+permission by commenting on the same issue.
+* Generate and publish a PGP key
+Generate and publish a PGP key as described in
+Working with PGP Signatures].
+Please be aware that after publishing your public key it may take a
+while until it is visible to the Sonatype server.
+The PGP key is needed to be able to sign the artifacts before the
+upload to Maven Central.
+The PGP passphrase can be put in `~/.m2/settings.xml`, or
+alternatively make gpg use the agent to provide and cache the
+ <profiles>
+ <profile>
+ <id>gpg</id>
+ <properties>
+ <gpg.executable>gpg2</gpg.executable>
+ <gpg.passphrase>mypassphrase</gpg.passphrase>
+ <gpg.keyname>mykeynameoremail</gpg.keyname>
+ <gpg.useAgent>true</gpg.useAgent>
+ </properties>
+ </profile>
+ </profiles>
+ <activeProfiles>
+ <activeProfile>gpg</activeProfile>
+ </activeProfiles>
+It can also be included in the key chain on macOS.
+== Update Versions
+Before publishing new artifacts to Maven Central, `LIBREOFFICE_VERSION`
+in the `VERSION` file must be updated, e.g. change it from `5.0.0` to `5.1.0`.
+In addition the version must be updated in a number of pom.xml files.
+To do this run the `./solenv/bin/` script and provide the new
+version as parameter, e.g.:
+ ./solenv/bin/ 5.1.0
+== Build LibreOffice
+Build LibreOffice as usually, so that API JARs are created.
+== Publish the LibreOffice artifacts to local Maven repository
+Execute this command to install LibreOffice API to your local Maven
+repository. For troubleshooting, the environment variable `VERBOSE`
+can be set:
+ VERBOSE=1 buck build api_install
+Once executed, the local Maven repository contains the LibreOffice API
+ $ ls -1 ~/.m2/repository/org/libreoffice/unoil/5.1.0/
+ _maven.repositories
+ unoil-5.1.0.jar
+ unoil-5.1.0-javadoc.jar
+ unoil-5.1.0.pom
+ unoil-5.1.0-sources.jar
+== Publish the LibreOffice artifacts to Maven Central
+* Make sure you have done the configuration for deploying to Maven Central.
+* Make sure that the version is updated in the `VERSION` file and in
+the `pom.xml` files as described above.
+Push the API to Maven Central:
+ buck build api_deploy
+For troubleshooting, the environment variable `VERBOSE` can be set. This
+prints out the commands that are executed by the Buck build process:
+ VERBOSE=1 buck build api_deploy
+If no artifacts are uploaded, clean the `buck-out` folder and retry:
+ rm -rf buck-out
+* To where the artifacts are uploaded depends on the `LIBREOFFICE_VERSION`
+in the `VERSION` file:
+** SNAPSHOT versions are directly uploaded into the Sonatype snapshots
+repository and no further action is needed:
+** Release versions are uploaded into a staging repository in the
+link:[Sonatype Nexus Server].
+* Verify the staging repository
+** Go to the link:[Sonatype Nexus Server] and
+sign in with your Sonatype credentials.
+** Click on 'Build Promotion' in the left navigation bar under
+'Staging Repositories' and find the `orglibreoffice-XXXX` staging
+** Verify its content
+While the staging repository is open you can upload further content and
+also replace uploaded artifacts. If something is wrong with the staging
+repository you can drop it by selecting it and clicking on `Drop`.
+** Run Sonatype validations on the staging repository
+Select the staging repository and click on `Close`. This runs the
+Sonatype validations on the staging repository. The repository will
+only be closed if everything is OK. A closed repository cannot be
+modified anymore, but you may still drop it if you find any issues.
+** Test closed staging repository
+Once a repository is closed you can find the URL to it in the `Summary`
+section, e.g.
+Use this URL for further testing of the artifacts in this repository,
+e.g. to try building an extension against this API in this repository
+update the version in the `pom.xml` and configure the repository:
+ <repositories>
+ <repository>
+ <id>mexus-staging-repository</id>
+ <url></url>
+ </repository>
+ </repositories>
+* Release the staging repository
+How to release a staging repository is described in the
+Sonatype OSS Maven Repository Usage Guide].
+Releasing artifacts to Maven Central cannot be undone!
+** Find the closed staging repository in the
+link:[Sonatype Nexus Server], select it and
+click on `Release`.
+** The released artifacts are available in
+** It may take up to 2 hours until the artifacts appear on Maven
+* [optional]: View download statistics
+** Sign in to the
+link:[Sonatype Nexus Server].
+** Click on 'Views/Repositories' in the left navigation bar under
+'Central Statistics'.
+** Select `org.libreoffice` as `Project`.